SEGA Nerds have put up a video webcam interview with Stephen Frost that explores more about Sonic Boom. There’s some more insight on the 3DS version, as well as more talk about the beginnings, the show, and what not.
There are also code giveaways in the video itself (Stephen shows them on a piece of paper) for 3D Classics Sonic the Hedgehog for 3DS, but I think it’s safe to say they’ve been long taken by now. 😛
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The guys over at SEGA Nerds have recently visited SEGA and got some hands-on time with the full Xbox 360 version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing. While there they got some pics of every characters stats, vehicle names and All-Star Moves but as the Xbox 360 edition was the only available version they couldnt get the info for the Wii versions Mii’s.
With this info in mind you can now get a better idea of how your favourite characters will play before you hit the track and start your offensive in local or online multiplayer. The pics also show Sumo Digital have done their homework with some of the vehicle names, Doctor Eggman at the SSMB has noticed the following in response to Beat and Ryo’s vehicle names:
– “DE LA CUSTOM GGs?? Way to stick a reference to the obscure Japanese JSR 2.0 “De La Jet Set Radio” ”
– “Very awesome that you didn’t forget Naoyuki!”
So, do you like the All-Star moves, vehicle names and stats? Speak out in the comments.
Source: SEGA Nerds
Thanks to Kintobor at the SSMB for the heads up and Doctor Eggman for noting the references
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While I’ve been busy making an archive out of the current Summer of Sonic website – be sure to keep sending in your photos and videos – those cool dudes at Sega Nerds have been one of the many sites who have stepped up and made a report on the International Sonic Convention. Many photos and videos were taken, including a few pieces that cover the event really nicely. I’m quite happy they managed to get a photo of Sonic Retro’s ‘invasion’ of the convention (above), as I wanted some photo evidence of that. Sonic Retro joined the many other big-name fansites that were chronicled on the Community Wall. Hopefully someone has a photo of that, now.
Summer of Sonic: Highlights video & images – Sega Nerds
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SEGA Nerds recently updated their gaming blog earlier today with an interview between Nerds official staff member and fellow brit ‘Graham’ and the lead designer of ‘Sonic Chronicles and the Dark Brotherhood’, Miles Holmes.
Included in the post is a very intriguing 15 minute video between the two involving some more talk on the Nerds proudly named ‘Zoah’ race including Bioware’s original name for them, the discussion of a possible Chronicles sequel Bioware has spoken about with SEGA, some talk over the games sub plots along with varying interaction between characters, the absolute confirmation of eleven playable characters in total, minimum gameplay time being 20+ hours and much more.
You can find the video and source of the article at the Nerds website here. A fantastic interview with some both relieving and interesting new information for the fans. If you’re looking forward to this games release just as much as we are you can except to pick it up in stores at launch late next month!
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