SEGA Nerds interview with Stephen Frost


SEGA Nerds have put up a video webcam interview with Stephen Frost that explores more about Sonic Boom. There’s some more insight on the 3DS version, as well as more talk about the beginnings, the show, and what not.

There are also code giveaways in the video itself (Stephen shows them on a piece of paper) for 3D Classics Sonic the Hedgehog for 3DS, but I think it’s safe to say they’ve been long taken by now. 😛

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  1. 3DS INFO!? WHERE!!!!???? I MUST KNOW NOW!!! I don’t have enough money for a Wii U, and even if I did, my parents hate it so I’ll never get one. That makes the next best thing a XBOX One.

  2. AS I listen to this I decide to go on ebay… and I found the top Stephen Frost is wearing!!

  3. Stephen… WHO?
    Sorry, but there’s alot of Stephen Frost’s in the world. Hard to keep track of all of them xD

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