E3 2017: Sonic Forces Nintendo Switch footage

Have you been wondering how Sonic Forces would perform on Nintendo Switch? Well wonder no longer! While we were on the E3 show floor, we were able to record some footage directly from a Switch. While it may not be easy to tell, the game is running at a consistent 30 frames per second on the console. As a bonus, you also get some off-the-cuff commentary on the experience from Jason and I.

You can expect a more thorough run down of the Switch version’s performance from us in a video and a write-up later this week.

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Sonic Forces E3 Impressions: Alex’s Take

SEGA has been frustratingly quiet about Sonic Forces since they revealed it as Sonic Project 2017 last year. It’s only been in the lead up to E3 that the game’s identity has begun to take shape publicly. While the game features shades of Sonic Generations, to call it an outright sequel (or rehash) isn’t quite right. The Forces demo is both familiar and new, if not also a little awkward.

The modern Sonic game play is essentially just a polished form of what we’ve been getting since Sonic Unleashed. Visuals aside, this game would be right at home in Sonic Generations, and there is zero learning curve for anyone who’s already played that game. The same can also be said for classic Sonic’s boss battle, which starts out as a new (if not exactly inventive) take on Eggman’s swinging ball weapon, replacing the ball with a buzz saw that cuts through platforms.

After that (easy) fight, Eggman hops into his Egg Dragoon, which first appeared in Sonic Unleashed, and starts attacking from the background. He fires a giant chain gun and chucks rocks and metallic boulders, the latter of which can be hit back to damage him. This part takes longer and is more entertaining, though the boss fight on the whole is fairly easy. The first two parts of the demo are as fun and polished as Sonic has ever been, but they do nothing outstanding or new design-wise. If all you want is more Generations (like me) than you’ll be satisfied with what’s on display for these modes in the demo.

So that’s what’s familiar, but what about the new stuff? Well, the visuals of Forces are a nice upgrade from past Sonic games. While some have complained that the new Green Hill stage looks barren compared Generations, this game looks better than any past Sonic game at an objective, technical level. The demo runs at a near silky smooth 60 frames per second, the first non-PC Sonic game to do so (Dreamcast HD ports notwithstanding). Individual blades of grass in Green Hill now move back and forth individually. In terms of pure polygons, this game is clearly pushing way more than any past Sonic game. These are the highest fidelity Sonic models I’ve ever seen.

That said, as with any E3 demo, the visuals aren’t 100 percent polished. At the end of the avatar stage, during a chase scene, the frame rate does get a little janky. But given that E3 demos typically boast notable technical issues due to their incomplete state of development, what I saw in the demo bodes well for the visuals in the final product. And speaking of the avatar stage, this brings me to what will surely be the most controversial part of this game.

I have felt uneasy about the player-made hero character since it was unveiled. While my time with the character does allay those fears somewhat, I do still have some concerns.

First, the positives: the “wispons”, wisp fuelled weapons that can be used for both attacking and traversal, fit surprisingly well with the flow of game play. During my playthrough, I used what was effectively a lightning whip. It let my character lightspeed dash across trails of rings, reverse the direction of my jump in mid-air, briefly boost forward, and attack and destroy horizontal rows of enemies. Overall, the wispon actually positively benefited the flow of play, and didn’t feel nearly as awkward as it looked.

On the negative side, there’s a learning curve to controlling the character. The character cannot roll, jump dash, or perform any of Sonic’s other moves. The way the character jumps feels different, and potentially awkward. I was missing a lot of jumps in my initial play through as a result, but whether this was because I was used to Sonic’s jumping mechanics and need to simply get used to the custom-hero character, or if the character’s controls simply aren’t very good, I can’t say without spending more time with the game.

Sonic Forces doesn’t look like it’ll be a groundbreaking title, but it ought to be a very fun one. While the hero character is a potential chink in the armor, it doesn’t look like the disaster I thought it might be either.

There will be additional game play impressions later this week, as well as a more in-depth impression of how the hero character plays.

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UPDATE: Sonic Forces E3 Trailer Reveals New Villains


Sega have just released a new trailer for Sonic Forces and it shows us our villains gallery including what appears to be a new enemy for Sonic to fight.

Looks like that Sonic will be facing off against Eggman, Shadow, Chaos, Zavok, Metal Sonic and a ‘mysterious new villain’.

All we know about the villain is that he has a ‘strange new ability’ and his name is Infinite.

Also released was this key art piece.

We’ll keep you updated with more information as we get it.

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Sonic Forces & Mania Demo Footage Showcased on Twitch Stream

SEGA Community Manager Aaron Webber appeared on the E3 Pre-Event Twitch stream along with members of the Sonic Mania development team to, among other Sonic-related things, show off the Sonic Forces and Sonic Mania E3 demos. The Forces demo consists of three parts: a modern Sonic 3D stage, a classic Sonic boss battle, and an “Avatar stage”, which demonstrates the fan-created “hero” character. The Sonic Mania demo showed off the second Green Hill stage and boss. Continue reading Sonic Forces & Mania Demo Footage Showcased on Twitch Stream

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Update: Sonic Runners Adventure Out Now

Update: The game now appears to be available in the UK and several other territories, You can pay either through your phone bill or via paypal. Buying the game also gets you the free-to-play version.

Original Story: Sonic Runners Adventure is out now! If you live in Russia.

Last night the games FAQ page suddenly came back online and it would appear that the game has been released.

Users from the website vk.com found a number of screenshots for the game and included a link to the apparent store page where the game was available to download. However many western users reported that they found no such store.

But, thanks to the wonders of modern technology, with using a VPN we were able to access the page and can confirm that the game is indeed there to download if you live in Russia.

Trying to access the website from outside that region results in an error.

A number of screenshots for the game have emerged. The game play appears to be very similar to the original, however one significant difference appears to be a lost world inspired map

There is a premium version of the game which is apparently available now but a free-to-play version which will be released onto the Google Play store at a later date according to reports.

We’ll keep you up to date with more news as we get it.

Source: Sonic Runners Adventure Store Page

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Rumour: Sonic Mania Green Hill Zone Boss Revealed?

Alongside the news that Chemical Plant Zone will once again return in Sonic Mania, another interesting image has emerged. Continue reading Rumour: Sonic Mania Green Hill Zone Boss Revealed?

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Chemical Plant Zone Revealed For Sonic Mania

Another classic zone has been revealed for Sonic Mania, and this time its Chemical Plant Zone! Two videos have been showcased for it, which you can check out in the links to the announcement on Game Informer below (who refer to the stage as Chemical Factory – although this is likely an error). Continue reading Chemical Plant Zone Revealed For Sonic Mania

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Here’s A Sneak Peek at Sonic Forces’ Park Avenue Theme for the Custom Hero

The Custom Hero in Sonic Forces was revealed last month to the tune of two brand new trailers. One of these offered an early look at gameplay taking within the destroyed Park Avenue, and as fun as it was to see a customizable avatar character in action in a Sonic game, I think I speak for all of us back when we first heard vocals drop right within the last few seconds of a great tune that we needed to hear more of it.

Needless to say, Sonic Social has heard our plea and granted our wish! Jam to an early preview of the music from Park Avenue’s Custom Hero Act above, and sing along with the lyrics below! Special thanks to Forte-Metallix on the SSMB for deciphering them.

Take on the enemy, strike them down
We can’t let evil win, take them out
This is justice, this is what’s right

Take on the enemy, mess them up
And bring them to their knees, do your stuff
Time for justice, time to go fight

Destiny lies before you
I believe we have the power
Can you see the horizon?
Victory’s for the taking!

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Sonic & Sega All Stars Brawl & Football Concepts Discovered

Remember how Sumo Digital kept dropping hints that they really wanted to do a fighting game? Looks like it was an idea which was seriously being considered if this discovery is anything to go by.

A design company by the name of Funsolve recently uploaded a bunch of concept art images for a number of Sega games, including the House of The Dead Overkill, Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing Transformed and more interestingly, two completely unknown All-Stars concepts, All Stars Brawl & All Stars Football.

The football concept is exactly what you would think, the Sega All Stars playing football with the trademark weapons being used during the game.

The brawl one however is the more interesting concept, with Super Sonic used to show the characters can fly around the stage as well as stand on platforms using power ups and throwing objects at opponents.

One annoying part of the concept art is that the brawl concept art was laid out like a comic book… only the second part of it is cut off and we really want to see how that fight was going to turn out.

Source: Funsolve.com

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Hirokazu Yasuhara’s Sonic 1 & 2 Development Talk Now Online

Hirokazu Yasuhara who was one of the original designers for Sonic 1 & 2 has recently been discussing a lot of early concept and development work which went into Sonic 1 & Sonic 2. Continue reading Hirokazu Yasuhara’s Sonic 1 & 2 Development Talk Now Online

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First4Figures 25th Anniversary Classic Sonic Statue Revealed


First4Figures today revealed their long-anticipated 25th Anniversary statue, and I’m sure many will agree that this is the most ambitious statue to date.

Continue reading First4Figures 25th Anniversary Classic Sonic Statue Revealed

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Sega Republic Appears To Have Closed Down

For several years, Sega has had an amazing theme park in the Dubai Mall running under the name ‘Sega Republic‘. The park had a number of Sonic themed rides and attractions which were quite popular with tourists in Dubai.

Despite being a popular attraction, it seems that the park has closed down with very little warning. SSMB user Sir Laptop brought to our attention that the website for Sega Republic has been taken down and replaced with a message telling customers that it’s closed.

In addition to this, their official Facebook page and twitter account appears to have also been removed.

Further evidence that the park has closed suddenly comes from several goodbye messages from the staff posted on other social media channels earlier today.

We’ll keep you up to date with more details as we get it.

Source: Sega Republic

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New Animated Sonic Mania Trailer, Digital Pre-Orders Live

Today has brought with it a spate of new information on Sonic Mania, which has been officially confirmed for worldwide release on August 15, 2017 for Sony PlayStation 4, Microsoft Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC, the latter of which can now be pre-ordered through the Steam store. Continue reading New Animated Sonic Mania Trailer, Digital Pre-Orders Live

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Weston Super Sonic 2017 Kickstarter Launches

It’s been all quiet on the Weston Super Sonic front, but that looks like it’s about to change! Weston Super Sonic is back for another year, this time the event will be held Saturday October 21st.

However, it needs your help to become a reality, the organisers have launched a Kickstarter in order to help secure both a venue and a wide variety of special guests for this years event.

The Kickstarter goal is £1000 and tickets for the event are available as pledge rewards, other rewards include goody bags, T-shirts and pin badges.

Source: Weston Super Sonic Kickstarter


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Sonic Mania’s European Steam trailer reveals a release date

While SEGA has remained vague about Sonic Mania’s release date, we may finally have an answer. Sonic Mania’s UK and German Steam pages’ new trailer ends with a confirmation of the release date: August 15 2017. Continue reading Sonic Mania’s European Steam trailer reveals a release date

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New Sonic Mania Zone Leaked?

It’s the licensing expo in Vegas this week, once again Sega is in attendance. Only this time they might have leaked an unannounced stage in Sonic Mania. Continue reading New Sonic Mania Zone Leaked?

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Yasuhara Reveals Concept Art for Sonic 2 and Sonic 1; Sonic 2 was Going to Have Time Travel

There’s a wealth of information to be gained from these previously unseen images!

It turns out that Sonic the Hedgehog co-creator Hirokazu Yasuhara was in Krakow, Poland to hold a presentation at the Digital Dragons Conference Centre. And with him, he brought some interesting new insights into the development process of the first two Sonic games!

Continue reading Yasuhara Reveals Concept Art for Sonic 2 and Sonic 1; Sonic 2 was Going to Have Time Travel

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Sonic Mania is Now ESRB-Certified for All Platforms Except Nintendo Switch

Receiving news about a delay for a video game is a bittersweet occasion. On one hand, it means having to wait all the longer for a game’s already highly anticipated release as its launch is pushed further ahead, but on the other hand, one can’t really complain about extra polish to ensure greater quality from the final product. Continue reading Sonic Mania is Now ESRB-Certified for All Platforms Except Nintendo Switch

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Custom Character Creator Revealed For Sonic Forces

The third character for Sonic Forces has been announced and the rumours were true – you can now create your own playable custom character! Continue reading Custom Character Creator Revealed For Sonic Forces

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New Footage and Screenshots of Flying Battery Act 1 Released for Sonic Mania

Like a bolt from the blue, a minute of new footage and some screenshots of Sonic Mania have been released. The new video gives us our first proper look at Flying Battery Zone act 1, which for a while only had little snippets to tease at what could be to come. Follows Knuckles as he scales both inside and outside the ship; Continue reading New Footage and Screenshots of Flying Battery Act 1 Released for Sonic Mania

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Rejected Sonic Extreme Concept Became Sonic Riders, Claims US Developer

The concept for rejected spinoff Sonic Extreme was lifted by Sonic Team years later to develop Sonic Riders internally, claims a US developer responsible for pitching the early-2000s Xbox demo to SEGA. Continue reading Rejected Sonic Extreme Concept Became Sonic Riders, Claims US Developer

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Sonic Boom Season 1 to Hit Netflix in More Countries, Season 2 to Start Airing in 2017 across EMEA

For European fans looking to catch up on the Sonic Boom cartoon, the wait may not be much longer. The May issue of Licencing World was published today, and it had some new information on SEGA’s plans for Boom this year.

Continue reading Sonic Boom Season 1 to Hit Netflix in More Countries, Season 2 to Start Airing in 2017 across EMEA

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TSS Review: Sonic Boom Season 2 – Robots From The Sky Parts 1-4

I’m sure many of my fellow thirty-somethings have breathed the same sigh of relief in that as we grow ever older, cartoons have not lost their appeal; I’d even go as far to say that we are in the midst of something of a cartoon renaissance – with multiple franchises successfully walking the line between children’s entertainment and veiled adult humour garnering cult followings.

The success of these series is largely down to the creators knowing their audience, and for the writers of Sonic Boom, they have certainly done their homework. I have lost count of the number of references to the Sonic universe the show has now made, and it is wonderful that 75+ episodes in, the jokes and in-jokes show no sign of relenting. The series on the whole to date has been wonderfully self-aware, subtle enough that younger audiences can enjoy the action and slapstick, while purposefully cliché and self-referential to deliver a wink and a nudge to older audiences, or a comical reprieve for parents who probably have already had to endure unending hours of Peppa Pig.

As the second season passes its mid-way mark, this week’s episode will introduce the first in a four-part story, Robots From The Sky (sung to the tune of a popular 80’s cartoon featuring metamorphosing machines, of course). The episode introduces the characters Mighton and Bolt who feature throughout the arc, two sentient robots from a floating city who find themselves stranded on the ground after their ship crashes. In a case of mistaken motives, the two misconstrue Sonic and friends as antagonists following a bout with Eggman’s machines. The episodes each end on a cliffhanger, as the team investigate why robots all over the world have begun to turn evil, with events from the past resurfacing in a series of plot twists.


The quadrilogy is the first in the series with writing credit going to Sonic Boom producer Bill Freiberger (the voice of Comedy Chimp), alongside regulars Alan Denton and Greg Hahn, who once again find their stride in penning a compelling children’s story interspersed with moments of eye-rolling humour most will find themselves chuckling at (unlike Knuckles). Speaking of which, Travis Willingham continues to deliver on his portrayal of his wonderfully simple Knuckles (although I’m sure this is obfuscating stupidity) with fans cheering that seventy-plus episodes in, we get a “legs day” joke. Mike Pollock and Roger Craig Smith have created a wonderful on screen (or off-screen?) chemistry between Eggman and Sonic, to the point at which battles have become juxtaposed with casual conversation, both characters aware they are simply going through the motions.

In a change of style, the story takes on a slightly more serious tone (but only slightly) as it begins to become clear that one of the heroes has inadvertently caused the current predicament. The first episode’s cliffhanger recovers with a deus ex machina deployed as another great comic device, once again nodding to the more senior audiences. This tone makes for a refreshing change of pace in comparison to the self-contained episodes, however fans of previous Sonic shows seeking more involved story arcs will likely find no satisfaction here. Some might have grown tired of the fight scenes by this stage; for this they might be forgiven, but again in context are necessary considering the show’s primary audience and the need to keep pace. Once again, the punctuation of satire should be what mature viewers focus their attention on. The final robot showdown sees an army of mechanical counterparts created with some albeit spurious science, but provides delightfully bizarre conclusion.

The Sonic Boom TV show has successfully created own its personality and carved its own niche in the Sonic universe; it is pleasing to see the progression in its evolution that prevents the concept from going stale. For many, including myself, the show continues to be the highlight of the Sonic Boom franchise – and I hope it continues to provide entertainment, for young and old, for many more episodes to come.

Robots From The Sky Part 1 is billed to air at 6pm ET on Saturday, 6th of May 2017 on Boomerang in the United States.

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Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Concepts Found

The Sonic Stadium has discovered even more Sonic Boom concept art, but this time for last year’s Nintendo 3DS release Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice. The images were found on the portfolio of Casey Holtz a contract designer who worked on the game’s level and system design.

Level layout on 12 Race levels
Level layout on4 Adventure levels
Boss battle design, tuning, scripting
General systems tuning and support.

The concept art gives us a look at early stage and boss level sketches. In the original image files we can see they date back between November 2014 and early 2015 telling us the game was still in the very early stages not long before it was announced in June 2015, so it’s no wonder the game was delayed until September last year.

Check out the images in our gallery below and share your thoughts in the comments.

Source: Casey Holtz’s Portfolio

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Gameplay Footage of Classic Sonic in Sonic Forces has Surfaced

A video showing Classic Sonic playing through Green Hill Zone has been uploaded today. Much longer than the snippet seen in the Nintendo Direct, it follows Classic Sonic as he traverses the entirety of the zone, presumably the first one Classic Sonic will go through in the game. Get the video below and screenshots;

Continue reading Gameplay Footage of Classic Sonic in Sonic Forces has Surfaced

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More on the Cancelled Comic Issues, Archie to Provide Update to Subscribers

It’s rare a story twists so soon, but here we are with an important update.

Earlier today, I gave a general comic update on what had gone on in the last month regarding the Archie Sonic comics. As said there, Sonic #291 and Sonic #294 were listed as cancelled by the publisher on PreviewsWorld’s order form.

Continue reading More on the Cancelled Comic Issues, Archie to Provide Update to Subscribers

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The Long-Awaited Fan Game “Sonic Time Twisted” is Finally Released

The spring season will likely pass as another dry spell for Sonic fans looking for a new classic gameplay fix, as SEGA delayed Sonic Mania to the summer. To their relief, however, one long-anticipated fan game finally saw a timely launch for Windows earlier today after many years of work and several SAGE demos.

Developed by Overbound, Sonic Time Twisted boasts a number of Genesis-era features and callbacks, including CD-inspired time travel, a dizzying number of Zones to explore, and a variety of old and new elemental shields. The unique Dueling Ages soundtrack has also largely been composed and performed by Hinchy—along with collaborators Andy Tunstall, Joshua “EXshad” Kruszyna, Jogurt, Christopher Wright and Michael Davis—which you can download separately here.

As for the story, the game’s events take place in a separate timeline after Sonic CD and the destruction of the Death Egg, this time leading to the demise of Dr. Robotnik. Metal Sonic aspires to resurrect his fallen master using ancient alien tech, and it is up to Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles to gather both the Time Stones and Chaos Emeralds to put a stop to the mechanical maniac’s fiendish plot!

Be sure to check out the Overbound Studio website for more information and the actual download for the free fan game. A Mac-supported release for Sonic Time Twisted is also pending.

Have you been keeping track of this game’s development, or will you be going in with a fresh pair of eyes? What have you enjoyed most from Time Twisted so far? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

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UPDATE: Amazon Points to ‘September’ Release Date for Sonic Mania

It looks like we might have an idea as to when Sonic Mania may be released – and for those of you banking on a ‘Summer’ window as described by SEGA America recently, you may want to try asking Father Time to re-adjust the seasons so that Summer also includes September 4. Continue reading UPDATE: Amazon Points to ‘September’ Release Date for Sonic Mania

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UPDATE: First4Figures Hints Future Sonic Statues at Risk of Cancellation

A funny thing happened on my way to the First4Figures Collectors Club Page today, I was quite surprised to see tons of posts from multiple posters lamenting the cancellation of the Sonic line. Quite baffled by this I looked into it a little more and found even more people saying that the Sonic line was to be cancelled or ‘in danger’.

After doing some research, it seems that in a recent Q&A video, First4Figures strongly hinted that the Sonic line was indeed in danger, specifically future releases being cancelled unless the next statue sells very well.

The comments in question are made in this video (April 7th, between 46:00-48:00), a user asks about a ‘Modern Metal Sonic’ statue and the staff respond that it won’t happen unless the 25th anniversary statue sells very well. At first the tone is jokey, but then it changes to a more sombre and serious one, with them finally saying “Make sure that sells well or… forget about Modern Metal Sonic,” at which point one of them even shakes their head.

Now whilst there has been no official confirmation (that I can find) as to the specific reason as to why the Sonic line is in danger, but many long term fans of F4F have been stating on the Facebook page that what’s happening is very similar to what happened to Kirby and a few other franchises.

It seems that future lines can suffer depending on the sales of a previous statue, even if in the past the line had done very well. Fans have been citing Kirby as a prime example, which had a previously announced statue cancelled due to poor sales over an earlier release.

So if that’s indeed the case, who was the last character in the Sonic series that got a statue? This guy.

Yup, Silver is being cited by many on the F4F page as being the reason for these comments, checking the exclusive statue, it seems that only 375 were made in response to orders… Compare that to the Exclusive Tornado statue which cost $45 more had 425 made… that’s… not good.

More information as and when we get it.

Source: First4Figures Q&A

UPDATE: A F4F staff member responded on our Facebook page with the following

Hey all. Let me chime in. that 425 number isnt the real number. That was just a random number selected before we moved to the 2 week preorder system, where you get a more accurate number for Silver at 375. (We usually round it up to a nicer number) So sales arent just based on Silver alone. Tornado sold way less than the 425 number suggested. For many years, the company only had 3 members, so those ‘low’ numbers were ok to get by however with growth now in these last couple of years. Things need to be improved at all levels. Our prices have remained relatively very low and competitive in the same market and we continue to improve the way we make our products accessible with flexipay options. Hope that helps abit more with the story. Thanks

So what we get from this are a number of things.

The first is that the Tornado sold even lower than the 425 quoted here, combined with the fact that F4F has expanded it’s business means that we now have two statues in a row which might have both fallen far below expectations which suggests that the line really is at risk.

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Second Sonic Synergy Trailer Discovered

A few days ago, a few websites reported the discovery of a trailer for Sonic Synergy, the game which would become Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric, the trailer showed a number of differences to the final product, such as some very different Eggman designs, better looking graphics and a completely different title.


Well, a few hours ago, a member on our forums revealed that they had an extended version of this trailer which shows even more differences, and that they had it for 2 years but were under the impression it was already known! Well… we know about it now!

Some of the more noticeable differences include Sonic who has finger-less gloves and his arms are not completely blue, the chao were also going to be in the game at some point.

Check out the trailer and see the differences yourself.

Source: SSMB (special thanks to BxB-Meister for posting the goods).

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First Images of New Sonic Character In Sonic Forces

Today’s Nintendo Direct Live Stream revealed more footage from Sonic Forces today, but more interestingly gave a glimpse of a “new ally”, very likely connected to the third style of game play heavily alluded to in previous announcements. Continue reading First Images of New Sonic Character In Sonic Forces

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Morio Kishimoto is Directing Sonic Forces, No Boom Sonic, Will Be At E3

The director behind Sonic Colors and Sonic Lost World will be taking the helm once more for Sonic Forces, it has been revealed – and if you were hoping for that ‘third playable character’ to be Boom-universe Sonic, prepare to be disappointed. Continue reading Morio Kishimoto is Directing Sonic Forces, No Boom Sonic, Will Be At E3

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Rumour: ‘Sonic Runners Adventure’ Coming to Mobile Devices

To those of you who were sad to see Sonic Runners leave our phones last year, listen up. It looks like SEGA is working with Gameloft to bring the concept back, in a new title called ‘Sonic Runners Adventure’. Continue reading Rumour: ‘Sonic Runners Adventure’ Coming to Mobile Devices

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Sonic Mania Will Feature Levels Inspired By Scrapped Mega Drive Stages

SEGA has revealed that the team working on Sonic Mania has been given access to a wealth of scrapped levels from past 2D Sonic games, opening the possibility of seeing levels like Dust Hill Zone and Genocide City in a completed form for the first time. Continue reading Sonic Mania Will Feature Levels Inspired By Scrapped Mega Drive Stages

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Sonic VR Proof of Concept Found

The Sonic Stadium has discovered a proof of concept for a Sonic the Hedgehog virtual reality project. The concept was developed for SEGA by Big Sky VR a Los Angeles based studio who worked on Coachella Explorer the first-ever mobile 3D simulation of the Coachella Music Festival. Big Sky describes their Sonic concept as a puzzle game in which our blue hero takes the user on an adventure through typical Sonic environments, though they fail to elaborate on any puzzle elements.

Big Sky developed a proof of concept for Sega to help them bring their icon Sonic the Hedgehog to the world of Virtual Reality. In this puzzle game experience Sonic escorts our user along an adventure that takes him across land sea under volcanos and above the clouds thats true to Sonic form.

Big Sky’s Greg Edwards has shared a video of the demo on his Vimeo account two months ago indicating that this is a very recent project. Whether anything more will come of this further down the line is unclear, but it’s interesting to know SEGA is looking at bringing Sonic to the world of virtual reality.

sonic from Greg Edwards on Vimeo.

Source: Big Sky VR

Would you like to see a Sonic the Hedgehog virtual reality game? Let us know in the comments.

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