Sonic VR Proof of Concept Found

The Sonic Stadium has discovered a proof of concept for a Sonic the Hedgehog virtual reality project. The concept was developed for SEGA by Big Sky VR a Los Angeles based studio who worked on Coachella Explorer the first-ever mobile 3D simulation of the Coachella Music Festival. Big Sky describes their Sonic concept as a puzzle game in which our blue hero takes the user on an adventure through typical Sonic environments, though they fail to elaborate on any puzzle elements.

Big Sky developed a proof of concept for Sega to help them bring their icon Sonic the Hedgehog to the world of Virtual Reality. In this puzzle game experience Sonic escorts our user along an adventure that takes him across land sea under volcanos and above the clouds thats true to Sonic form.

Big Sky’s Greg Edwards has shared a video of the demo on his Vimeo account two months ago indicating that this is a very recent project. Whether anything more will come of this further down the line is unclear, but it’s interesting to know SEGA is looking at bringing Sonic to the world of virtual reality.

sonic from Greg Edwards on Vimeo.

Source: Big Sky VR

Would you like to see a Sonic the Hedgehog virtual reality game? Let us know in the comments.

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  1. I like to see this this game into a reality but hard to imagine how the game would function with sonic’s speed and abilitys.

  2. I don’t feel like I’ll have seen enough until I see how they are put to the test on portraying the sense of speed and jumping that the series is heavily reliant upon. Plus I really want an answer to that age-old question: what does Sonic see when he spin-jumps? Like is it a spinning nightmare of dizziness or does he just spin so fast that if he focused on any one area it appeared to him as if he wasn’t spinning at all? These are seriously the questions that keep me up at night.

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