An Interview With Ken Penders

2013 Comic Con Day 4 005

Near his friend Elliot S! Maggin’s booth in the artist alley at the San Diego Comic Con sits a man who is currently criticized, respected and envied. Criticized by some Sonic comic fans who feel that his recent copyright case with Archie Comics is taking away many of their favorite characters from the Sonic book. Respected because in his tenure on the Sonic comics, he created such a legacy of characters that the comic suffers a bit with them gone. And lastly, envied by other comic creators who would give their drawing arm to have the chance of owning their creations back. To them, Penders is living out a dream come true.

With his famous mustache gone, replaced with long hair and a ponytail, also sits a man who some feel may be a bit too confident in his abilities than he realizes. His video and movie projects “The Republic” and “The Lost Ones” have still been unreleased for over five years and are still in production. Could the Lara-Su Chronicles (an upcoming series of graphic novels based on Knuckles daughter and relations set in an alternate future) suffer from the same fate? And what of his art? Many people have been very critical about his latest promotional pieces. How does he feel about that?

Read on to see Ken Penders side of the story.

Continue reading An Interview With Ken Penders

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Mash-Up Monday: Collision Chaos Light

Nice and relaxed? Headphones on? Then you’re good to go, for it’s Monday business as usual here at the Stadium – Mash-Up Monday!

KenJones3023 decided to combine the Japanese iteration of Collision Chaos Good Future, by Masafumi Ogata, with Lights by Ellie Goulding!


Kinda fitting… the lights of Collision Chaos only shone for Sonic once he was alone.

Special thanks to Hyper-Shan of the SSMB for the tip. If you want to submit a mash-up you’ve found or made yourself, feel free to send in what you’ve got over at!

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Freak-Out Friday: Sonical Destruction

Last year, Jay Egge Mann (of The Sonic Show & Stadium) and Jono.D competed in the ‘Sonic Off’ to see who was the ultimate sonic fan. The reward, a sonic trophy.

Image4 Jay shamed The Sonic Show and ‘Stadium crew by losing to Jon in a massive way. Jon won the trophy and Jay has been bitter about it ever since… until today.


In a plan to steal back the trophy Jay so desperately wants, he comes across an even more evil plan to complete his revenge.

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Comic-Con 2013 Cosplay Watch: Shard


I usually see only a few decent SEGA themed cosplayers at any given convention, and most of them are usually Eggman.  I mean, lets face it, Sonic characters are kind of hard to do well. So seeing someone dressed as Shard was a very special treat! As you can see here, the costume is absolutely phenomenal, complete with the character’s trademark smirk. I will be keeping an eye out for other cosplayers at the convention, so stay tuned! I will hopefully have some more updates. Sunday is the Archie Sonic Panel, so maybe some Eggmans or something will be there.

Also, Shard guy, feel free to give us a special shout out in comments!

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Mash-Up Monday: Rooftop Clarity

Combining Tomoya Ohtani’s classicized take on Rooftop Run from Sonic Generations with Zedd and Foxes’s ClarityXlovesMiku presents a  Rooftop Clarity – a rather unique combination what with the bittersweet lyrics playing over a jaunty tune!

Perhaps, to those who tragically missed the SoS waves, maybe this Mash-Up Monday could be your remedy?


…and I am not sorry for that pun. No refunds.

Got a mash-up of your own you’d want featured on TSS? Or have you found one that you believe deserves the spotlight? If your answer is yes to either question, send your submissions or findings our way via

Soundcloud, and Bandcamp submissions cannot be accepted at this point in time. Attached files will be ignored.

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Freak-Out Friday: Eggman Calls Everyone

You know that feeling when you’ve got a secret SO big, you’ve just got to tell somebody?

Well, our favourite robotics genius has just perfected his most brilliant evil plot yet! One so brilliant, it must be shared! Doctor Eggman now takes to the phone lines to announce his latest plan…


Organized by Loor101, with guest animation by GeneralCacti.

If you’ve got something you like to share for a Freak-Out Friday feature, be it something you made or something you found, email me at!

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Freak-Out Friday: Sonic Lost World’s Parkour Engine

You know what I’m looking forward to the most in Sonic Lost World ? …well, besides the fact that Sonic and Eggman are teaming up?

The parkour-inspired gameplay! Going nuts over massive stages however you please! Running along walls, climbing up to new routes, that sorta thing! Just thinking of the endless possibilities forgive me in clearing a single level gets my mouth watering~!

So, how do you define parkour anyway…?

par·kour [pahr-koor, -kawr, -kohr]
Internet sensation of 2004; art of moving from point A to point B as creatively as possible.


So, technically, Sonic is doing parkour… as long as point A is delusion, and point B is the hospital.

Animated by MarkandFlops, audio from NBC’s The Office!

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E3 Hands-On Sonic Lost World (3DS)


Sonic Lost World for Wii U wasn’t the only Sonic game impressing fans at the show floor. The 3DS version was on display as well, the first Sonic portable game to offer a fully 3-D world to explore.  While the game is technically very sound, how is it compared to its big console brother and can Dimps pull it off on both a technical and design level? Read on to find why Sonic Lost World on 3DS is two steps forward and one step back for Dimps.

Continue reading E3 Hands-On Sonic Lost World (3DS)

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E3 2013: Sonic Lost World Hands-on




If there is one thing I both love and hate about the Sonic franchise, it is its tendency to innovate when innovation isn’t really necessary. “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it” isn’t exactly a saying SEGA lives by. It seems like ever since the Adventure series, every home console Sonic game has needed its own unique gimmick. A gimmick that, until a few years ago, always seemed to come at the detriment of the game play this gimmick was trying to improve. Now, after two great Sonic games that have built upon the foundation initially laid by Unleashed’s daytime stages, Sonic Team has thrown out everything they have been establishing over the last several years in favor of something completely different.

The single greatest issue that every 3D Sonic game has had is control. Whether it be control of the camera or control of the characters, Sonic Team has long been struggling to perfect Sonic’s movement in 3D. Over the course of Unleashed, Colors and Generations, Sonic Team has made huge strides in solving this problem, but they’ve done it largely by taking control away from the player or throwing Sonic into a 2D space. This has resulted in the best Sonic games since the Genesis era,  but has also turned Sonic’s 3D stages into on-rails obstacle courses, providing players with a variety of different paths to take but giving them little reason to stop and explore.


Lost World’s primary goal is to completely reinvent how Sonic moves in 3D. For the most part, the game succeeds at this beautifully. The new Parkour system allows Sonic to run along walls and up trees, making game play sections that would have been completely automated in previous Sonic games completely controllable by the player

This new system of movement is critical to the other big new idea Lost World brings to the table: the creative level design. Lost World’s 3D stage “Windy Hill is a series of cylindrical worlds suspended in the air. The scale in this stage is huge that not only allows for a lot of fun platforming, but also oozes with hidden paths and secrets. A quick run to the underside of the level reveals a whole new area ripe for exploration. A given area can have as many as four or five different paths to take, each of which test different skills. The default path in Windy Hill was the easiest, letting players just run forward and smash enemies. The other paths were more difficult though. Some paths have secrets like golden canons that will take you to new areas or red rings or animal capsules. One path was filled with spikes and enemies and was very difficult to navigate. Another path was very narrow and easy to fall off of, and yet another required the use of the wall run. During each successive play through of this stage I tried something different and found something new in the process. This exploration was further facilitated by the run and spin dash buttons, which give players an unprecedented amount of control over Sonic’s speed.


As Sonic has gotten faster and faster, he’s also become more unwieldy in more platform heavy areas. The run and spin dash buttons finally offer a solution to this problem. Anyone who has played Mario 3D Land will find these additions to be quite natural. The run and spin dash buttons essentially act like gears in a manual transition. Without these buttons Sonic runs about as fast as Mario would. At this speed Sonic can easily navigate platforming areas with precision. With the run button Sonic’s speed increases, allowing him quickly race through areas and perform Parkour moves. The spin dash button works exactly like it has in past games, allowing Sonic to quickly reach his top speed and blast through areas, though at the expense of the more precise movement of the lower speeds. If not for the run button, exploring the areas wouldn’t be nearly as fun.

This was the first Sonic game in a long time where I found myself exploring more than trying to improve my time. Of course, not all of the stages available in the demo were like this. The second stage, “Desert Zone 1”, the sweets filled level you guys have been hearing about, is a lot more straight forward and traditional. The level is completely two dimensional and feels closer to something like a side scrolling Sonic Colors level. Much like Colors’s 2D areas, this level also had plenty of secrets, hidden areas, and alternate paths. This level was a lot of fun, but didn’t really blow me away like Windy Hill did.


The final stage is somewhat reminiscent of the auto run game play of Sonic 06 and Secret Rings, though with significantly better controls. In this beehive themed stage, Sonic runs down a narrow path at top speed, smashing robots and trying not to fall off the path or smash into a wall. This stage feels much more reminiscent to something out of Generations, though it never really approaches Generations’s level of speed. The most notable new element on display here is Sonic’s ability to smash through a dozen enemies at once with a single, extended homing attack.

Speaking of the homing attack, the battle system of this game has also been changed significantly. The homing attack is now a lot more versatile, easily targeting and hitting enemies in any direction. It feels like a more polished version of what was used in Sonic Adventure, with a much quicker recovery time that allows Sonic to quickly hit a variety of nearby enemies in any direction. The actual range of the attack is a bit shorter now, though. I often found myself attempting to do it a little too soon as a result. In addition to the homing attack, there is now a bounce attack and a kick. I didn’t find myself using the bounce attack much, though it feels a little like the bounce from SA2. The kick I had to use a lot, though, especially on the snail enemies, which take multiple homing attacks to kill otherwise. It works a lot like the homing attack, except it is slower and has less range.


The many changes made to Lost World threw me off at first. I kept using the wrong attacks, I kept screwing up whenever I tried to use the Parkour system, and I died a lot. By the last day of E3 I was playing the game like a pro though and things that didn’t make much sense to me, like the inclusion of the kick attack and some of the finer aspects of the Parkour system, made a lot more sense. The kick attack is meant to test a players reflexes rather than simply mashing the A button. The Parkour system can pretty much be used to get up anything and really opens up these levels to exploration in ways that simply haven’t been done before in a Sonic game.

This game is very beautiful. It’s the first Sonic game I have ever played at E3 that actually had a consistently smooth frame rate. It remained at a steady 60 frames per second, and never had a moment of noticeable slowdown. Past Sonic games have always struggled to even maintain 30 frames, making the Lost World demo the smoothest 3D Sonic game I have played, period.

One thing I can say after this demo is that Lost Words is extremely polished and very fun. Though it lacks the speed of Unleashed, Colors and Generations, Lost World more than makes up for it in the exploration this slower speed now allows. I cannot guarantee that fans of Sonic’s faster games will enjoy Lost World, but if you are like me and you’ve been anxious for a slower Sonic game with meatier platforming levels, you are in for a real treat later this year.

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20 Years of Sonic the Comic

STCp1Twenty years ago, many veteran fans amongst the community will probably remember racing to their local newsagents in order to grab the first issue of Sonic the Comic for the paltry price of 95 pence, and thumbing excitedly through the first pages of Sonic and SEGA-themed strips. In the many years that followed, fans saw the publication of 223 issues, 9 poster magazines and several special one-offs across nearly a decade of production.

The comic was renowned for its well-pitched storylines that appealed to both the younger and older audiences, for expanding the Sonic universe beyond the canon of the game and introducing several original characters; some of whom suffered a grisly demise (poor old Johnny Lightfoot!). For the majority of issues, the comic was presented by Megadroid, a robot reminiscent of a SEGA Megadrive (and later a SEGA Saturn), who took to naming the readers “Boomers” (and the writers “Humes” – short for “Humans”). As well as the Sonic-themed strips, the comic included a whole host of stories from SEGA titles such as Golden Axe, Decap Attack and Streets of Rage, as well as features and reviews on games, as well as fan art and mail; many fan-works featured were created by many of those who have remained fans to this day! Indeed, the publication garnered many fans, and some of you reading this today will probably owe STC as your introduction to the world of Sonic the Hedgehog.

Continue reading 20 Years of Sonic the Comic

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Lew Stringer’s Original Sonic the Comic Pitch

I’m a big fan of Fleetways Sonic the Comic, I’m always interested in finding out about it’s creation, the staff who worked on the comic as well as ideas which were changed or just never came to light for whatever reason. As you probably know, writer Lew Stringer had a long run on STC, he held position as a writer for years and became a fan favourite with many readers, his scripts were often unique and very entertaining. Even if you don’t consider them ‘main stories’ they were well contained, entertaining, full of humor and were a welcome break from the main narrative that the comic was doing at the time.


But… did you know that he originally applied to be an artist? And that his original pitch samples still exist? As I said at the start, I’m a big fan of STC, so I’ve heard of other artists being asked or attempting to get onto the team (one artist had an idea to make a ‘noir’ style Sonic, but that story is for another day), but I’ve never seen any real examples of artwork.

Continue reading Lew Stringer’s Original Sonic the Comic Pitch

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Sonic On the Go: Sonic Triple Trouble

Sonic Triple Trouble screen 1

Handheld Sonic games always seem to get the short end of the stick. From the days of the Game Gear all the way up until today, it seems like Sonic’s quality portable outings are usually ignored in favor of worshiping or hating the console games. Now don’t get me wrong, many of Sonic’s best games have been on consoles, including the legendary flagship trilogy that launched the entire franchise. However, there have been plenty of great entries on a multitude of portables as well, even during the franchise’s so called “darkest days” in the mid-2000s when the best Sonic had to show for himself on the consoles were games like Sonic Heroes, Shadow, and Sonic06. With summer almost upon us, I thought I would take a look at some of Sonic’s portable games, and maybe convince some of you to try them out if you haven’t already! Among these great, under appreciated gems was Sonic Triple Trouble, a culmination of years of work on perfecting the formula on the 8-bit Game Gear.

Continue reading Sonic On the Go: Sonic Triple Trouble

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The Late Review: F4F Exclusive Tails Statue

f4ftailsWelcome to a new and hopefully not regular feature on TSS that I’m calling ‘The Late Review.’ What is The Late Review? Well, whilst I will always try to review something a few days after the said product comes out, something’s not possible, be it due to financial reasons, slow delivery or what is more likely, my own lazy bones just doesn’t want to do it, things can get delayed. In today’s case, it’s a bit more complicated. Anyway on with the review.

Continue reading The Late Review: F4F Exclusive Tails Statue

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Insert Coin Making New Sonic & Sega Clothing

In 2011 Insert Coin announced that they were making Sonic themed T-shirts and hoodies in celebration of Sonic’s 20th anniversary. Well, it looks like they’re about to make some new items.

Posting on their blog, Insert Coin have announced their intentions to produce new shirts and hoodies based on Sonic and other Sega franchises such as Shenmue and even Streets of Rage. There were no details on the designs, however the blog mentions that the new range is…

inspired by the FULL Sonic the Hedgehog back catalogue AND SEGA All Star Racing Transformed.

Continue reading Insert Coin Making New Sonic & Sega Clothing

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Wreck-it Ralph Director Rich Moore on Sonic

Rich Moore and Iizuka

The Sonic Channel has recently posted an interview held by Takashi Iizuka with Rich Moore, director of the recent video game-filled movie Wreck-it Ralph (Sugar Rush in Japan). The two directors talk about Sonic’s cameos in Wreck-it Ralph, what a sequel could mean for the blue blur and what other SEGA franchises Rich would love to see included in a potential follow-up.

Hit the jump for the full interview and some more images!

Continue reading Wreck-it Ralph Director Rich Moore on Sonic

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Sonic at Toy Fair 2013 Round Up


As mentioned a few days ago, the annual New York Toy Fair (NYTF) was held this week. Why is this a big deal? Well, for toy makers who have a license to make Sonic toys, this is the one of the best chances for them to promote their upcoming toys to retailers, buyers and the press. To compare it to videogames, this Toy Fair is the toy version of an event like E3.

In the last two years, NYTF booths have had a big Sonic presence at them and this years was no exception. However, unlike previous years in which Jazwares’ booth accidentally (though it wasn’t clear at the time) spoilt the announcement of Sonic Generations, security on unannounced products has been quite tight, very few photographs have been taken of the new merchandise… but that doesn’t mean we didn’t discover a few new things you might find of interest.

Continue reading Sonic at Toy Fair 2013 Round Up

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The Vault: The 1999 European Sonic Speed Challenge

Hello and welcome to a new feature that I’m going to do every now and again. Normally we look at the current news regarding Sega and Sonic, but for now, I’d quite like to look at some of the older and more obscure items Sonic’s history because, sometimes it’s fun to do that.

We all know how Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 has recently been re-released right? Well how many of you downloaded the DLC? On the Dreamcast?

Continue reading The Vault: The 1999 European Sonic Speed Challenge

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Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween blue believers! Ah Halloween, I still have fond memories of wearing a homemade Dracula cape (which was amazing) walking through the cold October streets knocking on peoples doors, filling my goody bag with all manner of amazing things.

Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year (along with Christmas Day and Pancake Day) and it feels like every year more people get into it. So with that in mind, I’ve decided to take a look at my top 5 scary/Halloween related Sonic moments. Whilst some may not be strictly Halloween related, they scared me and others then, and may still scare some people now. So without further ado, hit the read more link to see my Top 5 scary/Halloween related Sonic moments.

Continue reading Happy Halloween!

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Soundtrack Review: Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 & 2 Original Soundtrack

A large proportion of the Sonic fanbase were disappointed by Sonic the Hedgehog 4. In many aspects the game had mammoth boots to fill, in continuing the lineage responsible for creating the massive following Sonic commanded during the nineties. While it’s not the intention to review either game here, many parallels can be drawn in the expectations of the music as to what was expected from the games themselves.

Continue reading Soundtrack Review: Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 & 2 Original Soundtrack

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Summer of Sonic 2012: Takashi Iizuka Interview


Second in our 3-part lot of Summer of Sonic interviews – the one and only Takashi Iizuka! Pictured with him up there are his translator and Sonic’s Brand Director – David Corless. Anyway, onto the interview!

Continue reading Summer of Sonic 2012: Takashi Iizuka Interview

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SEGA vs Nintendo Parody Anime Set for 2012 Release

While Sonic has made several TV appearances in several different cartoon incarnations ranging from good to terrible (we’ll let you decide which is which), none have been quite as intruiging as what is set to hit Japanese TV later this year.

Aoi Sekai no Chushin de (translated as “In the Centre of the Blue World”) is a manga retelling of the story of the console wars with a fantasy twist created by Anastasia Shestakova and illustrated by Crimson. While the green-light was given for the anime back in March, this information has gone mostly unnoticed on Western shores.

Anime News Network recently posted news on the upcoming broadcast:

The story re-imagines the real-life console wars as a fantasy tale — the Segua Kingdom is locked in an age-old war with the Ninterudo Empire for dominance of the land of Consume. Segua now finds itself on the defensive, but an unlikely hero has risen in the form of Gear, a boy who brags about his breakneck speed. Gear helps turn the tide of the war.

At present it looks fairly unlikely that Aoi Sekai no Chushin ne will be officially affiliated with any of the companies the story is based around, however it will probably garner the attention of both SEGA and Nintendo fans worldwide.

See how many references you can spot to SEGA and other videogame IPs in the character designs below!

Thumbs up to Soniman on the SSMB for spotting this!

Have your say on this in the SSMB

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Summer of Sonic 2012: Crush 40 Interview

First up in the 3-part series of Summer of Sonic interviews, we have two legendary guys  – Jun Senoue and Johnny Gioeli! Together this duo makes Crush 40, but I’m sure you all knew that already! Without further ado, let’s get on with the interviews, shall we?

Continue reading Summer of Sonic 2012: Crush 40 Interview

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Coming Up Next: Summer of Sonic Interviews!

Well, it’s been just over a fortnight since Summer of Sonic has been and gone for another year and what a day it was! Between meeting many old friends, playing S&ASRT and enjoying all of the on-stage entertainment I had the opportunity to sit down with Jun Senoue, Johnny Gioeli, Takashi Iizuka, Steve Lycett and Tim Spencer for a chat about the past, present and future of their involvement with everyone’s favourite blue blur! These interviews will be coming up over the course of this week, so stay tuned for more!

Here’s a little taster from Johnny Gioeli!


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The Sonic/Mega Man Q&A Panel From San Diego Comic Con


Here’s the Q&A session from the Sonic/Mega Man panel that took place just over a week ago at Comic Con International. Artists Jon Gray and Evan Stanley were there along with Editor Paul Kaminski and Archie president Mike Perrilto among others. Mike and Paul are still arguing on whether Rotor Sucks or not, but everyone shows their love for the freedom fighting clam, Bivalve. I’ll be showing photos from the panel in a later update and my interview with Archie Editor Paul Kaminski will also be up later this week. The audio kinda echos through the room, so I’d recommend some headphones so you can hear what they are saying. Enjoy!

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Freak-Out Friday: The Original Sonic Underground Concept & DiC

HA HAR! GOOD EVENING LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Now… you’re probably wondering whats happened to your usual Freak out Friday staffer? Well he’s helping me with an experiment. Hmmmm? No Vizard… you may not come out…

Remember that cartoon? That one with Sonic and his siblings who made a vow their mother will be found? They saved the world using the power of music! Yeah… what where they thinking when they decided that? Well do we have a treat for you, earlier this week some very rare concept art went up on ebay and we thought you’d like to see this incredible bit of Sonic history!

There you see, I’m being nice, just a cool ghostly image of Robotnik looking down with a cybernetic arm, nothing to worry about, and next up we have one of the most dramatic changes.

Continue reading Freak-Out Friday: The Original Sonic Underground Concept & DiC

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Archie Sonic/Megaman Panel Live Blog

Hey guys! I’m in the (sizable) line for the Sonic/Megaman panel! I’ll be here to stream you all the latest, and if we’re lucky, including some very crappy pictures. Jason is on camera duty, so you can expect media later today. Panel starts in 20 minutes!



It’s starting! Continue reading Archie Sonic/Megaman Panel Live Blog

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SEGA at Comic Con, Day 2

Today, Comic Con is truly underway and as a result, so is the SEGA Arcade. The most notable addition to the area is a display case full of Sonic merch, advertising the recently opened website for the US branch of Sonic Merchandise. I made sure to get pictures of the display case and the people manning it, as well as some things I missed yesterday, so check them out below the fold!

Continue reading SEGA at Comic Con, Day 2

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Mobius’ Most Memorable Mommas

Happy Mother’s Day everyone!

Now, we know Sonic is not exactly you’d relate to on Mother’s Day. After all, the only official mother in the Sonic games is Cream’s mom, Vanilla. But in the land of Sonic cartoons and comics, anything goes and just about every character you can think of has a mom and dad. So, the questions remains, which Mobius mama is the top pick of all time? Read on to see who my five favorites are.

Continue reading Mobius’ Most Memorable Mommas

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Sum Up Sunday, On a Monday 2: Chocolate Bunny & Super Cute Animals Edition

It’s Easter Sunday! Monday! Hope you’ve had a cracking weekend and not too full on chocolate. Well it started nice and calm last week didn’t it? The usual trickle of news… and then we got to Thursday… Don’t know what happened? Read on!

Continue reading Sum Up Sunday, On a Monday 2: Chocolate Bunny & Super Cute Animals Edition

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TSS Interview: Alex Makhlouf (Cash Cash) – Part 2

We return for the second half of our interview with Alex Makhlouf of Cash Cash!

Continue reading TSS Interview: Alex Makhlouf (Cash Cash) – Part 2

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TSS Interview: Alex Makhlouf (Cash Cash) – Part 1

Sonic Generations saw many memorable tunes reworked for both classic and modern stages much to the delight of the fans, old and new. This week, TSS caught up with Cash Cash’s Alex Makhlouf, performing artist extraordinaire and the driving force behind many of the remixes on Sonic’s 20th Anniversary title.

Continue reading TSS Interview: Alex Makhlouf (Cash Cash) – Part 1

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Tourist Guide: SEGA Joypolis, Tokyo

Every die-hard Sonic the Hedgehog fan should have a list of things to see and do in their lifetime. Visiting SEGA’s offices in the US, meeting Yuji Naka, attending Sonic Boom or Summer of Sonic, ‘experiencing’ Sonic 2006… But, undoubtedly, the ultimate pilgrimage for the dedicated fan is traveling to the blue blur’s birthplace – Japan. For many reasons.

One of those reasons is SEGA Joypolis, a three-floor indoor theme park that’s packed with arcades, sit-in rides and exclusive merchandise. When I visited Japan for a holiday with SEGADriven’s Lewis Clark last year, this was on the top of my hit-list. As the venue is built with couples in mind though, we both decided to pair up – so we enlisted the help of our good friend Jess and another friend who would be able to give us a special tour: sound director for the Sonic series, Jun Senoue. Continue reading Tourist Guide: SEGA Joypolis, Tokyo

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Valentine’s Day Special: Sonic’s Worst Girlfriends

Penders and Flynn (and Bollers and Sega) could write a bad romance.

In Sonic’s long history of cartoons, comics and games, he’s had quite a few ladies. Hell, in the comics he’s had enough women to make Captain Kirk envious. However, many of these relationships did not work out so well or were just a horrible HORRIBLE idea in the first place. Sometimes, love stinks. Read on to find out who made the list.  Also, when you have to us Google image search to find images of Sonic’s old GF’s for an article, PLEASE USE SAFE SEARCH!! I learned the hard way.

Continue reading Valentine’s Day Special: Sonic’s Worst Girlfriends

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Production of the ESP Sonic the Hedgehog Guitar

Last year saw some very high-end pieces of merchandise produced to celebrate Sonic’s 20th Anniversary (including statues, crystal cubes…even pocket watches!), but by far one of the most desirable objects offered were reproductions of Jun Senoue’s signature Sonic the Hedgehog ESP guitar. The guitars are now in full production, and Senoue-san has been to the ESP factory to oversee production!

Continue reading Production of the ESP Sonic the Hedgehog Guitar

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TSS Timeline: The Year 2011

This is part of an ongoing series of features that looks back on the history of The Sonic Stadium. You can find out more about how this website changed the Sonic community, what it looked like back in the day, and even special images and update notes from the archive..

Sonic Colours Exclusives

October and November, 2010

No sooner had The Sonic Stadium celebrated its tenth anniversary, that we would have the opportunity to celebrate the incoming launch of Sonic Colours in some unique and exclusive ways. Thanks to my professional career as a games journalist, I was able to obtain an advance preview copy of the intergalactic Wii adventure and play it extensively for two weeks on a loaner development Wii unit.

I was excited about the new talent being brought in to voice Sonic and co – Roger Craig Smith (also the voice of Ezio Auditore in Assassin’s Creed) was definitely a good choice for Sonic, but above all else the dialogue was spot on and the writing perfect. I wasn’t exactly able to communicate my glee to anyone else short of dumping a bunch of footage – which would not have put me in good professional stead.

So imagine my delight when SEGA Community Manager ArchangelUK offered to present a special cutscene video as a world exclusive to TSS, Sonic Wrecks and Sonic Retro. The result is a news post the likes of which you’ve never seen – nearly 250 comments on that bad boy, all of fans chiming on their thoughts on the new Sonic voice. Pretty killer. See it again here.

In November, TSS was also able to offer an exclusive Sonic Colours wallpaper to its visitors. You can still grab it in this post here.

SEGA America Community Day

November 2010

It finally happened. Ever since Brad started writing posts on The Sonic Stadium back in 2008 or so, I always loved how he wrote about his favourite game series with such passion and character. That’s kind of why I still let him out of his cage these days. One big part of his character – and one that is probably lacking in a lot of fans – is his sense of humour, and how he loves to joke about everything. A lot of people are put off about that. Basically, if you read his posts as if it was your mate telling you a tale in the pub, you’d probably learn to understand where he’s coming from a bit more.

I was worried that was going to be lost on SEGA America’s Ken Balough, as Brad has had a history of completely chewing him out on TSS, Retro and many other places. To be fair, the guy does say some obtuse stuff. But at SoA’s very first community event, things could not have gone any better – the pair got on like a house on fire. I mean, look at that photo. Unless Ken’s secretly wielding a dagger in his left hand off-camera, I’d say they be tight.

This event was special for a number of reasons – SEGA’s American community department had started to engage in the online fanbase a lot more and this was one of the first kinds of outreaches in the country. We had been spoiled by London-based community days by AAUK, and now it was the turn of the boys in the US. And Brad, in his own words, had one of the best days of his life. Read his full report right here.

E3 & Sonic Boom

June 6-10, 2011

This was a little bit unreal. I had never been to the USA before, for starters – not even to cover the Electronics Entertainment Expo in person – and the reason I was even able to go this year was because SEGA America was very keen on having Adam and myself on board to help ‘oversee’ the hosting of its own special fan convention called Sonic Boom. The guys in San Fran were very excited about the fact that I was able to build Summer of Sonic into the event it is today, and wanted to replicate that same community feeling in the States without treading on our toes.

To be honest, Adam and I were just honoured that the community’s efforts in establishing Summer of Sonic were recognised. Despite this, I don’t think we were quite qualified to be the ‘judges’ of SoA’s ability to hold a party, because the night that Aaron, Kellie, Julian and the rest of the team held was really quite amazing. With our Access All Areas/Talent passes, we made sure to help out with anything and everything we could, and I think our presence was appreciated as much as we appreciated being there.

Watching an event being held especially for Sonic fans in another country was both a bit surreal and incredibly heartwarming. It was great to be on the other side of the organisational fence and chill with some American fans too – I was surprised at just how many people had heard of me, how many were members of SSMB and had even heard of SoS in the UK!

Massive highlights of the whole week included a photo opportunity that I had with Yuji Naka, Takashi Iizuka, Naoto Ohshima and Hirokazu Yasuhara (I totally nerded out) and finally meeting some age-old internet community buddies that I have known for so long but never had a chance to meet in person. I’ve known Shayne Thames of Sonic Kingdom since I started in this community – eleven years! And the moment I first met Brad in person – that was special too. We know we tight. It was amazing to meet TSS writers Alex and Jason there too, and to see their work at E3 (I had to work E3 on a professional level, unfortunately!). Just a great weekend and a fantastic opportunity.

Yuji Naka and Takashi Iizuka

June 2011

It’s every Sonic the Hedgehog fan’s dream to meet Yuji Naka. So what happened in 2011, on Sonic’s 20th Anniversary, had me tripping so many balls that I was in a constant state of mental pinching just to see if I was alive or not. The reality was, after eleven years The Sonic Stadium had finally made it – it was granted an audience with not only Naka-san, but current Sonic Team leader Takashi Iizuka too.

Iizuka-san, in the number of times I have had the fortune to meet him, always comes across as a laid-back, cool character who does actually understand what it is about Sonic the Hedgehog that made the original games so good. He worked on the Mega Drive titles, after all. It’s a direct contrast to how he is usually perceived in press – but half of the problem is in the translation of such interviews really. With Sonic Colours – the first Sonic title in years that Iizuka has helmed – he proved that he knew his stuff.

The fact that he is still very close to Naka-san is probably a reason for his understanding. And while Naka-san does have that (sometimes intimidating) steely expression of Japanese professionalism, I can tell that deep down the man cares deeply for the fans and the games he has worked on. Having the privilege of talking to a man who had shaped my entire childhood for 20 years was nothing compared to the honour – and incredibly daunting task – of looking after him on a professional level at an event that I created!

Summer of Sonic 2011

June 25, 2011

Once again, the Summer of Sonic convention becomes my biggest emotional investment of the year, and pays off in absolute dividends. This year’s event was very special indeed, largely in part to the 20th Anniversary celebrations taking place by SEGA around the world. As the publisher offered to become an even bigger sponsor in the fan-run convention, it was possible to really up the ante in terms of guests.

As you might already know, Yuji Naka and Takashi Iizuka were the headline attendees for SoS 2011 – and it was the first time that the pair had been subject the fans with such intimacy. They had already attended Sonic Boom, but at Summer of Sonic they spent two hours signing things for fans, and sat on stage with legendary sound director Jun Senoue for two hour-long stage Q&As. Trust me, these guys had never seen anything quite so energetic and atmospheric as the crowd in Camden Centre that Saturday. As they left at the end of the day, they expressed their deepest gratitude and asked for several names of people who had caught their interest during the Q&A and signings. They loved you guys.

But SoS was also the biggest we’d ever held for other reasons too – rock group Julien-K (This Machine, Waking Up) did a live performance, Jun Senoue came back to provide a surprise live performance at the end of the day, and comic fans were left amazed as Archie stars Ian Flynn and Tracy Yardley! met with Fleetway legends Nigel Dobbyn and Nigel Kitching for the very first time. Even Mike Pollock turned up on the sneak!

Sonic Wrecks brought the karaoke, TSS held a number of competitions, demos of Sonic Generations were plentiful, a fan variety performance allowed talented community members to show off their skills to the crowd and merchandise was finally available to purchase! Even the cosplay contest was out of this world in 2011 – someone even came dressed as Wes Weasley! But beyond what we had on show for attendees, what really made me feel like the whole thing was worth it was the audience, as always. Making friends, having fun and enjoying the day together. That’s what Summer of Sonic is all about, and as much as it emotionally exhausts me in terms of planning, I wouldn’t trade the results off for anything else in the world.

Other Notable Developments

More Exclusive Features

Contests We Ran

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Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition Import Guide

Live outside of Europe and Australia and want to import the Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition revealed yesterday? Well, thanks to New Zealand retailer Mighty Ape and Amazon Germany, you can. Both retailers ship worldwide. Mighty Ape is selling both PS3 and Xbox 360 versions for $199.99 AUS, which translates to just over $165 US. Amazon Germany lists both PS3 and Xbox 360 editions for EUR 99,99, which is just under $140 US. American SSMB member, and SEGA Bits staffer Barry the Nomad tells us they ship worldwide.

We don’t know how many of the Collector’s Editions both Mighty Ape and Amazon Germany have, but the former says they have ‘limited stock’. If you’re interested, you’re best to pre-order now.

Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

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