Sonic Stadium Interview: Archie Comic’s Ian Flynn


Last week Jason and I had the pleasure to sit down with Ian Flynn, writer of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Universe, Megaman, New Crusaders and Dawn Best’s upcoming web comic Sylvanna. Join us we have not one, but two interviews with the architect of the Sonic and Megaman crossover Worlds Collide: a text interview written up by Jason Berry and a two and a half hour long interview hosted by me on Sonic Talk featuring dozens of questions from fans like you.

Also, special thanks to Ian Flynn, who not only devoted a considerable amount of time to this, but also answered far more questions for the text interview than he had initially promised, due to me sending him the wrong text file that included a dozen questions that I had intended to omit.

Enjoy! You can also find the Sonic Talk interview here.

Continue reading Sonic Stadium Interview: Archie Comic’s Ian Flynn

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Sonic the Hedgehog #248 Now Available in Comic Shops

sonicmegamanFor those of you chomping at the bit for the next chapter of the Sonic & Megaman Worlds Collide crossover, it’s time to head over to your local comic shop! Chapter Three, “No Holds Barred”, finally pits Sonic and Megaman against one another. Place your bets, people: blue bomber or blue blur?

Check below for a synopsis and a preview.

Continue reading Sonic the Hedgehog #248 Now Available in Comic Shops

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Archie Sonic/Megaman Panel Live Blog

Hey guys! I’m in the (sizable) line for the Sonic/Megaman panel! I’ll be here to stream you all the latest, and if we’re lucky, including some very crappy pictures. Jason is on camera duty, so you can expect media later today. Panel starts in 20 minutes!



It’s starting! Continue reading Archie Sonic/Megaman Panel Live Blog

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Archie Brings Sonic and Megaman Together in 2013

I hope everyone excuses the somewhat presumptive headline for this news post, but I’m not sure what else it could be. The above image was sent in to USA Today by Archie Comics. It looks Archie has a Sonic and Megaman crossover in the works!

Not much else to say, but with San Diego Comic Con just around the corner and a Sonic and Megaman panel planned for next Sunday, we’ll no doubt be hearing more about it soon. Jason and I will be on hand to report all the latest as it happens at SDCC!

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NYCC: Archie Creator Tell All Panel Video

Well, it’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally here: Archie’s Creator Tell All Panel. Truth be told, I haven’t watched it myself, but it’s got Ian and Spaz so it’s gotta be good, right?

Aside from maybe a Sonic Colors video, this concludes are NYCC coverage. I hope you enjoyed are in-depth, fun, info filled interviews, exclusive pics, and videos of the event. Don’t think this is our last event though. We’ve taken you to E3, Comic Con, PAX, and NYCC, and we’ll be taking you to those places and more next year. This year was a test run in a lot of ways, as we found our footing, learned how to cover such events, and how to improve on what we’ve done to bring you even better stuff.

This also isn’t the end of our Archie coverage. Over the course of the summer we’ve gotten into contact with people within the company, and we intend to use these contacts for your benefit. Stay tuned.

With that said, some more exclusive pics have slipped through the cracks of all the coverage. This is stuff From Ian’s second non-Sonic project, Cosmo:

Without further ado, the Archie Creator Tell All Panel!






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Archie Means Business Panel Video, Plus New Megaman Concept Art

I’ll be the first to admit, this sort of thing probably won’t interest a lot of you. Even though I’ve had a gradual resurgence of interest in the Archie characters, even I found myself doing other things while watching through this video.

Nevertheless, Selinka and I promised you video of the event, so here it is! To sweeten the pot, we’ve brought you even more never before seen Megaman concept art, as well a few things you might have found elsewhere. This art is from the “Creators Tell All” panal, which should be going up tomorrow, and be infinitely more interesting to watch. Till then…well, enjoy!

Megaman Concept Art:

One of these pieces where released by Newsarama as exclusive art, in perfect clarity. You can find it here.

Without further ado…





Near the end of part 3 we hit a bit of a lull. But I do recommend at least clicking to moment 6:20 of part 3.

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NYCC: Interviews With Sonic Artist Pat Spaz and Writer Ian Flynn

This interview is a dream come true, in all honesty. Patrick Spaziente is a very difficult man to get a hold of. He has absolutely no online presence, and hasn’t done an interview of any kind since 2005, at least from what I’ve been able to find. Spaz is famously reclusive, and until now I didn’t even really know what he looked like. The fact that he was actually at the con is remarkable in and of itself, since Spaz rarely ever even goes to conventions. The fact that he was even there is the whole reason I even asked Selinka to cover the con for us. Even more remarkable is the fact that he let us conduct a video interview, since Mr. Selinka was originally told by Spaz that he wanted to remain “an enigma”. This interview is a huge score for us all, and I hope you will all enjoy it.

We also have another man in this interview, of course. He is bearded. He is mighty. He is the enemy to all Drago fan everywhere. He is also an awesomely friendly dude. He is Ian “Potto” Flynn, writer extraordinaire. He got the Sonic comics out of teen drama, endless love triangles, convoluted solutions to simple problems, and Tommy the Turtle, and into high flying action, adventure, humor, and Bean the Dynamite Duck. We got an interview with him too. Not as awesome as Spaz, I agree, but he just kinda wondered onto camera, so Selinka thought “why the heck not?”

This epically awesome 3 part, 34 minute HD video interview is brought to you by Thomas Selinka, better known around the Sonic fandom as “Illustrous Q”. He’s got a comic coming on ECC this week. Thank him by reading it. Now, without further ado…

Coming later tonight, we’ll have the complete Archie panel in HD video for your viewing pleasure, and tomorrow, the most awesome interview of them all….John “Dubs” Gray!

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NYCC: Interview with Sonic Editor Paul Kaminski!

These videos have been a long time coming, but their finally here! Over the next few days we’ll be bringing you some awesome, in depth interviews with the Archie staff. ECC’s Thomas Selinka was kind enough to take the time out of his day to record these interviews and panels in full HD.

First up, Paul Kaminski, the editor for Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Universe, and the upcoming Megaman books.


Of course, Paul isn’t the biggest interview we got (sorry Paul, we still love you!). Coming up later in the day…the first ever video interview with Patrick Spaziente, the famously reclusive and hard to contact cover artist of the both the Sonic books (well, occasionally these days) and the upcoming Megaman book. We also got some guy called Ian Flynn hogging up some camera space with him, but you don’t care about him, right?

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NYCC: Archie Creators Tell All Panel As It Happened

Hello everybody, and welcome to TSS’s second live blog for the Archie Creators Tell All Panel. Much like the last panel, we will both be covering it here, and recording it via HD camera. We don’t expect much in the way of new news today, and we suspect some of what’s said here may be derivative of what we’ve gotten in the interviews Selinka recorded yesterday, but what news that there will be at this panel, you will get here.


The Panel has started.

Right now, review of the works that have been published in the past year.

Man From Riverdale, Life From Archie, Jughead,

Coming soon to be published:

Betty and Veronica mag, similar in format to Life with Archie

Archie and reggie running for school president, Obama and Palin get involved
Tania working on Archie Double Digest

Sabrina is back!!!!!  Issue of Archie and friends to be a follow up to Jughead 200

Kevin Keller to receive a 4 part mini-series


Ian Flynn:  Mega Man exciting project,

Coming out early spring 2011

New Ongoing series running concurrent with Sonic the Hedgehog for publication

Spaz! to draw covers and at least the first issue

SONIC 20th

StH 225, SU 25, Sonic’s 20th alignment

SU 25 will start Silver Arc, Cover drawn and colored by Spaz!

225 covered broke on friday is only a fraction of the cover

225 huge milestone issue

Sonic Colors tie in issue, running in StH 219.  Will be another time another place scenario

Battle Bird Armada brought in to give Tails a chance to show his stuff and to bring in a new villain to the book

No immediate plans for the classic badinks for StH

No adaptation for Sonic 4

Sonic is now able to be sold world wide!  Go to for international shipping

Young Salem: a strong possibility, write in to archie to let them know how much you want it

Stand Alone Archie App for itunes coming, should be live by November 1st

No tie-in for Sonic Free Riders

However possibility for game elements to be added in later on

Mega Man tone:  possibility as light if not slightly lighter than StH

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NYCC Exclusive: Megaman Cover, Concept art, Spaz Drawing Issue 1

Our man from Emerald Coast Comics, TJ Selinka, also got us some sweet pics of Megaman concept art that Archie showed off. Unlike the concept art in the last post, this stuff was drawn by Spaz himself! It has also been confirmed that Spaz is drawing at least the first issue.

UPDATE: We’ve updated the gallery with a high res final cover from Comics Continuum.

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Sonic Scribe Ian Flynn Working On Megaman Comic, Spaz involved (Updated)

We don’t often report on non-Sonic news, but when it’s related in some cool way to the blue blur it’s always good to let you guys know! As we just reported in our NYCC Live Blog, Sonic scribe Ian Flynn will be working with Sonic cover artist Patrick Spaziente and short term Sabrina penciler Chad Thomas on an all new comic based around Capcom’s blue bomber, Megaman!

As of yet, not much else is known, aside from the fact that the comic is launching next year. We took a video of the entire panel, and we’ll be getting media and interviews from the Archie booth over the next few days, so stay tuned! Yes, we do intend to ask about the possibility of a crossover!’

Ian Flynn is also working on an Archie character called “Cosmo The Merry Martian”, a character that had a brief publication stint in the 1950s.

Update: Archie has released a press release, and Comics Alliance has gotten it’s hands on some concept art from Chad Thomas, posted above.

New York, NY (October 8, 2010): Archie Comics—home to Sonic the Hedgehog comics—is about to become the base of operations for a comic series featuring Capcom’s heroic video game legend, Mega Man!

The Mega Man® franchise is hotter than ever and in the spring of 2011, Archie Comics will take his heroic adventures to new heights with a brand new monthly comic!

With the aid of his mighty Mega Buster blaster arm and a killer creative team including renowned artist Patrick “Spaz” Spaziante and infamous Archie action/adventure writer Ian Flynn, Mega Man is equipped to blast his way back into the comic book world in his own monthly action. Arriving Spring 2011, the new Mega Man™ comic from Archie Comics promises to build a faithful legacy while exploring a vast universe of heroes, villains, and robots.

“Since 1987, the enormously successful Mega Man franchise has conquered media from video games to television to manga. Archie Comics is ready to carry on this tradition of success, holding true to the spirit of the old school with a fresh eye on Mega Man’s strong potential in the world of American comics,” promised Archie Comics editor of Sonic and now the Mega Man franchise, Paul Kaminski.

The Mega Man comic book series will follow the original Rock/Mega Man in his battles against the maniacal Dr. Wily. Mega Man’s jam-packed, fast-paced adventures are told from the perspective of Rock (a.k.a. Mega Man) the young boy with a peaceful heart now thrust into a life of conflict.

“Readers can expect non-stop action, as well as an exploration of the themes of family, choice and loyalty that make the Mega Man franchise a property that connects on a very personal level,” continued Kaminski. “From there, we hope to fully explore not only that classic world, but the other spin-offs including Mega Man X, Mega Man Zero, Mega Man Legends and more!”

“We’re thrilled to be creating a definitive version of Capcom’s Mega Man to American audiences,” remarked Archie Comics Co-CEO Jon Goldwater. “And to do it with our top-notch creative team who all love and understand the property inside and out is going to be spectacular!”

In honor of the announcement at NYCC, Archie Comics and Capcom® will each be hosting signings of an exclusive print with the Mega Man creative team Patrick “Spaz” Spaziante and Ian Flynn.

Stay tuned to for updates on the “Mega Man” comic series coming from Archie Comics in Spring 2011.

Capcom, and Mega Man are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Capcom Co., Ltd.  All other marks are the property of their respective owners

Stay tuned for more concept art straight from the panel.

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Fan Spotlight: Sega vs. Capcom

A Sonic community member, Sonicsuperstar1, has taken the rumor of a DS fighting game, featuring SEGA and Capcom characters duking it out, and turned it into some cool fan art.  Check it, son:

Well, that is just nifty.  Hopefully, the rumor is true and this picture becomes an official reality.  Check out more of Sonicsuperstar1’s artwork at his DA page.

Would you or someone you know like to be featured on TSS’ Fan Spotlight?  Contact Slingerland on the SSMB and link him up!

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