Mash-Up Monday: Toot Toot Green Hills Warrior

Hey, TSSers! Long time no see!

To those who’ve been asking what happened to the mash-ups, well, my health plummeted, I got bedridden, this, that, a little bit o’this. Didn’t have a ton of energy to even write, but hey, kicked pneumonia square in the rear since then! It’s good to be back!

So, it’s Labour Day today! Cozy? Good. Relaxed? Great! Well rested? Awesome! Bored? Outstan–wait, wait, not outstanding! We can’t have that, not at a time like this! With that diagnosis, there is only one known cure… The return of Mash-Up Mondays, of course! And what better way to celebrate than to highlight a game with some of the cheesiest theme songs ever, like Sonic CD?

Now, it’s no mystery that You Can Do Anything, the Japanese main theme to the time-travelling SEGA CD escapades of the Blue Blur, and Green Hills of Sonic 2 8-bit fame share the same melody. This shouldn’t come across as much of a surprise, seeing that both tracks share the one and only Masafumi Ogata as the composer. Many have wondered of a possible combination of the two songs, and many others have attempted at mixing the two together, but there is one arrangement that I feel stands above the others!

Put together by Hyper-Shan of the SSMB, this particular mash-up not only combines the two aforementioned tracks, as it incorporates the similar sounding Mecha Green Hill from Sonic Chaos as well into a 5 minute masterpiece! So plug in those headphones and enjoy what many consider to be the definitive version of You Can Do Anything! Sing along, now!


Don’t forget to keep sending your Mash-Up tips and creations at!

You will also be pleased to know that Mash-Up Monday is also part of the now active #SSRisBack revival campaign – assembling a new crew of DJs was only Phase One; social media presence is Phase Two! For all sorts of music updates, including latest discoveries and occasional previews of The Sonic Stadium Music Album 2013 & Knuckles, and for a roaring good time altogether, don’t delay! Follow us today at SEGASonic:Radio!

And if everything goes according to plan…

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Mash-Up Monday: Collision Chaos Light

Nice and relaxed? Headphones on? Then you’re good to go, for it’s Monday business as usual here at the Stadium – Mash-Up Monday!

KenJones3023 decided to combine the Japanese iteration of Collision Chaos Good Future, by Masafumi Ogata, with Lights by Ellie Goulding!


Kinda fitting… the lights of Collision Chaos only shone for Sonic once he was alone.

Special thanks to Hyper-Shan of the SSMB for the tip. If you want to submit a mash-up you’ve found or made yourself, feel free to send in what you’ve got over at!

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OverClocked Remix Previews TEMPORAL DUALITY: A Sonic CD ReMix Album

Fresh off their recent success with Milky Way Wishes: A Kirby Super Star Tribute, the folks at OverClocked Remix have come together for a new tribute album, and this compilation is one for the ages!

Get it? Ages? Time travel? SEGA in reverse? …aw forget it, you’re no fun.

TEMPORAL DUALITY: A Sonic CD ReMix Album is set to release at some point this year, and will feature rearrangements of both American and Japanese soundtracks by some of OCRemix’s best! Fans of either Spencer Nilson’s score, or that of Naofumi Hataya and Masafumi Ogata, have every reason to look forward to this album once it hits online servers! Familiar OCR names such as Amphibious, Rexy (who contributed some excellent sounds to our last album), DiGi Valentine, and WillRock are taking part in this, so prepare your bodies! Do so in advance by checking out the preview!


Stoked? You should be. While you’re at it, don’t forget to nab previous OCRemix Sonic tribute albums – Hedgehog Heaven (Sonic 2), Project Chaos (Sonic 3 & Knuckles), and Sound of Speed (Sonic 1)!

Special thanks to TRiPPY for the tip!

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