SSMB UPDATE: Forum Change Around, and run-up to the Final Battle!

You’ll notice that I changed the order of the forums a bit. Why has the SBS got a section to its own? You’ll find out soon enough. Also, go to the SBS now – post your stats to the run up to the final battle – read the new stat rules first for that match though!

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Sonic the Comic’s Richard Elson, Nigel Kitching and More Attending Bristol Comics Con

The UK’s flagship SEGA magazine, Sonic the Comic, might be dead and buried now, but the burning passion for the series lives on amongst fans across the country. And an upcoming comics festival will allow you to meet a large number of the STC creators in person. Continue reading Sonic the Comic’s Richard Elson, Nigel Kitching and More Attending Bristol Comics Con

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Reminder: Archie Sonic #110 is in Stores Now

Just a quick reminder that, amidst all the rush of upcoming Archie comic news, some of them are actually getting released. We first talked about Sonic #110 back in December, but this week retailers should start putting the finished issue on their store shelves. Continue reading Reminder: Archie Sonic #110 is in Stores Now

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Sega Sonic Radio is BACK ONLINE!

Well, later on today anyway. The Radio Station has taken a turn for the better – and a new site has been launched today – it really does look awesome! Continue reading Sega Sonic Radio is BACK ONLINE!

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Gamecube Network Adaptors and PSO Episode I & II Pinned for Fall Release

Looks like we’re all one step closer to enjoying Phantasy Star Online on the Gamecube, as Nintendo has today revealed its plans for the console’s network adaptors in the US. Continue reading Gamecube Network Adaptors and PSO Episode I & II Pinned for Fall Release

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Comic Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #114

Solicitations for the next Archie Sonic comic has arrived, and it looks like we’ll be taking a trip back to the present (after #113’s SatAM-inspired story) with Mammoth Mogul taking centre stage once again. This guy is so intense, he takes up two stories in this issue. Check out all the details, as well as a cover preview, after the jump. Continue reading Comic Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #114

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DiC Launches Brand New Website With Focus on Sonic Cartoons

There’s no smoke without fire, they say – and animation house DiC has curiously relaunched its official website with brand new details and info on its past Sonic the Hedgehog cartoons, adding fuel to the rumours that DVD re-releases of the shows could happen soon. Continue reading DiC Launches Brand New Website With Focus on Sonic Cartoons

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SSMB UPDATE: Alrighty then! New MODS, and dates for the FINAL BATTLE!

Right, now that a lot of recent drama has been dealt with, we return back to normality, and what matters most – KICKING EACH OTHERS’ BUTTS! Oh, and new Moderators too, you’ve been waiting for that. Continue reading SSMB UPDATE: Alrighty then! New MODS, and dates for the FINAL BATTLE!

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PSO Servers to Undergo Maintenance in May to Prep for Gamecube Version

If you’re an avid Phantasy Star Online player, you should be aware that on one particular day this month you may not be able to access the online RPG at all. It’s all in preparation for something greater, trust us… Continue reading PSO Servers to Undergo Maintenance in May to Prep for Gamecube Version

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SA2 Battle Still Leading US Gamecube Chart

We knew Sonic could run, but we didn’t know he had legs. His latest outing, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle on Nintendo’s Gamecube, continues to dominate the US Gamecube sales chart since its release back in February 2002.
Continue reading SA2 Battle Still Leading US Gamecube Chart

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TSS REVIEW: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

This game has been getting quite a reputation for itself in the States. Sure, it may only be an upped version of Sonic Adventure 2 on Dreamcast, but what really excited everyone was the fact that Sonic was appearing on a Nintendo home console… for the first time! Practically every Sonic fan in the universe has been desperate to play this title since then – even though it is just a DC port. Amazing, huh? But despite this, all the US video games mags (and even some UK Import mags), are ripping on it.

Continue reading TSS REVIEW: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

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SSMB UPDATE: Mods and Admins Re-Instated

Right, I said I was going to do this often, and now I am. To give people a fair chance, I am getting rid of the current mods and admins and re-instating new ones. The reason for this is not because the current ones are bad in any way – you were excellent. But I want this place to be of equal to all, and this is why I am doing it, so don’t whinge, OK? Continue reading SSMB UPDATE: Mods and Admins Re-Instated

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Dreadknux’s Diaries: It… May Just Work

My last entry in the Sonic Stadium logbook – I’ll be making notes in SSNG’s History Pages, with Sonic_Hedgehogs now. While making pages, a strange sensation suddenly came over me – I realised how cool this would turn out to be! I thought of all the advantages, and there weren’t many disadvantages: S_H was as cool to work with as… someone immensely cool.

Continue reading Dreadknux’s Diaries: It… May Just Work
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Nintendo Gamecube – And Sonic Adventure 2 Battle – Launch in Europe

Well, it’s about bloomin’ time! After launching in Japan in September and in North America in November, Nintendo has finally launched its latest console, Gamecube, in UK and rest of Europe today. Only took them seven months!
Continue reading Nintendo Gamecube – And Sonic Adventure 2 Battle – Launch in Europe

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PSO Features in SEGA’s E3 2002 Lineup – But No Sonic

SEGA has unveiled its E3 2002 showcase lineup, and it looks like Phantasy Star Online will get a fair bit of attention on the Sonic Team side of things. But, unless there’s a sneak announcement happening during the show, it appears that Sonic himself won’t be showing up in any form.
Continue reading PSO Features in SEGA’s E3 2002 Lineup – But No Sonic

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SSMB Update: SSMB’s New Look Complete. You like it?

It certainly looks more ‘clean’ than before, when it looked all over the place. ^_^ As you can see, I’ve shrunk the forum pictures, with an intro to the side (looks better that way), and kept the new SSMB title logo (I was going to use that specifically for the new MB, but now I thought it’d look cool at where it most deserves to be – the REAL SSMB). Continue reading SSMB Update: SSMB’s New Look Complete. You like it?

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SSMB Update: A New MB Has Been Chosen! Prepare Yourselves…

I know, I haven’t managed to get Ikonboard and Woltlab working in front of you and the YaBB seems to be the best one at working at the moment at showcase (THAT DOESN’T MEAN I’VE CHOSEN YABB!) Continue reading SSMB Update: A New MB Has Been Chosen! Prepare Yourselves…

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Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Releases EARLY in the UK!

Well, this is a nice and very confusing surprise! Sonic Team’s port of Sonic Adventure 2 for the Nintendo Gamecube was meant to release on the console’s launch day in the UK – a week from now on May 3rd. But it’s actually hit store shelves country-wide today, a week early!
Continue reading Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Releases EARLY in the UK!

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Dawn Best to Attend Pittsburgh Comic Con

Archie comic artist Dawn Best will be making her first appearance at the Pittsburgh Comic Con this coming weekend, according to the latest update from comic veteran Ken Penders. Continue reading Dawn Best to Attend Pittsburgh Comic Con

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Get Retro With This Official SEGA Saturn Backpack

The Dreamcast may be recently dead and buried (sob), but how do you go about honouring SEGA’s previous home console, the failed SEGA Saturn? Well, if you live in Japan, you can get yourself a tidy little rucksack that can hold all of your retro bits and bobs. Continue reading Get Retro With This Official SEGA Saturn Backpack

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SSMB Update: Rargh! First Nomination for Replacement Board Here!

Right, last time I spoke on this matter I was torn between three main MBs to replace SSMB (over time). The three were: YaBB, IkonBoard and Woltlab. The first of the three, the YaBB one, is now fully configured and functional. Try it out now, because this may be the board that could be the new home for you lot! Continue reading SSMB Update: Rargh! First Nomination for Replacement Board Here!

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SSMB Update: Please Guys, Just… Trust Me

Right, I want everyone in the entire Message Board to read this message, so if you know anyone who has not read this topic yet, then direct them right here. Also, keep this topic bumped for as long as possible please, because as Head of the SSMB, this message to all of you is important to everyone, newbies and oldies. Continue reading SSMB Update: Please Guys, Just… Trust Me

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SEGA Opens New North American Mobile Gaming Division

After seeing a fair bit of success in Japan, SEGA America has decided to enter the wireless market too. A new subsidiary called SEGA Mobile has been established, which will focus on creating bite-size games for cellular phones, PDAs and other such handheld devices.
Continue reading SEGA Opens New North American Mobile Gaming Division

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Fan-Created SatAM Season 3 Comic Launches Third Issue

A group of Sonic fans have started work on realising the long lost ‘third season’ of the SatAM cartoon series, by launching a comic called ‘Sea3on’. After a long hiatus after the release of Issue 2, the team behind the project has announced that its third issue is available for download.
Continue reading Fan-Created SatAM Season 3 Comic Launches Third Issue

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SSMB Update: We’re All Moving Boards Soon…

Let’s face it, Ezboard has been fun hasn’t it? We’ve had some quality chatting, some excellent battling and even some hilarious fluffing. But times change. People change… *SLAP* Ow. Ezboard is getting slower and slower by the minute (and I don’t think it’s by accident – stupid assholes want our money so bad…). I know because it even bogs down on my connection… and I have BROADBAND >_< Continue reading SSMB Update: We’re All Moving Boards Soon…

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Archie Sonic #109 Shipping This Week

It’s a good week for comics fans, because the next instalment of the Archie series is shipping from today and should hit store shelves very soon in the US. Continue reading Archie Sonic #109 Shipping This Week

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SEGA Settles Lawsuit With Nike Over NBA 2K2 Ad Campaign

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Well, in the world of advertising and marketing that saying probably doesn’t get you very far, as SEGA has decided to settle out of court with sports giant Nike after allegations of a copycat ad campaign.  Continue reading SEGA Settles Lawsuit With Nike Over NBA 2K2 Ad Campaign

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‘Sonic Billiards’ Breaks Out on Sonic Cafe Japanese Mobile Service

We wouldn’t have put Sonic down as a guy who likes the slow-paced action of the Billiards table, but everybody needs a lazy day every now and then. Sonic Billiards is the latest game to hit SEGA’s Japanese mobile phone game service, Sonic Cafe.

Continue reading ‘Sonic Billiards’ Breaks Out on Sonic Cafe Japanese Mobile Service
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PSO for Gamecube Postponed?

In news that might surprise no-one, Sonic Team has reportedly announced that the release date of Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II on Gamecube has been delayed. Continue reading PSO for Gamecube Postponed?

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Dreamcast Manages to Outsell Xbox in Japan

Microsoft might be getting a wave of interest from Western gamers with its first ever video game console, but in Japan it’s a totally different story with SEGA’s discontinued Dreamcast managing to outsell the Xbox! Crikey. Continue reading Dreamcast Manages to Outsell Xbox in Japan

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Rumour: PSO To Offer Xbox and Gamecube Cross-Play

Seems like the upcoming release of Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II is going to be much more significant than we thought, if recent rumours are to be believed. Apparently, the game will allow for cross-play between Nintendo Gamecube and Microsoft Xbox players. Continue reading Rumour: PSO To Offer Xbox and Gamecube Cross-Play

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PSO Episode I & II Will Update and Remix Original Dreamcast Content

New details on Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II – and by extension, the upcoming trial version of the game that’s coming next month – have been coming thick and fast. Some of the more interesting tidbits that have appeared relate to how content from the original Dreamcast game will be handled. Continue reading PSO Episode I & II Will Update and Remix Original Dreamcast Content

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Virtua Fighter Spinoff Announced for Gamecube

AM2 has announced at Sega’s Game Jam 2 event in Japan that a new Virtua Fighter game is in development for Gamecube. Continue reading Virtua Fighter Spinoff Announced for Gamecube

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DiC Reportedly Working on Releasing Sonic SatAM DVDs in UK

Remember when DiC announced plans to re-release the Sonic SatAM cartoon series on DVD? Well, that was for the US. But recent developments have suggested that there is an effort to finally get these DVDs out in the UK as well. Continue reading DiC Reportedly Working on Releasing Sonic SatAM DVDs in UK

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Comic Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #113

Another Sonic Archie comic preview has come in hot! And it looks like Issue #113 will hold a special place in the hearts of many SatAM fans, as Jay Oliveras and Karl Bollers dedicate an entire issue to a story inspired by the classic 1993 cartoon series. Check out all the details, as well as a cover preview, after the jump.
Continue reading Comic Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #113

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PSO Gamecube Trial Won’t Be Broadband Compatible

Sonic Team recently revealed that a trial version of Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II on Gamecube will hit Japanese store shelves in May, but if anyone was hoping for some broadband-speed Rappy-bashing next month they can forget it.
Continue reading PSO Gamecube Trial Won’t Be Broadband Compatible

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