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The UK & Ireland toy chain SMYTHS has announced that starting from February 9th, Sonic will be touring selected stores in the in order to promote Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed.
So if you fancy meeting Sonic this month and want to go to a toy shop, check out the dates and the times after the break.
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Sega have announced a new deal with toy manufacturer Sambro International. The deal allows Sambro to produce a series of new Sonic board games, travel games and jigsaw puzzles as well as ‘action games.’
What do they define as ‘action games’ you might ask? Well according to the press release, this includes Pinball, Four in a Row (Connect 4), Fire Balls, Air Hockey, Rapid Fire and Magnetic Scribblers.
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So this was a bit of a surprise, last year Pix ‘N Love released the awesome ‘The History of Sonic the Hedgehog’ book. An English translation was promised and released a few weeks ago in the US and the UK by Udon Entertainment. When asked if there would be a Collectors Edition of the book in English, Ash Paulsen (Udon Entertainment’s associate editor) said that there would be just the one standard edition.
However, last night Pix ‘N Love announced that there would be a Collectors Edition and that it’s available to order, right now! Over at the Pix ‘N Love website, they’re now taking orders for ‘The History of Sonic the Hedgehog Collectors Edition’. The price tag is £29.99 and there’s also a £6 charge for shipping.
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UPDATE: It’s been rated for Nintendo 3DS by the US ratings board the ESRB, too.
A new rating has appeared for the Game Gear title Sonic Drift 2, suggesting that the game may finally be heading overseas to the Nintendo 3DS eShop following its release last year in Japan. The racing title was rated January 8th by the Australian Classification Board, with SEGA Europe as publisher, meaning the game is likely at least heading to Australia and Europe sometime soon. Oddly, the game is listed for ‘DVD’ as the platform, but is most likely a mistake. We’ll let you know when we hear more.
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Sources close to SEGA have informed The Sonic Stadium that the publisher intends to announce/tease a new game within the Sonic the Hedgehog series next month. Sonic fans will recall that February 2nd is of course what SEGA calls ‘Hedgehog Day’, a day the company usually likes to tease fans about upcoming Sonic games. However, one of our sources states that the game won’t be announced until mid-February, while another just says we “will hear about it from official sources next month”. It’s likely SEGA could tease a reveal on Hedgehog Day and make a proper announcement later in the month. Continue reading RUMOUR: SEGA to Announce New Sonic Game Next Month?
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Sega has just announced a new licensing deal with Trademark Collections for a selection of new Sonic products. The range will include backpacks, umbrellas, school bags and even wheeled luggage featuring the blue one and his friends will be released in the UK later this year.
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Ken Pontac, known for writing Happy Tree Friends and for co-writing Sonic Colours and Sonic Generations in the Sonic fandom, has reportedly returned for an upcoming Sonic game. The report was found in a description of Pontac in the Guest of Honour list for the upcoming AOD 2013 convention at AODSF.org where he is credited for writing the script for the new Sonic in the past year among scripts for other upcoming games and animated series.
We have screencapped the report for your viewing at the top of this page in case it gets edited.
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My fellow Canadians, and to my good Australian friends… the dark days are over.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg!
I am pleased and downright tearful to announce that SEGA soundtracks have finally expanded their presence to other iTunes territories! While the US, most European nations, and Japan have gotten each digital soundtrack release as they came, many of us were forced to sit idly by as more and more OSTs just went on by and missed us. As of now, those days have finally come to an end!
Confirmed as of now for Canada and Australia, most – if not all – of SEGA’s expansive repertoire on iTunes can now be purchased! In the mood for Sonic Rush sounds? You can finally get what u need! If you think you’re dreaming (and I don’t blame you), try looking up both NiGHTS into Dreams and NiGHTS: Journey into Dreams – they’re on there! Still can’t understand this concept? Then turn your attention to the tunes of Jet Set Radio and see for yourself!
A complete list of available SEGA OSTs are up after the jump!
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Start spreading the news, he’s leaving today, he wants to be apart of it, Macy’s Macy’s!
Ahem, Every year Macy’s holds a parade through New York to mark Thanksgiving and you may recall this time last year it was announced that Sonic would be in it? If you live in the EU, Thanksgiving is a celebration involving turkey’s and shopping which is why the parade ends at a department store. That is what it is right? Anyway…
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Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed will soon be available at retail and with that in mind SEGA has started their TV advertising campaign in the US. The whole commercial feels like a brief episode of Wacky Races and SEGA is really pushing Danica Patrick’s presence, but oddly not Wreck-It-Ralph. You can view the commercial in the video above.
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Happy Halloween blue believers! Ah Halloween, I still have fond memories of wearing a homemade Dracula cape (which was amazing) walking through the cold October streets knocking on peoples doors, filling my goody bag with all manner of amazing things.
Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year (along with Christmas Day and Pancake Day) and it feels like every year more people get into it. So with that in mind, I’ve decided to take a look at my top 5 scary/Halloween related Sonic moments. Whilst some may not be strictly Halloween related, they scared me and others then, and may still scare some people now. So without further ado, hit the read more link to see my Top 5 scary/Halloween related Sonic moments.
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You might have noticed we’ve been following the movie Wreck-It Ralph with a keen interest, mainly because some blue hedgehog guy that you all seem to like is in it along with a bloke in a red suit? Think he’s called Santa Eggman or something? That and it actually looks like a pretty cool movie, but mainly, the hedgehog and the guy in the suit.
Today a new voice actor featurette was posted online which contains a lot of new clips from the movie including a few blink and you’ll miss it moments. At 1:27 you’ll just barely see Dr Eggman going for a walk with a mysterious dark figure… then at 3:23 a certain someone loses his rings. As I said, blink and you’ll miss it.
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SEGA has this evening opened a Facebook tab for all things Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on their official Sonic the Hedgehog Facebook page. It appears this will be in place of an official website for the game, as Sumo Digital confirmed a while back on the SSMB that their won’t be an official site this time. The Facebook tab has all of the features of a game website such as trailers, screenshots, features etc, but right now there isn’t anything new. We’ll keep our eyes open for any updates in the run up to launch, though.
Something we did notice is a SEGA rep answering fans questioning why Sonic is in vehicles and thought we would share it with you.
Now can we put an end to this question at long last, please? Pretty please?
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Sega have announced a new Sonic digital trading card game in partnership with Stampii. Players will be able to collect/trade/buy digital cards to complete a collection of 90 unique cards in the Sonic the Hedgehog series.
Each card comes with artwork of the character/game and the ‘back’ contains a small blurb about the character or information about the game in question. The selection is quite vast, obscure characters like Pocky and Rocky have even been given a card.
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ASRT Executive producer Steve Lycett and track designer Gareth Wilson sat down with SegaBits for a bit of a chat last week and revealed a few small details about the game. Covering a variety of topics a few pieces of new information was uncovered. Check out the details after the break.
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I am going to make your room explode with cuteness!
It’s that time of year again Blue Believers, when our wallets tremble as the stores start getting filled with all manner of new toys and products that have been teased to us all year long. So here at TSS, we’ve decided to try and review as many Sonic related products as we can to make your wallets life a bit easier, or harder if everything ends up being awesome! To start with, we’re going to look at a product which has been out for over a month, but had quite the reaction when it was announced. The Sonic X Hello Kitty plush!
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Looks like the blue blur might be in for more than just a PSA cameo.
On the Wreck-It Ralph Facebook page, a new poster for the upcoming Disney movie has been unveiled. What has caught the attention of many is the addition of a certain Sonic the Hedgehog.
Rich Moore has not only confirmed Sonic’s appearance in the film, but generously showed fans a clip of the film back at Sonic Boom, where Sonic is seen giving a public service announcement not too unlike those of the old Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon. However, the new poster, along with a recently released Japanese trailer for the movie (viewable after the jump!), seems to suggest that Sonic just might be playing a much bigger role in this theatrical love letter to retro gaming.
Wreck-It Ralph will premiere in North American theatres on November 2nd. Ralph is also a playable character in the upcoming Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.
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A new trailer has just been released for upcoming Disney film Wreck-It Ralph, the story of a videogame antagonist who gets tired of being a bad guy and attempts to redeem his ways.
For those not already in the know, the film will contain numerous cameos by famous gaming icons, including our very own Sonic the Hedgehog – who you can catch a very brief glimpse of in this trailer. Sonic’s cameo appears at around the 0:47 mark but be warned… blink and you’ll miss it!
As previously reported, Sonic will be voiced in the movie by his official voice actor Roger Craig Smith, and Wreck-It Ralph himself will be starring alongside the blue blur as a playable character in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed this holiday season.
Wreck-It Ralph is due to hit cinemas in the US on 2nd November, and will make its way across the pond for a UK release on 15th February 2013.
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While Sonic has made several TV appearances in several different cartoon incarnations ranging from good to terrible (we’ll let you decide which is which), none have been quite as intruiging as what is set to hit Japanese TV later this year.
Aoi Sekai no Chushin de (translated as “In the Centre of the Blue World”) is a manga retelling of the story of the console wars with a fantasy twist created by Anastasia Shestakova and illustrated by Crimson. While the green-light was given for the anime back in March, this information has gone mostly unnoticed on Western shores.
The story re-imagines the real-life console wars as a fantasy tale — the Segua Kingdom is locked in an age-old war with the Ninterudo Empire for dominance of the land of Consume. Segua now finds itself on the defensive, but an unlikely hero has risen in the form of Gear, a boy who brags about his breakneck speed. Gear helps turn the tide of the war.
At present it looks fairly unlikely that Aoi Sekai no Chushin ne will be officially affiliated with any of the companies the story is based around, however it will probably garner the attention of both SEGA and Nintendo fans worldwide.
See how many references you can spot to SEGA and other videogame IPs in the character designs below!
Thumbs up to Soniman on the SSMB for spotting this!
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I honestly hope you’ve all brought your brain bleach with you, because you’re going to need it. “Why?”, you may ask?
Well… let’s just say someone’s having a little bit too much fun on a site where you make babies out of two different people. Guess what chaos has ensued.
…it… wasn’t that bad…? Hey, that was actually pretty tame for a Freak-Out Friday! WHAT A RELIEF, HUH GUYS?
“But Vizard, what does Hatsune Miku have to do with this?” …well~…
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Okay, Stop me if you’ve heard this before…
So Sonic and his friends go to the Shazamazon to help two tribes fight off the Dark-Egg Legion. However, these tribes known as the Wolf Pack and the Felidae (Lead by Grand Chief Lupe and Queen Hathor) have an uneasy truce with one another and are always at the brink of…oh you HAVE heard this story before! Like, two years ago, right? Well, get ready to hear it again as Sonic comics 237 and 238 give you that always puzzling question…”Was this trip REALLY necessary?”
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Sonic the Hedgehog may be a well-known gaming character, but SEGA want his popularity to reach beyond gamers. How do they plan on doing that? With more licensing and merchandise. SEGA’s Jurgen Post, COO of Sega Europe, hopes that one day Sonic will be as iconic as Sanrio’s Hello Kitty.
“Sonic is a well-known character, but we’ve got a lot of room to grow in merchandising,” he told MCV.
“We dream of Hello Kitty. We’re still far off from that but we can see that our profits are growing year on year in the US and Europe [on merchandising].
“We’ve got a licensing team on the ground in the UK who are focusing on that and that team will expand. We’ve got a team in the US and which will also expand. We used to run it all out of Sega of Japan, but having people on the ground is making a big difference.
“We will always do the computer game but the merchandising is a very important aspect to Sonic.”
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UPDATE: It has been confirmed from SEGA’s Sonic Boom event at the San Diego Comic-Con that Roger Craig Smith will indeed be voicing Sonic in his cameo in Wreck-It Ralph.
Just when you think Disney’s upcoming animated movie Wreck-It Ralph – the tale of a videogame antagonist who grows tired of being the bad guy and sets out to change his ways – can’t get any better… it does! And this is the news you’ve all been waiting for. That’s right folks, Sonic the Hedgehog is set to hit the big screen!
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Sega and Sanrio have teamed together to bring you some new Sega products. First thing out the door is a Hello Kitty Sonic which combines their two biggest franchises into one plush. The plush will be available at Sega Joyopolis later this month. Sega has stated that the plush will be available worldwide by summer 2013. Probably in those @#$% Sega UFO catchers. You know the kind. they got the plush just dangling over the edge and even a video tutorial on how to catch it but the dang thing never drops! You end up spending $30 with no avail! All I wanted was to get my niece a pirate Domo with an eyepatch! Why must this blasted machine tempt me so?!! IT’S NOT FAI-oh. “ahem” Sorry. Sooo..yea. Looking forward to what other Sega Sanrio products they come out with.
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It seems funny to think why this has taken so long to make, Sonic is over 20 years old, yet I could name franchises not even half that age which have more printed publications like this. Why it took Sonic 20 years to catch on is anyone’s guess. But, we finally have it! An official history of Sonic the Hedgehog, published by Pix’n Love, fully authorized by Sega.
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You might remember how we’ve previously brought you news about Meccano making toys based on All Stars Racing 2 (back before we knew it’s official title)? Well Meccano have finally released a number of images based on their newly acquired Sonic license… and my oh my they look lovely.
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Update: No Sooner had we clicked the publish button on this, did SSMB member SonikkuForever discover that on Nike’s youtube page, there is a hidden Sonic game which is free to play.
Head over to this link, then at around two thirds of the way through the video, there will be an pitch advert with a shoe in the on it, click on the shoe to start “a rather polished Sonic 1 hack.”
Original Story: So over here in Europe, the Euro 2012 tournament will begin very soon, Euro 2012 is a football tournament involving most of the countries in Europe, typically it’s also a time when various sporting companies start advertising campaigns for various shoes and other football related products.
So you can imagine our surprise when one such advert pops up and Sonic happens to be in it! Video after the break.
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Last year, GamesMaster’s spin off magazine ‘GamesMaster Presents’ did a special Sonic 20th Anniversary issue, despite the high price, many who bought that magazine were amazed by the level of detail which went into it as well as well as the quality of the articles and even how the magazine had contributions from the Sonic community.
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“Champion”, from the anime series Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, is thrown together with the four introductory Sonic levels from the Genesis era for this week’s Mash-Up Monday! I have to say, the mash-up does quite well in weaving Green Hill, Emerald Hill, Angel Island, and Palmtree Panic together. They all fit quite seamlessly!
Keep in mind that, although the song involved isn’t the case, the source material is very NSFW as it contains adult themes and the like. You were warned, readers!
Ladies and gents, “Green Panty Zone”!
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Mike Pollock, the voice actor for Eggman, left a rather curious comment on YouTube yesterday, during a conversation with a one Roonco Prime regarding the old cast appearing at “anything Sonic related.” Mr Pollock said that he couldn’t speak for the rest of the cast, however, “You might be able to see me very soon, stay tuned for a major announcement.”
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UPDATE: The segment has now ended. Did you watch it? Have you seen it live before? Going to a future VGL? Let us know in the comments.
Original Story: Earlier today, Video Games Live announced that they would be broadcasting a Live stream version of tonight’s show in El Dorado Arkansas.
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Cheat Code Central got some time to speak to a few SEGA representatives at the recent PAX East event about the future of the Sonic the Hedgehog series and have today published all of the juicy details. First of all we learn that like Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 will not receive any DLC add-on content, BUT Episode 2 does not end the Sonic 4 story.
The booth reps also said that SEGA is committed to delivering more classic Sonic games in the future. While they confirmed that there would be no DLC add-ons for Episode II, they did say that Episode II does not end the Sonic 4 story. Instead, they are taking Sonic games one at a time. If Episode II does well, Episode III will come out. After that, IV, and so on until they get to the point where they are ready to develop Sonic 5 (the rep speculated this wouldn’t be until after Sonic 4: Episode IV).
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Meccano has announced that their upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog branded construction sets will be available this July and will be priced between £14.99 and £69.99. Amazon France has also added product descriptions to their listings for the items, which we have shared Google translations of after the jump.
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Follwing today’s Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2gameplay trailer, SEGA community staff member Kellie has been answering some questions from fans over at the SEGA Forums. Most interesting is Kellie’s response to a query about playable characters.
As Ranger posted, I’ve answered some of these questions for you. Tails is playable, but not in single player. When playing single player, you play as Sonic and interact with Tails to progress through the levels. When you’re playing two player, one of you will play as Sonic and the other as Tails, and work together.
Release date is Spring 2012, as noted on the trailer.
Hope that helps!
EDIT: I’m not Ken… hope that’s ok. 😉
Unfortunately, Tails can only be played in two player mode and not in single player. It appears Sonic is stuck with tails too, and can’t be played alone like in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles. It’s beginning to look like co-op play is essential to progress through the game, though why there still can’t be an option to play as Tails and the CPU play as Sonic and still progress is unclear.
How do you feel about this? Speak out in the comments section below.
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Penders and Flynn (and Bollers and Sega) could write a bad romance.
In Sonic’s long history of cartoons, comics and games, he’s had quite a few ladies. Hell, in the comics he’s had enough women to make Captain Kirk envious. However, many of these relationships did not work out so well or were just a horrible HORRIBLE idea in the first place. Sometimes, love stinks. Read on to find out who made the list. Also, when you have to us Google image search to find images of Sonic’s old GF’s for an article, PLEASE USE SAFE SEARCH!! I learned the hard way.
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The Sonic Show is back again, this time to discuss the lovely ladies of the Sonic universe.
Instead of doing the usual formula of a top 5, we decided to change things up and simply have a discussion on the subject, so enjoy as Tanner and Fuad join forces to share with each other their own personal favourite female characters from the Sonic franchise.
Do you agree with their choices? Join the discussion in the comment section.
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