Steve Lycett & Gareth Wilson Reveal New ASRT Details

ASRT Executive producer Steve Lycett and track designer Gareth Wilson sat down with SegaBits for a bit of a chat last week and revealed a few small details about the game. Covering a variety of topics a few pieces of new information was uncovered. Check out the details after the break.

  • 3DS has not been shown off due to the frame rate not being up to scratch yet.
  • 3DS version will aim to have all the content of the console versions.
  • Outruns Flagman is not back, but the comments are been heard and it’s being discussed. There is a ‘flagman’ who hasn’t been a flagman before. He’s a character who can fly/hover above the water.
  • Not every character will be revealed before the game is released. “Some characters will not be discussed until the game is shipped. There is one very cool surprise.”
  • Every All Star Move has been re-done due to the game now taking place on land, sea and air.
  • Details regarding the license stickers “You will have to earn them, some are very hard to get” 
  • The license stickers do not change the gameplay, but there are some things which do change the gameplay.
  • Multiple game modes teased. “Flying through rings, just flying the air section or the boat section. A completely different route to the normal mode. […] World tour mode, challenge mode.”
  • Several different difficulties.
  • Branching missions.
  • The single player mode will allow you to make a choice as to which missions you play.
  • 4 player split screen confirmed! “You can play the entire single player campaign in 4 player split screen if you like.”
  • Traffic attack mode confirmed. You will play against NPC cars that will try to block your path, you can use weapons to eliminate the enemy NPC’s.
  • A co-op mode was teased which allows you to pass weapons/power ups to your friends.
  • Like with the original ASR there is a battle mode, ASRT has more arenas this time.
  • Online modes have a ranking system. Battle mode, races without power-ups, capture the chao mode, party play mode, and other tweaks to the normal gameplay for online multiplayer.
  • A single user can have a 4 player split screen, then go online and race with other users.
  • Private online lobby’s confirmed.
  • All Star moves now work online.
  • Additional game modes teased for the Wii-U mode, the game pad will give that player advantages… and disadvantages, depending on the mode.
  • Wii-U has a ‘British Bulldog game play mode.’*
  • “We’ve picked music thats iconic […] it has a slight contemporary twist.”
  • “We should totally do a soundtrack CD, or at least made it downloadable”
  • “We’ve had the guys in Japan update the old analogue music and send it digitally to us.” 
  • Some of the characters do have new voices. But most will have re-used clips due to the size of the cast list.

There’s lots of other bits of information about ASRT’s development and a few other fun bits of banter, including what music you’ll find in the game. So if this has peaked your interest, be sure to download the whole interview over at SegaBits, it’s quite a good listen so I would definitely give it a download.

* For those who don’t know, British Bulldog is a popular game found in playgrounds here in the UK, it is often banned from schools as it can cause injuries. Quite often the game is played on concrete and kids tend to rugby tackle each other to the concrete floor. In some extreme cases, schools have expelled students for playing it. I myself have seen kids break arms playing the game and have even hurt myself playing it once or twice. Most games didn’t last for more than 10min as a fight would normally break out. That said though… BULLDOG WAS AMAZING!

** I have been informed that in America, Bulldog is called ‘Sharks & Minnows.’

Source: SegaBits

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    …ugh, oh well, until then I’ll being watching Sergeamt Frog…bye then….

  2. Yea thanks! I dunno if you guys would have approved of me posting the podcast here, but there’s some pretty good stuff in there.

    1. Steve stated that a lot of the modern SEGA characters mentioned in the question, which included Phantom R, will not appear in the game as games like Rhythm Thief did not even exist when they were developing the game. So I can’t see Rhythm Thief getting represented. Yakuza, maybe, or anything from mid 2011 or earlier.

  3. I bet the new character is someone along the lines of danica patrick and wreck it ralph. Someone that’s not from a game. hmm, who could it be?

  4. So that’s what British Bulldog is. Sharks and Minnows implies a swimming pool is involved, but it’s pretty much British Bulldog minus the British (and the injuries… I’ve never seen anyone get hurt playing Sharks and Minnows).

  5. hmmm juicy lolz…now here in america…games like that = LAWSUITS since the whole damn country is sue happy :-@ I grew up in the days when us kids weren’t afraid to break a bone DAMMIT! We beat the snot out of each other and we balled our eyes out and got back up and got our @$$’s handed to us again or vice versa lolz.

  6. I bet the surprise character is Mega Man. Sonic’s gonna come face-to-face with the blue bomber in Archie Comics soon, so it would make perfect sense.

    1. I imagine one guy would be the bulldog, he’d be in the middle of the arena, he’d have to fire weapons/crash into the other guys as they try to drive to the other side.

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