Welcome to the Archive site of The Sonic Stadium (2008-2023)
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For those of you who make use of the digital music service Spotify, you will be pleased to know that a gargantuan selection of Sonic Soundtracks, from Sonic CD to Sonic Runners, have been added to the vast library of songs available for streaming.
As if this wasn’t enough, you can also enjoy a selection of Crush 40 songs including their “Best of title”, the 2012 “LIVE” album and the tracks from their 2012 EP.
While Spotify does not contain a complete library of Sonic the Hedgehog songs, many fans will be pleased they can now access many of their favourite songs on the go without the need to purchase songs through other services or track down physical copies of the official soundtracks.
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Dr. Eggman. Evil super genius, Grammy award winner and Fuzzy Puppy gaming pro has taken over Sonic’s Twitter account. The menacing mustachioed mastermind hacked his way onto Twitter and into our hearts with several replies and tweets to Archie comics and Roger Craig Smith, all the way to our own Adam Tuff with a shoutout to our site! So head on over to Son-er…I mean, Dr. Eggman’s Twitter account and ask him a question. He may even leave an audio reply! All hail the great Eggman Empire!!
Hee! Hee! Eggman’s burst through the image gave Tails a mustache. How apropo.
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If you live in the UK’s capital city of London and fancy drinking to the surprise PC release of Sonic Lost World, then make sure you clear your schedule this Hallowe’en Saturday. SEGA Europe is hosting a community party in the city’s prominent gaming-themed pub, Loading Bar from 2pm.
The event will give the community a chance to see and play the game running on non-Wii U hardware for the first time before it hits Steam on November 2nd. You’ll be able to play for prizes, win goodie bags on the door (if you’re one of the first to turn up) and meet SEGA Europe’s new community manager, Dan Sheridan.
Tickets are free, but are most likely limited in number, so make sure you grab yourself one at the Eventbrite page. You’ll need to be able to get to Loading Bar (97 Stoke Newington Rd London, London N16 8BX, United Kingdom) on Saturday 31st October 2015 and be 18 years old and over (they serve alcohol there). The party starts at 14:00 and ends at 20:00.
We’re planning to make an appearance there too, so be sure to say hello to Dreadknux & Hogfather on the day too!
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Yuji Naka, the master coder that was responsible for programming the original Sonic the Hedgehog, turned 50 years old yesterday. Doesn’t time fly!?
The former SEGA developer – left the company in 2006 to start his own independent studio, Prope – received a wave of well wishes on his social media channels. Naka-san spent the week enjoying Tokyo Games Show, where he has taken pictures of Sonic and SEGA merchandise available for sale at the event.
Although he has not been associated with the Sonic franchise for quite some time, he is regarded as one of the main ‘fathers’ of the blue blur, deftly creating a game engine in the early 1990s that allowed a character to use curved environments to reward players with bursts of speed. He became a spokesperson for the franchise during his time at SEGA, eventually leading the Sonic Team division during the Dreamcast era. For Sonic’s 20th Anniversary in 2011, he attended SEGA’s Sonic Boom event as well as the fan-organised Summer of Sonic convention.
His latest game, Rodea the Sky Soldier, is seeing a release on the Wii U later this year.
“Thank you very much for all the birthday messages,” he wrote in a message to fans. “I can feel all the love and support from my fans! I decided to be even a cool man in my 50s. I’ll do my best.”
With a seemingly undying love for Ferraris, we’re pretty sure Naka-san will continue to be cool for many years to come!
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If anyone were still in any doubt, odds are there won’t be a Sonic Boom event this year, however, Sega have hinted on their Facebook page that the event may return in 2016 if this post is anything to go by.
As of yet there has been no confirmation on a possible Summer of Sonic for 2016, but at least this bit of news seems to confirm that Sega are at least open to the idea of a future event.
So anyone interested in going to another Sonic Boom event, let us know in the comments.
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Sega has been quite tight lipped on their plans for the 25th Anniversary of Sonic, whilst a logo has been leaked out of the Vegas Licensing Expo, and First 4 Figures teasing a statue for the event, very little else has been mentioned.
However we can now reveal some new details about the event. During the Vegas Licensing Expo there was a daily newsletter published which would detail news and photos from the event from various booths. Now Sega had a small section on their booth in one of the newsletters, primarilly the information was about Boom, in fact this information was later released, we even newsed it here.
However, the newsletter contains one extra detail which has since been omitted from other press material. Specifically regarding the 25th anniversary celebrations.
The article details that Sega will be planning a celebration for Sonic’s 25th anniversary, and the tiny detail comes at the end where it states the following.
SEGA is also planning to showcase the heritage of the classic “Sonic” franchise as part of its anniversary celebrations
Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean the next game is focused on Classic Sonic, it may mean that merchandise and some licensing deals with be focused on Classic Sonic, however, it does seem odd to put such a focus on the Classic Sonic brand.
To put it another way, we now have two completely different sources, Sega & First4Figures commenting on the 25th Anniversary stating that there will be a classic Sonic focus. First4Figures went as far as to say
-Classic Sonic is to be the main focus (of the statue).
Speculating, this to me strongly suggests that we might see the return of Classic Sonic in some way in the foreseeable future. Whilst I don’t want to suggest a Sonic Generations 2 like experience, it does seem very odd to be promoting the classic Sonic brand and not actually reflecting that in the primary sales asset (games).
Anyway, excited at the thought of Classic Sonic returning? Think it’s a new game? Or just a merchandise promotion. Look below you, see that? That’s a comment box, let us know your thoughts Blue Believers.
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The juggernauts of Sonic the Hedgehog soundtracks, Crush 40, are set to play the Youmacon convention in Detroit later this year. Crush 40 have recently played at the JOYPOLIS theme park in Tokyo to promote the launch of their latest album 2 Nights 2 Remember, but have not played any shows outside of Japan since 2013.
Youmacon is a celebration of Japanese pop culture, including video games, anime and music, running across three days from Friday 29th of October until Sunday 1st of November. There is currently no information as to which day Crush 40 will be performing as of publication of this article, however we will keep you up to date as more details come to light.
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Well this is really interesting, because if these results are to be believed that everything we think we know about Sonic, including Sega’s own market data is completely wrong.
YouGov recently ran a poll to see which was the top 16 favourite video-games of the British public, coming in at number 1 was Candy Crush (no surprise there),with GTA coming in at number 2. Sonic manages to get on the table at number 13.
What’s more interesting is that the YouGov poll breaks down the results into percentages, and one thing is very clear…
Sonic is more popular with the ladies.
This is, really unexpected, for the following reason, Sega still markets and promotes Sonic as a ‘boys’ franchise. Even when Boom was announced, Sega’s own marketing material had boys as being the primary demographic for Sonic with girls as a secondary. Yet this poll shows that Sonic is nearly twice as popular with women over men.
However, there is one consideration to take with this. The poll doesn’t register the views of anyone aged under 16. Which is Sonic’s primary demographic. There is this huge lie which does the round a lot, that being, Sonic sells best on Nintendo? Erm no… Sonic sells best where the kids are. Which this poll doesn’t recognise, where-ever the kids are, that’s where you’ll find Sonic’s biggest sales.
But this is really interesting, since if it really is an accurate reflection of views worldwide it changes a lot of what was considered Sonic’s primary target demographics. Lets speculate for a moment that both this poll and Sega is correct and Sonic is more popular with boys (males aged under 16), after the age of 18, Sonic’s primary gender demographic shifts over to women. This isn’t the natural assumption to make for a character like Sonic, especially since there is little active female representation within the series (generally speaking), there is much more appeal to males.
Or.. and there is no way to independently verify this, Sonic actually has more appeal to girls than boys at all ages.
The full results of the YouGov poll can be found on their website, as well as what was the better console, the MegaDrive or the Super Nintendo, and who was a better character, Mario or Sonic… I’ll let you look that one up yourself.
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But it’s true, straight from Nintendo’s website via a PDF file, Nintendo’s president Satoru Iwata, who was the successor to Hiroshi Yamauchi in 2002 (who also recently passed on back on September 19 2013), has passed away on July 11th after battling an illness involving a “bile duct growth”.
“In general, it is said that a bile duct growth can be difficult-to-treat, partly because of the difficulty of detecting it early. In my case, luckily, it was detected very early and I had no symptoms,” Iwata wrote. “I was counseled that removal at an early stage would be the desirable medical option. Therefore I had surgery last week, and I came through it well, as predicted.”
This is also shocking due to Iwata having been present at the shareholders meeting just weeks ago on June 26th. As far as I knew, there was no sign of anything severe. 🙁
As for what does this have to do with Sonic? Iwata was among other things, the one who gave the world-exclusive announcement of the 3-game exclusivity deal of Sonic back on May 17th 2013 in a Nintendo Direct, a series of presentations of which he was the creator of.
Regardless, Iwata was a huge part of leading Nintendo into their greatest successes with the Nintendo DS and later the Wii, and always had a motto of putting quality and his workers above all else. He even took a personal pay cut, twice, when things were looking down.
On behalf of Sonic Stadium, I thank you Satoru Iwata for helping make Nintendo what it is today, and helping bring so many great games to us, and may you rest in peace :'( I’m still in utter shock. 🙁
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SEGA Games CEO Haruki Satomi has admitted in an interview with Japanese magazine Famitsu that he feels the company has “betrayed” the trust of their fans with several titles released, and how the focus of the company will now shift to quality releases to “win back the customers’ trust”. Continue reading SEGA Admits Betraying Fans, Game Announcement at TGS
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Today marks 24 years since Sonic the Hedgehog was first released, to mark the occasion Sega of Japan posted something very special, roughly translated, a designer at Sonic team was tasked with “drawing Sonic,” Well not only did they draw Sonic, but they also release this rather well done animation of the process.
The animation was posted to Sega of Japan’s official Vine account, unfortunately it was uncredited so we don’t know who we should be thanking directly for this excellent piece of work.
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As someone who covers Sonic news and previews for Sonic Stadium, this has been one of the worst E3’s ever for Sonic news. Despite Sonic Boom : Fire and Ice and Mario and Sonic at the 2016 Rio Olympics coming soon, neither of them were on the show floor. The closest things to Sonic games at E3 are Freedom Planet (a preview is available for a limited time on the Nintendo E-Shop) and Rodea the Sky Soldier. A game designed by Yuji Naka and published by NIS America.
Rodea the Sky Soldier is an action platform game that heavily involves flying. You play as Rodea, a cyborg, cat-like boy who has woken up from being asleep for 1,000 years only to find the enemy he destroyed centuries ago has returned. The game play itself is very reminiscent of NiGHTS and a little bit of Sonic Adventure which I will get into momentarily. In the game, Rodea has an arsenal of different moves at his command. The main one being a targeting lock-on that let’s Rodea fly to enemies and locals. You can also hit the “B” button to fast attack targets such as large, hovering robots.
If you remember that in Sonic Adventure, Sonic can get special shoes that allow him to quickly grab a trail of rings that are in the air. That aspect is in Sky Soldier as well. You can target a line of yellow crystals and fly to them. This often acts as a trail to quickly get to the next floating island or set piece. When done properly, it gives the game a sort of speed-run feeling. You also use this targeting system to target enemies and boost to them for an attack or find a piece of island to land on before your flight meter runs out. Flying around these crystals, enemies and such gives the game a bit of a “NiGHTS” feeling while still being pretty original. However…
The Wii U controls are very difficult to get a good handle on. I tried the demo on two different occasions and during both times I found myself target the wrong spot and flying either into a wall or on the underside of an island before falling to my death fairly often. Both moving your character and targeting are on the same stick while the camera control is on the right, but you can’t use the camera controls if locked onto a target. It made it so I was having difficulty getting through even some of the earlier stages. Even after learning what does what and playing the game for over half an hour, I still couldn’t master it. Perhaps it’s the regular button/dual stick combo that is the problem. This game was originally meant as a Wii game only and I can see Wiimote/Nunchuck controls actually being a benefit as it feels like targeting would be much more effective by aiming with the Wiimote thus allowing your character to move while targeting. Sadly, I found out from the gentleman showing off the game that only the Wii version (which comes with the Wii U version of the game) has those kind of controls.
One other minor negative is that the graphics haven’t really gotten much of an HD upgrade from the Wii version. It’s definitely a higher resolution, but the low polygon count and bland textures remain. Even the CGI cutscenes are still fairly low res. The biggest highlight here is the 2-D artwork looks very high-res and sharp on the Wii U version. However, since the graphics aren’t a major upgrade, it may give me a good reason to stick with the Wii version included.
Which is a shame since this game shows a ton of potential and originality. It’s the most…”Yuji Naka” of Yuji Naka’s Prope Studio games. It feels fresh while still having feature reminiscent of NiGHTS and Sonic Adventure. However, it also feels like a game from those times as well. It’s controls are archaic and the game itself seems about ten years behind the times. Still, I’m looking forward to seeing more on Rodea the Sky Soldier and hoping the full version proves my fears wrong.
Rodea the Sky Soldier will release on Wii U (with Wii version included) and 3DS in North America on October 13th and in Europe on October 16th.
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Ever wanted to hear some classic SEGA tracks with a full orchestra?
Game Symphony Japan is being held on October 10th, and on this night it’s a SEGA-themed special event! Guests like Takashi Iizuka and Jun Senoue will be in attendance to oversee this celebration of SEGA’s legacy of music. Part one of the full program is dedicated entirely to Sonic, and the current lineup for it is listed below;
Sonic the Hedgehog: Green Hill Zone.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Chemical Plant Zone.
Sonic and Knuckles: Sky Sanctuary Zone.
Sonic Adventure: Emerald Coast Zone.
Sonic Adventure 2: City Escape and Live & Learn (both instrumental versions).
Parts 2 and 3 are full of other well-remembered SEGA icons such as Segagaga, Space Channel 5, Fantasy Zone and much more! If you happen to be in Tokyo, here’s the key informations for getting in;
October 10th 2015 (Saturday)
Doors open 15:45, show starts 16:30
Venue is Tokyo Metropolitan Arts Theatre Concert Hall.
Ticket prices: S Seat is 8500 yen, A seat is 7500 yen, B seat is 6500 yen.
Tickets go on sale June 20th.
There’s a dedicated page for the event you can visit for reference too. It’s sure to be a blast to the past (and hopefully not a blast to the ears)! Full programme below:
Act 1
Sonic the Hedgehog: Title, Green Hill Zone Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Chemical Plant Zone Sonic & Knuckles: Sky Sanctuary Zone, Title Sonic Adventure: Emerald Coast Sonic Adventure 2: City Escape, Live & Learn (Instrumental)
Act 2
SEGAGAGA: Segagaga March Space Channel 5: Mexican Flyer, Ulala’s Swinging Report Show, Spaceport: Introducing Ulala!! ニュールーマニア ポロリ青春:ハロハロナリヤンス音頭 (I don’t understand, either) Sakura Wars: 檄!帝国華撃団 Fantasy Zone: OPA-OPA! Virtua Fighter 2: Beginning, Akira, Lion, Kage Daytona USA: Let’s Go Away Virtual On Force: Conquista Ciela Feel the Magic XX/XY: Feel the Magic (Full Version) The Rub Rabbits: Heaven & Hell (Full Version) Burning Rangers: Burning Hearts
Act 3
NiGHTS Into Dreams…
Fragmented Nights
Gate of Your Dream
Paternal Horn
Gloom of The N.H.C.
Suburban Museum
The Amazing Water
Take The Snow Train
Under Construction
The Dragon Gave A Loud Scream
She Had Long Ears
Deep It Lies
E-LE-KI Sparkle
The Mantle
NiGHTS and Reala
Growing Wings
D’Force Master
Peaceful Moment
NiGHTS, Forever in Our Heart
Sowing Seeds
Dreams Dreams
Fragmented Nights: Epilogue Version
Taken by Yuji Naka (https://www.facebook.com/nakayuji/posts/1195265177167279)Taken by Yuji Naka (https://www.facebook.com/nakayuji/posts/1195265177167279)
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With the current relocation of SEGA of America’s HQ, we have in the past few days said goodbye to many long-standing employees of SoA, including Kellie Parker and Julian Mehlfeld from the Community Team.
One of the most vivid memories I have in dealing with the SEGA social team was during a trip out to Los Angeles for E3 and the very first Sonic Boom event back in 2011. What struck us was the dedication of the team whom over the course of the week seemed indefatigable, not only working tirelessly manning the gargantuan stand in the main convention centre, but who tangentially assembled another monster event down the street. I’m sure tired didn’t begin to describe their state during that week, yet I don’t think I remember a moment they didn’t all have huge beaming smiles across their faces, or were laughing at the end of the day with a well-earned beverage. Kellie has written a parting post on the SEGA blog where she has stated “we laughed hard, and we worked harder” – I can’t think of anything more appropriate to describe what I saw during my brief insight into the team’s operation.
This is but one of countless examples of what the community team were involved in, and similarly, I’m sure everyone who has had any interaction with the SoA social and community team over the past decade will agree that the hallmark has, and likely always will be, a penchant for excellence, and a drive to go far beyond the call of duty. An inordinate amount of what is has now become the face of the Sonic the Hedgehog community, both online and in real life, is in part of wholly due to the fantastic team that has been at SoA.
I’d love to be able to write down the extensive résumé of the team’s accomplishments to date, but I’d fear it would fail to be a comprehensive summary of the entirety of great things they have managed. Instead, we at TSS would like to invite you all to share the stories you might have of any memories of your interactions with the social team in the comments below.
While we sadly bid farewell to some, we welcome back others!
TSS would like to welcome back to the SoA fold Aaron Webber, who will be taking up the social media and community reins once more for our favourite hedgehog! Many of you will remember Aaron from his previous roles at SEGA, and as host of the Sonic Boom fan event from 2011 to 2014.
We wish all the community and social team members the very best in the future, and that they will always be a very special part of the Sonic the Hedgehog community.
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The Chaos-like character is named Viscount O’eyl (looking behind him, has he been playing Splatoon?), the purple cat is, well, Kat, and finally is the other Sonic-like monkey, known as none other than Wukong, named and designed after Sun Wukong, the main character in the legendary Chinese novel Journey to the West, and what’s EXTRA special, is that said novel was adapted into a very familiar property, you’re probably familiar with this name; Dragon Ball!
So we have Dragon Ball, then comes Sonic who shares a lot of similarities with characters, objects, and certain transformations, NOW we have Oshima himself giving the world his own actual adaptation of the character that was Goku’s main inspiration (notice how Goku has all of his letters in the name Wukong backwards?). Full circle much?
Major thanks to duckroll at NeoGAF for taking all of the screenshots above. 🙂
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Wait a minute, you’re not Sonic, this is impossible!
Well that looks like Sonic because those characters above were designed by Naoto Oshima, known as the original character designer of Sonic, Eggman, and others from Sonic 1, all the way to his departure from Sega to form Artoon (and its successor Arzest where he now resides) in 1999 after Sonic Adventure was released.
This is for a game called Terra Battle, which is by Mistwalker for mobile devices, created by Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of Final Fantasy. Arzest even contributed to the game earlier, credited for “Illustration and graphic design for monsters, scenery, etc”. Oshima contributed these guest character designs for a Daily Quest in the game as shown, which will start its rotation next Friday.
What I can’t help but wonder, is why these look so similar to Yuji Uekawa’s artwork, especially in the original Sonic Adventure. What do you folks think about this?
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SEGA has confirmed via a blog post that an unknown number of SEGA mobile titles will be removed from various services if they “no longer meet our standards.” The problem? SEGA won’t say which ones… odds are though that it’ll be poorly emulated titles, or those which got a poor rating or suffer from compatibility problems on modern OS systems and devices (looking at you, Sonic 4). Continue reading SEGA to Remove Mobile Games That “No Longer Meet Standards”
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Well now. As was heavily speculated not long ago, Sega have confirmed to GameInformer that they will not have their own booth, but say they will be “collaborating with our various business partners for this year’s E3 show”.
Full quote below:
“Over the next months, SEGA of America will be focusing on the restructure and relocation to Southern California, and we have decided to not attend E3 with our own booth this year,” a representative told us via email. “With the majority of our bigger titles launching later in 2015/2016, particularly those from our AAA studios Relic Entertainment, Sports Interactive and Creative Assembly, we are concentrating our efforts for some of these major announcements after our relocation. Instead, we will be collaborating with our various business partners for this year’s E3 show.”
My take? I don’t recall much with Sony other than Yakuza 5, and nothing that I can recall with Microsoft. Nintendo is the only one of the three I can see them working with, especially if Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games happens or not. Hell even GameInformer speculates about “Sonic hanging with Nintendo”. I mean we already have his amiibo outfit in Mario Kart 8 to start the year, so who knows.
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What could possibly spell bad news for Sonic the Hedgehog fans expecting a mainline Sonic title this year. SEGA has oddly not registered to show at E3 on the showfloor, and the deadline is fast approaching.
The Electronic Entertainment Expo announced their list of exhibitors who will be appearing to show off their latest titles – however, SEGA is nowhere to be found. The expo is commonly used for big announcements in the industry and giving journalists their first chance to try out some developing or announced video games.
Image from Sonic Boom’s E3 2014 booth.
With the very real possibility SEGA’s absence, it could be seen that Sonic Runners, the recently released mobile only game developed by Sonic Team, could be our only Sonic title this year. Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka has confirmed that Sonic will still be coming to home consoles, but nothing has been revealed as of yet.
What do you think of these developments? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks to Ogilvie over at SSMB for the heads up!
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The Sonic The Hedgehog hot air balloon (originally created to coincide with the launch of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in Europe, and not to be confused with the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon) could be taking to the skies again for the first time in over 15 years.
The news has been tipped to us by SonicHAB over at SSMB, who has stated that:
Sonic has undergone some cosmetic surgery and is planned to be flying at the Albuquerque International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta this October as his first free flight since 1999.
This would not only be the balloon’s first proper flight since the 90s, but also the balloon’s first appearance stateside.
The balloon itself has been around for years, and had its maiden flight way back in 1993 when it attended a hot air balloon fiesta in Switzerland, then appearing at several different gatherings all over Europe (I even got to see it fly for a few years when it visited the Bristol Balloon Fiesta a few times).
Whilst the balloon’s flight certificate expired back in 1999, the company looking after it (Irish Balloon flights) has brought the balloon out of storage several times in the past to make appearances as an attraction at numerous country shows and festivals as a non-flying balloon.
See some footage of the balloon on one of its outings here:
Also… Gotta love the registration on it… G-SEGA. Brilliant.
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I have decided to post this as a separate update because being a Sonic fansite I know the vast majority of people are instantly going to think ‘how does this affect Sonic.’ I am not one of those people since in a situation like this you have to look at the whole picture and not part of it. But for the sake of those people here you are. Continue reading Sega: Sonic Will be Reinforced to Generate Stable Profits
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
Way back in August of last year, we brought you news that Sega’s Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax would feature a Sonic themed stage. One year on I’m amazed to say that Sega are in fact now going to localise the game for western audiences!
Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax — Announcement Trailer | PS3, Vita
Announced on the Playstation youtube channel just a few moments ago. Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax is due to be released on the PS3 and Vita in the summer of this year.
Yes the Sonic stage is playable. So if you fancied this game for your collection, no need to import now. Since the impossible appears to be happening today, can we please get a trophy patch for Valkyria Chronicles now?
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The Sonic Stadium has discovered that ex-Sonic Team environment artist Hiroshi Nishiyama is now employed at SEGA Networks. Nishiyama put in 4 years at Sonic Team Japan initially working on NiGHTS into Dreams and Sonic Adventure among others before moving on to Sonic Team U.S.A for nearly 9 years. At Sonic Team U.S.A he designed environments for Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog and NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams.
Since leaving SEGA, Nishiyama has been employed with Namco Bandai Games and GREE and as of September 2014 he has now returned to SEGA at their mobile gaming division SEGA Networks. Could he be working on the recently announced Sonic Runners coming from Sonic Team and SEGA Networks?
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Chikao Ohtsuka is now the third known voice actor to play as Dr. Eggman to have passed away, after Deem Bristow (English voice from Sonic Adventure to Sonic Advance 3) and Long John Baldry (English voice in the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog TV show).
It remains to be seen who will become his successor as Eggman in the Japanese version of the series.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. Rest in Peace Chikao Ohtsuka.
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A few weeks ago we were contacted by an individual who claimed to be involved with a “Project at Sony Pictures.” After a number of emails back and forth, a skype conversation and several identity verifications, we then asked him to send us what he had… today a script arrived. Continue reading AFD 2014: Sonic the Hedgehog Film Script Leaked
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Following the recent spate of redundancies in the wake of SEGA’s re-organisation in which many casualties have included high profile employees such as SoA’s Kate Burning, it has now also been confirmed that the last remaining member of SoE’s community team, Laurie Cooper, has also now left the company.
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
Meeting your heroes is a surreal thing indeed. It’s even more surreal if it’s at an event celebrating their main character’s 20th anniversary. And to think a few weeks ago I didn’t know any of this would happen at all… Continue reading TSS Exclusive Interviews: Yuji Naka & Takashi Iizuka
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Since landing his new role as Sonic the Hedgehog’s voice actor, there has been a lot of speculation about how Roger Craig Smith will portray the character. Some people have been wondering if the unknown Sonic voice actor at Alton Towers Resort in the UK is Roger and today he has confirmed that it is indeed his voice.
SSMB member XD375 (who you may remember tipped us off about Jason Griffith not playing Sonic in Sonic Colours before a change in voice actors was officially announced) sent the below message to Roger via Facebook together with an Alton Towers Sonic voice clip –
I sent you a message before but I didn’t include the actual clip:
So, there you have it folks. Roger Craig Smith is Sonic’s Alton Towers voice actor. Some fans have felt the voice acting for Alton Towers is a bit over the top to fit the happy and excitable theme park setting. If that’s the case, we have to wonder if Roger will portray Sonic differently in the games.
Those who haven’t heard the Sonic voice clips at Alton Towers can check them out in the below YouTube video (at 01:33) from SSMB member Gnasher:
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It’s always hard to judge games like SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection in a review, because the only thing you can really gauge is the offering itself and whether the presentation offers value for money. With the Wii’s Virtual Console providing a lot of classic entertainment at varying prices each, and the Xbox Live Arcade doing the same for certain cult favourites, it seems fitting that SEGA would jump in and provide an outlet for gamers to experience all of their past titles as well. Of course, a Mega Drive Collection is nothing new; the publisher has been supporting the console on Nintendo’s hardware for the longest time, and as recent as 2006 we all saw a Mega Drive Collection released for the PlayStation 2 and PSP. Continue reading TSS REVIEW: SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection
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Rumours of Yuji Naka’s imminent departure from SEGA seemed greatly exaggerated when SEGA’s Sonic Channel (the Japanese Sonic mini site) seemed to imply it was all part of an elaborate prank, devised to convince swarms of fans into believing Naka was leaving to set up is own restaurant titled ‘Yumeshiya’.
The prank was part of SEGA’s April fool, which due to time differences had occurred a day earlier than other parts of the world which led many a western fan to believe it was true. The joke did however serve another purpose: To draw people’s attention away from the growing concern that Naka was leaving SEGA to found his own development studio, and that SEGA would own a small stake in the company. Now it seems these rumours have indeed been confirmed. Continue reading Yuji Naka leaves Sonic Team
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SEGA recently revealed that it was returning to self-publishing its games in Europe, and ever since then we’ve been waiting eagerly for that day to come. The first title to be published by SEGA Europe will be Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II in May, followed closely by Sonic Adventure DX and Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution in June.
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Yuji Naka announced at a Sonic X press conference today that two new, unannounced Sonic games will be showcased at the upcoming E3 games expo in May. With this news, and the anime about to hit Japanese TVs, Naka-san exclaimed that he sees the Sonic franchise’s main rival as not Super Mario, but Pokémon.
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No sooner has the ink dried on the deal between SEGA and Sammy to merge companies, has the House of Sonic had to issue a denial on several fronts of rumours that both Electronic Arts and Microsoft are planning a takeover.
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