More Sonic Runners Details From Famitsu


Following this morning’s Famitsu update about the proper unveiling of Sonic Runners, we have more translated details from Famitsu’s interview with Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka. News tipster Andrej has laid out all of the details in the below list.

* It’s an endless runner (duh)
* It’s Free-to-Play
* Graphics are like Sonic 4: Basically 2D, with 3D effects for added depth
* Simple controls: Sonic runs by himself, touch screen to jump/use items
* Stages can be completed in about 2 minutes
* Story is split into short scenarios spanning a couple stages each
* Some scenarios will be callbacks to the old games
* There will be 50 episodes on launch, more to come (I assume one episodes contain more than one stage, but they don’t really clarify that)
* Stages have multiple (and hidden) paths
* Sonic, Tails and Knuckles will be playable, more characters to come
* Eggman pops up during the stages and has to be driven off
* New music is being written for the game
* Color Powers make a return
* There will be “companions” or support characters; if you pre-sign up for the game (Japan only I guess) you’ll get a “special companion”
* There are leaderboards
* Events for Christmas etc. are planned

In other news, Iizuka has now revealed the above mentioned “special companion” you get for pre-signing up for the game on its website via his Facebook page. It’s the flying gold pig seen in the above promotional image for the game.

Thanks to Andrej for the translation! If you have news to share, please send it in to us at

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Release Date, Gameplay Details for Runners Revealed via Famitsu

Untitled-5In an interview with Sonic Team big boss Takashi Iizuka, Famitsu have revealed more details about the upcoming mobile only title and its possible release date.

You can catch the interview here, however unless you’re fluent in Japanese you won’t be able to get much out of it outside of a Google Translate. Though the current translation is very rough, there are some details which can be made out about the game.

  • Stages are designed to be one or two minutes long.
  • The game is a 2D action side-scroller.
  • Controls are designed to be operable with one hand.
  • It seems you will move forward automatically, and will tap the screen to jump.
  • Dr. Eggman will appear in the game as a boss.
  • There is talks of colour powers, and having a companion in the game. Wisps to return?
  • There will be new music for the game.
  • Familiar elements like rings and loop-de-loops return.

When Famitsu conducted this interview, they also managed to get their hands on the game. Though they say this was back on just January 20th and can’t actually reveal any gameplay footage, they say the game “was quite finished”. Even more surprising, Famitsu also state the game will release this month in Japan.

We will update this article when more details and/or better translations are provided.