TSS Discuss: What was your favourite part of E3?


Since we’re all quite the avid gamers here at TSS, we all watched the circus which is E3 and each of us had their favourite part, be it an announcement, surprise, reveal or bit of news on a project we’ve been anticipating. So we decided to share with you our favourite E3 moments, and likewise, feel free to post your favourite moments from this years E3 in the comments section.


Hogfather – For me, there were two moments which stood out. The first was the reveal of Bloodborne. Bloodborne is being made by the same people behind Demons Souls and Dark Souls (nope, they didn’t make DS2). This fact alone pleases me. But aside from their history, just look at the game, it looks stunning. The monster designs look scary, the premise sounds like something from an old horror legend, the way the characters move and fight with one another. It just looks like you need to be so much more aggressive, it looks like you’ll actually have to ‘fight’ in this, and by that I mean, physical, almost raw in nature.

The second moment was the new information on No Man’s Sky. Now lets get the obvious out of the way, visually, this looks stunning. But the premise sounds incredible. An entire galaxy, never ending, full of planets you can visit and explore, each with their own ecosystem, plant and animal life.

Just imagining it, an endless universe, all of it explorable, yet impossible to explore, you’ll never finish it, it’ll be forever expanding. You discover a new animal or planet, every other player in the game will know it’s your discovery should they too find it.

You’ll be able to upgrade your ship so you can explore more worlds, or take on more dangerous pirates and other enemies on your travels. Everything about this looks like a grand adventure in outer space, you are the captain, you have the con.

HOLHero of Legend – My highlights were all Nintendo. I admittedly had fairly low expectations (funny enough I was the least excited I’ve been in years) since the last few have been really poor for Nintendo. Like last year the Direct was laggy as can be, and they spoiled their key Wii U games in the January 2013 Direct, leaving only Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze as their sole new Wii U game, yikes. Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2, and X (now Xenoblade Chronicles X) were the highlights last year.

This year, holy CRAP did they hit a home run. Not only was the presentation hilarious with the Robot Chicken segments, but the sheer volume of games was easily rivaling their E3 2010 and even E3 2006 showing, that is a high bar folks.

My game of the showing would likely be Bayonetta 1, which while of course being a port, it’s one I was BEGGING for (what, did you all ignore my signature for the past 6 months? XD). I have a personal love for playing high-quality Nintendo versions of classics not on a Nintendo system prior, not so much games out at the same time that are gimped in some way. Bayonetta 1 falls into the former (as does Tales of the Abyss on 3DS, highly recommended!).

Other highlights include Yoshi’s Wooly World finally back from the dead after the only showing at the aforementioned Jan 2013 Direct. What a jump it made. So pretty. As well as Kirby and the Rainbow Curse. Never did I imagine that HAL would already be putting out a Wii U Kirby game this soon, and right after Kirby Triple Deluxe on 3DS. They’ve come a LONG way after the long hiatus between Kirby Adventure GCN’s cancellation and Kirby’s Return to Dreamland on Wii.

Disappointed in X being simply Xenoblade, and it’s not even an actual sequel but a spiritual successor. The hell is the point? Also they said way back the game they were making was a new IP. O_o

Should mention that I got to see Sony’s conference in the theater. And honestly I don’t see myself doing it again, felt kinda awkward only just having a Vita and only getting really started in the Sony camp. Sony certainly didn’t give much time to the Vita at all.

Saw a tad of Microsoft’s online but left it due to disinterest. The whole Conker thing is something else. I was actually humored at his “comeback” explaining the trademark renewal, but OH did fans get pissed and I see why, wow (and I love Rare, and dearly miss their Nintendo partnership *sniff*, I’m so getting The Unlikely Legend of Rusty Pup by Conker’s creator by the way for Wii U eShop). Was also kinda half surprised and half not of Kamiya’s Scalebound. That Crazy Buttocks guy on GAF hit the nail on the head last year with that rumor. Was disappointed that he wasn’t on another Wii U game, but eh, can’t be sad with all this Bayonetta goodness and The Wonderful 101 to play now can’t it? 😉

And that’s it for me! 😀

tumblr_mwyetcY3Ck1sxudx7o1_500 JonoD – For me, I found that E3 this year was very much a fleeting kind of affair. There really wasn’t anything this year that had me screaming at the computer screen with excitement.

Whilst I didn’t catch all of the press conference presentations, what I saw of the ones I did manage to catch seemed like the standard affair to me. EA’s conference was loaded with sports and guns… meh. Microsoft had a lot of stuff to cater for a good proportion of the mainstream gamer demographic (and Sunset Overdrive looks freaking awesome), but Sony’s conference had the most of interest for me. There was plenty there to satisfy my more ‘out there’ gaming tastes with titles such as Abzu, LittleBigPlanet 3, Entwined and… The Ratchet and Clank movie. Yep, the Ratchet and Clank Movie.

The movie looks to be an interesting retelling of the Ratchet and Clank story from a different approach, and whilst we haven’t seen much, I’m looking forward to catching this thing in theatres (assuming it makes it as far as ye olde England). The other bombshell they dropped? Original Ratchet and Clank remake… on PS4. The moment I see that, the PS4 system: Sold to me.

Another game I’m looking forward to: Mortal Kombat X. Awful teaser trailer song be damned, seeing the actual game in action was a great laugh, and has me looking forward to severing limbs left, right and center. The kombat (heh) looks to be much improved over last time, as is the game’s overall presentation (the X-Ray moves look a LOT more natural and painful!), and I’m looking forward to seeing what story route the game is going to take. Will have to wait and see there!

It’s funny… Why is it that the games I’m looking forward to most, are the ones I’ve pretty much already played years ago?

vizardjeffhog_iconVizardJeffhog – If there’s one part of E3 that I have thoroughly enjoyed, that had me on the edge of my seat even before the show began just from the sheer amount of hype it potentially generated… it has got to be, hands down, Nintendo’s main E3 presentation through their Digital Event. Heck, what else would a Nintendo fanboy fawn over at this time of year? It was glorious, goofy fun all around, not to mention that it trumped over the other conferences by showing a necessary and gratuitous amount of, well, gameplay instead of relying on prerendered material for the most part, so how could I not highlight this?

Not to say that Microsoft and Sony had nothing to show, don’t get me wrong! Personal highlights on those ends would be the insanely bright and colourful Sunset Overdrive, seeming to be well on its way since its premiere at E3 2013 and downright insane in its execution, and the Ratchet & Clank remasters, seeing as I’ve always been meaning to get into the series but have yet to obtain a Playstation console. On the EA side of things, Mirror’s Edge 2 looks pretty fantastic, and I hope to get my hands on that particular gem in the near future, once I’ve gotten ahold of a PS4 that is! What about Ubisoft though?

But Nintendo. Oh my god, everything I’ve ever could have wanted and then some got showcased, the Robot Chicken skits aside, hilarious as they were. Wanted to star in Super Smash Bros yourself? Now you can! Needed a quality Yoshi experience to make up for New Island on the 3DS? Woolly World has everything! Enjoyed the Captain Toad levels from Super Mario 3D World? Here’s an entire game based around it! Looked forward to Bayonetta 2 but never had the chance to play the first? Bam, here’s both games in one! Kirby: Canvas Curse sequel? Missed Midna of Twilight Princess fame? Open-world Zelda? Make your own Super Mario levels? WhaBAM on all counts!

What really stood out for me, however, was the unorthodox reveal that is Splatoon, Nintendo’s own take on the shooter genre. What makes it unique? Squid-girls blasting coloured ink everywhere for territorial domination, transforming into squids to either swim through ink at high speeds or use as camouflage, and going head-to-head in 4 vs 4 online brawls with these elements in mind! I’m looking forward to see how this IP will evolve over the next few years, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it come 2015!

On a final note, I’ve also had the chance to try out Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U at a local Best Buy for Smash Fest (it’s the same build as E3’s own, so it counts!), and it plays exactly as you would have dreamed. It’s frantic, it’s fast-paced, and it’s chaotic good fun, just as it should be, this time leaning more on the side of Melee than it did Brawl. The game plays fine and dandy with the Nintendo 3DS’s control scheme, and I had a great time breezing and powering up Sonic through Smash Run, the mode inspired by Kirby Air Ride‘s City Trial mode, and wailing on computer players in Gold form within the New Super Mario Bros. 2 inspired level. I also had a run-in with a familiar Sky Sanctuary-native robot within Smash Run, so keep your eyes peeled for these guys once you get ahold of this game!

This did not come without the announcement of a delay from a slated summer release to October 3rd for the 3DS version, but hey, it makes for a better quality product in the end. Besides, the reveal of Mii Fighters, Lady Palutena from Kid Icarus, and Smash co-developer Namco’s own Pac-Man as playable characters all in a single day makes the wait more than worth it… as though everything else about the game doesn’t make it obvious enough!

doctormkDoctor MK – As I’m not a big Sony or Microsoft follower, E3 for me was (as always) all about Nintendo – and I am pleased to say they did not disappoint! While they’ve had some disappointing performances in recent years, 2014 truly was the year that they got things right. There was a lot of debate about whether holding another digital presentation was a good idea, but the Digital Event really proved how to pull it off with aplomb – from the self-deprecating humour of the Robot Chicken sketches to the Reggie v Iwata fist fight, this was all stuff you simply could not have done live on stage.

The real highlight of Nintendo’s E3 approach though has to be the Treehouse Live – almost constant round the clock three day coverage of all their big new games kept interest in Nintendo’s reveals alive long after the excitement for Sony and Microsoft died down. And what games they are! Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS continues to impress (the Palutena reveal making me far happier than it should… perhaps even more so than Pac-Man!) and Yoshi’s Woolly World, the re-woven Yarn Yoshi, looks simply sublime. Classic Yoshi gameplay with that adorable art style and some creative new ideas? Count me in!

In terms of surprises, Captain Toad’s Treasure Tracker was a game that seemed so obvious in concept that it might never have been made, and though we were all expecting our first look at the new Legend of Zelda… actually seeing it, just wowzers. Stunning visuals, a bold new approach, and open world gameplay will all make up Link’s upcoming adventure on the Wii U. But it was arguably the squid-tastic shooter Splatoon that remains my firm favourite – which is funny really, because I glanced over it a bit during the Digital Event. But having seen more of it via the Treehouse Live, it looks like one heck of a blast, and a much needed shot in the arm for Nintendo’s online multiplayer community. This is definitely one to watch! 2015, hurry up and get here already!

d039243d0917679ed9762e415af2f9e8Brad – First of all, I wanna say that each of the big three did a great job this year. A huge improvement on the previous few conferences gone by even with the high and lows they all shared, most notable being Microsoft who really surprised me with a really enjoyable hour. Because of that, I wanna give a highlight from each of their conferences.

From Microsoft, the entire trailer for Sunset Overdrive made me chuckle and super envious of all the Xbone users out there, because man does that look fun. It has a a bright, comic charm to it that’s undeniably infectious, and the gameplay itself outside of the gunplay looks extremely fun. Also, special shout out to “Super Ultra Dead Rising 3 Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX Plus Alpha” for making me laugh (again) like a total idiot, and premiering Rise of the Tomb Raider which I can’t wait to see much more from, even if it’s not an exclusive. Great stuff.

Sony had quite a few strong points. No Man’s Sky finally captured my interest, Uncharted 4 looks visually stunning, and there’s new games coming from the developers of Limbo and Journey, two excellent indie titles. But honestly my favourite moment goes to the announcement of LittleBigPlanet 3, and the pure surprise of it. Reps get on stage, and say “hi, we’re here to show off LBP3” like it’s nothing and the crowd reacted fantastically. Looking at the new cast of characters and the increased creativity options available (and, developed by Sumo Digital!), LBP3 is shaping up to be a great game for this year. Also, I really can’t not mention Arkham Knight. If it wasn’t delayed to next year, it would have pushed me to make it my favourite. Because goddamn, it looked absolutely incredible.

Finally, Nintendo. They had a really enjoyable conference this year with Robot Chicken segments that were tongue-in-cheek laughing at themselves plus fans/critics, and the epically memorable Reggie versus Iwata showdown was super fun to watch play out. However, my favourite moment is almost certainly a tie between the new Legend of Zelda game announcement, and the first true trailer for the upcoming Pokemon generation three remakes for 3DS. I’d say Zelda takes the cake here just for the presentation itself, as Aonuma simply clicked his fingers and suddenly this gorgeous, vast and sprawling huge world appeared behind him, while he explained you could travel to all the areas you could see before you. After a short chase sequence done completely on the in-game engine, I was so excited and happy that I was squealing.

Oh, and let’s not forget the wonderful and beautiful Aisha Tyler, the presenter of the Ubisoft conference for the third year. She’s an absolute star and I hope to see her in the future. It’s been a pretty great E3 2014! Even if most of the games are coming out next year, hehe.

jbJason Berry – I’m with Hero on this one. Nintendo really knocked it out of the park this year. Between the recent launch of Mario Kart 8, the huge Smash Bros tournament at Best Buys, cool original IPs like Splatoon (Which was incredibly fun to play) and a brand new, open world Zelda, things are finally starting to look up. Surprisingly, I was also impressed with X-Box One’s lineup. Especially Sunset Overdrive which is giving me Dreamcast vibes with it’s “Jet Set Radio meets Ratchet and Clank” style of game play, Ori: The Blind Forest was full of feels, playing Halo in 1080P/60FPS is a must and Scalebound from the director of Bayonetta! Sadly, Playstation failed to impress me for the first time in years. I’m sure I’ll love LittleBigPlanet 3, but no other exclusives got me excited.

nucklesisannoyedNuckles87 – E3 was full of nice, small surprises this year. In terms of how much they interested me, this was probably the best year since 2010. Bayonetta 2’s new demo kicked all kinds of ass, of course. As a fan of point and click adventure games I’m excited for the re-release of Grim Fandango, which will be getting a port to Playstation platforms later this year and finally give me a chance to play it. Though I didn’t get to play it since I left my PS4 on the other side of the country, Entwined was a really cool new game to see, and between that and Abzu it looks like Sony is going to continue to amazing by supporting and providing some of the most artistic and creative content in the industry.

On the Nintendo end of things, I am glad they gave us a brief glimpse of next gen Zelda and made it clear that the game game in the franchise was going to be sprawling and wide open. Smash Bros continues to be one of my most anticipated games this year, especially now that Miis and Pac-man are coming. Star Fox, Splatoon and Giant Robot were all welcomed surprises, but my favorite was easily the announcement that Wii U owners will not only be getting an enhanced port of the original Bayonetta, but they will be getting it for free with Bayonetta 2.

As a huge Halo fan, the announcement of the Master Chief Collection was easily my highlight of their conference. Not only are we getting four awesome Halo games in one package, not only are we getting every single multiplayer map, not only will all of these games feature enhanced resolution, but Halo 2 will also be getting the full anniversary treatment, with remade Xbox One graphics! On top of that, they are bringing over the entire multiplayer experience completely untouched, something I’ve been wanting to re-experience ever since the servers for the Xbox version went off line back in 2010.

I really dug this E3. Though this year wasn’t exactly filled with huge announcements, there were more than enough small ones to make me happy. Jason and I also got to hang out with Sven for a bit after the show ended!


So you might be wondering, ‘hey, didn’t any of you like Sonic Boom?’ well funny you should ask that, we’ll be discussing Sonic Boom (all aspects of it) in a future update.

P.S. This moment was also rather wonderful.


He can make people bow on demand, he’s that powerful.

So agree/disagree with anything mentioned here? Did something else catch your eye? Let us know in the comments.

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Metal Sonic is in Sonic Boom!

So yesterday, Sega released trailers for both the 3DS & Wii U versions of Sonic Boom. However hidden away in one of the trailers is a character yet to be confirmed, and it’s Metal Sonic.


At around 0:34 seconds, Sonic blasts through a wall and theres a transition to another part of the gameplay. At this moment, for a split second you can clearly see Metal Sonic jumping on a spring pad as Sonic blasts through another wall.

See these screens for the exact moment. metalsonicboom metalsonicboom2

So, random cameo? Or is Metal Sonic going to play a major part in Sonic Boom? No official word yet from Sega, but take a look in the trailer and you can clearly see he’s right there.

Thanks to TSS commentator Neo Metal Sonic (how appropriate is that username?) for bringing this to my attention.

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UPDATE: Official Sonic Website Hints at a Sonic Movie

UPDATE: Confirmed! Sonic movie is happening!

So the official website for Sonic the Hedgehog recently updated (most likely to fall in line with the new E3 Sonic Boom news). However, eagled eyed SSMB member Blue Blood spotted a rather curious addition to it.


In the top tabs, you can clearly see a tab for TV & ‘Movies.’ And yes this is still live at the time of posting, though the page itself is not 

Now this could just be a play on words, or it might even be a few episodes of Boom spliced together to make a larger story. Though when it follows several big hints that a movie is in the works, this is likely to only add fuel to that.

Comments again you my friends.

Thanks to Blue Blood for the tip.

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Sonic Boom E3 TV Trailer & New Character revealed


So we had the games.. but something was missing… ah here we go! Sega have decided to make public a TV Trailer for Sonic Boom the TV show. And it’s incredible. The trailer shows a number of episodes and some rather comical lines of dialogue, animation looks really high quality and episode variety seems varied.

In addition to this, an image appeared on Sega’s Facebook page which also seems to show a clip from the show including what looks like a new character.


What do you think? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Sega’s YouTube & Facebook

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Robotnik’s Theme, Trombone Edition

For years, fans have wondered “OH GOD! What does Robotnik’s theme sound like when played on a Trombone!?” Well you can wonder no longer.


Next year… if I have won the lottery, I intend to hire this young gentleman, to come to Summer of Sonic, and follow Svend around, to play this theme… all day long.

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Sonic Boom Toys Launching in August?

ToyWiz have just opened pre-orders for some of the Sonic Boom toys. Whilst this isn’t as varied as the number of toys we saw from Toy Fair earlier this year, odds are this is the first of many which may come in the next few weeks.

Details of the initial toys are as follows,



The first toy is a burnbot playset which seems to include Burnbot and something which will launch that Sonic… you’ll probably have a better idea as to how it will look like when you see the next image.


The next toy is called the ‘Sonic Boom launcher.’ So it looks like the burnbot playset may also include a launcher, and it also seems that Egg-O-Matic Eggman is also on his way.

The third toy has no image, but it is described as a ‘Plane Launcher’ to me this suggests that we may also get a Tornado plane vehicle too.

The price is $28 each , however more interestingly is the release date of August 2014, however this is more than likely a placeholder and not the final date.

Source: ToyWiz

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Sticks the Badger Announced

I know what this fanbase needs! More crazy!


Following on from the character leak a few weeks ago, Sticks the Badger (Jungle Badger) has finally been officially confirmed. Yup that’s right people, it’s not Marine, though it didn’t look anything like her to begin with.

Sticks is described as having lived most of her life alone in the wilderness, and unlike Knuckles who found solace in his years guarding the master emerald, Sticks has gone barking mad. sticksthebadger

“You can doubt me, but I’ll protect you anyway! Because I’m a good friend! And because it distracts me from the Government agents who are replacing my plants with violins!”

She is voiced by Nikka Futterman, and Sticks is apparently finds a best friend with Amy, she’s also described as being fiercely loyal and will do anything to protect them. Sticks is also described by sega as being a predominant character across both all aspects of the Sonic Boom franchise.


Source: Sega

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A Statement from the Summer of Sonic Team


It’s no secret that many people have been anticipating news of the next Summer of Sonic event. Well, a short while ago, The Summer of Sonic Organisers/Team have issued a statement regarding this years event.

Their statement is as follows.

Every year, The Summer of Sonic team dreams of new ways to excite and inspire like-minded Sonic the Hedgehog fans, with large-scale conventions that aim to bring people together under a common theme.

Due to the nature of how the annual event is organised, each Summer of Sonic event hinges on the availability of key team players, as they help build the show in their spare time – alongside SEGA personnel who also must work around their daily duties.

With this in mind, it is after a lot of consideration that we have decided to put Summer of Sonic on hiatus for 2014. During this hiatus, we will take stock of the things we have accomplished with SEGA and then decide when we will be able to return for another round of Sonic excitement.

The team would like to express our sincere thanks for the continued support of our fellow Sonic fans, as well as our apologies for any disappointment this news may cause.

Since its début in 2008, the Summer of Sonic has been a truly pioneering event, entertaining thousands of fellow Sonic the Hedgehog fans from all corners of the world with the mantra of providing a convention by the fans, for the fans.

Its creation also marks a significant milestone in the video games industry – these past six years this small team of adoring fans have enjoyed an extremely close working partnership with the company responsible for the products and characters they grew up with and love. This close interaction between brand and community is unprecedented to this day, and shows SEGA as a company ahead of the curve when it comes to fan engagement.

As such, the team would like to thank SEGA and the Sonic Team for its support for the convention – both past, present and future.

Source: Summer of Sonic Website.

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Games We’ve Been Playing Recently: Episode 2: Spectrum’s Are Go!


Well it’s been a while since the last one, so welcome to an instalment of Games We’ve Been Playing Recently.

This is where we comment on a particular game that we’ve been playing recently, be it bad, good, or just a bit ‘meh?’ Not going to be full reviews, but just might give you an idea as to if it’s a game you might like.

So lets get on with it shall we?


Payday 2 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC): For lack of a better description, Payday 2 is a single player/co-op heist simulator. And it’s amazing. You play as one of 4 expert bank robbers who are contracted to pull off daring and elaborate heists, rob the bank? Raid the jewellery store? Sneak into the museum and steal art? infiltrate a laboratory and steal a prototype jet engine? It’s all here!

Payday 2 is one hell of a game, if you have a group of friends with mics it’s one of the most rewarding co-op experiences, if you’re a fan of games like Left 4 Dead, you will love this.

Also, each time you replay, things change, the patrols of guards, locations of the goods, the type of goods (is it money or gold day at the bank)? The level up system is very engaging and it allows for instant re-specing of abilities without losing progress/money. Payday 2’s intensity comes from the fact that the longer the heist goes on for, the greater the reward and greater the threat from the police.

You and your friends will be yelling “BULLDOZER!” as you see the juganaught of policemen charging at you with a shotgun.

I strongly recommend you pick up and try this game, though it is played best with friends and mics, however I can’t deny how epic it feels to do a heist solo without being detected by security.

tumblr_mwyetcY3Ck1sxudx7o1_500The Amazing Spider-Man: Ultimate Edition (Wii U): after the recent release of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 at the movies, my love for Spidey re-kindled and I decided to go back and try and pick up the game based on the first movie, hearing it wasn’t too bad and knowing it would go cheap now.

Honestly, the game wasn’t anything special for me. The open world was nice, but noticeable pop-in, dead looking streets and blocky buildings just bored me. The swinging was okay but felt floaty and weightless and it was difficult to be precise. Web rush helped that, but the concept itself felt a little broken and took away my need to wall crawl or navigate – just push web rush, and it’s done! The combat was ripped straight from the Arkham games, which isn’t bad in itself but it felt less flowing and refined, plus at times it was difficult to know when to dodge.

On top of all this, the story was a bit of a bore with some mediocre character models and voice acting that didn’t sound all that great. Spidey’s voice here just doesn’t fit for me and he obnoxiously yells the same yells and phrases over and over when swinging and fighting which only deepens that. If you can pick it up cheap it could be worth a play for Spidey fans, but if you can get Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions cheaper, that’s probably a better option, fan or casual.

doctormkSuper Mario 3D World (Wii U): What’s this? A staff writer for a Sonic fansite playing a Mario game… for FUN?! Blasphemy! I guess I’d better make my way to the bunker if I want to escape the inevitable angry mob hunting me down with their torches and pitchforks…! But really, on a more serious note, I’ve always been a huge fan of the Super Mario series, and this latest entry on the Wii U is undoubtedly one of the plumber’s finest. I beat the majority of what it has to offer last year upon its release but have only recently gone back to play through it all over again to get 100% completion – which essentially meant playing through the entire thing several more times with each of the unique characters on offer.

You’d think having to replay the same handful of stages time after time would grow tiresome, but no – Nintendo’s pulled out all the stops here to make sure 3D World consists of only the most creative Mario level designs, with plenty of ingenious moments as well as punishing platforming challenges. Those last couple of levels really pushed me to my limits… but I managed it in the end, and I feel all the more proud of my achievement as a result!

And let’s not forget just how impressive the game’s presentation is – gorgeous visuals, vibrant designs, and one of the best soundtracks my ears have ever had the pleasure of hearing (and one I now listen to on constant repeat, thanks to Club Nintendo!). It’s a game that’s a sheer joy to play through, be it for the first, second, third, fourth, or even fifth time! Wahoo!

tumblr_mwyetcY3Ck1sxudx7o1_500 The Pinball Arcade (Playstation 3): If you were to ask me what my absolute favorite game in the arcades was when growing up, it would undoubtedly be pinball. The game has mesmerised me for many, many years. So it’s probably without surprise that The Pinball Arcade is probably the game that I have open the most whenever I’m not tearing through Sonic stages.

The game essentially is one massive collection of pinball tables from all the great pinball manufacturers of the day. Bally, Stern, Gottlieb and Williams are all accounted for in this collection, which aims on recreating their games down to the smallest of details, all the way down to perfect ROM emulation of each table’s solid state data. With Farsight Technologies (the devs behind the game) continually releasing new table packs for the game, there’s more than enough pinball to go around for everyone.

Most recently, The PS3 version of The Pinball Arcade received the long-awaited ‘Mega-Patch’. With this update, all the tables look a lot prettier, the physics have been tidied up and a lot of the tables play a helluva lot better than they used to. I implore ANYONE who’s gotten the smallest bit of enjoyment from a round of pinball to at least try this game. It made me fall in love with the silver ball all over again, and for someone who already loved the game to begin with, is saying an awful lot.

Now… let’s work on beating that 1.6 billion high score on Terminator 2 I set late last week…

vizardjeffhog_iconKirby: Triple Deluxe (Nintendo 3DS): It’s more than you think, it’s got maximum pink! Following on from its January release in Japan, the latest efforts from Nintendo subsidiary HAL Laboratory has finally begun to grace the West, and I was more than eager to get my hands on this game the moment May 2nd swung by. The game’s eponymous hero wakes up one morning, only to find that his home had been transported way above the clouds! What darkness lurks within the pristine sky kingdom of Floralia? What does that manipulating magician, Taranza, hope to accomplish by kidnapping Dream Land’s own King Dedede? What adorable little hats will Kirby don through his unique copy ability this time around!? WAS THIS GAME WORTH THE WAIT?

Triple Deluxe is a spring breeze of a game (and hey, there’s no wrong in easy so long as it’s quality!), although those who seek greater challenges might want to look elsewhere, lest they are willing to take on the significantly greater challenges the post-game has in store. Nonetheless, the latest Kirby is simple, cute, and quality fun with a ton of things to keep you busy! If Story Mode isn’t enough to suit your fancy, there’s also the rhythm game madness that is Dedede Drum Rush, and the Smash Bros.-inspired Kirby Fighters!

Gameplay-wise, it’s about the exact same as Return to Dream Land on the Wii, so those who loved the former definitely oughta get a kick out of this — easy to pick up controls paired with a wide arsenal of powers to spice up your own playthrough (like the all new Beetle and Archer abilities!). Hypernova Kirby is another pretty satisfying ability to unleash, where the Star Warrior’s already voracious appetite gets amplified to environmentally unfriendly degrees.

Topped off with yet another gorgeous soundtrack put together by Jun Ishikawa and Hirokazu Ando (if there’s anything I play more than a game, it’s that game’s OST), an Extra Mode fit for a king among other fun distractions, collectable and Streetpass-able keychains based off of the franchise’s history, and a wonderfully woven world to explore as thoroughly as possible, Kirby: Triple Deluxe is a complete and utter joy of a game. To folks who aren’t put off by easy vidya, who’ve been fans of the series for a while, or who’ve been waiting for an entry point into another of Nintendo’s biggest names, this is a must-have for your 3DS library!


Fur Fighters: Viggo’s Revenge (Playstation 2): Going way back in my gaming collection for this one. An updated port of the Dreamcast game simply called Fur Fighters, I bought this from the local Comet store in 2002 (when it had a small video game section) for £10. And it was a tenner well spent for me.

The gameplay is pretty unique, and I don’t think there’s another game with quite the genre mash-up. Primarily it’s a third person shooter, but it also has platformer and puzzle game elements thrown in there so acing the game isn’t done through brute force alone. Part of this involves switching between six characters to rescue babies using their individual skills. You have Roofus who can dig in holes (basically a teleport), Juliette who can climb scratched walls, Bungalow who can jump higher, Chang who can fit into small gaps, Rico who can swim underwater, and Tweek who can glide ala Spyro (and is my favourite of the bunch). Depending on your skill level, the control configuration can be altered to your preference, with advanced being the default (I am not an advanced shooter player so I go with beginner 1).

But what makes this game stick with me so fondly isn’t simply that it plays good, it’s how lovingly crafted every other detail in this game is. Each world is strongly stylised and fun to explore, packed with memorable set pieces and references (some of which add otherwise unsaid traits to your own characters). The main cast are strongly characterised and quickly endear themselves to you, which makes their plight of rescuing their children and mutated spouses (mother in one case) resonate that much more. Even the minor cast get some funny lines in. Each world only has one music track in it, but the music team made it work by having six versions of that one track so that it ends up dynamic and different when you’re busy switching between characters (for example, Roofus’ version of New Quack City and Juliette’s version of New Quack City have numerous differences in instrumentation and melody).

All this combined makes for a game I love to come back and play to completion. It’s pretty hard to find nowadays, but it should at least be cheap. Viggo’s Revenge, compared to the original, has an extra level, slightly different collectible locations, cel-shaded graphics and and full voice work (and honestly, it’s funny to hear Roofus deliver serious rousing speeches with a thick Scottish accent). Still a strange one!


Dust: An Elysian Tail (Windows/Mac/Linux/XBLA): This is a game with a development time of four years, with the visual design and coding done by one person. You start out without any memory responding to a talking sword and aided by a winged furry… thing, and begin your epic quest through the beautiful landscape, setting all right with the world. The developer behind the the game spent four years coding and doing the art for this game by himself, and when you start it up, you know that is time well spent. The art is extremely beautiful, the characters are well-designed, and the controls flow well whether you use a keyboard and mouse or a game pad. At under $15, it’s a great game and has good replay value, so get it already.

So what games have you been playing recently? Any recommendations, let us know in the comments.

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New Video Shows New Raccoon Character for Sonic Boom?


So earlier this week, we reported on a mysterious image which showed what appear to be a Raccoon character in a Sonic Boom poster. Shortly after this a series of other Sonic Boom posters appeared which appeared to show new Sonic Boom assets besides various Star Wars characters.

Well today a YouTube user has posted a video of the poster claiming “It’s my poster.” The image is perfectly clear (although a very low resolution), and shows the mystery character in full.

Here’s the million dollar question, is it a fan creation? The YouTube user doesn’t say, other than ‘it’s my poster.’ Meaning either the characters are recreations or someone has access to unreleased Sega assets and made the poster using it.

Judging from the quality of the renders, it certainly looks official, but given the talent of some artists these days I wouldn’t put it past a fan to create something like this.

Though regardless, the likely hood of this character being Marine is becoming less and less likely… for starters, her tail is gone, well at least compared to how it used to look.

Source: Jay Stroud YouTube

P.S. if you haven’t seen all the images found so far… here you go….

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License! Global: New Sonic Mobile Apps Coming 2014



In the latest issue of License! Global, there is a small section on Sonic Boom’s appearance at the Vegas Licensing Expo later this year. In the paragraph they mention the following.

“New video games for the Wii U system and the Nintendo 3DS handheld system, and a new mobile app games

Now this might mean previous mobile apps such as Jump or Dash, however it’s odd that they didn’t just name those, also the fact they call them ‘new’ since they’ve been out for a long time.

So want more Sonic mobile apps, let us know in the comments.

Source: Global! License

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Update: Marine The Raccoon is in Sonic Boom!?

Update: Despite the resemblance, a lot of people have noticed a number of differences between this character and Marine suggesting it’s not her, but a different character. Even Mike Pollock has hinted that it’s not Marine.


Sonicboom marine

I fully admit, this could be a hoax and if it is… you got me. But if it is, goodness, It’s one hell of a good one.

This image appeared on twitter a short while ago, but there was no confirmed source as to how it was obtained. However the significant inclusion appears to confirm what many suspected was the case when this image was posted in a behind the scenes article a few months ago.

Looks like Marine is back and might have a dominant role in the next game.

Keep checking TSS for more updates when we get them.

Source: Tom Skeys

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Sonic 2 Remastered: Proto Palace Zone Discovered

In the last few days, a number of discoveries have been made regarding the Sonic 2 Remastered Edition.


The first is a fully working Egg Gauntlet Zone, it is effectively a boss attack mode. However it was cut from the final game, whilst some of the assets from the stage remained in the game, it wasn’t possible to access without modifying the game. Furthermore, as Taxman explains, due to a recent game update, the stage assets have been cut, even through modding it’s no longer possible to access.

But… there is one other very interesting discovery and revelation. Sonic 2 remastered has a hidden stage which is accessible in the current release via a cheat code.

For younger readers. Cheat codes are what we used before DLC was invented.

The new stage is called ‘Proto Palace Zone’ and whilst you may think ‘it’s Hidden Palace’ it’s actually different. It’s based on the original prototype stage which was on show at that toy event way back in the 1990’s.


And here is how you access it.

Step 1: Access the Sonic 2 level select code. (Tap the letters in the SEGA logo from left to right, then put two fingers on the title screen).

Step 2: Enter the debug code 01,09,09,02,01,01,02,04

Step 3: Enter this code 03,03,03,0B,10,10,10,04

And that’s it, you are now playing Proto Palace Zone, which include the original ‘track number 10’ music. But if you don’t have the remastered edition, here’s a video of the stage.


Source: Taxman

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First 4 Figures Announces Eggman Statue

robotnik statueNow I wonder who that could be? First 4 Figures posted the above image to their Facebook page earlier today along with this blurb

Happy Easter from all of us here at First4Figures!

Hope that all of you are having a good time tucking into your Easter Eggs! In celebration of all things egg-y, we’ve got a very special glimpse of a certain ‘Egg’-man that we’re currently working on…

Seems like the wishes of many will soon be granted, Dr Eggman/Robotnik will be getting the statue treatment.

Source: First 4 Figures

P.S. From everyone here at TSS…

easterHappy Easter!


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Games we’ve been playing this week


Welcome to a new feature on TSS “Games we’ve been playing this week.” Despite us being rather big fans of Sonic & Sega, we do actually play and love other games! I know! Shocking right?

So we figured we’d like to tell you about the games we’ve been playing recently which might help you expand your horizons or give you some ideas as to what games we’re playing/enjoying/hating etc. That and we wanna talk about video games have had an impact.

These won’t be reviews or major looks at them, just a few comments as to how we feel about said games.


Tearaway (PS Vita): If you asked me a month ago what my favourite games are, I’d say “I can’t decide between ICO & Shadow of the Colossus.” I can now add Tearaway to that. Tearaway is absolutely wonderful,

If you love video games for their ability to give you a sense of joy and escapism, you utterly need to get this. You NEED this. The world it creates, the story it tells and how it interacts with you, by far the best use of touch controls ever, wonderful music, gorgeous level design and a wonderful atmosphere. If you’ve become invested in the game, that ending is going to hit you with the same emotional fist that Toy Story 3 hits you with. Tearaway is simply marvellous.

Can a handheld be a GOTY? Tearaway bloody well should be. Get a Vita and get this now. Just wish it were a little longer, though there is tons of replay value here, really hope Media Molecule will return to this world one day.

tumblr_mwyetcY3Ck1sxudx7o1_500InFAMOUS: Second Son (PS4): A sequel to the existing two games on the Playstation 3, Second Son is an ambitious title that is mostly successful. First off, let’s be frank that the visuals in this game are incredible. Seriously one of the best looking games I’ve seen. The powers you gain give subtle enough differences for them to feel unique to master but easy enough to switch around with, my personal favourite being Neon. The gameplay is extremely fun which keeps making me go back to do side missions and push the D.U.P. out of Seattle, or just dash around causing mayhem. I also enjoy the differences in how you approach combat based on the karma path you choose. Good is more about accuracy and subduing, while evil is chaotic and destructive.

The game’s story, however, isn’t the best or very involving. I never felt the push to keep wanting to find out what happens next, or really connect with any of the characters. This goes especially the other conduits that Delson meets who are extremely underdeveloped. I also felt that the karma system still wasn’t capitalised on enough and that even though Delson was a decent main character, his evil side felt… misplaced? Which is another issue with the story and character development of the game. Overall a strong title and the best you can pick up on Playstation 4 right now, but considering the current line up of titles that’s not exactly difficult.


Ace Attorney Vs. Professor Layton (3DS): When this title was first unveiled way back when, I declared it my reason for wanting a 3DS system. For the longest of times, I’ve adored playing all of the Ace Attorney games for its cast of brilliantly conceived characters and absurd, but gripping stories. When I heard that the legendary lawyer was teaming up with the legendary puzzle solver, my body was naturally ready (especially considering that I hadn’t really dabbled much with the Layton side of things, and was eager to try it out).

Upon receiving the game, I found that things initially started really quite slowly. With two different games coming together, I was worried that it would be like two watered down games running side by side. Thankfully, I found that things didn’t take long to really get up to speed after I passed the initial couple of chapters. Now that the intro is out of the way, I’m not only enjoying the clever courtroom battles with Phoenix and Maya, but I’m also getting a stimulating brain work out from the Professor and Luke’s puzzles, which are honestly a lot more enjoyable to solve than I thought they would be.

The story is really shaping up nicely, I’m in love with the character design and the art style, and most of all the game has me spending more time with my 3DS open than shut. I’ve currently sunk just over 14 hours into this collaboration game, and I cannot wait to see and play more!

vedj-fStreetPass Mii Plaza (3DS): The setup for this one is simple; all 3DSs come with the app built into them. The basic layout contains a main ‘menu’ where all the Miis you have encountered are collected, and two additional minigames in the form of StreetPass Puzzle and StreetPass Quest I&II. The former is extremely bare bones, but it’s not as if it hurts either. The latter is more fun when you can actually traverse the paths it lays for you and battle the monsters stopping you from rescuing the king, but it also has moments where your progress is forcibly halted because certain Miis are required to get past specific room obstacles which can be frustrating. I finished with this one a long time ago.

If you update the Plaza software, things change slightly. You can now purchase at least one of the added games (either each for about £5, or all four for £15). To summarise; StreetPass Squad is a top-down shoot ’em up that’s a real blast but can be limited in progress based on how many Miis you find and what colours they are (as they determine weapon type), and I finished this one a while back. StreetPass Garden requires the most patience but is arguably the most complex of the four, integrating actual breeding mechanics with some luck (if you have a friend or two you regularly exchange with, they will prove useful here), and I currently have 78 out of 80 possible breeds. StreetPass Battle seems like it should be action-packed on the surface, but is really just a rock-paper-scissors game where more number can still negate this aspect, and it’s the game I’ve spent the least investment in. Finally, StreetPass Mansion is a puzzle game made by Yuji Naka’s Prope, and it’s probably the best balance of fun and tactical even though I’ve also done with this one.

While StreetPass Mii Plaza certainly does not set the world alight, it’s a fun little time waster, and one I definitely will be back on whenever there’s a bus trip on the horizon.

What games have you been playing recently? Any recommendations?

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Sonic Spotted During London Marathon TV Coverage

Last week we brought you news of Lewis Griffiths’ efforts to take part in this years London Marathon, well… he’s there’s, and he’s been spotted on TV too.


During a race side interview with The Ultimate Warrior. Sonic was able to just edge into shot as he overtook the famous wrestler. Based on various tweets and other comments on social media, Lewis has also been spotted by a number of other spectators and is causing a bit of a stir as he powers by.

My favourite bit of this pic is the guy just in the back who has realised he’s been overtaken by Sonic the Hedgehog.

From all of us here at The Sonic Stadium, Good show Lewis! Keep it up.

Also if you want to donate to Lewis’ charity (Leukaemia Care) you can do so via his donation page.

Special thanks to SSMB member Lucky for the tip and for spotting lewis in the half a second he was on screen!

P.S. Based on current TV Footage, Sonic is ahead of the following… Iron Man, Spiderman, The Ultimate Warrior, Charlie Chaplin and a man carrying a giant tiger whilst dressed as a robot…?

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TSS Review: Jazwares Metal Sonic Plush

If you used to watch a show called ‘The X-Files’ you know that poster Mulder has in his office? The one with the UFO and the words “I want to believe” below it? That’s how I’ve felt regarding Jazwares toys lately. Especially their Metal Sonic plush. Would you believe that this was first shown in a complete form way back in January 2012? Since then it’s been used on the Jazwares website, made a random appearance a year later at another toyfair event and been cancelled. With no new toys at this years fair and more cancellations of products… it didn’t look good.. Continue reading TSS Review: Jazwares Metal Sonic Plush

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Sonic Unleashed Now on Playstation Network

Sonic Unleashed PS3 Box art

Well… better late than never?

Sonic Unleashed has been… uh… Unleashed onto the PSN nearly 6 years after it’s original release. So if you’ve been after a copy of this for a while and your efforts to get a physical version have failed, this might be an option for you.

Oddly, Sega never announced this, it randomly appeared in this weeks PSN update, prices are £15.99/€19.99/$19.99. Although it’s not that odd since Sega have still to announce that Sonic Heroes is on the PSN and that’s been on there for several years.

Not sure what else to say on this really, it’s a fun game, the Werehog isn’t that bad once you level him up, though it’s a tragic experience early game. Otherwise it’s quite challenging and has some decent music. Though Generations is a lot better.

Anyone want to place bets on this being a PSN+ Freebie in time.

Source: Playstation Blog.

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AFD 2014: Sonic the Hedgehog Film Script Leaked

A few weeks ago we were contacted by an individual who claimed to be involved with a “Project at Sony Pictures.” After a number of emails back and forth, a skype conversation and several identity verifications, we then asked him to send us what he had… today a script arrived. Continue reading AFD 2014: Sonic the Hedgehog Film Script Leaked

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Cancelled Sonic Adventure Burger King Promotion Comes to Light

Sega are no strangers to doing promotions with fast food chains, I’m sure most Sonic fans out there are familiar with the many McDonalds or Burger King toys which accompanied kids meals back in the 90’s. Well… it seems that there was another line of toys planned for Burger King, however for whatever reason the line was cancelled.

burgerking40The documentation which came to light earlier this week shows that the toyline was going to be very extensive, the following toys were planned to be included.

  • * Walk em’ Sock Em Knuckles (No that’s not a typo, it’s really called ‘Walk’ and not Whack’)
  • Rip Roaring Robotnik
  • Twistin’ Twirlin’ Tails
  • Go Gamma Go
  • Somersaultin’ Snowboardin’ Sonic
  • Super Sonic Sled
  • Frog-Catchin’ Cat
  • Noisy Amy!
  • Knuckles Goes for a Spin
  • Turbo Prop Tails

Aside from the odd names, some of the toys look quite cool for meal toys, some however look… well… look…


I almost wanted to save this for Freak Out Friday, What’s going on with the artwork/look of Amy!? It looks like something you’d find in Demon’s Souls!

However there are one or two awesome looking toys in the documents, Gamma for instance looks great.


And who wouldn’t want a rocking action big the cat?


What I like about a number of these designs is that a few of them come with some smaller accessories or additional bits, for example, the Robotnik toy comes with a smaller Sonic figure, and the Knuckles spin toy also has Robotnik chasing him.

Sadly there are no models of these toys, it seems that these were scrapped at the design stage.

The full documentation can be found in our gallery and all images are at their full size.

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ASRT’s Soundtrack To Receive CD Release


Come May, the Japanese version of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed will be released, and if you happen to live in Japan and pre-order, you get a sound track CD.

However, a recent listing posted on HMV.jp would indicate that the OST is to also get a full retail release. In fact several Japanese retailers have recently posted a listing for an ASRT soundtrack on their websites. Details are that it’ll be a single disk release, and its due out on May 14th.

Despite a strong demand for a physical soundtrack release since the games début here in the west, there doesn’t appear to be any plans to bring this over to the US or Europe at this time, which isn’t unusual for Sonic OST releases. But if that changes we’ll be sure to let you know.

Source: HMV.jp

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So this happened in Rio the other night…

They’re coming to get you Barbra…! They’re coming for you!


LOOK! Here comes one of them now!

So over in Rio, the people there love to party! And, as part of this years Rio Carnival, one school group decided to party on mass as Sonic. From what little knowledge I know of the Rio Carnival, there seems to be a ‘theme’ each year, but there’s also various sub themes that carnival schools can chose to do.

Well one school decided it was going to go to the carnival as Sonic… … I don’t know why, but it’s awesome!

Why can’t this kind of thing happen near where I live?

Source: Folha De S.Paulo

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Has Jazwares cancelled its entire 2014 Sonic Toyline?

So this is an update/article that I’ve wanted to make for a few weeks now, however I kept telling myself ‘wait until New York Toy Fair, just wait and see.’ Well… In the run up to Toy Fair,  few other bits of information came to light which didn’t fill me with much confidence… following images of their booth at Toy Fair, I think the party is over.

There is a lot of mounting evidence to say that Jazwares have cancelled or lost the rights to make new Sonic toys.

Back in September, we brought you news that Jazwares had cancelled it’s highly anticipated Metal Sonic & Classic Amy plush. Since then however, there’s been a development. Classic Amy has in fact been released in a so far very limited form from online retailers, SSMB member PatMac posted images of it a few days ago.

However… despite this surprise release, Metal Sonic is nowhere in sight, and another worrying sign is that Jazwares have changed their product page for their Sonic toys. Here is what it originally looked like after Jazwares redesigned their website in late 2013.



However, a few months ago, Jazwares since removed the ‘New Fall 2013 product’ from their site, there have been no additional products added to their Sonic page of any kind. See for yourself.

More significant a hint that the Sonic line is no more comes from the Jazwares Facebook page, in the run up to the New York Toy Fair, Jazwares has out rightly stated that multiple products in the Sonic line have been cancelled.

Rouge the Bat, Classic Knuckles and The Sonic & Shadow Reversible Plushies have all been stated to have been cancelled.jazfacebook

There has needless to say been quite a backlash on Jazwares’ Facebook Page to this news, this is quite understandable considering Classic Knuckles and Rouge have been teased and hinted at as far back as early 2012.

In fact, on the 28th of March 2012. Jazwares posted this on their Facebook page.



So ladies and gentlemen, unless this was an outright lie. A classic Knuckles figure was not only in development and ready, he was just waiting for a release line to fit into. Since then there has been no mention of this particular character. So were we all lied to on this? Or was Knuckles ready to go?

As for Rouge? Well…

You might remember how we reported on this particular product page? The one which clearly shows a comic book pack of Shadow and Rouge with the word ‘new’ next to it, suggesting it was indeed on the way. Unlike Classic Knuckles which had nothing released to support it other than the Facebook outlet, Rouge had a product number and even this promotional material to back it up.

Which begs the question… why was this cancelled?

Following the huge backlash on the cancellation, Jazwares have been sporting this reason.

 it’s up to the retail stores for what products get made.

Placing the blame firmly on the retailers, if they don’t order them, then they don’t get made.

There’s just one thing with this reasoning that I question. That being there’s evidence to suggest that this isn’t the case. In the Sonic Black Knight line, the following figures were spotted and in some cases are still up for order.

  • -Sonic – Excalibur
  • -Knuckles – Sir Gawain
  • -Silver – Sir Galahad
  • -Shadow – Sir Lancelot
  • -Jet – Sir Lamorak

This information and listings dates back to June 2012 and can be found across several toy news and retailer sites.

This is also the case for some of the ASRT toys which were announced and even shown at last years Nuremberg Toy Fair. Many of those toys over 2013 appeared as pre-orders at the United States branch of Toys R Us… that’s one if not the biggest toy retailer in the world isn’t it? There was even a product photo of it, this is taken from the old listing on TRU.Com’s website.


Anyone own that? Anyone ever seen that for sale outside of the internet listing? So why was it cancelled?

The same applies to Metal Sonic. Announced, then cancelled. Only this one is even more strange, not only has the Metal Sonic plush appeared on Jazwares’ website (and at the time of posting is still there). But it has also appeared as a product on the website for ‘Smyths’ who are one of the largest toy retailers in the UK.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThere was even an official product photo of it on a UK site… this was very rare since normally there’s a 1 year gap between US and UK releases.

It’s around now you might be thinking… wait… they were announced in prior to 2014, what about this years toys?

There aren’t any.

So far we have The Black Knight Silver figure (just released) and a Silver Super Poser. And that’s it. Everything else, all those toys from Nuremberg last year, all those toys which popped up on retailers, not happening.

At least that’s based on what Jazwares itself are suggesting from their own booth at the 2014 NYTF. The following image are the press releases for Jazwares at NYTF.


Sonic has no 2014 product list.

In conjunction with this, we now thanks to figures.com, have photos of Jazwares’ booth at New York Toy Far. They show no new Sonic products aside from Black Knight & Super Poser Silver.


There’s even an image of the plush box which has appeared predominantly at 2013’s toy fair, only this time both Metal and Super Sonic are missing from it.

This is the biggest toy fair of the year for America, and Jazwares have no new Sonic products at it for 2014. If there were new products, it’s absolute madness that they’re not here, even if it were just a prototype or concept image. But there’s nothing. You can view more images of Jazwares NYTF booth at Figures.com, but there is nothing new, everything is already out or about to be released.

Even at Nuremberg, there were no new toys aside from Black Knight Silver and ‘that sign.’

So, what is going on? We went from being told ‘those figures are coming’ for over 2 years, we had so much new toys promised an shown in 2013, yet now the whole product line seems to have stopped.

You might be thinking ‘maybe Tomy is the reason?’ Possibly… but Tomy has a license for Sonic Boom toys, Jazwares has the modern and classic games.

It does sound like the Jazwares run of Sonic toys is at or nearing it’s end, no press releases, no new products on show and cancellation notices. It seems that the party is over on this one. Which is a shame because despite what you may say about the quality of the products, Jazwares did give us figures that fans have been crying out for since 1991.

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This Product Description for Silver the Hedgehog is Amazing…

So in the new Entertainment Earth product catalogue, there’s a listing for GE Entertainments new Silver the Hedgehog plush. Only there’s a slight problem with the description.


… … how is that..?

Ok lets take it slowly. First of all, they’ve used the classic Sonic logo for a modern Sonic character, which to be fair is an easy mistake to make.

However… Silver the Hedgehog is now the evil boss of the Scrambled Egg Zone and he’s also a robot? A robot version of Sonic for that matter too.

Oh wait, I see the problem. They would appear to believe that this character is actually a robot version of Sonic, specifically Silver Sonic, from the Game Gear version of Sonic 2!

Well I suppose it’s an easy mistake to make, after all just look at how…



…They look look nothing like each other?

Thanks to Blue Blood who sent this in.

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Sonic Boom: Even More Sonic Toys Revealed

Following on from an earlier report regarding the new Sonic toys, more information and images of the toys have come to light including some new toys and toys in their prototype stage.


First up is a Knuckles plush based on the Sonic Boom design. He doesn’t look too bad if you ask me, there’s no obvious problems with it and it’s very accurate to the final design. You can also just make Amy out in this image.


Up next is Tails. Tails looks… alright I guess? It’s hard to say, Tails hasn’t really changed too much during his Boom transformation other than the accessories so really it’s just a question as to if you like tool belts or not.

boomamyplushAnd the last one in this plush line is Amy. I might be alone here but is it just me or does it look kinda bad? It’s accurate to her design, no question about that, and I like the Amy Boom design, but in a plush form it looks a little messy.

Actually… I know what the problem is, it looks like someone took the head off an Amy plush and slapped it onto a completely different plush toy. Her head doesn’t look like its part of that body.

boomeggmanYES! YES! YES! YES! YES! Finally! We have not only an awesome looking Eggman, but also the Egg-O-Matic! It’s still in the prototype stage, but hopefully this one will get put into production. Eggman looks really great here, paint job seems accurate and his model is accurate too. But even though it lacks paint, just look at the detail on the Egg-O-Matic, also from the looks of it, Eggman can actually stand inside it!

Really hope this one gets into production, UK release please.


Another prototype now, looks like Burnbot will be tormenting our action figures at some point. He looks great, really well detailed model, just hope the paintjob matches… also… what’s going on with Sonic there? A spin attack form? Or… something else? I might have the answer in a later image.


I’ve highlighted this photo not just because of Knuckles, but also because there’s a strong suggestion that the Sonic characters will be using vehicles at some point. Behind him is what appears to be a Sonic Riders style hover board. Might we see this popping up in both the game and cartoon?


Ok then, I’ve highlighted this one not because of the face mask, but because of what’s under it, see that concept image? That would appear to show some kind of play set, and the Sonic figure with it looks like the one I pointed out earlier next to Burn Bot.

boomsonicelectronicWell now! This is a very interesting photo! We’ve got a Sonic figure which appears to have some kind of electronic component. But look at the size of that thing, I assume it’s going to be a talking figure but, look at the size of that speaker, I hope that gets minimised at some point.

Also look at the top left of the photo, another hint that Sonic and Co may drive vehicles in this series. Also this photo does make me want to ponder the question “Why does Sonic’s car need sports tape?”

boomsonicplushAnd finally we have a much larger Sonic plush. I think I like this plush not sure why, Sonic has a huge forehead and his watch looks a bit tacked on, but considering the Boom design, this plush looks really good.

With any luck we’ll see these products come out later this year in both the UK and the US, because I really want the Eggman toy.

For more photos from Toy Fair and to see the images in their full size, check out our gallery.

Source: ToyWiz

P.S. Why does Sonic’s car have sports tape on it? So when he runs down people who complain he has a car, he can bandage them up of course!



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Eggman Boss Battle Added to Sonic Dash

Sonic Dash continues to get more love from it’s developer Hardlight. A new update is now live which adds more content and a community challenge.


Eggman has been added in the form of a new boss battle, as Sonic you have to dodge missiles and land mines planted by the bad doctor.

From what early commentators have said, the boss battle works very similar to the Zazz boss fight, anyone who beats the boss earns a huge bonus score.

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Sonic Boom Full Designs & Game Confirmed


Following on from the earlier image. We now have an image showing Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy.

In addition to the looks, there is the confirmation of a game based on the cartoon show if that text along the bottom is anything to go by.

As mentioned earlier, we’ll keep you upto date with more news as we get it.

Source dadarocks

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Sonic & Knuckles New Design & 2014 Game Details


The designs for Sonic Boom have emerged from the Year of Sonic event being held in New York. Sonic has blue arms, a scarf, sports tape all over his arms and legs and Knuckles is a giant.

Other details to emerge from this event are as follows


So there’s going to be a new console and mobile game, toys based off the show made by Tomy and they will look like that. Although to be fair it could have been a lot worse.

Now we don’t know yet if this is the new direction for the series or if this will just be limited to Boom’s universe and the one we know and love will still continue as normal.

We’ll keep you updated with more information when we get it.

Source: Dadarocks

Edit: personally. I kinda like the new designs.

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Sega: 2014 is the Year of Sonic

I really don’t know how you’re going to react to this one… so try to remain calm.

Machinima has posted a very interesting YouTube video which contained the following image.


The text on that image reads as follows…

2014 will mark a renaissance for Sonic the Hedgehog. Please join us to be the first to hear about SEGA’s exclusive announcements and plans for the Sonic brand”

“2014 is the Year of Sonic,” “Renaissance of the brand” and the image of the Sonic Boom promotional image. For those who don’t know, in it’s most basic term, renaissance means ‘rebirth.’  Now you understand why I said remain calm…

If you are doubting the authenticity of this image, to back it up, Segas entire community team, the head of marketing and several producers at Sega have recently made public that they are in New York City on a business trip. Given the huge numbers of staff in New York right now, and their roles, this is a potentially huge announcement which will have an impact over Sonic as a brand.

I can only begin to speculate what might be getting shown, but following so soon after hedgehog day which saw no announcements or even a Blog entry from Sega, the timing makes this more significant for Sonic fans.

As always, we will keep you upto date with news as and when we get it.

Thanks to SSMB member SweeCrew for the tip & screen cap.

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[UPDATE!] Sonic Boom: “The first CG Animated Film in the Sonic Franchise”

sonicboom film[UPDATE: SEGA have since released the following statement in the wake of the Nuremberg Toy fair:

SEGA is yet to announce details of upcoming console video games for Sonic the Hedgehog or further details regarding the new Sonic CG TV series.  The recent information coming out of Nuremburg Toy Fair was incorrect.  For official and up to date news regarding Sonic the Hedgehog please go to www.sonicthehedgehog.com or follow Sonic on Twitter (@sonic_hedgehog).

We will, as always, keep you dudes and dudettes up-to-date on any and all announcements! – T]

At the Nuremberg Toy Fair, there was a sign which has caused a bit of a stir by confirming a new Sonic game is in production, however the sign also had a strange piece of information regarding the new cartoon ‘Sonic Boom’ due for broadcast at the end of this year.

That being “The first CG Animated Film in the Sonic Franchise”

Now this could be interpreted in a number of ways… It’s either in reference to the fact the cartoon as a whole is CG animated which has not happened before.

Or, that Sonic Boom has a much larger linking story than we’re being led to believe.

Or…. … … That there is a much larger Sonic Animated Film in development?

Personally, I can’t see it being a stand alone film, it’s more likely one of the first 2 options. Hey who knows, maybe I’m wrong and there is a movie on the way.

Anyway, I figured you would all find this of some interest given how lacking news on the cartoon has been lately.

Source: Spindash.de

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[UPDATE!] New Sonic Game Coming 2015 For PS4, Xbox One & Wii U,

sonicboom film[UPDATE: SEGA have since released the following statement in the wake of the Nuremberg Toy fair:

SEGA is yet to announce details of upcoming console video games for Sonic the Hedgehog or further details regarding the new Sonic CG TV series.  The recent information coming out of Nuremburg Toy Fair was incorrect.  For official and up to date news regarding Sonic the Hedgehog please go to www.sonicthehedgehog.com or follow Sonic on Twitter (@sonic_hedgehog).

We will, as always, keep you dudes and dudettes up-to-date on any and all announcements! – T]

At the Nuremberg toy fair held last week, toy maker Jazwares had a booth showcasing it’s Sonic toys along with this very interesting sign.

If this is correct, it would suggest that Sega have already started work on a new Sonic game which is heading to the PS4, Xbox One and the Wii U.

We all know that Sega intends to release a 3rd exclusive Sonic game on a Nintendo platform at some point, however this photograph would suggest that Sega are already working on the other next gen systems and a Sonic game is in development or at the early planning stages.

If you’ve not been keeping track, this is how the Sonic games are currently lined up.

  • Sonic Lost World (2013)
  • Mario & Sonic at Sochi (2013)
  • Unannounced 3rd Nintendo exclusive (expected 2014).
  • Unannounced Next Gen Sonic title (2015).

What is however significant about this image is that there are no logos for any current gen consoles, suggesting that all future Sonic games will be on next gen systems.

Keep checking TSS for more information as and when we get it.

Source: Spindash.de


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The 13th Annual Sonic London Meetup

On February 23rd, the 13th annual SonicLondon event will be taken place, and Sonic fans aged 18 or over are invited to come along!


What’s SonicLondon? Well, Sonic London is basically a community meetup started by long time Sonic community member HelenBaby, who has been organising the event since 2010 and it’s grown in size and recognition over the years.

Entry is free, but spaces are limited so make sure you confirm your attendance on the Facebook Page so the organisers have an idea as to how many are going to attend.


“Sonic fans over the age of 18 are invited to attend SonicLondon, a public meet-up of Sonic fans that takes place regularly in the UK capital. The next meet is set to take place in Meltdown London, an eSports bar in North London, on February the 23rd.

Inspired by a bunch of Summer of Sonic fans talking about meeting up more frequently than the annual con, SSMB member HelenBaby went ahead and set up the group in 2010. The first meet-up was held shortly afterwards, and the upcoming meet will mark the group’s 13th gathering.

The theme for the upcoming meet will be Sonic Lost World in celebration of Sonic’s latest adventure. As the last meet was also Lost World-themed this one will be deemed ‘Hard Mode’ in homage to the extra mode players unlock when completing Lost World’s main story. In addition there will be a competition at the event which will require a copy of the 3DS version of Sonic Lost World in order to participate. The other contests, however, are open to everyone. Also, just to clarify : despite Sonic Lost World being the meet’s theme it will still be a general Sonic meet, just like the others!

Aside from the contests activities at the meet will include chatting, drinking (seeing as it’s held in a bar) and drawing (paper and pencils provided).

For more details and to RSVP please see here :https://www.facebook…71207212959354/

For information/photos from our previous meets please see here :http://soniclondon.com/ “

Source: SonicLondon

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Sonic Themed Doodle Jump Figures Spotted at London Toy Fair

Based on photos taken by toy website Idle Hands, it would appear that the gift company Paladone are making figures based on the popular game Doodle Jump. And one of the more interesting photos taken was this…


That is the ‘Doodler’ wearing a Sonic costume. Well I wasn’t expecting to see that today but alrighty then. So you might be asking, is this official? Well it would seem so, Paladone have a huge banner above their booth displaying the Sonic the Hedgehog logo and from another photo taken have several other items on show at their booth too.


Which then begs the question, is there going to be some kind of Sonic Doodle Jump cross over? Or is this one of those one off bits of fan service?

No details on when these will be available yet or prices, but stick to TSS and we’ll update you with more information when we get it.

Source: Idle Hands

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Weston Super Sonic “Way Past Cool!”


Back at the start of the year, you may recall how we brought you news of a new Sonic community meet up event? Well, unfortunately for me I was unable to attend, however SOS documentary maker Jono D was able to attend and has kindly documented the day.

So the rest of this update will be done by guest writer Jono D.

“How many of you people know what Summer of Sonic is? A fair few of you? Good! For the uninitiated, The Summer of Sonic is one of the most prolific fan events in many Sonic fan’s calendars, attracting hundreds of people each year for a day of events, contests, community and most importantly, fun.

You’d be forgiven then for thinking that the event has always been this way, however its origins are a lot more humble than some people may think. The event was started by a small group of community members who wanted to create a forum for people to come and socialise, meet each other face to face, and much in that same vain comes Weston Super Sonic.


A local community church in Weston Super-Mare provided the venue for all things Sonical during the day.

 Weston Super Sonic is the brainchild of one devoted Claire Cameron. Already a frequent Summer of Sonic attendee, she had the idea of creating and hosting a Sonic community gathering much closer to her home in the west of England… So she did! On the Saturday the 11th of January, Sonic fans descended onto the famous seaside town Weston Super-Mare for the event. Some even coming from as far as London!


The floor space wasn’t massive, but everyone had space to relax and socialise.

 The day started off just after 10:30 in the morning in the small community church hall, which was the designated venue. There were a few areas inside; A set of chairs and a projector for multiplayer gaming events and tournaments, a seating area for drawing, relaxing and general socialising, and a table with a collection of rare merch on show for people to have a look at up-close which had been brought in for exhibition (AKA the corner I was looking after, and subsequently living in for the day).

  westonsonic 8

The far side of the room proved popular with fans that wanted to simply sit and enjoy the atmosphere.

 After everyone had gotten settled into the venue and had the chance to chat (as well as devour all the cupcakes that had been brought in), things kicked off with a small speedrun tournament of Sonic 1’s Green Hill Zone Act one. Fairly simple: Fastest time would win! The audience participation in this was awesome. Plenty of cheering for each other as well as giving each and every runner a round of applause at the end of their run. I even managed to have a go and ended up coming in second place, which is something I wasn’t at all banking on! The top 3 ranking speedrunners were handed out medals for their achievements.

westonsonic 10

The lucky winners of the various contests were all awarded medals for their achievements.

 The day then progressed casually with other small events throughout the day, including a costume workshop run by the host Claire, detailing how she went about producing her impressive costumes which were also on display for people to see. Everyone had the room to move and take everything they wanted to do at their own pace. Some people drew are for the art contest that was running, some played the consoles on offer in friendly head to head matches, whilst some simply sat and enjoyed each other’s company. With the small nature of the event, everything felt more relaxed and was a welcome change in pace from the normally frantic, upbeat and constantly active atmosphere found at Summer of Sonic.


Claire’s homemade costumes were all on show, and played an active part in her cosplay workshop.


 A table of rare merch was on display in the corner. Complete with information cards for everything.

 One short happy-birthday song for host Claire later, The day neared its conclusion. The final medals were given out to the other competition winners and runners up, and the final gaming tournament of the day took place: a four-way battle on a mystery game… The audience when the competitors discovered it was Sonic Shuffle was worth it for their reaction alone! After a long battle of attrition on one of the clunkiest party games ever, the tournament finished up, the final medals were handed out and everyone packed their things, said their goodbyes for the year and headed for home.


 Everyone poised during the final rounds of the Sonic Shuffle tournament.

 And so concluded Weston Super Sonic. Everyone involved had a brilliant day, and even though I had mostly been grounded to my table in the corner, I met some truly great people from the immediate area who I had no idea were so nearby to me. Will definitely be getting in contact with again for local get togethers.

westonsonic 7

 Plenty of friendships were made on the day, with everybody looking forward to a new event next year.

 Weston Super Sonic may appear to be a humble Sonic the Hedgehog gathering on the surface, but this sort of small beginning harkens back to the Summer of Sonic’s early days where it was just some fans wanting to give other Sonic fans a day to remember, and with one event under their belts, what’s to say it can’t grow into something much bigger?

With that, I want to give a big thanks and shout out to Claire ‘Rurifuu’ Cameron for having the not only the drive to want to do something for the fans, but actually going ahead seeing it through to the end. The turnout for a small Sonic get together was a brilliant surprise, and with words that Claire is already intending to host again next year with a bigger team to work with, we tip our hats to you Ms. Cameron!

For a little look at some video from the day, as well as a Q&A with event host Claire; check out The Sonic Show’s coverage:


Now, who’s on board for a Sonic-takeover of Weston’s Grand Pier?

Hope to see you next year!”


Special thanks to Jono D for the write up.

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Summer of Sonic Sets a Guinness World Record!


“A Sonic Convention? The only people who will turn up to that will be the drunks over the road!”

A few years ago, shortly after the idea of a Sonic convention was first brought up in a small cafe in London, the idea was pitched to a few members of the Sonic community and one of the more joky responses was the above.

But despite a few ‘are we sure this is good idea’ reactions, Summer of Sonic 2008 went ahead, and people actually turned up. Since then it’s gotten bigger and bigger and it would appear that it’s getting noticed in circles outside of the Sonic fan base.

In the recently published Guinness World Records 2014 Gamers Edition. Summer of Sonic has set a Guinness World Record! It turns out that not only was Summer of Sonic the first officially recognised Sonic fan Convention, but it’s also the first official fan convention for a video game character!

Congratulations to everyone involved with Summer of Sonic, both past and present, and congratulations and thank you to everyone who has attended and supported the event. Since without you lot, we probably would have had to invite the drunks from over the road!

Source: Guinness World Records 2014 Gamers Edition Via SSMB Member Lucky.

Photo: Beth Johnson

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Ryo Hazuki DLC Now Live


For PC owners of Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed. The long awaited Ryo Hazuki DLC is now live. Ryo drives around in vehicles based on various classic Sega arcade machines which are also found in the original Shenmue title.

If you fancy picking up this one, it’s very reasonably priced at only 99p.

And before you ask, So far only the PC & Mobile version of the game are to get Ryo at this time. However if this changes we’ll let you know.

Source: Steam. 

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