Last week we brought you news of Lewis Griffiths’ efforts to take part in this years London Marathon, well… he’s there’s, and he’s been spotted on TV too.
During a race side interview with The Ultimate Warrior. Sonic was able to just edge into shot as he overtook the famous wrestler. Based on various tweets and other comments on social media, Lewis has also been spotted by a number of other spectators and is causing a bit of a stir as he powers by.

From all of us here at The Sonic Stadium, Good show Lewis! Keep it up.
Also if you want to donate to Lewis’ charity (Leukaemia Care) you can do so via his donation page.
Special thanks to SSMB member Lucky for the tip and for spotting lewis in the half a second he was on screen!
P.S. Based on current TV Footage, Sonic is ahead of the following… Iron Man, Spiderman, The Ultimate Warrior, Charlie Chaplin and a man carrying a giant tiger whilst dressed as a robot…?
Awesome! Go Lewis!
If only he would have worn red shoe, that would have been the icing on the cake 🙂
the chili on the dog.
That comment made my day. xD
Hope he wins, being a sonic fan and all. Its also nice he is doing that for a charity 🙂
I wish I could see more Sonics running around at marathons…
it must be so hot inside that costume…
at alton towers they take breaks 15 – 20 minutes but Lewis has to go the full stretch D:hope he drinks lots when he finishes.
This guy is so awesome! Can you even imagine having to run an entire marathon in that costume!? Geez, he’s going to be drowning in his own sweat if it goes on too long. This guy deserves props, at the very least. And to think there are other people out there in the same marathon dressed up in costume as well. Even the Ultimate Warrior (how the heck do I even know who he is?). That was something I wasn’t expecting. But I’m digging how Lewis the Hedgehog is leaving all of the other costumed runners in the dust. Just goes to show that DESTRUCITY will only get you so far (#HulkHogan)!
I heard the costume is 5kg… Man, that guy is AWESOME! 😀
Sonic The Hedgehog past Iron Man, or Super Man, and The Ultimate Warrior Charlie Chaplin this Lewis is the fasting thing alive like Sonic The Hedgehog getting a lot of energy around his body to win!
The runner in the Sonic costume has been mistaken identified as Lewis, the correct name is Kris and he is running for the Army Benevolent Fund…sorry for stealing Lewis’s thunder…but credit where credit is due!
Yaaaay! Go Lewis! X’D
Really appreciate wat the guy is doing, it’s awesome. The blue blur goes back on the world tour not to stop dark Gaia, but to stop leukemia and help contribute to charity. Good luck Lewis! Also R.I.P ultimate warrior
For the record, to the staffers of the Sonic Stadium News Service, that person was cosplaying, in a tribute, as former WWF-WWE Intercontinental and World Heavyweight Champion, The Ultimate Warrior(born James Brian Hellwig in Crawfordsville, Indiana on June 16, 1959). Warrior recently died due to a major heart attack, listed officially as Atherosclerotic/Arteriosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease, or Heart Disease, at the age of 54, on April 8, 2014, after a 3 day period where he was…
A] Inducted to the WWE Hall Of Fame on April 5, 2014,
B] Appeared at WWE WrestleMania XXX, WWE’s annual major showcase event, the night after,
and C] Appeared on WWE Monday Night RAW, the night after Mania, to speak to the fans there, for what was the final public appearance he ever made.
Warrior’s biggest claim to fame was facing Hulk Hogan, on April 1, 1990, at WWF WrestleMania VI, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, at SkyDome, in a Champ V. Champ, Title V. Title, winner take all match, as Warrior was Intercontinental Champion, and Hogan was World Champion. Warrior pinned Hogan, in a match lasting 22:51, to become the only man to be known as ‘WWF-WWE Intercontinental and World Heavyweight Champion’, becoming the only man to hold both belts at the same time. Though he surrendered the IC title a few days after winning the World title.
Hellwig changed his name, legally, to ‘Warrior’, in 1993, to ensure that he eventually gained full ownership of his on-screen WWE persona, which he did in 2001.
So I hope that properly fills you all in. Good thing I’m a wrestling fan, in addition to being a Sonic fan.
RIP James Brian ‘(Ultimate) Warrior’ Hellwig
June 16, 1959-April 8, 2014
Erm… thanks?