Last week we brought you news of Lewis Griffiths’ efforts to take part in this years London Marathon, well… he’s there’s, and he’s been spotted on TV too.
During a race side interview with The Ultimate Warrior. Sonic was able to just edge into shot as he overtook the famous wrestler. Based on various tweets and other comments on social media, Lewis has also been spotted by a number of other spectators and is causing a bit of a stir as he powers by.

From all of us here at The Sonic Stadium, Good show Lewis! Keep it up.
Also if you want to donate to Lewis’ charity (Leukaemia Care) you can do so via his donation page.
Special thanks to SSMB member Lucky for the tip and for spotting lewis in the half a second he was on screen!
P.S. Based on current TV Footage, Sonic is ahead of the following… Iron Man, Spiderman, The Ultimate Warrior, Charlie Chaplin and a man carrying a giant tiger whilst dressed as a robot…?