Fancy Sonic 3 on XBLA for Free? Get on Facebook!

If you’re one of these cool kids who updates their status on facebook every five minutes, then this is a competition for you!

SEGA’s Sonic the Hedgehog facebook page is giving fans a chance to nab themselves a free code for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 on XBox Live Arcade! All you need to do is to be online and about at 8PM GMT (Noon PDT), and grab the code off the status update on Sonic’s site.

The catch? You’ve got to race the rest of the people online waiting for the code!!! The code is only good for one download, so you’re going to need ultra-fast lightning skills to get yourself a free download! There will be a new code online every day this week at the aformentioned time, so if you don’t have any luck today, you’ve got four more chances later on in the week!

While you’re there, you can also vote in the poll for your favourite Sonic Zones…which resulted in a rediculous number of comments being left on my facebook page; I don’t know why, we all know Stardust Speedway is the best stage in Sonic CD…right guys?

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BlueTube: Jason Griffith Plays It Safe


Lady and gentlemen, Jason Griffith wears a condom.  You should, too.

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Blue Sonic-Branded Dreamcast on eBay


Sonic Adventure 2 was a big deal back in 2001. Hype was at fever pitch among the Sega faithful, the game had very positive reviews (remember when that happened?) and countless merchandise was released for the game that was to coincide with Sonic’s 10th Anniversary. There were limited edition statues, glass cubes, CD soundtracks and booklets… we even discovered goblets most recently! One of the biggest and most sought after of the bunch though, was an ultra-rare blue Sega Dreamcast in Sonic’s name. Signed by Yuji Naka, the only one actually seen in the wild was on an episode of Thumb Bandits, given away as part of a contest.

Now, you can obtain that very console for your collection. If you have a spare grand and a half.

On everyone’s favourite backyard sale, a chap is letting go of this very rare item – which includes a white and blue Sonic themed controller, a copy of Sonic Adventure 2, the usual bits that came with a Dreamcast and of course the blue console with a Sonic imprint and Naka signature – for £1,500. What recession?

Sega Dreamcast Sonic the Hedgehog 10th Anniversary Rare – eBay (ta, Jemnezmy)

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Watch this video, or else you’re a poophead.

Big props to FlameStream on YouTube.  I am really impressed with this animation and I thought that I would share it with you all.

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Sonic gets a mention in Penny-Arcade


A lot of popular references to Sonic seem to focus on the new Sonic games these days, so it’s always a nice change to see reminiscing about the good old days; something I was delighted to spot when I visited the popular web comic Penny-Arcade today.

Today’s comic delves back into the past of one of their fictional protagonist’s history, in which he was a lowly SEGA fanboy amongst a school of SNES gamers. As well as what appears to be a reference to the horde of Sonic games that appeared on the Megadrive/Genesis (and that possibly Sonic was the only “memorable character” to feature in games on the console?), there’s also a quick quip about SEGA’s obsession with lock-on cartridges and software!

You can check out the new comic here, and hopefully later today there will be a news post which will discuss the subject of the comic in greater detail.

So, did you fight in the console wars, and what was the SEGA/Nintendo split in your playground?

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Take Sonic On An Adventure – The Winning Photo!

It’s Easter, and so everyone’s making plans to go on holiday somewhere. Sonic’s already had his World Adventure in the form of Sonic Unleashed, but perhaps the sights of Apotos and Chun-nan hasn’t given our hedgehog a complete view of the world we live in.

This is where you come in. Courtesy of our friends at SEGA Europe, we have an Xbox 360 Elite console plus a game or two to give away to a special someone on The Sonic Stadium. As a runner-up prize, we also have a copy of Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection (Xbox 360, PAL) for one of you. This is all made possible by the good folk at the Sonic City Blognik – click the link to visit them and have good times.


The Challenge

So what do you have to do to be in with a chance of winning a brand new console? Simple. We want you to take a Sonic plushie on an adventure and take a photo of where it ends up. Much like Sonic Team’s famed plushie photo shoots (example above) we want Sonic to see all the sights of the world – be that eating at a TGI Friday’s in New York or skulking down the beaches in Skegness. The craziest photo will end up with a spanking new Xbox 360 Elite. Magical!

The Entries

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Image 1: No sooner had we opened our contest than we suffered the good old Rule 34, with our first entrant displaying a somewhat “tough encounter between rivals”, courtesy of Yuluga. Not quite sure if Tails is experiencing anything about the world apart from the fact that it can be a cruel, cruel place, but I’m sure Eggman is having a good time. So er, thanks for this Yuluga.

Image 2: Silencer226’s entry attempts to add some toilet humour to the proceedings. It’s quite impressive how he’s managing to balance that Archie with his feet, either way. According to Silencer, “…Shadow has always wondered why Sonic loves those chili dogs, so he tried one. Big mistake… from his facial expression I could tell he had much to do. Now he must live his life as the ‘Ultimate Crapper'”.

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Image 3: Here we have Shadow ‘enjoying’ the sights of Disneyland in Anehiem, California. As much of a traveller as the Ultimate Lifeform is, apparently the Happiest Place on Earth wasn’t part of his agenda. Entrant Waaurufu promised a Haunted Mansion ride to get him to come along. It’s a nice photo, let’s just hope the angsty one doesn’t find out about it.

Image 4: Peter had no Sonic plush, so he entered with his favourite figurine instead. We suppose it counts, particularly if you end up having a Bug’s Life-esque adventure as Sonic seems to be having here. Makes even a Bulgarian garden an exotic locale for some exploration.

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Image 5: Sonic climbs among the rocks of Barry Island, Cardiff in this photo, immortalised by Frobman. Doesn’t look like he’s breaking much of a sweat – maybe all those past adventures have kept him fit over the years. It’s an awesome picture nonetheless, and almost won the contest.

Image 6: Josh enters a photo of a particularly knackered Sonic, which kind of links quite nicely from the last entry here. “He didn’t quite save [the world] this time, so he gave up because there was no hope–because the earth was already taken over, and so he decided just to take a nap on the beach.” Apparently beaches aren’t what they used to be after the world got destroyed by Eggman, hence the photo. Nice try, Josh.

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Image 7: Amy tries the economy-busting approach to holidaying, by fishing in a bucket in MilesDX’s backyard. Well, at least she can’t complain about the quality of the food or accommodation this way. Let’s hope she doesn’t end up with a frog for dinner, otherwise Big won’t be happy.

Image 8: Rather than go on a world adventure, Deancast shows Sonic that the best place in the world can be home, as the blue blur is caught finding some chili dogs to cook up. The way he’s looking, it seems ol’ Sonic’s had his fair share of dogs as well. Getting a bit porky there. Deancast, just how long has Sonic been stuck in your house living on this stuff?

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Image 9: The chili dog scoffing must have taken its toll on Sonic’s fitness, as Chaos360 sends us a picture of our hero gallantly failing his daily training in a gym in Catford. Bonus points to Chaos360 for the confused onlooker on the rowing machine there.

Image 10: Sonic needs gems! Emeralds! Shiny things! To satisfy his desire to complete his gems collection, Pri0n took his plushie to a New York jewellery shop. After ‘detecting some strange energy patterns’, the hedgehog discovered that the store had Chaos Emeralds, and they were for sale too. If only Dr. Eggman knew how easy it would be collecting the elusive seven…

Image 11: The Word Tamer lives up to the name by sending us a short story alongside this entry, where Sonic valiantly escapes from his most dangerous foe yet – Sonic Man! While quoting a bunch of hyperactive side-characters, Sonic’s task in “Sonic Adventure 3” is to reclaim the stolen Yuji Naka-Sanchinity orb from Sonic Man, all the while abandoning Tails and Knuckles via rope swing in Wivenhoe Woods. An ‘A’ for effort here, and an ‘A’ for sympathy as Wordy apparently fractured his wrist on that very rope swing prior to his career change to unconvincing villain.

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Image 12: Frack’s entry speaks for itself: “Before being relocated to a maximum security, underwater GUN prison , Sonic was temporarily held in a similar facility in San Diego, CA. Poor guy.” He doesn’t quite look like he’s enjoying his world adventure there, does he? It’s OK Sonic, Amy will save you… at least she would, if she wasn’t bucket fishing.

Image 13: Tracy sent in a pretty cool photo of Sonic jamming in a band with Tails and Knuckles. She says the gang had just defeated Eggman for yet another time and playing the drums helps Sonic relax. Well, as long as Sonic doesn’t go anywhere near a guitar that shoots happy hardcore laser beams, we’ll be okay. And I think the neighbours would accept loud drumming noises compared to that as well.

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Image 14: Sonic enjoys a well-earned rest in a nearby tree – well, with all this exploring around the world and seeing all sorts of sights, you do need a break every now and then. Dylan took this photo while Sonic was napping, but I’m sure he won’t mind.

Image 15: “Sonic is on in adventure this Easter Cracking One Bad Egg at a Time…” reads this entry from Future. Sonic finally gets Eggman into a corner – or should we say cup – as he declares “This is going to happen to you next!”, pointing at a broken egg. My my, we never knew Sonic had it in him. Eggman’s understandably a bit soiled at this threat, and the shocked face slapped on that egg is awesome. Nice work.

The Almost-Won-Its

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Image 16: Foreversonic took this stylish photo of Sonic trying his luck in Great Yarmouth’s crane game machines. The story goes that Sonic’s friends got caught in this catcher so Sonic must try to free them. The setting feels very much like a location Sonic would be seen in, and the story behind it is pretty sweet too.

Image 17: Looks like Rio went on his own world adventure round about the same time most of the TSS Staff did, as he takes a photo with his Sonic plushie by a lake in the Chu-Zenji mountains in Nikko, Japan. It’s truly an amazing view, and we can say we’ve seen similar sights in our own journey in the land of the rising sun. This almost won because it was about the only entry that actually took the contest seriously. Great work.

Image 18: Leo’s entry sees Sonic hitchhiking in rural Germany, with the Bavarian Alps looking beautiful within the town of Garmisch. It was a real close call between the winning entry and this one, as the view is absolutely breathtaking and the photography here is worthy of praise. Sonic’s all bandaged up like that as the result of a traffic accident. Trying to get to Spagonia those few seconds faster doesn’t really seem worth it now, does it Sonic?

Leo’s entry is the clear runner-up in the contest, which means he bags himself a PAL copy of Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection on Xbox 360.

The Winner


Khyber’s entry won the contest by the width of a fishing line – literally! Setting up a scene where Tails is carrying Sonic over Bellingham Bay, WA is a unique way of staging a world adventure (as long as Tails doesn’t get too knackered after all that flying) and very fitting for the games as well. What really got us was the effort that went into taking this photo – believe it or not, the image above is not photoshopped, but rather a couple of plushies hanging on a fishing line. Kyber explains:

“I switched to fishing line instead of string because the string kept showing up in the picture. Sonic and Tails are held together with safety pins, and the angle is such that the pins aren’t visible. This was HARD to get right, but definitely worth it.”

You can see how Kyber set up the shot by taking a peek at this image. The imagination alone has earned you an Xbox 360 Elite console, a copy of Sonic Unleashed, a bonus game and a bundle of Sega goodies to boot, so well done Khyber! Thanks to all of our entrants, all of your photos were awesome and detailed a very interesting (if not sordid at times) adventure that the Sonic crew will certainly not forget!

What’s your favourite entry out of all of these photos? Let us know in the Comments box!

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Sonic’s Pants! Sonic Underwear hits UK River Island Stores

pantsTurns out that if you think Sonic is pants, you are right! River Island, one of the UK’s leading high street fashion outlets has recently started selling a couple of pieces of underwear for the discerning gentleman (or lady if they prefer the comfort of the boxer briefs!).

The line currently includes a snazzy pair of boxers which will set you back a whopping £9.99 per pair, and a pair of funky checkered socks retailing at £6.99 a pop.

If you really are Sonic mad (and I know a lot of you are) but a bit shy, then you can now proudly wear the hedgehog at all times without attracting too much attention. However, it does look like he’s about to spin-attack your groin (or is he sniffing your crotch?).

Both products are available at the UK River Island Online store.

Props to Rich for spotting these.

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BlitzChris Presents An Education On Sonic Remixes

I’m often asked where I find the remixes for my radio show, and while I’m hesitant to give out the details, I also think it’s unfair if they’re not shared. I hope to enlighten you over time on a couple of websites which are integral to my collection.

Today I present Dwelling of Duels.

DoD was let slip in an interview earlier this year with one of the more famous Sonic remixers ‘Snappleman’ (famous for his work in Project Chaos, and remixing pr0n into his music). Essentially DoD is a website dedicated to video game remixes made by the casual remixing community. Anyone is free to upload their songs, but the catch is that each month a theme is presented and the entrants are bound to it. At the end of the month all tracks are reviewed anonymously and then displayed in rank.

As with most remix sites songs are hit and miss but when they hit you’ll find yourself with two missing teeth and the word “pwnd” branded on the side of your face. Previous themes have included a “Sonic Month” and a “Sega Month” or two, which really helps build a library of remixes. The odd “Free Month” is also handy for a Sonic pick-up or two.

Last months results have recently been updated and Prince Of Darkness along with DrumUltimA, Kyle Etges & Mark Kinz, have remixed Chemical Plant, Aquatic Ruin and Casino Night into an extremely creative and well composed piece. Who am I kidding; it just kicked some sweet ass. It came a very close second, and I recommend it highly.

If you don’t want to download every remix on the site these are the Sonic remixes I’d shortlist for you:

PrinceOfDarkness, GuitarBizarre – Sonic Gargles with Garden Marbles

Rexy – Roasting Point

Rexy – Marble Relocation

BONKERS – Flying Magic

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Pete Capella, Voice Of Silver Mentions New ‘Collaboration’ In Interview

TSS Reader Psyguy and his website Wha-Chow! recently had the opportunity to chat with the voice of Silver the Hedgehog, Pete Capella. The 16 minute interview which can be found on the Wha-Chow! website gives some interesting insight into how Pete got the part of Silver, tips for budding voice actors and the reaction people give him when they find out he’s done voice work for Sonic games, among many other topics of discussion.

Towards the end of the interview Pete mentions a new Sonic ‘Collaboration’ that he’s doing voice work on but isn’t sure if he can or can’t talk about it yet. The interviewers on the website then make mention of Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games with Pete unable to confirm or deny if this is the collaboration he is talking about.

As of yet Silver hasn’t been confirmed for the Olympic Winter Games but last year some leftover code was found of the character in the original Olympic title. It’s not much of a stretch to assume Silver might be showing up this time but the collaboration might not be anything Olympic related at all.

We’ll treat this strictly as a rumour for now but that’s besides the point; the interview is well worth a listen so I suggest you do so now then comment on what you’ve heard in Psyguy’s topic on the SSMB or here in the comments section

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GameTrailers Explain ‘Sonic The Hedgehog’

I’ve just got a quick update for you guys because I saw this and it made me laugh. Gametrailers as part of their ‘GT Anthology’ series has uploaded a video detailing what made the original Sonic game for the Mega Drive / Genesis tick. For instance, did you know that collecting 100 rings gave Sonic an extra life and finishing an act with 50 rings let you enter a special zone? Ok, so I’m not being fair as the video would probably serve as more use to someone who wasn’t a fan and was curious about what this whole Sonic thing was about. Plus the video gives a brief rundown about the people involved with the game and some of the things they did after which is kinda interesting.

Mostly though it’s a dose of nostalgia to fans who remember the game from the first time round and newer fans curious about the speedy blue one’s first console outing. Have a look for yourself below.

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IGN Readers Vote Sonic 3rd Most Overrated Videogame Character

sonic-unleashed-shock-face In a recent poll, IGN asked readers to vote for their most overrated video game characters and the top 10 results are now in.

Here’s a list –
1. Master Chief
2. Lara Croft
3. Sonic The Hedgehog
4. Marcus Fenix
5. Chris Redfield
6. Kratos
7. Pac-Man
8. Big Daddy
9. Altair
10. Donkey Kong

As you can see IGN reader votes placed Sonic as the 3rd most overrated video game character, the only two they consider more overrated than Sonic are Lara Croft and Master Chief which is already causing a stir in the Xbox community but should the Sonic community take this in an equally immature manner? Well no, this is a gaming press sites poll like any other to be taken with a grain of salt.

Everyone has opinions and their own different tastes in gaming, what one person likes doesn’t mean another person will like it whether it is a good or bad game. This poll has allowed people to vote on a wide range of characters from various different genre’s too so the vote was always going to be messy and end up with some of the most popular characters ever included in this list.

Some people will no doubt give this list some credibility but that’s their opinion and viewpoint. Yes Sonic has had a rough time for a few years now games wise but I really believe that the gameplay of the Sonic stages in Sonic Unleashed was a big step in the right direction.

Now what are your views on this? Do you think Sonic deserves his spot in 3rd place? Do you think people should listen to it or just shake it off and ignore it?

Thanks to Flamerstreak over at his SSMB topic for the info.

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Ebay Watch: Rare Tomy Sonic Char-G


News is slow at the moment, so it’s time for another edition of Ebay Watch. Back in the early 90’s toy developers Tomy released alot of Sonic merchandise to fill the young fans playtime when away from the awesome Sonic video game titles. One piece of merchandise Tomy released was a Sonic edition of it’s then popular Char-G remote control cars.

What was so special about these were that they could be recharged in about 45 seconds from the remote handset and when driving them around you could make them spin, flash the headlights and do wheelie stunts. Doesn’t sound like much now but these were pretty cool back in the day and having a Sonic one made you even cooler.

If you’d like one of these very rare pieces of merchandise you can bid for it on eBay here.



Also on eBay –

Someone is amusingly enough selling an almost empty Sonic Rush box, I say almost empty due to the fact there is no game card and just a manual inside. Even more amusing, one person so far has actually bidded on this. Some crazy people out there on eBay. You can check this out here.

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Facebook Fans Want Sonic To Go Greek

greekNot content with Sonic visiting the extremely Greek themed Apotos in Sonic Unleashed, fans of the blue blur have voted on Facebook that they’d like to see him appear in Storybook series featuring Greek Myths and Legends. The poll, which was defiantly for fun and will have absolutely no bearing on the direction of any future Storybook games, tasked fans with voting for which scenario they’d like to see Sonic in next with the Greek theme taking home 33% of the vote. The full results can be found on the Sonic Blognik here but my personal favourite idea of Sonic in a Sci-Fi environment came second with 21%. “Sonic In Spaaaaace” with exactly that many ‘a’s would be fantastic, trust me.

So Sonic in Greece? There’s certainly enough mythology to draw from with him being able to battle with or against any number of the Gods. I’m not an expert on the matter but a quick glance over Google leads me to believe a number of Sonic characters could happily portray the Gods in Greek Legend. Here are some descriptions I found:

Hermes = Sonic?
“He is the messenger of the gods. He is the fastest of the gods. He wears winged sandals, a winged hat, and carries a magic wand. Hermes is the god of thieves and god of commerce. He is the guide for the dead to go to the underworld.”

Hades = Eggman?
“Brother of Zeus. God of the underworld, ruling over the dead. He is also the god of wealth, due to the precious metals mined from the earth.”

Aphrodite = Rouge?
“Goddess of love, desire and beauty. Aphrodite rises from the foam of the waves of the sea, enchanting anyone who sees her and inciting feelings of love where ever she goes.”

Hestia = Blaze?
“Sister of Zeus. Goddess of the Home. Each city had a public hearth sacred to Hestia, where the fire was never allowed to go out.”

Apollo = Tails?
“Apollo is the god of music, playing a golden lyre. The Archer, far shooting with a silver bow. The god of healing who taught man medicine. The god of light. The god of truth, who can not speak a lie.”

Do you have any suggestions? Did you’re favourite scenario not do well in the poll? Let us know on the comments. After you’ve done that you can head to the new Facebook Poll to answer the eternal question; Who would win in a fight, Sonic or Knuckles? As Bruce Buffer would say, “IT’S TIME!”

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Part 1 of Bentley Jones Interview on the Blognik

bentleyjonesRaise your hands all of you who made it to the Summer of Sonic last year. Good, all 200+ of you. In that case there’s a good chance some of you saw the great musical performance from Bentley Jones and if you were there a little earlier, the awesome impromptu sing along to Dreams of Absolution with one Bentley Jones watching with a big grin on his face in the background. Oh yes, I saw that!

It’s safe to say at least a few of you here are Bentley Jones fans so you might be interested to know ArchangelUK over on the Blogknik has posted the first of a series of posts featuring an interview with him. It’s well worth a read and it gives an inside look into what to expect from his first album. It also gives an amusing insight into how AAUK tackles with the dreaded Man-Flu, never to be taken lightly.

You can read the interview here and let me know what you think in the comments. How many of you are eagerly awaiting a UK release or have you bought the album from Japan already?  I wonder if Dreadknux ot T-Bird will return with a copy?

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BlueTube: Terminator Salvation Trailer Meets SatAM


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eBay: Bid On Rare “Sonic the Hedgehog #0 & #1” Comics

eBay user, the-comic-crypt has put a rare Sonic comics up for auction in “Sonic the Hedgehog #0” and “#1,” which are the first full comic appearances of the blue blur.  As of April 14th, the comics are going for around $30 combined and will be up until this Friday, April 17th.  The-comic-crypt has assured potential buyers that the comics are in fantastic condition.

If you’re a fan of the Sonic comics and do not own these two issues, I recommend placing a bid on ’em.  Be prepared to spend somewhere in the mid-hundreds (in  dollars) on each, as the-comic-crypt mentioned that his last auction of Sonic #1 finished at $141.

Bid on Sonic #0.

Bid on Sonic #1

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Dodgy Sonic Costumes On eBay


I’ve seen some Sonic cosplay in my time.  It’s not the prettiest sight, I can assure you.  The only time that I haven’t been afraid for my well-being by someone in a Sonic costume is at SEGA-sponsored events.  The costumes that have been found by UK Resistance are not in the latter category, as they will surely make the young ones pee multiple pairs of pants.  Expect them to be followed home from school by a man in one of these costumes.

Every Sonic character that has seen some game time in the past decade is available at the eBay seller’s store, all of them horrifying.  Doofy-Mouth Sonic will give me nightmares.  So, too, will Arms-Joined-At-The-Cheeks Amy and Middle-Aged Rouge the Bat.

Why, oh, why did they decide to take pictures of the costumes in an abandoned warehouse? Hibblie-jibblies.

[UK Resistance via Kotaku]

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BlueTube: Unreal Tournament Invades Green Hill


A GameTrailers user video by coconutjones has unveiled one of the coolest mods to Unreal Tournament: Green Hill Zone.

There’s been a number of really cool mods for Unreal Tournament but nothing lives up to what you’re about to see. Unreal Tournament in Sonic the Hedgehog’s Green Hill Zone. Another fine addition of a custom map created by gamers. Perhaps this will bring open some ideas to publishers to create “Sonic the Hedgehog: Unreal Edition”.

Head on over to GT to watch the video.

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New Mario & Sonic Playtest In Games Master Magazine


In their new issue out in shops from today Games Master have a new 6 page hands-on playtest of both the Wii and DS versions of Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games. Aswell as their hands-on views Games Master have plenty of new screens, all new info from a recent talk with the games producer and directors and a look at both Mario and Sonic’s games over the years.

You can pick up the mag in UK stores now or online here for just £3.99. People outside the UK can buy the mag on that site too.

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SAGE ’09: Submit Awful Sonic Fanfics for Musical

Last year, during a SAGE radio broadcast (SAGEcast), video game music man, DOM (in his “Andross” voice filter), and other expo goers teamed up to do a dramatic performance of one of the worst Sonic fan-fictions ever, “Jurassic Park and the Sonic Crew.”  This year, they’re doing it again and they need your help.  Find or write an awful Sonic fan-fiction and submit it to InstantSonic, the director of SAGE ’09.

This show is hilarious and it will be again.  Trust me.  If you have a terrible idea, write it down and submit.

Submit an abomination of fiction to “sageradiomania AT gmail DOT com.”

Listen to last year’s “Jurassic Park and the Sonic Crew” recording.

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Eurogamer Hands-On: M&S Winter Olympics


SEGA held an event in Vancouver for the press to play some curling and try out Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games for the Wii and DS.  There are brand new screenshots and impressions from the new mascot-branded, mini-game collection for you to check out, but I’d just like to point out one thing:

Multiplayer is unlocked from the start of the game.  Thank you for correcting an awful design choice, SEGA.

The article also highlights Wii Balance Board support for sports like downhill skiing and bobsledding.  On the DS front, all sports will be sharable with up to 4 DS systems with a single cartridge. Wow!  Producer Eigo Kasahara says:

“Actually I wanted to make all the events available for free download last time, but because of time constraints it was difficult.  With this version, maybe players will bring the cartridge to school and play with their friends. Then kids will go home and ask their Mum to buy them a copy… So it’s a kind of viral marketing almost.”

All I need now is some hockey.  I mean, you can’t have the Winter Olympics (in Canada, no less) without hockey!

Eurogamer Hands-On with M&S: Winter Olympics

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Exclusive: 14th Annual Sonic Amateur Games Expo DATED!

A long-standing community tradition run by Sonic Fan Games HQ, the Sonic Amateur Games Expo is an online showcase of the dozens of Sonic fan projects in the works.  This year’s event will be run by community oldbie, InstantSonic, along with KTZ.  The show will be a week-long celebration from July 25th through the 31st. With the show a little over three months away, that gives prospective participators enough time to whip up a project and a booth (website).

Submit all booth registrations to, along with a game demo to be displayed in a SAGE Attraction video.

Submit all SAGEcast radio show concepts to If you DO NOT send InstantSonic a concept of what your show will be called and what it will be about, you will not be able to broadcast. Also, try to limit all broadcasts to 30 minutes to an hour.

The show will feature regulars like Sonic: The Fated Hour, Sonic Nexus, Emerald Ties: Crossing Fates, Sonic Nebulous, and much more!  I am truly optimistic for this year’s show.

Read up on the last few years of the expo at Sonic Retro’s Wiki. Ah, 2007… so many memories for me as director…

Sonic Stadium is your place for all kinds of positive, community happenings.  Stick with us and you’ll find more fun things to do with that blue hedgehog who happens to run fast.

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April Fools Around the Sonic Community

April Fool’s Day became a way better holiday thanks to the Internet.  Sites go well out of their way to screw with its regular visitors and pull the biggest stunts of all time in an attempt to trick those unaware of the date on the calendar.   This year was rather mellow on the stunts and more about being outright silly.

Here at Sonic Stadium, our April Fool’s prank went into our forums.  Pictures (including avatars, banners, and signatures) were oriented differently by the hour and the colors were ugly greens and purples.  The word filter was put in play and people had a hard time as to what other members were saying.  It was classic Stadium tomfoolery.

On the main site, there wasn’t anything planned, so I took it upon myself to relive a part of my early community days: hoaxes.  I remember when everybody used to try and make the most believeable hoaxes possible, regardless of whether April 1st was approaching or not.  If only Sonic Vegemite were around right now, because I like browsing through all the latest  hoaxes that people cook up.

Over at other sites that I frequent, there was more fun to be had.  Recently at Sonic Fan Games HQ, forum member, gsoft, created a skin that resembled the glory days of the forum, known as the “PHPBB era.”  Then, he went right to work on the April Fool’s prank, which I laughed at for a good while.  I present to you “Amy Fan Games HQ:”


Then, I headed over to Sonic Retro and they sure went Retro.  The forum became the old, defunct “Simon Wai Sonic 2 Beta Forums:”


The highlight, for me, had to be on Newgrounds and a video called “$eG@.”  Newgrounds became “China’s Only Approved Website” and with it came a fantastic parody of the Sonic franchise.  One of our readers and affiliates, Psyguy of, provided a voice for the movie.  It’s a dream within a dream within a dream sequence featuring all incarnations of Sonic from classic to present.  Lots of furry sex is had. *shudder*

Check out $eG@ at Newgrounds.

Did you encounter any other pranks or goofing off around the Sonic community?  Tell me about it, already.

Image by “Nomad” of DeviantArt.

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Let Me Tell Ya ‘Bout A Place, Called “Zone: 0”


Community projects and cool websites are one of the few reasons I bother to like Sonic anymore, aside from the adoration of the character at a young age.  When amazing sites within this community pop-up, I take notice and rush to tell everybody about it.  So, now, I’m tell you to visit Zone:0, the most comprehensive guide and analysis of the classic Sonic titles.  The site can best described on its about page:

This rather colossal project of mine aims to combine the detail and accuracy of a well written FAQ with the visual features and organisation of an official printed strategy guide, all mangled together into a series of web pages. The ideal, although probably unrealistic goal (either way, we’re talking in terms of years here), is that every single game in the series will one day be covered within this website. The biggest emphasis here though is on the levels of the Sonic platformers, and each one, for each game, will have its own page personalised and dedicated entirely to it. Information will not only relate just to the specific obstacles and tricky bits you’ll encounter but also details surrounding its structure, appearance and tons of other trivia, relying on specific and consistent methods of organisation and analysis. Where possible, complete maps with the most detail you can find anywhere, as well as a load of screenshots will help illustrate the entire stage for you.

I’ll talk about it briefly, because I want you to go over there and see for yourself!

picture-1Zone:0’s administrator, LiQuidShade, recently put up a new ad here at Sonic Stadium to promote the redesign of the site.  Not only is the design slicker and more appealing to the eye, but Sonic the Hedgehog CD joins the party, as guides for only Sonic 1 & Sonic 2 were the only games up before.  There are also improvements within the image viewing department and comment boxes, which allow you to add content to a game’s page.

I was hooked on Zone:0 when I saw a count for the amount of rings in a given act.  When I saw that statistic, amongst the dozens of pictures and details, I knew that I could trust this site for a comprehensive breakdown.  Plus, the site hosts level maps, which have been hard to find, in my opinion, as of late.  While the Sonic Research Zone is also a great resource, half of their maps are down.  Sonic fangamers should frequently visit this site to read about how each level is constructed, in order to create the best possible level for their own game.

Zone:0 provides breakdowns and analysis of each zone’s appearance, level design, and strategy.  Do you want to find the best path to time travel in Sonic CD? Zone:0 has got you covered.  Do you need to know where all of the star checkpoints in Sonic 2 to create the best method of collecting the chaos emeralds?  Zone:0 is on it.  There is just so much information, it will make your head spin with joy.

Visit Zone:0

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Roarey’s RacCOMIC #7: Forum Warrior

I’m disturbed at Big’s massive teets.

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Reaching Out To The Fans – The Black Knight Story

sbk1Warning: This article contains spoilers to Sonic and the Black Knight.

A recent trend in Sonic games seems to be the increasing outreach to the online Sonic community, with today’s Sonic Team no longer the closed in studio it once was. There have been some good throwbacks to past games before – Sonic Heroes was a mish-mash of both classic and modern gameplay, with Chaotix (minus Mighty) making a welcome return. But Sonic Chronicles on the Nintendo DS marked the first time SEGA were willing to stretch a hand towards the community in terms of a game’s development.

BioWare produced a pretty sweet fan service in general in Sonic Chronicles’ dialogue, story and impressive knowledge of lore/filling in the blanks. The cherry on the cake was the studio allowing the online community to name an alien race in the game. On the back of that success, Sonic Team seem to have taken futher steps, by including easter eggs in Sonic Unleashed in the hidden Dreamcast, and acknowledging the chilidog as Sonic’s official favourite snack.

The Japanese studio took another step with Sonic and the Black Knight, but it’s more than the obvious. SEGA held a contest around the world to include some pieces of fan artwork into the latest Wii adventure. The result is an awesome set of slideshows that feature a bunch of American, European and Japanese work. Even the outcome of a discrepency in one of the European entries resulted in a fair and responsive reaction from ArchAngelUK, which really just adds to how far SEGA and Sonic Team are willing to go to put things right. Continue reading Reaching Out To The Fans – The Black Knight Story

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Black Knight’s “Casual Direction:” Parte Deux

Set “sarcasm” and “smart-ass” levels to 11.  OK, ready…

I had an experiment last week.  One that I said to take with as many grains of salt as you would like:

You can take as many grains of salt from this experiment as you would like to (it is just three kids after all), but, personally, Sonic Team’s failure to hit their target audience speaks volumes on the state of the series.

No foolin’.  If you were level-headed enough to read the entire article, you got to read the above statement and made a level-headed assessment, either in agreement with the article or not.  I assume that the unnecessarily disgruntled, drama-loving lunkheads who frequent the Sega of America boards and TSSZ comment boxes were too flustered to keep reading by the second or third paragraph of the article and went right to peeing their footy pajamas and raging about “experimenting on more kids.”  Well, an “experiment” consists of testing a small group to draw a conclusion on the whole.  Looking in a second grade science textbook can tell you that much.  I guess the crowd that can’t deal with an opinion radically different from theirs was too busy looking at Cream & Marine hentai that they slid into their books while the teacher was going over that chapter.

It’s okay, lunkheads, because my new buddy, Core, has hooked me up with a similar experiment conducted by a French-language magazine.  I have no idea which magazine, but Core and I can assure you that it’s real.  In the article, they ask three kids about Black Knight.  They even give the game a score out of twenty, so you can justify your purchase with a number!  Wow!  A number and an opinion that agrees with the lunkheads?  Hot damn!


So, the three kids that I tested all disliked the game and these French children liked the game.  Combine the two experiments and the game gets a 3/6, or a 50%.  Fifty percent, hmm… that number looks familiar.  Or, at least, is rather close to a certain Metacritic rating.

This new article leads me to draw a new conclusion when it comes to the the game’s reception to not just its target audience, but even the gaming public as a whole:

Sonic & the Black Knight: Mixed reaction.  Mediocre.  End of story.  If you like it, great.  If you don’t like it, great.

Nobody is stopping you from doing either.

A big thank you to Core for providing TSS with this article and for being cool about presenting an opposing opinion.  Be more like Core.
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New “M&S: Winter Olympics” Scans from April’s Nintendo Power

msowgart1The latest Nintendo Power (#240) has some new information and images of the upcoming sequel to the popular summer Olympiad game that the two iconic characters competed at this past holiday season. The issue talked about some of the sports that Mario & Sonic will be participating in later this year in Vancouver, such as alpine skiing, bobsledding, and speed skating.  In addition to the titular characters, all characters that participated in Beijing will be returning for the Winter Olympics, in addition to some new faces.  If you ever wanted to see a purple, morbidly obese cat ride a skeleton luge, this game may make that dream come true.

Co-Op and competitive multiplayer will be available for the Wii version, while the DS will only receive the latter.  The Wii version will also put your unused Wii Balance Board to use.  When it comes to the DS, you might want to invest in some screen protectors for this game.  All that rubbin’ and scratchin’ will obliterate your touch screen.

Oh, and here are some scans, I guess:


[From BlueBlur]

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Reflecting on Black Knight’s “Casual” Direction

Back in February, I posted a story from regarding the intended audience of Sonic & the Black Knight.  Once I read it, I found some solace in that I shouldn’t give a care about Sonic idiotically waving a sword at 300 MPH.  Tetsu Katano, the director of the Japan division of Sonic Team, went on the record to tell us older guys to look down on Black Knight as child’s play.

“Sonic and the Black Knight is aimed at a younger, more casual audience. We’ve changed a lot of things, essentially. It’s thinking as children; approaching things from their point of view, thinking what they want to see.”

So be it, Tetsu.  However, I still have to play it to keep myself informed.  It’s part of my job here at TSS, because nobody wants to read articles by someone who is completely clueless.  When I played the game, I went in with lower expectations than Sonic Unleashed.  Considering how much I loathed the werehog, Black Knight was as low as I can get.  My rental time with the game can be summed up in Svend’s review, or any review that you can find on the internet in the 60s score range and below.

After my experience, I thought of this article by CasualGaming.  How do kids react to this game?  It was a thought that lingered in my mind until I finally put it to the test.  I have spent the last week in Los Angeles, making connections, scouting apartments, soaking up sun, and visiting friends.  I went to one of my old mentor’s houses in Burbank.  He has a wife, three kids, and, most importantly, a Wii.  On a slow day, I rented Black Knight again and asked the kids to play it.

The three boys have never played a Sonic game before, so I thought that this little experiment was an excellent opportunity to test Katano’s “kid-oriented” game and his other goal of using this game as a way to introduce people to Sonic:

“Sonic is kind of a cheeky, edgy character, and so we like seeing Sonic challenge new things all the time. The Wii is a big part of it, because it appeals to a wider range of people who maybe have not played a Sonic game before.”

The kids were hooked on the presentation, like most people, but could not stand to play the rest of the game.  They complained that the game was “too difficult” and that their wrists were getting worn out.  From my observations, the difficulty stemmed from the poor design choices in gameplay that a majority of the reviewers have been harping on.  The kids refused to play the rest of the game and Katano’s primary audience of new, young Sonic players was violated.

You can take as many grains of salt from this experiment as you would like to (it is just three kids after all), but, personally, Sonic Team’s failure to hit their target audience speaks volumes on the state of the series.

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Best of Sonic Relief 2009


Sonic Relief has been a big success having reached its £100.00 fundraising target by raising £102.00 for Comic Relief. We received 36 fantastic entries in total for the event and me and MK Skillz(founder of Sonic Relief) wanted to showcase some of our picks of the lot.

MK Skillz:
Casanova’s video entry –
The Bestist Sonic Fan Fiction Ever

Indigo Rush’s entry –

Continue reading Best of Sonic Relief 2009

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Sonic Relief 2009 – Grand Total Announcement


15-3-09 UPDATE:

Red Nose Day has now been and gone and Sonic & The Black Knight is now on UK shelves… but there’s still one last thing to do before we say “sayonara” to Sonic Relief 2009 (which was conceptualised to celebrate the two) and that’s to announce the grand total we raised for charity.

Only a couple of weeks ago we asked you to “do something Sonic for money”, be it a drawing, a video, a song… literally anything. And you did. For a relatively unplanned event and a fairly short time span, we received loads of entries – all in the name of a good cause. Thank you to all who entered.

Certain members had vowed to donate money to Comic Relief based on how many entries we received (be it 50p per entry, a set amount whatever the number of entries, or strange mathematical calculations) and before I reveal the total I’d just like to say thank you to all of these. Without you, this event could never have taken place or been the success it has become. Special thanks goes to MK Skillz who originally put the idea through to me and without his constant help throughout the event, none of this could have happened. Special thanks also go to my wife Emma, Urtheart, vger, JJ4eva, The DJ and bolt7 for all their donations, you rock!

So then, shall we get on with it?

It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for!

I can now reveal that Sonic Relief 2009 managed to raise a rather spectacular £102 for Comic Relief!

It may not sound like much but considering the short space of time we had, that’s a really respectable amount. It may only be a small addition to Comic Relief’s current total of over £57 million but it’s a valuable addition nonetheless – and it’s also helped to bring our community together to aid a common cause.

In celebration of this year’s success we are also planning to present some of the best Sonic Relief 2009 entries on The Sonic Stadium’s front page.

So, I guess that’s it for Sonic Relief then… right?

Well, no. Judging by the success of this first fundraising drive, I’m more than up for doing it again sometime in the future – and I’m sure that a lot of you would be too! With more time, more planning, and more support who knows what we could be capable of raising…?

14-3-09 UPDATE: That’s a wrap folks!

So if I’ve counted right, we have 36 entries! Some are from multiple entries some people submitted but it’s still an awesome number of entries.

Thanks to everyone who contributed, that’s £17.00 I will be donating to Comic Relief. We have £20 going to Comic Relief from The DJ, that makes £37.00. Urtheart will be donating so much per entry via his calculation that I can’t get my head around 😆 Other staff will be donating some cash too. Once we have a full total of the raised amount, we’ll let you know our grand total.

Thanks again everyone, you’ve helped a great cause 😉

6-3-09 UPDATE: To make things more official, gain optional donations and to put entries in a place where everyone can see and appreciate them Sonic Relief now has an Official Comic Relief site which you can check out here. Turns out these Comic Relief pages only allow 3 pics and 3 videos up at one time so we’ll be rotating entries so that everyone has some showcase time on the site.

To celebrate the UK release of Sonic & The Black Knight as well as Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day on Friday 13th March 2009, we’re giving you the chance to help raise some money for charity in the very first Sonic Relief!

Sonic Relief is a concept made by SSMB forumer MK Skillz, which simply asks you to “do something Sonic for money”. Thanks to the super power of teamwork, The Sonic Stadium is heavily supporting the idea and it’s been given the go ahead.

All we need you to do is to be a part of Sonic Relief! Whether you want to dress up as your favourite Sonic character, sing a song, draw us a picture… literally ANYTHING (as long as it’s funny and will make us laugh!) then we want to see it! The possibilities are endless!

For every entry that we receive, Shadzter (as well as other supporting members such as Urtheart, Vger, bolt, and SEGA Sonic’s Radio DJs The DJ and JJ4eva) will donate money to Comic Relief. The more entries, the more money we raise… simple!

For those of you who do not know who or what Comic Relief is, it’s a UK based charity which aims to make “a just world free from poverty”. Every two years, Comic Relief holds Red Nose Day – a live television extravaganza which is usually a guaranteed night in of laughter. The general public can also purchase specially made Red Noses or simply do anything to raise money, with all the proceeds going to the charity. If you wish to find out more, please visit or

All entries should be posted in the SSMB Sonic Relief  topic.

The closing date for entries is Friday 13th March 2009.

Thanks for all your support so far, stay tuned for more Sonic Relief announcements coming soon!

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Sonic’s Edusoft Selling on eBay?

edusoft-front edusoft-back

You might never have heard of this unreleased Master System title, but a supposedly ‘bona fide’ copy of Sonic’s Edusoft is on sale for $40 on auction website eBay.

An edutainment game that was originally meant to capitalise on Sonic the Hedgehog’s Mega Drive release in 1991, Sonic’s Edusoft ended up not being released officially at all, according to information collected by fellow Wiki Sonic Retro. The developer, Tiertex, appeared on the SMS Power forums in 2007 to discuss the existence of the title. A ROM of the game is readily available from Retro.

Which leads us to ponder whether this item from eBay is in fact genuine. It could be relatively easy to grab a ROM and dump it onto a Master System cartridge, given the know how. It could just as easily be a promotional copy, handed out internally before its release was cancelled.

Either way, whoever decides to bid on this should probably air on the side of caution. We doubt that SEGA will confirm whether this is the real deal or not. Because it was an unofficially licensed game – and an unreleased one at that – we can only assume that the publisher will want to deny all existence of it, evidenced in mentions of Edusoft being removed from Wikipedia.

Sega Master System Game EDUSOFT With SONIC THE HEDGEHOG – eBay (via TSSZ)

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Roarey’s RacComic #5: What Review?

Another comic from SSMB Admin, Roarey Raccoon.  He didn’t even send me this one, as I just swiped it from a thread full of whining and/or bitching, complaining, pissing, moaning, groaning, ranting jabronies.

Now, Roareyes not saying that you should ignore the review for the bad score (remember, folks, everybody has opinions), but rather, “who gives a damn?”

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“TSFs” Follow-Up: A Comment Worth A Read

Yo, we had some good talkin’ goin’ on in the editorial on the “true Sonic fan,” but one comment was so good, that I had to point it out and share it with another post.  No surprise here, as it’s by TSS’ founder, Svend Joscelyne (Dreadknux).

@Umiyuri – “I actually feel like the one person in the fandom who doesn’t deserve to be there because I can never find any reason to say I hate a Sonic game, when all the obviously proper ones such as Svend and you can’t ever seem to find anything you like.”

Cough. Can I ask you to read my reviews on TSS? My review of Sonic Unleashed has been praised as the most balanced review online. And I’m consistently making balanced reviews like this, since the site’s opening in 2000. I don’t like how people seem to think we’re always negative about the series when we have a pedigree of being the most fair and positive.

By the way, a Black Knight review is on the way.  I can’t promise the best, but I can assure that it will be worth a read.  Svendy writes some good shit.  Anyway, as Svend speaks some more, he talks about the misconceptions of people about Sonic Stadium’s direction in this more personal blog system.  If your name is “Edge,” it’s probably relevant to your interests:

You guys honestly think Brad and I keep ‘harping on’ about games’ faults in our posts because we’re being serious? Heck no. We’re just having a laugh. We can write sniping comments about Silver’s stupid head till the cows come home, but that doesn’t mean to say we actually hate the character. You guys have just got to lighten up.

(This isn’t a dig at you, Umiyuri – you’re actually OK, but) I wonder if all the people who take pot shots at TSS actually have any reading comprehension over the age of 12?

The point of the article – and something Brad quite expertly pointed out in his last comment – that there is no such thing as a ‘true Sonic fan’. As others have posted in this comments thread, every Sonic fan out there is going to have a like or dislike that differs to one another. I like Sonic Spinball, but I know people like Brad will likely kick my arse for it. But that’s OK, because that doesn’t make me any more or less a ‘true Sonic fan’ than him or you or Bob up the road. :)

Side comment: the music in “Toxic Caves” is the jam.  I will only play Spinball through that level for the song alone.  Otherwise, yeah, he’s right.  I hate on that game pretty hard, but we’re still friends (despite never meeting in real life).

The people who call themselves ‘True Sonic Fans’ or similar are in fact closer to non-fans than any of us, because they exist to force you or others into thinking that “you must like all new Sonic games irrespective of actual quality” or “you must hate all new Sonic games irrespective of actual quality”. And as I stated before, that claim cannot be levelled at TSS because we’re funny with it, not serious.

I never thought that we’d have to “clear the air” with this format, but I guess we’re in the Sonic community after all.  I got tired of firing back at the reactive members (mostly the TSFs) of the community through stories a while back and it has been much more enjoyable.  Take my advice on that one and let’s start to have some fun here.  Pretend that it is Summer of Sonic and everybody’s nice to each other.

Back to partying, O.K.?  Who likes “Kool & the Gang?”

Oh, and since we’re all about misconceptions here.  “Slingerland’s Corner?”  A character (and not an original one at that).

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SEGA official blog showcases your fan artwork!

SEGA of America’s ‘Clumsyorchid’ updated the official SoA blog today with an interesting update regarding fan artwork entries to the ‘Sonic and the Black Knight’ artwork competition which took place a few months back. Clumsyorchid writes that the blog plans to do ‘5 days of fan art’, giving talented fans the spotlight they deserve by showcasing some fantastic entries they received after opening the competition. More artwork will be uploaded tomorrow, so if yours isn’t on there today, don’t feel too left out.

Has your piece appeared in today’s update? If so, which is yours? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: SEGA of America’s official blog.

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