Blue Sonic-Branded Dreamcast on eBay

Blue Sonic-Branded Dreamcast on eBay


Sonic Adventure 2 was a big deal back in 2001. Hype was at fever pitch among the Sega faithful, the game had very positive reviews (remember when that happened?) and countless merchandise was released for the game that was to coincide with Sonic’s 10th Anniversary. There were limited edition statues, glass cubes, CD soundtracks and booklets… we even discovered goblets most recently! One of the biggest and most sought after of the bunch though, was an ultra-rare blue Sega Dreamcast in Sonic’s name. Signed by Yuji Naka, the only one actually seen in the wild was on an episode of Thumb Bandits, given away as part of a contest.

Now, you can obtain that very console for your collection. If you have a spare grand and a half.

On everyone’s favourite backyard sale, a chap is letting go of this very rare item – which includes a white and blue Sonic themed controller, a copy of Sonic Adventure 2, the usual bits that came with a Dreamcast and of course the blue console with a Sonic imprint and Naka signature – for £1,500. What recession?

Sega Dreamcast Sonic the Hedgehog 10th Anniversary Rare – eBay (ta, Jemnezmy)

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. Uh hu. *nods* It’s 11:03 here and STILL no bids! (Although with the recession along with its price tag, I’m not surprised)

  2. The ultimate system, I would love to own this masterpiece. Bidding has ended but I dont think anyone has brought it so we could see its return!!!!!!!!!

  3. Who lists things at a price that high? Ebay charges based off starting price and ending price… price it low and let someone else get up to a high price, set a reserve if you want (but not THAT high, sheesh).

  4. I’m surprised somebody would even sell this! I hope they’re doing it as a last resort and not just for some quick cash. This should be in a SEGA museum, not a personal collection.

  5. @Barry: What the heck is a SEGA museum? We hardly have anything resembling a video game museum so far as I’m aware, although certain personal collections could come close.

  6. @Max Gene: I took a trip to melbourne, Australia at the start of 08′ and they had a video game museum up and running (although im fairly sure it was just a themed exhibit, and wasnt permanent). They had all the consoles you could think of (maybe not this sonic themed dreamcast) but it was a sight to see indeed. It was still being built when I was there, so I didnt gt a good look, but it seems its finished..

    And yes, it has been re-listed with a new starting price of 1000. 🙂

  7. I actually bid on one of these for $50 and won but it was never sent to me. I can only assume that the seller learned what it was worth and decided to resell it for more. This may even be the same one.

  8. Note that I said in “A” sega museum, not “THE” sega museum. I didn’t mean that one existed. Though if one DID exist, it should be on a floating island that circles the globe, so all may enjoy it.

  9. Cool!

    @ Barry the Nomad:
    It shall be called Angel Island! It will be powered by a gigantic, glowing, green gem called the Master Emerald, which will be protected by a red skined animal with spiked knuckles, a short temper, and a love of grapes. Let’s build off of this! That means anyone add on to this fangasm.

  10. Dammit… I would buy this but I dont have euros… and Im pooooooor… If I had the choice to pay money on my house or this dreamcast I’d choose this! because I dont own a house!

    @STULF the 20×6 Hedgehog

    Nice homestarrunner themed nickname. AND the island will also gaurded by a yellow-orange echidna girl and a water creature that can turn into a tenticle wielding awesome looking thing that ends up looking like a crappy dinosaur when 4Kids gets a hold of it and mutates it.

  11. I found a sonic adventure branded Dreamcast at a flea market in cincinati ohio but I didnt have enough money to get it. I couldnt tell if their was anyting special about it though because it was in a box…

  12. @ Edge:
    I just liked how twenty xty six sounded. THOUGH the island has so much power and so much security, an egg shaped scientist and the Sonic the Hedgehog fanbase constantly steal the treasures that lie on the island. Gotta run! There’s red, orange, and liquid like figures behind me.

  13. And if you piss them off enough Sonic will stop you by spindashing straight through your most-of-you. Ever seen what happens when he makes a human “disappear” like he does a robot? Of course you haven’t it’s too bloody for a kids game.

  14. Yeah! What a wonderful world! AND if that doesn’t stop you, he goes Fleetway Super on you and the entire island and all of its treasures explodes from his sadistic sense of humor.

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