eBay: Bid On Rare “Sonic the Hedgehog #0 & #1” Comics

eBay: Bid On Rare “Sonic the Hedgehog #0 & #1” Comics

eBay user, the-comic-crypt has put a rare Sonic comics up for auction in “Sonic the Hedgehog #0” and “#1,” which are the first full comic appearances of the blue blur.  As of April 14th, the comics are going for around $30 combined and will be up until this Friday, April 17th.  The-comic-crypt has assured potential buyers that the comics are in fantastic condition.

If you’re a fan of the Sonic comics and do not own these two issues, I recommend placing a bid on ’em.  Be prepared to spend somewhere in the mid-hundreds (in  dollars) on each, as the-comic-crypt mentioned that his last auction of Sonic #1 finished at $141.

Bid on Sonic #0.

Bid on Sonic #1

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Slingerland is a staff writer and editor for both The Sonic Stadium and Sonic Retro. His area of emphasis is the inner-workings of the games and laughing at everything.


  1. Well I’m not much of a Archie comic person but wow… I only read the comics just because it has Sonic… I avoid the Sally ones…

    Whoever bought the comic at $141 must be rich or something o.o

  2. technically, the Canadian promotional comic came first! *shot*, but yeah, you’re not also bidding for rarity here, but for condition – both comics being in absolute A1 tip-top shape.

  3. Damn, that’s a lot of money. I was in Florida about 10 years ago and found mint-condish copies of Issues #0 (Feb) and #1 (both March and July) for 99c each. Still got them too 😀 although they don’t have the plastic packaging that those ones are in.

    They’re really cool – they feature ads for Sonic 2 on the Game Gear. ^_^

  4. $141? What a tool. I don’t care how good the condition is. Most guides price these at like $30.

  5. $141, wow I got a hold of the same comic a few years ago for the equivalent of about 50p, I knew I got a good deal but I didn’t think it was that good!

  6. For someone like me, an australia, who cant back order…its a big deal. And some of us are stupid/desperate enough to pay that much..

  7. I still can’t believe people pay this much for a comic. I just got issue 0 and 1 (of the mini-series) last year. #0 set me back $12 and #1 around $9. Both are in great condition (I even got some complements from Archie about the great quality/condition of my back issues at the comic con, especially the issue 0).

    The best thing to do is wait until another seller offers the same issue at a later time. From experience this is the best thing to do, I’ve been waiting for over two years for four issues in the 100s to be offered for a price lower than $50-$90. I’ve yet to pay over $19, and now I’m only missing one of the four.

    Also issue 0 and 1 resurface very often (I just recently bought the complete mini-series for $20 so I actually ended up with two #0s and #1s). For example, after a quick search here is an issue 1 for $2.99, $4.00 shipping (within US) http://cgi.ebay.com/Sonic-The-Hedgehog-Number-1-March-1993_W0QQitemZ200331691140QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item200331691140&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1205|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A0|293%3A1|294%3A50 .

    I found this in under 1 minute, so you can see how easy it is to find better prices for these. Though if you want a graded comic which comes in a sealed sleeve, then you might as well pay $30 (or what ever winning bid you come out with).

  8. I have those, AND the teaser comic #1/4 which was basically the first quarter of #0. XP But I don’t think I paid THAT much for them. :/ Collecting is a terrible hobby, especially when the economy sucks.

  9. Not too long ago, I was outbid for a copy of #0. It ended at around £5. Why is the price so fluctuating.

    (P.S., as an aside, I also got a copy of issue #1 of Sonic the Comic for £1.)

  10. Haha! I bought my copies for $1.25 each when they hit newsstands! Still have them too (as well as another hundred issues). While mine are probably not 9.8 rated, they look to be a solid 8/10. I feel sorry for the folks who are paying $75 for an issue.

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