Sonic Relief 2009 – Grand Total Announcement


15-3-09 UPDATE:

Red Nose Day has now been and gone and Sonic & The Black Knight is now on UK shelves… but there’s still one last thing to do before we say “sayonara” to Sonic Relief 2009 (which was conceptualised to celebrate the two) and that’s to announce the grand total we raised for charity.

Only a couple of weeks ago we asked you to “do something Sonic for money”, be it a drawing, a video, a song… literally anything. And you did. For a relatively unplanned event and a fairly short time span, we received loads of entries – all in the name of a good cause. Thank you to all who entered.

Certain members had vowed to donate money to Comic Relief based on how many entries we received (be it 50p per entry, a set amount whatever the number of entries, or strange mathematical calculations) and before I reveal the total I’d just like to say thank you to all of these. Without you, this event could never have taken place or been the success it has become. Special thanks goes to MK Skillz who originally put the idea through to me and without his constant help throughout the event, none of this could have happened. Special thanks also go to my wife Emma, Urtheart, vger, JJ4eva, The DJ and bolt7 for all their donations, you rock!

So then, shall we get on with it?

It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for!

I can now reveal that Sonic Relief 2009 managed to raise a rather spectacular £102 for Comic Relief!

It may not sound like much but considering the short space of time we had, that’s a really respectable amount. It may only be a small addition to Comic Relief’s current total of over £57 million but it’s a valuable addition nonetheless – and it’s also helped to bring our community together to aid a common cause.

In celebration of this year’s success we are also planning to present some of the best Sonic Relief 2009 entries on The Sonic Stadium’s front page.

So, I guess that’s it for Sonic Relief then… right?

Well, no. Judging by the success of this first fundraising drive, I’m more than up for doing it again sometime in the future – and I’m sure that a lot of you would be too! With more time, more planning, and more support who knows what we could be capable of raising…?

14-3-09 UPDATE: That’s a wrap folks!

So if I’ve counted right, we have 36 entries! Some are from multiple entries some people submitted but it’s still an awesome number of entries.

Thanks to everyone who contributed, that’s £17.00 I will be donating to Comic Relief. We have £20 going to Comic Relief from The DJ, that makes £37.00. Urtheart will be donating so much per entry via his calculation that I can’t get my head around 😆 Other staff will be donating some cash too. Once we have a full total of the raised amount, we’ll let you know our grand total.

Thanks again everyone, you’ve helped a great cause 😉

6-3-09 UPDATE: To make things more official, gain optional donations and to put entries in a place where everyone can see and appreciate them Sonic Relief now has an Official Comic Relief site which you can check out here. Turns out these Comic Relief pages only allow 3 pics and 3 videos up at one time so we’ll be rotating entries so that everyone has some showcase time on the site.

To celebrate the UK release of Sonic & The Black Knight as well as Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day on Friday 13th March 2009, we’re giving you the chance to help raise some money for charity in the very first Sonic Relief!

Sonic Relief is a concept made by SSMB forumer MK Skillz, which simply asks you to “do something Sonic for money”. Thanks to the super power of teamwork, The Sonic Stadium is heavily supporting the idea and it’s been given the go ahead.

All we need you to do is to be a part of Sonic Relief! Whether you want to dress up as your favourite Sonic character, sing a song, draw us a picture… literally ANYTHING (as long as it’s funny and will make us laugh!) then we want to see it! The possibilities are endless!

For every entry that we receive, Shadzter (as well as other supporting members such as Urtheart, Vger, bolt, and SEGA Sonic’s Radio DJs The DJ and JJ4eva) will donate money to Comic Relief. The more entries, the more money we raise… simple!

For those of you who do not know who or what Comic Relief is, it’s a UK based charity which aims to make “a just world free from poverty”. Every two years, Comic Relief holds Red Nose Day – a live television extravaganza which is usually a guaranteed night in of laughter. The general public can also purchase specially made Red Noses or simply do anything to raise money, with all the proceeds going to the charity. If you wish to find out more, please visit or

All entries should be posted in the SSMB Sonic Relief  topic.

The closing date for entries is Friday 13th March 2009.

Thanks for all your support so far, stay tuned for more Sonic Relief announcements coming soon!

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The Best and Worst of the Sonic Community 2008

Happy New Year! And since we’re well on our way into 2009 already, it’s time to look back on the past 12 months and reflect on the good that has come out of the Sonic the Hedgehog community in 2008. There have been simply loads of good times and plenty of bad times, and each of them as memorable as the last. But what have been the reigning moments of the year? We’ve whittled all the good times to one single event, and of course because we would be wrong if we didn’t cover the bad elements of the Sonic fanbase too, we’ve pointed out the single worst event in the Sonic Community as well. Read on and reminisce in The Year That Was. Continue reading The Best and Worst of the Sonic Community 2008

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UK Winners of Black Knight Contest Slowly Revealed

The Sonic and the Black Knight Artwork contest has come to a close, and community art pieces from around the world have been judged by SEGA for inclusion in the upcoming Wii title. TSSZ has reported on several winners residing in Sonic Retro – and it turns out from the European side, some of our own SSMB Forum members have won too!

ArchAngelUK has been emailing the 20 European winners throughout the last day or so, but the full list has not been publically released, leaving us a waiting game to see who will pipe up in sheer joy and euphoria. Among the winners that have publically claimed WinRar is Violet who is a regular at our UK Sonic Meetups and was one of the main contributors to the Summer of Sonic convention this year. Word has it that TSS Merch Hog T-Bird has also won a place in the game. UK fans Mahzes, ENVY16, Sock-fox and Adamis from Belgium were also rocking winning pictures yesterday.

Other community members that voiced joy at the Sonic Retro forums was well-known community artist Purity; other namedrops include G. Silver, known best at the Green Hill Zone forums; Radrappy and DeviantArt member Aedelthryd.

The annoying thing? None of the winning entries are allowed to be shown until the game’s release next year. Bummer, I’m sure all the winners will want to show their piece to every man, woman and child right now. Congratulations to all the winners all over the world!

Your drawings in Sonic and the Black Knight! – SSMB Forums
Sonic and the Black Knight – Sonic Retro

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Fan Spotlight: Robotnik’s Revenge

Welcome to the Fan Spotlight, a segment that shines on creative works in the Sonic community that you should check out.

Over at Sonic Retro, member ColinC10 has made a brand new ROM hack that tests not only your time attacking skills, but your boss killing skills as well.  “Robotnik’s Revenge” is a Genesis ROM hack that pits you against every single boss from both Sonic 1 & 2.  Back to back, you are presented with these familiar challenges inside the Death Egg, a design reminiscent of the version of the Death Egg found in the “Sonic 2 Long Version” hack.  The hack is incredibly addicting, as your previous experience with these bosses leaves you coming back for more if just so happen to die.  I died a few times near the end and kept telling myself, “I know that I can beat this game!  I’ve done it a thousand times!”  Then, I kept playing.

The hack offers a time attack mode (unlimited lives) and a survival mode (with lives).  You can play with Sonic or Tails in both modes.  Please, give it a play, because it is really cool to see the Sonic 1 bosses implemented into the Sonic 2 engine.


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