Johnny Gioeli Speaks About New Crush 40 Songs

Crush 40 gave us a sneaky peak at some of the track titles of the songs the band are currently working on last month, named “Rise Again”, “One of Those Days” and “Sonic Youth”. A post today on the Crush 40 facebook page confirmed these songs have now been recorded, with commentary from Johnny Gioeli on the themes of these songs.

Continue reading Johnny Gioeli Speaks About New Crush 40 Songs

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New Sonic 4 Episode 2 Video, Releasing in May?


Not happy with the quality of the first Sonic 4 video? No worries, we found another one! This one is from as they talk with a SEGA rep demonstrating the game at the event. There isn’t much new information in the video itself, aside from one somewhat disappointing piece of news: despite earlier claims from Phandroid that SEGA had told them the game was coming out in April, the SEGA rep in the video claims the game is in fact still being released in May. He also says that Tegra platforms will be getting the game a few weeks before other platforms.

So, which is it, an April release or a May release? Only time will tell, but I am pretty sure that either way, this only effects users of Tegra chip powered platforms.


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SEGA and NVIDIA Give Sonic 4 Episode 2 It’s First Public Demo, Give Rough Release Date


Last night, Sonic 4 Episode 2 made its surprise first public appearance at Mobile World Congress 2012, courtesy of SEGA and NVIDIA. The above demo is being played on a Tegra 3 Android device, streaming to an HD television. Today, SEGA also confirmed a mid-April release date for the Android version of the game. Though, keep in mind, only Android devices with the Tegra 3 chip will be compatible with this version.

Source: Phandroid

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Sonic 4: Episode 2 Japanese Website Now Open, New Screenshots

SEGA Japan has today opened their official website for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2, which features character profiles, a Zones section, a co-op play section and more. In the Zones section there are twenty four new screenshots covering all three Acts of Sylvania Castle Zone and White Park Zone showcasing platforming and puzzle elements as well as the return of snowboarding.

You can view all twenty four screenshots after the jump.
Continue reading Sonic 4: Episode 2 Japanese Website Now Open, New Screenshots

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USAopoly Making Sonic Branded Board Games

USAopoly, a US based board game company, is now making several Sonic branded board games, including:

  • A Sonic Die Cut Puzzle game, being sold for $14.99
  • A Sonic memory game, also being sold for $14.99
  • Finally, the holy grail of the bunch, a Sonic branded Monopoly game, currently priced between $30-$40.

All of these games are expected to launch sometime in August 2012. Unfortunately, there are no images or additional information available. Anyone want to start making predictions on properties and pieces? A metal Sonic shoe is most definitely a shoe in.

Special thanks to SSMB member Hogfather for bringing this to our attention, as well as SEGAbits/SEGA Memories staff member Barry the Nomad for making the awesome image you see above! If you want to see the fan made board game Barry created the image for, you can follow its production here.

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Sonic 4: Episode 2 Xbox Live Avatar Awards Revealed

Fans of cosplay and Xbox Live Avatars will be happy to hear that Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 will include unlockable Avatar Awards. While Episode 1 allowed you to unlock parts of a Sonic the Hedgehog costume, Episode 2 will challenge fans to unlock a costume based on his nemesis Dr.Eggman.

Check out the rest of the costume in both male and female variants and the requirements to unlock them after the jump.
Continue reading Sonic 4: Episode 2 Xbox Live Avatar Awards Revealed

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SEGA Europe Releases More Sonic 4: Episode 2 Screenshots

SEGA Europe has released seven more screenshots from Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 on their website. Not much is shown that we haven’t already seen, apart from the revelation that the red rings from Sonic Colours and Sonic Generations are returning. For those who haven’t played those two games, the red rings are collectibles that unlock bonus content, giving the game some replay value.

Check out the rest of the screenshots after the jump.
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Feast your “Ice” on This Weeks Sonic 4: Episode 2 Concept Art

Given that we got a brand new gameplay trailer this week and a ton of other Sonic 4-2 news, this week’s concept art from the Sega blogs left me cold. Even it’s pile of potential puns could not thaw my frozen heart. I mean, last week we got a cube.This week, several. Only…frozen.  This ice wall is perfect for Sonic to break with his face. Why does he do that? Anyway, maybe I should just chill out and have you read on to see another piece of art that’s snow joke! (Ha! I sleigh me!)

Continue reading Feast your “Ice” on This Weeks Sonic 4: Episode 2 Concept Art

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Sonic 4 Episode 2 Achievements, Level Names Revealed

The Sonic 4 news keeps on coming! Today, we have a list of achievements and the names of three levels, courtesy of Xbox360Achievements and SEGAbits. Through these achievements we now know the game has an optional world map, which can be skipped through the entirety of the game to get a “Endurance Race” achievement. We also know the name of three more stages, castle stage we’ve been seeing in a lot of screenshots: Sylvania Castle Zone, Sky Fortress Zone and the snow stage, according to translations from Sonic Retro and SEGAbits, is called White Park Zone.


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Freak-Out Friday: Eggman dies in next Sonic game

If it wasn’t obvious the following video contains spoilers.


I’m at a loss for words. Who’d have thought that Sonic Team’s fervent interest of shoehorning numerous monsters, demons and demigods as antagonists would lead them so far as to remove one gaming’s most beloved, memorable villains altogether?

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Tails Limited to 2 Player Mode in Sonic 4: Episode 2

Follwing today’s Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 gameplay trailer, SEGA community staff member Kellie has been answering some questions from fans over at the SEGA Forums. Most interesting is Kellie’s response to a query about playable characters.

As Ranger posted, I’ve answered some of these questions for you. Tails is playable, but not in single player. When playing single player, you play as Sonic and interact with Tails to progress through the levels. When you’re playing two player, one of you will play as Sonic and the other as Tails, and work together.

Release date is Spring 2012, as noted on the trailer.

Hope that helps!

EDIT: I’m not Ken… hope that’s ok. 😉

Unfortunately, Tails can only be played in two player mode and not in single player. It appears Sonic is stuck with tails too, and can’t be played alone like in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles. It’s beginning to look like co-op play is essential to progress through the game, though why there still can’t be an option to play as Tails and the CPU play as Sonic and still progress is unclear.

Source: SEGA Forums

How do you feel about this? Speak out in the comments section below.

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The Sonic 4: Episode 2 Gameplay Trailer is Here!

From Gamespot comes the exclusive trailer for Sonic 4: Episode 2 with full gameplay video! Here, you can plainly see the new graphics engine that seems to give the game more of a “Donkey Kong Country Returns” style to it. As far as the game play engine goes, it’s hard to say. Outside of the tag teaming Sonic and Tails are doing, it looks like it hasn’t changed too much. The homing attack has returned and they are using it on my polar pal Smokey! I can’t bear to watch! Hopefully, they have fixed some of the more major physics issues that plagued the first game but outside of uncurling being gone, it’s hard to tell from this video.

Sonic 4:Episode 2 will be available this spring for 360, Ps3, iOS and Android devices.

Source: Gamespot

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Sonic Heroes Now Available on EU PS Store

PS2 Classic Sonic Heroes has randomly been released on the European PlayStation Store today. PS3 owners can download it for £7.99/€9.99, and if you do purchase it, you’ll need to make sure you have 4.5GB of storage space free. There is no word from SEGA or Sony about whether this game will also be made available on the US PS Store.

If you want to refresh your memory or have never seen/played Sonic Heroes before, here’s an old trailer for the game.


Source: EU PS Blog

Thanks to SSMB member Hogfather for the heads up!

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Sonic Triple Trouble to Release on 3DS in March

Official Nintendo Magazine today reports via andriasang that the Sega Game Gear will be seeing its first releases on the Nintendo 3DS’ Virtual Console next month.

In addition to fellow classics Shinobi and Dragon Crystal, Sonic Triple Trouble will be appearing on the 3DS eShop.

Thx to VizardJeffhog for the tip.

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RUMOUR: Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing 2 to Feature Green Hill & Casino Night Tracks?

In January we brought you word of a possible Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing sequel, then earlier this month Kotaku also heard about it at a Toy Fair in New York where toys based on the game were on show. Well, it appears those toys were also on private show at the London Toy Fair in January and are from the same toy range Meccano announced that month.

Toyworld Magazine reports that Meccano’s Sonic toy collection features Sonic and Knuckles alongside their respective vehicles from Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing with Green Hill Zone and Casino Night Zone added value play-sets also revealed to be on the way. Could this mean that these two levels will be included as tracks in the game’s sequel? SEGA often tie-in merchandise with their games to maximise sales, so it would be odd for them to not continue that trend.

Meccano’s Sonic the Hedgehog collection includes Sonic and Speedstar and Knuckles and Landbreaker, plus a range of added value play-sets; Sonic and Ramp Green Hill Play-set and Sonic and Casino Night Environment Play-set.

Source: Toyworld Magazine

Thanks to Hogfather at the SSMB for the heads up!

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TSS COMMUNITY RELEASE: The Sonic Stadium Music Album 2011

The Sonic Stadium is proud to present it’s first official community release project – The Sonic Stadium Music Album 2011.

Assembled in a span of two months, 16 budding musicians on the SSMB banded together in an effort to bring out the ideas and concepts of our creative community at TSS. What was once a mere collaborative mini-album with a 15-track estimate, as envisioned by forum member and project leader VizardJeffhog, grew into an unmediated storm of tracks and tunes, something we hope will be the first of the many future community-driven projects to follow at TSS.

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Pre-Bear Yourself For New Sonic 4: Episode 2 Concept Art

Some may find this new badnik un”bear”able. Some may find him to be totally loveable. My feelings on the matter are completely polar. Sega’s Snowy here may look menacing, but I bet good ol’ Bark is worse than his bite. (Okay, that’s stretching it.) If these puns leave you cold, I’m afraid the ones after the link are really square. (Y’know, sometimes these are so bad I wanna slap myself.)

Continue reading Pre-Bear Yourself For New Sonic 4: Episode 2 Concept Art

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SEGA Officially Releases Nine More Sonic 4: Episode 2 Screenshots

SEGA has today officially released nine more screenshots of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2, giving us a further look at the various stages of the game that were first accidentally revealed by Microsoft on Tuesday. In the screenshots we see a new hummingbird badnik, re-using of the giant gold rings, Sonic and Tails running on water, and oddly no homing attack reticule when Sonic jumps in front of a badnik.

The SEGA Blog also informs that the first gameplay trailer will be released exclusively on Gamespot next Thursday February 23rd at 9am US Pacific Time. We’ll be sure to keep an eye out and share it here.

Check out the screenshots after the jump.
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Sonic 4: Episode 2 Japanese Website Coming Soon

SEGA Japan has updated their official Sonic the Hedgehog 4 home page with a ‘coming soon’ teaser for Episode 2’s website. Woun from fellow Sonic fansite Sonic Scene has managed to grab the game’s full ‘box art’ and what appears to be two pieces of concept art from the Aquatic Ruins Zone styled stage and says we can expect more information about the game from the next issue of Japanese magazine Famitsu tomorrow. We’ll relay any new information here.

Check out the images after the jump.
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Valentine’s Day Special: Sonic’s Worst Girlfriends

Penders and Flynn (and Bollers and Sega) could write a bad romance.

In Sonic’s long history of cartoons, comics and games, he’s had quite a few ladies. Hell, in the comics he’s had enough women to make Captain Kirk envious. However, many of these relationships did not work out so well or were just a horrible HORRIBLE idea in the first place. Sometimes, love stinks. Read on to find out who made the list.  Also, when you have to us Google image search to find images of Sonic’s old GF’s for an article, PLEASE USE SAFE SEARCH!! I learned the hard way.

Continue reading Valentine’s Day Special: Sonic’s Worst Girlfriends

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way. Releases First Screenshots of Sonic 4: Episode 2, Co-op Play Also Revealed

The Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 product page over at has received a significant update today. In the update, ten screenshots have been released, the game’s final ‘box art’ and new details about the game. The screenshots give us a look at the four various levels, including an ice type stage, a carnival type stage, a desert/oil field type stage, an Aquatic Ruins type stage and a special stage. A chase with Metal Sonic on Tails’ rocket is also shown. New details revealed include offline and online co-op play and combo attacks Sonic and Tails can pull off together.

You can check out the new info and screenshots after the jump.
Continue reading Releases First Screenshots of Sonic 4: Episode 2, Co-op Play Also Revealed

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Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Sequel Confirmed at New York Toy Fair?

Following our exclusive report last month, Kotaku has heard from a representative at the New York Toy Fair 2012 today that a sequel to Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing is in development. The sequel is to be released this Christmas holiday season and will include new characters and vehicles that will be revealed later this year. Kotaku says toys based on the franchise are on display at the Toy Fair, but no photographs have been provided.

We’ll keep an eye out for more information.

Source: Kotaku

Thanks to Jonathan for the heads up!

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Sonic Comic Review Issue #233 “The Trial of Geoffrey St. John”

I don’t care what you do Ian. You can never make me believe Geoffrey St. John, a man (skunk)very loyal to the kingdom could possibly be a Ixis Wizard AND a traitor to the crown! It’s impossible for you t-holy crap he did it! Read on to see how and find out Who is conspiring against the new king. (Hint: I just told you.)

Continue reading Sonic Comic Review Issue #233 “The Trial of Geoffrey St. John”

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You’ll FLIP Over These New Pieces of Sonic 4: Episode 2 Concept Art

The bad puns continue as Sega gives us our first look at a non-badnik piece of concept art. This flipping platform hides a spring underneath that Sonic should be able to take advantage of if timed right. Read on to see a very familiar badnik who’s neither a Skylander nor a rapping kung-fu onion, but shares the same name.

Continue reading You’ll FLIP Over These New Pieces of Sonic 4: Episode 2 Concept Art

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Production of the ESP Sonic the Hedgehog Guitar

Last year saw some very high-end pieces of merchandise produced to celebrate Sonic’s 20th Anniversary (including statues, crystal cubes…even pocket watches!), but by far one of the most desirable objects offered were reproductions of Jun Senoue’s signature Sonic the Hedgehog ESP guitar. The guitars are now in full production, and Senoue-san has been to the ESP factory to oversee production!

Continue reading Production of the ESP Sonic the Hedgehog Guitar

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#101: The Sonic Show’s Fave: Females!?

The Sonic Show is back again, this time to discuss the lovely ladies of the Sonic universe.

Instead of doing the usual formula of a top 5, we decided to change things up and simply have a discussion on the subject, so enjoy as Tanner and Fuad join forces to share with each other their own personal favourite female characters from the Sonic franchise.

Do you agree with their choices? Join the discussion in the comment section.

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Summer of Sonic 2012 Website Launches

Although you’re still going to have to wait another five months for the event itself, the Summer of Sonic website is now up and running with a swanky new look and a funky-fresh logo!

Although nothing is being revealed yet and ticket applications have not been announced, you can still head over to the site and register your interest for the event.

What’s more, Summer of Sonic is always looking for fan input – so the question is put to you guys and girls….do you have any great ideas for Summer of Sonic? Maybe you’d like a particular guest to come along, or an old face to return? If you do, head over to the SoS site and let the team know about it in the comments!


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An Hour of Eggman: Interview with Mike Pollock


We love Mike Pollock, the voice of Doctor Eggman and many other characters throughout the world of animation; some of you may have spotted Mike wandering around at Summer of Sonic last year and will know how awesome this guy is!

The guys over at DeNomHat caught up with Mike recently in this hour-long interview, where they talk everything from inspirations to voice acting and careers in animation.

Check it out above!

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“Dung” Miss Some More Sonic 4: Episode 2 Concept Art

My dung is made up of pure Sonic 4-1 data code! (Just kidding folks.)

If you thought yesterday was the only day for new Sonic 4-2 concept art, you were wrong! Today, Sega has released another pair of badniks to show off. The first one is “Scarabesque”. A scarab dung beetle badnik who’s much cuter than the rabble of badniks we’ve been getting of late. Maybe this is to make up for the fact that he’s rolling a soccerball of electronic poop. I’m betting said dung is also a bomb in disguise.  Read on to find another badnik who’s less of a stinker.

Continue reading “Dung” Miss Some More Sonic 4: Episode 2 Concept Art

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Rumour: Sonic 4: Episode 2 Due Late 2012?

Sonic fans have been waiting a long time for the second episode of Sonic’s downloadable adventure Sonic the Hedgehog 4, and according to the new issue of GamesMaster magazine released in the UK this week, the wait isn’t anywhere near over. The magazine reports that Episode 2 will be released “Late 2012”, which could see it released over two years after Episode 1. As SEGA themselves haven’t stated anything clearer than “2012” yet, we advise you take this with a grain of salt for now.

Source: GamesMaster Issue 248 March 2012

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More Sonic 4: Episode 2 Concept Art Arrives Like A Boss!

Hedgehog day continues with some more peeks at Sonic 4-2 concept art. This time in the form of the first Eggman boss reveal! This one is called “Serpentleaf” and besides sounding like a Pokemon, this giant plant mech seems to house a laser-firing Eggman within it’s pedals. The rest of the concept art shows that this first image is just the tip of the mecha-monster. He’s a quite a big boss for our blue blur to tackle. Now I want to say he’s an original creation for this game, but I know someone in the comments will prove me wrong and he appeared in like, Sonic Blast on Game Gear or something so forget it! Read on for more images of this budding, blossoming bad boy.

Continue reading More Sonic 4: Episode 2 Concept Art Arrives Like A Boss!

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Summer of Sonic and Sonic Boom 2012 Announced

Stop the presses! It’s back! SEGA’s official blog has confirmed that it will be working with the fanbase once more as the Summer of Sonic convention reaches its landmark fifth year. And for US fans, SEGA has announced the return of Sonic Boom as well – making for a tag-team Sonic party season that’s sure to satisfy on both sides of the Atlantic. Locations and dates were also detailed – hit the jump to find out more! Continue reading Summer of Sonic and Sonic Boom 2012 Announced

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