Summer of Sonic and Sonic Boom 2012 Announced

Stop the presses! It’s back! SEGA’s official blog has confirmed that it will be working with the fanbase once more as the Summer of Sonic convention reaches its landmark fifth year. And for US fans, SEGA has announced the return of Sonic Boom as well – making for a tag-team Sonic party season that’s sure to satisfy on both sides of the Atlantic. Locations and dates were also detailed – hit the jump to find out more!

The Summer of Sonic will continue the fan-organised, SEGA-sponsored tradition that has allowed it to become so popular over the last four years. A new logo has been created by Sonic Team, which you can see above. Looks pretty cool, doesn’t it? Although a venue wasn’t announced, it will take place in the “London area” on Saturday 7th July 2012. The convention’s official 2012 website, at, will open on Monday.

Sonic Boom proved to be a huge hit when SEGA America launched its debut party during the E3 games industry trade show last year. Advance demos of Sonic Generations, a performance by Crush 40 and a musical show by some dedicated American fans was adored by fans of all ages who attended. Running on that success, SEGA has confirmed that Sonic Boom will take place in San DiegoΒ during the week of San Diego Comic Con in July. SDCC runs from 12th – 15th July 2012.

No other details were revealed other than the existence of the two events, locations and dates. London onΒ 7th July 2012, and San DiegoΒ during San Diego Comic ConΒ the following week. Get booking your holidays now! Both are pegged to be amazing events for the community – let us know how excited you are for these, and whether you plan to attend them, in the comments box below.

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. Nice! Loving the new legit logo – created by Sonic Team as well?? Stella mate.

    Dude I’ve been waiting for those dates so I thank you for getting them down in good time. And bugger! The one in U.S. is happennin’ when Comic Con is happennin’! Damn man, I wanted to attend both! ;_; XXD

    I’ll probably make it to Sonic Boom – I’ve been meaning to catch up with Aaron Weber. ^_^

    Can’t wait to come knockin’ at your door soon Dreadknux! I want to give you a knuckle sandwich or something.

    Much love from downunda,

    Elson ‘Darkspeeds’ Wong

  2. Oh geez… xD If ever I have enough money and get the opportunity to travel this summer, which one should I go to? Summer of Sonic in the UK? Or Sonic Boom in San Diego? DILEMMA.

  3. I thought Sonic Boom was a just an event. It might start being an annual event! So that means….. 2 Awesome events IN ONE YEAR πŸ˜€

  4. HECK YES! It’s super awesome both events are back in full force this year! And nice, snazzy logo for SoS 12 this year! Much more sleek and a nod towards the Sonic Boom logo from last year! Sweet!

    But alas, no chance of me going to either….sigh….

  5. SoS 2011 was AWESOME…I’m definitely coming again, if it’s not too far.

    I hope this venue has better ventilation though cause the venue for SoS’11 was like a Volcano =P

  6. Never mind the ventilation, we need a bigger venue! SoS 10 was better than SoS 11 in that respect.

  7. Heh, cool! I might actually be able to go to SB ’12 because I’ll be in the area around that time. =)

  8. HELL YES!!! i’ve been dreaming for another SOS event. if the writer and artist are there again, i’ll bring all of my comics from issue 225 and onwards. if not, i’ll still bring em, my 3ds to record stuff and money to spend there πŸ˜€

          1. SOS has always been a free event. You need only bring money if you plan on buying any merch

  9. Sonic Boom is two days before my birthday

    I wouldn’t mind if someone from here is so kind to record a Happy Birthday Blue/Vinyl from SSMB’s members attending~

    Aw shock why do I live in South America god darn it :V

    and the logo is extremely cool πŸ™‚ cannot wait, definitely coming along again!!!

  11. Looking forward to coming to SoS this year – if it’s half as good as what I’ve seen of the previous events on YouTube, it’ll be absolutely brilliant. πŸ˜€

  12. I’ll definitely attend the Sonic Boom Convention this July, unless College gets in the way hehe. ^^;

  13. Sonic Boom is in my neck of the woods this year! How cool is that? Oh, and for those attending, the House of Blues is an awesome building, it’s like an underground beatnik music hall. I wonder if we’ll be getting smooth jazz Sonic tunes?

  14. Sonic Boom in San Diego ComicCon? F yeah!!!! I don’t know how to express this… Extreme Happiness.

  15. Awesome but to bad i cant go this year πŸ™ I been to SOS09 SOS11 but not having the money to go i have to save up the money that is needed to travel to London from Sweden but i be sure to be on SOS13 if it still is going strong! πŸ˜€

  16. Well, I’m in Canada, so I have no idea whether I could attend either. But Sonic Boom is sounding that much more appealing. I’d love the chance to go.
    Although I’d love going to SoS too. Decisions, decisions.

  17. I live in California,not too far away from LA,where Sonic Boom 2011 took place, so when I see that Sonic Boom is making a return here, I was SUPER happy,seeing as how it’s on the final day of E3 2012…. but then I see that it’s in San Diego…. Hopefully I’ll be able to go, but if not…. Well,I’ll always have YouTube and the SEGA Blog πŸ˜›

  18. Went to both Comic-Con and Boom last year… to combine both events.. well… that’s just (insert words describing extreme level of excitement mixed with anticipation for July)

    1. A quick thought – maybe they’ll occupy the same building at San Diego during Comic-Con meaning you (might or might not) don’t need actual tickets

      1. Boom’s not being held at the Convenction Center itself (House of Blues is a couple blocks down apparently)- unless you mean how they did it last year with the tickets being free and then later just letting the general public in.

  19. I wonder if it will be as good as 2012 (Which in my opinion was the best one yet despite the fact that it was an oven) so I hope theres air con this time…and Crush 40…

  20. Wow this is actually the best news ever, I’ve been following the Summer of Sonic for years, but never had the cash or the time to go, but this year I’ll make sure to make an appearance, its all or nothing!

  21. I’m interested in performing something on stage at Summer of Sonic… Where can I go to sign up for this?

    I’d like to sing my lyrical version of Classic Rooftop Run while performing a few gymnastic and/or Free Running stunts, don’t worry – I know what I’m doing! Here’s some proof of my skill if you need it

    PLEASE let me perform!! It would be a dream come true!!! Where do I go to sign up?

  22. I want to attend Sonic Boom 2012. It’s 1700 miles away from where I live but I will still go. Is it free to walk in or do I need a pass? I like to know before I make these big plans, thank you.

  23. Is Sonic Boom free or do you need tickets?
    I hope to go to it this year, but I have no idea how admission works with this. XD

    1. I’m also hoping to get information about tickets too. If July 13th is the set date, and time it will begin. I understand San Diego is where Comic Con is, but Los Angeles should have been their location like it was last year. Before Sonic Boom was even anounced all the hotels around got booked for Comic Con. I have family that live in L.A. that wants me to stay with them, and it would have had easy access to Sonic Boom if it were in the same place like 2011, I regret not going last year but this year I am going. So hoply the show is during the day time at least I can catch a train back to L.A.. rather than waiting somewhere all night.
      (Message to Mr. Aaron Weaber, please let us know soon, sir. I was a veteran Sonic webpage designer in the late 90s, I want to join the party this time. Thank you.)

  24. in SONIC BOOM San Deigo, how much are the tickets?? i want to go for my sweet 16 but thats 3 years away… please tell me your doing a sonic convention in america around 2016?? i absolutley love Sonic so much. i hpoe i can go… please type me back. ill be sad if you don’t.:'(

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