NiGHTS release dates confirmed?

I’m sure all of you are well aware of the rumored delay of NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams into 2008 in Europe. This news came from a reliable source from, and has since been all but confirmed by one of my own source, and the boss-man Dreadknux.

However, all these sources confirmed the games delay only for Europe. That is, until now.’s same source has now confirmed the release month for the US release is now December, the same month as the game’s Japanese release.

While there is no exact date for the American release, the Japanese release has a December 13th, 2007 street date from SEGA. While no European release date has been given, Amazon Germany has the game listed for a January 11th release.

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NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams delayed?

Rumour: Following on from its great exclusive coverage of Liepzig, fan site is reporting that the long-awaited sequel is to be delayed until Spring 2008. The game was on show at last week’s Game Convention in Germany at only 55% completion.

Niraven from outlet GameLegend posts via the NiGHTS fansite that: “We contacted SEGA this morning and spoke with SEGA’s Product and PR Manager and he told us that it’s been officially pushed to Q1 2008. That’s literally “this morning’s news”, and it’s coming from the most credible source it can come from.

SEGA are throwing ‘No Comments’ out all over the place, but a delay wouldn’t sound so ridiculous, considering NiGHTS Into Dreams is considered for many fans as Sonic Team’s last stand — any botching of this title will result in some very disillusioned followers.

TSS thinks that this is really only good news – if nothing else it shows that Sonic Team are taking their good sweet time with this one… hopefully. With NiGHTS we wouldn’t want it any other way, if we get absolute perfection at the end of it.

More on NiGHTS as we snuff out. Stay tuned.

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Samba De Amigo listed in GameStop database

Well everyone, I’ve just gotten home from GameStop, and I have some fine news for fans of Sonic Team’s critically acclaimed Dreamcast game “Samba De Amigo”. GameStop has the game listed for the Wii, with a release date of Febuary 6th, 2008 at an MSRP of $50. The game was simply listed as “Samba De Amigo”, without any numbers or subtitles in the name, so it’s unknown whether this game is a sequel or a remake of the Dreamcast games.

Keep in mind, this is far from a confirmation, although we have been having a lot of luck with early retail listings lately.Rumor Reporter from Advanced Media, hinted that a Samba game was in development for the Wii back in April. I didn’t report it because I was unsure of his legitmacy, but if this rumor turns out to be true, expect him to be in more Sonic Team related rumor in the future. Continue reading Samba De Amigo listed in GameStop database

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Even retailers want Sonic to Brawl

Before commenting, please read the article thoroughly, as there have been some misunderstandings.

It has long been speculated that Sonic might be in Nintendo’s upcoming fighter Super Smash Bros Brawl. Now, two of North America’s biggest game related retailers, Best Buy and GameStop, haven added even more fuel to the fire, by apparrently including Sonic in their own SSBB ads. Keep in mind that these ads where made by their respective retail companies, and are by NO MEANS a confirmation of Sonic being in the game. This stuff isn’t from Nintendo or SEGA. These ads are very simple cop y and paste affairs using pre-exisiting CGI promotional images from SEGA and Nintendo. Such practices are very common among retailers that make their own ads, and the Wii logo in the ad used below is very commonly used in makeshift (fake) box shots in GameStop ads. Continue reading Even retailers want Sonic to Brawl

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Smash Bros Brawl: “Sonic’s Already In The Game”

A Spanish interview with Smash Bros. Brawl director Masahiro Sakurai reveals that Sonic the Hedgehog is already present in the Nintendo fighting game, and awaits SEGA’s approval before implementing him into the final product.

The interview, initially posted by Shakidna on Sonic CulT forums and then translated by ICEknight of The GHZ, is the first real confirmation of Sonic’s existence in the game, and is no doubt news to get many fans excited.

Responding to a direct question of “Are you going to include SEGA’s mascot, Sonic The Hedgehog?”, Sakurai gives the following:

“Well… That’s a tough question, I’ll tell you that Sonic’s already in the game, but we’re still waiting for a last confirmation from SEGA. Due to the proximity of the game’s release, SEGA’s deadline to submit their confirmation is the 26th this month, and in that date the official site will be updated about the inclusion or not of SEGA’s mascot in the game. I’m personally crossing my fingers.”
Continue reading Smash Bros Brawl: “Sonic’s Already In The Game”

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Sonic X-Treme prototype to be released to public?

Rumors have been spreading, both private and in public, about a public release of a test engine of the lost Sonic game, Sonic X-Treme, which was originally planned to debut as “the” Sonic game on the Sega Saturn, which was later scrapped and replaced with the far-inferior Sonic 3D Blast, which, even though it had a nice soundtrack, was mediocre compared to what X-Treme had offered.

According to various forum posts on both Sonic CulT and the Sonic 2 Beta page, local scener HXC, Sonic X-Treme research extraordinare, ASSEMbler, of has obtained a copy of a Sonic X-Treme test build, which was up for auction a couple of years beforehand, and was auctioned off to a collector, who had the game for an extended period of time. Now, rumors have spread that this developmental build of Sonic X-Treme will be released to the public on July 18th, free for anyone to download and research. Continue reading Sonic X-Treme prototype to be released to public?

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Sonic The Hedgehog Movie In Pre-Production?

Rumours have been flying around the Internet for years now about a Sonic The Hedgehog motion picture, however, one of these trails it seems may finally come into fruition. Film maker Richard Kuta has been working on an animated film based on the series known commonly to fans as Sonic SatAM, and has recently received approval for the project from Soloakai Animation.

After successful negotiations with SEGA throughout last year, Kuta and his co-writer initially pitched the film to IDT Entertainment, who mulled over the idea before eventually rejecting it. Since then the team proposed the film to Solokai Animation, who were more than happy to take the project onboard. Continue reading Sonic The Hedgehog Movie In Pre-Production?

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Yuji Naka to leave SEGA?

Just minutes ago news has broken (VIA a update) that Yuji Naka, head of Sonic Team throughout the Sonic the Hedgehog series, is planning to leave SEGA/Sonic Team shortly. Details are uncertain at this point, however it is understood Naka will be forming new game development studio, which according to rumours, will still be in alliance with SEGA.

Further details are still yet to be revealed, but stay with SONIC NEWS to find out as it breaks.

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It’s a Sonic Revolution

Rumour has it that a Sonic game is in development for Nintendo’s next-gen console: the ‘Revolution’.

The large videogaming site ‘IGN’ recently revealed that ‘Sources’ close to SEGA had confirmed that SEGA are indeed creating a new Sonic game for the unusual little console.

SEGA have given no confirmation that such a game exists, but reports place Yuji Naka as director on the project; if this is the case then Yuji is certainly stretching himself thin, what with the development of ‘Fifth Phantom Saga’ and the next-gen Sonic title for PS3 and XBOX360. Continue reading It’s a Sonic Revolution

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Sonic Riders for PSP

Spanish gaming site confirms from SEGA the launch of Sonic Riders on the PSP.

SEGA Japan apparently plans to release the upcoming Sonic racing game, Sonic Riders, for Sony’s Playstation Portable. This means that Sonic Riders will be coming out for a total of four systems- Gamecube, Xbox, PS2 and now PSP.

Currently, there are no details on the PSP version, or even if it is going to be different. It’s safe to assume though, that it may be possible that Sonic Riders may be going Wi-Fi with the handheld. Continue reading Sonic Riders for PSP

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A Knuckles The Echidna Game?

Usually at Sonic News we try to avoid rumors lacking substance, however, this latest juicy tidbit comes from such a credible source we couldn’t pass up sharing it. In a synopsis for an upcoming of G4’s Cinematech we see what may be the first hint of a potential new game starring Knuckles The Echidna, ala the soon to be released Shadow The Hedgehog title.

From G4’s summary of ‘Race for Mediocrity’ (Episode #5066): Continue reading A Knuckles The Echidna Game?

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Online Sonic Game ‘confirmed’

A member from the SEGA Forums has managed to talk to Panovation Studios, who are apparently working on an online game of Sonic the Hedgehog.

SEGA Forums member “Mondo-Cool” secured an online interview with Mark Greig, “Head Founder” of Panovation Studios, and the result is a confirmation from a incredibly unknown developer that they are legitimately creating an online Sonic title. Greig made distinct comments on the project – which could mean the game is well in development – including the notion that it will be an “Online Sonic RPG”, and not a “Sonic MMORPG”. Bizarre in itself. A small portion of what Mark said is below: Continue reading Online Sonic Game ‘confirmed’

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TSS: What to expect at E3 2005

As The Sonic Stadium is to be covering E3 2005 almost from the inside out, SONIC NEWS has made room for a TSS article to collate everything that’s already been said, what’s been confirmed, what’s been rumoured. E3 can be a very confusing and somewhat dangerous place for those who haven’t been catching up, so allow this article to hand you all the current information we have, so you get some background knowledge on what Sonic Team has and might be offering.

First of all, let’s base things on SEGA’s Official E3 Lineup. On the Sonic Team side, you have two titles; Phantasy Star Universe and Shadow the Hedgehog.

Phantasy Star Universe is, as the name suggests, the true sequel to Phantasy Star Online. It’s the “next generation” of PSO games. Sonic Team first revealed ‘PSU’ at E3 2004, but raised more questions than answers.

Continue reading TSS: What to expect at E3 2005

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Sonic coming to the PSP?

The rumors and tidbits have been coming in fast this week with all kinds of pre E3 speculation and believed leaks. The newest obscurity to be found is a page on GameStop for an upcoming Sonic game on the PSP, with little details other than likely to be wrong release date and price. The speculated release date is the first of November this year, its accuracy is yet to proven however.

Interestingly enough, the game is listed as an Action/Adventure/Racing game, could the recent Sonic R Extreme rumors actually be true? We’ll let you decide on that one until further information is released.

Special thanks to Hogfather at SSMB for posting the link. Be sure to stay with SONIC NEWS for future developments in this story.

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Sonic Game details from Game Crazy

Sonic News has been tipped off by an employee of Game Crazy and forum member Spinos that Game Crazy’s release dates have been updated – including the new Sonic game, titled “Sonic R EXTREME”.

The date has been set at Q1 2006 (first quater – January, February, March) and is said to be on all platforms, but no other details were available. If this information is true, then we can expect a sequel to the SEGA Saturn/PC racing game which involved Sonic and friends racing each other in 3D environments.

Game Crazy have yet to update their website with any information, however, Spinos recommends asking at your local store for more details. If anyone in America gets an opportunity to confirm this information, then please contact SN immediately.

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SEGA Share Price Rises On Microsoft Buyout Rumours

Chalk this one up to being one MASSIVE rumour at the moment, but reports are circulating that Xbox console manufacturer Microsoft could be eyeing up a takeover of SEGA. Shares in SEGA rose by 17 per cent as a result of the speculation.

Continue reading SEGA Share Price Rises On Microsoft Buyout Rumours
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Sonic Team is Developing a New Game for Sony’s PlayStation 2

It begins. After a spell of developing games exclusively for Nintendo’s Gamecube, Yuji Naka has reportedly confirmed that Sonic Team is working on a new project for rival Sony console, the PlayStation 2. What could it be?

Continue reading Sonic Team is Developing a New Game for Sony’s PlayStation 2
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‘Sonic Adventure 3’ Listed For Reveal at Tokyo Game Show, For ‘Multiple Platforms’

Here we go again – another rumour about Sonic Adventure 3. We’ve had a couple of these now, but this time we’ve caught wind of a listing for the game at the upcoming Tokyo Game Show 2002. Interestingly, the game is listed for ‘multiple platforms’ as well. So not Gamecube exclusive, if this rumour is to be believed…

Continue reading ‘Sonic Adventure 3’ Listed For Reveal at Tokyo Game Show, For ‘Multiple Platforms’
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Are These The Games We Will Get With Sonic Mega Collection?

A list of games that are apparently included in the upcoming Sonic Mega Collection have been published on a number of websites. Intensity Mag and Gamecube-Europe have reported on a tip from SEGA of Japan and have shared what they heard. Check it out below. Continue reading Are These The Games We Will Get With Sonic Mega Collection?

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Rumour: Next Sonic Game In Development, Will Be A ‘Return to Roots’

New Sonic game alert! According to a fresh rumour in this month’s gaming magazines, Sonic Team in Japan is hard at work on the next mainline Sonic the Hedgehog project – and it spells the end of treasure hunting and shooting in favour of the traditional platforming action that Sonic is best known for. Continue reading Rumour: Next Sonic Game In Development, Will Be A ‘Return to Roots’

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Rumour: Reports Talk of Sonic Adventure 3 in Development

Some big rumours coming in today, as fellow Sonic fansite Sonic HQ and gaming site The Magic Box lifts the lid concerning a new entry in the Sonic Adventure series! Continue reading Rumour: Reports Talk of Sonic Adventure 3 in Development

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Rumour: New GBA Sonic Games in Development?

We’re hearing of some crazy rumours right now of two new Sonic games in development for Nintendo’s Game Boy Advance. Continue reading Rumour: New GBA Sonic Games in Development?

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Rumour: PSO To Offer Xbox and Gamecube Cross-Play

Seems like the upcoming release of Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II is going to be much more significant than we thought, if recent rumours are to be believed. Apparently, the game will allow for cross-play between Nintendo Gamecube and Microsoft Xbox players. Continue reading Rumour: PSO To Offer Xbox and Gamecube Cross-Play

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Shigeru Miyamoto Teases Sonic in Mario Kart

Ever since Sonic Adventure 2 was confirmed for Gamecube, we have heard a number of rumours about how Mario and Sonic will one day join forces in the same game. And now we get a fresh tease, only this time it’s come from a more official source: Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto himself! Continue reading Shigeru Miyamoto Teases Sonic in Mario Kart

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NiGHTS Gamecube Teased as SEGA Announces New Global Content Strategy

In a keynote address at this year’s Tokyo Game Show, newly-third-partied SEGA unveiled its new global strategy that it says will make the company the #1 independent game publisher in the world. And if its slides are anything to go by, Sonic Team classic NiGHTS into Dreams could be a part of that strategy. Continue reading NiGHTS Gamecube Teased as SEGA Announces New Global Content Strategy

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Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Release Date Rumoured

Rumours are flying around that a Japanese release date has been set for Sonic Adventure 2 Battle for Nintendo Gamecube. These unconfirmed reports speak of the game hitting store shelves on December 20th. SEGA hasn’t yet confirmed or denied the rumour, and there’s no word on any US or European date. We’ll have to wait and see how this pans out…

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Sonic Adventure 2 Gamecube is Secret Spaceworld Game

SEGA has been keeping quiet over their secret fourth game, to be revealed at Nintendo’s Space World show – but it seems like the cat’s already out of the bag, as internet sleuths have deduced that Sonic Adventure 2 is coming to the Gamecube. Continue reading Sonic Adventure 2 Gamecube is Secret Spaceworld Game

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SEGA Says ‘Maybe’ to Sonic and Mario Crossover

Oh Sega, you absolute tease! After Yuji Naka poured water on the idea that Mario and Sonic could star in a game together, it seems that Sega of America’s president Peter Moore is going against that, stating that the company is keeping its options open.
Continue reading SEGA Says ‘Maybe’ to Sonic and Mario Crossover

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Woah Woah Woah! Hold the Phone! MARIO and SONIC?

No, this is not a blatant lie – there is very big rumour that Sega and Nintendo are indeed in working on a game. But – and get this – this will be a landmark game that’ll bring Sonic and Mario together for the very first time! According to the latest issue of the UK ‘N64’ magazine by Future Publishing, the news sounded pretty much like it was no rumour – so if this is true, it will bring a tear to many feuding Nintendo/Sega fans of old. Truly remarkable news. Sonic and Mario, joining forces it seems, the thought of it is just… wow! And I mean WOW!

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Rumour: Sonic To Be Playable in Next Smash Bros

Word has it that Sonic the Hedgehog will actually be a very well hidden character in Nintendo’s upcoming brawling game for Gamecube, Super Smash Bros. Melee. Nintendo and Sega refused to comment on the rumor, so we’ll see where it goes from here.

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SEGA-Nintendo RPG Not Happening, According to Yuji Naka

Remember me telling you about an RPG that Sega and Nintendo were rumoured on working on together? Well, a recent interview with Yuji Naka suggests that the rumours were indeed just mere speculation, and Sega and Nintendo are currently not making a game together. Continue reading SEGA-Nintendo RPG Not Happening, According to Yuji Naka

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RUMOUR: SEGA and Nintendo in RPG Cahoots?

In a recent article in the UK edition of Nintendo Official Magazine, it was noted that Sega and Nintendo are working together on a top secret RPG for Ninty’s new knight in shining armour, the GameCube. We already know that Sega is releasing a number of games on the console, including Phantasy Star Online, so this wouldn’t seem too far fetched.

In any case, it really seems like Sega has hit the ground running when it comes to third party development. Beware, Electronic Arts!

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Rumour: PSO Version 2 Could Get Global Launch

Could PSO Version 2 also see a global release? That’s the current chatter happening in the Sega community this week, with suggestions that Sonic Adventure 2 will just be the first of many games that will enjoy a co-ordination worldwide launch. Continue reading Rumour: PSO Version 2 Could Get Global Launch

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SEGA’s E3 Details Revealed

Sega is preparing to show off a lot of titles at this year’s Electronics Entertainment Expo. Among the confirmed games on the show floor will be the upcoming GBA titles Sonic Advance as well as ChuChu Rocket from Sonic Team, but Sega titles on Xbox will also be revealed. Continue reading SEGA’s E3 Details Revealed

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Rumour: Sega to Discontinue the Dreamcast and Become Multi-Platform Developer?

What… the… heck..? This is a pretty explosive rumour, so let’s hope it’s not true. Apparently, there are noises that suggest Sega is going to stop production of the Dreamcast and actually make video games for other rival consoles – including PlayStation 2 and Game Boy Advance!(?) Continue reading Rumour: Sega to Discontinue the Dreamcast and Become Multi-Platform Developer?

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SEGA Smashes ‘Sonic on Game Boy’ Rumour

Not too long after we reported on a rumour that Sonic might be heading to Nintendo’s Game Boy, Sega has made a statement about the situation. The blue blur isn’t coming to the once-rival portable console after all. Continue reading SEGA Smashes ‘Sonic on Game Boy’ Rumour

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