SEGA has been keeping quiet over their secret fourth game, to be revealed at Nintendo’s Space World show – but it seems like the cat’s already out of the bag, as internet sleuths have deduced that Sonic Adventure 2 is coming to the Gamecube.
It all started with the above picture. IGN reports on a test conducted by affiliate site Planet Gamecube which essentially blurred and pixellated an early promotional screenshot from Sonic Adventure 2 on the Sega Dreamcast.

As you can see from the results below, aside from the blue blob the images are a perfect match. IGN suggests that this could mean a port of SA2 for Gamecube, but could also mean SEGA just used any old image to tease a different upcoming project. Something tells me that SEGA’s not that sloppy though… We’ll have to wait and see.
Source: IGN (via Planet Gamecube)