Celebrate International Dance Day With These Sonic Movie Workouts

Feeling a little energetic at home? Maybe you have kids running around that need something to do? Well, to celebrate the incoming release of the Sonic movie on DVD and Blu-ray, Paramount has created a set of Sonic-themed exercises that you can do in the comfort of your living room!
Continue reading Celebrate International Dance Day With These Sonic Movie Workouts

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You Can Rent the Sonic Movie at Redbox Now

US Sonic fans, take note! Despite the Sonic the Hedgehog movie not being available for purchase on DVD/Blu-Ray until May 19, you can rent a copy of the movie at Rebox kiosks right now! The movie is available on DVD and Blu-ray, with the 4K version coming soon. Continue reading You Can Rent the Sonic Movie at Redbox Now

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Complete series of Sonic X coming to DVD


The anime series Sonic X is about to see a new lease of life on DVD, thanks to US based entertainment company Diskotek Media. The news was originally announced on Diskotek’s Facebook page, simply stating ‘Sonic X complete series! Release date TBD’

Unlike the original releases of Sonic X DVDs which all came in volumes of episodes, this single release looks to include all 78 episodes of the series, originally broadcast from 2003-2006.

As implied by Diskotek’s Facebook post, no date has been decided for release yet, but one of the company’s employees also spoke about the upcoming release over on Sonic Retro’s message boards, where further information was brought to light.

The user known as ‘Kushami’ has said that the license Diskotek currently has to produce the DVD is for the dubbed version only, although Diskotek is aware of the strong desire by fans for subtitled versions of the original Japanese episodes, and has emphasised that the idea of a second release with the subs could potentially be done, but is only likely if the response to this first DVD is strong enough.

Other details included that in keeping with the licensor’s requests, the DVD will use the dub’s intro to the show (no Sonic Drive this time people… sorry!), and that there isn’t likely to be much in this release in the way of extra features, but such extras may be considered for the mentioned possible re-release. A Blu-Ray release is also said to be unlikely, due to the fact that the original show has no high definition masters.

Will you be ready to support this new release when it eventually rolls around? Would you buy in to better the chances of getting a subtitled version of the show produced? Let us know!


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Rejoice, Sonic X Airing Again In America

Americans have it pretty good with Sonic comic and cartoon media right now. DVD boxsets of SatAM, AoStH and… erm… Underground, and plenty of new Archies to wet the dream of many a comic connoisseur. 4Kids want to get in on the action and start airing Sonic X again! Remember that one? The one with the 4Kids.

Yes, the adventures of Sonic, Chris, Tails, Chris, Cream and Chris will start appearing on 4Kids TV every Saturday starting this weekend, at 10am (ET/PT, because we know that bit’s important to you). Sonic X can also be watched on demand via an array of digital channels including Comcast. Not only that, but there’ll be a new DVD release, including the Chaos and Shadow Sagas (eps 27-38) coming 2nd September 2008. Now Americans have it very good, surely!

… anyone?

Sonic X Returns to 4Kids TV, New DVD (TSSZ News)

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Sonic Underground back on DVD

Wired are reporting that a new Sonic Underground DVD volume 1 is now available containing the first 20 episodes and with new extra’s like a Greatest Hits cd, a music video jukebox and concept art.

A search on Amazon.com finds a Sonic Underground DVD released Dec 18th 2007, no specific releated info to the article is there though but with the release date it’s most likely the one.

Amazon.co.uk finds nothing new.

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New Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog DVD Details

Just recently it was confirmed that the 1993 animated series, The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, would finally see the light of day on DVD. Shout! Factory, who recently also released other Sonic the Hedgehog series (SatAM) have neared completion of the new DVD set and TVShowsOnDVD.com have reported some exciting new details about the much anticipated release.

The new information confirms the release will be a four disc set containing the first 22 episodes and is to be released on July 17th . Two bonus featurettes “How to Draw Sonic the Hedgehog” and “A Conversation with Artist Milton Knight” will also be included. The DVD set is currently available on pre-order from Amazon for $22.49 (Regular SRP $29.99)

For many Sonic fans The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog is considered the most enjoyable (albeit light) animated series, and thanks to this release they will now have an alternative to the DVDs of questionable legality from Korea that circulate eBay infrequently.

Be sure to stay with SONIC NEWS for any updates as they are made available.

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SatAM DVD Boxset officially out!

While a few Best Buys DID break the street date, I can now safely inform all Sonic fans that the SatAm boxset has, as of March 27th, 2007, been officially released in stores across the US! For those of you who don’t live in America, you can still pick the set up via various online retailers. Don’t forget, it’s region free!

The Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete series boxset contains various bonus features on a 4 disc set, containing art work made by fans like you. The official MSRP is $25.99.

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SatAM Boxset Available Early?

The “Sonic the Hedgehog” (SatAM) cartoon series boxset is reportedly already available at at least one Best Buy store.

According to Perfect Chaos, a staff member at the Sonic Fan Games Headquarters, the DVD boxset is now available to buy at a local store. It is not officially due for release until Monday the 27th of March, so this may be a mistake on the store’s part.

Quexinos (aka Sonique) of site Fans United for SatAM has reported that another Best Buy store is also selling the set. If you’ve been waiting for this DVD set and are near a Best Buy, you could do a lot worse than to head over there and see if it’s there yet.

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SatAM Boxset is Done (and Region Free)

Lucky boon.

You read the title right. The Sonic the Hedgehog “SatAm” DVD Boxset is officially done. That’s the DVD’s producer, Brian Ward, holding the real thing in his lucky mitts.

Brian Ward was the main man responsible for making this boxset a community effort. The DVD is loaded with special features and has cover art made from people all across the Sonic fandom. Expect further articles on Sonic Stadium regarding this boxset leading up to it’s monumental release. It’s coming out March 27th, 2007 in the US. However, it is obtainable to everyone else via import. Be sure to pick up this great slice of Sonic history, and well put together piece of Sonic memoribillia! Continue reading SatAM Boxset is Done (and Region Free)

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Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Coming To DVD

Sonic fans have been extremely lucky lately with SatAM finally making the jump to DVD, however it seems the prayers from the other side of the fan base have been answered – Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog may soon see a DVD release as indicated by a new listing on Amazon.

The new listing details a four disc box set to be released on July 17th for an RRP of $29.99 and an Amazon list price of $22.49. Curiously enough Sony Music are listed as the studio behind the DVD release, however a quick search of their website turned up no information.

Will we be seeing Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog on DVD stateside any time soon? Stay with SONIC NEWS for the latest on this developing story.

Special thanks to Ryan S. for the tip.

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New SatAM Boxset Information

Here it is SatAM fans, the moment you’ve all been waiting for since the announcement of the SatAm box set: The box art, special features, retail price, and release date have all been revealed.

Firstly, the special features are as follows:

  1. Way Past Cool! A Conversation with Sonic Writer Ben Hurst
  2. The Fastest Thing Alive: A Conversation with Jaleel White.
  3. Printable Heads or Tails Pilot Script
  4. Storyboard-to-Screen: The Doomsday Project – The complete episode shown with the animated storyboards
  5. Original Storyboards for an Unproduced Opening Title Sequence
  6. Original DiC Concept Art Galleries
  7. Easter Eggs Galore!
  8. Packaging Designed COMPLETELY by The Fans!
  9. Deleted/Extended Sequences for Drood Henge and The Doomsday Project. These sequences were never produced. They’ve animated the storyboards and bookended them with the scenes that would have come directly before and after to give you an idea of where they would have gone within the story.

Continue reading New SatAM Boxset Information

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SatAM DVD Art Contest Extended

Brian Ward of Shout has announced that the Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Series DVD art contest.

  • The due date is now November 11th.
  • Do NOT send multiple e-mails. Send only one e-mail(or as close as you can get to it before the deadline). The mailbox filled up last time partially because people sent their submissions multiple times.
  • Send ONLY the final product. People sent their art in various stages last time, resulting in some confusion over which one was the final product.
  • It is ok to resend your e-mail ONLY if you get a message saying it didn’t go through or that the inbox was full.

And please remember: Continue reading SatAM DVD Art Contest Extended

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Art contest for upcoming SatAm box set announced

You want to leave your mark on Sonic history, folks? Now’s your chance. Brian Ward from Shout! Factory has just announced a fan art contest for the Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Series DVD boxset.

This fan art must meet the following requirements:

  • Entries should represent SatAm Sonic. They can be any kind of art, having anything to do with SatAm, as long as it’s appropriate. Any kind of art is excepted and has a chance of being featured.
  • Should be scanned in 300 DPI.
  • Should be sent by November 4th (Brian apologizes for the delay, it took longer then expected for him to get the approval from Sega and DiC).

All entries should be submitted to SonicFanArt@hotmail.com . They will be judged by Shout! Factory’s own art director, Emily Johnson. The winning entries will contribute to the packaging of the DVD box set, and featured within the thinpaks of the discs themselves. Continue reading Art contest for upcoming SatAm box set announced

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Sonic the Hedgehog coming to DVD in early 2007

You read the title right. Sonic’s original saturday morning cartoon show, “Sonic the Hedgehog”, which first aired on ABC in September of 1993, is finally coming to DVD in it’s entire 26 episode long run.

Sonic the Hedgehog, known by it’s fans as “SatAm”, has traveled a long, hard road the last couple of years. The original DVD released in 2002, called “Super Sonic”, contained 5 episodes (counting the hidden episode) from the first season, and was to be a precursor to an entire box set.

That box set was never meant to be, however, as it was cancelled in 2004 for unknown reasons, although it is widely beleived that it was Sega itself that held the box set back. Continue reading Sonic the Hedgehog coming to DVD in early 2007

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UK Sonic X DVDs

With the amount of money spent on video games, and being home to two of the biggest gaming developers in the world, you’d be forgiven for thinking the UK was actually a third-world country when it comes to the industry. Particularly for Sonic merchandise, where material on the blue blur besides games have all but dried up in comparison to other countries.

One of the biggest conspiracy theories was regarding the lack of a domestic release of the Sonic X cartoon on DVD. Despite having DVD releases in Australia and Holland as long as eight months ago, there had been no word in the (regular, brown) hedgehog haven that is Britain. Continue reading UK Sonic X DVDs

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DiC Confirms More SatAM DVDs Coming to USA

Still feeling super-nostalgic for the 1993 Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon series? Well get ready, because it sounds like DiC is not quite done re-releasing the animation on DVD, with more box sets apparently on the way before the end of the year. Continue reading DiC Confirms More SatAM DVDs Coming to USA

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