Twenty years. That’s how long this humble little Sonic the Hedgehog fan site has been kicking around for. The Sonic Stadium launched on 24 October 2000 and hasn’t taken a break (server crashes aside) ever since, making it possibly the oldest, longest-running Sonic site still active to this day. Over the next couple weeks, we will be celebrating our anniversary in style with special Twitch and Discord channel launches, special features and more!
Continue reading Sonic Stadium’s 20th Anniversary! Special Features, Discord, Twitch Channel and More!2020 is The Sonic Stadium’s 20th Anniversary! A Year of Festivities!
There are plenty of reasons to be cheerful at this turn of the new decade. Not only is there an open road for a line of upcoming Sonic games to come and excite us, but this year also marks the 20th anniversary of this very website. It doesn’t feel that long ago that we were celebrating our 10th anniversary!
Continue reading 2020 is The Sonic Stadium’s 20th Anniversary! A Year of Festivities!
The Top 10 Sonic the Hedgehog Collectables of All Time
The Sonic Stadium’s list of affiliates increases on an almost daily basis, and we are very proud to say that we are now also affiliated with Forbidden Planet International, who many in the UK will know as one of the biggest retailers of sci-fi comics and collectables.
This month we’ve teamed up this month with the Forbidden Planet blog to bring to you my personal “top 10” Sonic the Hedgehog collectables, where I will be taking about what I think are the coolest and rarest pieces of Sonic merch ever produced…how many items on the list do you have?
You can check out the article here.
Hopefully over the coming months we hope to bring you even more blog posts that will pique your collecting interests!
SOS 2013: Nigel Dobbyn & Nigel Kitching Confirmed
The Summer of Sonic website has made it’s first guest announcement, Nigel Dobbyn & Nigel Kitching will be returning for this years event.
2013 will mark the 20th anniversary of Fleetway’s Sonic the Comic, first published back 1993, so if you are old enough to remember walking into a newsagent and picking up issue 1 with those stickers on the cover, why not come meet two of the main reasons as to why the comic became so popular and ran for as long as it did?
Both Nigels will be at a meet and greet session at the signing booth and art classes will be happening this year too, details will be announced at a later date.
Furthermore, the art corner will be returning to SOS this year, so if you fancy putting pen to paper and wowing your fellow fans with your art skills, they’ve got you covered. As with previous SOS’ there will be prizes given out, thats right, the art competition is also returning.
For the full story, check out the SOS website if you havn’t already done so.
20 Years of Sonic the Comic
Twenty years ago, many veteran fans amongst the community will probably remember racing to their local newsagents in order to grab the first issue of Sonic the Comic for the paltry price of 95 pence, and thumbing excitedly through the first pages of Sonic and SEGA-themed strips. In the many years that followed, fans saw the publication of 223 issues, 9 poster magazines and several special one-offs across nearly a decade of production.
The comic was renowned for its well-pitched storylines that appealed to both the younger and older audiences, for expanding the Sonic universe beyond the canon of the game and introducing several original characters; some of whom suffered a grisly demise (poor old Johnny Lightfoot!). For the majority of issues, the comic was presented by Megadroid, a robot reminiscent of a SEGA Megadrive (and later a SEGA Saturn), who took to naming the readers “Boomers” (and the writers “Humes” – short for “Humans”). As well as the Sonic-themed strips, the comic included a whole host of stories from SEGA titles such as Golden Axe, Decap Attack and Streets of Rage, as well as features and reviews on games, as well as fan art and mail; many fan-works featured were created by many of those who have remained fans to this day! Indeed, the publication garnered many fans, and some of you reading this today will probably owe STC as your introduction to the world of Sonic the Hedgehog.
Sound Test Saturday: Chills, Spills, and Thrills
Welcome back to Sound Test Saturday! I’m glad just about everyone appreciated the Sonic Paradox Remix Shorts and the work that has been poured into it! On behalf of the team, I wish to thank you all for the warm reception and support of the album!
Now let us return to our previously scheduled programming, and give the rest of the community a bit of focus, shall we?
Today, four remixes have been picked out for you all! True to today’s theme, only some of the most thrilling and spine-chilling of tunes have been picked out!
For Act 1, we return our attention towards a drummer who premiered on Sound Test Saturday with a most righteous cover of Hydrocity Zone Act 2! This time, with a groovy drum cover for the introductory act for Planet Wisp from Sonic Colours, we welcome back the one and only funkflash!
I had no words for this drum cover at first. Planet Wisp is one of my most favourite tunes out of the entire franchise due to its beautiful melody being handled by a piano, and hearing funkflash play along with the Act 1 track has rendered me speechless. While I love the original on its own, funkflash here has basically nailed the smooth feeling of Planet Wisp and, essentially, remastered the piece through his drumming prowess. Excellent, just as last time!
It reminds me of the last time a musician’s take on Planet Wisp was featured on the site… Similar feelings have been experienced.
In any case, let us turn our attention to Act 2 with a collaboration between Joshua Taipale and alexlp2k10 (or General Offensive! on Soundcloud) that is guaranteed to blow your mind!
For Underwater Maze Escape, here’s their take on Lost Labyrinth Zone Act 3 from Sonic the Hedgehog 4!
If Lost Labyrinth didn’t leave much of an impression on you for its music, it damn well should now, because this is one of the most righteous takes on this track ever! Incorporating a bit of Ancient Maze of Mystery (LL Act 1), Josh and Alex have done an amazing job at remixing this one together, with Alex handling the electronic tunes or Josh providing some breathtaking guitar magic. I oughta play this tune over the stage and see how it goes! Definitely one worthy of your playlists!
Act 3 now, and it’s one that definitely fits this week’s theme! Essentially breathing new life into Hydrocity Act 2 from Sonic 3 & Knuckles, HeroBoy1092 turns this midi into a piece worthy of Sonic Generations!
With an entirely different approach on the track, here’s a Modern remix of Hydrocity Zone, for your listening pleasure!
I’ve never heard Hydrocity being played like this. Remixes I’ve heard, though great, were still somewhat close to their source material, but this right here is definitely one of the greatest interpretations of the piece ever. I can see Sonic going all over the water with this song: sliding down the slides, running, even surfing despite the are being confined! Kudos to HeroBoy for remastering an ish midi into something grand!
Speaking of Sonic Generations, we oughta wrap up this week’s playlist with a music video! So how about a cover of… Owl City’s Fireflies?
Released on the eve of the 20th Anniversary title’s release, Golden Rings is both a parody and a homage to Sonic the Hedgehog and his legacy. Some will get a good laugh while others feel like this track truly hits home.
Shadowlink4321 once again takes the stage while Tigura21 of Smash King fame handles the music video! Roll film, and have a good week everyone!
(Those who prefer it without autotune may find it absent here, with Shadowlink4321′s vocals intact!)
Be sure to return next week for the next instalment of The Sound Check! We’ll be with Dr. Mack Foxx as he speaks of his and EspioKaos’s Sonic Piano Reduxes!
Found an interesting cover, remix, or original tune somewhere? Have something of your own? Be sure to send your findings and wares over to me at!
TSS Review: Pix’N Love’s The History of Sonic The Hedgehog
It seems funny to think why this has taken so long to make, Sonic is over 20 years old, yet I could name franchises not even half that age which have more printed publications like this. Why it took Sonic 20 years to catch on is anyone’s guess. But, we finally have it! An official history of Sonic the Hedgehog, published by Pix’n Love, fully authorized by Sega.
Continue reading TSS Review: Pix’N Love’s The History of Sonic The Hedgehog
Pix’N Love’s ‘History of Sonic the Hedgehog’ out… Now?
Late last year, publisher Pix’N Love surprised everyone when they announced a ‘history of Sonic the Hedgehog’ book would be printed for release near to the start of 2012. However due to various problems at the publisher this ended up being delayed, but now Pix’N Love have finally revealed the final product… and what a product it is too!
Continue reading Pix’N Love’s ‘History of Sonic the Hedgehog’ out… Now?
eBay Watch: Little-seen Stuff Going Under the Hammer
Our good friend Kevin “ArchangelUK” Eva got up to quite a bit in his time at Sega UK, so it stands to reason he’s got his fair share of rare Sonic merch. Now the former Community Manager is raising funds with a load of his stuff seeing the light of eBay.
Now I’m no merch hog, but most of this stuff I didn’t even know existed, so if you like your collectables, you know what to do.

Continue reading eBay Watch: Little-seen Stuff Going Under the Hammer
Sonic Generations Already Seeing Huge Discounts in the UK
The game was only released on the 4th of this month, but already Sonic’s 20th Anniversary title Sonic Generations has been deeply discounted at various retailers. Chart Track records so far have shown the game has struggled to compete for gamers’ money against the many other headline titles released this month. Could this be why retailers are reducing their prices of Sonic Generations so low? Continue reading Sonic Generations Already Seeing Huge Discounts in the UK
Japan: Sonic Generations 20th Anniversary Set Revealed
Sonic Scene has discovered that Sonic fans in Japan are getting a special Sonic Generations 20th Anniversary Set. This set includes a 20th Anniversary crystal cube, a 20th Anniversary cloth and the History of the 1st Stage Original Soundtrack White Edition (Xbox 360 & PS3)/Blue Edition (Nintendo 3DS).
Here’s a Google translation of the details:
Xbox 360 & PS3:
[20] Anniversary Set
20th Anniversay Sonic crystal cube
with a weight inside the crystal cube, stereoscopic 3D laser engraved limited edition Sonic the 20th anniversary of the original design.
What you see so many angles and by moderate light, enjoy a timeless interior items.
Delivered in an outer box 20 anniversary logo stamping gorgeous!! DATA Size: 6cm Width 6 × depth 10 × height Weight: 902g ※ The picture is an image of the production. [Benefits] Store Sega Sonic 20th Anniversay Hand Sonic’s classic modern, cute and studded with hand-drawn Sonic, Sonic is a washcloth in very horsetail. ※ The picture is an image.[Bonus Book] HISTORY OF THE 1ST STAGE Original Soundtrack White Edition ※ The picture is an image. Are limited because the number of ※, and lasts. ▼ List of songs 1.sega Call 2.angel Island / Sonic the Hedgehog 3 3.splash Hill / Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I 4.palmtree Panic / Sonic the Hedgehog CD Grove / Sonic 3D Blast 6.Resort Island / Sonic R 7.emerald Coast / Sonic Adventure 8.City Escape / Sonic Adventure 2 9.westopolis / Shadow the Hedgehog 10.Forest Falls / Sonic Rivals 11.Wave Ocean / Sonic Zahejjihoggu (two thousand and six) 12.windmill Isle – Day / Sonic World Adventure
Nintendo 3DS:
[20] Anniversary Set
20th Anniversay Sonic crystal cube
with a weight inside the crystal cube, stereoscopic 3D laser engraved limited edition Sonic the 20th anniversary of the original design.
What you see so many angles and by moderate light, enjoy a timeless interior items.
Delivered in an outer box 20 anniversary logo stamping gorgeous!! DATA Size: 6cm Width 6 × depth 10 × height Weight: 902g ※ The picture is an image of the production. [Benefits] Store Sega Sonic 20th Anniversay Hand Sonic’s classic modern, cute and studded with hand-drawn Sonic, Sonic is a washcloth in very horsetail. ※ The picture is an image. [Bonus Book] HISTORY OF THE 1ST STAGE Original Soundtrack Blue Edition ※ The picture is an image. Are limited because the number of ※, and lasts. ▼ List of songs 1.sega Call 2.mushroom Hill / Sonic & Knuckles 3.Toxic Caves / Sonic Spinball 4.Botanic Base / Kaotikusu 5.South Island / Sonic The Fighters 6.Seaside Hill / Sonic Heroes 7.Leaf Storm / Sonic Rush 8.Planet Kingdom / Sonic Rush Adventure 9.Metal City / Riders Sonic and the Secret Rings 10.Sand Oasis / Sonic and the Black Knight 11.Camelot Castle / Sonic 12.Tropical Resort / Sonic Colors
You can view the contents of the set in our gallery below.
You can order the Sonic Generations 20th Anniversary Set at at the below links:
Xbox 360: 10,479 yen
PS3: 10, 479 yen
Nintendo 3DS: 8,379 yen
Source: Sonic Scene
Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads up!
Sonic CD 20th Anniversary OST Track List Revealed
Famitsu has today revealed the full track list for the Sonic CD Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition album. Music for all of the stages and their time variants are there as you’d expect, along with new collaborations of Sonic Boom and Stardust Speedway between Cash Cash, Jun Senoue and Crush 40.
You can view the full list below.
1. Sonic – You Can Do Anything
2. Title
3. Little Planet
4. Palmtree Panic
5. Palmtree Panic “G” mix
6. Palmtree Panic “P” mix
7. Palmtree Panic “B” mix
8. Collision Chaos
9. Collision Chaos “G” mix
10. Collision Chaos “P” mix
11. Collision Chaos “B” mix
12. Tidal Tempest
13. Tidal Tempest “G” mix
14. Tidal Tempest “P” mix
15. Tidal Tempest “B” mix
16. Quartz Quadrant
17. Quartz Quadrant “G” mix
18. Quartz Quadrant “P” mix
19. Quartz Quadrant “B” mix
20. Wacky Work Bench
21. Wacky Workbench “G” mix
22. Wacky Workbench “P” mix
23. Wacky Workbench “B” mix
24. Stardust Speedway
25. Stardust Speedway “G” mix
26. Stardust Speedway “P” mix
27. Stardust Speedway “B” mix
28. Metallic Madness
29. Metallic Madness “G” mix
30. Metallic Madness “P” mix
31. Metallic Madness “B” mix
32. Boss!!
33. Final Fever
34. Zone Clear
35. Speed Up!!
36. Invincible!!
37. Game Over
38. Special Stage
39. Cosmic Eternity – Believe in Yourself
40. Sonic Boom
41. Stardust Speedway (Cash Cash vs. Jun Senoue)
42. Sonic Boom (Crush 40 vs. Cash Cash)
The album will be released November 23rd 2011. You can pre-order it at Play-Asia now for about £18, and CDJapan and HMV Japan for ¥2,400 (about £20).
Source: Famitsu
History of the 1st Stage and 20th Anniversary Best Track List Updates
Via the Sonic 20th Anniversary Twitter, SEGA Japan has revealed the back covers and thus the full track lists to both editions of the Sonic Generations History of the 1st Stage Original Soundtrack albums.
The Blue Edition (3DS) contains:
1. SEGA call
2. Mushroom Hill Zone
3. Toxic Caves
4. Botanic Base
5. South Island
6. Seaside Hill
7. Leaf Storm
8. Plant Kingdom
9. Metal City
10. Sand Oasis
11. Camelot Castle
12. Tropical Resort
The White Edition (Xbox 360 and PS3) contains:
1. SEGA call
2. Angel Island
3. Splash Hill
4. Palmtree Panic
5. Green Grove
6. Resort Island
7. Emerald Coast
8. City Escape
9. Westopolis
10. Forest Falls
11. Wave Ocean
12. Windmill Isle – Day
You can get these albums by pre-ordering Sonic Generations at Amazon Japan.
PS3: ¥ 5,946 (with Original Soundtrack White Edition)
Xbox 360: ¥ 5,990 (with Original Soundtrack White Edition)
Nintendo 3DS: ¥ 4,242 (with Original Soundtrack Blue Edition)
In other news, HMV Japan has revealed 4 tracks for the Sonic the Hedgehog 20th Anniversary Best album.
1. Sonic Drive
2. His World
3. Endless Possibility
4. Reach For The Stars
You can pre-order the Sonic the Hedgehog 20th Anniversary Best album at HMV Japan for ¥3,500. We’ll let you know when more tracks have been revealed.
Sources: SEGA Japan’s Sonic 20th Anniversary Twitter and HMV Japan
Thanks to Rabid-Noodles and Hogfather for the heads up!
Game One to Air Sonic the Hedgehog TV Retrospective Documentary in France
SEGA Mag reports that French TV channel Game One will soon be airing an exclusive TV retrospective documentary looking back at the 20 year history of SEGA’s Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. No other details have been shared, but it should give us an insight into how SEGA’s mascot has grown into such a success since 1991.
The documentary will air Wednesday, November 2 at 2:35 pm CET, which will be 1:35pm on the same day here in the UK.
Source: SEGA Mag
Sonic Wins Outstanding Contribution Golden Joysticks Award
2011’s Games Master Golden Joysticks awards have been presented in London today and SEGA’s Sonic the Hedgehog franchise won big with the Outstanding Contribution Award. The award is the first of its kind for the Golden Joysticks, and so it’s a big honour for SEGA and the Sonic series to receive it.
There’s also news from editor Diane’s Twitter feed that a new Sonic Generations trailer was shown at the Golden Joysticks. We’ll be sure pass that on here once SEGA releases it online.
Sources: CBBC Newsround and TSSZ News
SEGA to Build Sonic Themed Playground in East Oakland, California
Young Sonic fans in East Oakland, California are in for a treat come November 1st, but not just because Sonic Generations will hit stores, but because SEGA of America will also open a Sonic the Hedgehog themed playground that very day to further celebrate their mascot’s 20th Anniversary. SEGA is teaming up with local “neighbohood hub” Youth UpRising and outdoor play non-profit group KaBOOM to create the playground. Children will also be able to help out with the design process.
The actual construction of the playground will take place on October 28th by SEGA volunteers and members of East Oakland community, and will be completed in just one day. Pretty quick, huh?
Check out the press release below.
SEGA of America Partners with KaBOOM! and Youth UpRising to Build Custom Sonic the Hedgehog Playground for the Children of East Oakland
In celebration of Sonic the Hedgehog’s 20th Anniversary, SEGA® of America, Inc. has partnered with KaBOOM! and Youth UpRising to bring the spirit of Sonic the Hedgehog and the joy of play to the community of East Oakland by designing and building a custom playground inspired by the iconic blue hedgehog.
On October 28th, volunteers from SEGA of America and members of the local community will construct the new playground in just one day. The playground will be designed by the very kids who will be enjoying it, making this new play space very special for the entire community. The space will provide more than 400 children in the East Oakland community with a safe place to play, creating an inspirational and fun location for all to enjoy for years to come.
“SEGA is very excited to partner with KaBOOM! to bring an amazing and unique new play-space to the kids of Youth UpRising and East Oakland,” says Marcella Churchill, Director of Marketing at SEGA of America. “There could not be a better way to celebrate Sonic the Hedgehog’s 20th Anniversary than to continue his message of energy, fun and play among the community with this playground and partnership.”
“We’re excited to be working in conjunction with SEGA and Youth UpRising to provide children in Oakland with a new playground,” said Darell Hammond, KaBOOM! Founder and CEO. “Every child deserves to have a great place to play and with the new playground in Oakland KaBOOM! will move one step closer to our vision of a great place to play within walking distance of every child in America.”
To cap off Sonic’s 20th Anniversary, SEGA’s highly anticipated new title, Sonic Generations™, will be released this Winter. The game features Sonic the Hedgehog, as both the much loved classic 1991 character and the modern-day video game hero he has become. In this exciting fast-paced adventure set across three defining eras of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic speeds through all new stages inspired by the most iconic environments from his 20 year history; playing as Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic in all new, re-imagined stunning levels. Sonic Generations will be available on November 1, 2011 for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, and this winter for the Nintendo 3DS™.
SEGA’s Sonic the Hedgehog playground will open for play the day of the Sonic Generations™ American launch date, Tuesday, November 1st . at Youth UpRising, located at 8711 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland, CA 94605.
For more information about SEGA or Sonic Generations, please visit
For more news, follow SEGA on Twitter @SEGA or like us on Facebook
About SEGA® of America, Inc.: SEGA® of America, Inc. is the American arm of Tokyo, Japan-based SEGA® Corporation, a worldwide leader in interactive entertainment both inside and outside the home. The company develops, publishes and distributes interactive entertainment software products for a variety of hardware platforms including PC, wireless devices, and those manufactured by Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony Computer Entertainment. SEGA of America’s Web site is located at
About KaBOOM!: KaBOOM! is the national non-profit dedicated to saving play. Children today spend less time playing outdoors than any previous generation, a fact that is having disastrous consequences on their health, achievement levels, and overall well-being. To fight this Play Deficit, social entrepreneur Darell Hammond founded non-profit KaBOOM! in 1996 in Washington, D.C. with a vision of creating a great place to play within walking distance of every child in America. Since then, KaBOOM! has mapped over 85,000 places to play, built more than 2,000 playgrounds, and successfully advocated for play policies in hundreds of cities across the country. KaBOOM! also provides communities with online tools to self-organize and take action to support play on both a local and national level.
We’ll have more information as it’s revealed.
Sources: GameSetWatch and iStockAnalyst
Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.
Jazwares Sonic 20th Anniversary Figures Coming to the UK Later This Week
UK collectible specialist retailer Forbidden Planet is now taking pre-orders for Jazwares’ set of Sonic 20th Anniversary action figures. The figures will be released this coming Thursday October 6th and are priced between £7.99 and £22.99, depending on the size of the figure.
To view the collection and/or get your pre-order(s) in, head over to Forbidden Planet’s website.
Thanks to SSMB member BinaryRaptor for the heads up!
Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.
SEGA Launches New Official Sonic The Hedgehog Website
SEGA has today launched a new official Sonic the Hedgehog website. The website features the above special retrospective video titled ‘Sonic Anniversary – Through the Ages’, a Games tab with links to recent and upcoming game websites, a 20th Anniversary section with a Birthday message, a community section with a feed from the official Sonic Facebook page and a Downloads section with some wallpapers from the Japanese official website Sonic Channel.
What do you think of the new website and the retrospective video? Share your thoughts in the comments.
Sources: SEGA Twitter and
Sonic Sale on Xbox Live, PlayStation Network and PC Download
In celebration of Sonic the Hedgehog’s 20th Anniversary, SEGA’s offering discounts on digital Sonic titles for a limited time only on the Xbox Live Marketplace, PlayStation Network and the company’s own PC Download service.
Here’s the full lineup, prices and dates of availability:
Xbox®LIVE Arcade
Available from 23 – 28 June
Sonic the Hedgehog™ – Was 400 points Now 240 points
Sonic the Hedgehog™ 2 – Was 400 points Now 240 points
Sonic the Hedgehog™ 3 – Was 400 points Now 240 points
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG™ 4 Episode 1 – Was 1,200 points Now 800 points
Sonic & Knuckles™ – Was 240 points Now 120 points
Sonic Adventure™ – Was 800 points Now 400 points
Sonic Adventure™ DX upgrade (add on) – Was 400 Now 240
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing™ add-on offers:
Metal Sonic & Death Egg Zone (add on) – Was 560 points Now 320 points
Ryo Hazuki / Forklift Truck (add on) – Was 320 points Now 240 points
Unlock All Characters & Tracks (add on) – Was 400 points Now 240 points
Sonic 20th Anniversary bundle only £13.99/$19.99 /€17.99
Available from 23 June to 12 July
Sonic the Hedgehog™
Sonic the Hedgehog™ 2
Sonic Adventure™
Sonic Adventure DX Upgrade
Dynamic Theme for SONIC THE HEDGEHOG™ 4 Episode 1
PC Download
Sonic 20th Anniversary bundle only £11.97/$14.97/€13.47
Available from 23 – 30 June
Bundle includes:
Sonic 3D Blast™
Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine™
Sonic Spinball™
Sonic the Hedgehog™
Sonic the Hedgehog™ 2
Sonic 3 & Knuckles™
UK Store
U.S. Store
France Store
Germany Store
Spain Store
Sources: SEGA of America’s website and the official Sonic Facebook page
[UPDATE] Sonic Generations Demo and 20th Anniversary Bundle Available For Download Tomorrow
UPDATE: Andriasang reports that the Sonic Generations demo will be released both on PlayStation Network and Xbox Live tomorrow. The demo will include Classic Sonic’s Green Hill Zone stage and will only be available to download until July 12th, then after that date any downloads of the demo will expire, so make sure you take it for a spin before then. The demo, like the full game, is also said to support 3D TV’s.
Source: Andriasang (via CVG)
Thanks to Matriculated at the SSMB for the heads up! /UPDATE END
SEGA will be celebrating Sonic’s 20th Anniversary tomorrow in style in the digital download space. The official Sonic 20th Anniversary Twitter this afternoon revealed that the previously announced demo of Sonic Generations will be coming tomorrow. Sony then revealed details of this week’s EU PlayStation Store update, and yes, you guessed it, the demo is listed for tomorrow for all locales. There’s no word of the demo hitting the U.S. PS Store or in any region for the Xbox Live Marketplace yet, but we fully expect it to be made available on those services.
The EU and U.S. PS Blogs have also revealed a 20th Anniversary Bundle, which consists of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1, Sonic Adventure (and DX add-on), and the Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 dynamic theme. The bundle will be available to purchase from tomorrow for 20 days at the reduced price of (£13.99/€17.99/$19.99). No word on if this bundle will be released on the Xbox Live Marketplace, but we expect it will.
We’ll update when we know more about all of this content’s availability.
Sources: Sonic 20th Anniversary Twitter, U.S. PS Blog
Thanks to frokenok3 at the SSMB for the heads up on the Sonic 20th Anniversary Twitter update!
Get Ready For Some 2P Action With An SA2:B Contest For SOS 11
Apparently I could post on The Sonic Stadium. Who knew? Continue reading Get Ready For Some 2P Action With An SA2:B Contest For SOS 11
Sonic 20th Anniversary Tokyo Joypolis Commercial
A new Japanese commercial has hit the net showcasing SEGA Japan’s plans to celebrate Sonic’s 20th Anniversary. As well as Sonic Generations launching this year, it appears SEGA might be holding an event at Tokyo Joypolis. The publisher also doesn’t want fans to forget that Wii and DS game Sonic Colours is on store shelves, if you don’t own it already.
Source: Sonic Scene
Thanks to Woun for the heads up!
SEGA Japan Planning Special Surprise For Sonic’s Birthday?
Brazillian Sonic fansites Power Sonic and Sonic Zone are reporting that SEGA Japan has revealed news to press that the company will be bringing lots of Sonic content on our favourite blue hedgehog’s big 20th Birthday. SEGA is said to be adding lots of items to its official Sonic Channel website, some news to its official Sonic Generations website and unveiling a surprise. Could this surprise have something to do with the Sonic Generations demo that was recently approved at the Australian Classification Board’s website or the possible Nintendo 3DS version of the game in the works? I guess we’ll find out June 23rd.
Sources: Power Sonic and Sonic Zone
Sonic Adventure Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition Track List & Box Art
The box art and track list for the upcoming release of Sonic Adventure Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition on May 18th 2011 have hit the interwebs. The single disc album will contain 30 tracks ranging from all areas of the Sonic Adventure game to some character themes.
Check out the track list below:
1. Introduction …featuring «Open Your Heart»
2. It Doesn’t Matter …Theme of «Sonic The Hedgehog»
3. Boss: CHAOS ver.0, 2, 4
4. Azure Blue World …for Emerald Coast
5. Windy and Ripply …for Emerald Coast
6. Theme of «Dr. Eggman»
7. Egg Mobile …Boss: Egg Hornet
8. Windy Hill …for Windy Valley
9. The Air …for Windy Valley
10. Welcome to Station Square
11. Blue Star …for Casinopolis
12. Mystic Ruin
13. Be Cool, Be Wild and Be Groovy …for Ice Cap
14. Twinkle Cart …for Twinkle Park
15. Pleasure Castle …for Twinkle Park
16. Theme of «CHAO»
17. Join Us 4 Happy Time …for CHAO Race
18. Run Through the Speed Highway …for Speed Highway
19. Mt. Red: a Symbol of Thrill …for Red Mountain
20. Egg Carrier – A Song That Keeps Us On The Move
21. Skydeck A Go! Go! …for Sky Deck
22. Theme of «E-102γ»
23. Crazy Robo …Boss: E-101R
24. Boss: CHAOS ver.6
25. Tricky Maze …for Lost World
26. Theme of «Tikal»
27. Red Barrage Area …for Hot Shelter
28. Mechanical Resonance …for Final Egg
29. Perfect CHAOS Revival! …Boss: Perfect CHAOS
30. Open Your Heart – Main Theme of «Sonic Adventure»
The album is available to order for ¥2,400/$28.25 US/£18.36 GBP from the below retailers:
Source: Sonic Scene
Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads up!
SEGA Facebook Poll Asks: “Which Version of Sonic is Your Favourite?”
SEGA’s RubyEclipse said yesterday that more questions and information regarding the new PS3 and Xbox 360 Sonic title were on the way to the official Sonic Facebook page, and today the page updated with one of those things; a question. A poll is now available at the page for you to take part in asking “Which version of Sonic is your favourite?”, with the answers “Classic Sonic” and “Modern Sonic” to pick from. Whether this poll is just for fun or will hold a significance to the game or anything else in Sonic’s future is unclear, but whatever it’s for, Classic Sonic currently has a very large lead of about 4,500 votes over Modern Sonic.
To place your vote, head on over to the official Sonic Facebook page.
Have you voted? Which version of Sonic did you pick? Let us know in the comments, but please, keep discussion civil. We’re all fans here, no matter what Sonic looks like.
[11/04 UPDATE] More 20th Anniversary Game Info “Over Next Few Weeks”
April 11th UPDATE: In a new blog update, SEGA of America’s RubyEclipse suggests fans stay tuned to the official Sonic Facebook page for more questions and information about the new game. RubyEclipse also gives thanks on behalf of SEGA for all of the Thank You letters sent in to them in response to the new Sonic trailer. /UPDATE END
Those awaiting more information about SEGA’s new Sonic game revealed in a teaser trailer yesterday might not have to wait long. SEGA of America staff member Kellie answered an eager fan seeking more info via Twitter and informed that more details about this new game will be released “over the next few weeks”. Another fan asked about a release date, to which Kellie replied “we’ll have more details about a release date soon.”
There’s also bad news for those still desiring a Sonic Colours port on HD platforms, as Kellie’s stated on Twitter “there are currently no plans to bring Sonic Colors to another platform.”
We’ll bring further details regarding this all-new Sonic game as they’re released. If you haven’t already, check out the teaser trailer.
Sonic Adventure Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition Delayed
The Sonic Adventure Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition we reported about in Feburary has been delayed by a month according to updated retailer listings. The single CD album will now be released in Japan May 18th 2011. Cover art and the list of tracks are still unavailable right now, but we’ll let you know when they’re made available.
You can pre-order the album online at the below retailers: ¥2,400 ¥2,400
Source: Sonic Scene
Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads up!
SEGA Teases New Trailer Arriving at 2:00pm BST Tomorrow on Sonic Facebook Page
UPDATE: SEGA’s revealed via their Twitter account that the trailer will hit the official Sonic Facebook page tomorrow at 14:00 BST / 6:00 am PST. Thanks to Shaddix Croft at the SSMB for the heads up! /UPDATE END
SEGA’s just made another post on their official Sonic Facebook wall, which brings news that a new trailer will be hitting the page tomorrow. What this trailer is of though is anyone’s guess for now.
The post reads:
BRAND NEW TRAILER COMING TOMORROW ONLY ON SONIC’S FACEBOOK! Be sure to come back tomorrow to check it out!
Could it be a new game? An event? We’ll keep an eye open tomorrow and report back.
Thanks to Doctor MK at the SSMB for the heads up!
TSSZ Celebrates 12th Anniversary
Nope, this isn’t an April Fool’s (as I’m sure you’re all “Chuckled out” by now!) The Sonic the Hedgehog news site TSSZ News celebrates it’s 12th year in action today, the site first taking to the net way back in 1999 when we were all still dreaming of Sonic Adventure.
TSSZ has proven a popular choice as a news source in the Sonic community, bringing many pieces of breaking news to light first, and providing deep insight into the current SatAM cartoon projects and fan games in development. Although TSSZ has sparked much controversy in many ways over the past few years, the site has maintained a strong following from it’s “no holds barred” reporting. Regardless of the tensions between TSSZ founder Tristan Oliver and other members of the community, TSSZ has been key in promoting the Sonic Relief charity drive, as well as other good-will causes supported community wide past and present.
We at the Sonic Stadium wish TSSZ a very happy birthday, and hope to see many more years of the site delivering news and reviews.
SEGA and UTV Indiagames Launch Sonic Cricket For Mobile
Today SEGA has announced the launch in India of Sonic Cricket for mobile. The game has been created by UTV Indiagames, who has developed a wide catalogue of games for mobile platforms, including many other cricket titles. Continue reading SEGA and UTV Indiagames Launch Sonic Cricket For Mobile
Sonic 20th Anniversary Music: Gigs And Albums To Come
A double whammy of music updates today!
First off, tickets for the Crush 40 Live In Tokyo gigs will be on sale tomorrow from 10am Japanese time (2am GMT). The band, consisting of Jun Senoue, Johnny Gioeli and the first live appearance of bassist Takeshi Taneda, will be playing two dates at the GUILTY LIVE STAGE on the 2nd and 3rd of April and will be playing a host of classic Crush 40 tracks…and possibly some surprises too! You can follow this link to the Japanese Wavemaster Site to book your tickets should you be lucky enough to live nearby! Tickets are priced at ¥5,500.
Secondly, it looks like the Wavemaster, the record label on which the majority of Sonic the hedgehog soundtracks are now released under, are gearing up for some serious 20th anniversary releases with a placeholder page now online. Although nothing has been announced yet, it is likely fans will be able to snap up some nifty OST releases this year!
Stay tuned for more details in the future!
Jazwares Reveal Sonic 20th Anniversary Figures & Plushes At London Toy Fair
Jazwares has revealed their plans to launch a series of special Sonic 20th Anniversary figures and plushes at a recent London Toy Fair. A range of prototypes and concepts were on show at Jazwares’ booth, including a figures series called “Sonic Through Time”, which as the name suggests are figures based on Sonic’s design at a various year in his life. Also on show was a Shadow figure & comic pack, classic Dr.Eggman with Egg Robo’s figure pack, modern Dr.Eggman with Egg Pawns figure pack and modern Tails with a modern sandworm Badnik figure pack. New plushes shown were a large Shadow and a large classic Sonic, both 20th Anniversary labelled.
Since this line up was shown at a London toy fair, there’s hope that Tomy (distributor of Jazwares figures in the UK) will release these in the UK. No other information is available at present, but we’ll keep an eye out and report back. For now, check the two photos out and share your opinion of these new figures in the comments.
Thanks to SonikkuForever at the SSMB for the heads up and to Barry the Nomad at the SSMB for finding the last three pics.
SEGA France Reveals Sonic’s Youthful Secret
French Sonic fansite Eversonic received a parcel from SEGA France yesterday revealing the company’s secret to keep Sonic looking young and hip in the years ahead …anti-aging cream. Yes, just 20 years old and already on the cosmetics. In all seriousness though, it’s a pretty funny piece of Anniversary merchandise. The cream inside the tub is even blue. Nice one, SEGA France.
Check out more pics of the item at Eversonic.
Art Contributions Start for 20th Anniversary Fan Tribute
Long-standing community member Psyguy has launched an initiative for a fan tribute to celebrate Sonic the Hedgehog’s 20th Anniversary. The plan is to create a digital art book featuring a collection of “some of the best artwork from around the globe.”
It’s a project that follows the lead that Udon Comics established with the Street Fighter and Darkstalkers Tribute books. Fanart old and new will be considered, but limited space means only the cream of the crop will get included in the 100 pages planned. There are no plans to actually publish the project when completed, but naturally Psy is open to anyone that might want to sponsor such an endeavour. Udon? Sega?
If you fancy getting your work included in the digital booklet (or have some additional questions to ask about the project) then you can find all the details – along with already-submitted pieces – on its website. If you have an SSMB account and fancy throwing your thoughts into the ring, you can go to the SSMB topic here too.
Official SEGA PR: 20 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog
After SEGA Japan’s New Year’s Day teaser/announcement, SEGA of America has today issued a similar press release regarding their plans to celebrate Sonic the Hedgehog‘s 20th Anniversary with events around the world. The publisher says we can expect details about these events throughout the year. Check the full press release out for yourself below.
SEGA® Corporation is proud to announce their company mascot will celebrate his 20th anniversary on June 23, 2011.
From the first day of the release of Sonic The Hedgehog™ back in 1991 on the SEGA Genesis™ console, Sonic the Hedgehog quickly became a popular gaming icon due to his super fast speed and his cool, edgy character. In the twenty years that the video games have been available, Sonic the Hedgehog has notched up over 70 million units sold worldwide.
As well as videogames, SEGA’s iconic blue hedgehog has enjoyed huge success in areas such as comics, apparel and toys and even starred in his own animated series.
SEGA Corporation will be celebrating this special year in style with events around the world, details of which will be released throughout the 20th anniversary year of 2011.
For more information on SEGA, please visit :
About SEGA® Corporation:
SEGA® Corporation is a worldwide leader in interactive entertainment both inside and outside the home, encompassing consumer business, amusement machine sales and amusement center operations. The company develops, publishes and distributes interactive entertainment software products for a variety of hardware platforms including PC, wireless devices, and those manufactured by Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. SEGA Corporation’s Web site is located at : .
About SEGA® of America, Inc.:
SEGA® of America, Inc. is the American arm of Tokyo, Japan-based SEGA® Corporation, a worldwide leader in interactive entertainment both inside and outside the home. The company develops, publishes, and distributes interactive entertainment software products for a variety of hardware platforms including PC, wireless devices, and those manufactured by Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. SEGA of America’s web site is located at
Sources: and SEGA of America Blog
What kind of events would you like to see for Sonic’s 20th Anniversary? Share your ideas in the comments.
SEGA Teases Sonic 20th Anniversary “Projects”, Teaser Site Live
It’s already 2011 in Japan and so SEGA Japan has seen fit to kick-start Sonic the Hedgehog and the Puyo Puyo series’ 20th Anniversary year off with the tease that they have a variety of projects in the works to celebrate this milestone for the blue blur and its popular puzzler. What these “projects” are is anyone’s guess for the time being, but we’ll keep an eye out for new info and media in the year ahead. For now, you can check out a teaser website for Sonic’s 20th that is now live, though there’s not much to see at the moment.
What would you like to see for Sonic’s big 20th Anniversary? Speak out in the comments.
Source: Andriasang