Fellow Sonic and SEGA news site TSSZ News, formerly The Super Sonic Zone, celebrates another 365 days gone by as of April 2nd, now clearing its thirteenth year since its official launch in 1999. Founded and led by Tristan Oliver, the six-man team is known for covering and breaking several major stories, and sometimes the more controversial ones, from all corners of the SEGA community.
The Sonic Stadium wishes TSSZ a happy 13th birthday and all the best through the next year!
Those interested in TSSZ’s history can check out their complete timeline through the button below.

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Nope, this isn’t an April Fool’s (as I’m sure you’re all “Chuckled out” by now!) The Sonic the Hedgehog news site TSSZ News celebrates it’s 12th year in action today, the site first taking to the net way back in 1999 when we were all still dreaming of Sonic Adventure.
TSSZ has proven a popular choice as a news source in the Sonic community, bringing many pieces of breaking news to light first, and providing deep insight into the current SatAM cartoon projects and fan games in development. Although TSSZ has sparked much controversy in many ways over the past few years, the site has maintained a strong following from it’s “no holds barred” reporting. Regardless of the tensions between TSSZ founder Tristan Oliver and other members of the community, TSSZ has been key in promoting the Sonic Relief charity drive, as well as other good-will causes supported community wide past and present.
We at the Sonic Stadium wish TSSZ a very happy birthday, and hope to see many more years of the site delivering news and reviews.
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In the past week, Roarey made two comics that were stemming from the same subject: the Sonic Unleashed reviews. I forgot to put issue #4 up when he finished it, so now it’s grouped with #5 for super-awesome-double-feature-madness time.
Issue #4 deals with all you assholes in the community who pushed the mods at TSS so far that discussing the reviews in such a manner warrants a 7 day ban. Issue #5 deals with the comment boxes at TSSZ, which are, easily, producing a hell of a lot of controversy within the community. Reading the comments after each and every Tristan-spun (aka “Trispin”) story on negative reviews made me take a much needed Internet vacation over the past week. Do we really need a story for each review, picking it apart its every word? Heeeeelllll, no.

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After months of inactivity, SONIC NEWS returns to provide Sonic Team fans with the latest information on blue hedgehog related happenings.
The changes are more than cosmetic – now members of the SSMB Forums and TSS are able to interact with the site with the new TSS Account. The TSS Account is a new feature being spread across The Sonic Stadium Network, which allows members of the SSMB Forums to take advantage of unique features within all TSSNET minisites.
Continue reading SONIC NEWS Returns
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Tristan O. Bresnen is webmaster of TSSZ (The Super Sonic Zone), a great news source for SEGASonic, Sonic Team, and other gaming news. One of the best fan newscasters of the time, TSSZ also incorporated a radio station with news bulletins. TSSZ closed in late 2005, but re-opened in 2007 and continues to this day. Continue reading Community Interview: TSSZ News’ Tristan Bresnen
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