SEGASonic:Radio Relaunches June 14th


We’ve shut down for maintenance, we’ve sought some fresh blood, we’ve got ourselves a new crew, and we’ve worked pretty damn hard behind the scenes to prepare the best Sonic-themed radio experience.

Thus, at long last, we are ready. Maintenance time is finally over, because SEGASonic:Radio is returning for good this very week!

For starters, as some keen-eyed visitors of TSS have noticed, adding a certain word in the address bar led to a brand new page, where everything is all bright and green! To likely be added underneath the Media Tab, SS:R has gained its own mini-site, which includes the complete schedule, and streamchatroom, Twitter and Facebook links. DJs will also soon be able to post updates via the front page when episodes of their recent shows are uploaded into the Archive. A few further surprises should roll out over the coming weeks, but I’ll keep mum on those in the meantime… though I could say that the site will become more SS:R friendly as updates go along~!

So, how big of a relaunch are we talking about? Well… SEGASonic:Radio now has a line-up of eight shows – yikes, that’s just about a show every single day! Two returning shows, one taken aboard, and five premieres on this very station! What do we got?

Shows in Season

groove.Rush – Blizooka and Kirbopher
Mondays at 5pm PDT, 8pm EDT; Tuesdays at 1am GMT
Tumblr Blog

The Super Power Flower Hour – FTA and Smoovies
Tuesdays at 4pm PDT, 7pm EDT; Wednesdays at 12am GMT
YouTube – iTunes

Insert Show with DJ EAR – DJ EAR
Wednesdays at 3pm PDT, 6pm EDT, 11pm GMT

Club Rouge – Shadsy
Thursdays at 5pm PDT, 8pm EDT; Fridays at 1am GMT

Turbo Drive Live – Turbo
Fridays at 12pm PDT, 3pm EDT, 8pm GMT

The Kickass Kawaii Show with Edo – Edobean
Fridays at 2pm PDT, 5pm EDT, 10pm GMT

The Music Plant Zone – VizardJeffhog
Saturdays at 5pm PDT, 8pm EDT; Sundays at 1am GMT

A/V Hijack – Biafra Republic
Sundays at 12pm PDT, 3pm EDT, 8pm GMT

I know. Wow.

With all of this said and done, the party resumes this Friday, June 14th. Tune in to Turbo on the ongoing Turbo Drive Live, followed by The Kickass Kawaii Show with Edo …with Edobean! From then on, the schedule rolls as slated above: yours truly on Saturday, Biafra on Sunday, Liz and Kirb on Monday, etc… and with E3 going on, we’ll all likely have lots to talk about! Be sure to tune in!

UPDATE: The Super Power Flower Hour might not be airing next Tuesday due to persisting computer difficulties on FTA’s end. Unless otherwise stated, there might not be a TSPFH broadcast until these troubles are sorted out. A warning from the guy himself!

UPDATE 2: I lost the ability to read a calendar properly. The 14th is what I meant!

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Ample Renitence Releases Sonic and Beastie Boys Mash-Up Album

You wanted one mash-up for Mash-Up Monday? Well, have 10!

Some of you might recall one Alien.Renegade, a musician who made a bit of a name for himself on TSS via both 2011 and 2012 music albums and various Mash-Up Mondays. He has since changed his name to Ample Renitence, and with the name change comes a juicy compilation of high quality mash-ups!

Coined Hedgehog Committee Part Two, the album features ten unique mash-ups of select Beastie Boys songs paired with various Sonic the Hedgehog tunes. We have featured some of these in the past (Intergalactic Cosmic Wall is another example), and with more mash-ups like Egg Emperor’s SabotageNo Sleep till Red Hot Skull, and Ch-Check Metal Sonic Out, what are you doing reading about all of these delicious mash-ups here?

Head on over to the album’s page and give them all a listen, and if you like ’em, you know what they say: don’t delay! Download it today!


Oh, and if you can support AR and buy his own (debut!) album, that’d be swingin’ too!

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Day-Long RadioSEGA Marathon to Take Place Saturday 4th May 2013

SEGATHON2RadioSEGA’s fundraising marathon “SEGATHON” will take place this weekend, in aid of Cancer Research UK.

SEGATHON returns for the second time since it was first held back in November 2011, raising nearly £750 for BBC’s Children in Need campaign. RadioSEGA DJ Gavvie will once again host the day-long event, and will be joined guest co-hosts from across the Sonic & SEGA community across the course of the event. SEGATHON will also be holding a raffle giveaway during the show, which can be entered by donating £5 to the fundraiser (with the prizelist to be announced soon).

The show will kick off on Saturday 4th of May at 10pm BST.

Further details can be found on the RadioSEGA Website. If you’d like to donate a prize or want to be a guest co-host, you can contact Gavvie by either Twitter (@GavvieUK) or email (ps2_dc[AT]hotmail[DOT]com).

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OverClocked Remix Previews TEMPORAL DUALITY: A Sonic CD ReMix Album

Fresh off their recent success with Milky Way Wishes: A Kirby Super Star Tribute, the folks at OverClocked Remix have come together for a new tribute album, and this compilation is one for the ages!

Get it? Ages? Time travel? SEGA in reverse? …aw forget it, you’re no fun.

TEMPORAL DUALITY: A Sonic CD ReMix Album is set to release at some point this year, and will feature rearrangements of both American and Japanese soundtracks by some of OCRemix’s best! Fans of either Spencer Nilson’s score, or that of Naofumi Hataya and Masafumi Ogata, have every reason to look forward to this album once it hits online servers! Familiar OCR names such as Amphibious, Rexy (who contributed some excellent sounds to our last album), DiGi Valentine, and WillRock are taking part in this, so prepare your bodies! Do so in advance by checking out the preview!


Stoked? You should be. While you’re at it, don’t forget to nab previous OCRemix Sonic tribute albums – Hedgehog Heaven (Sonic 2), Project Chaos (Sonic 3 & Knuckles), and Sound of Speed (Sonic 1)!

Special thanks to TRiPPY for the tip!

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Freak-Out Friday: Forgetting Something?

The most unexpected thing happened at the Metropolis Zone, and the victim? None other than CelestOrion, with the folks from Sonic Paradox’s ParadoxPowerPlays roaring at his expense.


I couldn’t believe it either at first, but holy crap!

Continue reading Freak-Out Friday: Forgetting Something?

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Sonic Adventure in Source Filmmaker! It’s a Giant Talking Egg!

What, another well made recreation via Source Filmmaker? Strange, isn’t it!

Here is a little something to tickle your nostalgia on this lovely Thursday morning! Dive back into the mellow that was 1998, back when the voices of Ryan Drummond, the young Corey Bringar, and the late Deem Bristow kicked off the Dreamcast era, as HypotheDragon recreates the initial confrontation between Sonic, Tails, and Eggman from Sonic Adventure for your viewing pleasure!


Wait, he animated this within two days!? No way, I can’t believe this!

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Ian Flynn Interview with The Super Power Flower Hour

The Super Power Flower Hour, a Find the Computer Room podcast and an upcoming show for SEGASonic:Radio, has kicked off the first episode of its second season with a very special guest!

FTA and Smoovies are accompanied by Ian Flynn, the head writer for Archie Comics’ Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man franchises, and chat about the two series, some behind the scenes tidbits, as well as the ongoing crossover special, Worlds Collide!

It’s a whopping 1 hour and 45 minutes long, but it’s plenty fun and informative!


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Mash-Up Monday: Come On! Shrek It Up!

Some folks understand how to make mash-ups. See, mash-ups are like… onions. And onions, like mash-ups have layers.

And no one knows this better than CamisadoRush.

The vocals of Smash Mouth’s infamous All Star, notoriously known for its heavy usage in Dreamworks’ Shrek movie series, gets layered over the instrumental version of Escape from the City from Sonic Adventure 2.

I know, I know, but… just give it a listen, just one, then it will all be ogre.


Check yourself before you shrek yourself.

Found a unique mash-up out there on the web? Or do you have a mash-up of your own you’d like to see on the front page? If yes to either question, then submit your findings over to!

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Sonic Beats Buzz Lightyear & Superman In The London Marathon

sonicmarathonChances are if you live in the UK, you’ll know that today is the day of The London Marathon. Guess who was spotted in the race…

Continue reading Sonic Beats Buzz Lightyear & Superman In The London Marathon

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SEGASonic:Radio DJ Auditions – The Results!


As many of you might recall, SEGASonic:Radio has not received a whole lot of tender love and care these days. Following the preview for the Sonic Stadium Music Album 2011 last year, SS:R purportedly shut down for much needed renovations. During this downtime, two shows loyally kept on airing – Biafra Republic’s A/V Hijack, and Turbo’s Turbo Drive Live.

Numerous attempts and plans have been conceptualized to relaunch the station, but unfortunately, nothing has quite taken off at 100%. With the former Station Manager, BlitzChris, becoming more and more occupied with life offline (and make no mistake, this is ALWAYS a priority), SS:R had a difficult time retaining relevance within the community. And as time dragged on, things were getting worse.

Sooooooo tl;dr, Dreadknux (who owns both TSS and SS:R) and BlitzChris were at their end of their rope, so they both invested in SS:R Revival Plan C and hoped for the best! That was a joke.

So, as the new Station Manager, I would like to say, on behalf of everyone aboard SEGASonic:Radio: thank you. Thank you for putting up with our collective absence as a station, and a big thanks to all who took the time to audition for spots as SS:R DJs. Your concern for this station’s wellbeing means a whole lot to us, and we are thankful to have received your pitches! The enthusiasm throughout the last three weeks was just about palpable!

Unfortunately, it is as we said when we first put up the notice. While many have indeed entered, only a select few have succeeded. We have received numerous entries, but those that have been picked out have been chosen based on the criteria we have listed in the notice: their pitches were fun, bearable, enjoyable, entertaining, interesting, professional, and most of all, unique. The candidates were chosen based on these qualities, and these qualities alone, so if you have any qualms against us for not having chosen your show, then all I can do is apologize.

Everyone gave it all they got, so to those who’ve passed, I congratulate you in advance and look forward to working with you! To those who did not, you’ve indeed tried, but I regret to inform you that you hadn’t passed – however, though you hadn’t made the cut, we won’t cut contact with you just yet, so keep your eyes on your inboxes in the near future.

Now then! I’ve talked and rambled long enough. I’m pretty sure everyone’s getting antsy (or shaking their computer screens while shouting “GET ON WITH IT”), so enough stalling from me! Without further ado, I think it’s about time to unveil who the three new show candidates are. Shall we?


Continue reading SEGASonic:Radio DJ Auditions – The Results!

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Summer of Sonic 2013 Website Goes Live

SOS webpage

The annual fan convention Summer of Sonic has updated it’s website, and things are a bit darker than normal. In what will be the conventions 6th year a teaser site has gone live which doesn’t show us much, but there are one or two clues. Most noticably are tiny outlines of Sonic & Metal Sonic along the bottom of the site and do we need to point out the matrix style numbers in the background?

Also, if we take a look at the official Facebook & Twitter feed, things seem a bit… different? What could it all mean?

Continue reading Summer of Sonic 2013 Website Goes Live

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Freak-Out Friday: Knuckles Plays Sonic Adventure 2

You know you’re always in for a treat when a star from your favourite series dabbles into some of his own work?

For today, Knuckles the Echidna himself provides us a few clips of his Death Chamber playthrough… as himself!

So, sit back and relax to the smooth sound of Knuckles’ voice this Friday night.


Put together by Dexter Manning!

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TSS COMMUNITY RELEASE: The Sonic Stadium Music Adventure 2012


It’s been a long rough road, but it’s finally here! The Sonic Stadium is proud to present the sequel to last year’s album, and the second of a budding line of community releases – The Sonic Stadium Music Adventure 2012!

Even with a whopping nine month development period, I once again severely underestimated the creative ability of the TSS community. We had gone from last year’s 45 tracks and 19 artists to an uncontainable explosion of participation! I expected new records, but by this much? Never!

Spanning across 10 Acts, this leviathan of an album contains 143 songs, with an estimate 8 hours worth of music. A large cast of musicians and artists have each taken it upon themselves to redefine the Sonic music experience, be it through different genres, original efforts, or even collaborative works.

And you know what I think? They all succeeded.

Continue reading TSS COMMUNITY RELEASE: The Sonic Stadium Music Adventure 2012

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Freak-Out Friday: A Sucky No Choosing Day

Did you ever have the misfortune of watching a single episode of an anime called Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de? The show that retold the Nintendo vs. SEGA console war with a feudal fantasy twist (which, in concept, sounded like a pretty cool idea)? Those of us who did were pretty hyped for it when news first broke; we marked our calendars for the premiere and waited, thinking of what possible wonders would await us in this series…

…and then the first episode came out. Expectations dashed, everyone goes home. Turns out that Aoi Sekai is more “Oppai-Oppai” in quality than “Opa-Opa”, if you catch my drift…

To give you a better idea of this show’s terribadness and to save you the trouble of looking the series up (no, really, you’re welcome), here’s an abridged version of the first episode! Put together by Cyberlink420, the guy behind the Sonic F series, here is the appropriately titled A Sucky No Choosing Day!


Psst: if you guys enjoyed watching Cyberlink writhe in pain as much as I did, nag him about Episode 2!

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Mash-Up Monday: Pull Over (That Metal Too Fast)

Some of you might know of an anime/light novel series called Chūnibyō Demo Koi ga Shitai!… If not, then you might at least know of Rikka Takanashi, one of the lead characters, who has gained some amount of internet fame through a short video featuring her spinning her fingers and shaking her hindquarters to Trina’s Pull Over.

TripleKyun then had the brilliant idea of mashing the entire track with Stardust Speedway Bad Future JP, as it was arranged in Sonic Generations! For Mash-Up Monday, with plenty of finger wagging from Metal Sonic and Rikka, here is Pull Over (That Metal Too Fast)!


If you have a mash-up of your own, or found one you find should have a spot on the front page, you know where to send it! Hit me up at!

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SegaSky’s TOP 5: Games You Love, That Are REALLY TERRIBLE.

The Sonic Show’s Top 5 series is one that is annually spun out of its grave to test the community and see if it can get by without upsetting anyone.

This time folks seems to be no different either, as Skyler aka SegaSky aka this guy, takes the helm to discuss the Sonic games that the community defend so hard depsite maybe not being all that a bag of chips.


Do you agree with the listing? Hit us up in comment section below!

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Sonic Generations Unleashed Project Mod Now… Unleashed!

unleashedproject-logoAfter a little over a year in development, Sonic Retro community members Dario FF, Twilightzoney, and Chimera have released what is likely to be the one of the greatest non-Christmas presents PC gamers could ever ask for. For those who own Sonic Generations, start howling with joy, because the Unleashed Project Mod is finally available to the public!

The mod replaces the Generations stages with the daylight levels from Sonic Unleashed! That’s right: Apotos, Mazuri, Spagonia, Holoska, Chun-nan, Shamar, Adabat and Empire City have been successfully ported and beautifully remastered in high definition for your gaming pleasure! Not to mention a brand spankin’ new White Space to go with it, complete with its own Unleashed White Space Medley!

Be sure to thank the Unleashed Project Team, because this is a job well freaking done. Check out the release trailer after the jump!

Continue reading Sonic Generations Unleashed Project Mod Now… Unleashed!

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Ken Balough Bids Farewell to SEGA


Chances are if you’ve kept your finger on the pulse of the Sonic community over the past half decade, you’ll have encountered this character – SEGA’s Digital Brand Manager, Ken Balough. Ken is probably best known for being one of the most prominent spokespeople representing SEGA during the promotion of both Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episodes 1 and 2, for trailblazing fan engagement with the SEGA Community team, as well as his mean sense of humour.

Yesterday, Ken announced in a statement on the SEGA forums that he would be leaving his position at SEGA to join the team at Sony Playstation.

Continue reading Ken Balough Bids Farewell to SEGA

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Freak-Out Friday: Tales of a Bananular Existence Part 1

I think this is gonna be the one Freak-Out Friday to end them all! …metaphorically speaking, of course.

Today, I dedicate this segment to a particular Sonic character who has not received as big a limelight as many would want him to have in the main series. You can’t have Team Sonic without the one who’s rougher than the rest of them, the best of them, tougher than leather: the one we call Knuckles!

For that occasion, I present to you True Fa—

hi im tob this is ssmtss and we are glad to show banabls dachid na and he is perfect EXISTENCE Just lIKE HIS MUSIC HAVE A VIDERO


acts about Echidnas!

…what are you all staring at? Something wrong?


Welp, not even TSS is safe from Tobey McTired.

With special thanks to Azukara!

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Mash-Up Monday: Bill Nye Panic Zone

This is just another one of those things I can’t tell whether they’re Freak-Out Friday worthy or Mash-Up Monday worthy.

Then again, this is a mash-up of Panic Puppet of Sonic 3D Blast fame and the theme of Bill Nye the Science Guy, put together by Rushnerd… And I mean Jun Senoue’s Panic Puppet from the Genesis version (then used for Twinkle Cart in Sonic Adventure), mind you.

Oh, and it’s not just Bill Nye’s theme, but it also uses clips from the show itself as well!

…you know what? Monday it is! Here you go, some science-y stuff to start la semaine because why not?


Hadn’t had one of these on the front page in a while… Welcome back, Mash-Up Mondays! Special thanks to AcidGamer64 on the SSMB for the heads-up!

If you want to see one of your own creations on the front page, or if you found one you’d like to share, you know the drill! is where to send your stuff!

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Freak-Out Friday: A Date to DINE For…

If you remember MarkandFlops from his animation style in Sonic Paradox’s Seaside Denied, you’re in for a real treat, for what is arguably the best scene in Sonic Adventure 2 is now even better!

…come on, you remember that one, right? No?

Maybe showing Nick’s enhanced version of the meeting will jog your memory!


To be fair, Sonic did warn him. Shadow could’ve gotten away… now he’s naught but a sinking cadaver. That is how it went, right?


Continue reading Freak-Out Friday: A Date to DINE For…

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The Sonic Show’s Opinion Zone Act 1: Playstation 4 & Preowned Games



We feel we have neglected our iTunes crowd for a while so we return to your ears with a new series of discussion shows. And how do we start off? By not talking about Sonic.

WHOOPS. Continue reading The Sonic Show’s Opinion Zone Act 1: Playstation 4 & Preowned Games

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Freak-Out Friday: Sonic the Hedgehog …in Minecraft

There is no better way to express one’s powers of creation in a world of limitless potential… than to recreate your favourite characters.

Even if they don’t always cooperate.

CavemanFilms demoes MCVoxelSH’s Minecraft mod where you can interact with the cast, and even dabble in the black market! Make rings, gotta go fast, and screw around… No better way to be the ruler of your own domain.


Thanks to SuperPsyguy for the notice!

Next week… we will find out things about Sonic that none of us even knew existed. Prepare your bodies.

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Freak-Out Friday: Oscars 2013 – Best Actor in a Supporting Role

Not even the 85th Annual Academy Awards, set to take place this Sunday, are safe from leaks on the internet.

Yes folks, days before the event itself is underway, we’ve already got our hands on the results for the category “Best Actor in a Supporting Role”! And the winner?


Special thanks to thatdarnaccount for uncovering this, and Marcus the Rocker for tipping us. Only a mere cameo and Sonic is already in the big leagues of cinema!

Continue reading Freak-Out Friday: Oscars 2013 – Best Actor in a Supporting Role

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Freak-Out Friday: Blankity Blank And All-Stars Blankity Blanking Transformed

Kids, it’s okay to play a game by a company you like… But playing with an unsupported video card on your PC is no good!

To demonstrate, we have a PSA video provided to us by some of the folks at Sonic Paradox, through their ParadoxPowerPlays channel! RGXSuperSonic races as Blanky Rose in the Blanker Blankgoon stage while Dr. Mack Foxx and TheRunningDafini comment aside.



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TitansCreed Community Spotlights The Sonic Stadium Music Adventure 2012

Oh, I can already feel the tension in the air, folks! You know what this month means, right? …wait, a possible Sonic game announcement? No, not that, silly!

For a one-off special of The Community Spotlight, where Pete “TitansCreed” Nethercote highlights folks who have made a significant impact in the SEGA/Sonic fan community, Pete focuses the spotlight on…

tssma logo small

That’s right folks! Joining him to discuss The Sonic Stadium’s upcoming release are Bev “Rexy/Freqrexy” Wooff, one of the album’s many talented contributors, and the founder-slash-director of the project, yours truly!


Feel free to check out last year’s album if you haven’t done so already! Stay tuned for incoming announcements!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Freak-Out Friday: A Whole Lotta Blast Processing

Get ready for Sonic’s longest adventure yet!

Sonic & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles confirmed for the year 19999999999999999999999994… That’s a whole lotta blast processing right there.

Whoever put this together must have had a great deal of time, patience, and money to have gathered 24 Sonic & Knuckles cartridges to do THAT.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Freak-Out Friday: This is a Sonic Jump Review… by a Hot Girl

Special thanks to the folks at Find the Computer Room for notifying me of this!

So, many of us were admittedly taken by surprise by Sonic Jump. Developed by Hardlight Studios for iOS and Android devices, the quirky little title was announced and released within a short amount of time, and has become one of the most fun Sonic games for mobile devices in recent history (great job, guys!), not to mention it’s gotten a decent amount of positive reviews!

Just like this one!


…wait, what?

…that’s it? …well, it’s more accurate than that other one, but that doesn’t really redeem it – well, not at all! How does this pass for a review?!

P.S.: Why am I getting heavy “reply girl” vibes from this?

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Mash-Up Monday: Intergalactic Cosmic Wall

More Beastie Boys and Sonic mash-up goodness? Yes please!

Alien.Renegade is at it again, folks. For the year’s first official Mash-Up Monday (shoulda been last week OH WELL), he played the lyrics of the group’s Intergalactic with Cosmic Wall’s music from Sonic Adventure 2!

Pretty fitting themes! Space!


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Sonic the Hedgehog Fan Film Now Online


After many years of anticipation, the Sonic Fan Film has been completed and is now available to watch online. The 20-minute live-action picture, written and directed by Eddie LeBron and released through Blue Core Studios has garnered much attention, in part as it sees Jaleel White voice Sonic the Hedgehog once more (for those who have been living under a rock, White voiced Sonic in The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and SatAM back in the 90s).

In the 24 hours since its release, the film has already racked up an ultra-impressive 200,000 views on youtube – if you haven’t checked it out yet, watch it above and see what all of the fuss is about.

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Freak-Out… Monday?: Shadow the NumHog

EDIT: Always double-check drafts… Ah well! Guess that’s what happens when you’re too busy preparing for February.

With what appears to be one of the funniest glitches in a Sonic game ever, at least if you choose to ignore the fact Sonic 2006 exists, Hellfire Commentaries plays Shadow the Hedgehog with some rather famishing results.


Special thanks to Faseeh and SSF1991 for the heads-up!

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Awesome Games Done Quick Marathon Starts Tonight

You know Games Done Quick, don’t you? Now in their fourth year, the teams organised by speed gaming group Speed Demos Archive have raised over $300,000 for various charities.

This year’s Awesome Games Done Quick, the biggest charity gaming marathon of the year, starts tonight at 6pm GMT, for over 150 hours of gaming in aid of the Prevent Cancer Foundation, and with its biggest collection of Sonic games yet.


The schedule is a fluid one and subject to change at any time, but the estimated times for Sonic are here:

Sonic CD: 7pm Monday
Sonic 2: 7:30pm Monday
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: 8:10pm Monday
Sonic Generations: 4:10am Thursday
Sonic Colours: 5:40am Thursday
Sonic ’06: 7:20am Thursday
Shadow the Hedgehog: 9am Thursday

Be sure to tune in if you like quality gaming, and maybe slip in a few squid for a great cause.

Awesome Games Done Quick 2013

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Freak-Out Friday: Sonic HACKED

Let’s kick off the New Year of Freak-Out Fridays with an oldie but a goodie!

One day, UltramasterBDJ discovered the unholy magic of Action Replay.

And then he had a bit too much fun with his Sonic Gamecube titles.

Sonic Adventure DX: Director’s CutSonic Adventure 2: BattleSonic Heroes, and Shadow the Hedgehog are put to the test in this 20+ minute compilation of hacks and laughs! Part 2 is found after the jump!


Continue reading Freak-Out Friday: Sonic HACKED

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Another Christmas With Sonic, by Balena Productions!

2013 is mere hours away for many of us! It won’t be long ’til this year comes to a close.

Many events have defined this year of Sonic. The second episode of Sonic the Hedgehog 4 saw release in May, continuing the sequel to the Genesis classics as we truly imagined it; the sneaky Sonic Jump hopped, skipped, and jumped its way into our phones; Sonic Adventure 2 came back to our consoles along with its fellow SEGA Heritage Classics NiGHTS into dreams… and Jet Set Radio; Sumo Digital brought us an amazing sequel to Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing through Transformed; finally, our blue hero found his way to the silver screen in Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph!

In the community, 2012 brought us musical collaborations such as The Sonic Stadium Music Album 2011 and the Sonic Paradox Remix Shorts Volume 1! Our own site has gained new crew members to keep the front page roaring with content! Summer of Sonic and Sonic Boom drew in bigger crowds than ever, with tickets for the former gone during the waves in mere minutes!

So, to wrap up the year, Steven Page (who brought us Sonic in Scared Stupid Part 2 for Halloween) and RianaLD dropped us a belated Christmas present to celebrate! Without further ado, I present to you all the latest piece of work from Balena Productions, for it is time for…

Another Christmas With Sonic!


Be sure to check out the prequel Christmas with Sonic too, while you’re at it! And maybe be a pal and follow Balena’s stuff too. Good stuff yes.

With that, Happy New Year to you all, and see you in 2013!

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Freak-Out Friday: Game Grumps Sonimations

On November the 2nd, Game Grumps Egoraptor and JonTron have begun playing Sonic the Hedgehog 2006. Almost two months have passed since, and…

…well, it’s going about as well as you’d expect, considering what game they’re playing.

So, a few fans have taken the helm at animating some of their best, worst, and random moments!

From the top, BaronVonBaron9!


Continue reading Freak-Out Friday: Game Grumps Sonimations

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Mash-Up Monday: Closer at Ice Cap, Cooler at Tempest

It’s Christmas Eve now! Yow, was that ever fast!

In any case, it’s Mash-Up Monday now. Just chill out, you’ll get your presents soon.

First up, KenJones3023 brings together Ne-Yo’s Closer and that one Sonic the Hedgehog piece that everyone knows for one cool mash-up: the one and only Ice Cap Zone of Sonic 3 & Knuckles fame!


After the break is a crisp mash-up between Phendrana’s Edge from Metroid Prime and Tidal Tempest Present JP from Sonic CD, courtesy of Hauntershadow!

Continue reading Mash-Up Monday: Closer at Ice Cap, Cooler at Tempest

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