Sonic Beats Buzz Lightyear & Superman In The London Marathon

Sonic Beats Buzz Lightyear & Superman In The London Marathon

sonicmarathonChances are if you live in the UK, you’ll know that today is the day of The London Marathon. Guess who was spotted in the race…

Whilst Sonic decided not to abuse his super speed to the full, he wasn’t just going to sit by, according to The Independent newspaper, he wasn’t going to let a few other high speed heroes outshine him.

Buzz Lightyear didn’t look like a man on his way beyond infinity when Sonic the Hedgehog trudged apologetically past him on the 15 mile marker. And judging by the state of Superman, who followed not long after, public health officials need to sweep the Limehouse basin for Kryptonite as a matter of urgency.

So there you have it, Sonic is faster than Superman and Buzz Lightyear.

On a more down to earth note, we hope that ‘Ian’ had fun today and raised a lot of money for his charity.

Photo: The Taybor

Quote: The Independant online

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  1. I really want to say something here, but I feel that it would be way too sensitive and most likly to offend. Some of you might know what I mean.

  2. That mask looks an awful lot like Mutant Gear to me (look it up on Sonic Gear if you don’t know what it is).

      1. Theres a joke here in the UK regarding the marathon.

        Every year some guys dressed as Rhinos run. Their costumes are huge and they always compete each year.

        The gag is that one day at the end of the race, the winner will trip… only to be over taken by the Rhino who then goes on to win the race.

        That guy knows he’s going to be the punchline to all his friends after this.

  3. Well the only one missing from this race is “THE FLASH” and there you get those two arguing who’s faster till Speedy Gonzales passes them both up XD. Then wait…what’s this…”THE ROADRUNNER” meep meep!

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