TitansCreed Community Spotlights The Sonic Stadium Music Adventure 2012

Oh, I can already feel the tension in the air, folks! You know what this month means, right? …wait, a possible Sonic game announcement? No, not that, silly!

For a one-off special of The Community Spotlight, where Pete “TitansCreed” Nethercote highlights folks who have made a significant impact in the SEGA/Sonic fan community, Pete focuses the spotlight on…

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That’s right folks! Joining him to discuss The Sonic Stadium’s upcoming release are Bev “Rexy/Freqrexy” Wooff, one of the album’s many talented contributors, and the founder-slash-director of the project, yours truly!


Feel free to check out last year’s album if you haven’t done so already! Stay tuned for incoming announcements!

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Sonic Radio Hosting Fan Music Festival on Saturday

Want to celebrate Sonic’s 21st anniversary on Saturday with style? Here’s a way!

The good folks down at Sonic Radio, Sonic Remix and Shadow Remix, will be hosting an 8-hour event known as the Sonic Fan Music Festival. With some collaboration from RadioSEGA, the stream will showcase a plethora of Sonic remixes, most of these tracks being submitted and requested by the community.

The Sonic Stadium Music Album 2011, our site’s first community project, will be playing amongst the songs featured!

Head on after the jump for a complete schedule of the stream! Take note that it is in Pacific Time (PDT)!

Continue reading Sonic Radio Hosting Fan Music Festival on Saturday

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.