TSS COMMUNITY RELEASE: The Sonic Stadium Music Adventure 2012


It’s been a long rough road, but it’s finally here! The Sonic Stadium is proud to present the sequel to last year’s album, and the second of a budding line of community releases – The Sonic Stadium Music Adventure 2012!

Even with a whopping nine month development period, I once again severely underestimated the creative ability of the TSS community. We had gone from last year’s 45 tracks and 19 artists to an uncontainable explosion of participation! I expected new records, but by this much? Never!

Spanning across 10 Acts, this leviathan of an album contains 143 songs, with an estimate 8 hours worth of music. A large cast of musicians and artists have each taken it upon themselves to redefine the Sonic music experience, be it through different genres, original efforts, or even collaborative works.

And you know what I think? They all succeeded.

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SEGASonic:Radio 9 Hour Livecast for TSSMA12 – Saturday 4pm GMT

While the core of SEGASonic:Radio is still undergoing refurbishment, tradition marches on from last year as the next Sonic Stadium Music Album approaches! And you know what that means?

Around this time last year, SS:R Bossman BlitzChris streamed the entirety of the 2011 album before its release, the show having clocked in around 2 to 3 hours to a very excitable audience. In December, I teased with a 1 hour preview of the upcoming album during the SS:R Christmas Blast. By the Livecast, it clocked in at around 4 hours…

Since then, the fun has been doubled.

Clear your schedules, fake sick for work, and nestle yourself nice and comfy-like in the safety of your own home, for The Sonic Stadium Music Adventure 2012 will be streamed in its entirety this Saturday at 4pm, GMT! The 140+ track megalith behemoth of a compilation will air on SEGASonic:Radio’s The Music Plant Zone, with me as your gracious host!

The album itself clocks in at around 8 hours, split down into 10 discs!

See you all in the chatroom on Saturday!

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TitansCreed Community Spotlights The Sonic Stadium Music Adventure 2012

Oh, I can already feel the tension in the air, folks! You know what this month means, right? …wait, a possible Sonic game announcement? No, not that, silly!

For a one-off special of The Community Spotlight, where Pete “TitansCreed” Nethercote highlights folks who have made a significant impact in the SEGA/Sonic fan community, Pete focuses the spotlight on…

tssma logo small

That’s right folks! Joining him to discuss The Sonic Stadium’s upcoming release are Bev “Rexy/Freqrexy” Wooff, one of the album’s many talented contributors, and the founder-slash-director of the project, yours truly!


Feel free to check out last year’s album if you haven’t done so already! Stay tuned for incoming announcements!

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