After all of the rumours, it appears Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games is officially confirmed, thanks to a press release posted at Czech website Zing.cz. The press release confirms the game will be released for Wii and 3DS, with a release date unconfirmed at present, but will be revealed later this year.
Sports announced are athletics, water sports and table tennis, with new soccer and riding events appearing to be exclusive to the Wii version. The 3DS version will feature more than 50 original Olympic sports, which will be playable in single and multiplayer modes. The press release says the 3D feature of the 3DS will make for “plenty of new and interesting ways to compete for the coveted gold medal!”
Check out the press release in full below (translation by Google Translate):
Sega announces the continuation of the popular series, Mario & Sonic, this time at the summer Olympic Games in London 2012
SEGA and Nintendo have announced that after many years of partnership Mario and Sonic, once again join forces. The legendary series that have sold over 19 million, now will head to London for the Olympic Games 2012, the official name of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games on the Wii and also the very first time on a revolutionary portable Nintendo 3DS.
Many new and exciting sports like soccer and riding, which will debut on the Wii version, will appear alongside the traditional Olympic disciplines such as athletics, water sports, or table tennis. The new sports will certainly further encourage sports enthusiasm among the players in both single and multiplayer modes!
For the first time Mario & Sonic introduces the portable Nintendo 3DS. Version will contain more than 50 original Olympic sports, playable in both single player and the multiplayer modes. Moreover, revolutionary watch 3D images without glasses bring the world of Mario and Sonic entirely new and unique control system, ensuring plenty of new and interesting ways to compete for the coveted gold medal!
Like its predecessor, Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games for Wii and Nintendo 3DS developed by Sega Japan. “Mario & Sonic series has always been extremely popular and we are very proud of this partnership that we can resume with Nintendo for the Olympics in London in 2012.” Commented Naoya Tsurumi, President of SEGA of America and Sega Europe. “It’s really exciting to be able to create interactive entertainment titles based on the Olympics and also with figures of Mario and Sonic”
“The Olympic Games in London 2012 will showcase sports and we are delighted that Mario and Sonic may be yet again, this time with the largest number of Olympic sports ever” said Raymond Goldsmith, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ISM (International Sports Multimedia).
“These games join two most popular figures in the history of the videogame industry,” said the president of Nintendo America, Reggie Fils-Aime. “As a veteran of video games and the Olympic Games Mario & Sonic arrives in London as an unparalleled team of impressive, offering plenty of entertainment and sports activities for all who want to have fun.”
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games will be available on the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo 3DS. Release date and other information, we will learn later this year.
We expect SEGA to make a proper official announcement soon, so check back with us. We’ll keep an eye out for more details and media.
Source: Zing.cz
What do you think of this new entry in the Mario & Sonic series? Share your thoughts in the comments.
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Following the leaked temporary box art (shown above) for Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games on Nintendo Wii that hit the net last week, more evidence of the game’s existence has appeared in two reports. The first one from French website SEGA-Mag.com on April 14th claims that Spanish voice actor Fabio Tassone who worked on Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games has the new game listed on his online resume, but the only problem is that it’s not there, so if the report is true, then Tassone has since removed it.
The second report is from the print edition of UK trade magazine MCV, which Sonic Wrecks founder ArchangelUK says contains an article about Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games entitled “Will this be the biggest video game of 2012?”. In AAUK’s news story at Sonic Wrecks he reports that MCV’s article features an higher quality version of the logo than the one seen in the temporary box art, which could mean that assets for the game have already been given to some press out there.
MCV also claims to know this new Mario & Sonic game’s current release schedule:
“MCV understands the game could arrive as early as this Christmas.”
The last two games in the series have both released in the holiday season (apart from the DS version of the first game), so it’s kind of expected that this new game would follow suit, but it’s very odd for a major trade magazine like MCV to be speaking about an unannounced game so openly like this. It’s also worth noting that this article is currently nowhere to be seen on MCV’s website. Could SEGA be planning to reveal Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games soon?
Sources: SEGA Mag and Sonic Wrecks
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It appears GameSpot managed to grab three more Sonic Generations screenshots after the game’s proper unveiling on Monday. The three images show more of the Green Hill Zone in both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic versions and the above screenshot in particular really shows how pretty the game is graphically.
Source: GameSpot
Thanks to Blue Blood at the SSMB and Rickyrick in the comments of a previous article for the heads up!

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SEGA’s RubyEclipse has revealed in some posts at the SEGA Forums on Monday that pudgy ‘ol Classic Sonic will not be gaining a voice box in the new game Sonic Generations.
Johnny_Boy at the SEGA Forums pointed out that Classic Sonic appears to have a short voice clip in the new Sonic Generations gameplay trailer, but RubyEclipse answered with the below post:
Actually, that’s just the modern voice being used in the trailer during classic gameplay.
Worry not, Classic fans. 🙂
The voice clip appears to be an error made during the trailer’s production:
No, I’m not sure why it was added in the trailer. 🙂 I’ll poke somebody about the nuances of including modern Sonic’s voice alongside gameplay of Classic Sonic.
RubyEclipse goes on to explain the reasoning behind the decision to make Classic Sonic mute:
It’s a big deal for some because Classic Sonic never really spoke in the old games. Save for Jaleel White, who voiced our blue hero in the old Sonic Cartoons, it’s generally taboo to have Classic Sonic speaking. Hope this explained a bit!
Finally, RubyEclipse gives a straight confirmation of Classic Sonic’s silence and acknowledges how much it means to some people out there.
There’s a lot about the game that remains secret. Much of the gameplay is still in that realm, so I can’t offer new tidbits of info you may not have already seen there.
As to voices, it’s been already confirmed that Classic Sonic doesn’t talk, so I was happy to clarify – it means a lot to some people!
What do you think about SEGA’s decision to keep Classic Sonic silent in the voice department? Share your thoughts in the comments.
Thanks to KCG at the SSMB for the heads up!
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SSMB member Hogfather has reported in a topic at the forum that Sonic the Hedgehog will be appearing at a UK GAME store in Hull’s St. Stephens Shopping Centre from 11am to meet fans and help the store raise some money for charity.
Hogfather queried with the shopping centre’s management regarding whether or not you can take photographs at the event, since the centre is normally strictly against picture taking, and they told him that picture taking is allowed for a small donation.
Of course you can take photographs of Sonic!! For a small donation at least it is for charity.
Have fun.
Centre Receptionist and Administrator
No word on which charity the store is raising money for, but we expect it’s for a good cause.
If you plan to head to the fundraiser, you can find help for getting there at St. Stephens Shopping Centre’s website and GAME’s website. If you manage to grab some pictures or video from the fundraiser and don’t mind sharing them, send them in to us at thesonicstadium@googlemail.com and we’ll post them in a blog post on the site.
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UPDATE: Sonic Paradise has heard confirmation of the Spanish dub from SEGA Spain and Gamereactor has heard confirmation of the German dub from Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka. [Thanks to MarcelloF at the SSMB for the Gamereactor news.]
Original story:
According to a report over at Gamekyo, SEGA Japan has confirmed that new Xbox 360 and PS3 game Sonic Generations will be dubbed for each European country. The website also says that SEGA France has informed them that the game will be dubbed into French with the voices of their respective country’s Sonic X voice actors. If this report is true, then this will be the first time a Sonic game has been dubbed outside of the English and Japanese languages and shows SEGA is really pulling out all of the stops for fans to mark Sonic’s big 20th Anniversary celebration.
SEGA’s not confirmed this information through any of their official websites or social media outlets, but if we hear anything we’ll update you.
Source: Gamekyo (via Sonic Paradise)
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Spanish gaming website Meristation has posted a new video interview with Sonic Team head in which he confirms other characters will appear in Sonic Generations, but he wouldn’t say whether they would be playable or limited to the story. Plenty of direct-feed gameplay footage is also included in the video, which confirms the original classic Green Hill Zone music will play during classic Sonic’s stage, while a remix of the same music will play during modern Sonic’s stage.
Source: Meristation
What do you think of the game so far? Share your thoughts in the comments.
Thanks to Ferr at the SSMB for the heads up and to Woun at the SSMB for the YouTube upload!
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With the official announcement of Sonic Generations comes the first batch of hands-on previews and an interview with Sonic Team’s Takashi Iizuka from the internets top gaming websites revealing more details about the game. We’ve dissected a few of the features below if you just want the main points.
– Classic Sonic plays as you remember him from the 16 bit days
– “On the other there’s the dynamic 3D acrobatics of modern Sonic, complete with homing jump, dash attack, and an added sense of speed.”
– IGN give the impression that this game embraces the classic Sonic games better than Sonic 4: Episode 1 did.
– Takashi Iizuka responds to IGN’s criticism of Sonic 4: Episode 1 and says this game will have different physics to that game: “In [Sonic the Hedgehog 4] Episode I, we didn’t actually return to the old physics, and nor did we try to create something totally new,” Iizuka says, “What we tried to do was respond to the voices we heard in the fans, and create something based on the feedback we were receiving from fans. On this occasion, with Sonic Generations, we’ve created a game with a totally different game and with completely different physics.”
– Momentum gameplay returns in Sonic Generations.
– IGN says this game’s levels are all from the series’ 20 year history.
– “It’s not a pixel-for-pixel remake”
– “There have also been a few concessions to the modern generation”
– Speed runs are encouraged
– Checkpoints throw up a split time, letting the player know how far down they are on their personal best time, making online leaderboards very likely to be featured in the final game.
– In reference to Modern Sonic: “Thankfully, Sonic Generations seems to be taking many of its cues for the 3D sections from Colours, and it shares the Wii games hyperactive imagination. In a handful of short minutes Sonic is spun and sped through the chequered hills with breathless pace, at one point taking a detour through a dank cave which he’s chased out of by a giant chomping robot fish.”
– All levels are playable by both Sonic’s.
– Current playable demo has the game’s first two levels
– “The game will encompass the 20 years of Sonic’s history and will be set across three defining eras: the 2D Mega Drive/Genesis era, the introduction of 3D in the Dreamcast era, and the modern-day HD graphics era.”
– “Instead of creating new levels, the developers have re-vamped a bunch of iconic stages throughout these eras in HD and have given players the choice of playing each stage in either classic side-scrolling 2D or in modern-era 3D”
– Classic Sonic’s gameplay style and move set is from the classic era, while modern Sonic plays as he does in his respective era, “meaning the spin dash and spin attack for classic Sonic and the homing attack and sonic boost for modern Sonic.”
– Green Hill Zone was played in both classic and modern
– “Our head spun as we watched Sonic get back into old form in the classic mode, zipping around the various springs, slopes, and loops, jumping for rings, avoiding spikes and generally becoming reacquainted with all his old abilities (the spin dash is a favourite). It’s fast, but it’s nothing compared to what comes next.” From this we can assume that the spin-dash hasn’t been nerfed like in Sonic 4: Episode 1.
– Modern Sonic has the camera follow closely behind him, as shown in the trailer and screenshots.
– Modern Sonic can use homing attack
– “This incarnation of the level also introduced zip lines, which Sonic glides across to avoid pits and large bodies of water. We also saw an underground part that has Sonic sliding across a zip line through a cave while being pursued by a giant mechanical fish. Things got crazy when Sonic decided to use his boost while zipping: it took the game from supersonic to hypersonic with no remorse for the poor sod watching (us).”
– Multiple paths return for modern Sonic.
– “Our demo was over before we knew it, but it left us feeling giddy with excitement. Or maybe just giddy.”
Gamespot also has an interview with Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka.
– Sonic Generations uses the Hedgehog Engine used in Sonic Unleashed
– A “playable menu” lets you pick between classic Sonic and modern Sonic and their respective levels.
– “Moving forward we would like to continue creating, and ensure Sonic is enjoyed by as many people as possible, not just in games but in other media as well.”
– Iizuka says the team is trying to bring everything from Sonic’s 20 year history for all kinds of Sonic fans to enjoy in this new game.
Other previews can be found at Joystiq and Kotaku.
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SEGA has just officially announced the title of their new Sonic game for Xbox 360 and PS3. As leaks and rumours suggested, the game is titled Sonic Generations and will be released Holiday 2011. SEGA’s also issued a press release revealing details about the game and its plot, as well as some screenshots and a trailer.
Check out the press release below:
Celebrate 20 years of Sonic the Hedgehog with Sonic Generations™
LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (April 18th, 2011) – SEGA® Europe Ltd. & SEGA® America, Inc., today announced details of Sonic Generations™, the highly anticipated video game title in development to celebrate Sonic the Hedgehog’s 20th Anniversary. Delivering the definitive gaming experience for Sonic fans old and new, Sonic Generations™ sees Sonic the Hedgehog playable as both the much loved classic 1991 character, and the modern day video game hero he has become in this exciting new fast paced adventure. Sonic Generations™ will speed into stores for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system for Holiday 2011.
Set across three defining eras from 20 years of Sonic the Hedgehog video game history, the instantly recognisable environments of Sonic Generations™ have been re-built in stunning HD and are now playable in both classic side scrolling 2D from 1991, as well as modern 3D style found in Sonic’s most recent adventures. Each incarnation of Sonic in Sonic Generations™ comes complete with his trademark special move, Spin Dash and Spin Attack for Classic Sonic, and Homing Attack and Sonic Boost for Modern Sonic. An innovative new interactive menu system allows for complete immersion in Sonic’s universe with favourite characters and hidden treasures gradually being revealed throughout the game.
“Sonic Generations will certainly be a fitting celebration for Sonic’s 20th Anniversary” commented David Corless, Global Brand Director for Sonic. “By having the classic 1991 Sonic that many fans know and love team up with his modern day incarnation, we are bringing back the nostalgia of the early days of Sonic and combining it with the innovation and stunning HD technology of the modern gaming era. Sonic Generations will bring to life the last twenty years of Sonic’s universe in a truly unique and imaginative way”
Sonic’s universe is thrown into chaos when a mysterious new power creates ‘time holes’ which pull him and his friends back through time. As a result he encounters some surprises from his past history including Classic Sonic, Sonic as he appeared in 1991. Modern Sonic and Classic Sonic must defeat this strange new enemy, save their friends, and find out who really is behind this diabolical deed…
Screenshots can be seen at the games product page at SEGA’s website.
Source: SEGA of America Blog
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To help celebrate the Xbox Nations Event SEGA’s discounting their Xbox Live Arcade library this week. From April 19th (tomorrow) until April 25th you can get up to 50% off classic Mega Drive and Dreamcast titles or even some more modern titles like Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1.
You can check out the full list of games and prices below:

Source: SEGA Europe Blog (via Videogamer.com)
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The recent temporary box art leak not enough to convince you Sonic’s new PS3 and Xbox 360 game is called Sonic Generations? Well, the recently registered web domains http://www.sonicgenerations.com and http://www.sonic-generations.com now link back to SEGA’s website’s games section, which in the past has meant a game’s previously discovered website is about to go live soon. UK equivalents of the URL’s that also link to SEGA’s website have also appeared: http://www.sonicgenerations.co.uk and http://www.sonic-generations.co.uk.
Hopefully this means we’ll get some information on Sonic Generations soon. SEGA of America’s Kellie said via Twitter on April 8th that more information is coming “Over the next few weeks”.
Thanks to Shaddix_Croft at the SSMB for the heads up!
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The box art and track list for the upcoming release of Sonic Adventure Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition on May 18th 2011 have hit the interwebs. The single disc album will contain 30 tracks ranging from all areas of the Sonic Adventure game to some character themes.
Check out the track list below:
1. Introduction …featuring «Open Your Heart»
2. It Doesn’t Matter …Theme of «Sonic The Hedgehog»
3. Boss: CHAOS ver.0, 2, 4
4. Azure Blue World …for Emerald Coast
5. Windy and Ripply …for Emerald Coast
6. Theme of «Dr. Eggman»
7. Egg Mobile …Boss: Egg Hornet
8. Windy Hill …for Windy Valley
9. The Air …for Windy Valley
10. Welcome to Station Square
11. Blue Star …for Casinopolis
12. Mystic Ruin
13. Be Cool, Be Wild and Be Groovy …for Ice Cap
14. Twinkle Cart …for Twinkle Park
15. Pleasure Castle …for Twinkle Park
16. Theme of «CHAO»
17. Join Us 4 Happy Time …for CHAO Race
18. Run Through the Speed Highway …for Speed Highway
19. Mt. Red: a Symbol of Thrill …for Red Mountain
20. Egg Carrier – A Song That Keeps Us On The Move
21. Skydeck A Go! Go! …for Sky Deck
22. Theme of «E-102γ»
23. Crazy Robo …Boss: E-101R
24. Boss: CHAOS ver.6
25. Tricky Maze …for Lost World
26. Theme of «Tikal»
27. Red Barrage Area …for Hot Shelter
28. Mechanical Resonance …for Final Egg
29. Perfect CHAOS Revival! …Boss: Perfect CHAOS
30. Open Your Heart – Main Theme of «Sonic Adventure»
The album is available to order for ¥2,400/$28.25 US/£18.36 GBP from the below retailers:
Source: Sonic Scene
Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads up!
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SEGA has announced that last year’s kart racer Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing is now available for download from the Xbox Live Marketplace’s Games On Demand service for Xbox 360. The download weighs in at 3.82 GB and will set you back £14.99/19,99 €/$29.99.
SEGA issued a press release, which you can check out below.
SEGA® of America, Inc. and SEGA® Europe Ltd. today announced that Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing™ is now for sale through the Xbox LIVE® Games On Demand platform for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft. The hit arcade racing game, starring SEGA’s eclectic ensemble of heroes and villains, is available for immediate download, allowing players to jump right in to frantic, explosive races with up to four local players, or eight online players.
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing puts players on the track and in the shoes of a host of popular SEGA characters, from the blue blur himself to AiAi and Dr. Eggman, each with their own unique vehicle. Players must use their driving skills to drift and dodge their way to a checkered flag in a variety of single-player modes, as well as multiplayer races both off and online. The racer is the latest title to appear in SEGA’s growing library of download-ready games through Xbox LIVE Games On Demand, including hits such as Bayonetta™ and Aliens vs. Predator™.
For more information about Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing, visit www.sega.com.
You can grab the full game, a demo, DLC and Avatar items at the Xbox Live Marketplace website or from your Xbox 360’s dashboard.
Sources: Gameplay Monthly and MajorNelson.com
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SEGA’s RubyEclipse said yesterday that more questions and information regarding the new PS3 and Xbox 360 Sonic title were on the way to the official Sonic Facebook page, and today the page updated with one of those things; a question. A poll is now available at the page for you to take part in asking “Which version of Sonic is your favourite?”, with the answers “Classic Sonic” and “Modern Sonic” to pick from. Whether this poll is just for fun or will hold a significance to the game or anything else in Sonic’s future is unclear, but whatever it’s for, Classic Sonic currently has a very large lead of about 4,500 votes over Modern Sonic.
To place your vote, head on over to the official Sonic Facebook page.
Have you voted? Which version of Sonic did you pick? Let us know in the comments, but please, keep discussion civil. We’re all fans here, no matter what Sonic looks like.
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djpretzel is reporting over at OC ReMix that their latest fan remix album ‘The Sound of Speed’ is now complete and available for download now. The album was remixed by OA and Scaredsim and is the sites’ 25th arrangement album.
Here’s what dj pretzel had to say about the album:
Right then – on to the ReMix!! This namesake collab between OA and Scaredsim rocks ‘Green Hill Zone’ out with upbeat rock/pop arrangement featuring crunchy guitars, polished production, some really cool, syncopated drum work, and a generally positive & anthemic vibe. Simon’s lead guitar meshes perfectly with Andrew’s arrangement & …pretty much everything else. The melody stays pretty conservative, but the accompaniment has some really smart, interesting components & details. Starting at 1’16”, the backing drum track really gets cheeky, in a good way, and in general this is an arrangement you can mindlessly toe tap and rock out to, but which ALSO warrants concentration & focus to appreciate the craftsmanship.
Director halc says:
“Ah, the infamous Green Hill Zone. OA was the first person I invited to the project back in July of 2009. I was quite into his wonderful Animal Crossing remix ‘Letting Go’ at the time, and figured Green Hill would be a perfect match for his style. Incidentally (and to my delight), he had some interest in said song. Scaredsim jumped in to lay down the guitars, which meshed wonderfully with OA’s arrangement. This is the “definitive” Green Hill remix, IMO, and I’m very proud to share my beloved album title with it. :P”
You can download the album or a preview of it over at OC ReMix or from the album’s website now.
Thanks to Velotix Lexovetikan at the SSMB for the heads up!
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April 11th UPDATE: In a new blog update, SEGA of America’s RubyEclipse suggests fans stay tuned to the official Sonic Facebook page for more questions and information about the new game. RubyEclipse also gives thanks on behalf of SEGA for all of the Thank You letters sent in to them in response to the new Sonic trailer. /UPDATE END
Those awaiting more information about SEGA’s new Sonic game revealed in a teaser trailer yesterday might not have to wait long. SEGA of America staff member Kellie answered an eager fan seeking more info via Twitter and informed that more details about this new game will be released “over the next few weeks”. Another fan asked about a release date, to which Kellie replied “we’ll have more details about a release date soon.”
There’s also bad news for those still desiring a Sonic Colours port on HD platforms, as Kellie’s stated on Twitter “there are currently no plans to bring Sonic Colors to another platform.”
We’ll bring further details regarding this all-new Sonic game as they’re released. If you haven’t already, check out the teaser trailer.
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Brazilian Sonic the Hedgehog fansite Power Sonic is celebrating their 10th Anniversary today. The website launched in 2001, back when SEGA was celebrating Sonic’s own 10th Anniversary with Sonic Adventure 2’s release on their Dreamcast console. Power Sonic is a dedicated source for Brazilian Sonic fans, with regular news coverage and a large archive of content to explore that caters to all aspects of the fandom, be they video game fans or animation fans. The website also offers competitions and a huge amount of free media to download, both official and fan created. Power Sonic continues to prove that there are many passionate fans of the blue blur out there around the world and we congratulate them on this milestone.
All of us at The Sonic Stadium wish Power Sonic a happy birthday and hope to see them around for many more years to come.
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The Sonic Adventure Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition we reported about in Feburary has been delayed by a month according to updated retailer listings. The single CD album will now be released in Japan May 18th 2011. Cover art and the list of tracks are still unavailable right now, but we’ll let you know when they’re made available.
You can pre-order the album online at the below retailers:
Amazon.co.jp: ¥2,400
CDJapan.co.jp: ¥2,400
Source: Sonic Scene
Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads up!
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The day everyone’s been waiting for is here. SEGA’s just posted their much anticipated trailer on the official Sonic Facebook page and it’s one that will please classic and modern Sonic fans alike. The trailer is for a new game that will launch in 2011 on Xbox 360 and PS3, but what the game is called is currently unknown. No gameplay footage is shown in the new video, but we do see plenty of CG animation of Sonic in both classic and modern forms running around what looks like Green Hill Zone from Sonic’s first outing on SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis. Could the rumours about old zones returning be true? We’ll keep tabs on this exciting new game and bring you new details as soon as they’re released.
Source: Sonic’s Facebook page
Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the YouTube upload.
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UPDATE: SEGA’s revealed via their Twitter account that the trailer will hit the official Sonic Facebook page tomorrow at 14:00 BST / 6:00 am PST. Thanks to Shaddix Croft at the SSMB for the heads up! /UPDATE END
SEGA’s just made another post on their official Sonic Facebook wall, which brings news that a new trailer will be hitting the page tomorrow. What this trailer is of though is anyone’s guess for now.
The post reads:
BRAND NEW TRAILER COMING TOMORROW ONLY ON SONIC’S FACEBOOK! Be sure to come back tomorrow to check it out!
Could it be a new game? An event? We’ll keep an eye open tomorrow and report back.
Thanks to Doctor MK at the SSMB for the heads up!
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SEGA has made two posts on their official Sonic the Hedgehog Facebook wall this afternoon informing Sonic fans that news is on the way. One post teases that “something big” will be coming to the page this week and the other says SEGA will start celebrating Sonic’s 20th Anniversary this Thursday April 7th. Rumours at Sonic Paradise state that a game called “Sonic Generations” is in the works according to a website domain registration and a snippet of a magazine interview.
We’ll keep an eye on the official Sonic Facebook wall and report back.
Thanks to Kjeldo and sonfan1984 at the SSMB for the heads up on both Facebook posts!
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Text reads:
Age: 3
Color: Made out of REAL Sapphire.
Height: 2 foot 5
Last seen: Hanging out with over 9000 mudkipz
He’s a real good kid, he doesent do drugs, or heroin hes not in a gang, but I think those mudkipz did something to him, I’m really worried about him, you can never tell about them mudkipz in groups of over 9000
With ANY info please e-mail skwiigo@hotmail.com No you can’t call us, we’re poor and nasty and can’t afford a phone yo, reward is very handsome, over 9000 pennies to who ever finds him.
Credit goes to Skwiigo at the SEGA Forums.
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SEGA Europe’s posted an open invite on their blogs for UK Sonic fans to visit their headquarters in Great West Road, London tomorrow to appear in an internal SEGA video. All you have to do is answer the below three questions in front of a camera and bring a picture of yourself from 1991.
“What is your earliest memory of Sonic?”
“What does Sonic means to you now?”
“What do you love best about Sonic?”
If you’re interested, drop SEGA Europe an e-mail at community@sega.co.uk
Source: SEGA Europe Blog & Sonic City Blognik
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After being exclusive to PS Plus members for four weeks, Sonic the Hedgehog was made available to purchase from the PS Store for non-subscribers yesterday in Europe, and Tuesday in the U.S. Continue reading Classic Mega Drive Titles Coming To PSN, Sonic 1 Now Available
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Following yesterdays news of Game Gear games coming to the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console, SEGA Japan has announced the first games they will be bringing to the service, including two Sonic titles.
– Sonic Triple Trouble
– Sonic Drift 2
– The GG Shinobi
– Dragon Crystal
– Columns
No release dates or price points are given, but it wouldn’t be surprising to see them available at the eShop’s launch in late May. There’s also no word on whether these games will come to the U.S. and European Virtual Consoles. We’ll pass along more information when it’s made available.

Source: SEGA Japan (via Inside-Games.jp)
Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads up!
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UPDATE: Official Nintendo Magazine UK has contacted SEGA about the game, to which they replied “No comment”.
Link (Thanks to Doctor MK for the heads up!)
You may remember fellow Sonic fansite Sonic Paradise reported back in October that a SEGA representative informed them that a title tentatively called ‘Sonic Anniversary‘ is in the works for Wii, DS, PSP and PS3, with an Xbox 360 version to be confirmed. The title was said to be a compilation of levels from across Sonic’s library of past games in a mix of 2D and 3D and adapted to todays generation of consoles.
Sonic Paradise’s latest podcast has revealed that a Nintendo 3DS version of the game is also in the works, a detail they say was lost in the initial reports. If this information is true, then this could mean that the Sonic 3DS game in development could be a version of this game, rather than its own exclusive game for the format.
Take this rumour with a pinch of salt for now until we hear some official details regarding future games from SEGA.
Source: Sonic Paradise (via Sonic Zone)
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Here’s something that seems to have escaped many people’s notice. Over at the SEGA Forums SEGA’s Sonic 4 Brand Manager Ken Balough has confirmed work is officially underway on Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2. That may be a given, since the game is episodic, but this is the first we’ve heard from anyone at SEGA. Looking through a Sonic 4: Episode 2 topic at SEGA’s forum shows Balough has been doing some Q&A for over 2 weeks there, and we’ve picked some choice posts out below. Continue reading Sonic 4: Episode 2 Confirmed, In Early Stages of Development
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Today SEGA has announced the launch in India of Sonic Cricket for mobile. The game has been created by UTV Indiagames, who has developed a wide catalogue of games for mobile platforms, including many other cricket titles. Continue reading SEGA and UTV Indiagames Launch Sonic Cricket For Mobile
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According to a report from GoNintendo, SEGA will be holding a press event in just a few weeks time. The above image is of a list of known games and developers that will be at the event, including Super Monkey Ball 3D, Virtua Tennis 4, Conduit 2, Total War: Shogun 2 and Yakuza 4. No further details about this event are currently available, but as soon as we find out more we’ll let you know. If you hear any more information, drop us a line at thesonicstadium@googlemail.com and we’ll credit you for the find.
With Sonic’s 20th Anniversary this year, could SEGA be planning to announce a new Sonic game? According to SEGA Europe’s Alan Pritchard, two Sonic announcements are going to be made in the early part of this year, so this event would fit that timing perfectly.
Source: GoNintendo
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SEGA’s parent company SEGA Sammy has unveiled their financial results for the last nine months of 2010 and among the figures is an impressive record of 1,850,000 copies sold for Sonic’s Wii and DS exclusive, Sonic Colours. Continue reading Sonic Colours Sells Nearly 2 Million Copies Worldwide in 2010
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Well, here’s a story that will warm your heart up and maybe even bring a tear to your eye. ArchangelUK over at the Sonic City Blognik has posted up a touching story about a young boy with a life threatening illness who recently turned 4 called J-Jay. J-Jay is a huge Sonic fan and his biggest wish was to have his hero Sonic share his Birthday with him. Thanks to the combined efforts of the Make-A-Wish Foundation and SEGA Benelux the lad’s wish came true. A special Sonic themed Birthday party with Sonic himself in attendance was thrown to celebrate brave little J-Jay’s big day.
Check out the full story with loads more photos over at the Sonic City Blognik.
For more details about the Make-A-Wish Foundation, head over to their official website.
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Jazwares has revealed their plans to launch a series of special Sonic 20th Anniversary figures and plushes at a recent London Toy Fair. A range of prototypes and concepts were on show at Jazwares’ booth, including a figures series called “Sonic Through Time”, which as the name suggests are figures based on Sonic’s design at a various year in his life. Also on show was a Shadow figure & comic pack, classic Dr.Eggman with Egg Robo’s figure pack, modern Dr.Eggman with Egg Pawns figure pack and modern Tails with a modern sandworm Badnik figure pack. New plushes shown were a large Shadow and a large classic Sonic, both 20th Anniversary labelled.
Since this line up was shown at a London toy fair, there’s hope that Tomy (distributor of Jazwares figures in the UK) will release these in the UK. No other information is available at present, but we’ll keep an eye out and report back. For now, check the two photos out and share your opinion of these new figures in the comments.
Thanks to SonikkuForever at the SSMB for the heads up and to Barry the Nomad at the SSMB for finding the last three pics.

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Doctor MK, the man behind the successful Sonic Relief fundraiser has kicked off this years event at the SSMB today with the below details of what’s happening and how you can get involved. Take it away, Doctor MK! (Rhyme unintended :p)
Sonic Relief is back at last for its third and final year of fundraising antics! Following the success of the previous two campaigns, Sonic Relief 2011 aims to be bigger and better than ever so as to make it a swansong to remember. Our target for this year is £500+ as it would mean over the three years of Sonic Relief we will have raised over £1,000 for charity – quite the achievement to bow out on! That’s not to say we don’t want to reach for the stars though… let’s give the Sonic Marathon a run for its money if we can, and regain our crown as the most successful Sonic fundraiser!

Entry Submissions
Show off your creative talents in aid of a good cause! Simply create your own piece of humorous Sonic fan art/music/video/etc (the possibilities are endless!) and every one we receive will go towards raising money.
You can either post your entries in this designated topic on SSMB or alternatively e-mail your entries to sonicreliefuk@hotmail.co.uk – the best entries will be in with a chance of winning some goodies! (prizes yet to be revealed)
The theme for entries this year returns to “something funny”, but we’d love to see some entries that incorporate our new Blue Noses to help promote the campaign. So once you’ve made your masterpiece and entered, share it with the world and help to spread the Sonic Relief love across the interweb!
A different kind of entry we will also accept this year comes under the heading of ‘Sonic Relief DIY’, for which we want to see you going out into the big wide world and doing your own spot of Sonic fundraising! Have a sponsored day in blue, participate in a fun run dressed as our favourite ‘hog, make a calendar with your friends, literally anything you can think of – and then pass the proceeds onto us! Simples! Details (preferably with some photographic evidence) of your efforts should be posted in this here topic and the money raised donated via our JustGiving page.
Donations are not compulsory alongside entries this year, however they are obviously encouraged if you have money to give.
Want to do your bit to help but don’t necessarily fancy having to make an entry, or want to accompany your entry with a donation? Then we’ve got you covered! Simply head on over to www.justgiving.com/sonicreliefuk and you can pledge as much as you want to our cause – and all the money goes straight to the charity! You’ll need a credit/debit card to use JustGiving, but it’s simple and safe!

Sonic Relief is branching out into all-new horizons with the Blue Noses, our most ambitious and exciting feature to date! We want each and every one of you to don one of our Blue Noses on your avatars, signatures, profile pictures, etc to help spread the word about our campaign and hopefully provide some laughs in the process!
The process is simple, as demonstrated here by Sonic the Hedgehog himself:

You can get your hands on a Blue Nose in a variety of sizes to suit every purpose here:

XS (20×20)

Small (30×30)

Medium (50×50)

Large (100×100)

XL (150×150)
Feel free to resize the Noses to suit your images as necessary, or if you need us to slap a Blue Nose onto your avatar for you then just let us know!
We’d love to see some of your entries incorporating the Blue Noses and don’t forget to post any of your Blue Nose images here in this topic – perhaps we could make a collage out of them all at the end of the campaign!

There’s plenty more to be excited about during the course of Sonic Relief 2011, with many creative projects already underway!

Sonic: The Age of Steam, the steampunk Sonic fan-fiction being written by yours truly, kicked off earlier this year and you can look forward to reading the rest of the story in the coming weeks! We’ve had some great steampunk badnik designs too, amongst other support – this is truly turning into a real community project! You can read the story and check out all the artwork so far at the official blog. We’d love to see your The Age of Steam inspired entries, also!
RadioSEGA DJ Gavvie is also returning to help out with Songs For Sonic 2, which follows in the vein of the original album from last year, but this time featuring originally mixed tracks exclusively for Sonic Relief 2011! The album will be available to download soon.
Sonic Relief and RadioSEGA are also planning to team up at some point during the campaign for Blue Nose Day, a radio-thon of musical and fundaising fusion! Stay tuned for futher details.
These and many other individual projects are going on right now as well, such as Glenn Scully’s The Shadow of a GUN fan-fic, so please show your support to each and every one of them and pledge accordingly!
Let’s make this the Sonic fundraiser to end all Sonic fundraisers!
Sonic Relief Facebook Group
@SonicReliefUK Twitter
Sonic Relief DeviantArt Group
For more information about Comic Relief, head over to the official website.
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French Sonic fansite Eversonic received a parcel from SEGA France yesterday revealing the company’s secret to keep Sonic looking young and hip in the years ahead …anti-aging cream. Yes, just 20 years old and already on the cosmetics. In all seriousness though, it’s a pretty funny piece of Anniversary merchandise. The cream inside the tub is even blue. Nice one, SEGA France.
Check out more pics of the item at Eversonic.
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UPDATE: ArchangelUK of SEGA Europe and Sonic Wrecks has received European and Australian pricing and release date information from SCEE. The theme will be available Wednesday 19th January for free to PlayStation Plus members, and cost €1.99/£1.59/$AU3.45 for everyone else.
Source: Sonic Wrecks/UPDATE END
SEGA’s RubyEclipse has revealed that a Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 Dynamic Theme will soon be available on the PlayStation Store for PS3 owners thanks to a joint effort from SEGA and Sony. This theme is based on the game’s first stage Splash Hill Zone and features Sonic running and spin-dashing around, with an appearance from Dr. Eggman every now and then. Another cool feature is the ring sound effect we’ve all grown to know and love that will trigger when toggling around the XMB.
This Dynamic Theme will be a part of this coming Tuesday’s PlayStation Store update in the U.S. and will be released shortly after in Europe, so maybe Wednesday’s European PlayStation Store update, if we’re lucky? The theme will cost $2.99 in the U.S. and for a limited time will be available free to all PlayStation Plus members. No European prices were given.
If you missed the announcement, SEGA added exclusive Sonic 4 Avatar items to the Xbox Live Marketplace for Xbox 360 owners in December.
Source: SEGA of America Blog & Sonic City Blognik
Thanks to CobraRoll at the SSMB for the heads up!
Will you be downloading this theme? Let us know in the comments.
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