UK Sonic Fans Invited To Appear In SEGA Video Tomorrow

SEGA Europe’s posted an open invite on their blogs for UK Sonic fans to visit their headquarters in Great West Road, London tomorrow to appear in an internal SEGA video. All you have to do is answer the below three questions in front of a camera and bring a picture of yourself from 1991.

“What is your earliest memory of Sonic?”
“What does Sonic means to you now?”
“What do you love best about Sonic?”

If you’re interested, drop SEGA Europe an e-mail at

Source: SEGA Europe Blog & Sonic City Blognik

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  1. my first memory of sonic was Sonic in the lush green hill zone. He is the same spikey blue hedgehog i played back in 1996 (I was 3 then). my favourite thing about sonic is the true sense of speed you get from the game play through out the series (except for that one game… yeh that one)

  2. Doesn’t seem to be any incentive to go along as this video is internal…I’d have still gone along, but not at a day’s notice. Cheers SEGA! =/

  3. Yeah less than 24 hours notice with no incentive is utterly no reason to go at all… not to mention it would cost me over £170 to get there and back with only a days notice.

  4. I would so do this if I were in the UK. If they were to do a similar thing in the US I would try to participate.

  5. Lol Yeah That would be funny….I live in the UK But unfortunately I can’t go damn it….I would of got the buses to London But I can’t it would take me a while to get there 🙁 Missing out on this one I’m afraid :/ :angry:

  6. Given a bit more notice, this is something I would’ve loved to do! I’m not sure I have any photographs from 1991 (I would have to ask my parents), but what a missed opportunity…

  7. How much do anybody want to bet that this is a set up of an April Fool’s prank or maybe a Sonic announcment? I mean seriously, they want Sonic fans to drop by at their HQ tomorrow [On April Fool’s Day, no less!] on VERY short notice. Tell me that doesn’t sound suspicious.

    1. The thing is though, some people could and would potentially pay a lot of money to travel down there at the short notice, I think Sega would have a lot to answer for if there was no internal promotional thing and they were just told “April Fools”

      1. Yeah, I know. If it turns out to be an April Fools Prank then I know it will piss fans off who’ve paid money to come visit them. Hopefully Sega will announce something special for the fans tomorrow.

    1. I wanna know too it’s been a few days now…Was it a prank? The suspense is killing me XD

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