Another Christmas With Sonic, by Balena Productions!

2013 is mere hours away for many of us! It won’t be long ’til this year comes to a close.

Many events have defined this year of Sonic. The second episode of Sonic the Hedgehog 4 saw release in May, continuing the sequel to the Genesis classics as we truly imagined it; the sneaky Sonic Jump hopped, skipped, and jumped its way into our phones; Sonic Adventure 2 came back to our consoles along with its fellow SEGA Heritage Classics NiGHTS into dreams… and Jet Set Radio; Sumo Digital brought us an amazing sequel to Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing through Transformed; finally, our blue hero found his way to the silver screen in Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph!

In the community, 2012 brought us musical collaborations such as The Sonic Stadium Music Album 2011 and the Sonic Paradox Remix Shorts Volume 1! Our own site has gained new crew members to keep the front page roaring with content! Summer of Sonic and Sonic Boom drew in bigger crowds than ever, with tickets for the former gone during the waves in mere minutes!

So, to wrap up the year, Steven Page (who brought us Sonic in Scared Stupid Part 2 for Halloween) and RianaLD dropped us a belated Christmas present to celebrate! Without further ado, I present to you all the latest piece of work from Balena Productions, for it is time for…

Another Christmas With Sonic!


Be sure to check out the prequel Christmas with Sonic too, while you’re at it! And maybe be a pal and follow Balena’s stuff too. Good stuff yes.

With that, Happy New Year to you all, and see you in 2013!

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Sonic Jump Is Free To Download! (IOS Only, Expires January 1st)

Sonic Jump logo

Update 2: As suspected this is a limited offer, it’s part of Apples 12 days of Christmas promotion. It will expire at some point between New Years Eve and January 1st depending on your time zone.

Update: Some people have pointed out that this might be a one day offer, it’s not uncommon for IOS apps to become free for a day and then return to their normal price.

Greetings Blue Believers. If you’re not too busy finishing off the left over turkey and attempting to force feed yourself whatever tasty treats you have left in your selection box, how would you like to give your thumbs a workout?

We all know about Sonic Jump right? That surprise game which came out back in October which was… surprisingly excellent from what people keep telling me. Well, it’s now free to play!

Continue reading Sonic Jump Is Free To Download! (IOS Only, Expires January 1st)

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Freak-Out Friday: Game Grumps Sonimations

On November the 2nd, Game Grumps Egoraptor and JonTron have begun playing Sonic the Hedgehog 2006. Almost two months have passed since, and…

…well, it’s going about as well as you’d expect, considering what game they’re playing.

So, a few fans have taken the helm at animating some of their best, worst, and random moments!

From the top, BaronVonBaron9!


Continue reading Freak-Out Friday: Game Grumps Sonimations

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Respawn Point Doing Sonic Game Marathon for Child’s Play

SegaSonic Radio and Summer of Sonic’s JayZeach will be joining gaming crew Respawn Point tomorrow for their Sonic Marathon 3 & Knuckles show.

Starting Friday at 3PM GMT and ending on the 4th of January (just in time for this year’s Awesome Games Done Quick…), RP will be streaming a load of Sonic games to help raise money for children’s charity Child’s Play.

The Sonic Marathon 3 & Knuckles

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Merry Christmas! SEGA Soundtracks Finally Available on iTunes Canada and Australia!

My fellow Canadians, and to my good Australian friends… the dark days are over.


And this is just the tip of the iceberg!

I am pleased and downright tearful to announce that SEGA soundtracks have finally expanded their presence to other iTunes territories! While the US, most European nations, and Japan have gotten each digital soundtrack release as they came, many of us were forced to sit idly by as more and more OSTs just went on by and missed us. As of now, those days have finally come to an end!

Confirmed as of now for Canada and Australia, most – if not all – of SEGA’s expansive repertoire on iTunes can now be purchased! In the mood for Sonic Rush sounds? You can finally get what u need! If you think you’re dreaming (and I don’t blame you), try looking up both NiGHTS into Dreams and NiGHTS: Journey into Dreams – they’re on there! Still can’t understand this concept? Then turn your attention to the tunes of Jet Set Radio and see for yourself!

A complete list of available SEGA OSTs are up after the jump!

Continue reading Merry Christmas! SEGA Soundtracks Finally Available on iTunes Canada and Australia!

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Mash-Up Monday: Closer at Ice Cap, Cooler at Tempest

It’s Christmas Eve now! Yow, was that ever fast!

In any case, it’s Mash-Up Monday now. Just chill out, you’ll get your presents soon.

First up, KenJones3023 brings together Ne-Yo’s Closer and that one Sonic the Hedgehog piece that everyone knows for one cool mash-up: the one and only Ice Cap Zone of Sonic 3 & Knuckles fame!


After the break is a crisp mash-up between Phendrana’s Edge from Metroid Prime and Tidal Tempest Present JP from Sonic CD, courtesy of Hauntershadow!

Continue reading Mash-Up Monday: Closer at Ice Cap, Cooler at Tempest

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Sonic and Danica Patrick Run Over AiAi Some More in New S&ASRT Ad


Sonic and Danica get into more mischief in this “driver’s ed” ad in which they try to show you the proper way to handle being in an accident mainly by throwing garbage at each other and running over monkeys. Hey AiAi, you have a car too y’know? Heck, you at least have a giant ball you can crawl in for some protection man! I wonder what he did to piss off Sonic so badly? Enjoy.

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Sonic Finally Jumps Onto Android!

It’s taken a good couple of months of rumours and speculation, but at last we can finally put aside the doubts that have been surrounding an Android release of Sonic Jump, SEGA’s mobile-exclusive digital title. As revealed on the official Sonic the Hedgehog Facebook page, the blue blur has now leapt his way onto Google Play – better late than never!

Continue reading Sonic Finally Jumps Onto Android!

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Freak-Out Friday: The Money Song


So Vector is down and out of luck as Espio kicked him out of their flat, and a neighbourly blue hedgehog walks by after having relationship issues.

And what better way to solve your problems than with MONEY? (Don’t trust me: I’m a terrible role model.)


And because I’m generous, there’s an extra Sonic/Avenue Q video after the jump!

Continue reading Freak-Out Friday: The Money Song

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New SEGA Website Shows PROPE Copyright on Sonic 4

SEGA Japan has recently put up a new website archiving all of its digital download games, and thanks to the keen eyes of Woun over at Sonic Scene, we’ve got some interesting news to report. If you take a look underneath Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I and Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II, you can see not only SEGA listed as a copyright holder, but PROPE, too. PROPE, as a lot of you will know, is the developer founded by Sonic the Hedgehog’s original creator, Yuji Naka. Could this mean Yuji Naka’s development studio had a part in Sonic the Hedgehog 4‘s development, or is it just an error?

Source: SEGA Japan’s new digital games archives site (via Sonic Scene)

Thanks to SSMB member and Sonic Scene founder Woun for the heads up!

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The Vault: The 1999 European Sonic Speed Challenge

Hello and welcome to a new feature that I’m going to do every now and again. Normally we look at the current news regarding Sega and Sonic, but for now, I’d quite like to look at some of the older and more obscure items Sonic’s history because, sometimes it’s fun to do that.

We all know how Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 has recently been re-released right? Well how many of you downloaded the DLC? On the Dreamcast?

Continue reading The Vault: The 1999 European Sonic Speed Challenge

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Mash-Up Monday: Savannah Citadel’s Giant Egg

Billy Hatcher Mash-Up Monday? CyanBlur, I approve!

The Gamecube classic’s main theme is thrown together with Savannah Citadel Day for Mazuri from Sonic Unleashed!


Found an interesting mash-up out there on the world wide web? Have one of your own you’d like to see featured on TSS? If so, then send what you got over to!

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Freak-Out Friday: Knuckles, You Pervert

And you dare call innocent Tails out for “stooping that low”! Sheesh, I knew you were a knucklehead, but a hypocrite too?

What a jerk!


Put together by DeannART2! The scene is borrowed from the Toradora! anime.

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Snow Way! Sonic 4: Episode 2 50% Off!


If you’ve been holding out for when this game would receive a discount, today’s the day! Well… for PS3 owners living in the EU that is. As part of Sony’s Festive Sale, Sonic 4: Episode 2 is now half price and members of Playstation Plus can receive an additional discount too.

From now until January 9th 2013 you can get the game for £4.99 or if you’re a PS+ user £4.49. Considering the original price on this was £9.99 that’s quite a decent saving. Remember this is only for people living in the EU right now, you will probably have to wait until next week to find out if the same deal is offered to US residents.

Thanks to Carbo for the tip.

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December Community Update: Mike Pollock UK Appearance, Charity Event and SS:R Christmas Shows

Ho ho ho! We at the Sonic Stadium hope you are all getting into the festive spirit!
If you’re still not feeling it quite yet (or you haven’t seen the Coca Cola advert on TV) here are some announcements that might help you get in the mood!

Mike Pollock to Attend London Gaming Con

The London Gaming Convention returns next year on May 4th and 5th with two days of activities including arcade gaming to cosplaying. This year’s event will also play host to the voice of Dr. Eggman himself, Mike Pollock. May the 5th will also include the “Super-Sonic Sunday” event, with loads of Sonic-orientated antics to entice you to attend.

For more information about the location and costs of the event, check out the London Gaming Convention Website.


48-hour Sonic the Hedgehog Gaming Marathon for Charity

In aid of the Child’s Play charity, Alex and Alex will be taking on 2 days of non-stop Sonic gaming to test their endurance to the maximum. You can tune in to watch their progress from 7PM GMT this coming Friday (14th). All donations made will go directly to the charity, and donors will also be able to influence the choice of games played.

SEGASonic:Radio Christmas Blast!

Tune in to SEGASonic:Radio this Sunday (16th of December) from 3:00PM GMT for a whole afternoon and evening of programming brought to you by a flock of SS:R DJs including Vger (3pm), T-Bird (4pm), Biafra Republic (6pm), Turbo (7pm) and Vizard Jeffhog (8pm).

Expect a huge selection of Sonical songs over six hours, as well as a preview of the new Sonic Stadium Music Album during Vizard Jeffhog’s show and a chance to win yourself a copy of the Crush 40 Live album amongst other prizes during T-TIME.

Don’t forget to join in and chat with DJs and other fans in the Sonic Stadium chatroom too!

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Buy ASRT at Gamestop, Get a Hot Wheels Danicar Toy For Free


On October 10th 2012, Sega announced that anyone who purchased a copy of ASRT would receive a free Hot Wheels Danica/Danicar toy from selected retailers. However, as ASRT’s release date drew closer, many had assumed that the promotion had been cancelled as nothing more was mentioned about it.

It has been 25 days after ASRT released on the 3 main consoles, and a week after it’s release on the Vita here in the EU. Sega has now given details as to how you get the toy… You have to buy the game again!

Full press release after the break.

Continue reading Buy ASRT at Gamestop, Get a Hot Wheels Danicar Toy For Free

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Mash-Up Monday: Sweet Labrys

It’s too cold outside. We need more hotblooded mash-ups. Good thing for Mash-Up Mondays!

For this December week, we have just the remedy: Labrys’ boss theme, The Ultimate in Mayonaka, from Persona 4: Arena appears to work incredibly well with Sweet Mountain from Sonic Colours! Definitely one hot mix!


Found an interesting mash-up out on the web? Have one of your own you’d like to see featured? If so, send what you have found or put together over to!

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TSS Review: Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (Wii U)

Game-breaking bugs, choppy framerates, and controversial reviews – these are just three of the things that have plagued the Wii U version of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed prior to its release. Indeed, it’s not unfair to say that people have been somewhat skeptical about the blue hedgehog’s first leap onto Nintendo’s new console, especially when compared to the 360 and PS3 counterparts of the same game. But now that Sonic has launched alongside the Wii U, are this version’s exclusive features enough to help it speed ahead of the pack? Or has it turned out to be the runt of the litter? Continue reading TSS Review: Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (Wii U)

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Nintendo Confirms S&ASRT 3DS Feb 2013 Delay For Europe

Retailers have been listing another delay for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on 3DS for a little while now, but in their new release schedule, Nintendo has confirmed the delay to February 2013 for Europe. US and Australian retailers are also listing a delay to February 2013, so expect a delay in those territories, too.

SEGA hasn’t commented on this fresh delay, with their website still saying it’s out now in Europe and Australia, and will release December 11th 2012 in the US. The PS Vita version has been quietly released in Europe today, still without release date information, game details, screenshots and video from SEGA. If that’s anything to go by, things don’t look promising for the 3DS version.

Source: Nintendo Europe (via Nintendo Everything)

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Freak-Out Friday: Dr. Robotnik’s Deadly Speed Traps

You know you broke the speed limit in Speed Highway when…



Talk about “Speed Limit Enforced by Aircraft”, am I right?

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Update: Now removed: ASRT Now Available to Download on Playstation Vita

Update: It would appear that despite being available to download for a number of hours and even the Playstation Blog staff confirming that it was up for sale, ASRT has been pulled from the Playstation Store. No idea why at this time, though a guess would be that it’s because the official release date is December 7th.

Original Story: You know whats really odd? With the exception of 4 screenshots and 3 seconds of footage from a random Nintendo conference. There has been no media at all released of ASRT on either the 3DS or Vita, it’s all been for the consoles. Yet here we are!

Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed is now available to download from the Playstation Vita store. This is currently only available in the EU and is priced at £34.99. There is no word yet as to if the content is locked until Friday December 7th when the games official release date is.

Continue reading Update: Now removed: ASRT Now Available to Download on Playstation Vita

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US ASRT Owners, Your Patch is Ready!

S0L to the rescWiiUe! … … Don’t blame me for the terrible pun it was Shadzter’s idea!

Well guys, it’s taken nearly two weeks. But Nintendo might have finally decided to release the ASRT Wii-U patch in US territories. Ever since launch, US owners have been plagued with difficulties which have prevented content from being unlocked and the ability to actually beat the game as well as issues with the Wii-U exclusive modes. But for EU users, no such problems to report, the fix has been live in the EU since the game launched here last week.

However, according to Executive Producer Steve Lycett, it’s time to grab your 70’s trousers and party! For people living in the US, the new patch will be live in a matter of hours!

Continue reading US ASRT Owners, Your Patch is Ready!

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S&ASR Transformed PS Vita Out This Friday in Europe, Delayed in US Again?

Retailers have been listing the PS Vita version of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed for release in Europe on December 7th 2012 for a while, but now Sumo Digital’s Steve Lycett aka S0L has confirmed the date at our very own SSMB.

I’m waiting for confirmation over on the US side, but the EU Vita version should be out this Friday on the 7th December

A post by SSMB member BlueTidalGamer reporting on his copy being despatched reaffirms this.

My copy of the Vita version has dispatched from ShopTo.

SEGA Europe still hasn’t announced a date and both their website and press site to this day still say it and the 3DS version have been out since November 16th 2012 with the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions.

As for the US, Lycett says in the above quoted post that he’s waiting for confirmation of a release date from SEGA of America. With retailers listing a new date of December 18th 2012, this indicates that the PS Vita version may well not meet its originally announced release date of December 11th 2012, though SEGA of America’s website is still listing that same date.

Source: SSMB (Link 1, Link 2)

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Mash-Up Monday: I Will Survive Speed Highway At Dawn

Now here’s a classic!

Now how many of you aren’t familiar with Gloria Gaynor’s I Will Survive? It’s only been played a million times over the past few decades!

Whether you are familiar with the tune or not, here’s a mash-up of it and At Dawn… for Speed Highway, brought to you by MegaMacTV!


Found an interesting mash-up somewhere on the world wide web? Have one of your own? If yes, then send what you have over to!

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