Sonic Adventure Priced & Dated For Xbox Live Marketplace

UPDATE: SEGA of America have backed this news up with a new blog entry, which contains 8 new screenshots that you can check out at the bottom of this article. /UPDATE END

Microsoft’s ‘Major Nelson’ has today revealed, via his blog, the Xbox Live Marketplace releases for the month ahead, which includes Sonic Adventure for the Xbox Live Arcade. The Dreamcast classic will be available to Xbox 360 owners on September 15th, priced at 800 Microsoft Points. There’s no word elsewhere from Sony or SEGA about the PS3 version, but we’ll let you know when we hear something.

For more information about Sonic Adventure on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network, check out the games product page at SEGA’s website.

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Knuckles Is a Smooth Criminal

Archie’s Sonic creators Ian Flynn and Tracy Yardley! both made an appearance at Toronto’s FanExpo con. Naturally, their presence attracted some Sonic fans to the show, including the person pictured below. The Archie people got a picture of one of them and posted it up on their facebook wall.

Prepare yourself for the most epic cosplay ever!

Knuckles Jackson

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U.S. Sonic Free Riders Box Art and Price

SEGA of America has just revealed the U.S. box artwork (seen above) for SEGA’s first Xbox 360 Kinect title, Sonic Free Riders. SEGA also revealed that the game will go on sale for $49.99, which is $10 cheaper than normal Xbox 360 titles retail for. No information is given as to when the game will be released, but the game has been said in the past to be a launch title for the device, which will be launching in the U.S. November 4th and November 10th in Europe. We’ll keep an eye out for more information.

Source: SEGA of America’s Blog

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SEGA Reveals Tokyo Game Show Line-up

SEGA has revealed their line-up of games that they will be bringing to this years Tokyo Game Show, which will be open between September 16th and 17th for press and September 18th and 19th to the public. Sonic fans will be pleased to know that both Wii and DS versions of Sonic Colours will be at SEGA’s booth, but Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 and Sonic Free Riders won’t be making appearances.

The full list of games and formats are as follows:

Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity
Black Panther Yakuza New Chapter
Shining Hearts
K-On After School Live

Sonic Colours

Sonic Colours

Xbox 360:
Virtual-On Force 360

SEGA’s Tokyo Game Show Official Site

Thanks to Michael Myers at the SSMB for the heads-up!

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Archie Comics Now Shipping Internationally

If there is one common complaint I’ve heard from my chums over in the UK, it’s the difficulty in finding the Sonic Archie comics. I’ve often heard stories of people struggling to get issues months after they’ve come out, usually from a store called “Forbidden Planet.”

Well, while they may still not be available on your newsstands, Archie is now finally offering everyone overseas something even better: they’ll mail it straight to your door. That’s right!  Archie Comics now provides international shipping for subscriptions of all of their comics series, including Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Universe.

International subscriptions will be going for $35.50 for 13 issues, $13 over normal subscriptions. You can buy your subscriptions over at Archie Comics’ Sonic Store.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way. Listing “Special Edition” For Sonic Colours

The German branch of online retailer Amazon is now listing a “Special Edition” for both versions of Sonic Colours. No information is given as to what is packaged with this edition of the game, but both versions are €10 higher than the standard versions, so we can expect at least a little something extra to justify the higher price. We’ll keep an eye open for any updates.

What would you like to see in these Special Editions? Let us know in the comments.

Source: via

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Rumor: Phantasy Star Online 2 Domain Registered

PSO Dreamcast

According to, it seems some folks have figured out that the domain name of has been registered. While there’s no confirmation as of yet, there have been some rumors going around about a sequel to Sonic Team’s Dreamcast original for quite some time.

Phantasy Star Online will be celebrating its tenth anniversary next year.

[via SEGAbits]

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Tracy Yardley! Does Sonic Eggs, Part 3

ECC’s Summer of Yardley continues this week with another page. This page is a perfect example of why Tracy Yardley! is one of my favorite people on the Archie Sonic book: the character interaction. For a single page, a lot is conveyed here, through facial expressions, movement, and stuff happening in the background. Despite Tracy’s simple style, he’s able to put a lot into his pages. He is probably one of the few comic book artists I know of who understand how much plot and story can be conveyed through how the characters act and move, not just what they say.

This  page was colored by Kichi, and lettered by the Illustrious Q. Sonic Eggs is an Emerald Coast Comics series.

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Jun Senoue Confirmed as Sound Director for Sonic Colours Wii Version

Nintendo Power magazine reveal this month in an indepth interview that SEGA sound director and Crush 40 guitarist Jun Senoue will be sound directing Sonic Colours for the Nintendo Wii. The interview also goes into detail about Senoue’s past, his musical influences, how he became involved with SEGA…and again there is another attempt to learn about Michael Jackson’s involvement in Sonic 3!

To check out the full interview pick up this month’s issue of Nintendo Power and check out their Power Profiles section!

Props to Shadzter and Hero of Legend on the SSMB for the heads up!

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What Happened to Getting Crush 40 on the Rock Band Network?

For those of you in attendance at Summer of Sonic this year, you’ll all remember the first question I posed to Jun in the Q&A session regarded Crush 40 songs on Rock Band Network. Some of you may also remember a little while ago that Ozone Entertainment had mentioned via many sources that they would be bringing a selection of classic Crush 40 tracks to RBN. You will probably also remember that after these announcements were made we heard nothing more.

Now, in an article by the, Owen Douglass, owner of Ozone, speaks about about what happened. According to Douglass, things had been going well with the organisation and he was in contact with Jun Senoue; three tracks had been chosen (Live & Learn, Open Your Heart and Knight of the Wind). Apparently a snag had been hit when it came to distribution rights, as these are owned by Wavemaster entertainment. In the wake of this, several comments were made on Douglass’ Twitter regarding unprofessionalism on Sega and Senoue’s behalf, with the comment that “Sega has their heads up their asses.”

Douglass claims that these comments were made due to a complete cut-off in communication with SEGA and Senoue, and that he was frustrated in the fact that so many fans were requesting Crush 40 tracks for RBN, and there was nothing he could do about it.

“No, I really don’t (feel that I mishandled the situation). When you disrespectfully leave a potential business partner who is trying to benefit you more than themselves (they wanted all the profits from the sales of the tracks, I wouldn’t have made a single penny) waiting for half a year with no explanation or contact at all, I believe I have the right to be ticked off. It was at the half year mark I publicly gave up on them. The reason I held on for the second half of the year was because of the fans. They wanted the music in the game, I didn’t care anymore. I had ill feelings about Sega and all involved, but I’d swallow it for the sake of getting the deal done.

Yeah, in a previous article you quoted me saying that Sega has ‘their heads up their asses.’ I stand behind that statement 100%. That’s how I feel, and if it hurt the feelings of a multi-billion dollar company, that’s their fault for making business choices based on that. I will always put my personal feelings aside for the sake of making deals to give the public what they want. That’s the only reason I’ve still tried to get the situation figured out all this time. And it’s why I’m relieved this is over and now off my shoulders. Now I can go and work with people who actually care about what we’re working on.”

It also transpires that since then Douglass’ statements SEGA have made it clear that they have no interest in working with Douglass or Ozone after these comments, to which Douglass responded:

“And now finally they claim they were hurt by what I said and don’t want to work with me. Which is great, because the feeling is mutual. They wasted my time, and I feel they just don’t care what the public wants. Why do you think they haven’t made the a good Sonic game in over a decade, despite their very vocal fanbase continually laying out a near-perfect blueprint? I don’t know, that’s just my opinion. I bet I’ll get another email from them. Or maybe a letter soaked with their tears. But probably not, since I’m not even worth 2 seconds of their time.”

Douglass released this final statement after the publishing of the article:

Over the past couple days there’s been a whirl of controversy that surrounded Ozone Entertainment. It stems from an article in which I was quoted giving out details regarding contacting an artist for involvement in the Rock Band Network. I would prefer not to link to it here, but I would like to address this here.

Ozone Entertainment has never used conventional methods in our operations. As you may know, I am very open regarding what I do to the public. This is because I believe this builds trust between the consumers and the company, and eliminates any fears of shady practices and deceit.

Unfortunately, a year-long frustration on my part directed my answers to the questions posed in the article. Looking back, I may have crossed some lines and I apolgize to Martin [webmaster of – T] and Jun personally. I did not intend to offend you personally by any comments made.

However, I do not take back the main focus of the article. The situation was handled poorly with a lack of communication and I knew this partnership would not work out six months ago. I never signed a non-disclosure agreement when entering talks, so I believe there is nothing wrong with sharing any details now that the deal is officially closed.

I have also received comments personally attacking me. To those people, that is your opinion and I respect your right to say it. Just know that even if I am a horrible as you make me out to be, I will continue to attempt to entertain you and provide people with quality products and services to the best of my ability. If I fail, as I have done here and likely will again many more times, I will simply get up and try again.

Thank you very much for your time, and I hope you guys continue to enjoy at least some of the things Ozone Entertainment produces.

So, although it looks like there won’t be any Crush 40 tracks released through Ozone, it does not rule out the possibility that there may be tracks released on the Rock Band Network sometime in the future through another publisher.

To read the full article on the follow this link.

If you didn’t catch the Q&A session at Summer of Sonic, watch it here!

So, do you have an opinion on these matters? Sound off in the comments section!

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Takashi Iizuka Comments on Sonic and Nintendo 3DS

In the previous issue of Nintendo Power, various game developers opinions on Nintendo 3DS were gathered and among them was Takashi Iizuka, producer at Sonic Team.

Takashi Izuka – Producer, Sonic Team:

“At Sonic Team, we’re already studying the Nintendo 3DS. We’re very interested in the platform. We think the depth of 3D could really help the sense of speed, especially when you’re playing Sonic from behind-the-back perspective.”

Fans may recall a document that hit the net, confirming SEGA’s planned Super Monkey Ball and Sonic the Hedgehog titles for the handheld, but SEGA has yet to announce or show anything officially. Iizuka’s comment is only based on concepts, but would you like a handheld Sonic game with a “behind-the-back perspective” like Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Colours? Discuss in the comments.

Source: GoNintendo

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AAUK Explains Summer of Sonic Departure

Summer of Sonic co-organiser and webmaster of Sonic Wrecks, Kevin ‘ArchAngelUK’ Eva, has written a heartfelt open letter to the Sonic fanbase explaining his departure from leading the annual convention. Exhaustion, funds and career aspirations are all cited as reasons for the initial announcement on Twitter some weeks ago.

“[The] truth is all these years of being battered and battering myself with endlessly long hours for SOS I’ve just reached a limit and had enough,” writes AAUK in a statement on Sonic Wrecks. As an integral member of SEGA Europe’s Community Team, AAUK’s role in co-organising the Summer of Sonic has been nothing short of an extremely important one, arranging internal budgets and pitching the concept of the event to Brand Managers and other executives in the company.

Such campaigning is starting to bear fruit, as AAUK mentions the sudden interest from key members of SEGA Europe management during the execution of this year’s well-recieved convention. “I think you simply won’t need me by [2012],” AAUK writes, “Some SEGA/Sonic high-ups had actually been in the [2010] venue and already offered much more help than I got this year in securing wonders for you.”

Another reason is the inability to afford the costs of setup. AAUK contributes within the region of £500-1000 of his own money each year into the Summer of Sonic – while other members of the organisation staff also contribute a similar number, since 2008 the contributions AAUK has had to make has resulted in some “real financial headaches… I’m not THAT well off ya know and I’ve a family I need to take care of.

“I kinda hope by then I might’ve moved either onwards or upwards by the time people start thinking of an SOS12,” AAUK continues. “I don’t want to be Sonic Community Manager forever, I actually think I could contribute to the brand higher up.” Following this, he mentions his final and possibly saddest reason for leaving his role behind – the fact that he has simply lost the love for the event.

AAUK stresses that he is not exactly leaving the fanbase – “at least not yet.” Before parting with the announcement of a few final surprises to come for the event, the Community Manager finishes with thanks to “all the Summer Of Sonic staff who’ve helped so magnificently and magnanimously over the years – you’re all awesome sauce incarnate,” along with “all those who’ve come to SOS over the years and hey its not over yet – we’re just reaching the end of this particular chapter.”

Svend ‘Dreadknux’ Joscelyne: Speaking personally, as the creator and co-organiser of the event as well as a personal friend, I know that the Summer of Sonic event would never have become a reality without the knowledge, passion and dedication that AAUK has put into this project over the years. I may be so bold as to say that he is truly unaware of just how much respect and acknowledgement he has earned from everyone in the Sonic community for this convention, and everything he has worked for and achieved besides in his role as Sega Community Manager.

Ultimately his health, happiness and family come before anything else, and I would not have it any other way. He leaves the role knowing that he is directly responsible for helping create an event that touches so many Sonic fans’ hearts today. The Sonic Stadium, the Summer of Sonic attendees and the Sonic community at large salutes you, dude. All the best in your future Sonic (and non-Sonic) related endeavours.

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Even More Footage Of Sonic Colours’ Planet Wisp Stage

[youtube][/youtube] has released the above footage of Sonic Colours on Wii from Gamescom 2010. Previous footage recorded only let us see so far into this act of the Planet Wisp stage, but now we get to see the final part. In this last section, we see more use of the Quick Step and the return of a launcher contraption from Sonic Unleashed, which displays a button on your controller.  By tapping the button displayed, you will be launched in the best direction for you to continue on. There are also stairways, which you’ll need to collapse by having Sonic hit a nearby switch.

Previous footage can be seen here, here and here with music.

Now you’ve seen the whole of the Planet Wisp Act in the Gamescom demo, what do you think of it? Speak out in the comments.

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Takashi Iizuka Interview: Knuckles Chaotix 2 and NiGHTS 3 Considered

In an interview with Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka, GamesTM Magazine reaveals that the man behind upcoming titles Sonic the Hedgehog 4 and Sonic Colours “would personally love to make a third NiGHTS game”.

Iizuka also reveals that he has considered making both Tails and Knuckles games in the past: “I actually considered making a game like Knuckles Chaotix at one point, but Sega has unfortunately not given me the green light to do so.”

Although there are no current plans to make either title, the interest of the head of Sonic Team could mean that there could be a possibility for the creation of these titles in the future; something that should give die-heard Knuckles & NiGHTS fans a small ray of hope.

The rest of the article can be read in next month’s edition of GamesTM Magazine, available to purchase in the UK from the 2nd of September, 2010.

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New Jazwares Figures Now Available

Jazwares, the company behind a lot of Sonic merchandise in recent years, has released more goodies for you to spend your hard-earned cash on. An update at their Facebook page states that Metal Sonic and Eggman figures should now be in stores, along with The Super Pack and the large Racers Pack(seen in the photo above). Big and Froggy figures are said to be coming later this year and Vector and Espio will be packaged together in the latest Comic Book Pack.

Hey guys, so I know you all have been asking what the deal is with Sonic and I wanted to give you a clear layout of what to expect for the coming months!

Metal Sonic and Eggman should be hitting the stores
…So should the The Super pack and the large Racers Pack.

and Froggy are later this year, no images yet.
Vector and Espio will
be together in the latest Comic Book pack.

Some fans will be interested to know that Jazwares are hearing your calls for Mighty the Armadillo, Rouge the Bat and Omega figures. In a second Sonic update to their Facebook page, they say they have passed these requests on to the design team and will keep everyone posted. If we hear more, we’ll let you know.

As soon as we have images I will post them! Also, I
know a lot of you have requested Mighty the Armadillo, Rouge the Bat,
and Omega. I have put all your requests in with the design team, and
will keep you posted! Thanks!!

Thanks to fellow TSS Staff member Jason the Jackass for the pic of the large Racers Pack and to Jix Hedgehog for the pic of the Dr.Eggman & Metal Sonic pack. Vector and Espio pic courtesy of eBay seller tbhouse(thanks to SSMB member Aquaslash for the link). We’ll keep an eye out for a pic of the Super Pack figures and update when we get it. If you have the figures and could take a picture of them, please send them in to and we’ll credit you in this post.

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New Sonic 4 Preview In Latest Nintendo Power

The latest issue of Nintendo Power magazine is now available on newsstands in the U.S. and inside is a preview of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. The demo they got to play was of a new build, one which contains all acts and boss battles in Lost Labyrinth Zone and Mad Gear Zone. Nintendo Power says Lost Labyrinth Zone is heavily inspired by Sonic 1’s Labyrinth Zone with familiar elements, such as “endlessly looping waterfall mazes, pulley-based moving platforms, retracting spikes, and underwater segments that require you to grab air bubbles before you run out of oxygen.” Reaffirmed is the removal of the infamous mine cart stage and the torch mechanic put in its place, though nothing more is revealed than what’s is obvious in the screenshots, like lighting sconces to take down obstacles which block your path.

Nintendo Power also details two new features seen in the recent screenshots, including the orb that Sonic is standing on and a boulder that Sonic is running from. Sonic must keep his balance while the orb follows a specially designed track and other sections will see him be chased by giant boulders that fall out of the sky, requiring quick reactions. Nintendo Power also inform us that players will also have to escape a giant wall that threatens to crush you, while the stage fills with water.

In their playthrough of Mad Gear Zone, Nintendo Power compares the stage to most end of game stages in the Sonic series, “hard edged industrial stages full of steampunk-style machinery that practically screams you’re on the bad guys’ home turf.” The stage is said to not only contain stage mechanics that you’ll recognise such as pneumatic transportation tubes, steam geysers and giant pistons, but also some new ones. Sonic will have to run on top of cogs, some will help move Sonic to new areas, while other cogs will open heavy metal doors.

Nintendo Power states the difficulty increases significantly for the third Act of Mad Gear Zone, where an enormous drill machine chases Sonic in a similar fashion to the giant wall from Lost Labyrinth Zone. While the machine pursues Sonic, Nintendo Power says “you must leap spikes, hit switches, and dodge momentum-reversing blasts.” Sounds like it’s quite the challenge. Nintendo Power also reveals that players can choose to play the game’s four zones in any order they like.

The preview doesn’t mention anything in terms of any of the tweaks to physics, running animation, acceleration etc that SEGA of America’s Ruby Eclipse spoke of recently, but it does come with five new screenshots of the Lost Labyrinth Zone. To check out the screenshots and the full preview, pick up a copy of Nintendo Power issue 259 at your local newsstand.

Thanks to SSMB member Doctor Eggman for the info!

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[UPDATE]Sonic Colours Co-Op Mode Revealed?

UPDATE:Amazon has removed the screenshot from the page. Did the retailer jump the gun on something SEGA weren’t ready to reveal yet? /UPDATE END

Amazon’s Japanese website has posted a new Sonic Colours screenshot on the game’s product page there, which reveals a co-op mode. In the screen. we see two Sonics, one blue and one pink (or red?). Two separate HUDs can also be seen on the left and right of the screenshot with no split down the middle, suggesting that this is indeed a co-op mode. What’s  odd about this picture is the environment. For a game titled ‘Sonic Colours’, there sure isn’t much colour in this stage.  Also odd are the antennas that both Sonics have on their heads. Could we be seeing Sonic robots, like the Shadow robots in Shadow the Hedgehog’s multiplayer modes?

What do you think about this interesting development? Speak out in the comments.

Thanks to Hero of Legend at the SSMB for the find!

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More Sonic Colours’ Planet Wisp Footage, With Music


UPDATE: Updated with HD video. Thanks to Woun for sharing this at the SSMB! /UPDATE END

IGN got their hands on the Wii version of Sonic Colours at Gamescom and recorded a short video of their time with the game. What makes this different to other videos we’ve seen is that this time, we get to hear the stage’s music. The track sounds like it’s straight out of a game in SEGA’s NiGHTS series and is a good fit for the alien planet theme of the level. We also get to hear grunts of Roger Craig Smith’s Sonic voice.

What do you think of Planet Wisp’s music? Discuss in the comments.

Source: IGN

Thanks to Torcano at the SSMB for the heads up!

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Underbelly Reviews The Sonic Franchise


Underbelly, the internet series that delves deep into the world of games, movies, comics and the web, has changed target to the Sonic franchise. In their latest episode, titled ‘Sonic the Failhog,’ the show looks at how the Sonic series has changed and developed over the years. It’s an interesting take on the franchise, which fans of the recent games won’t agree with, but even the biggest fans will get a laugh out of some of the sketches in the video. Stay tuned until the end for SEGA’s “latest game announcement.”

Source: ScrewAttack

Thanks to SSMB member Indigo Rush for the heads up!

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More Footage of Sonic Colours’ Planet Wisp Stage

(Footage starts at 03:53 and ends at 05:58)

Those left hungry for more from the taste of Planet Wisp that we got from Nextplay’s recording will be happy with gamer365On’s footage from Gamescom. This recording starts a lot earlier in the level, where we see some open turns for drifting, some wall running and some rail grinding sections. Later in the stage, we see more of the alternative routes that you can take if you fall from higher areas. That’s no doubt some good news for those who hate death pits.

Do you like the look of the Planet Wisp stage? Discuss in the comments.

Thanks to Jimmy Kudo at the SSMB for the heads up!

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SEGA To Attend Penny Arcade Expo 2010

In a blog entry posted on Friday, SEGA of America announced they will be attending the annual Penny Arcade Expo this year in Downtown Seattle, WA. The event will run from September 3rd until September 5th. SEGA will be bringing along playable demos of their upcoming releases for attendees to try out, which include two Sonic titles, namely Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 and Sonic Colours. No details are given regarding what platforms will be there and whether the demos will be of newer builds.

In addition to this, SEGA will be hosting a community event in their Gameworks arcade, located right across the street from the PAX venue at 8pm on September 4th.

We’re throwing a community event to celebrate all the fun we’ve been having in the SEGA community; if you are at PAX or around the Seattle area, we want you to attend! The event kicks off at 8pm on Saturday, September 4th right across the street at the SEGA Gameworks Arcade. It will be first-come, first-served, so get there early if you want to be guaranteed a spot inside. Attendees will have access to free food & drinks, exclusive SEGA swag, musical performances, free Arcade play, and raffle prizes throughout the night from SEGA’s past and present.

You can RSVP for the community event at the Facebook event page.

For more information about PAX 2010, head over to the event’s website.

Thanks to Shaddix at the SSMB for the heads up!

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S&SASR Fever Hits Pizza Hut UK

SSMB member Doctor MK recently stopped by his local Pizza Hut restaurant with some friends to celebrate his fantastic A-level exam results and was surprised to find the fast food chain is now promoting SEGA’s kart racing title, Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing.

You can now grab a Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing themed activity book that contains puzzles and character bios, as well as a Sonic hat that you can colour in yourself. This promotion was confirmed at various other Pizza Hut restaurants by other SSMB members, including Mahzes who found an activity book with a different cover and contents. This suggests there may be a variety of these that may change from week to week, like with most kids meal promotions at fast food restaurants. The activity books also contain a competition you can enter to win a weekend stay in the Sonic themed hotel room at Alton Towers Resort and other runner-up prizes.

Will you be picking up the activity books and hat? Have you seen different books at your local Pizza Hut? Speak out in the comments.

To find your nearest Pizza Hut and to see their menu, check out their website.

Thanks to Doctor MK at the SSMB for the find and thanks to both Doctor MK and Mahzes for the pics!

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More Sonic Colours Wii & DS Gamescom Footage


More gameplay footage of Sonic Colours has rolled in from Gamescom for both the Wii and DS versions. The above footage is from YouTube user supersonic83, which gives us a look at the updated Sweet Mountain Act 2 and the Green Wisp. In the video we can see the Green Wisp will be very handy for picking up bonuses, such as the red Special Rings and extra lives.


Next up, we have more of Tropical Resort Act 1 from Nintendo-Online. Nothing really new that we haven’t already seen, but we do learn that you can now gain ‘combo’ bonus points with the Cyan ‘lazer’ Wisp.


Finally, we have some footage of the DS version’s Tropical Resort Act 1. The video was recorded by SSMB member MarcelloF, who brought us footage of the DS version’s Special Stage. Hard to tell if anything has changed since we last saw the Act at E3. If you spot any differences, let us know in the comments. Thanks to MarcelloF for sharing this at the SSMB.

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Win A Wisp [Closed]

We’ve got nine Wisps still to give away to our UK readers! Been keeping an eye on here? Good… because I’m going to give them away, fire-sale style! These Wisps have got to go to a good home, each and every one of them. I simply can’t afford to keep nine of them around the place, what with the rising cost of food and all.

So here’s what you need to do – give me a good reason why I should let you take care of a Wisp. Write your reasons in the comment box below – the first nine commenters that manage to convince me will get a Wisp of their very own.

Update: That’s it, it’s all over ladies and gentlemen. Those guys went really quickly eh? Now, here are the winners, in no particular order:

Tracker the Doggy, SpeedKnux, DMCTheHedgehog, Kaoz, Zrikaboom, Kazu Matsumoto, TYoshi, sphinxie19 and Page.

Your Wisps will be sent in the post at the end of the month with the other Wisps, as previously mentioned. Congratulations! And if you didn’t win one, don’t worry, it’s not because you suck or anything. 🙂 There will be more things to win very soon, of that I can guarantee. So keep ’em peeled to TSS for future contests!

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Tracy Yardley! Does Sonic Eggs, Part 2

Last week, we showed you the first in a series of pages being drawn by Archie Sonic artist Tracy Yardley!, for the Sonic fan comic Sonic Eggs, a fan comic from Emerald Coast Comics, which updates every Saturday.

This comic is, apparently, the perfect example of what you can do wrong when writing a script: putting in too much detail and dialogue for an artist to put on a single page. You may notice this page is larger than the last one, and that’s because this was actually done on one and a half pages. So remember, whenever you are writing a comic script, take the space an artist has to work with into account. After all, not all of them are as cool and understanding as Tracy is!

This page was written by Jason Berry, and colored by Kichi.

This series starts in the middle of an ongoing storyline, which can be read from the beginning here.


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Sonic 4 Splash Hill Zone Footage From Gamescom


Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 footage from Gamescom has hit the net, courtesy of YouTube user blogociomedia. Those hoping for footage of Lost Labyrinth Zone will be disappointed to see the demo is showcasing Splash Hill Zone Act 3. It is unclear whether this demo is of a build later than the one shown at E3 or not, but it appears to be the same old demo.

Here is a video of Splash Hill Zone Act 3 from an earlier version for comparison:

Do you see any changes? Let us know in the comments.

We’ll keep an eye out for any more footage and try to find out whether this demo is from a later build or not.

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The Creation of Metal Sonic

When we think of Metal Sonic’s creation, we think of Robotnik working in a dark, dank lab right? Well, in reality, it happened like this!

Picture by Nerkin. Click his name to visit his lovely DA page, and download a bigger version of the art below.

And So Eggman Begat Metal Sonic

I hope and pray you all know what piece of Renaissance art this is referencing.

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Sonic Colours’ Green Wisp Art, Screens & New Video


UPDATE 2: SEGA have released new screenshots of the Green Wisp in a new stage.

UPDATE: SEGA have just officially revealed the Green Wisp at the Sonic City Blognik. We also have a new gameplay video from Gamescom above, which gives a better view of the Green Wisp’s Green Hover power and our first look at its Ring Dash ability.

Video source: Revogamer

Thanks to nuckles87 for the heads up and to JasonTheJackass for the find! /UPDATE END

SEGA has issued the above artwork and information about the Green Wisp today, previously revealed at Gamescom. Along with the new artwork, some official information about the Wisp’s powers has been detailed:

Go Green with the Green Wisp in Sonic Colours!

Sonic Colours gets more colourful all the time! The Green Wisp is the next in line to unveil its special Colour Power. By absorbing the Green Wisp Sonic gains the ability to soar in the air with the “Green Hover” Colour Power enabling you to find hidden paths, or explore much higher levels than normal! With help from the Green Wisp’s Colour Power you are able to perform a Ring Dash near a series of rings!

More Colour Power reveals soon…

We expect SEGA will officially reveal the Green Wisp later in a blog update. We’ll let you know if anything new appears.

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Sonic Free Riders Interview & More Gameplay Videos


GamerLive.TV grabbed the above interview with Sonic Free Riders’ Brand Manager, James Gray. In the interview, James confirms that the game will support 2 players offline and will also contain a 2 player co-op mode. This information matches what is on the product page. Online multiplayer is also confirmed, but James couldn’t reveal how many players will be supported at this time. Characters will play exactly the same, with the abilities focused instead on what customization of gear you choose to play with.

James says that all of your favourite Sonic characters will be there, but couldn’t reveal any that aren’t in the demo. Tracks outside of the demo also couldn’t be revealed, but emphasis is put on there being “a very good amount, with different landscapes and different routes.”

Some more gameplay videos have also come out of Gamescom, including one from Spark at You can check out the videos below.

Spark at
[youtube][/youtube] via xsuperstargamesx YouTube channel



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Sonic Colours Wii’s Green Wisp In Action


Yesterday, we told you, via an eye-witness account from Spark at, that the Wii demo of Sonic Colours at Gamescom contains an updated version of Sweet Mountain Act 2 with the Green Wisp. Spark’s team tried to replay the stage and get footage, but Nintendo booth staff wouldn’t allow people to play the stage publicly. Now, Spark has just informed us via the SSMB that his friends at managed to sneak in the above recording of the stage, with the Green Wisp in action, too.

In the footage we can see Sonic’s ‘mutation’ to a hovercraft form, complete with hovering powers that allow Sonic to reach new heights. Unfortunately, we don’t get to see the light speed dash ability of the Green Wisp that Spark mentioned.

Thanks to Spark and for the info and footage!

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Sonic Colours DS Special Stage Revealed At Gamescom


Thanks to MarcelloF of the SSMB, we can reveal that Special Stages and Chaos Emeralds are in the DS version of Sonic Colours. MarcelloF attended Gamescom and recorded the above footage of the Special Stage. Those who have played the original Sonic Rush on DS will be familiar with the touch screen controlled half-pipe, but this time instead of collecting rings, you are collecting certain coloured spheres.

MarcelloF has explained the Special Stage and more at the SSMB:

First of all: Sorry about the low quality and lack of sound. We we’re using the camera of my friend’s mom and we didn’t know it didn’t record sound.

As you can see I was pretty noobish at the start because I didn’t know what to do. After a bit the Nintendo rep told me I had to collect the spheres of the same colors as the top screen. The rainbow ones can be collected at any time. And then there were checkered ones, that if you collected all of them you would get a 10 sphere bonus.

I didn’t film this, because I didn’t know until we stopped filming, but you get ranked in the Special Stages.

I have some other info that I don’t have on film.

Planet Wisp is Level 4.

Sonic’s model is a bit different from the other two Rushes. He’s much darker and unlike SRA his spindash has the classic form

Thanks again to MarcelloF for this.

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Three New Sonic Colours Wii Videos From Gamescom


Three new videos of the Wii version of Sonic Colours have hit the net, straight from Gamescom. The first video is from SSMB Member and staff member Spark. The footage Spark and his friends recorded gives us a look at the fully animated title screen, where Sonic is running between all of the games Wisps. The video also shows the Act title cards have been redesigned a little to fit the current stage.


The second video is from YouTube user ThomasBillstein, who has recorded footage from an updated Tropical Resort level. The video shows a couple of changes since we last saw the stage in the E3 demo. More crystals for use with the Cyan Wisp’s ricocheting power have been added to the end of Act 2, and destroying the Wisp Capsule at the end of an Act now results in a cool slow motion animation.

The third video is from GamezGeneration, which shows more of the updated Tropical Resort stage. Thanks to speedduelist at the SSMB for the heads up on this video!

We’ll look out for more footage of Sonic Colours from Gamescom and post it up as we find them.

Thanks to Spark for sharing the title screen video at the SSMB!

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Pictures from Summer of Sonic 2010

Welcome to my pictorial roundup of Summer of Sonic 2010! Here are a collection of photos from the day, taken by my sister, who was there as official Summer of Sonic photographer (do go check out her website!) If you stopped and posed for a photo thank you; being busy on stage meant I didn’t get an opportunity to take photos for myself, so these are all fantastic captured moments of what was a fantastic day for all.

Over breakfast the day before, Johnny Gioeli leaned over the table and asked me how many people were coming to this little shindig he would be performing at tomorrow. I proceeded to explain that we were expecting between eight-hundred and a thousand people to show up, travelling from all corners of the world, and he was simply staggered. Although I knew the numbers myself, the reality of it all didn’t sink in until the countdown began on stage, and looked down onto the vast throng of people. It still seems like another lifetime to me when Dreaknux, AAUK and myself were huddled around a little table in a Nottingham café fantasising about the prospect of a Sonic convention, yet not four years later we have accomplished a third successful Sonic event.

First off I want to thank all of you guys; you all showed up for starters, supported the event, and behaved impeccably. I didn’t hear one complaint on the day that you had to wait an extra half an hour outside of the venue (an unfortunate setback because of the thefts of electronics), You all waited patiently in queues for Sonic 4, Sonic Colours and the Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing tournament, in some cases for over an hour. Although we managed to get over twelve pods on the day, more than twice the number we had last year, we could have done with more – the popularity of the games available was incredible! I also didn’t hear one moan about the heat during the Crush 40 performance either, even from those of you who aren’t used to attending hot and sweaty rock gigs; everyone was far too busy enjoying the rare opportunity to watch Jun and Johnny perform live. I also want to thank you all for treating our guests with respect and politeness throughout the day.

Although I was pretty much running from point to point for the entirety of the event, what really made my day was the brief pauses I had in between my dashes, chatting to you guys. Even if it was only for a few minutes it was awesome to catch up with you lot, have my photo taken with you…or even signing things! I had a few minutes to catch up with Aaron “RubyEclipse” Webber, the community manager at SEGA of America, who is a fantastic and pleasant fellow, and is probably just as busy when he’s away from his (now Green Hill Zone themed!) desk. It was also marvellous to catch up with folks from the SSMB,,, and amongst many sites, and to finally put some names to faces! Thanks to everyone who has sent the staff and I a thank you via PM, email or facebook, and a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who bought me a drink or a bottle of my favourite poison – my whiskey cabinet is now well stocked!

I want to also convey my heartfelt thanks to our guests Nigel Dobbyn, Jun Senoue and Johnny Gioeli. For starters these guys are incredibly busy folk, and yet they took time out to come along and perform, draw, talk and sign items for you, for free. I’m always stunned that at the end of every event our guests always ask if they can come back next year, sometimes with their kids because they love coming out to meet you lot, and because the atmosphere is always so friendly. A huge cheer for the guys and gals at Archie Comics and First4Figures too for their extremely kind donation of literally hundreds of comics and action figures! I must also extend my thanks to Richard Elson of STC fame for donating some fantastic artwork to give away as well – all very much appreciated!

I think I speak for the majority of attendees when I say the Crush 40 performance totally blew everyone away. Organising all of the pieces that went towards creating the performance involved many sleepless nights on my behalf – I had nightmares of cabs blowing and microphones failing, but yet in the end it all came together miraculously. I give my infinite gratitude to AAUK, Dreadknux, Jun Senoue and SEGA for assisting me in putting it all together. I don’t think even in my wildest dreams I’d ever imagined introducing Crush 40 on stage…so Summer of Sonic really has become a place in which even my dreams have become reality.

Before I conclude, I think thanks are in order to all the members of staff this year, some of whom have, for a third year running, have given up their time to provide a fun-filled day for everyone. Not only that, some of these folks have donated substantial quantities of money towards the running of these events, and so I’d like to end with a few words of thanks to a few of them:

The DJs; FastFeet, Turbo, BlitzChris and Gavvie: The boys kept the turntables hot all day. This was the first year I haven’t commanded the DJ booth, so I tip my hat to Mr. Graham “FastFeet” Seward who took up the reigns and kept the wheels turning, and who also provided a spot-on job with backing tracks for Jun and Johnny’s performances – simply amazing dude.

The Store Staff: Flyboy, WayPastCool, Speedknux, Char & Nemain – My NiGHTS in shining armour! These guys manned the stores selling all those of wonderful bits of merchandise that no doubt grace many of your shelves and wardrobes. From Jun, Johnny, Tracey Yardley and myself, thank you all so much! A special thanks to Nemain who is probably the person responsible for propping me up the past few months!

The Tech Guys: B’man, Discoponies & Roareye – Even with a massive blow to their arsenal with the theft of equipment the night before, they provided excellent on stage support with feeds and visual magic for the third year running. I honestly don’t think there are any limits to what these guys can achieve on the day!

The Doors and the Games: Urtheart, Vger, Jay Zeach, Shadzter & Blake Draco – The ever present Urtheart once again resided over the doors flanked by his cronies, allowing us all to have another safe day at Summer of Sonic, while Shadz and Blake both kept the crowds moving on the pods. Cheers guys!

Sonic the Hedgehog: He always shows up year in year out with no complaint. And year in year out SonicYoda is nowhere to be seen…we thank him for staying in touch with him and getting him along every year!

…and the Rest: SoA, bcdcdude, Iceman, Rachael, ENVY, Gnasher & SonicMark – I still maintain Iceman is the coolest bloke on the Earth, doubly so as he jumped in when the going got tough and was a huge help setting up the day before. I also tip my hat to the dudes from who also pitched in, especially in bringing me much needed sustenance in the form of a cheese burger. Rach was also running around much like my sis taking loads of snaps during the day as well. ENVY is the very tallented young chap who provided the fantastic art for the Buzzbombers quiz, and Gnasher for once again running the show. SonicMark has become affectionately known as my caddy as he ends up lugging my stuff around – I just need to find him an appropriate hat. Thanks loads fellas, you all helped make my life easier throughout the organisation of the event.

The Dynamic Duo: AAUK & Dreadknux – Let’s face it, Summer of Sonic only happens because these two guys have the drive to propel it forward. Kevin has once again gone so far beyond the call of duty that we’ve had to send out a search party for him. Svend somehow manages to coordinate a fantastic website every year and continues to be our shining standard bearer. Even though this event is nothing short of an organisational nightmare, they keep coming back year after year to entertain you lot, and I hope your remember that.

So, Summer of Sonic is done for another year, but we’ve already got a date in our diaries for 2011 (25th of June, folks!). Who knows what will be going down on the day, but with it Sonic’s 20th birthday racing towards us, anything could happen!

Thank you all for an awesome SoS ’10.


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Wisp Me Away: UK Winners, More To Give Away!

You might remember that we staged a Wisp Me Away contest, where you could win a little plush toy of one of the sentient alien beings in Sonic Colours. The US winners have already been announced, but you’re probably wondering what’s happening to the UK winners. Well, for that I have some good news and some bad news.

The bad news first – there aren’t 50 Wisps to give away for our UK readers, only 43 I’m afraid. But that doesn’t take anything away from the good news, that everyone who has already entered in the UK side of the contest has already won a Wisp! Better yet, there are more Wisps to spare!

First, I’ll list the winners – who are basically everyone who entered the contest to win a Wisp in the first place: Cybercells, JoshMay, Bisylizzie, Tobibrocki, Uklo the Hedgehog, CobraRoll, SyamingLi, Cerium, Jimmy Kudo, Requiem, Gavvie, Alios, Vger, BlueBlueChrome, mimichi, Running Wild, Ashely Marsh, Gnasher, Jenny Tablina, Dr Spudhead, ProfessorZolo, empires, Keybearer, john!, BlastedPinata, Blue Blood, Wordy, SeanP SunsetPark, IchiKyonLuffy, Shaddix, ellie, spartan-666, Doctor MK and FamilyGAMEGuy8.

That accounts for 34 winners, doesn’t it? To those of you with a brand new Wisp, congratulations! I’ll be sending these out at the end of the month, so please be patient.

For those of you that can’t count, this means that we have nine Wisp plushies left up for grabs! And one of them could be yours!

So if you’re not on the above list, and you want a chance of winning one, what do you have to do? Well, first of all, you have to live in the UK. Sorry, but it’s going to be expensive enough for me to send 34 of these little buggers to all sorts of different locations – I can’t really stretch the purse strings any further. So UK only.

The second thing you have to do is hang around TSS this Saturday, where I’ll be holding a flash-contest to quickly rid our last nine plushies! Keep an eye on the website for what you have to do in the weekend!

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More Sonic 4 Changes Revealed

SEGA have today revealed more information about Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 today, as they promised they would yesterday. Todays focus is on Lost Labyrinth Zone Act 2, particularly the changes made to the controversial mine cart sequence seen in the leaked version of the game. The whole of Act 2 has been revamped for the console versions with the torch mechanic seen in the recent screenshots. The mine cart will now only be at the end of the Act and won’t be motion controlled. Could this mean that the iPod Touch/iPhone version is keeping the old Act 2?

Other smaller tweaks have been made to the game, tweaks that many fans have been requesting for ages now. The edits include a balance to difficulty to make tougher sections easier, Sonic reaching full speed and ‘wheel-of-feet’ faster, and an update to Sonic’s running animation.

You can check out the list in full at the SEGA of America Blog and Sonic City Blognik. SEGA promise another update with more changes will be released early September. Some hi-resolution versions of recent screenshots have also been released, check them out below.

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SEGA Reveals Pink Wisp for Sonic Colours

SEGA have today revealed the Pink Wisp for Sonic Colours, along with two new screenshots of its powers in action. The Pink Wisp strengthens Sonic’s spikes and allows him to stick to walls, abling him to reach areas that he couldn’t before. As the box art indicated, SEGA confirms that this Wisp is exclusive to the Wii version.

Sonic is not the only one with spikes in Sonic Colors!

Check out the Color Power of the latest Wisp to be revealed; Pink Wisp and its Sonic-like spikes! When Sonic absorbs Pink Wisp, he can use “Pink Spike” Color Power, meaning he has much stronger spikes. Pink Spike makes the most of the spikes and is able to stick to any wall and ceilings! Exclusive to the Nintendo Wii version of the game, Pink Wisp helps Sonic explore new routes in a brand new way through certain levels of the game.

The new screenshots below showcase a new and unidentified stage. Hopefully we’ll hear more on the new stage at a later date. Impressed with the Pink Wisp? Let us know in the comments!

Source: SEGA of America Blog and Sonic City Blognik

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