Reader mul-tec-rnb has sent in the above video of his recreation of Wii and DS game Sonic Colours‘ Planet Wisp stage using tools in the PS3 title LittleBigPlanet 2. It’s quite the faithful design, from the flowers to the construction site parts.
Check it out and share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Thanks to mul-tec-rnb for sending this in.
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A new Japanese commercial has hit the net showcasing SEGA Japan’s plans to celebrate Sonic’s 20th Anniversary. As well as Sonic Generations launching this year, it appears SEGA might be holding an event at Tokyo Joypolis. The publisher also doesn’t want fans to forget that Wii and DS game Sonic Colours is on store shelves, if you don’t own it already.
Source: Sonic Scene
Thanks to Woun for the heads up!
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SEGA’s parent company SEGA Sammy has unveiled their financial results for the last nine months of 2010 and among the figures is an impressive record of 1,850,000 copies sold for Sonic’s Wii and DS exclusive, Sonic Colours. Continue reading Sonic Colours Sells Nearly 2 Million Copies Worldwide in 2010
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As yesterday marked the release of the Sonic Colors official soundtrack CD Vivid Sound X Hybrid Colors, the SEGA of Japan Sonic the Hedgehog site Sonic Channel interviewed composer Kenichi Tokoi (who previously composed for Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games and Sonic and the Secret Rings) and producer Tomoya Ohtani (Who composed for soundtracks such as Sonic World Adventure and Sonic Rush Adventure) with regards to their involvement with the soundtrack.
Although the interview was conducted in Japanese, we’ve picked out some interesting topics discussed! Tokoi and Ohtani first discuss how the title of the album came about; vivid was deemed a lively term and reflected the nature of the game well, with the word hybrid uniting the liveliness of the game with the music. Because of the mix of synthesised music, autotuned vocals and orchestral music, the term hybrid was also thought to also reinforce the nature of the diversity of music on the soundtrack.
Tokoi and Ohtani also comment on differences to composing the soundtrack compared to Sonic World adventure (or Sonic Unleashed), whereby the music in the game did not change for the stage, where as now every act on the Wii version of the game has a different tune. Thetr is also discussion of the similarities and differences between the title track “Reach for the Stars” and that for Sonic World Adventure “Endless Possibilities”, and how they feel variation of lead singers for the title tracks is beneficial.
The pair go on to talk at great extent about the inspirations and vibes considered when composing for varying levels; for example the twangy guitar was thought to capture the subtle hilarity of Sweet Mountain being an armoury masquerading as a confectionary factory. Heavy guitars were employed for the fast pace of the Asteroid Coaster, and the darker themes were used to convey the feel for the Terminal Velocity stages. Both composers also enjoyed creating the 8-bit versions of the tracks used during the virtual stages!
They interestingly also discuss how they feel they have not deviated much from the framework of most sonic Sonic soundtracks, but hope fans appreciate the more pop-themed opening tunes rather than feeling betrayed by the decision to have Cash Cash perform.
You can check out the full interview with pictures on the Sonic Channel Page.
If you haven’t ordered your copy of Vivid Sounds X Hybrid Colors, you can purchase this now from CD-Japan for ¥4200 (about $47 USD or £32 GBP).
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Can’t get enough of the awesome dialogue in Sonic Colours? Well, our friends over at Sonic Retro have been busy digging, and Retro Tech Member Technokami has managed extract some unused one-liners from Sonic and Doctor Eggman that never managed to make it into the game itself. Admittedly some of these lines are pretty dire, but are most definitely in the vein of most cheesey Sonic vox pops.
As Sonic (apparently) would say…“You can’t be quality with quantity!”.
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It’s Christmas time! And what have we learned? Well, we’ve learned that Sonic Team can really get their heads down and crack out a decent game when they’re not distracting themselves with fluorescent flying toys or something similar. We’ve also learned that controller-free gaming can be done (somewhat) with a Kinect and that the chaps at Sumo Digital are heroes. Seriously, we want S0L’s babies.
Would you like to learn what we have learned in 2010? ‘How, and where exactly is this going?’ I hear you ask. Well, by entering our awesome Christmas competition of course, and winning yourself a PAL copy of four Sonic game released this year.

We’ve got a copy of Sonic Colours on the Wii and Nintendo DS, Sonic Free Riders on the Xbox 360 and as a bonus we’re throwing in Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing on either the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 (not pictured, obviously).
The Challenge
So, what have you got to do? As I said before, it’s Christmas time. Round about now, kids are going to start knocking on your door and sing butchered versions of carols. Some won’t even bother to sing carols, only choosing to mumble half the chorus to ‘We Wish You A Merry Christmas.’ We think the characters in the Sonic universe can do a bit better than that. Your task is to create a Christmas Carol, as performed by a Sonic character.
You can take any approach to this as you wish – you can modify an existing Christmas Carol and replace certain words with some of Big the Cat’s favourite things, for example (so that would just be fishing, then). You can write an entirely new carol for a villain or hero to sing, if that’s what you’d rather do. It doesn’t even have to be written – if you’re an artistic type, why not draw a little comic or art piece with your favourite character singing this new masterpiece of yours in front of someone’s house? Or for the really brave, you could record yourself on audio or video and send it to us that way.
This competition is now closed. Winners will be announced in a new Community Blog post soon.
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It’s no secret that Sonic has been… lost over these last few years. It seems like ever since he left the Dreamcast, Sonic’s been going on a journey of self discovery to “find himself.” He’s tried team-work gameplay, sword play and has even let Shadow take the reins for a game. These various directions have had a variety of different results, but none of them have felt like a true successor to Sonic Adventure 2. Continue reading TSS Review: Sonic Colours
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With two full weeks of sales behind it, Sonic Colours has proven it has what it takes to stay relevant in the UK chart results for last week released by Chart Track today. Since last week Sonic’s latest adventure climbed two places to number 16 in the all formats chart and achieved similar success in the individual units chart by rising from 29th to 27th place on Wii and jumping four positions to number 31 on DS.
On the Wii only chart Sonic Colours rose up one rank to number 6 and beat out popular shooter Goldeneye 007, which placed at number 7. In the DS chart Sonic Colours remains seated at number 4, while Sonic Classic Collection drops one spot from 16th to 17th. Finally, in the Xbox 360 chart Sonic Free Riders stays put at number 19, but beats out some of the Kinect competition this week and interestingly places one position higher than SEGA’s well received third person shooter Vanquish.
Source: Chart Track
Top 40 All Formats
Top 40 Individual Units
Top 40 Wii
Top 40 DS
Top 40 Xbox 360
Share your thoughts on this weeks results in the comments.
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Chart Track has released the UK chart results for last week and with a full week of sales behind them compared to last week, we can now get a good idea of the UK’s response to Sonic Colours and Sonic Free Riders. In the all formats top 40 chart, both versions of Sonic Colours have together risen from 36th to 18th position, while Sonic Free Riders has dropped out of the chart completely after ranking 38th last week with only 4 days of sales behind it.
In the individual formats top 40 chart Sonic Colours placed at the lower 29th position on Wii and 35th on DS. In the top 40 Wii only chart Sonic Colours rose from 11th place to 7th, 2 places higher than popular shooter Call of Duty: Black Ops and 1 rank lower than old rival Mario’s universally acclaimed title Super Mario Galaxy 2. As for the top 40 DS only chart, Sonic Colours climbed from 12th position to 4th, being beaten out of the top 3 by Art Academy in 3rd, New Super Mario Bros. in 2nd and popular puzzler Professor Layton and the Lost Future in 1st.
Sonic Classic Collection has jumped 4 places from 20th position to 16th, proving Sonic’s Mega Drive titles still have sales power today. Finally, Sonic Free Riders has descended in the top 40 Xbox 360 only chart from 16th place to 19th. Other Kinect launch titles in the chart have also dropped positions compared to last week, but still beat out SEGA’s mascot racer.
So, with a full week of sales behind the game, Sonic Colours has shown some positive momentum after last weeks disappointing first 2 days, while Sonic Free Riders hasn’t seen the same benefit of more sales time. Will both games improve from here? Check back next week. Meanwhile, share your thoughts in the comments.
Source: Chart Track
Top 40 All Formats
Top 40 Individual Formats
Top 40 Wii
Top 40 DS
Top 40 Xbox 360
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So, who’s got Colours DS? Playing it right now? If you are, then stop what you’re doing immediately.
Mahzes over at the SSMB was happily swimming running (this ain’t the Wii version, kid) through Aquarium Park 2 when he discovered a horrifying side-effect of respawning Wisp powerups.
Misjudged the angle of a Laser Wisp. Instead of bouncing off the angle, I hit the vertical wall and bounced back… into the same Laser Wisp power-up I just got. I kept bouncing. And bouncing. And OH GOD WHY WON’T IT STOP?! D8 D8
This act of revenge in retaliation for absorbing them into your body so disturbed poor Mahzes that he immediately sought to warn his friends at the SSMB. And now I do the same for you, dear reader.
You can thank me using your Paypal account.
(Thanks to Mahzes, and to Gnasher for originally exposing the Wisps’ agenda to the world.)
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UPDATE: Zavvi has raised the Wii version back up to £29.95. DS version remains at £17.95, but is still temporarily out of stock right now. /UPDATE END
UK online retailer Zavvi.com has heavily discounted both versions of Sonic Colours after only just over a week of being on sale. Both editions are now being sold for just £17.95, though the DS version is currently out of stock (no doubt due to this offer), but the Wii version is still available as of the time of this article, so grab it while its there.
Source: Zavvi

In other news, another UK retailer Argos, who you may recall has been causing fans some bother since Sonic Colours‘ release day regarding an action figure pre-order gift, has answered some complaints about the gift missing from their orders. Some of our readers and members of our forum called Argos every day to try to get the issue resolved and now Argos is finally coming through by offering customers affected by this problem their long-awaited figure or a £15 gift voucher (the price Argos charges for the figure when sold separately).
SSMB member jennytablina said an Argos representative she spoke to on the 16th November told her the whole situation was because of a system error:
I called Argos today and asked about this. The attendant said the call center got an internal email about this today and checked, it said Argos had a system error and EVERYONE who preordered Colours did not get a figure (computers eh?). They apparently were trying to reach customers yesterday via email and phone. Though I had no call or email in my inbox.
The official word seems to be that everyone WILL get their figure delivered separate in the post in the next few days, currently waiting on the assistant to call back with details about my own delivery (she was having trouble getting the entertainment side to respond)
jennytablina got a call back the next day and was offered the figure or the £15 gift voucher and opted for the voucher:
Argos called me, and they offered the figure but all the local stores are out of stock. I took the £15 gift voucher instead, because I simply don’t believe the figure is worth the price Argos is trying to shell it for (and mentally it makes Colours £16 in my head, automatically making it an absolute steal instead of a total rip off)
It’s a bit of a shame because I would kind of liked to have had the figure but eh, maybe it’ll be on ebay sometime.
Tomnomnom0607 at the SSMB said:
Well I just got a call from Argos. The person said that they can either send me the figure itself, or £15 worth of Argos vouchers. I took the figure of course! They said I should get it in 5-7 working days.
Looks like they have indeed sorted it out. Hopefully they’ll get in contact with the rest of you shortly!
TSS reader BlastedPinata said:
Okay this has been resolved for me, the woman on the phone placed a reservation for the £15 Sonic figure for me and has paid it for me via Argos. I just need to go down to my local store and pick it up using my reservation number. What a hassle!
SSMB member Gnasher (who provided the photos of the figure) said in a post at the forum:
Well it took 3 nights, 3 argos customer service advisors and 3 phone calls… but finally I have my figure.
I got a redemption code to my email and phone. Took it into my store and got the figure.
I don’t think it’s worth 15p let alone £15 (if you buy it separately), it should be free and nothing more! It’s such a poor figure that even the Argos staff in the shop wanted to check they’d gotten the right one.. to quote one of their staff “It looks like it should come free in Corn Flakes…”
My advice… try to get a redemption code from their call centre and go pick one up in the store. I suppose it’s good if you wish to keep it in the packaging, but certainly DO NOT BUY it separately, it’s not worth it at all!
Yes this is the £15 price, it doesn’t come in a classic Jazzwares style box, it is just a ‘bagged’ figure, regardless as to if you buy colours or not.
In that last sentence, Gnasher is referring to SSMB member Mahzes’ £15 purchase of the figure separately on Sonic Colours‘ launch day, which he said came in a plastic bag and not the usual packaging that retail Sonic figures are sealed in.
I bought the figure in-store at Argos for £15.
It doesn’t even come in a proper package, just in a clear plastic bag with a folded card strip stapled through the top. As such, the figure was (quite understandably) all mashed up, twisted and bent in the bag.
When I opened it, noticed a tiny crack on the right knee-joint (from being mangled in the bag). Took it back, got a replacement, which looked fine. A bit later, on closer inspection, there are two cracks on his right arm joints. *facepalm*
Still, they’re not ‘arm going to fall off’, so I’m just sticking with it. Dunno about anyone else (or if anyone else here has even got it yet), but the joints don’t seem to allow for much movement on the figure. The arms are jointed horribly, too.
And he has no mouth. His nose also bends upward at a pretty steep angle. D:
Overall, the figure is just ‘okay’, but definitely not worth £15. The ‘packaging’ (if it can even be called that) is just ridiculous.

If you take a look at the above picture of the figure, you’ll spot the words “Not to be sold separately” on the cardboard packaging, something we know Argos is definitely doing at £15 per figure. Clearly the figures were intended to be a pre-order gift, which Argos initially advertised them as, but come release the retailer hadn’t given them away and continued not to until nearly a week later after many pre-order customers complained, and even now they’re still selling them.
Is SEGA even seeing any profits back from the sales of this merchandise we assume the publisher gave to Argos for free? We’ll probably never know, but we do know that this has been quite the mess for Argos and their customers. At least now the problem has been solved and Sonic fans should be getting their figure or voucher shortly.
If you pre-ordered with Argos and haven’t received a call/e-mail from them, we suggest you contact the retailer and they should hopefully offer you the figure or gift voucher they’ve offered everyone in this article, but if you go for the figure, be sure to take print-outs of your order/receipt, e-mails to and from Argos about the issue and anything else of relevance, in case you experience the below situation that SSMB member Gnasher has reported in the forum.
On friday I was told by the person who picked up the figure (as I couldn’t get to the store on time) what the staff tried to do. Despite having a redemption code in the form of a mobile phone text, and as an email print out. Argos staff still wanted the person to pay for the figure!
Yeah, the code wasn’t a ‘free code’ it was a ‘on hold’ code. Meaning had I not made copies or my order in the form of print screens, or copied that screen shot you took of the listing, chances are I wouldn’t have gotten this figure as Argos did NOT want to give it out for free regardless of what my code said.
So if you get a redemption code, take all prints and evidence that the figure it should be free with you.
Good luck!
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Had your fill of Sonic Colours yet? No? Good, because Archie is planning to bring you another helping with the upcoming Sonic #219, which features a comic book adaptation of the intergalactic adventure.
The Sonic Colours adaptation will serve as a five-page back-up story introducing the premise of the game and teasing some elements of the game’s plot. Archie fan favourites Ian Flynn and Tracy Yardley will be writing and penciling the strip respectively. For Flynn, it will be his seventh Sonic video game adaptation.
“It’s true to the source,” Flynn said. “We were provided with some awesome early concept art and rough cuts of some of the gameplay, which offered us the ability to make the transition between comic book and video game much smoother – I think the fans are really gonna dig this one!” Yardley added by speaking of his joy in covering stories from the SEGA games. “The game looks incredible and I’m pleased with how our adaptation turned out.”
Obviously the Sonic Colours strip won’t be the only thing to keep you hooked on issue #219, otherwise it’d be a very thin book – the released cover, above, teases the lead story titled “In Service to the King,” which marks the build-up to Archie’s 20th Anniversary celebration for Sonic.
Sonic #219 will hit stores on the week of the 6th December – all signs are pointing to the Wednesday (8th).
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UPDATE: SEGA of America has released the above trailer for the U.S. launch of the game on their blog. /UPDATE END
After hitting Australia on the 11th November and Europe the very next day, the wait is finally over for U.S. Sonic the Hedgehog fans, with Sonic Colours on Wii and DS now available at retail. The game has been receiving a great deal of praise from AU and EU players and mostly high review scores from critics, but now U.S. gamers can grab the game and judge it for themselves. If you didn’t see the launch trailer for the European release on Friday, we have it for you below, complete with American ESRB rating and launch date, because we’re cool like that.
SEGA of America has put out the below press release to mark the occasion, too, and if you missed it, the company also released a U.S. TV commercial for the game.
SAN FRANCISCO – (BUSINESS WIRE) – SEGA of America, Inc. today announced that Sonic Colors , the new title offering a high-speed and colorful adventure, has shipped to retailers across North America. In Sonic Colors , Sonic the Hedgehog is back in an interstellar adventure with new powers, exciting moves and bold, colorful worlds to explore. Along for the journey are the Wisps, an alien race whose energy Sonic can absorb to access never-before-seen powers and unlock exciting gameplay features.
“We are thrilled for consumers to finally experience Sonic Colors,” said Alan Pritchard, Senior Vice President of Sales & Marketing, SEGA of America. “Sonic Team created an incredible game that not only balances the classic 2D side-scrolling Sonic the Hedgehog gameplay with new 3D action, but also adds a new and colorful twist using the Color Powers to create an experience unique to the Sonic franchise.”
Sonic returns to Wii and Nintendo DS in Sonic Colors, where he finds himself racing through incredible theme park-inspired worlds to rescue the colorful alien race, Wisps, from the clutches of the evil Dr. Eggman. Sonic Colors contains co-op and competitive local multi-player massive levels with multiple paths and over 40 single-player stages designed to provide a new experience with every play. Sonic Colors features eye-popping graphics at a high frame rate, new worlds exclusive to Sonic Colors and all new powers that gamers can harness to access hidden areas.
Sonic Colors is available exclusively on Wii and Nintendo DS systems and is rated E for Everyone. The game retails at $49.95 and $29.95, respectively, and will be available at all major retail outlets today, November 16, 2010.
For more information please visit www.soniccolors.com. For press assets, please visit www.sega-press.com
About SEGA of America Inc.:
SEGA of America, Inc. is the American arm of Tokyo, Japan-based SEGA Corporation, a worldwide leader in interactive entertainment both inside and outside the home. The company develops, publishes and distributes interactive entertainment software products for a variety of hardware platforms including PC, wireless devices, and those manufactured by Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. SEGA of America’s Web site is located at www.sega.com.
Will you be picking up Sonic Colours? Are you enjoying the game? Let us know in the comments.
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Sonic Colours was released last Friday (in Europe – officially, the US gets it tomorrow but it’s clear that some retailers across the pond just couldn’t wait to sell it early), and it’s a proper corker as well. TSS will be publishing its in-depth review shortly, but until then you can enjoy this exclusive wallpaper to jazz up your desktop.
You may remember that Sonic Wrecks and Sonic Retro have also posted up exclusive Sonic Colours wallpapers, and TSS’ offering differs in that it features Sonic, Tails and Yakker leaping against the colourful game’s title card design. Cool, isn’t it? You can download the European version here (which has the name spelled as ‘Colours’) and the North American version here (‘Colors’ – shudder).
Both wallpapers are in a 1920 x 1200 resolution, and can also be picked up in the Wallpapers section of the site should you miss this post some weeks later. Enjoy! Many thanks to SEGA for sending these to us!
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You may recall an offer at UK retailer Argos’ website we reported on back in September (seen in the screen cap above), which promised that customers who pre-ordered Sonic Colours on Wii or DS would be delivered a free Sonic & Wisps figure with their copy of the game on release day. The game has been out since Friday and there have been many reports at the SSMB from members who pre-ordered with Argos that they have received their game, but NOT the figure, including The Sonic Stadium’s own, T-Bird.
Here are a few of those reports:
jennytablina said
Are the figures being posted separate from the game? I was a tad miffed that my copy of Colours Wii didn’t come with them (only a little, I was pretty happy with the game but y’know )
Though I was pretty impressed with the fact Argos actually got the game to me on release day despite pre-ordering only a few weeks before.
Blue Blood said
Yup, same. I’m waiting on two figures (totally separate orders for each version), and if they don’t deliver then plenty of rage will ensue.
FTA said
Those sneaky bastards. Last time I shop with them.
Dear Argos, I don’t like what you’ve been doing to my friends and I who pre-ordered. It’s messed up, so now I’m gonna mess you up.
SSMB member CobraRoll on Friday said they didn’t get their figure, but after speaking to Argos they were told that the figure will be sent out at a later date:
Well, my order from Argos arrived this morning and I can confirm that it is NOT the special edition that Australia has been getting. I called Argos again about it today and they said give it a few more days for the figures to arrive and they should do. I’ll be chasing them up again though if it doesn’t arrive.
Yeah pretty much what they said to me. When they looked the catalogue number for it up, they did comment that the number is the kind which coincides with some kind of deal. They just say to wait for a bit and get back to them if they don’t deliver.
SSMB member Gnasher, who also hasn’t received a figure, has contacted Argos today in hopes to resolve the issue. In a post made at the SSMB, Gnasher says he was told that Argos claimed no such offer existed.
I just got off the phone with the Argos people and least to say I’m far from happy at all with what I was told. Argos used every excuse in the book to try and explain why there was no figure with my pre-order. They included but where not limited to.
* Did you enter the offer code when you went into the final purchase?
* The offer is no longer on the website.
Now… correct me if I’m wrong, but a pre-order offer typically ends after the game is released, and as reported on TSS Argos pulled down their listing shortly before the game came out, yet did not notify any of those who had pre-ordered that this had changed.
There was also no offer code to enter, it said in the description that the figure was included in the order, no additional code had to be entered.
Then we moved onto the issue of the game in question….
Did you open the game from the packaging? If yes, no refund or figure.
So anyone that opened their game, and was told that it would be sent out later, you’re not getting a figure anymore.
This is despite explaining to the lady, that I had screen prints of my orders, including the offer itself, and several reports from other people who had pre-ordered (you guys) that they had no received their figure. It was then that she claimed that there had been no other reports or complaints about missing figures, or that there was even an offer on this particular item.
Because there is no listing on the argos website it means that it didn’t exist… again… despite the fact that many people print screened [the above] image!
Gnasher was so furious with this that he’s going to be contacting BBC Watchdog and Trading Standards, in hope that they will be able to help everyone affected by this.
I am going to be writing to them with the above, and BBC watchdog as well as trading standards will be CC in the letters, if you guys are a bit pissed at this I suggest you do the same.
Blue Blood says he ordered both Wii and DS versions from Argos and neither version came with the advertised figure, so he will be calling the retailer tomorrow.
I’ll phone them tomorrow. Better still, I had two separate orders. I bought the DS version and my Mum bought the Wii one, so that’s twice they fucked this house over.
We will let you know how the situation pans out and if we hear of any solution given to this problem.
Did you pre-order with Argos? Did you receive the advertised figure? If not, have you been in touch with Argos and heard anything we haven’t? Let us know in the comments.
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Chart Track has revealed the UK sales chart rankings for last week and new Sonic releases Sonic Colours and Sonic Free Riders just barely broke into the top 40 all format chart. Released on Friday, Sonic Colours on Wii and DS placed at 36 and Sonic Free Riders, which released on Wednesday for Xbox 360 Kinect placed just two positions below at 38. In the top 40 Wii chart, Sonic Colours climbed higher, but just missed the top 10 at 11th place and didn’t perform any better in the DS top 40 at 12th place. As for Sonic Free Riders, SEGA’s Kinect racer placed 16th, the lowest ranked of the Kinect titles to make the chart, with Kinect Sports being the highest at the number 2 position.
With mostly positive fan and critical reception, this is a bad start for Sonic Colours in the all format department. With a full week of sales behind it in next weeks chart, could the game perform better? Check back next week and we’ll let you know how Sonic Colours and Sonic Free Riders fare.
Source: Chart Track
Top 40 All Formats
Top 40 Wii
Top 40 DS
Top 40 Xbox 360
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The long wait is over, as Sonic Colours is now available at retail across Europe for both Wii (modelled above by Sonic & Tails) and DS platforms, with the U.S. release soon to follow on November 16th. The game has been mostly performing well with critics and currently holds a 78 overall score on Metacritic for the Wii version and 82 on DS at the time of this article’s publication, but will the game be well received by fans? We’ll gather opinion over the next week or so.
To mark Sonic Colours‘ release, SEGA Europe has released the above trailer showing plenty of new gameplay footage, including the various Wisp powers in force and some co-op play action.
For more on Sonic Colours, check out our archive or the game’s official website. If you’re interested in buying the game, don’t forget to check out our UK cheap deals article.
Have you picked up the game? Share your thoughts with us and other fans in the comments.
Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for uploading the trailer to YouTube!
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Since the first screenshots and gameplay footage was shown of Sonic Colours on Wii there have been some fans craving an HD version of the game. While that doesn’t seem to be happening, we can at least now have a glimpse at what Sonic Colours might look like with high-resolution 1080p graphics thanks to screenshots and video from JADS, who ran the game through the Dolphin emulator and shared the images and video at NeoGAF.

What do you think of the pics and video? Share your thoughts in the comments.
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Sonic Colours for Wii and DS was made available to purchase in Australia today, the first official release for the game, with Europe receiving it tomorrow and the U.S. on the 16th. With the first official release has come many story mode spoiling details and media in the Sonic community for both versions, which we won’t relay here, but some interesting news you may want to hear is that more characters make non-playable appearances in the DS version than first thought. Joining already confirmed Amy & Knuckles are; Shadow, Blaze, Silver, Rouge, Cream, Vector, Espio, Charmy, Big and Chao.
You can hear some voice clips of the new voice actors portraying the characters in the video at the top of the page, courtesy of YouTube user MidniteWv4. The clips are played in the following order of characters: Sonic, Tails, Yacker, Eggman, Cubot, Orbot, Knuckles, Shadow, Blaze, Amy, Silver, Cream, Big, Espio, Charmy, Vector, Chao, Rouge, Omega and Wisp.
In other news, more reviews have been published across the net for both versions of the game, some scoring the game high and some scoring it low. British newspaper Guardian, along with Gamekult have given the Wii version its lowest scores of 3/5 and 6/10 respectively. Guardian cite dull presentation, lack of polish and an untidy interface as their reasons for an average score.
Eurogamer put their review of the Wii version out today and it was a positive one, with an 8/10 score awarded. The game received positive marks for its controls, simple storyline and replayability. Videogamer are equally positive in their review, where the Wii version got another 8/10. Videogamer’s Jamin Smith says “The controls are tight and simple, and even the camera is on its best behaviour throughout.”, the latter being something most modern console Sonic games are often panned for.
As for the DS version, Game Informer gave the portable outing an 8.5/10 for its fluid high-speed, the Wisps adding interesting gameplay and the addictive special stages. Elsewhere, the DS version was given a 7.9/10 by GameTrailers, a higher score than the 6.4 they gave the Wii version. GT’s reviewer appears to have really enjoyed the multiplayer modes of the DS version and the Wisp abilities that encourage exploring and replayability, but they say the game can get frustrating, because of the gap between the two screens resulting in you losing sight of Sonic from time to time.
You can check out more Sonic Colours Wii and DS reviews at Metacritic.
What do you think of the critics impressions of Sonic Colours? Have you picked up or will you be purchasing the game? Let us know in the comments.
Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for first revealing details about the cast of characters in the DS version!
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We’ve seen quite a few trailers for the Wii version of Sonic Colours, but what about the DS version? Well, SEGA put out a trailer yesterday to give us a good look at the portable version of the game in action, featuring gameplay from a variety of stages. Wisps powers are shown in force too, including the DS exclusive Burst and Void Wisps, who also get their own gorgeous CG footage at the end of the trailer.
Source: Sonic City Blognik
Sonic Colours will be launching in the UK on Friday, so you may be wondering where the cheapest place to grab the game from is. On both Wii & DS, ShopTo.net appear to be the cheapest at £24.85 for Wii and £19.85 for DS, with free delivery available on each.
You can view a list of cheap deals for both platforms below. Prices are correct at the time of this article’s publication.
£26.99 at 365games.co.uk
£27.50 at Coolshop.co.uk
£28.99 at Base.com
£28.99 at DVD.co.uk
£29.54 at Amazon.co.uk
£20.99 at 365games.co.uk
£22.99 at Coolshop.co.uk
£22.99 at Base.com
£22.99 at DVD.co.uk
£22.99 at Gameplay.co.uk
£22.99 at Amazon.co.uk
£23.70 at Tescoentertainment.com
If you find any cheap prices/deals we’ve missed, please share them in the comments.
Will you be picking up Sonic Colours?
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Reviews have been slowly trickling in for awhile now, and so far we’ve yet to get anything less than an 8. IGN joins the club with it’s review today.
Closing Comments
Sonic Colors is a dizzying combination of the distantly familiar memories of the first few Sonic titles combined with thoughtful new abilities and mostly well executed level design. There are a few issues that mar an otherwise awesome experience, but those shouldn’t stop Sonic fans and Wii owners from grabbing the best Sonic game in 18 years. As a blueprint for the future of SEGA’s star, Sonic Colors delivers, and then some.
7.0 Presentation
While Sonic Colors’ story is forgetable fun, the menus and level menus are pretty rough, and don’t match the great visuals found elsewhere.
9.0 Graphics
Sonic Colors is one of the best looking games on Wii, with great animation and detail, and some awesome lighting and level variety.
8.5 Sound
Sonic’s new voice cast is much less annoying. Meanwhile, the music is universally great.
8.5 Gameplay
Sonic Colors features tight controls with great level design; all of these things lead to a game that’s a joy to play. Except when it REALLY ISN’T due to some puzzling stage design later on.
8.5 Lasting Appeal
While the main game itself will probably clock in around 11 hours or so for most gamers, levels are more fun after beating the game and the challenge levels will also keep players busy for a while.
(out of 10)
I highly recommend you read the full review here. For those of you who are finally off the fence and intend to buy the game, check out our guide to Sonic Colours’ release.
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Youtube user “TrippyFeline” has put up the first footage of Sega’s Sonic Colors Premiere Party at Bryant Park. Among the sights seen are Sonic riding a Zamboni and some concert footage of Cash Cash including a stripped-down version of “Reach for the Stars.” Frankly after hearing it, I can kind of see why Sega had them use auto-tune.
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It turns out that the rumour we reported that about Gamepro German division reviewing Sonic Colours (Wii version) in the latest issue of their magazine is true and they have indeed scored the game an 87%. The publication has now released their video review of the game, which features plenty of new gameplay footage of the various stages and even some cutscenes clips with English and Japanese voice acting. If you’re trying to avoid all story spoilers, then we advise against watching the video. The written review has not yet been published on their website.
Thanks to Slashhedgehog at the SSMB for the heads up!
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SEGA has announced that Sonic fans attending their Sonic Colours event in New York will be getting treated to more than free ice-skating (first 300 people) and a free play on Sonic Colours before release, with news that the band Cash Cash will be performing Reach for the Stars (the theme of Sonic Colours) live for all attendees. The free goodies don’t end there, as fans will also be able to grab a free Sonic hat while stocks last. The event is being held at The Pond in Bryant Park tomorrow from 6 PM EST.
The full press release is below:
SAN FRANCISCO –(Business Wire)–
SEGA® of America, Inc. today announced that on Thursday, November 4th they will be inviting Sonic the Hedgehog fans to a Sonic Colors™ ice skating party at Citi Pondsm at Bryant Park in New York City (42nd Street & 6th Avenue) from 6pm ET – 10pm ET. Fans will have the exclusive opportunity to play the game two weeks before launch and to enjoy a live performance of the Sonic Colors theme song “Reach for the Stars” by the band Cash Cash. In addition, the first 300 fans to arrive will be able to ice skate for free and receive one of the highly coveted Sonic the Hedgehog hats** that are currently being offered as a pre-order incentive U.S, GameStop locations or at www.GameStop.com.
“We are extremely excited to allow fans to play Sonic Colors two weeks before launch,” said Judy Gilbertson, Senior Brand Manager of Sonic Colors. “We’re delighted with the quality of Sonic Colors and the passion that both fans and press are showing for the game. This party is our way of thanking everyone for supporting us as we prepare for the releae of the most exciting Sonic game in recent memory.”
In Sonic Colors, Sonic the Hedgehog races through incredible theme park inspired worlds to rescue a colorful alien race from the clutches of Dr. Eggman. An extraordinary amusement park has been seen orbiting around the home planet of Sonic the Hedgehog, and rumors are spreading that an alien race of Wisps, who have a unique colorful energy, are being held captive there by the evil Dr. Eggman. Soon after arriving at the amusement park, Sonic discovers he is able to use these mysterious alien forces to help the Wisps escape! These new “Color Powers” offer players the ability to perform new moves and access hidden areas within the game. Sonic Colors for the Wii™ seamlessly combines both 3D and classic 2D game play perspectives, while the Nintendo DS™ version takes full advantage of the console’s dual screen; each platform includes exclusive “Color Powers”. Sonic Colors will be available on the Wii system and the Nintendo DS system and is rated E for Everyone. Nintendo Power recently awarded Sonic Colors on Wii with a 9/10 rating, calling the game “an unequivocal success.”
Sonic Colors is set to release on November 16, 2010. For more information please visit www.soniccolors.com. For press assets, please visit www.sega-press.com
**While supplies last.
About SEGA® of America, Inc.:
SEGA® of America, Inc. is the American arm of Tokyo, Japan-based SEGA® Corporation, a worldwide leader in interactive entertainment both inside and outside the home. The company develops, publishes and distributes interactive entertainment software products for a variety of hardware platforms including PC, wireless devices, and those manufactured by Nintendo, Microsoft (News – Alert) and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. SEGA of America’s Web site is located at www.sega.com.
Source: 4GWE
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What’s this? Another high score for Sonic Colors? Seems that way. According to Sonic Stadium’s Dusk the Horror Keeper, the German version of GamePro has given Sonic Colors an 87%.
You can expect this news post to be updated with any new review scores that trickle in over the next few days, to prevent additional reviews from clogging up TSS’s news feed. You can also expect that wonderful image above, created by NeoGAF’s Technomancer, to accompany any more review news. Provided the scores continue to warrant it, anyway.
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It appears that UK retailer Argos won’t be limiting the Jazwares made Sonic and Wisps action figure to pre-orders of either version of Sonic Colours. Argos is now listing the figure for pre-order on its website and its in-store catalogue for £14.99. The figure available is the one seen in the Wii version of the Sonic Colours special edition listed in certain countries, which comes with the White, Cyan and Orange Wisps, leaving us to assume that the Blue, Yellow and Red Wisps are ultimately exclusive to the DS special edition figure bundle. With the figure holding a £14.99 price tag, we highly recommend you pre-order a copy of Sonic Colours Wii/DS at Argos and grab the figure for free, if you’re interested in purchasing both items of course.

Elsewhere, Australia is getting another pre-order bonus on top of the one already offered there at EBGames, where you can get a free Sonic hat with pre-orders. Instead of a hat, JB Hi-Fi are giving away a blue Sonic Colours themed Classic Controller when you pre-order the game. Both retailers are stocking the special edition of the game with the Sonic and Wisps figure too.
Source: Aussie-Nintendo.com

Finally, a Jazwares made Big the Cat & Froggy action figure set has appeared for sale across online marketplace eBay and should be hitting retailers such as Toys R Us soon, if not already.
Here’s a description from eBay:
Being offered is the BIG THE CAT & FROGGY figures from the SONIC THE HEDGEHOG series by Jazwares. The detailed, massive BIG figure stands about 4 inches tall and FEATURES OVER 12 POINTS OF ARTICULATION… while FROGGY measures about 2.25 inches tall. Unopened in factory sealed packaging. Officially licensed product.
Will you be grabbing any of these? Let us know in the comments.
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If you live in Europe or Australia, you can now take Sonic Colours on Nintendo DS for a brief spin. A demo has been made available for download today via the Wii’s Nintendo Channel, allowing fans to have a playthrough of Tropical Resort Act 1. In this stage you can get to grips with the White Wisps that give you a speed boost in Sonic Rush fashion and the Red “Burst” Wisp that turns Sonic into a fire-ball and allows him to charge a Burst Jump that he can launch in any direction.
If you’ve given the demo a try, share your experience with it in the comments below.
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You’ve seen me go on and on for a good while now about how Roger Craig Smith’s voicework as Sonic the Hedgehog is one of the many highlights of the upcoming Sonic Colours. Today, I’m proud to say that you will finally get a chance to see what I’m talking about – SEGA has kindly released the first ever cutscene trailer for the game, complete with fourth wall-breaking gags. Continue reading Joint World Exclusive: First Sonic Colours Cutscene Footage
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Issue 62 of Official Nintendo Magazine is available from today in stores across the UK for £3.99 and inside are reviews for both Wii & DS versions of Sonic Colours. The game grasped an impressive 86% score from reviewer Chris Scullion on Wii, closely followed by an 85% score from reviewer Simon Bramble for the DS edition. The Wii version is highly praised for not containing any gimmicks that ruin the game, such as the Werehog, talking swords or the motion controlled gameplay of Sonic and the Secret Rings. Scullion sees the Wisps as a gimmick, but says they don’t ruin things and are completely optional, so you can completely ignore them if you like. Scullion especially likes the Yellow Drill Wisp, saying “You’ll have a blast manoeuvring Sonic through the dirt and underground passages at stupidly fast speeds,”.
Another feature praised about the game is the new voice acting of Roger Craig Smith as Sonic the Hedgehog. Scullion says Roger makes Sonic seem pretty cool and not the equivalent of The Simpsons‘ Poochie The Rapping Dog. Elsewhere in the sound department, the music receives some positive criticism, with Scullion saying the ONM team were humming along to the tracks for each level. Speaking of levels, Scullion doesn’t rank them as high as the best of the daytime stages Sonic Unleashed had to offer, but he is happy with lots of the stages. Scullion wasn’t impressed with multiplayer and says “if you’re buying this for multiplayer, you’ll probably be disappointed, as Sonic Colours is far more enjoyable when played on your tod.”
Scullion finishes the review with a statement that many fans will be happy to hear:
“Colours hits the jackpot for Sonic fans. It’s one of his best 3D outings since the Dreamcast days. Round of applause for Sonic Team – the Sonic cycle has finally been broken.”
As for the DS version, it’s highly praised for being developed by Dimps who did the very well received Sonic Rush titles, because this game sticks closely to the fast-paced gameplay in those games. Bramble says Sonic Colours on DS is at its heart “speed-run gaming at its finest” and has a lot of good things to say about the replay value of going through levels again to improve your performance and earn a higher rank and/or using later unlocked Wisps in earlier stages to find new paths and goodies. Like Scullion on the Wii version, Bramble is happy to see the Wisps are completely optional in this version, so you can speed through in usual Sonic fashion without ever using one if you so wish to.
The only complaint Bramble brings up about the DS version are the boss battles and bonus levels, because they break the flow of the game and says “the story’s a tenuous load of old tosh – but at least Sonic doesn’t talk.” The review is ended like the Wii one, with another positive statement that will put a smile on the face of fans.
“In fact, Colours on DS manages to silence not only its star, but those looking for yet another Sonic game to complain about. By ignoring the mistakes that did for recent titles, Colours manages to glide along, happy and oblivious, just as you will when you play it.”
For the full reviews, pick up a copy of Official Nintendo Magazine issue 62 in stores now, or order online at myfavouritemagazines.co.uk
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SEGA has been doing a lot of promotional work for their games these past few months by attending many gaming related events and they don’t plan on stopping any time soon, with news that their Swedish division will be showcasing some of their games at Sweden’s Gamex expo. SEGA games available to play at the Pan Vision booth include Sonic Colours (Wii and DS), Sonic Free Riders, Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games and Vanquish. Fans will also be able to meet Sonic the Hedgehog himself. Gamex will be held from the 4th to the 7th of November at the Kista Expo Center, which is centrally located in the north of Stockholm. Doors will be open from 10:00 to 20:00 CEST Thursday to Saturday and from 10:00 to 17:00 CEST on Sunday. If you’re interested in attending, you can buy your tickets here.
For more information, head over to Gamex’s official website.
Will you be attending? Let us know in the comments.
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SEGA France announced on their blog “The Blue Room” on October 15th (yes, we’re a bit late noticing this) that they will be attending the Paris Games Week event that begins this Wednesday October 26th and ends on Sunday 31st. SEGA will be bringing along some of their recent and upcoming titles, including Sonic the Hedgehog‘s latest bunch.
The full list of titles and pods available include:
Sonic Colours (Wii) = 4 pods
Sonic Colours (DS) = 4 pods
Sonic Free Riders (Xbox 360 Kinect) = 2 pods
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 = 2 pods
Crazy Taxi = 1 pod
Space Channel 5: Part 2 = 1 pod
Vanquish (PS3, Xbox 360) = 3 Xbox 360 pods and 3 PS3 pods
Virtua Tennis 4 (PS3) = 2 pods with PlayStation Move and 3D support
Yakuza 4 (PS3) = 2 pods
Also, Atsushi Inaba, the co-founder and Producer of Platinum Games developed title Vanquish will be in attendance on Saturday and Sunday to make some presentations and sign your copies of the game or posters that you can only get exclusively at this event.
Finally, Atsushi Inaba, co-founder and Producer of PlatinumGames VANQUISH come specially from Japan on Saturday and Sunday to make several presentations-hourly news soon-but especially to sign copies of VANQUISH you’ve purchased per thousand and / or large posters printed exclusively for this occasion.
(Google Translate)
Source: SEGA France’s “The Blue Room” blog
SEGA France to attend Paris Games Week announcement
Space Channel 5: Part 2 at Paris Games Week announcement
For more information about Paris Games Week, head over to the events official website.
Will you be attending Paris Games Week? Let us know in the comments.
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The rumour mill is churning again and this time it’s from a random 4chan forum member who goes by the name Wentos The Travelling Salesman, who some may recall spoke out early last year claiming to be an employee at SEGA. This guy claimed to know that the next “main” game in the Sonic series would be based on Sonic Unleashed‘s daytime stages, but never provided any proof to his identity or claims. The claim may have turned out to be true, with Sonic Colours‘ stages playing out like those levels, but these are predictions anyone could make given such positive feedback on those stages from fans who played the game that SEGA quickly became aware of.
New rumours from Wentos’ sudden return to the 4chan forums begin with SEGA going for something different in the next Mario & Sonic game, straying away from the sports theme of the last two games in the franchise, but wouldn’t say anything more on the subject.
“Without giving anything away…this time, it’s not a sports game. It’s turning out quite well. I think some of you may be a little surprised.”
When asked why Sonic Colours isn’t on PS3 and Xbox360, Wentos cited cheaper development costs and developmental freedom as reasons.
“…Wii/DS is a much more cost-effective pairing, especially for an ‘experimental’ Sonic game like this where they needed the financial and developmental freedom to craft 50+ (!) stages,”
Wentos also claims that development of an HD version of Sonic Colours is all set to go, but first SEGA will need high sales of the Wii & DS versions to justify it ever leaving the cutting room floor.
“The technology and design plan is all set up to do the port on Sonic Team’s end,” he said. “Of course, they need strong sales to justify releasing it on the other two platforms (with enhancements, more money spent, etc) in the first place, so it’s all up to you guys.”
Again, no proof of Wentos’ identity or his claims has been provided and for the most part these rumours have been going about since Gamefest 2010, so we’re strictly filing this under rumour and suggest you take this with the tiniest pinch of salt possible.
For more and an extract of a chat log with Wentos, head over to SEGA Bits.
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The game may not be out for another few weeks, but it appears that Sonic Colours is already performing very well in the sales department, because Toys R Us Canada’s website is now out of stock of the DS version of the game. We checked for the Wii edition, but their website isn’t listing it at the time of this article’s publication. The fact that the game is selling out is good news for SEGA’s sales, but for some fans it may mean having to get those pre-orders in and buy early if they’re looking to nab a copy before Christmas.
Will this sales performance continue with other retailers and other countries? We’ll keep an eye open and report back. Meanwhile, share your thoughts in the comments.
Source: Toys R Us Canada’s website
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SEGA has just released a new trailer for Sonic Colours, which gives us our first look at the Purple Wisp and its “Frenzy” power in action. This power sees Sonic chomp through enemies and various other obstacles in his way. We also see plenty more gameplay footage showing the Blue “Cube”, Pink “Spike” and Green “Hover” Wisps in use, all exclusive to the Wii version of the game. Some more CGI footage is shown in the trailer too. A piece of hi-res artwork of the Purple Wisp is also available below.

Source: SEGA of America blog
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Sonic Reikai staff member ashthedragon has uploaded a gameplay video (recorded by boyfriend RACCAR) of herself playing Sonic Colours on DS at the recent Gamefest 2010 event, which SEGA’s Spanish division attended. The video gives us a look at Tropical Resort Act 1 in full and shows the full potential of the Red “Fire” Wisp and its Red Burst power, such as flying around the stage, attacking enemies and launching Sonic from a ferris wheel designed catapult. Apart from that, the usual high speed Sonic Rush style gameplay is shown in full force.
Source: Sonic Reikai
Thanks to Seraphinprincess for informing us at the SSMB!
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