It’s the 25th anniversary of Sonic & Knuckles! 1994 was the year of the Death Egg Saga, and on this day 25 years ago that saga ended with a rather innovative little cartridge. You might think of it as the second half of Sonic 3, but I think it deserves a more fitting title: the better half of Sonic 3! True, you can combine Sonic 3 & Knuckles to get the full experience, but today is Sonic & Knuckles’ birthday, not Sonic 3’s, and I say that if you look at them individually, you’ll find that Sonic & Knuckles has just a bit more to offer, and is the better game! Here are 7 reasons why this is the case.
Continue reading Sonic & Knuckles is BETTER than Sonic 3, and Here’s 7 Reasons Why
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Sonic the Comic, the UK fortnightly comic that ran from 1993 and continues in web form as Sonic the Comic – Online to this day turns 25 years old this year, and fans are planning a celebration of that milestone.
Sonic the Comic Online Editor Mike Corker is hoping to see the event come to life pending a successful Kickstarter campaign in the form of a day-long celebration of the comic and everything that made it memorable to fans 25 years after it’s creation. Fans will have the opportunity to meet special guests, including the fan artists who continue the comics legacy, with backer perks including a T-Shirt with artwork designed by Richard Elson to commemorate the event.
The event will be held on June 3rd 2018 at the FAB cafe in Manchester.
With a modest goal of £1000, the Kickstarter is currently at just under £400, with funds contributing to venue and equipment hire and special guest costs.
Source: Kickstarter
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As perhaps one of the most highly-anticipated collector’s items in recent memory, Cook & Becker’s 25th Anniversary Sonic art book has a lot of expectations to meet. It’s not easy to produce an elegant video game-themed art book at the best of times, so working on such a project for a franchise as iconic as Sonic no doubt comes with extra pressure. Especially when the blue blur has been through so many design changes over the years. We recently got our hands on a copy; is it worth your hard-earned money? Continue reading TSS REVIEW: Cook & Becker’s Sonic the Hedgehog 25th Anniversary Art Book
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The Sonic Stadium spent last Wednesday night enjoying a spot of high society, quaffing champagne, dining on hors d’oeuvres and indulging in the opening night of the Castle Art Gallery’s Sonic the Hedgehog 25th anniversary art exhibition. And, while we were initially apprehensive of what we might find, we left the gallery discovering some fantastic and inspiring art featuring our favourite hedgehog. Continue reading TSS Review: Castle Fine Art Sonic the Hedgehog Gallery Opening
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How many of you have seen something which looks really cool, and you really want it, it finally comes out, you put your money down, the item arrives! You’re filled withexcitement as you take it out of the box and then a few moments later… Something happens, you’re not sure what it is, but something has happened which now means that the excitement isn’t quite there anymore, it’s rapidly in decline and you can’t figure out why.
That’s how I feel about this figure.
Continue reading TSS Review: Sonic x Kidrobot Limited Edition Vinyl Figure
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Twenty-five years ago, a blue speedster ran his first loop-de-loop on South Island and captured our hearts. Sonic the Hedgehog made a ton of friends and foes, and has travelled through a great many locales and environments since then, ranging from the colourful and fantastic to the familiar and lifelike.
To celebrate his silver anniversary, SEGA and art dealership Cook & Becker will be releasing a commemorative art book. The book will encompass the expansive history of the franchise and include a variety of design sketches, official character illustrations, in-game art, pixel art, rare promotional art and game box art, all on top of never-before-seen art and interviews with key artists and designers who worked on the franchise over the years.
Continue reading SEGA and Cook & Becker Will Release a Sonic 25th Anniversary Art Book in Early 2017
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This past Thursday, Sega released 4 new Sonic themes for the 3DS Theme Shop in NA. One of the which, the 25th Anniversary theme, is free to download! The other three can be bought individually for $2 USD each (sadly I can’t find the CDN prices) or in a 3-theme bundle for $4.99 USD or $6.49 CDN.
The 4 themes with their names and songs are:
- Sonic series: 25th Anniversary (Music: Sonic Heroes “System Screen: Team Select”)
- Sonic series: Sonic Style (Music: Sonic Generations: “System Screen: Option Menu”)
- Sonic series: Classic Style (Music: Sonic the Hedgehog 3: “System Screen: Character Select”)
- Sonic series: Boom Style (Music: Sonic Boom: “Main Theme”)
You can see pics of all themes below.
Continue reading 4 new Sonic themes out for 3DS in NA (one is free!)
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You might remember how we first brought you news of a possible collaboration with Sonic and Kidrobot, well it’s now official! Here are the details.
The range of figures will launch in winter 2016, they include Blind Box Mini Figure Series, Blind Box Keychain Series, and a ‘medium figure.’ As for what they will be, the only clue right now is that they will feature Sonic ‘captured in various game moments throughout his career.’
Source: Kidrobot
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It’s incredible how time flies, isn’t it? One moment, you’re seven years old, sitting on your living room floor with eyes glued to the screen as a speedy blue ball bounces around to the tune of Green Hill Zone. The next, you’re replaying those golden oldies as an adult, celebrating 25 years of epic platforming fun.
Happy Anniversary, Sonic the Hedgehog. We know SEGA has plenty of plans in store for you, but we at the Sonic Stadium have some plans of our own too. Continue reading HAPPY 25TH ANNIVERSARY, SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!
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A few weeks ago we brought you news that there was a potential Sonic Humble Bundle on the way, well it seems that we were right!
Humble Bundle have unleashed a Sonic 25th Anniversary Bundle, however it seems that the games you get have switched slightly, this is the list of games and their tiers.
Pay what you want
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Sonic 3D Blast
- Sonic Adventure DX
- Sonic CD
Beat the Average
- Sonic Adventure 2
- Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Mode
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2
- Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
- Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I
Pay $10
- Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
- Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Metal Sonic
- Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Ryo Hazuki
- Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II
- Sonic Generations
- Sonic Generations – Casino Nights
- Sonic Lost World
And that’s not all, there’s a surprise tier. If you pay $35 (£24.67) you get an exclusively designed T-Shirt from Fangamer.
Tempted? Going to buy them all? Let us know in the comments.
Source: Humble Bundle.
Edit: Also if you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page, you can pick up some free digital comics too.
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Sega has taken a full page advert out in the newest issue of License! Global. The advert mainly thanks various partners for their support over the last 25 years. Continue reading Sega Thanks Partners for 25 Years of Success & Reveals New Licenses
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A number of detective Sonic fans have discovered an old job advert for an video game company, whose name isn’t disclosed. However the description of the advert has some very strong hints that the company is Sega and that the job advert is for work on a new Sonic game. Continue reading Japanese Job Advert Hints at New PS4/Xbox One Sonic Game?
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Japans Sonic twitter account announced today that there would be a number of new 25th Anniversary pieces of merchandise released later this month. One of those was this rather nice figurine of Classic Sonic. Continue reading Classic Sonic 25th Anniversary Figurine Announced
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In an interview with Sonic Archie comics editor Vincent Lovallo, IGN have revealed a first look at the upcoming Sonic: Mega Drive comic – and a follow up issue debuting later in the year, “Sonic: Mega Drive – The Next Level”.
The new one-shot special, created especially to celebrate Sonic’s 25th Anniversary, takes readers back in time to Sonic’s classic days set after the Death Egg saga. Sonic must take on Eggman once more to destroy his new machine of destruction – The MEGADRIVE.
As well as debuting first images of the issue, Lovallo also revealed Mega Drive #1 will be followed by another special, titled “The Next Level”. Though no specifics were shared, the comic will pick up immediately after the events of Mega Drive #1 and potentially feature Metal Sonic as the antagonist, as teased in the cover debut.

Written by Archie Sonic veteran Ian Flynn and art by Tyson Hesse, the story is said to combine “traditional comic storytelling with the structure of an actual Sonic game” with potential for an ongoing series if demand is there. The adventure will take Sonic to new lands, and shed some light on the “the bonds he has made with his friends in previous games”.
Lovallo also touches briefly on the possibility of an Archie adaption of an upcoming anniversary title – which they’d be more than down for.
That would be awesome and we are totally down to do it at Sonic speed!
“Sonic: Mega Drive #1” will debut July 6th, with “The Next Level” following further into 2016. You can check out all of today’s released art of the upcoming comic in our gallery below.
Source: IGN
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What does Sonic mean to you? It’s the blue blur’s 25th Anniversary in June, and to celebrate some good friends of ours will be hosting a Sonic Month on YouTube. To kick things off, how about a nice video where we talk about our favourite Sonic things? Continue reading TSS Staff Chat With TitansCreed and Sonic Yoda About Sonic’s 25-Year History
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If you’ve been enjoying Phantasy Star Online 2 despite the lack of a formal Western release, then you’re going to be in for a treat this June as SEGA has announced that there will be a special Sonic-themed celebration ready for you. Continue reading Sonic Invades Phantasy Star Online 2 in June
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About a month ago, we posted news about License Global doing a ‘salute to Sonic’ in their upcoming May issue… well.. that issue is now out, and there is a rather large article with contributions from Ivo Gerscovich, chief brand officer, Sonic the Hedgehog, and senior vice president, SEGA of America & Kristen B. Zimmer retail licensing manager, SEGA
of America. Continue reading Yes Even More Sonic 25th Anniversary Details Posted! E3 ‘Sonic’ Event planned!
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Doctor! Doctor! Give me the news! We got a bad case of Evil Blues! Voice of Eggman Mike Pollock is coming to Summer of Sonic! At around 10am this morning, Summer of Sonic past the £27,500 mark and confirmed that Mike Pollock would be attending the convention. Continue reading SOS: Mike Pollock Confirmed & Last Chance to Get a 25th Anniversary Coin
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With both America and Japan having 25th anniversary themed parties, many people in the UK were asking ‘what about us?’ Well… Something might be happening. Continue reading Summer of Sonic 2016 Hinted?
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SEGA have today announced via their Japanese Sonic 25th Anniversary website that a Sonic the Hedgehog 25th anniversary birthday party will take place this year to celebrate the occasion. Continue reading Japanese Sonic 25th Anniversary Birthday Party Announced
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SEGA of Japan have today launched their 25th Anniversary website, and have already begun to populate the page with events and items set to be released for this year.
Continue reading Japanese Sonic 25th Anniversary Website Launches
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Sega has teamed up with UK retail outlet ‘funstock’ for a number of limited edition art prints. The prints will be based on a number of Sega franchises, not just Sonic. But since it’s Sonic’s 25th, there are a number of special limited edition 25th anniversary prints which are now up for pre-order. Continue reading Sega Releasing Limited Edition Art Prints
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So this happened. The creator of Gravity Falls just posted a most interesting picture on twitter of what appears to be himself sat beside a giant classic Sonic statue at Sega of America. Continue reading Update: The Creator of Gravity Falls is at Sega? And Nobody Knows Why
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So… following the panel at SXSW many are speculating that we’ll have to wait a number of months before we get more information regarding the 25th anniversary, specifically game information. However based on this information, we might be getting information a lot sooner than expected. Continue reading Sonic to Get Licensing “Salute” in May
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While all yesterday’s news came out of SXSW’s Sonic 25th Anniversary panel, that wasn’t the only thing SEGA did at the event. Three hours later Aaron Webber, Yuji Naka, Takashi Iizuka, Roger Craig Smith, and Mike Pollock all participated in an in-depth live-streamed Sonic retrospective on Twitch. Continue reading If you missed SXSW’s Sonic events, watch them here!
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Sonic will be returning to San Diego this year with a special 25th anniversary event hosted by SEGA. According to Aaron Webber, who revealed the event at the end of a Sonic panel at Austin’s South By South West festival, the event will be held at the House of Blues in San Diego on July 22, on the same weekend as San Diego Comic Con. Continue reading Sonic 25th Anniversary Event Announced for July
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The Sonic Stadium has discovered that back in January of this year SEGA of America hired motor vehicle industry veteran Brian Fox of Fox Marketing for the role of ‘Automotive & Motorsports Brand Development Consultant’. As well as helping build partnerships within the automotive industry for the Sonic the Hedgehog brand Fox has also been tasked with the designing, building and coordinating of a 25th Anniversary Sonic the Hedgehog vehicle. Continue reading SEGA Planning Anniversary Car for Sonic’s 25th
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Well, we’ve had toys and plushes… the next stop is clothing! It’s the turn of Pixel Sonic (as Sega is calling him these days) to get the 25th Anniversary treatment, this time in t-shirt form. According to a Facebook user these shirts are available at a Japanese store called Shimamura. Continue reading 25th Anniversary ‘Pixel Sonic’ Shirts Out Now In Japan
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A few days ago we brought you news that there would be a very special panel at the SXSW 2016 convention.
Well since then, there’s been a number of developments, the first major detail is that the event will now be live-streamed via twitch. However the more interesting detail is that according to the SXSW website, there will be a ‘special reveal’ as part of the panel for the anniversary celebrations.
What will this special reveal be? Well we know for certain that it’s not going to be a game. However with Yuji Naka being present along with Iizuka, you can’t blame fans for speculating it might be something important.
More details as and when we get them.
Source: SXSW
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You might remember how we brought you news regarding new Sonic licensing deals which were in the works, one of those was Toy Factory who were down to be making a range of Sonic plushes.
Well in their 2016 catalogue there is a picture of a Classic Sonic & Tails plush along with the words ‘coming soon.’
No pricing details or firm release date, the only clue as to where these plushes will be available is the ‘available for sale in Canada’ logo.
For those not keeping up to date with 25th clues… this makes another classic merchandise product for 2016.
What do you think of them, let us know in the comments.
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Continuing with the Toy Fair news comes a tiny bit of information about a previously unannounced thing.
According to a sign at Tomy’s booth at the New York Toy Fair, there is a new Sonic Podcast in the words to be broadcast via Podcast One.
But even more interesting is that it looks like Sega/Tomy might be launching a new Sonic themed online store. This is strange because Sega did launch Sonic Merchandise several years ago which is still trading at this time.
No other details were given, but we’ll keep you upto date as and when more information comes in.
Picture Source: Idle Hands
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You may recall how we brought you the news that Sonic’s 25th Anniversary would bring special events throughout the year. Well… we can now bring you details of those events including dates for some of them.
- Games Developers Conference – celebrating Sonic Dash 2, 25 years of Sonic, art and music.
- Sonic @ SXSW – History of Sonic Panel.
- Art Event & Celebration Mural.
- 25th Aniversary Party
- Comic Con Events
- YouTube Unboxing Events & Original Videos.
GDC is March 14-18th, SXSW is March 11-20th and Comic Con is July 21st.
The rest, anyone’s guess, but one of the interesting things is the Unboxing Events, have they just accidentally confirmed a collectors edition of a game with that one?
I for one am quite interested in the 25th Anniversary Party.
Picture Source: Idle Hands
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Polygon has published a lengthy new article detailing the history and future of the Sonic brand, and it contains several key contributions from big names such as Yuji Uekawa, Christian Whitehead, Al Nilsen and Takashi Iizuka, head of Sonic Team. It also comes with some very… peculiar looking art to accompany it.
Continue reading Iizuka and Rafei Discuss History and Future of Sonic
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It’s that time of the year again, Toy Fair season is in full swing and with London Toy Fair just coming to a close this week, we here at TSS decided that we would actually go along and see what there was.
Continue reading Toy Fair 2016: New Sonic 25th Anniversary Toys Revealed!
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First4Figures have today revealed 2 renders for their upcoming additions to their Sonic the hedgehog statue range. The 25th anniversary statue depicts Sonic inset into a base playing games consoles, which according to the images are interchangeable, including a SEGA Dreamcast.
The Silver statue will conform to the “modern line” of statues (which so far includes Sonic, Shadow and Super Sonic) and feature a Kingdom Valley base (No Crisis City love?) and lighting in the exclusive version as seen previously with similar models.

Many thanks to Peter Robinson for the spot at Weston Super Sonic!
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Blink and you’ll miss it. If you read the article posted in ToyWorld Mag carefully, you’ll notice that Sega has finally confirmed that 2016 will get a Sonic game, or should that be ‘Games.’
Now you might think ‘they already did’ urm… actually, they didn’t, they’ve not yet confirmed it, this is the first time they’ve confirmed new ‘games’ for 2016, we’ve assumed that there would be one given all the teases, but it’s not yet actually been confirmed.
So far the only thing which we assume will come out this year is Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice, however that also doesn’t have an official release date, but this article states ‘new games’ suggesting there will be the sequel to Boom and at least one other mystery title.
Keep checking TSS for more news when we get it.
Thanks to Steve who spotted this.
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