Sound Test Saturday: Unlimited Colours!

For this week’s Sound Test Saturday, we will be taking a look at a couple of remixes dedicated to Sonic Colours, a Nintendo exclusive entry that breathed new life into the franchise with some of the most zaniest yet colourful stages, gameplay mechanics, and of course, music, in the entire series.

Let’s start with something unique: a House mix of the Green Hover Wisp theme by Stylez-T!

Update: The video has been removed. Thanks to Darksonic20 for the notice.

As if the Hover theme wasn’t relaxing enough. Stylez here somehow managed to make a blissfully happy and sleep-inducing track even more sleep-inducing and happy. Of course, what’s most impressive is how Stylez turned a short, soft, situational loop into a full fledged 4 minute track! Definitely the last sort of thing I expecting! His “Hover House” mix at least deserves that credit.

And now, we dive into a unique remix, combining Aquarium Park with… Mystic Mansion from Sonic Heroes!

…wait, what?

Continue reading Sound Test Saturday: Unlimited Colours!

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Freak-Out Friday: Saunich der Hejhaug

Go Saunich! Stop the evil Dr. Contingency and save the day!

I will dedicatedly chronicle your journey in full on Der Saunich Shtehdyum as a dedicated fan… but first… I’m hungry.


I’m… I’m still hungry.

Made by NAveryW!

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Sound Test Saturday: Tales of a Hedgehog

Now let’s be honest for a second: there aren’t enough remixes of songs from the Storybook series, so far comprised of Sonic and the Secret Rings and Sonic and the Black Knight. Say what you will of the games themselves, but you can’t deny that they have their golden moments, their soundtracks being no exception. That’s why I’m a little stumped as to find only a handful of Storybook mixes out there! Disappoint, Sonic community!

For that reason, this week’s Sound Test Saturday will pay tribute to the spin-off (or is it canon now?) entries and the music that accompanied them!

Let’s start things off with DjReds‘ take on “The Palace That Was Found” from SatSR‘s own Evil Foundry!


Dive into the “Dragon’s Lair” and finish with the “Unawakening Float” after the jump!

Continue reading Sound Test Saturday: Tales of a Hedgehog

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Slam-Up Jamday: Adventure 2

Because “Act 1” didn’t sound epic enough.

Hello readers, and welcome back to a special second edition of Slam-Up Jamday! If the rumours circulating around SASASR2 don’t add your needed slam jam on your morning toast, then this surely will! Continue reading Slam-Up Jamday: Adventure 2

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Sound Test Saturday: CageKame’s Legendary Rock Covers

It’s a given that searching for any given video game track on YouTube will lead you to a big number of assorted covers. Some will seem mediocre, some will seem just “meh”, and some are okay.

Then there’s covers like these.

This week’s Sound Test Saturday takes a look into the musical stylings of CageKame, an extremely talented artist from Italy who favours the guitar. You’ll end up finding tons of rock covers for video game tracks on his channel, all well made.

However, I think the term “rock cover” is too basic to describe this guy’s skills, because they are not your everyday vanilla-flavoured cover. What blows his remixes out of the water over all others are not only the energy and spirit he puts into his playing, it’s how his guitar solos take the spotlight. He truly knows how to make each song he comes across into his own.

If you want proof, check out two of his rock remakes down below: Sky Sanctuary and Ice Cap from Sonic 3 & Knuckles!


Check out the obligated (yet still amazingly well done!) Ice Cap Zone cover after the jump!

Continue reading Sound Test Saturday: CageKame’s Legendary Rock Covers

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Freak-Out Friday: Nega-Wisp is Credit to Team!

I spy with my little eye… the Egg Nega-Wisp from Sonic Colours…in Team Fortress 2!? This is delicious!

It truly is an amazing thing what some people can engineer in their computer machines in this day and age. Would you not say the same, gentlemen?


Ported by lilrobot959! Special thanks to Sweecrue for the find!

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Sound Test Saturday: Green Groves and Jet Set!

To celebrate the upcoming re-release of Dreamcast favourite this summer, this week’s Sound Test Saturday will tackle a really cool original song that fits to the stylings of both Sonic the Hedgehog and Jet Set Radio! But, you’ll have to check that one out after the break though, because there is this really cool pair of artists I want you all to be acquainted with first.

Those two are Dr. Mack Foxx and EspioKaos!


Continue reading Sound Test Saturday: Green Groves and Jet Set!

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#109 Jazwares Sonic Statue Contest.

As our kind friend Turbo explains, you can win one of these lovely Sonic Generations Commemorative Statues when you try to beat Jay’s (of The Sonic Show) highscore at his new favourite game, Hamster.

Special thanks to VGM:Awesome.

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Freak-Out Friday: Too Fast? [NSFW]

[NSFW for brief mature language and sensitive themes]

Who knew that, even for Sonic, there was such a thing as going too fast? Does punishment await those with an unnatural talent for speed?

A cautionary tale to all young speedsters. Those who are strong, who can fly, may reach more than the other side of the rainbow they bargained for.


Made by hotdiggedydemon!

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Mash-Up Monday: Michael’s Mansion

Woah, hey! Halloween came early!

This week’s Mash-Up Monday provides you with yet another Michael Jackson/Sonic mash-up… through an interesting combination that hasn’t even been tried until now! MJ’s “Thriller” meets Mystic Mansion from Sonic Heroes in “Michael’s Mansion”!

Quite fitting, I’d have to say! Makes sense considering the tropes of both songs!


Mashed and sent in by TrueBluefuse!

Found an interesting mash-up? Want to send in one of your own and get it featured? Then send it over at!

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What if Sound Test Saturday… had lyrics?

In that case, it would be an awesome Sound Test Saturday, wouldn’t it!

April is a beautiful month, is it not? Spring is here, snow is gone, and the weather is beginning to warm up! Warmth and heat is always a nice thing… unless the whole city’s on fire!

For this week’s column, we got a couple of hot song covers for you all! And not just any kind of music covers: I mean high quality, grade A, top of the line, hot hot hot singing and songwriting! That’s right, this week’s Sound Test Saturday brings you pre-existing Sonic music with lyrics!

Let’s turn the heat up and start off with Smooth4Lyfe‘s energetic cover of Modern Crisis City, “Heart of Fire”!


Continue reading What if Sound Test Saturday… had lyrics?

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Freak-Out Friday: Chariots of Sonic

In 1981, a film was released about two British athletes who ran in the Olympics – one for the glory of God, the other to overcome prejudice.

Now in 2012, a lone hedgehog also runs, in hope of saving his world from tyranny.

Through green hills and spring yards, against all odds, against everything, he must run… for running is all he knows, and running is all he shall ever know…

(Please note: this video ends with quite a literal Sonic boom)


Made by 3noneTwo!

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Slam-Up Jamday Act 1: Green Slams and Chemical Jams

Not that kind of Sonic Jam!

Welcome to a very special edition of Mash-Up Monday! After last week’s magical mash-ups, we found something that’s bound to be a slam for all of you! I hope you’re ready, because this week’s mash-ups are simply jamming!

Just like its fellow songs that work with just about anything (LMFAO’s “Party Rock Anthem”, “Guile’s Theme” from Street Fighter, the theme to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air), Quad City DJ’s “Space Jam” is another tune that mashes with just about any song. Sonic music is of no exception!

That being said, let’s boot up the SEGA Jamnesis and begin our journey in the shoes of Slamnic the Hedgehog and Miles “Jam” Prower! Slam-Up Jamday Act 1: the checkered emerald basketball court of Green Slam Zone!


Chemical Jam below!

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Roareye Reviews: Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog


Roareye Black is back! The creator of community creation talent pool The Sonic Showcase Network is settling down to The Sonic Stadium, and he’s spending some time to give you some unique video reviews on all sorts of Sonic gear. First on his list? The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog.

This cartoon series ran from 1993 to 1996, and was the more comical, less… serious of two different shows that DiC produced starring the blue blur. Roareye intends to do individual video reviews for each episode of AoStH, but for now he’s created an ‘overview’ of the series in general. Never got to watch AoStH? Check out this video to get the heads up – in a way that only Roareye can.

Let us know what you think in the comments box below – more are coming soon. These videos will be released as part of a big rebuilding initiative of TSS’ Information pages – when new video reviews arrive, episode pages will be created in the currently-limp Animation section of this website. Enjoy!

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One does not simply run through Green Hill Zone.

Its lush checkered emerald fields are guarded by more than just Motobugs; there is great evil there that does not sleep, and the great Eggman is ever watchful. It is a point of no return, where runners must keep their feet on the ground if they are to run away as the very air they breathe is filled with haste.

Only by Super Sonic Racing could you do this. If not, it is folly.


Made by TechnicolorKeegan/conkertheking!

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My Little Mash-Up Monday: Music is Magic

Sorry readers, but with me around and this particular subject’s ever-growing popularity on the internet, this was bound to happen at some point! Whether you hate it, love it, or tolerate it, things have just gotten 20% cooler around here, because it is PONY TIME today on The Sonic Stadium!

This week’s Mash-Up Monday brings you a grand total of four mash-ups, all of which combining music under both Sonic the Hedgehog and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic franchises.

The first two mash-up the actual music from the show. Planet WinterWisp sees a lovely combination of Planet Wisp and Winter Wrap Up, while Escape from the Cutie sports the memorable City Escape theme alongside the delectable lyrics from Cupcakes.


Continue reading My Little Mash-Up Monday: Music is Magic

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Freak-Out Friday: Melpontro Next-Genanigans

Watch out, lassies! For this week’s Freak-Out Friday, we’ve got something that’s pawsitively fetching!

YouTube user Melpontro gave Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 a new leash on life as he hacks into the game and starts playing with the models, unintentionally creating a new story.

It is the story of a young pup who’s had it ruff, until one day, he is found by a certain blue hedgehog who just arrived to the kingdom of Soleanna. What the hedgehog didn’t count on was the impact he left on the beloved dog.

To this day, the pup still looks up to Sonic. Striving to be as fleat as the blue blur, to reach high speeds without having to pawse, to keep a pawsitive outlook on life… and to make all of those Eggman’s robots run for the hills!

This is the tail

…of Pelé, the Beloved Dog.


Now that’s a good boy!

Check out more of Melpontro’s Sonic ’06 hacks after the jump. Beagl-ad there were puns this Friday!

Continue reading Freak-Out Friday: Melpontro Next-Genanigans

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Sonic 2 HD Alpha Demo Now Available

After a tech demo over three-and-a-half years ago and a teaser trailer last year, the team behind Sonic 2 HD has now made a playable alpha demo available to the community. Eager players can experience the entirety of Emerald Hill Zone in high definition, complete with Sonic 3 & Knuckles-style act transitions and upgraded music.

As of now, the demo can only run on Windows operating systems ranging between Windows XP and Windows 7. Download links are available on the Sonic 2 HD homepage, as well as 1080p screenshots and beautiful desktop wallpapers. Further project details are available on Sonic Retro.

Check out some footage after the jump!

Continue reading Sonic 2 HD Alpha Demo Now Available

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The Sonic Show Celebrates 3,000 Subsribers.

So when The Sonic Show reached it’s first 1,000 subscribers just before christmas, they set Mario on fire. Which of course asks the question, what would they do for 3,000 subscribers?


That… apparently.

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Crush 40 Teases Sonic Youth, One of Those Days, and Rise Again

After announcing development on three new tracks back in January, Crush 40 released a two-and-a-half-minute preview of Sonic YouthOne of Those Days, and Rise Again on their YouTube channel this morning, granting fans and listeners a quick sample of what to look forward to once these tracks are available in full.

On the group’s Facebook and Twitter pages, Jun Senoue teases that they will perform all three tracks in Tokyo for the first time this week, and advises fans to stay tuned an iTunes release in the near future.

Check out the sample after the jump!

Continue reading Crush 40 Teases Sonic Youth, One of Those Days, and Rise Again

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Mash-Up Monday: Blast Away!

For this week’s Mash-Up Monday, scrape those knuckles and catch some tails for an intense double dose of mashed-up Sonic music, and Sonic music alone!

In both mash-ups, how many songs can you keep track of? Will you manage to count them all? Or will you succumb to the real superpower of music?


Check out Sonic Blast 2 after the jump!

Continue reading Mash-Up Monday: Blast Away!

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Freak-Out Friday: Why Knuckles Never Goes Super Anymore

Though Knuckles may be rougher than the rest of them, not even the blood of his ancestors can shield his sensitive soul.

Come on, who says pink isn’t manly? Honestly!


Do yourselves a favour next time you play Sonic 3 & Knuckles: choose Knuckles. Get the Chaos Emeralds.

Let him know you care.

Made by SSMB’s Alexander the Swell!

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#105 Will Mighty be Forever Alone?

The Sonic Show is known for producing the most random and bizarre content out there and this is no exception as Jay aka Disco Ponies asks ,”What happened to Mighty?”


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#101: The Sonic Show’s Fave: Females!?

The Sonic Show is back again, this time to discuss the lovely ladies of the Sonic universe.

Instead of doing the usual formula of a top 5, we decided to change things up and simply have a discussion on the subject, so enjoy as Tanner and Fuad join forces to share with each other their own personal favourite female characters from the Sonic franchise.

Do you agree with their choices? Join the discussion in the comment section.

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Freak Out Friday: Sanic… Hotdogs?

Wasn’t originally going to post a FOF this week… but I literally saw this 30 seconds ago. It’s 11:59pm – it must be a sign.

Warning: very loud.


I didn’t even know Colours hacking existed…

(Thanks to Professor Jackstraw PhD on the SSMB for linking this video-type thing.)

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Freak Out Friday – No Title Required

I tried to come up with a headline, but really, words can’t do this video justice. Just watch it for yourself.


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The Sonic Show Live: Sonic 06 and a bottle of booze

The Sonic Show now hosts a weekly live video show featuring a selection of your favourite community characters.

Tune in January 8th at 8pm GMT to see how Jay aka Discoponies fares at Sonic The Hedgehog on the Xbox 360, where he will be drinking for every death as the likes of  Turbo and friends look on in fear.

For the air time in your time zone just click here.

(The Sonic Show does not recommend anyone take part in drinking games as careless drinking is nooo good)
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The Sonic Show: #100 – Top 5 Monsters

It’s a new a year in The Sonic Show offices (let’s pretend we have offices), and
what better way to start it off than this…

…something we released on our Youtube channel a few weeks ago. But don’t let that put you off, as it’s the return of the popular “Top 5″ feature. It’s also a time to welcome our two new friends on The Sonic Show team, Tanner and Fuad. So be nice and say hello!

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#99 A Sonic Christmas sing along

While you rest your stomach on a Christmas dinner, The Sonic Show decided to group some of their friends for a little sing along!

Watch in mild amusement as the likes of Jay aka Discoponies, Zonic, Turbo, Tom (from The Sonic Show Live), Metal Hero 727 and Tanner get in the festive mood.



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Five years of The Sonic Show in Five minutes.

It all started in November in 2006, and a few weeks late we celebrate by compressing our personal best bits into 5 minutes!

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#98 Sonic’s Winter Wonderland

Sonic and his friends get you ready for christmas in a very special way!

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#97 Canadians Unbox Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition

This video is brought you by Metal Hero! Don’t forget to subscribe to him and post in this video saying The Sonic Show sent you!

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#96 Dream Events Mario & Sonic at the London Olympic Games Trailer

Mario and Sonic are at it again, and this time with horses.

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#95 A warning for Sonic fans before they sleep this halloween night

New subscribers are in for a treat…

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#94 Eggman has a Monster Mash

Lets play how many sight gags can you spot… lawl.

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#93 Opening Cutscene of Sonc Generations revealed.

See how the Time Eater starts Sonic’s latest journey while Sonic face palms Amy.

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