SEGA and Nintendo have released some gameplay footage of the Wii version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games via Japan’s Wii Nintendo Channel, and thanks to Youtube user NintenDaanNC, the rest of the world can get a look at it. The new footage shows a variety of Olympic and Dream Events, including Football, Show Jumping, Dream Discus and more.
Source: GoNintendo
P.S. Bowser performing in Synchronized Swimming might be one of the funniest things you’ll ever see in gaming.
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If you aren’t keen on digital download games, you can now mark a date on your calendars for the release of the physical boxed PC version of Sonic Generations. The retail PC version will be joining the portable Nintendo 3DS version on store shelves in Europe on November 25th, which is just 15 days away. No date has been revealed for the boxed PC version in Australia, but we’ll update when we see one.
Source: SEGA Press
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SEGA has today released many pieces of character artwork for Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games. Some of them you will have seen before, but a lot of them are new. The UK version of the 3DS version’s box art has also been unveiled today, and like its Wii counterpart, it has a more British background.
You can view all of the artwork in our gallery below.
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games will be released on Wii next week on November 15th in the US, November 17th in Australia and November 18th in Europe. The Nintendo 3DS version will be released on February 9th 2012 in Australia, February 10th 2012 in Europe and February 14th 2012 in the US.
Source: SEGA Press
Thanks to fluttersoard for the heads up!
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Sonic Scene has discovered that Sonic fans in Japan are getting a special Sonic Generations 20th Anniversary Set. This set includes a 20th Anniversary crystal cube, a 20th Anniversary cloth and the History of the 1st Stage Original Soundtrack White Edition (Xbox 360 & PS3)/Blue Edition (Nintendo 3DS).
Here’s a Google translation of the details:
Xbox 360 & PS3:
[20] Anniversary Set
20th Anniversay Sonic crystal cube
with a weight inside the crystal cube, stereoscopic 3D laser engraved limited edition Sonic the 20th anniversary of the original design.
What you see so many angles and by moderate light, enjoy a timeless interior items.
Delivered in an outer box 20 anniversary logo stamping gorgeous!! DATA Size: 6cm Width 6 × depth 10 × height Weight: 902g ※ The picture is an image of the production. [Benefits] Store Sega Sonic 20th Anniversay Hand Sonic’s classic modern, cute and studded with hand-drawn Sonic, Sonic is a washcloth in very horsetail. ※ The picture is an image.
[Bonus Book] HISTORY OF THE 1ST STAGE Original Soundtrack White Edition ※ The picture is an image. Are limited because the number of ※, and lasts. ▼ List of songs 1.sega Call 2.angel Island / Sonic the Hedgehog 3 3.splash Hill / Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I 4.palmtree Panic / Sonic the Hedgehog CD 5.green Grove / Sonic 3D Blast 6.Resort Island / Sonic R 7.emerald Coast / Sonic Adventure 8.City Escape / Sonic Adventure 2 9.westopolis / Shadow the Hedgehog 10.Forest Falls / Sonic Rivals 11.Wave Ocean / Sonic Zahejjihoggu (two thousand and six) 12.windmill Isle – Day / Sonic World Adventure
Nintendo 3DS:
[20] Anniversary Set
20th Anniversay Sonic crystal cube
with a weight inside the crystal cube, stereoscopic 3D laser engraved limited edition Sonic the 20th anniversary of the original design.
What you see so many angles and by moderate light, enjoy a timeless interior items.
Delivered in an outer box 20 anniversary logo stamping gorgeous!! DATA Size: 6cm Width 6 × depth 10 × height Weight: 902g ※ The picture is an image of the production. [Benefits] Store Sega Sonic 20th Anniversay Hand Sonic’s classic modern, cute and studded with hand-drawn Sonic, Sonic is a washcloth in very horsetail. ※ The picture is an image. [Bonus Book] HISTORY OF THE 1ST STAGE Original Soundtrack Blue Edition ※ The picture is an image. Are limited because the number of ※, and lasts. ▼ List of songs 1.sega Call 2.mushroom Hill / Sonic & Knuckles 3.Toxic Caves / Sonic Spinball 4.Botanic Base / Kaotikusu 5.South Island / Sonic The Fighters 6.Seaside Hill / Sonic Heroes 7.Leaf Storm / Sonic Rush 8.Planet Kingdom / Sonic Rush Adventure 9.Metal City / Riders Sonic and the Secret Rings 10.Sand Oasis / Sonic and the Black Knight 11.Camelot Castle / Sonic 12.Tropical Resort / Sonic Colors
You can view the contents of the set in our gallery below.
You can order the Sonic Generations 20th Anniversary Set at ebten.jp at the below links:
Xbox 360: 10,479 yen
PS3: 10, 479 yen
Nintendo 3DS: 8,379 yen
Source: Sonic Scene
Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads up!
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Nintendo UK has today put up their product page for the Wii version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games and in it has revealed some more tidbits of information about the game.
– Option to play as your Mii character returns
– Over 20 Olympic events
– 10 Dream Events total
– In London Party mode: “The aim of the game is to collect stickers and fill sticker sheets before your opponents – a goal achieved by beating them in events and minigames that will be triggered as you roam through London.”
– The game features “great unlockable bonus content and online leaderboards”
– “Play every sport using only the Wii Remote or opt to use the Nunchuk for some events.”
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games will be available for Wii next week on November 15th in the US, November 17th in Australia and November 18th in Europe.
Source: Nintendo UK
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In an interview with GameReactor.eu, Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka talks about where we might see the Sonic franchise go in the future. When asked how he sees the next 20 years for Sonic, Iizuka explains that while Sonic Team will keep a focus on Sonic action titles, they would also like Sonic to reach out to a wider audience. To achieve this, Iizuka says “We will probably see Sonic going into other genres of games and also seeing Sonic in different media.”
Source: GameReactor.eu
What genres and media would you like to see the Sonic franchise explore? Let us know in the comments.
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SEGA has today released many new screenshots of the Wii version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games. In the screens we see the return of some Olympic events, but we also get to see some new Dream Events featured in the game. Dream Space Walk and Dream Rafting are based in levels seen in the Super Mario series and Dream Fencing is held in Sonic Heroes‘ Ocean Palace stage. You can find the 80 new screenshots over at Sonic Wrecks.
SEGA has also released two US TV ads for the game, which we have for you below. One has a Mario ending and the other a Sonic ending.
Source: Sonic Wrecks and SEGA Blog
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It seems SEGA’s not done dishing out assets for the console and PC version of Sonic Generations, despite the game already being out on those platforms. The publisher has today released artwork for three of the game’s bosses, namely the Death Egg Robot, Perfect Chaos and Egg Dragoon. You can view them all in our gallery below.
Source: SEGA Press
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Last week’s UK chart results are in and Sonic’s big 20th Anniversary title Sonic Generations has just barely managed to make it into the top 10 All Formats chart at the number 10 spot, which isn’t bad for just two days of sales. Continue reading UK Chart: Sonic Generations Just Barely Makes the Top 10
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Those who have played Sonic Generations may have heard about the game’s hidden Statue Room and the code system used to unlock the statues. Well, in an update to their official Sonic Generations website, SEGA’s revealed that you can obtain a code at posh UK retailer Marks & Spencer which will unlock exclusive statues. It’s unknown if you need to purchase anything to obtain the code right, though. We’ll update when we know more.
SEGA has also offered the below instructions about the Statue Room for those new to it.
Head to the Collection Room in Sonic Generations™ – it’s located to the left of the Green Hill Stage Gate in the White Space.
When you’re in the Collection Room, press and hold SELECT (PS3™) or BACK (Xbox 360®), and Sonic will drop down to the Statue Room. You can return to the Collection Room by jumping on the Spring in the Statue Room.
How to enter the code
To unlock your statue, press SELECT (PS3™) or BACK (Xbox 360®) and enter your code.
Hey presto, you have a new statue!
Viewing your statue collection
To view your statue collection, push up on the left stick and you’ll go into “Viewing” mode. You can then use the left stick to rotate your statue. To go back, press the CIRCLE (PS3™) or B (Xbox 360®) button.
You can find your nearest Marks & Spencer store over at their website.
Source: Official Sonic Generations website (via SEGA Addicts)
Thanks to SSMB member Blur of Blue for the heads up!
Note: Please do not share the leaked codes or where to get them in the comments. Comments doing so will be deleted.
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In an interview with Gamasutra, Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka has explained that he would like to make a new standard Sonic in 2012 and the years ahead. Rather than continue on with the formula built with Sonic Generations, it appears Iizuka would like to develop something fresh in the future.
It seems that as far as current-gen Sonic goes, there have been false starts. The PlayStation 3 Sonic, the first one, was supposed to be a new beginning, and then there was Unleashed, which had good and bad about it. It seems like Generations is yet again starting over; are we at a point where you feel comfortable with the mark you’re making and can move forward?
I wouldn’t say that I think Generations is a new start. Instead, it’s more of the peaks of the past 20 years, is the way we’re approaching this. Generations is about taking the past 20 years of history and rolling it into one really fun product. I think, as a result, I would like to make a new standard Sonic, a modern Sonic if you will, in 2012 and beyond.
You can read the full interview over at Gamasutra.
Would you like to see fresh new Sonic experiences in the future? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Thanks to RUSSTYBONE and interface for the heads up!
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Want to see what the amazing Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition contains? Well, let us give you a little tour! TSS’ very own Dreadknux was invited to SEGA’s offices to film an unboxing video. He clearly loved the package, and for those of you in the US this might be the closest you can get to one so be sure to give it a good watch. Continue reading Watch Dreadknux Unbox The Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition
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The box artwork for the Nintendo 3DS version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games has appeared at US retailer Amazon.com. The art is very different to its Wii counterpart and features eight of the game’s characters performing activities from various Olympic events. Bowser holding a dumbbell indicates we will be seeing the weightlifting event in the 3DS version.
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games will be released on Nintendo Wii November 15th 2011 in the US, November 17th 2011 in Australia and November 18th 2011 in Europe. The Nintendo 3DS version will be released February 14th 2012 in the US, February 9th 2012 in Australia and February 10th 2012 in Europe.
Source: Amazon.com
Thanks to HunterTSF at the SSMB for the heads up!
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Famitsu has today revealed the full track list for the Sonic CD Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition album. Music for all of the stages and their time variants are there as you’d expect, along with new collaborations of Sonic Boom and Stardust Speedway between Cash Cash, Jun Senoue and Crush 40.
You can view the full list below.
1. Sonic – You Can Do Anything
2. Title
3. Little Planet
4. Palmtree Panic
5. Palmtree Panic “G” mix
6. Palmtree Panic “P” mix
7. Palmtree Panic “B” mix
8. Collision Chaos
9. Collision Chaos “G” mix
10. Collision Chaos “P” mix
11. Collision Chaos “B” mix
12. Tidal Tempest
13. Tidal Tempest “G” mix
14. Tidal Tempest “P” mix
15. Tidal Tempest “B” mix
16. Quartz Quadrant
17. Quartz Quadrant “G” mix
18. Quartz Quadrant “P” mix
19. Quartz Quadrant “B” mix
20. Wacky Work Bench
21. Wacky Workbench “G” mix
22. Wacky Workbench “P” mix
23. Wacky Workbench “B” mix
24. Stardust Speedway
25. Stardust Speedway “G” mix
26. Stardust Speedway “P” mix
27. Stardust Speedway “B” mix
28. Metallic Madness
29. Metallic Madness “G” mix
30. Metallic Madness “P” mix
31. Metallic Madness “B” mix
32. Boss!!
33. Final Fever
34. Zone Clear
35. Speed Up!!
36. Invincible!!
37. Game Over
38. Special Stage
39. Cosmic Eternity – Believe in Yourself
40. Sonic Boom
41. Stardust Speedway (Cash Cash vs. Jun Senoue)
42. Sonic Boom (Crush 40 vs. Cash Cash)
The album will be released November 23rd 2011. You can pre-order it at Play-Asia now for about £18, and CDJapan and HMV Japan for ¥2,400 (about £20).
Source: Famitsu
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SEGA has just given some big news on their blog regarding the upcoming Sonic CD re-release. From today, those who purchase a GameStop branded Android tablet will get Sonic CD as a pre-installed game way ahead of the game’s newly announced December release on all platforms. Finally, SEGA has revealed that Sonic’s two-tailed friend Miles “Tails” Prower will be an unlockable playable character. Players will be able to take control of Tails and his flying ability on their second playthrough of the game.
SEGA also released 9 new screenshots of the game, which we have for you below.
Sonic CD will be re-released in December on Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, PC, iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, Android Phones and Windows Phone 7.
Source: SEGA Blog
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In a very odd move, SEGA has re-opened its Sonic Generations website today, which, as you know, is the day of the console version’s release in the US, making that half of the website at least, redundant. Even weirder is the fact that nothing has been added to it since we last saw it about a month ago, apart from the recent trailers. Stages for both the console/PC and 3DS versions are still locked out, despite the console version’s release and almost all of the 3DS version’s levels already being revealed.
You can find the site at this link.
Thanks to SSMB member Shade Vortex for the heads up!
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Sonic’s big 20th Anniversary title Sonic Generations is now available to purchase in the US and the press are all unleashing their final verdicts on the game. Most critics seem to have enjoyed the game, with many scoring the game an 8 or an higher variant of the number. Below, we have a list of many of the reviews out there listed from highest to lowest.
[table id=2/]
Australian gaming website PALGN has also released its review of Sonic Generations today and has given the game its highest score yet – 9.5/10.
What are your thoughts on the critical praise so far? Share your opinions in the comments section below.
Thanks to SSMB member Blue Blood for the list!
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GoNintendo reports that the first review of the Wii version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games is featured in the latest issue of US magazine Nintendo Power. No excerpts have been given, but the publication has scored the game 7.0/10, which is the same score they gave to Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games and .5 lower than the score they gave to the first game in the series Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games.
The November issue of Nintendo Power is available at US retailers and newsstands now.
Source: GoNintendo
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According to an Xbox Live Marketplace schedule on Xbox Live’s Major Nelson’s blog, SEGA will be releasing Sonic Generations themed Avatar content next week on Tuesday November 8th. There are no details about what the actual Avatar content is or what the pricing will be, but we wouldn’t be surprised to see the above promotional Avatar outfits made available.
We’ll update when we know more.
Source: Major Nelson’s blog
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SEGA Europe has today released a launch trailer for the console and PC versions of Sonic Generations, which release this week in the US, Europe and Australia. The video gives a look at all of the various stages and boss battles the game has to offer in both Classic and Modern flavours.
The publisher also released an hi-res piece of artwork of the mysterious force known as the ‘Time Eater’.

Sources: SEGA Europe and SEGA Press
Thanks to SSMB member Blur of Blue for the heads up!
Will you be purchasing the game? Let us know in the comments.
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The Hut Group is now listing some Sonic Generations pre-order bonuses and game combo deals for the UK across all of their retailers. With the Xbox 360 version you get a set of three Avatar costumes, including Sonic, Super Sonic and Classic Amy Rose. With the PS3 version you get a Dynamic Theme featuring Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic.
You can get your pre-order(s) in at the links below:
The Hut
Xbox 360 (with bonus Avatars): £34.85
PS3 (with bonus Dynamic Theme): £34.99
Xbox 360 (with bonus Avatars): £34.85
PS3 (with bonus Dynamic Theme): £34.85
Woolworths Entertainment
Xbox 360 (with bonus Avatars): £34.99
PS3 (with bonus Dynamic Theme): £34.99
The combo deals available allow you to get SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection (PS3 & Xbox 360), SEGA Mega Drive Classic Collection: Volume 1 (PC) and Super Monkey Ball 3D (3DS) at a discount when purchased with Sonic Generations.
You can get your pre-order(s) in at the links below:
The Hut
Xbox 360 (with SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection): £34.95
PC (with SEGA Mega Drive Classic Collection: Volume 1): £14.95
3DS (with Super Monkey Ball 3D): £34.95
Xbox 360 (with SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection): £35.85
PS3 (with SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection): £35.85
PC (with SEGA Mega Drive Classic Collection: Volume 1): £17.95
3DS (with Super Monkey Ball 3D): £35.85
Woolworths Entertainment
Xbox 360 (with SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection): £37.97
PC (with SEGA Mega Drive Classic Collection: Volume 1): £19.97
3DS (with Super Monkey Ball 3D): £37.97
Their help section says they deliver to all countries outside of the UK except to the below:
North Korea
Thanks to Hogfather, 06 Inferno and MarcelloF for the heads up!
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UPDATE: All of the Xbox 360 and PS3 copies are now sold out at the Online Commerce Group. Grainger Games still has PS3 copies, though.
We’ve got word from SSMB member Dyne that both PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition are now back in stock at the Online Commerce group of retailers. The price is the same as last time at £99.99 with free delivery offered in the UK.
PS3: £99.99
Xbox 360: £99.99
PS3: £99.99
Xbox 360: £99.99
PS3: £99.99
Xbox 360: £99.99
PS3: £99.99
Xbox 360: £99.99
The group’s help section says they deliver to most countries around the world.
Q. Where do you deliver to?
A. United Kingdom this includes England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Wight, the Isle of Man, Channel Isles and all BFPO addresses.
We also ship to the following countries – Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia And Herzegovina , Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, USA, Vatican City
The PS3 version is also still available at Grainger Games for £98.99.
Thanks to Dyne at the SSMB for the heads up!
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The November issue of Nintendo Power is making its way into readers’ hands and inside is a preview of the Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Generations that reveals Tropical Resort as a stage in the game. SSMB member speedfreak says the preview contains screenshots that show it’s not a recreation of the level seen in the DS version of Sonic Colours, but of the Wii version of the game. It now appears those hoping for some handheld stages to return in this version of Sonic Generations are out of luck.
We now know six of the seven stages in the Nintendo 3DS version. We expect SEGA will reveal the last in the next few weeks as we get closer to the game’s release November 22nd in the US and November 25th in Europe.
Source: Nintendo Power
Thanks to speedfreak at the SSMB for the heads up!
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IGN US has released their review for the console version of Sonic Generations as promised and it’s received a lot of praise, with barely any complaints outside of missions and occasional clunky controls.
We’ll let you find out the score and the rest of their thoughts for yourselves.
To see their video review, go here.
To read their review, go here.
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SEGA Japan has today opened the ‘Collection’ part of their Sonic Generations website. The update shows four screenshots of a room featured in the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC versions of the game which holds all of the bonuses you unlock in the game, like character profiles, concept artwork, music and cutscenes. An update for the same feature in the Nintendo 3DS version has also been made. This version contains 3D character models for players to view.
Here are Google translations from the page:
Xbox 360, PS3 and PC
Collected in the play “Character Profiles” and “illustration” “BGM” you can enjoy the collection room.
And development of concept art, fan, etc. lots of content past the title BGM happy! In addition, this collection room, which appears only in the private collections of the password! ? The password is coming soon so enjoy!
Nintendo 3DS
Missions by collecting 100 coins in the game and miss communication,
different content is added. Art and history, BGM successive title,
and 3D models of characters, the fans can watch a nice content.
You can view all of the new screenshots below.
Source: SEGA Japan’s Sonic Generations website [HD version, 3DS version] (via Sonic Paradise)
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UK Sonic fans interested in the Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition may wonder why this set of items hasn’t been made available with retailers in the GAME Group (GAME, GameStation and Gameplay) who usually always stock these kinds of things across a variety of game genres. Well, The Sonic Stadium can reveal that the problem is the Collector’s Edition’s £99.99 RRP.
A GameStation staff member spoke to this reporter in a local store this afternoon and stated that, like myself, he was puzzled as to why they weren’t stocking this edition of the game. He then told me he had previously contacted head office to enquire about this and was informed that the GAME Group isn’t stocking the Collector’s Edition because they were “put off” by its £99.99 RRP (Recommended Retail Price).
We then talked about the rival retailers who have stocked it, such as Amazon and ShopTo. I told the GameStation staff member how even the more obscure of online retailers like 365games.co.uk and PropelGamer.co.uk have sold out of pre-orders for it (the latter at an inflated £149.99), to which he disappointedly replied “I guess we missed a trick there.” Indeed.
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Twitter user Ceej64 has alerted us that she was able to buy an Xbox 360 copy of Sonic Generations at her local Best Buy in Dallas, Texas. Ceej64 shared a photo of the game (above) and her Xbox Live Gamertag PMS KillerKitty (as publically shown on her Twitter) currently shows the game is in use.
Our very own Brad Flick reports on Twitter that Best Buy in Burbank is also selling the game early.
Thanks to Ceej64 and Brad for the heads up!
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Via press release, SEGA has today revealed release dates for some of their upcoming Nintendo 3DS titles, including Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games which will hit Europe and the US mid-February 2012.
Here’s the list of games and dates below:
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games
Europe: February 10th 2012
US: February 14th 2012
Sonic Generations
Europe: November 25th 2011
US: November 22nd 2011
Crush 3D
Europe: January 13th 2012
US: January 10th 2012
Europe: November 11th 2011
US: November 15th 2011
Release Dates Confirmed for Shinobi™, Sonic Generations™, CRUSH™3D and Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games™
LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (Oct 27th, 2011) – SEGA® Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. are delighted to announce final release dates of several highly anticipated Nintendo 3DS™ titles. Coming out this year and early 2012 each of these exciting new titles have been specifically designed for the Nintendo 3DS experience and feature favourite classic SEGA characters as well as brand new heroes.
Shinobi™ is the long anticipated return of the fan favourite series and includes the classic side-scrolling action gameplay players have loved since the original. Coming to stores in Europe on 11th November 2011 and 15th November for North America, Shinobi introduces several exciting new features such as StreetPass™ and a large assortment of achievements and challenges to unlock.
SEGA’s much loved mascot Sonic the Hedgehog™ makes his way onto Nintendo 3DS for the very first time as part of the celebrations for his 20th anniversary. Speeding through many levels designed exclusively for the Nintendo system, Sonic Generations™ allows fans to play as both Classic and Modern Sonic across a range of iconic and memorable levels – all re-imagined for a completely new experience. Sonic Generations for Nintendo 3DS launches on 22nd November in North America and 25th November across Europe.
CRUSH™3D, the critically acclaimed puzzle platformer game, redesigned for Nintendo 3DS will hit stores on 10th January 2012 for North America and 13th January for Europe. Help Danny solve brain-teasing puzzles by ‘crushing’ your way from a 2-dimensional to a 3-dimensional world and back again with the touch of a button.
And finally, the record-breaking duo of Mario and Sonic join forces for the first time ever on the Nintendo 3DS with the eagerly anticipated launch of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games™. The much loved pair head to stores on 10th February 2012 across Europe and 14th February 2012 in North America and are sure to continue their formidable partnership for the London 2012 Olympic Games. Bringing a whole new dimension to the Mario & Sonic universe Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games™ for the Nintendo 3DS contains over 50 original Olympic Games themed events for players to compete in for a coveted gold medal!
SEGA’s exciting line up for Nintendo 3DS means you will never be short of something to do during the long, dark evenings and cold winter days of the upcoming months! For more information please visit www.sega.com, and for press assets please visit the SEGA press site at www.sega-press.com.
SEGA also released some new screenshots from the four titles, which you can view in our gallery below.
Source: SEGA Press
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SEGA of America has released a second gameplay trailer for the Wii version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games. In this latest video we see some footage of new events like football (soccer for you guys in the US), volleyball and synchronized swimming, as well as some returning events. The Wii version of the game will be available in the US November 15th and Europe November 18th. The 3DS version is due sometime in February 2012.
Source: SEGA Blog
Thanks to interface for the heads up!
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IGN has shared some of its playtime with the PS3 version of Sonic Generations via a live stream this evening. Team members Jack and Brian show off some of the game’s missions, Speed Highway, Crisis City, the Perfect Chaos battle and even the game’s intro.
You can watch the archived video over at Justin.tv.
Thanks to Hogfather, Jordonguy247, Thomas, fluttersoard and interface for the heads up!
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SEGA Japan has released many new screenshots of both the HD and Nintendo 3DS versions of Sonic Generations. The screenshots include Speed Highway, Radical Highway and both versions of the rival battle with Shadow the Hedgehog.
Check out all of the screenshots in the gallery below.
Source: Siliconera
Thanks to Will, Denilson, Luke and Indigo Generations at the SSMB for the heads up!
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Those who buy the retail copy of Hatsune Miku Project Diva Extend for the PSP when it hits stores in Japan on November 10th will be treated to a bonus soundtrack CD. Three of the the remixed tracks are from the Project Diva series and the other four are from various SEGA games, including “Live and Learn” from Sonic Adventure 2.
Here’s a list of the four SEGA tracks:
Live and Learn: From Sonic Adventure 2
Ignite Infinity: From Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity
Moshimo Kimi ga Negau no Nara: From Valkyria Chronicles 3
Love 14: From Virtual On
Source: Andriasang
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Japanese gaming website Andriasang has shared details of how Sonic Generations for Nintendo 3DS will use the handheld’s StreetPass feature and we’ve listed the main points for you here.
– Players will be able to swap profile cards and missions via StreetPass.
– The game contains 100 extra missions which can be unlocked via StreetPass.
– “When you do a StreetPass exchange with another player, he or she will appear in your StreetPass log. Then you need to select the player’s name and you’ll receive a mission that the the player cleared.”
– “There’s a mission called Revenge which has you where taking out a certain number of enemies while Special Trial sees gopher-like enemies turning up in Act 1 of Mushroom Hill Zone.”
– If you’re not able to get enough StreetPass hits, there is also the option to unlock missions with game coins.
– You can list your Sonic fan credentials on your profile card and other details, like who your favourite Sonic character is.
– Your profile card will also record how long you’ve been playing Sonic Generations.
– Your profile card will update automatically when you perform an exchange.
Some screenshots of this feature have also been released by SEGA Japan and you can view them below.
Source: Andriasang (via ONM)
Thanks to CyberGW, Lip and interface for the heads up!
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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and writer at SPOnG Svend “Dreadknux” Joscelyne got to speak with SEGA Europe Brand Manager David Corless recently and received some sad news for Classic Sonic’s future after Sonic Generations. Continue reading SEGA Has No Plans to Bring Classic Sonic Back After Sonic Generations
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SEGA has partnered with French restaurant Flunch to promote their upcoming game Sonic Generations. From October 22nd to November 27th, you can grab one of five Sonic figurines with the purchase of a kids meal: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy or Shadow. If you’re a teen or older, you can buy the figurines separately for €3.00 each.
Flunch is also holding a contest in each of their restaurants to win a kit consisting of a copy of the PS3 or Xbox 360 version of Sonic Generations (winner’s choice) and a Sonic hat. 40 of these kits are also being given away online. The contest is open to children aged 3-10 years old residing in France, as stated in the terms and conditions.

Source: Flunch Blog (via Eversonic)
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German website GamesWelt has shared some Sonic Generations gameplay footage which gives us our first look at the Knuckles race mission. The mission (at the 1:30 point) sees Classic Sonic try to beat the red echidna to the finish in a Green Hill Zone level that contains giant badniks that you’ll have to bounce on to get by or reach higher platforms. Knuckles will try to get ahead by using his digging ablity, so you’ll have to be quick.
There’s also a new remix of a song that those who have played Sonic R might recognise. We’ll let you find out what it is for yourselves. The rest of the video features more gameplay footage of Green Hill Zone and Sky Sanctuary Zone.
Thanks to Woun for the YouTube conversion and thanks to DbgtSonicX, Nikesh and SSMB member Ryan91 for the heads up!
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