With not long to go until Christmas, SEGA has sent out a virtual Season’s Greetings card. Click the present above to check it out.
Sonic CD Developer Diary Video
SEGA has just posted the above Sonic CD developer diary video on their blog. In the video Sonic Team Art Director Kazuyuki Hoshino gives an insight into the creation of Sonic CD‘s logo, characters, enemies, bosses and stages. It’s an interesting watch, and even features some never-before-seen concept sketches.
Source: SEGA Blog
Thanks to StrickerX-mas at the SSMB for the heads up!
This is What Sonic Cosmo Fighter Galaxy Patrol Plays Like
Sonic Paradise member Alpha3 was lucky enough to come across a Sonic Cosmo Fighter Galaxy Patrol arcade machine while on holiday in China earlier this year, and has kindly shared some gameplay footage on YouTube for all to see. Continue reading This is What Sonic Cosmo Fighter Galaxy Patrol Plays Like
SEGA’s Ken Balough Teases First Sonic 4: Episode 2 Reveal
SEGA’s Sonic 4 Brand Manager Ken Balough has recently been answering queries regarding Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 at the publisher’s official forums and in his responses has teased when we can expect the first reveal for the game. In a post dated November 30th 2011, Balough says that after the new Sonic CD port launches this month, he will give a hint of where we will get the first reveal for Episode 2. In a post made today, Balough again states that once Sonic CD launches, he can give a “brief hint” about the game. Continue reading SEGA’s Ken Balough Teases First Sonic 4: Episode 2 Reveal
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 Appears on Korea’s Game Rating Board
Siliconera has discovered a rating for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 at Korea’s Game Rating Board website, which could mean that SEGA will soon be ready to start going public with this next episode soon. Until now, SEGA’s not given much details outside of the fact that they are working on Episode 2 and that it will be linked to Sonic CD. We’ll keep an eye out for further developments and pass them on here.
When contacted by Eurogamer, SEGA declined to comment.
Source: Siliconera
Thanks to MoDeRn frokeggnog3 at the SSMB for the heads up.
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 Found on Steam Registry
SSMB member ezodagrom has discovered a new entry for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 on the Steam registry, indicating that a PC port of the game could possibly be on the way. SEGA hasn’t said anything officially about a PC version, but this isn’t the first time news has leaked from the publisher before the official announcement. If/when a PC version is officially confirmed, we’ll let you know.
Thanks to ezodagrom at the SSMB for the heads up!
Sonic CD Coming to Xperia Play
After earlier uncertainty, SEGA has confirmed to Pocket Gamer that Sonic CD is coming to Sony’s Xperia Play. The publisher says the port of the Mega CD classic will be optimized for the device and take full advantage of its capabilities.
“We weren’t quite ready to announce the details yet,” SEGA told Pocket Gamer, “but we’ve had our development team working hard to make sure we take full advantage of the Xperia Play’s unique capabilities.”
“Sega is glad to officially announce today that Sonic CD will fully support the Xperia Play when it hits the Android Marketplace.”
Sonic CD is planned for release this month on Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, PC, iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, Android devices, Xperia Play and Windows Phones.
Source: Pocket Gamer
Thanks to SSMB member XD375 for the heads up!
Sonic Generations Now on EU PS Store, Free Sonic CD Theme Also Available
SEGA has released the PS3 version of Sonic Generations for download as part of yesterday’s EU PS Store update. Those of you who enjoy the convenience of on-demand gaming can now purchase and download Sonic’s 20th Anniversary title for £31.99/€39.99. The game weighs in at 8704MB and is available in all European locales.
In other news, SSMB member Hogfather informs us that SEGA has also released a free Sonic CD PS3 XMB theme on the EU PS Store. The theme is based on the game’s Stardust Speedway race between Sonic and Metal Sonic and changes now and then from a bad future design to a good future design. Continue reading Sonic Generations Now on EU PS Store, Free Sonic CD Theme Also Available
Sonic Generations Casino Night Pinball DLC Coming to Steam
SEGA has revealed via their official blog today that the Casino Night Zone Pinball DLC that Xbox 360 and PS3 owners of Sonic Generations got with pre-orders and other editions of the game will be available to PC owners later this month. The mini-game will be released December 26th 2011 and will cost USD $1.59, GBP £0.99, EUR €1.59, AUD $2.99.
In response to fans querying future DLC in the comments section, SEGA’s Lods replied “We cannot confirm anything in relation to dlc. Thanks”. If any further DLC is announced, we’ll be sure to let you know about it.
Source: SEGA Blog
Thanks to SSMB member The Dead Snow for the heads up.
Sonic Generations PS3 Themes & Xbox 360 Avatar Items Available This Week
SEGA has revealed that they will be releasing some Sonic Generations themed content for sale to style your PS3’s XMB and Xbox 360 Avatar with this week. On December 7th (tomorrow), European PS3 fans can purchase a Classic Sonic and a Modern Sonic Dynamic Theme, each costing £1.59/€1.99. On December 8th, Xbox 360 owners worldwide will be able to buy items to dress their Avatar with, each ranging from 80 MSP to 240MSP.
Super Sonic Avatar Costume – 240 MSP
Classic Sonic Avatar Costume – 240 MSP
Classic Amy-Rose Avatar Costume – 240 MSP
Sonic Generations T-Shirt – 80 MSP
Sonic Generations Cap – 160 MSP
You can find two videos of the PS3 Dynamic Themes at the SEGA Blog link below.
Source: SEGA Blog
Will you be downloading any of this content? Let us know in the comments section below.
Sonic Generations Retains 25th Position in the UK Chart
Despite a full week of sales for the Nintendo 3DS and retail PC versions, Sonic Generations has failed to move higher in the UK Top 40 All Formats chart this week and instead retained its position at no.25. In the Top 30 PS3 chart, the game held on to its place at no.13, while in the Top 40 Xbox 360 chart it stepped up two places from no.21 to no.19. In the Top 10 Nintendo 3DS chart and Top 20 PC chart, it’s not good news, as Sonic Generations has fell from no.4 to no.8 in the former and dropped off the latter completely.
However, it’s good news for Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games, with the Wii game having moved up two places from no.13 to no.11 in the Top 40 All Formats chart and retaining its no.2 spot in the Top 30 Wii chart.
Source: Chart Track
Sonic 2 Now Available for Free to EU PS Plus Subscribers Until December 3rd
Sony’s got a Christmas treat for European PlayStation Plus subscribers with its ‘The 12 Gifts of Christmas’ promotion. Starting today, PlayStation Plus members will be able to download one free game, every two days, and you will be able to keep them for as long as you’re a subscriber. SEGA’s Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is the first game, with seven more PSN titles, two minis and two PSone Classics to come. The next game will be available December 3rd, so be sure to grab Sonic 2 before then.
Source: EU PlayStation Blog
Sonic CD Xbox Live Achievements Revealed
Xbox360Achievements.org has released the Xbox Live Achievements list for the upcoming port of Sonic CD. The twelve tasks range from collecting rings and Time Stones to getting a hug from Amy Rose, all for a total of 200G.
You can view the full Achievements list below:
Source: Xbox360Achievements.org
Sonic Generations Climbs Back Up The UK Chart
With some discounts on the console version this past week and the release of the Nintendo 3DS and retail PC versions, Sonic Generations has jumped back up 12 places in the UK Top 40 All Formats chart this week, from No.37 to No.25. Continue reading Sonic Generations Climbs Back Up The UK Chart
Sonic Generations Already Seeing Huge Discounts in the UK
The game was only released on the 4th of this month, but already Sonic’s 20th Anniversary title Sonic Generations has been deeply discounted at various retailers. Chart Track records so far have shown the game has struggled to compete for gamers’ money against the many other headline titles released this month. Could this be why retailers are reducing their prices of Sonic Generations so low? Continue reading Sonic Generations Already Seeing Huge Discounts in the UK
Sonic Advance Now Available on Android Devices in Japan
Siliconera reports that Sonic’s first Game Boy Advance title Sonic Advance is now available on Android devices in Japan. The game was released on the Android marketplace on Friday, and is absolutely free of charge. It’s currently unclear if this port will be released outside of Japan.
Source: Siliconera
Thanks to SuperGuzzi for the heads up!
Full Tracklist Revealed for History of Sonic Music 20th Anniversary Edition
The full tracklist has been revealed for the now renamed History of Sonic Music 20th Anniversary Edition album (previously titled Sonic 20th Anniversary Best), as well as its cover art. The CD includes 43 tracks spanning Sonic’s 20 year history, from Sonic the Hedgehog‘s Green Hill Zone to Sonic Colours‘ Planet Wisp. Also included with the CD are a couple of stickers and a code to obtain a Hero Chao statue in the Statue Room in the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Sonic Generations. You can view the full tracklist, art and bonuses below.
[Product Information]
Item Name: HISTORY OF SONIC MUSIC 20th Anniversary Edition
Cana Product Name: A History of Sonic Music 20th Anniversary Edition
Release Date: December 07, 2011 sale
price: 3,500 yen (tax included)
Publisher: Wave Master
Sold by Avex Marketing[Disc 1]
Sonic 20th Sound Logo
Green Hill
Emerald Hill
Sonic… You Can Do Anything
Toxic Caves
Angel Island
Flying Battery
Midnight Greenhouse
Green Grove
Super Sonic Racing
Open Your Heart
It Doesn’t Matter
Run Through The Speed Highway
Live & Learn
Escape From The City
That’s The Way I Like It
Neo Green Hill
Leaf Forest
Sonic Stage
Sonic Heroes
We Can
Seaside Hill
Route 99
Right There, Ride On[Disc 2]
I Am… All Of Me
Sonic Speed Riders
Quick Trip To Paradise
His World
Kingdom Valley
My Destiny
Seven Rings In Hand
A New Venture
Race To Win
Endless Possibility
The World Adventure
Rooftop Run – Day
Knight Of The Wind
Splash Hill
Reach For The Stars
Starlight Carnival
Planet Wisp
The History of Sonic Music 20th Anniversary Edition album will be released in Japan December 7th 2011 for ¥3,500. You can pre-order it now at the below retailers.
HMV Japan: ¥3,500
Amazon Japan: ¥3,500
Yes Asia: US$43.49/£28.27
CD Japan: ¥3,500
Source: Famitsu (via SEGA-Mag.com)
US Soundtrack Option Confirmed for Sonic CD Port
Three new videos of the Xbox Live Arcade version of the upcoming Sonic CD port have hit the net courtesy of YouTube user The360Preview. In the above gameplay preview video we can see an option for the US soundtrack, which is kind of odd considering SEGA had previously stated that there were copyright issues with those tracks, but Christian Whitehead has confirmed over at Sonic Retro under his online tag ‘The Taxman’ that the US soundtrack is indeed present in this port.
Haha far out, not exactly sure how this was filmed and by who (PartnerNET strikes again)?
But yes, oh ye of little faith. US soundtrack is in, and also loops seamlessly like the JP version in this game.
Sources: The360Preview YouTube channel and Christian Whitehead @ Sonic Retro
Thanks to Blue Blood at the SSMB for the heads up!
SEGA Releases Sonic Generations Comic Strip
SEGA has today randomly released a comic strip version of the opening cutscene of the console and PC versions of Sonic Generations. As players of the game will know, Sonic’s friends set up a picnic party for the blue hedgehog’s Birthday, with cake, chilli dogs and all. Shortly after, the mysterious Time Eater crashes the party and warps Sonic and his friends across time.
The comic strip ends where Sonic wakes up outside of the Green Hill Zone with a “To be continued…” note. Could there be more comic strips on the way, or could SEGA just mean the story continues in the game? If more comic strips are released, we’ll pass them on.
Source: SEGA Press
New Sonic CD Xbox 360 Screenshots
Microsoft has sneakily put up an Xbox Live product page this week in the US for SEGA’s upcoming Sonic CD port on Xbox Live Arcade and many other digital platforms. There’s no new information to be found, but there are six new screenshots from a bunch of the game’s stages and the Xbox Live Arcade ‘box art’. You can view all of the images in our gallery below.
Source: Xbox.com
Sonic Generations 3DS Launch Trailer
The Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Generations was made available today in the US, with an Australian and European release to come later this week, and to mark the occasion, SEGA Europe has released the above launch trailer for the game. The video shows off a bit of everything you can expect, like the game’s stages, boss battles, multiplayer and more.
Source: Sonic Wrecks
Thanks to Thomas for the heads up!
Sonic Generations 3DS & Retail PC Price Roundup
The Nintendo 3DS and retail PC versions of Sonic Generations are available this week and we’re here to help you get the best deal with a roundup of the prices currently on offer online.

CoolShop: £27.97
The Game Collection: £28.99
Zavvi.com: £29.95
Zavvi.com: £34.95 (with Super Monkey Ball 3D)
The Hut: £29.95
The Hut: £34.95 (with Super Monkey Ball 3D)
Grainger Games: £29.99
GameStop: £30.97
DVD: £30.99
Base: £30.99
101cd: £30.99
Blah DVD: £30.99
365games: £30.99
Argos: £31.99
ChoicesUK: £31.99
ShopTo: £32.86
Play: £32.99
Amazon: £32.99
GAME: £34.99
Gamestation: £34.99
HMV: £34.99
Blockbuster: £34.99
Very: £35.00
Very: £169.00 (3DS Aqua Blue console with case and Sonic Generations)
Littlewoods: £44.00 (from £2.20 per week)
Littlewoods: £215.00 (3DS Aqua Blue console with case and Sonic Generations. From £2.07 per week)
Walmart: $39.96
GameStop: $39.99
Toys R Us: $39.99
Target: $39.99
Best Buy: $39.99
Kmart: $39.99
Amazon: $49.88
GAME: $58.00AU
JB Hi-Fi: $59.00AU
Mighty Ape: $64.99AU
EB Games: $68.00AU

Zavvi: £12.95
Zavvi: £17.95 (with SEGA Mega Drive Classic Collection: Volume 1)
The Hut: £12.95
The Hut: £34.45 (with SEGA Mega Drive Classic Collection: Volume 1)
DVD: £14.95
Base: £14.95
101cd: £14.95
Blah DVD: £14.95
Play: £14.99
Amazon: £14.99
CoolShop: £16.97
GAME: 17.99
Gamestation: £17.99
GAME: $49.95AU
SonicMerchandise.com Now Open For Business
SEGA’s official online store for Sonic the Hedgehog merchandise SonicMerchandise.com is now officially open for business. The store stocks a variety of items like school supplies, electronics, apparels, DVD’s and more. The website also has a loyalty scheme which rewards purchases with points that you can later use as part payment for future spends. The store ships to the UK and Europe, and delivery charge depends on weight, size and delivery address.
More information is available in the website’s customer service section.
Thanks to hypermikey and fluttersoard for the heads up!
Sonic Generations Plummets in This Week’s UK Sales Chart
It seems Sonic’s 20th Anniversary game Sonic Generations just can’t compete with the many other big name titles released this month. In the top 40 All Formats chart this week, Sonic Generations plummeted from No.21 to No.37, down 16 spots from last week, while in the top 40 Individual Formats chart, the game is nowhere to be found. Continue reading Sonic Generations Plummets in This Week’s UK Sales Chart
Sonic the Hedgehog Facebook Page Gains 2 Million Fans
The official Sonic the Hedgehog Facebook page has gained over two million fans, and as a thank you, SEGA has released two never-before-seen sketches of Classic and Modern Sonic, which are drawn by their original artists Naoto Oshima and Yuji Uekawa. You can view them in our gallery below.
Source: Sonic the Hedgehog Facebook page (via Sonic Paradise)
New Sonic Generations Japanese Trailer & 150 3DS Screenshots
SEGA Japan has released a new trailer which gives a look at some gameplay footage from the console and 3DS versions of Sonic Generations to promote the game’s release over there in a couple of weeks. SEGA Japan and SEGA Europe have also together released one hundred and fifty new screenshots of the 3DS version, which showcase all seven stages in the game, as well as the game’s multiplayer mode. You can view all of the images in our gallery below.
Sources: SEGA Press & SEGA-Mag.com
New Sonic Generations Planet Wisp Screenshots
The console and PC download version of Sonic Generations may have already been out for a few weeks now, but SEGA’s not done showing it off just yet. The publisher has released forty new screenshots of the game’s Planet Wisp stage in both Classic and Modern flavours, and in them we can see Classic Sonic using the Pink ‘Spike’ Wisp and Modern Sonic using the Orange ‘Rocket’ Wisp. You can view all of the images in our gallery below.
Source: QTE Gamers
SEGA Holding Sonic CD Fan Art Contest, Original Metal Sonic Sketch Revealed
SEGA announced last week that they’re holding a ‘Sonic CD Fan Art Contest’. Sonic fans are tasked with creating artwork related to Sonic CD and submit them for the chance to win a copy of the digital port of Sonic CD and a signed copy of the new Japan-only Sonic CD original soundtrack CD. The contest is open to residents of North America, Mexico and the UK, and closes November 29th. All of the rules can be found here.
Today, SEGA has updated with some tips for drawing Metal Sonic from Kazuyuki Hoshino, Art Director at Sonic Team. Hoshino-san has even shared the original sketch of Metal Sonic, which you can view in our gallery below.
This sketch takes me back! When I was new to Sonic Team, I was tasked with designing what was to be Sonic’s rival character. I was so excited!
Although some slight changes were made between this and the final design – for example, his eyes are rounded and the proportions of his body are different – for the most part, he was already Metal Sonic. This sketch was used as a draft for the character’s bitmap that you see in game so it’s rather simple, but it brings back a lot of good memories and is very special to me.
Tips When Drawing Metal Sonic
1. Remember that he is METAL Sonic so focus on giving him a nice metallic texture. You can do this by emphasizing the highlights and reflections on his body.
2. Try to position him in a way that will show off his iconic details like his glowing eyes, menacingly pointed fingers, and the large engine on his back.I hope that these tips will prove useful and look forward to seeing all of your submissions!
Sonic Generations 3DS Street Date Broken in Germany
A GameStop store in Germany has broken the European release date for the Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Generations. SSMB member Thigolf went into the store today to pick up a copy of Super Mario 3D Land and was surprised to find Sonic Generations available to purchase 8 days before its November 25th release. Needless to say, Thigolf snapped up a copy and is playing it right now.
UPDATE: Thigolf has shared lots of new information with us about the game.
*The only characters in the game are Sonic, Tails, Eggman and the rivals.
*After you beat the boss (or Green Hill in the first era) youre free to choose which zone and act of the era you wanna do first.
*After you beat the rival of an era, the boss is unlocked
*The rivals are all races like Metal Sonic in Sonic CD and take part in Casino Night, Radical Highway and Tropical Resort
*The Bosses are Big Arm, Biolizard (SA2) and Egg Emperor (Heroes)
*In the Special Stages, you collect the orbs to get the boost and chase the emerald. You have to catch him within 1:30 min.
*Classic Sonic unlocks the homing attack after the classic era, Modern Sonic unlocks the stomp after the Dreamcast era.
*You can find the electric shields from the Advance and Rush games for Classic Sonic
*The missions cost 5 Playcoins eachLevel info:
*The Whale in Classic Emerald Coast destroys the path behind you kind of like the Truck in the HD Version does
*In Modern Emerald Coast, he jumps out of the water and you have to do a little quick time event to make him crash against the wall (poor guy)
*Modern Radical Highway has lots of grinding parts on the bridge
*In Water Palace Classic Sonic needs to activate the switches to make the water pumps, that shoot you up, work (could be gramatically false, sorry) The level also has a bubble maschine that creates bubbles so you can cross holes
*The Back 2 Back remix in the Modern Level seems more funky and has more rock elements
*Classic Tropical Resort seems to be based more on the DS Version of Colors designwise, he also has the DS exclusive Red Wisp and has a Rocket Part at the end where so jump from rocket to rocket before they explode to get up
*Modern Tropical Resort is more based on the Wii Version and has the Cyan Wisp, at the end you grind on rails and you have to avoide falling meteors
Thanks to Thigolf at the SSMB for the heads up and the pics.
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games Price Roundup
With the Wii version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games out now in the US and Australia, and the European release coming tomorrow, you might be wondering what the best deal is online. Well, below, we’ve put together a list of the current prices available for the game and its blue Wii console bundle, as well as some of the extras certain retailers are offering.
Grainger Games: £24.99
DVD: £28.99
DVD (Special Edition: With Money Tin): £34.99
Base: £28.99
Base (Special Edition: With money Tin): £34.99
101CD: £28.99
101CD (Special Edition: With Money Tin): £34.99
BlahDVD: £28.99
BlahDVD (Special Edition: With Money Tin): £34.99
PropelGamer: £29.10
CoolShop: £29.77
SimplyGames: £29.85
The Hut: £29.95
Zavvi: £29.95
Sainsbury’s Entertainment: £29.99
GAME: £29.99
Gamestation: £29.99
Amazon: £29.99
Tesco Entertainment: £30.71
ShopTo: £31.85
GameStop: £31.97
ChoicesUK: £31.99
ASDA Direct: £32.00
Play.com: £32.99
Blockbuster: £34.99
Gameplay: £37.99
Toys R Us: $37.49
Amazon: $41.20
Walmart: $49.96
GameStop: $49.99
Target: $49.99
Best Buy: $49.99
Kmart: $49.99
JB Hi-Fi: $69.00AU
EB Games: $78.00AU
EB Games (Limited Edition): $88.00AU
Mighty Ape: $72.99AU
Mighty Ape (Collector’s Edition): $88.99AU
ASDA Direct: £119.00
Toys R Us: £119.99
The Hut: £124.95
Zavvi: £124.95
HMV: £129.99
GAME: £129.99
Gamestation: £129.99
Gameplay: £129.99
Play.com: £129.99
Amazon: £129.99
DVD: £129.99
Base: £129.99
101CD: £129.99
BlahDVD: 129.99
If you’ve seen some prices we haven’t, share them in the comments below and we’ll add them in.
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games Launch Trailer
SEGA has released one final trailer to promote the Wii version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games. The video gives a brief look at all the game has to offer, including Olympic Events, Dream Events and London Party Mode. The game is out now in the US and Australia, and will be released in Europe tomorrow.
Source: SEGA Blog
Vocals Dropped for Sonic CD Port’s Soundtrack
Sonic Retro forum member RGamer2009 has revealed that SEGA’s digital download Sonic CD port does not feature the vocals in its soundtrack that were present in its original Mega CD release. RGamer2009 recorded the above footage from the GameStop Android tablet version, and at the 40 seconds mark you can see the game’s animated intro with just an instrumental version of Sonic – You Can Do Anything.
Christian Whitehead aka “The Taxman” followed the discovery up with the below message at the Sonic Retro forums suspecting legal rights issues.
I know it’s a bit of a bummer that the vocals had to be left out. It’s definitely not something due to laziness or something silly. I couldn’t tell you the circumstances, but at least from my understanding there are some rights associated with the lyrics themselves.
My guess is that since Casey Rankin is no longer alive, there might be problems negotiating the use of the lyrics outside of Japan. Please, don’t take this as gospel though since I don’t work in legal
Sources: RGamer2009 and The Taxman at Sonic Retro
Thanks to Sean at the SSMB for the heads up!
What are your thoughts on this development? Let us know in the comments.
Sonic Generations Drops in the UK Chart
Despite a full week of sales last week, Sonic Generations has dropped in the UK charts. In the top 40 All Formats chart, the game dropped eleven places from No.10 to No.21. In the Individual Units chart, the Xbox 360 version has plummeted from No.14 to No.32 and the PS3 version dropped from No.21 to No.37. In the top 40 Xbox 360 chart, Sonic Generations fell six places from No.6 to No.12, while in the top 30 PS3 chart, the game dropped just three places from No.6 to No.9.
With big titles like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception released last week and more heavy hitters to come, Sonic Generations may find itself struggle to grab sales. We’ll update you next Monday with this week’s sales chart results for Sonic Generations and Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games, which is released this Friday on Wii in Europe.
Source: Chart Track
Sonic to Make Another Appearance on The Simpsons
In their latest episode of GTTV, GameTrailers’ Geoff Keighley got to interview Executive Producer & Writer for The Simpsons Matt Selman and talk about their upcoming video game parody episode. The episode sees Homer, Bart and Lisa go to ‘E4’, which is a take on the biggest annual event in gaming – E3. In the preview clips shown, we see Sonic the Hedgehog will again make an appearance on the show, but in a much less familiar form. Some of the other video game franchises featured include: World of Warcraft, God of War and the pictured combination of Medal of Honor and Call of Duty.
The episode airs in the US November 13th.
Source: GameTrailers
Thanks to Thomas for the heads up!
Sonic Generations OST: Blue Blur Now Available to Pre-order in Japan
The long-awaited Sonic Generations Original Soundtrack: Blue Blur album is now available to pre-order in Japan. The tracklist and cover art haven’t been revealed yet, but the brief description indicates it will cover both the HD and 3DS versions.
Sega’s game “Sonic Generations of white space-time,” “The Adventures of Sonic Blue Generations”
If you’re already a fan of the music heard in the game and are keen to reserve a copy of the album, you can get your pre-order in now at YesAsia.com and Amazon Japan. The 3 disc album is scheduled to be released January 11th 2012 and will set you back ¥ 4,200/US$52.99/£34.44.
Thanks to Bsquared and Hogfather at the SSMB for the heads up!
Australia and New Zealand Get M&S London 2012 Collector’s Edition
Following the previously revealed Limited Edition, the Australia and New Zealand branches of Mighty Ape are now listing a Collector’s Edition for the Wii version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games.
The Collector’s Edition contains:
– Game
– Money tin
– Stationary Kit
– Beach ball
– Key ring
– Lanyard
You can pre-order your copy of the Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games Collector’s Edition at the links below. Both retailers ship worldwide.
MightyApe.com.au: $88.99AU
MightyApe.co.nz: $109.99NZ
If the Collector’s Edition doesn’t interest you, you can order the Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games Limited Edition at EB Games Australia for £88.00AU.
The Limited Edition contains:
– Game
– Steel Tin
– Poster
– T Shirt
– Notebook
– Carry Bag
Unfortunately, it appears EB Games doesn’t ship outside of Australia.
With Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games now having a Collector’s Edition, like Sonic Generations did, it’s definitely an expensive year to be a Sonic fan.