Sonic the Hedgehog Facebook Page Gains 2 Million Fans

The official Sonic the Hedgehog Facebook page has gained over two million fans, and as a thank you, SEGA has released two never-before-seen sketches of Classic and Modern Sonic, which are drawn by their original artists Naoto Oshima and Yuji Uekawa. You can view them in our gallery below.

Source: Sonic the Hedgehog Facebook page (via Sonic Paradise)

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  1. I wonder if that Sonic picture by Uekawa was the one being drawn by him on the 20 anniversary video. :3

  2. man, i really want a new game cover with Uekawa’s art on it. ive always loved his style.
    im tired of the CG character model on the cover.
    Lets hear it for better box art!

    1. I know. I liked the 2D art we used to have, but it all got phased out by Sonic Heroes. Maybe if we don’t get the art on the cover, maybe we should get some in the manual.

      1. Yeah that’s another reason I seperate Adventure Sonic from Modern Sonic. They really look similar but different to me. In fact, Uekawa’s 2D are looks equally like Modern Sonic as it does Classic Sonic to me just with different traits being compared. So it litterally is an “in-between” design to me. lol

        The models have always tried to look like the artwork so even with inferior graphics, the SA2 model is still my favorite. And since Sonic Heores, the models started becoming more and more identical to the CGI artwork models, which have roughly been the same design ever since. (particularly Shadow’s eyes, Knuckles’ face, Sonic’s body, Tails’ tails, and so on.

  3. Is it just me, or does Classic Sonic’s index finger look a tad too long? Makes me laugh though 😀

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