Sonic Generations Retains 25th Position in the UK Chart

Despite a full week of sales for the Nintendo 3DS and retail PC versions, Sonic Generations has failed to move higher in the UK Top 40 All Formats chart this week and instead retained its position at no.25. In the Top 30 PS3 chart, the game held on to its place at no.13, while in the Top 40 Xbox 360 chart it stepped up two places from no.21 to no.19. In the Top 10 Nintendo 3DS chart and Top 20 PC chart, it’s not good news, as Sonic Generations has fell from no.4 to no.8 in the former and dropped off the latter completely.

However, it’s good news for Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games, with the Wii game having moved up two places from no.13 to no.11 in the Top 40 All Formats chart and retaining its no.2 spot in the Top 30 Wii chart.

Source: Chart Track

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  1. The 3DS version has no chance of moving up as its not stocked anywhere.
    Tried all my local game shops (in exeter) and could only find it in Game and Gamestation.
    Even supermarkets don’t seem to have it Tesco and sainsburys were the only ones I checked.

    Think someone needs to push it a little unfortunatly even the price drop doesn’t seem to have done much for the big brother, it sucks such a good game.

    1. My local Sainsbury’s and ASDA stores have it. My wife and mother in-law bought it from Sainsbury’s the other night as a joint Christmas present for me.

      1. Must be different in different places but they had enough mario kart and super mario in 3d world.
        My Girlfriend is getting it for me for xmas but can’t wait 20 days to play it.

        Thank god I have the 360 collectors edition to get me through until then. 🙂

  2. It’s good the 3DS version is still in the top ten so far, I know it may not move up but still no.8 is okay. I just need to get a 3DS before they sell out then I can play Generations, my sister is getting London Olympics for me (as a christmas present) I have a feeling this Christmas is gonna be good 🙂 I will probably get other games in the new year.

    1. I rented the game. 🙂 I liked Dream Rafting, Dream Long Jump, Dream Fencing, etc! I also like London Party Mode. In the end, I’m glad I rented it, but I am deciding that I am getting the 3DS version, mainly due to the story mode! I hope its better than Winter!

      1. That sounds good 🙂 I’ll be looknig forward to play it then, I never managed to play the DS version of Winter Olympics but I am getting it for Christmas the story sounded good. I was thinking of getting the 3DS version of London Olympics too just like you are but first I need a 3DS 😛 I’ve got the 3DS version of Generations but I just need a 3DS do you have Generations on 3DS? if so how is it? is it good? 🙂

  3. Hmmmm… I’m not sure if this is good or bad news… ah, but it is good to hear how the 2012 games is doing!

  4. At least it is surviving. After all, it IS competing with major games like Skyward Sword and Skyrim. SEGA just chose a poor time to release it.

    Meh. Still need to redeem my Gamestop codes. Pinball level ftw XD

  5. I’d say these are average news.

    Not good, but not bad either.

    Sonic Generations is not getting the sales it deserves though.
    And Mario and Sonic is getting the sales that it deserves, seriously that game is a giant improvement from the other two games.

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