TSS Preview: Sonic Lost World


At this years Summer of Sonic, I managed to get some hands on time with Sonic Lost World. I have to be honest, I’ve been looking forward to trying this one out, if only because ‘it looks so different’ and… it’s the first next gen Sonic game, why wouldn’t I want to try it out?

Fellow TSS staffer Doctor MK also got some time with the game, you can find his impressions in this article too. Our views are based on the Wii U version of the game, running on the SDCC/SOS/Sonic Boom build.

How many times have you seen someone complain about a Sonic game or any long running franchise? How many times have you seen them start their complaint as if they’re standing on a block yelling in a bombastic voice “I’ve been playing games for *insert a year here* and I have managed to complete them all!” You know the kind, and you’ve all seen it before in some degree.

Following my experience with Sonic Lost World, I can see this being said by a great many people. If you don’t include spinoff titles, Sonic Lost World is unlike any Sonic game I have ever played, and the moment I’d finished with it I took a breath and said ‘this game is going to divide a lot of fans.’

I should probably say, I do not own a Wii U, I have never ever played on a Wii U until I touched Lost World, so my experience with using this system is completely fresh. If I were to buy a Wii U, Sonic Lost World is my launch title. But… According to a recent interview with Sega, they see this game as being something that can help save the Wii U, we’ll come back to this later, but it’s something worth keeping in mind, especially when we get onto the part about ‘how easy is this game to pick up and play?’

The day before SOS I was with someone who also hadn’t played on a Wii U before, but also, hadn’t played a Sonic game for a number of years, she’d played Sonic Adventure through to Heroes, but not played Generations or Colours. I have played every main 3D Sonic game, so we had quite the range of expertise, our only common factor was, neither of us owned a Wii U.


So she has the first go and picks Windy Hill, after a few moments of play she calls me over and asks me a question I never thought I would hear from someone who plays a Sonic game “How do I go fast?” followed by another question I never thought I would hear…. “How do I attack the badniks?”

Before you all mock… If you have to ask that, something is very wrong. Is it with the player or the game? Offering to help her out I quickly discovered why she was having problems.

She wasn’t aware about the whole ‘hold down the trigger to run’ so I showed her that, and sure enough Sonic was running, but there was a new problem, how to attack enemies. Watching this girl play it was near random, she would sometimes do a homing attack, other times it was almost random. Sometimes Sonic would attack multiple targets, other times one. So about halfway through the level, she turned to me and said ‘Do you want to play? I think I’ve had enough.’

I want you to remember this line. ‘Do you want to play? I think I’ve had enough.’ Remember it well. So I took the controller… and instantly, I could see and feel the problems she was having.

Holding down a trigger to make Sonic run feels for lack of a better word, weird, as well as being overly complicated, here’s an example. I want to ‘run’ forward. I hold ‘up’ on the analogue stick (as usual), I start to walk, and I only walk. I want to go as fast as I would do in Generations, Unleashed and most other games without boosting. The only way I can do that is to hold up on the analogue stick, then hold down a trigger button and I can ‘run’ not at boost speed, but at normal running speed similar to Generations and Unleashed, it’s actually a lot slower than normal running speed in past games.

So say I then want to go at ‘boosting speed’ which happens to be the spin attack… I then have to keep those buttons held down and now press and hold another button to do the spin dash/boost.

I am now holding down 3 buttons down just to go at max speed in my desired direction.

Sonic Lost World July screenshots 10

in previous games, I only had to hold up on the analogue stick, and then press and hold the boost button if I wanted to use it… here I have to hold down 3 buttons for the boost, and 2 just to run.

This might not seem like much, but after so many years, this is one hell of a control change, and it’s not user friendly. It makes doing something as simple as running much more complicated than previous. We’ve all heard the joke ‘hold right to win?’ Well here we have to hold ‘up’ a ‘trigger button’ and sometimes a boost button just to get moving.

When you eventually do get moving, a new problem presents itself, that being, why is Sonic moving so slowly? With the run button held down, Sonic feels like he’s running against a force-field, it’s just not fast enough, please increase the speed cap.

Attacking enemies is also much harder than before, and it feels close to random as to how it works. I played both Windy Hill and Desert Ruins 2 (the honey comb level). In both these stages, the homing attack feels like it operates differently. It’s not a universal method of attacking and I still can’t figure it out.

Example, in Windy Hill, there are 3 enemies ahead of me; I jump towards them. Suddenly there’s a lock on target on all three, I push what I think is the homing attack, Sonic attacks only 1, so I try again, this time Sonic doesn’t attack any of them. I try again, he attacks 1, I try again, he attacks all three. It was the same with every cluster of enemies, it was close to random as to if Sonic would attack them all or none at all, there was nothing in the games hints as to what to do either.

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Then you get to Desert Ruins 2. You’ve seen those videos of people doing huge homing attack chains on multiple targets? Yeah… that’s random.  I could perform the huge chains, but I couldn’t figure out how I was doing it, sometimes it just didn’t work at all. At one point I thought, ‘if I jump and hold up at the same time he’ll do the chain attacks?’  But this wouldn’t work every time. There was no clear instruction or method as to how you attack enemies in the mach speed levels or the 3D platforming levels. It felt completely random at times.

And when you do connect a full badnik chain successfully, you don’t feel like you’ve done anything, bringing us back to the age old problem of ‘Am I actually playing this game?’ It feels so automated that which it looks nice, as a player, you don’t get any satisfaction since you didn’t actually do anything, especially when the success rate of performing an attack seems to be completely random.

I’m still not sure as to what you have to do, it’s not a case of ‘double jumping’ and Sonic will auto lock on enemies any more. You do something else, but the game never explains what. At times it felt like in Metal Gear Rising where you have to master the perfect parry. Jump and hold the analogue stick in the direction of the enemies then push jump again at just the right time? Is that how you do it? I don’t know, because it seems to have a random effect each time and there’s nothing in the game that explains what you have to do.

I’m not surprised that the girl who started the game before me had enough, it was so  random and complicated just doing the most basic of actions, actions which have been so easy for years are now drastically different and the game in its present state offers so little to help you.

Like I said at the start, I am not a Wii U owner, this was one of the main reasons I would get one, and according to Sega, they hope this game will help turn around the outlook of the system, but how do you hope to do that if you have made your controls this difficult for new players to both the system and the franchise? It puts you off from continuing because it feels so random, with no ingame help for such a radical change in control I can’t help but wonder why I would continue playing?

You can’t just pick up and play this game; the learning curve is so high I suspect many people will give up on it since it feels far more complicated than it needs to be. Even the werehog combos were not as complicated as this game is. Just something as basic as ‘Why not hold a trigger to walk instead of run?’ would improve this game so much, over holding it to run at a speed expected when one plays a Sonic game.

The control issues don’t stop there either… there’s another very annoying problem in the form of the Wisps.

Sonic Lost World July screenshots 3

I for one don’t particularly mind the Wisps that much, what I do have a problem with is how you use them in Lost World. Who thought it would be a good idea to aim/activate/control the Laser Wisp using the gamepad? This is ridiculous, I have to take my eyes off the screen just to use a wisp, I have to activate it using the gamepad as opposed to a button on the controller itself, (and it’s not like there aren’t any it could be mapped too), I have to aim it using the gamepad screen, and this is not an easy thing to do at all. I saw people flying off in the wrong direction and it took me a while to aim it at the desired target. When I used the power I had no idea if I’d done it right or if Sonic just happened to blast off in a direction which happened to avoid any hazards which meant my time trying to pull off a laser wisp was completely pointless.

It’s not an easy thing to do either, aiming the wisp feels like trying to stack a house of cards on a bouncy castle full of kids going ape after eating all the ice-cream, it’s really difficult, you feel like you’re righting against the game at times just to aim it right and then launch it.

I am becoming really sick of developers trying to convince me of problems that touch pads, motion controllers, kinect’s, touch screens and all these other control schemes are solving, which don’t exist in the first place. Why is such a fundamental part of the game forced onto us by the use of the game pad? What problem exists with the control scheme which means I cannot push a button to trigger the wisp, then use the analogue stick to aim followed by the jump button to activate? The game locks you into using the Wisp once you touch the second screen anyway so why force this onto the player? It solves a problem that doesn’t exist!

The use of the game pad is so badly designed that when a Wisp is ‘activated’ the action of the television freezes in such a way that I thought the game had crashed and was just about to call one of the reps over before I noticed that action had changed to the second screen on the gamepad. But the ‘lock up’ on the main screen is such a mess first time players who had no idea whats going on might easilly mistake this for a system crash. There isn’t even a message informing the player that the action has now gone to the game pad. I could go through an entire thesaurus as to how bad the Wisp activation and useage in this game is.

I don’t know if there’s some kind of Nintendo conspiracy which means all games have to use the game pad in a way, but the way you use Wisps in this game is terrible. This should not be tied to the game pad at all. But hey at least the game tells you how to use them right…? Oh wait… IT DOESN’T! Yeah, the only way I knew how to use a Wisp power is because I happened to watch a random live stream a few weeks prior in which a Sega rep told the player how to use it. Nowhere in the game does it tell you how to use the powers or control them!

It was such a bad experience trying to use the Wisps afterwards I thought ‘it has to be me, theres no way it’s this bad, it’s got to be my inexperience with the Wii U?’ I asked several people, both Wii U and non Wii U owners, every one of them said the same thing ‘The Wisp activation/control scheme is awful.’

There have in the past been complaints about the ‘tutorials’ and Omachao, but if you are going to change a control scheme which has been in place for the past 10 years that has had barely any changes and then radically alter it, might be an idea to tell players what they’re supposed to do?

Continuing with the control problem, though this might actually be a camera issue, wasn’t quite sure. This game sees the return of ‘mach speed’ levels, before people panic, they control so much better than Sonic 06. But they have problems.

You’ve seen how you have to run into the honeycombs that are hollow? Well, think back to a game like Unleashed where you use ‘the quick step’ you know how when you used this, Sonic would jump/move to a left or right ‘path’ and both the camera and Sonic would ‘lock’ to that spot unless you moved the analogue stick or pressed the quick step button? Here you have more freedom… but it brings with it problems.


Sonic is constantly moving forward in these stages, and when it came to aligning up with a tunnel, I held left on the analogue stick, found myself perfectly aligned and then let go of the stick… Sonic kept moving to the left, and I went crashing into the wall, even though everything from the last 10 years has told me Sonic wouldn’t do that. He would stick and lock to the fixed path I’d just sent him on.

Eventually I imagine you can master this camera ‘drift’ but when you start these stages, you WILL be frustrated. I just cannot understand why there’s this drift, especially when hitting the walls is a 1 hit kill.

There is another huge problem with the game that I admit might just be how I was playing, but when I realised what was going on, I realised that there was nothing in the game to suggest I could do this.  As a fan of Sonic, as someone who watches the live streams and the video demos and the trailers… I know, this game has multiple paths… I know that you can explore the stages. I know this, because I’ve looked it up.

However, if you play this game without any prior knowledge… the game offers nothing to suggest that is the case. The way Windy Hill is presented, your natural sense is to run forward and not change direction. You can change and go down an alternative path quite early on, but the design of the stage means unless you know it’s there, or unless you know the game has multiple paths, there is no reason at all to explore the stage. Due to the design of the stage, you will naturally stick to the default path. There’s no reason at all to explore. Maybe this will change in a later build, but right now had I not known the game has multiple paths or I could explore, I wouldn’t have done as I had no reason to.

The parkour system, the big seller for this game, it’s a nice idea on paper, but in reality, it’s it feels like… I don’t want to say easy mode, but it feels like it was designed not to make platforming more a focus as much as it was made so that everyone has a chance to beat a stage. Even then, the Parkour system has it’s problems. There are apparently people who have complained that Sonic goes too fast so he crashes into walls. The parkour system is designed to keep Sonic moving as well as help him run on walls. Which in theory is a really good idea, we’ve all seen the trailers of it in action and it looks great.


The reality however is different, imagine you are playing as Sonic and you walk upto a wall, you stop, you hold down the parkour button… you can now walk up this wall without building up any momentum… see that tree, you can just walk up it from a dead stop, that wall, not a problem. Parkour in this game should be renamed ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’s magical anti-gravity shoe mode’ it doesn’t break the game, nor does it make it easier, but it really is just ‘walk on walls mode’ as opposed to being what parkour actually is, using ones momentum to perform amazing stunts and skills.

That said, the parkour system isn’t bad, it’s really satisfying when you do actually use it to perform a stunt or difficult move. It gives the game much more platoforming focus, so if we’ve really been crying out for a slow platforming game, then I guess this one is for you. But for me, it just feels strange how it seems that for years we’ve wanted better momentum in Sonic games, yet now we’ve got parkour which requires next to no build up in speed or movement to be able to defy gravity, hence why I’m going to call this “Magical anti-gravity shoe mode.”

When you run as Sonic and you have ‘Magical anti-gravity shoe mode’ activated, you’re gonna get frustrated, I started off Windy Hill running at a great pace, when suddenly I started running up a tree because I had ‘Magical anti-gravity shoe mode’ activated, I don’t wish to climb this tree, yet due to the nature of the controls, you’re not pushed to the side and continue on, you start to climb up objects if you want to or not unless you release/hold specific buttons during your sprints, again, adds to the controls being very complicated.

There are a number of other annoying things that really need looking at, one such example would be the bells, you know that bell you hit a few times to get a reward? Well, say you knock the bell and it flies forward, you then catch up with it, if the bell hasn’t ‘rested’ even if you hit it, it will not register as a hit. So you are forced to stop and wait for this bell to rest before you can strike it again. It’s not like this is a difficult task, yet it forces the player to stop and wait until it’s ready to be hit again.

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You might have noticed, I’ve not exactly praised the game so far. Before you wonder, yes there is praise to be had, quite a lot. Remember at the start when I told you about the girl who said ‘Do you want to play? I think I’ve had enough,‘ remember that? The problems I’ve talked about are all problems you will face early on in the game, high learning curve, dodgy control schemes, core abilities mapped to the game pad, no help to the player.

Now you might think ‘well I’ve played lots of Sonic games in the past I’ll be fine,’ this game is completely different to past Sonic games, you might be a master at Generations, Colours, Unleashed, but everything you know from that game will not help you here because the game plays so differently. Not just the fact its more platform focused, but basic controls are so different you are learning from scratch, and it’s far from easy.

‘Do you want to play? I think I’ve had enough?’ a quote from someone who Lost World should be appealing to, the first game on a ‘next gen console’ the first chance to win fans which Sega hopes will help save a floundering console. That is the first impression from someone semi new to the modern era of games. And I fully understand where they’re coming from.

This game is going to divide people. Some are going to hate it, others will like it. Some will stick with it because they want to beat it, but an equal number are going to give up due to how random, complicated and inaccessible the controls are to both veteran Sonic fans and new players. Nothing feels right, it feels wrong to hold down so many buttons just to make Sonic run at non boosting speeds.

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So is this a bad game?

No… In fact there’s a lot here which makes this a very good game.

I have been concerned when this game was announced that the ‘tube’ stages would make me feel a tad dizzy from the motion sickness generated by how the camera and the terrain moves. However, playing this in person, it’s not a problem mainly because you’re the one controlling it and you know when the camera and the terrain is going to turn and change.

Another big piece of praise comes from the art direction. Now I’ve not been that big a fan of it. I don’t hate it, but I just don’t like it… but in motion, this game looks fantastic, the complaints about the art style don’t really have any merit when the game is in motion and you’re actually progressing through the stages.

But by far the biggest praise, sixty frames per second! In the PS3 version of Sonic Unleashed, there are parts of the game which do hit this mark, and it’s glorious, but it lasts for a few seconds at the most. But now, the full game, with only tiny drops, oh my… welcome to the future. It looks fantastic and all future Sonic games must hit this mark, it just looks too good not to aim for this mile stone.

Praise also needs to go into the appearance of the levels themselves, each stage looks radically different from the other but maintains a high level of beauty about them. If there’s one thing Sonic Team have been excellent at lately it’s making their stages stand out and look unique whilst maintaining a high level of quality.

The game still has a fair way to go, some of the problems might change for the better, but things like the forced use of the game pad, that’s here to stay. It’s annoying because, there really is an amazing Sonic game here, you can see it crying out for you to love it. But right now, the high learning curve, the frankly random and sometimes broken controls utterly destroy this and will end up causing many people to simply give up or avoid the game altogether.

Would I buy a Wii U just for this game as it stands right now? No, there are too many problems and issues with the controls to justify buying a console just for this game. Far too many problems with the controls, the Wisp system needs to be completely redesigned and Sonic is too slow.


Second Opinion: But of course, thats just my opinion from what I played. Fellow TSS staffer Doctor MK was also able to try out the Wii U version of the game.

As a devoted Wii U owner as well as a huge fan of Sonic Colours, you’d think Sonic Lost World would be right up my street – and for the most part, you’d be right. I played Windy Hill Zone 1 and the first thing I noticed about the blue blur’s latest outing was just how good it looks. The colours are bright and vibrant, really capturing a classic Sonic feel that harkens back to the days of the Megadrive, yet still somehow managing to feel fresh and new. Not everyone will like the game’s more simplistic art style compared with the more detailed landscapes in Unleashed and Generations, but Lost World most definitely has a charm of its own and when you see it running in full motion, it’s hard not to be at least a little impressed.

The new control scheme for Sonic’s tweaked moveset also left me with a positive impression. If you’ve played the recent high velocity, boost-orientated games in the series then you’ll definitely need a moment to adjust to Sonic walking of all things, but holding down ZR to run and ZL to spin dash feels far more intuitive than it may initially sound. The twisty, tubular level design accommodates for Sonic’s new moves with plenty of opportunities for proper platforming (which the tight controls and double jump more than allow for), and pulling off a successful parkour trick is a very satisfying feat indeed. As far as gameplay is concerned I have faith that this is heading in the right direction, striking a balance between speed and precision that hasn’t truly been seen since the 16-bit era.

However, not all was well in the demo, by which I specifically refer to one very particular fly in the ointment. I may have loved Sonic Colours, but I am certainly not loving the way the Wisps work in Sonic Lost World so far. Put simply, trying to use the GamePad’s touch screen to activate the Cyan Laser Wisp was infuriatingly difficult. The aiming was imprecise and the quick flick used to activate the laser just would not register, however hard I tried. In the end I had to resort to the traditional stick and buttons combo – yes, you can actually use them, though you wouldn’t know it from the game’s instructions – but even then it was slower and more clunky than it was in Sonic Colours. It pains me to find fault with Lost World after it left me feeling so optimistic in every other aspect, but this is too big an issue to ignore. If the other Wisps control as poorly as this one does, the game could really suffer.

All in all though I had a blast with the one level I got to play, and I’m eager to get my hands on the finished product. If the few niggling issues that exist in the demo can be ironed out before release, then the future is looking bright for our plucky hedgehog hero. Roll on October!

Sonic Lost World is due for release this October for both the Wii U and 3DS.

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Sonic Boom Livestream: Going Live, Right Now


If you’re not lucky enough to be at this years Sonic Boom event. Sega have provided a livestream of the event.

And it’s happening right now.


Currently Crush 40 are rocking the stage. If you’re currently rocking the place in St. Louis right now, hope you’re having fun. If you’re having to watch the live stream. We’re currently having a bit of a ‘party’ down at SSMB right now. So turn on the stream, get on SSMB and come join us for the fun.

Live Stream Link: http://www.livealliance.tv/sonicboom/ (You do not need an account or need to register to watch. Stream is worldwide.


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Sonic Lost World: First Cut Scene Now Online

Earlier today, the Western Nintendo Direct broadcast showed a small segment of what appeared to be a cut scene from Sonic Lost World. Well not to be outdone, the Japanese Nintendo YouTube Channel has posted the cutscene in full.


The segment shows the Deadly Six turning against Eggman and using his own badniks against both Eggman, Sonic & Tails. The sequence shows Tails being rescued by Sonic and some comedic moments with Orbot and Cubot.

Oh… according to Tomoki on SSMB. A rough translation of the Deadly Six’s dialogue is as follows.

Zavok: Fire!

Zavok: Kill the fat man! Show him what we’re really capable of!

Cubot: These guys mean business!

Sonic: These guys are tougher than I thought… Gonna need to think of a strategy to take them out before they do some serious damage.

Tails: I know you can do it, Sonic…

Eggman: Retreat! We have to retreat! Let’s get out of here before they get us!

Source: NintendoJPOfficial. & thanks to SSMB member Tomoki for the rough translation.

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Summer of Sonic: Sonic Lost World Exclusive Footage


On Saturday, those who attended the Summer of Sonic convention were trearted to an exclusive Sonic Lost World trailer. The trailer showed some of the lesser shown levels and included a lot of new gameplay and showed off a few new badniks.

Well, thanks to The Sonic Show, it’s here. In it’s full 1080p HD glory. So… I dunno go watch it or something.

Source: Summer of sonic & The Sonic Show.

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Nintendo Direct Shows New Sonic Lost World Footage (Wii U & 3DS)

*Walks in and takes a bow*


Todays Nintendo Direct just finished and it contained one or two suprises for fans of Sonic Lost World. The first big suprise was a look at the Wii U version of the game which also included a cut scene from the game showing the Deadly Six turning against Eggman and… well… I won’t spoil it for you. As well as some new segments of gameplay.


In addition to this, the 3DS version was also shown and more insight was given on how the two games will link up. Tails can created ‘toys’ which can be sent to the Wii U version of the game. The second player can then use them to help the player controlling Sonic on his way. In the example shown, an RC Helicopter was used to collect rings.

Thanks to Autosaver for handing me the vids.

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Has Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed Been Censored?

Earlier today, the PC version of Sonic & All Stars Racing transformed recieved an update which added a new character… however, eagled eyed players have also discovered another really strange change.


It’s removed certain aspects of General Winters character. Specifically, the Hammer and Sickle and the star which was on his vehicle.

Check out the above image, now compare it with this one.


See the star on his tank, completely different.

So whats going on? Well… theres no official word on this change right now, however the removal of these images would certainly indicate that someone somewhere has looked at this and said ‘thats offensive’ and demanded it’s removal.

The question is who and why?

My theory, and again, this is just my theory since nothing official has come out to explain this change would be this… There are certain marketplaces in the world which have various rating boards and censorship boards which can ban or limit the release of certain pieces of entertainment. Because videogames can be a constantly changing and evolving media, which ASRT has been, it can fall under the rating/censors light again.

My guess… ASRT’s inclusion of communist imagery has made one ratings board complain and ask for it’s removal, threatten to pull the game from sales, or it even threatten to increase the age rating which would greatly limit sales… you lot still wonder why Bayonetta isn’t in the game?

Recently news has come to light to suggest that Sony’s ‘The Last of Us‘ has had it’s mutiplayer mode slightly censored/toned down’ due to the ratings board. And people in America had to do without the jokers full fatality in Mortal Kombat Vs DC Universe.

From a business perspective I can understand it… however, as someone who doesn’t like censorship, I can’t say I’m too happy that he has been changed in this way.

So was anybody here offended by the General?

Source: Steam forums.

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Start Ye Engines! Willemus Joins Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed

Well this came out of nowhere!


A new update for Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed just went live on the PC version of the game which includes a new character!

He’s called Willemus and he appears to be from Segas Rome 2: Total War, which is due for release later this year. It’s doubtful that this character will make it to the consoles since Rome 2 is a PC exclusive game, though it does make you wonder if any other Sega games will see inclusion into this game following so soon after Company Of Heroes’ General Winter.


Image Source: Infamous’Cynic

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Sonic Lost World Has Some… Interesting Dialogue…


Not too long ago, a number of people pointed out how Sonic Lost World had been given a higher age rating than previous titles, which seemed a little confusing given how all footage shown shows a very cartoony Sonic game. Even the CG sequences in the trailers give the impression of a harmles cartoon.

However, eagle eye’d fans might have spotted the reason why the rating is higher than usual. According to the notes in the ESRB rating, the game has a few lines of questionable dialogue.

Now, before you all read these and ‘react’ bear in mind, these lines of dialogue are completely out of context… there is however… one which even I have to admit is a tad dark and a little questionable. See if you can guess which one it is. Below is the rating summary in full, I have highlighted the dialogue segments for you.

“Rating Summary: In this action platformer, players control Sonic the Hedgehog as he attempts to stop an evil villain’s plans. As players zoom through fantastical landscapes, they collect items (e.g., gold rings and power-ups), avoid hazards, and use spin attacks to defeat robotic enemies; enemies break apart amid colorful explosions. During gameplay, characters sometimes use aggressive language (e.g., “You’re going home in a box,” ‘I’m going to skin you alive,’ and ‘I long for death’s cold embrace.’). Cutscenes also depict laser fire and explosions, as well as dialogue that references violence (e.g., “I’ll get fat from eating your black hearts,” “One second you’re contemplating genocide,” and “As long as I can still strangle a Zeti, my hands are fine.”).”

Erm… thats a tad dark. What do you guys think? some of it can easilly come off as being joky and light hearted… except for, ‘that one.’

Source: ESRB’s website (Thanks to everybody who sent this one in).

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Sonic the Hedgehog 2014 Calendar Images Pop Up on Amazon

For the best part of a decade, Sonic fans have looked at their walls and yelled “SOMEONE MAKE A SONIC CALENDAR! I DON’T KNOW WHAT DAY IT IS!”


Well good news! Pyramid International announced earlier this month that they were making a Sonic Calendar. The announcement only included a cover image and no examples of what artwork would be inside.

But thanks to an updated listing from Amazon, we now have an image of the reverse side of the calendar, which happens to show every image contained within it. As many predicted, it’s stock art. Although saying that, it’s not by any means a bad thing. Some of the images look pretty cool and dare I say slightly artistic? I really like the one of Sonic looking at the wall of rings.

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TSS Review: Funko’s Sonic the Hedgehog ‘Pop!’ Vinyl Figures

For 15 years, Funko have been making products based on characters from pop culture. Their range is expansive with hundreds of franchises and over a thousand different products. They’re also no stranger to the Sonic brand. A few years ago they made several Sonic toys based on their Wacky Wobblers line, so it’s not like this is the first time they’d had a go with the Sonic license.  However, it is the first time that they’ve used the Sonic license for their ‘Pop! Vinyl’ line. Now the Funko Pop range has a certain ‘style’ to it, so how do Sonic, Tails and Knuckles look after their Funko Pop transformation? Well… Continue reading TSS Review: Funko’s Sonic the Hedgehog ‘Pop!’ Vinyl Figures

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Sonic the Hedgehog 2013 Product Catalogue


About 2 months ago, there was a Sonic product event over at Mercedes Benz world, at this event, a single photograph showed what appeared to be a Sonic product guide. Naturally fans of sonic merchandise were curious as to what it contained. But the guide didn’t ever resurface. Last week, another photograph of the guide was spotted, this time at a second event, the interesting thing about this picture was that you could just make out some products which haddn’t yet been announced. By now, Sonic merchandise fans really wanted to get ahold of it.

Well… We’ve got one. Thanks to our friends over at toybuzz.co.uk we now have a copy of the Sonic the Hedgehog 2013 product catalogue. Would you like to read it?

Keep in mind, it only shows products that will be released in the UK this year. So you won’t find the huge range of Jazwares toys that the United Stages gets, nor will you see any Japanese products. Furthermore, due to items which you can buy/pre-order here in the UK, this guide is not the full range of products. The guide does however contain some new items and awesome looking items.

Here are a few highlights.

Note: Click the images to see them at full size.

product catalogue 1

I can hear you saying ‘Oh no! Not the clothes!’ But if you recieve that jumper/sweater on the bottom right, you might be jumping for joy. That looks fantastic, I love the random patches on the back as well as the Sonic logo on the sleve. I just hope it comes in adult sizes. Due to be stocked at Next, no price/release date was given.

product catalogue 3

Nothing really new here, everything is known, however I’d like to draw your attention to the 2014 annual that we reported on a few weeks ago. You can see a sample page from it showing “Doctor Eggmans Maze.” Unfortunately it looks like it’s going to be full of random stock art which is a shame, for some reason the ‘Sonic Generations’ logo is also randomly placed on that sample page… why? But that said though, I’m really looking forward to that and will be picking it up/reviewing it on TSS later this year.

product catalogue 7

This is the one we want! Action figures! Well… it’s slightly disapointing. Whilst it’s good that the UK is finally getting the Chaotix and Blaze pack (Blaze is out now in UK Toys R Us stores by the way) a year after the US has had them, the inclusion of the 10 inch Sonic is disapointing since it’s been out for well over a year already. The plushies have been around for even longer. However the confirmation of the figures with accessories is a big welcome. Though personally I’d be much happier to see the Metal Sonic plush or some of the ASRT Jazwares toys make their way over to the UK shores.

But, the biggest suprise is from Sambro. The pinball game has been seen in a few photos for a while now, but the giant floor jigsaw is a new thing. The image is fantastic, Sonic & Tails look really good in that environment. For you older fans. Consider getting the jigsaw and putting it in a picture fram, you now have one awesome looking picture.

product catalogue 6

Everything you see on here has been out for well over a year. But the bigest suprise would be the inclusion of London Cakes. It seems that Sega has partnered with London Cakes who will make you a cake with an official Sonic image on it. Checking their website, there doesn’t appear to be any Sonic cakes up for order just yet, so this might be a service which will be added later in the year.

product catalogue 7If I’m honest… The Sonic the Hedgehog Official Merchandise store has been very disapointing. Just take a look at it right now and you’ll see a small example of what I mean. Nothing new has been added to the store for months, what ‘collectables’ that are there can be bought very easilly at other stores for much less. With the exception of one or two imported items, most of the products can be found elsewhere for much better prices. Remember that Sonic Monopoly? I was able to import that from Canada and it ended up being cheaper than had I bought it from the Sonic Merchandise UK store!

That said, this image would indicate that things might be changing. It seems that they’re going to be selling giant posters of archie comic covers. This is actually… quite a good idea, archie comics covers are usually a lot better than what you find in the pages of the comic and some of the covers are really nice looking. Giant sized on glossy paper? Thats a great idea!

In addition to this, we seem to have unique branded merchandise. It appears to be limited to coffee cups at this point and whilst they have been advertised on the Sonic Merchandise facebook page, there’s not been any sign of the items on the store. With any luck the site will be getting a relaunch or a huge boom in products. It’s a great idea but is crying out for a huge stock update.

product catalogue 2And finally, Mike Pollock if you’re out there. Eggman under pants are just under £4 from Primark.

To see the full catalogue in full, check out our gallery, these images are large scans so don’t open them at once if you have a slow connection.

Special thanks to toybuzz.co.uk for sending us the catalogue.

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Sonic Lost World: 19 New Screenshots


Earlier today we were given a selection of new screenshots for Sonic Lost World which showed off a Casino Night themed level. Well, the person who posted the images has been at it again, 19 new screenshots from the Wii U version of the game, showcasing some of the levels shown in yesterdays trailer as well as some of the new Wisp powers.

The screens show lots of new enemies and dangers for Sonic as well as a potential ‘stealth’ section in which Sonic has to navigate a zone without being spotted by giant owls.

You can see them all in our gallery.

Source: TSS Network Facebook Group.

UPDATE: The original source has been discovered to be Sonic Characters (via Sonic Paradise).

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Mario & Sonic at the Sochi Olympic Winter Games “July Trailer”


No really, thats what it’s called, the July Trailer. Earlier today Nintendo released a new trailer for the 2nd Nintendo exclusive Sonic game, Mario & Sonic at the Sochi Winter Games.

Trailer shows a number of real Olympic events as well as the ‘Dream Events,’ if you watch carefully you might spot a few iconic Sonic themed items.

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Casino Night Inspired Zone for Sonic Lost World


It would appear from these screenshots that a Casino Night inspired Zone is going to be in Sonic Lost World. The screens were posted by SSMB member Gatestormer on The Sonic Stadium Message Board a short while ago and appear to show a new unannounced zone for Sonic Lost World. No name has been given yet, however long term fans will instantly recognise what it looks like. The Zone appears to borrow heavilly from the Sonic 2 stage Casino Night, with the pinball section and even Casino Night badniks.

Check out the rest of the images in our gallery.

Source: Gatestormer – Sonic Stadium Message Board. Edit: Actually they were originally posted on the TSS Facebook group page… We have a facebook group?

UPDATE: The original source has been discovered to be Sonic Characters (via Sonic Paradise).

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Sonic Lost World Trailer 2, Release Date October 22nd


IGN has just posted the second trailer to Sonic Lost World. The trailer is subtitled ‘colors trailer’ and you don’t need to wait long to find out why that is. Had you no information about Lost World, you would be easilly forgiven for thinking that this was Sonic Colours 2.

The trailer shows a number of new stages and we even hear one of The Deadly Six speak. The trailer has a number of hidden details, if you pay attention you can even spot a cameo in the form of King Boom Boo’s minions. Oh and, if you’re a fan of the Wisps, you’re going to be very happy.

In addition to gameplay details, the trailer also confirms the release date for the North American version. Sonic Lost World will be released on October 22nd. I would imagine that other regions will be around that date as well.

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Takashi Iizuka Coming to Sonic Boom!

Rich Moore and Iizuka 5

Well somebody is certainly getting their air miles! Hot on the heels of Summer of Sonic’s announcement. The Sega Blog has also confirmed that Mr Iizuka will be in attendance at the Sega’s Sonic Boom event.

As with Summer of Sonic, Mr Iizuka will be answering questions in a live Q&A event. In addition to this, as with Summer of Sonic, fans will have the chance to email their questions to Sega which will be pitched to Mr Iizuka on the day (see the Sega blog for more details on that one).

Tickets for Boom are still available and can be purchased here.

Source: Sega Blog

P.S. Is it just me, or in the image I’ve used does at the start of the article… does it look like Ralph is reacting to Iizuka?

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Takashi Iizuka Coming to Summer of Sonic 2013!


The Summer of Sonic website has announced that the head of Sonic Team; Takashi Iizuka will be returning to this years convention. The site details that Mr Iizuka will not only be meeting and greeting fans at a signing session (more details to come at a later date), but he will also be answering questions in a live Q&A session.

In addition to this, SOS is offering you the chance to have your questions pitched to Mr Iizuka during the Q&A session. The details as to how you can submit your question can be found at the Summer of Sonic website.

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Sonic Lost World Comic & Archie Cast Redesigned?


The newest previews for various Sonic comics have just come out and they show a number of very interesting things for both long term readers and new readers to the comic.

According to the cover of a future Sonic Super Special, there will be a comic book adaptation of Sonic Lost World, the sample text that came with it claims that the story will be 20 pages long and be the longest archie videogame adaptation to date.

Long terms fans of the comic might find the next bit of news more interesting. For the last year or two, there have been a number of rather noticable changes in the comic, some subtle, others are quite obvious. Why is this? Well, some believe that Sega might finally be trying to bring the comic more in line with the games, others suspect it’s to do with legal reasons against people who frankly I don’t want to give any attention to. Whats the truth? Probably a combination of them both.

Anyway, one major change which was announced around a year ago was that the long running character Sally would be getting huge design change. Looking at the preview images for the comics, it would seem that she’s not the only one whose had a design change.

The following is the cover for issue 254.

archie254As noticed by a number of SSMB members. Along with Sonic, there appears to be two supporting cast memebers there, Rotor and Antoine, whilst Rotor looks slightly different, the biggest change is Antoine, it would appear as if he’s outgrown his jacket.

Also if you take a look at the Super Special cover again, you’ll notice that it has the line ‘Your official guide to the all-new Sonic Comic Universe’ written on it. In addition to that it has other supporting cast members on it which seem to support the theory theres been a design change.


Apart from Sally which we already knew about. You can also see the character Bunnie who now has her robotic arm back as well as a few other changes.

So anyone like the new designs? Anyone gonna pick up the issues to see whats going on?

Source: SSMB members.

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Mi-Christmas Open House, Featuring Sonic the Hedgehog

mipr1 The agency which Sega use to help promote Sonic as a brand here in the UK recently held a ‘christmas open house’ what is that you might ask? Well, Mi-Pr is tasked with helping Sega to promote Sonic here in the UK, their job is to showcase Sonic products to retailers and the press in order to get more orders placed at retail. So the idea behind a christmas house is to decorate a home and fill it with products so retailers and the press can see what it looks like come christmas day and entice people to order products for retail.

The event has since ended, however photos of it are coming to light, and there are one or two interesting bits of information coming out. I should point out, Sonic Lost World was also available to play too, but I cannot find any new information on it.


A selection of Sonic clothing/accessories, Eggman underpants confrimed. If they have those in adult sizes, I might just have to buy several pairs.


If you look at the bottom of the above photo, you can just make out the Sonic pinball game which has been teased every now and again.

mipr3 This photo both excites and infuriates me. Whilst it doesn’t show anything new, it does show the Sonic product catalogue, but you can’t see inside… Please, Sega, Mi-Pr, somebody, can we get a copy of this so we can actually take a look inside it and know what to spend our money on?

mipr6The above picture comes from toybuzz.co.uk. Wilst it shows no new products… it does show a Sonic themed Christmas Cake, I suspect this was made specially for the event.

In addition to the pictures, Pi-Pr also released some infromation regarding a couple of new products to be released later this year, including the prices of the products and retailers who would be stocking them.


The pinball game will be just under £15 and available from The Entertainer, the bike is £120 and from Argos, also a Sonic crash helmet can be purchased for £17 too.

For more pictures please see our gallery

Sources: Mi-PrLicensing.biz, Toybuzz.co.uk


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Summer of Sonic Donation Drive


I have been asked to post the following on behalf of everyone at Summer of Sonic.


For the past 6 years, Summer of Sonic has had one goal. To provide a place where Sonic fans can meet each other and make friends in a safe and welcoming environment. There is however a secondary goal which has been, ‘to make it better than the last year,’ or to put it another way, ‘can we do something extra special?’

In order for us to accomplish these goals, every year, SOS staff have had to put their own money into the event in order to make sure it runs as smoothly as it can. Sometimes this money goes towards small things; things that you would never think have been paid for by staff, such as props or various items that we use for stage events or to make items that you see around SOS. To much larger things, like ensuring we can get certain people to attend in order to make the event very special.

But we have a limit, and we’re quickly approaching it. This is why we’re now asking you for help.

Please don’t get the wrong idea, SOS is still happening, it’s free, and there are still some very big announcements to come. But, we need some help. We’ve avoided trying to ask you for help, but, it’s come to the stage where we have to ask you for help.

A number of people have generously asked us if they could support the event in some way, with the form of donations. First of all, we’d like to take the time to thank these people for their kindness, even the gesture of asking us if they could help blew us away as we were not expecting it.

With that in mind, if you wish to donate to SOS, please visit our paypal donation page where you can donate to the event. Anything donated will go directly into this year’s event in order to help us our secondary goal, to do something extra special.

Thanks for reading, and see you on August 3rd.



The Summer of Sonic Team.

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SpecialEffect at Summer of Sonic 2013


This might possibly be one of the most important announcements with regards to SOS this year. To quote the Summer of Sonic Website…

“SpecialEffect is a charity that targets something that often gets overlooked – that people with disabilities have lives beyond simply ‘being disabled’ and want to enjoy themselves. The charity, the only one of its kind in the UK, provides the specialist technology, advice and support for everyone to benefit from the fun, friendship and inclusion of video games.

Praised by Prime Minister David Cameron as “providing magic moments all the time“, SpecialEffect been making a profoundly positive impact on the quality of life for children and adults of all ages since 2007. At any one time the charity is working with and helping up to 500 people on an intensive basis in hospitals, hospices and at home. They also influence the lives of thousands of people each year with support, advice and hands-on demonstrations at their award-winning games roadshows.

Their doors are open to everyone, including accident victims, service personnel with combat injuries, people with congenital and progressive conditions and stroke patients. You can see several examples at http://www.specialeffect.org.uk/who-we-helped

Their help includes the loan and support of mainstream and adapted access equipment for online and offline games. Some of the specialist equipment, like eye-control technology, is expensive, so the loans enable people to make sure it’s suitable before they commit to a purchase. The charity doesn’t sell any equipment, so their advice is always impartial.

We will be raising money for Special Effect throughout the day, and we hope you will all help us fund this very good cause.”

So there you have it. As well as having some fun and some laughs, we’ve got a really good chance to do something awesome at this years convention.

For more information about Special Effect and the work they do, please visit their website: http://www.specialeffect.org.uk/

Source: SOS Website.

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Wimbledon Champion Andy Murray Plays Sonic Games Before Big Matches


On Sunday, Tennis star Andy Murray made history by being the first British Male to win Wimbledon since Since Fred Perry, 77 years ago. Following his gold medal at the Olympic Games last year, Andy Murray has since won the US open and is currently ranked the world number 2. I should point out, his victory at Wimbledon was against the world number 1.

Why am I telling you this? Well, The Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter & Facebook page has claimed that in an interview with The Sun newspaper, Andy Murray told them, that to relax before a big game, he plays Sonic the Hedgehog.

Thats right my friends, in order to relax and ease nerves, Andy Murray aparently plays Sonic games. The paper didn’t say which Sonic games he plays or on what system, so could we argue that technically Andy Murray is a Sonic fan? That might be a bit too far, but this might be scientific proof that Sonic the Hedgehog helped Andy Murray win Wimbledon… .. … though I suspect the fact he’s awesome at Tennis is more a deciding factor.

Andy Murray for ASRT DLC anyone?

Source: Sonic the Hedgehog twitter.

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Play Sonic Lost World at Sonic Boom!


Announcements for Sega’s event in the United States, have been a little quiet lately. But that all changed as of an hour ago.

Sega have announced via the Sega Blog and the Sonic the Hedgehog twitter page that Sonic Lost World will be playable at Sonic Boom 2013. In addition to the announcement that guests can play Sonic’s next adventure, Sega also re-affirmed that Boom would have a costume competition, Crush 40 would be playing live and that visitors will also be able to get their hands on ‘some sweet merchandise’

Sonic Boom is being held at The Pagent in St. Louis MO. Tickets are $29 and are on sale now. Please check the ticket page for details on the starting times as this event takes place in the evening unlike Summer of Sonic which is a daytime event.

Source: Sega Blog.

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Play Sonic Lost World at Summer of Sonic


Demand for tickets to this years Summer of Sonic has exceeded everyones expectations. In total, it took only 13 seconds for the event to be completely sold out, 69 tickets per second. So… if you were one of those lucky people thats coming to SOS… How would you like to Play Sonic Lost world?

Summer of Sonic will be one of the first public places that you can play Sonic Lost World ahead of it’s release later this year. Obviously, this will be one of the biggest attractions on the day so be prepared to wait a while before you get your chance to play Sonic’s next adventure.

Source: Summer of Sonic

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Summer of Sonic 2013 Cosplay Contest & Ticket Wave 2 Starts Tonight

SOS cosplay

The Summer of Sonic website has announced the return of the Cosplay Competition, details are as follows.

“We take great pleasure in announcing the return of a fan favourite event to Summer of Sonic 2013: the cosplay contest! Do you possess the speed of Sonic? Do you have the tech skills of Tails? Or perhaps even the ego of Eggman? No matter who your favourite character is, we’d love to see all you cosplayers out there showing off your creations at the event!

Each year we are blown away by the caliber and variety of cosplayers at Summer of Sonic, and we hope that this year will be even bigger! Once again we want you, the audience to help us judge the competition! Just like in previous years, we want you to cheer (preferably as loud as you can!) for your favourite costume on stage; remember, those cheers equal all-important points for the participants!

If you want to enter the contest, you will be able to sign-up from opening time; don’t worry, we’ll make it’s easy to find! You will be given a group number upon sign up. At 2:30pm signups will close, and the group elimination stages will take place with the best costumes from each group going through to the final. The final ten cosplayers will be called to the stage later in the day, where the overall winner will be announced! We will announce when and where each group is due to gather, so keep hold of your number and come along when we call you!

We will have some fantastic prizes for the overall winner on the day, so we hope to see you guys pull off some amazing get-ups!

Planning on entering this year? Have any favourites from previous years? Let us know in the comments section below!”

Also, we’d like to take this time to remind you, the second wave of tickets for Summer of Sonic go live in just over 1 hours time. Remember, you cannot enter Summer of Sonic without a ticket, so if you still want to go, this is your last chance to get tickets. Good luck everyone, hope to see you there.

Tickets are only available via this link. (or, go to the Summer of Sonic website and click on the ‘Tickets’ link which you can see just under the picture of Metal Sonic). At 18:00 British Summer Time, (which is one hours time. from the posting of this article,) 450 tickets will be released. On friday, 450 went in 6 seconds. So be quick. Tickets are free.

Finally, I’m posting this because some people have been asking, this is Summer of Sonic’s only facebook page.

Source: Summer of Sonic.

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SOS 2013 Event Announcement: Never Mind The BuzzBombers!


From the SOS website…

“Who wants to win some prizes!? As we enter our 6th year of Summer of Sonic, Never Mind the BuzzBombers returns for its 5th instalment. Always a fan favourite, two captains will lead their teams to battle as they clash in a variety of games and challenges.

But they won’t be alone; members of the audience will be selected to join them on stage in order to win some amazing Sonic prizes! So if you think you have an encyclopaedic knowledge of Sonic, make sure you get down to the stage during selection process and you could be the one who turns the tide in your team leader’s favour.

And as always, I shall be standing… because we don’t have enough chairs… between them both mocking and maintaining order, doing a dance, telling a story, asking a barrage of questions until they can’t take anymore as we attempt to find out just who is the best?

This is Never Mind The BuzzBombers 2013!

Thats right my friends. BuzzBombers will be coming back to SOS this year for it’s 5th installment. I’ll be back with all manner of questions and challenges which will test even the most die hard of Sonic fan. So if you think you’re up for the challenge and know all maner of things from how many rings for an extra life, to tougher things, like, ‘how many different types of badniks has Eggman invented?’

Want to be apart of BuzzBombers? Be sure to be at the stage area when we start so you don’t miss your chance to be recruited into one our two teams.

Source: Summer of Sonic Website.

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Wave 1 of SOS tickets sells out in 6 seconds!

sos2013Blink, and you probably did miss it! Following the amazing demand of last year, everybody knew this years first wave would go quickly, but nobody expected it to go this quickly. 450 tickets were up for grabs and they all sold out in 6 seconds!


If you got your tickets odds are you’re wiping the sweat of your brow right now and thinking something along the lines of ‘Oh man! I got lucky!’ However if you were unsucessful, do not despare, the second wave of tickets will go live this Sunday 7th July at 6:00PM (BST). There will be another 450 tickets up for grabs.

If you didn’t get a ticket this time, think of it this way… 450 less people attempting to go for tickets. See you on Sunday, good luck!

For more announcements and news on ticket updates, keep checking the SOS website and TSS.

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Steve Lycett: “We’re not done with ASRT yet”


The PC version of ASRT got an update a few hours ago, and brought with it a new character as well as a few changes and bug fixes to the game, and it was given away for free.

However, despite this, some people have decided to complain, which has prompted S0L to announce that development on ASRT is still going ahead and that the character they got approval for a few months back is not General Winter and that the game will be reciving more DLC in the future.

At both SSMB & the Sega forums, S0L has stated the following.

“no-one has said we’re done with the game. We’ve not forgot about the poll either. It’s not up to us who we add to the game, I’ve made this clear a number of times. […] I’ll leave you with one interesting tidbit. This isn’t the character I mentioned we’d got approval on either, that was definitely one of the poll topping ones.”

What does that mean? It means that General Winter has been added due to Sega’s takeover of Relic, he is not the final character/update to be added to ASRT. ASRT is still reciving support and that there is at least one more character in development and it’s one of the characters who were voted for by the fans several months ago.

Source: SSMB

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General Winter Joins the Cast of Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed


Yesterday, Sumo Digitals Steve Lycett began dropping hints that ASRT would be getting a new update. For PC owners, the update has just gone live and… ASRT has a new character, and you will not believe who it is, because it’s technically not a videogame character, or a real person, in fact, if my understanding is correct. It’s a characterised representation of a metaphor.

Let me explain.

The character is called ‘General Winter. Who is General Winter? Well, we need to do a bit of history. In the past, nations have tried and failed to conquer Russia in times of war, famously, Hitler and Napoleon attempted to invade and suffered heavy losses and defeats. Why? Simple. The winter.

Russian winters are notoriously cold. Over the years, as nations have invaded Russia, once the winter hits, their resources and supply lines are heavilly drained and eventually the invading force becomes crippled and has to either retreat or surrender. Hence the name ‘General Winter.’ General Winter is a metaphor, it’s the name given as the reason why well known military leaders in the past have failed to conquer Russia.


Now… in the game Relic game Company of Heroes 2, (Relic being a studio recently purchased by Sega following THQ’s collapse) there is indeed a character called ‘General Winter’ Who is based off this metaphor.

So ASRT’s newest character is from Relics game, who is a characterised incarnation of a metaphor based off a real life phenomenom. When you put it like that it’s simple. Before anyone asks, it would appear that this character is exclusive to the PC version of the game.

In other news, ASRT is free to play this weekend on Steam.

Source: Sonic the Hedgehog Facebook page & Thanks to SSMB member Xenn for the image.

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Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed DLC news coming tomorrow?

Steve Lycett @ Sonic Team


Update: More clues have been found at the Steam Forums. See below for full details…

Sumo Digitals Steve Lycett (Aka S0L) has done an awesome job keeping fans updated about ASRT’s development and providing support to fans long after the games release. As well as dropping a few hints and teases that additional content might be in the works for the game. Well… a few hours ago S0L posted the following on the Sega forums in a topic entitled ‘Any News on DLC?’

So tomorrow will be interesting. For a number of reasons. Better pack my flame proof suit…

In other posts made by S0L over at the Steam forums, S0L has dropped other hints.

Скоро зима (If you run this one through google translate, you get ‘winter is coming’)

Is it me, or is it getting really cold all of a sudden. I wonder what tomorrow will bring…

In addition to this, several people who own the PC version of ASRT have noted that there has recently been a number of changes made to that game which would indicate an update is on the way. Could it be that we might finally get that DLC news we’ve been waiting for? Let the speculation begin!

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Crush 40 are coming to Sonic Boom! Tickets now on sale


Boom! Now the announcements start! Sega & the official Sonic the Hedgehog twitter account have announced that fan favourite Crush 40 will be coming to Sonic Boom this year. Although no details were given as to what Crush 40 will be doing, it’s safe to assume that they will be performing, afterall, the venue is a concert hall. However, don’t forget, Sonic Boom does other stage events and both Jun & Johnny have taken part in booth SOS & Boom stage activities at previous conventions, so they might appear in other regards.

Tickets for the event have also just gone on sale and can be purchased from Ticketmaster, according to TicketMaster, a single ticket will cost $29.

Tickets can be purchased from TicketMaster as of now.

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Sonic the Hedgehog 2014 Calendar Pops up for Pre-Order

sonic2014calendarIt seems odd that we’re only at the start of July, yet here I am reporting on more merchandise with the year 2014 written on it. According to a listing on Forbidden Planet, Sonic will be getting a calendar for 2014.

The calendar will be released at the end of this month, yes you read that right. Despite it being for 2014, it’s getting a very early release date of Tuesday 30th July. However, Pyramid International, the company making it claims the release date is the end of August, so not sure whats going on there.

The price is also very reasonable at only £6.89. Considering most calendars cost over £10 near christmas, this is one heck of a deal.

No teaser pages were given, just the cover page that you can see above, personally, I really hope there are some original artworks in this one like the ones from the early 90’s which look stunning.

According to the product page on Pyramid International, the size of the calendar is 30X30cm.

So, anyone going to pre-order?

Source: forbidden Planet & Pyramid International.

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Sonic Boom 2013 Ticket Details


Sega have announced on their facebook when tickets for Sonic Boom 2013 will go on sale.

Wednesday, July 3rd at 10am CT

And thats it. No really, thats all the details they gave! I have no idea on price, where you can get them from or how many will be available. Of course I’ll update this with more information when I get it, until then, keep checking the Official Sonic Boom facebook page and Sega Blogs for more information when it’s posted.

Sonic Boom facebook page

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Summer of Sonic 2013 Ticket Details


In 2008, when SOS was held in a place called ‘The Dragon Hall’ it was situated directly opposite a pub. A lot of the staff and many of the guests at the time joked that ‘nobody but the drunks over the road would turn up!’ It seems amazing to think that with more than 3 times the capacity of the Dragon Hall, last year, it took less than 3 minutes for all the tickets to be sold out.

With that in mind, this is probably one of the most important announcements if you want to attend this years event. The Summer of Sonic website has published the details of how tickets will be distributed this year. Here is what you need to know.

There will be two waves of tickets.

The first wave will be on Friday 5th July  at 7:00PM (BST)

The second wave will be on Sunday 7th July at 6:00PM (BST)

There will be 450 tickets in both waves.

Furthermore, the ticketing system this year has altered too, you now get to select how many tickets you want, (maximum of 4). Before you fill out your details. So you won’t have to race to fill out a form and then click submit and be disapointed if all the tickets for that wave have gone.

Booking tickets is done via the SOS website, at this specific link.

Authors Note: I shall update this with more specific details as and when I get them.

If it’s anything like last year, tickets are expected to sell out very quickly. Please be online and ready before they go live in order to avoid disapointment.

Oh and, if you were wondering how much it will cost you to get a ticket for this years event…

Tickets are Free!

See the SOS website for more details.

Ticket booking page.

SOS 2013 is held on August 3rd at the  in London.

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SOS 2013: Nigel Dobbyn & Nigel Kitching Confirmed


The Summer of Sonic website has made it’s first guest announcement, Nigel Dobbyn & Nigel Kitching will be returning for this years event.

2013 will mark the 20th anniversary of Fleetway’s Sonic the Comic, first published back 1993, so if you are old enough to remember walking into a newsagent and picking up issue 1 with those stickers on the cover, why not come meet two of the main reasons as to why the comic became so popular and ran for as long as it did?

Both Nigels will be at a meet and greet session at the signing booth and art classes will be happening this year too, details will be announced at a later date.

Furthermore, the art corner will be returning to SOS this year, so if you fancy putting pen to paper and wowing your fellow fans with your art skills, they’ve got you covered. As with previous SOS’ there will be prizes given out, thats right, the art competition is also returning.

For the full story, check out the SOS website if you havn’t already done so.

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Summer of Sonic & Sonic Boom Announced & Dated!

sos2013Why announce one convention… when you can announce two! Summer of Sonic 2013 was teased a few months ago, however, today it’s been officially announced and dated by both the Summer of Sonic website & The Sega Blog.

The date is Satruday August 3rd 2013. The Location is The Westminister Central Hall in London.

With Sega officially announcing the date, expect more details such as event activities & guests to be announced very soon, as well as ticket & travel info to be posted on the official SOS website very soon.

For more infromation check out the SOS website.

Now onto news for fans in America.


Sonic Boom 2013 has also been announced and things are all change again. The location is The Pageant, St. Louis, MO. The date is August 10, 2013. A trivia contest and cosplay contest was also confirmed.

More details on both events are to be announced at a later date. But now that Sega themselves have announced both events, expect there to be a lot more details on both events announced very soon.

As for where you can get upto date info on the events.

For Summer of Sonic.

For Sonic Boom

And here at TSS we will provide information and coverage for both events.

Soruce: Sega Blog & Summer of Sonic’s website.

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