Summer of Sonic & Sonic Boom Announced & Dated!

sos2013Why announce one convention… when you can announce two! Summer of Sonic 2013 was teased a few months ago, however, today it’s been officially announced and dated by both the Summer of Sonic website & The Sega Blog.

The date is Satruday August 3rd 2013. The Location is The Westminister Central Hall in London.

With Sega officially announcing the date, expect more details such as event activities & guests to be announced very soon, as well as ticket & travel info to be posted on the official SOS website very soon.

For more infromation check out the SOS website.

Now onto news for fans in America.


Sonic Boom 2013 has also been announced and things are all change again. The location is The Pageant, St. Louis, MO. The date is August 10, 2013. A trivia contest and cosplay contest was also confirmed.

More details on both events are to be announced at a later date. But now that Sega themselves have announced both events, expect there to be a lot more details on both events announced very soon.

As for where you can get upto date info on the events.

For Summer of Sonic.

For Sonic Boom

And here at TSS we will provide information and coverage for both events.

Soruce: Sega Blog & Summer of Sonic’s website.

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  1. Ah nuts, looks like I can’t go to Sonic Boom this year. Well here’s hoping it will be in California next year. /: (Well I should be grateful I was able to go for the past two years, but still)

  2. Sadly, looks like I’m on both this year.

    Oh well. At least the mid-west gets some love. All bis comic book and game events tend to happen.

    1. OOPS! What happened to that last sentence? I meant to say most of the big comic con and game events (E3 PAX) tend to happen in the far west and east.

  3. Man.. that’s some way to go from Cali..

    Guess I should consider myself lucky I was able to attend both previous years 🙂

  4. hmmmm…as much as MO is a better alternative than Cali, I think I will wait for the eventual East Coast Sonic Boom. It is still pretty cool for SEGA to keep the convention mobile.

    1. That’s how I feel. St. Louis is a lot closer to me than California, but if Sega moves the convention every year, it’ll be somewhere closer to where I live soon enough. I can wait, especially with me being as broke as I am.

  5. Man 3 August haha and i be going to London on the 5 August!!XD Well if there is some one that want to hang gut whit a Swedish Sonic fan around the 5 to 10 August!! If you have facebook then you can see a pic of me ore you maybe have meet me before on SOS09 ore SOS11!! So feel free to say hi to me when i am in London!! 😀 I dont bite!! 😉

  6. I bet they’re going to announce that they’re delaying Sonic Lost World, cancel it, and go with a Sonic 5, Sonic Chronicles 2, and a Sega VS Capcom game announcement, take their time, and make it MULTIPLATFORM!!!


  7. i am going to put £1,000 that SoS will be in London again (and i deem the middle of England as an entirely seperate country named: Middle England!), if im right, everyone who replies to this comment must pay me £1K + anymore they decide to put down, if im wrong, the £1K i put down is going to charity

    1. Well, given that Summer of Sonic was announced to be in London TWO DAYS AGO (see the actual article), I think your charity donation is a rather nice gesture indeed! Where will you be donating the £1000 to? 🙂

  8. Why can’t any of the Sonic Events be in Australia! Ever since SEGA world was gone there has been nothing Sonic…..Sonic isnt that popular anymore! DAM U MARIO!!

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