Welcome to the Archive site of The Sonic Stadium (2008-2023)
Please note that this site is no longer being updated or maintained; as a result, there may be design issues, and links to images and other media may be broken. Links to posts may redirect you to the same article on the current Sonic Stadium website.
UPDATE: Photo’s of the issue of Nintendo Power from shadowthehedgehog are doing the rounds and they confirm the reports he gave earlier that we quoted. Looking at the screenshots the DS version appears to be very much like Rush 3 with the tension gauge(with added Wisp holder), Sonic’s model, the level designs and familiar enemies. The Wii version looks very much like Sonic Unleashed Wii/PS2 with it’s own gauge(that contains a Wisp holder) that and similar HUD but graphically looks better with prettier level designs. Two screens show Wisp powers in action on the Wii version and reveal their powers use the energy in your gauge.
Due to copyright we can’t post the scans here but the magazine will be out 8th June to buy though it can currently be picked up from some stores now according to reports. Thanks to shadowthehedgehog at Find The Computer Room Forums for providing the pics!
Long time member of Find The Computer Room Forum shadowthehedgehog claims to have an early subscription copy of Nintendo Power’s next issue due out 8th June which we reported to contain a huge 6 page Sonic Colours preview. shadowthehedgehog has posted up some details from the preview which you can read in the below quotes –
Thanks to my awesomeness I have read the issue of Nintendo Power featuring the game:
The game looks pretty nice, think of it as a prettier looking version of the Wii version of Unleashed, the two zones that were featured were Sweet Mountain zone, and Tropical Reservoir zone, and the former is a mountain of pastries, the said they wanted to include the crazy level designs from the old games, which is fine by me. It also said that in the 3D sections it will focus more on running from A-B akin to the Daytime stages of Unleashed, while the 2D sections will be more for platforming.
The DS version, can easily be called Sonic Rush 3, it looks exactly like those games, even the tension gauge is there, they said it would be similar to the Wii version.
Tails appears in the story but Sonic will be the only playable, they said the story is simple, light, and goofy, which is fine by me. Knuckles, and Shadow may also make an appearance in the game.
If someone has scans, please show them, because seeing it, is better than me explaining it.
Oh and Eggmanland makes a return, Yaaayyyy.
Last time I checked the storybook games didn’t have platforming, and there will be platforming.
Also there’s a level with giant Cheeseburgers.
I’m being serious, its really there, you also bounce off jello.
No scans or photo’s are provided so take this as rumour for now but if true it sure sounds like we’re getting a return of some of the wacky and fun levels we’ve come to expect from the 2D Sonic games, only this time they will be in part 3D for the Wii version at least. We’ll let you know when we see some confirmation of these details and more.
Thanks to spiny blue at the SSMB for the heads up!
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According to a report from IGN an iPad version of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 has been confirmed by SEGA and will be appearing in playable form at E3 alongside the other versions. With the iPhone and iPod Touch versions recently confirmed it would make sense to add support for Apple’s new device during the extra time acquired by the delay of the game to Late 2010, the more the merrier as they say. Since iPad can load iPod Touch and iPhone games could this be a specific version for iPad, perhaps in HD?
In other news SEGA of America Community staff member RubyEclipse has been doing a little Q&A at SEGA’s official forums with forum member Yeow95, here are quotes from the conversation –
1. We know that Sonic 4 will be available on the App Store, for the iPod Touch and iPhone….but does that include THE iPAD?!
I don’t even HAVE an iPad, but I know that Sonic 4 with it’s high-def, colorful graphics and gameplay would look GORGEOUS on that thing.
2. Will you guys start updating the website weekly again? We want to see new timers, and see them reveal new badniks, new concept art, new zones, and new sections of the website again! BTW the Splash Hill page still says new video coming soon, may want to fix that! And I know we DO NOT want to wait ALMOST 3 MONTHS for “big” info again!
3. So what have we covered here?
a. 4th platform revealed – App Store for iPod Touch and iPhone
b. Sonic 4 delayed for extra development time to “enchance” the game.
c. JUST ADDED: Project needlemouse T-Shirt.
That’s not really big news. Is there anything else than that? I mean any footage of the other zones, announcements of DLC, playable characters, future episodes, a new Sonic game, etc.? Because I bet I can speak for the whole fanbase that at least some or one of these most of us were expecting.
I’m a bit late to the party here, sorry, but I’ll go ahead and answer the questions I can speak to.
2 – Yes, the website will be updated again soon, though it may not be weekly. Instead, since the wait will probably be just a little longer, the updates themselves may be slightly larger than before. We’ll be able to confirm the time between updates soon.
3 – I think point B is huge news, personally. Part of that might be because I’ve seen some of the specific things that are being changed, as opposed to the somewhat vague statements that have gone out, but regardless I really do think the action itself speaks volumes.
There won’t be any announcements of “new characters”, as we confirmed Sonic being the exclusive playable character there long ago. The other Zones, however – those we will be talking about more in the near future.
Sometimes, even the smallest of changes can make really big (and positive) impacts.
I’m not able to tell you guys specifically what is being changed just yet, but from the small stuff to the fairly big stuff, I think it will all play a part in making the final experience for the fans worthwhile.
So we could possibly be seeing playable characters in future episodes and Sonic 4’s official website could be seeing more larger updates but in smaller doses than the weekly entries we were once used to. RubyEclipse also gives the impression that changes to the game during the extra development time will be quite significant and a vast improvement on what the leaks have shown us. Hopefully we’ll see some of these changes at E3, we’ll keep an eye out for new info and media during the show then keep you posted on everything that surfaces.
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With Sonic Colours announced comes the inevitable online retailer listings providing varied release date speculation. The official word from SEGA is Late 2010 which normally indicates a November-December launch but the below retailers disagree, here’s the list of dates and prices –
Quite the difference between dates huh? All three retailers are now taking pre-orders if you’re interested but with more listings to come a cheaper deal might pop up and not to mention we’ve barely seen anything of the game yet. We’ll keep an eye out for more UK retailer listings and the eventual U.S. listings but for now take these dates with a pinch of salt until official word is divulged.
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Well colour us surprised! SEGA have announced Sonic Colours for Nintendo Wii and DS together with the above teaser trailer and a press release which you can check out after the jump! Continue reading Sonic Colours Announced For Wii & DS
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The new website for the Summer of Sonic convention has opened to the public, and already fans have started posting comments detailing their excited interest in the event. The launch of the website means that over the next few weeks, some exciting reveals and detailed information on the day’s activities will be trickled out ahead of the event, scheduled for the 7th August 2010.
Hotly tipped to be revealed first is the venue of the convention, which has been kept a secret up until now because of continuing negotiations. As it was confirmed to be hosted in London several months ago however, some attendees’ travelling arrangements have already been booked.
Past Summer of Sonic conventions have seen big celebrity guests appear – including composer Richard Jacques, singers TJ Davis and Bentley Jones, comic artists Nigel Kitching and Nigel Dobbyn and Sumo Digital. All eyes are on who will attend this year’s event – have any conspiracy theories? Post them in the comments box below.
2010’s Summer of Sonic website is inviting discussion on conventions past and present – opening the floor to suggestions at the same time. If you have something to say, why not write your thoughts on the SoS 2010 blog entry?
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Greetings, Sonic fans! Thought you guys might like to know that Ian Flynn, the current head writer of the stellar Sonic comics, is now taking questions from his fans. This isn’t the first time he’s done this. “Ask Ian” has long been a stable of the Bumbleking forums, the forum Ian uses to interact with his fanbase. He’s had discontinue it for most of the last year due to a very busy schedule. As of Sunday, however, Flynn has decided to bring the feature back, and in audio format no less!
I skipped over advertising this feature in the past, because it was not particularly practical to copy and paste the often gigantic question and answer sessions. However, with Ian now answering his questions via audio, it will now be possible for TSS to bring these often enlightening question and answer sessions to all of you!
However, there are some rules which you must follow, which I will paste below:
#1 – ONE question per person per answer session. This is in the interest of making it easier for me to keep up and less work for the fine volunteer force.
#2 – I reserve the right to skip your question. That sounds mean and heartless, I know, but sometimes it must be done. There are some question that I just can’t answer for whatever reason, so I’ll leave them be. Just know it’s not personal.
Please note that since this thread is for the questions only, there’s a talkback thread for discussion. You may find that the answer to your question is already available, so check it out.
In addition to these rules, you also cannot ask a question on the behalf of another. You must sign up to the forum in order to participate. And, of course, please respect Flynn and follow the forum’s rules. With luck, your question be will be answered when Ian posts the audio questions.
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A few weeks ago we set a competition in which we challenged you to name all of the badniks from Sonic the Hedgehog 2. A whole load of you dazzled us by correctly naming all 20 badniks shown in the picture, plus the 3 that did not feature! Not only this, a whole host of you got the Japanese names for these badniks! Some of you even named all the unused badniks too!
21) Grounder – Handrill
22) Chop Chop – Piranha
23) Sol – Gola
There can only be one lucky winner however, and by the power of the random number generator this is:
Brad M, UK
Congratulations! If you didn’t win this time, there will of course be more competitions in the future…or tune in to T-TIME tomorrow at 5PM GMT where there will be more opportunities to bag some goodies!
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Steve Lycett Executive Producer of Sumo Digital who are known for developing SEGA Superstars Tennis, F1 2009 and most recently Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing among other titles popped by the SSMB yesterday where he informed they are working on new things that can’t be talked about right now, a new game perhaps? Steve also in another post stated that they have some SEGA ideas brewing.
You can check out both posts quoted below –
I’m not dead, honest
I’d have a job playing the PS3 version, I don’t own a PS3! So sadly I’ll have to decline this for the moment. I’m also mad busy getting new stuff off the ground here at Sumo, nothing we can talk about just yet, just free time’s not been something I’ve had in abundance these last few weeks…
I’m not working on the Dr. Who game, I’m actually pretty jealous of the guys who are! I can’t go into any details sadly on the new stuff, right now we’ve got a few ideas brewing SEGA wise though
Time will tell what these new yet to be announced things are and E3 is coming up next month so we’ll keep an eye open to see if anything is announced there then report back. For now let the speculation commence in the comments section below.
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SEGASonic:Radio, as many of you will know is the Sonic Stadium’s radio station, run by our team of resident DJ’s bringing you news, reviews, banter and of course the best selection of Sonic the Hedgehog related music!
As well as the current line up, T-TIME Season 3, hosted by your truely, will be back this Sunday at 5PM BST after a long hiatus with a special 2 hour episode! Tune in for some metal-themed mayhem and some opportunities to nab some merch!
Of course, there’s also the full array of other shows to listen in to all week round:
You can find all you need to tune in and to join in the chat in the IRC Chat room at the SEGASonic:Radio Web page!
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It sounds totally cliche for a journalist to start a Sonic-related article in this manner, but Sonic fans like myself have understandably had plenty to moan about in this past decade. I don’t need to make a list, you know the drill. But 2006 was a long time ago. Now it’s 2010, and it seems like the fanbase at large is actively trying to pick a fight every five minutes. The target? Take your pick – Sega for not getting it, Sonic Team for losing it, Bentley Jones for having a life, Dimps for screwing up 2D (despite actually being good)… even fellow fans and fansites. It’s slightly ridiculous.
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LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (May 21st, 2010) –SEGA® Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. are proud to announce that a wide selection of evergreen games from the legendary SEGA Mega Drive™ platform are making their way on to PC via digital distribution.
The initial group of titles being made available consists of fan favourites such as Golden Axe™, Ecco the Dolphin™, Comix Zone™ and VectorMan™. All these classic SEGA titles will be available from £1.99/€2.49/ AUS$3.49, but for a full list of all available titles and features, please visit www.sega.com.
“It’s exciting to be able to offer these classic games to a new audience” said Nick Pili, Network Business Director at SEGA Europe. “Delivered via our digital partners, every PC owner can now enjoy these timeless masterpieces whenever they want!”
The first set of SEGA Mega Drive games for PC are set to release 1st June on STEAM and other digital distribution networks.
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Sega has announced that Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 will be hitting digital distribution platforms in the “latter half of 2010,” with the “added development” time spent on the ‘tuning’ and ‘balancing’ of the game. While no release date has been announced officially, the use of wording in the company’s statement implies an internal delay.
A press release went live today, officially confirming that Sonic 4 will also be released on Apple’s iPhone and iPod Touch products. The game will be available via the App Store. One of Sega’s European arms has also released a video containing Splash Hill gameplay, watch it below.
This video will be shown in a new episode of GameSpot’s On The Spot feature, which will see Sega America community manager RubyEclipse to discuss the announcement. It will be aired in an hour’s time.
“SEGA is incredibly happy at the overwhelmingly positive response to Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode I from both press and fans around the world, and wants to ensure that we’re delivering the best Sonic experience possible,” reads the official statement, which was also posted on Sega’s Blognik. “With this dedication to quality and the Sonic experience in mind, SEGA has decided to extend the development of the game, and will now release Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode I in the latter half of 2010.
“The additional time will allow the Development Team to focus on ensuring overall high-quality throughout the game by continuing to tune, balance, and maintain the kind of polish that an important title like this demands, and ultimately providing fans with an unrivalled classic Sonic feel.”
The details come after The Sonic Stadium gave you the scoop that updates were imminent, following a long period of silence from the publisher. Stick with The Sonic Stadium for any Freudian slips or other announcements as they happen.
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We’re just over a day late, but forgive us as this news was unexpected and came completely out of left field; it was even missing from the PS Store Update blog entry at the Official EU PS Blog. Looking at the EU PS Store, you’ll now find SEGA Europe yesterday FINALLY released the final two pieces of downloadable content for Sonic Unleashed on the PlayStation 3, content that Xbox Live and other territories PS Stores got June 12th last year, namely the Mazuri Adventure Pack and the Adabat & Empire City Adventure Pack. The packs cost £2.39 each, with the Mazuri pack containing four daytime and two nighttime stages, and the Adabat & Empire City pack containing five daytime stages and four nighttime stages.
Any EU PS3 version owners out there glad to finally see this? Let us know in the comments.
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I successfully managed to return from Finland this morning avoiding the Lolcano Ass Cloud, and upon returning the first thing I did was hunt down some of those badass Sonic the Hedgehog stickers everyone seems to be so mad about.
Because I’m mega-awesome, I’m going to give 10 packs of these away, starting now, one every ten minutes. Not only that, your letter will arrive by Offuishul T-Burd Mail too (you will see should you win one). Not a massive prize, no, but it gives you something to look forward to in the post right? RIGHT?
All you have to do is comment below “I love the Sonic Stadium because…” and then give your answer. That’s it.
If your entry is chosen, please send an email titled “STICK IT TO ME” to tbird [at] sonicstadium.org with your username, your real name, and your address.
If you don’t win first time, feel free to go again and again!
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Mark your calendars for Thursday the 20th May. On this date, Sega will be revealing a lot of new information regarding Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1.
And it won’t be anything to sniff at either – some “very big” and “very good” news will be announced by way of a press release, which will go live in the evening (UK time – morning in the US).
After a successful online PR push that involved community challenges and badnik reveals, Sega suddenly went quiet about Sonic 4 when leaks started to flood the internet. A source at the company told us that the information revealed via Thursday’s press release will explain the reason for the “last couple month’s blackout” on updates.
In the meantime, the world continues to be excited (or afraid) of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. For what it’s worth, we think it’s going to absolutely rock. Roll on Thursday! Stay tuned to The Sonic Stadium for the latest news!
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Good news for fans of pretty visuals in their games as the Official PlayStation Europe site and the Official U.S. Xbox site have confirmed that the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 will play in 1080p HD via the games product pages at both sites. Now you’ll be able to get your classic Sonic fix in glorious full HD, Splash Hill Zone should be a treat with it’s brightly coloured environments and water falls. No other info such as a release date are listed at the moment but we’ll keep an eye out.
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
Ever wondered what playing Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing with a Dreamcast controller would be like? Neither have I but it’s a cool concept. In the above video AdamKoralik shows us how to perform the task on the Xbox 360, since the game doesn’t require as many buttons the game is able to be played well with the Dreamcast controller even though the analogue stick doesn’t seem to work. Awesome work AdamKoralik! Thanks to blib at the SEGA Forums for the heads up!
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UPDATE 5: Thanks to members at the SSMB(here and here) we’re now discovering that some of the stickers contain all new artwork of the various characters. /UPDATE 5 END
UPDATE 4: We’re getting more reports from the SSMB topic that the poster for shiny stickers that the sticker book mentions is missing and it now appears the sticker collection has no shiny stickers anyway. It looks like the shiny stickers and poster to hold them may be scrapped ideas which Factory Entertainment forgot to remove mention of in the book. /UPDATE 4 END
We can now reveal thanks to Stasis that the book has sticker pages with profiles for the following characters (joint pages in bold) –
Sonic the Hedgehog (2 pages including Super Sonic and Sonic the Werehog), Miles “Tails” Prower, Amy Rose, Knuckles the Echidna, Big the Cat, Cream & Cheese, Dr.Eggman, Shadow the Hedgehog, Rouge the Bat, Silver the Hedgehog & Blaze the Cat, Vector the Crocodile, Espio the Chameleon & Charmy Bee, Jet the Hawk, Storm the Albatross & Wave the Swallow, Sonic Universe(2 pages including Gemerl, Emerl, Chaos, Tikal, Chao’s, E-123 Omega, E-102 Gamma, Metal Sonic, Eggman Nega, Marine and Captain Whisker & Johnny), Sonic & Tails, Sonic & Amy, Sonic & Knuckles, Dr.Eggman, Shadow & Rouge, Fulfilment. /UPDATE 3 END
UPDATE 2: The company behind the sticker collection is Factory Entertainment, they have a website here, if your book is missing the poster and you want to enquire about it you can find contact details at their site here. /UPDATE 2 END
UPDATE: Thanks to Nemain at the SSMB we have a link to an eBay auction selling the stickers, the seller states there are 140 stickers to collect. Stasis in the comments has informed us that he has picked up a copy of the book for £1.99 and confirms the 140 stickers total while also informing us of an advertisement in the book for the UK release of the Jazwares Sonic merchandise revealing a June release date for them. Thanks Nemain and Stasis.
Super Lombax at the SSMB informs that the book comes with a pull-out poster but unfortunately none of the books at her store had the pull-out poster for some reason. Stasis has also informed us that all 3 books at 3 seperate retailers in his area are also missing the poster which is used to hold the shiney stickers in the collecton. Look’s like this may be a problem at all retailers stocking the book./UPDATE END
The Sonic City Blognik has just been tipped off via their @SEGA Twitter account by user Adwil24 that a new Sonic Sticker Collection has been released in WH Smith stores which suggests it’s available in the UK and Ireland. This is the first official sticker collection in the UK since the Mega Drive days. No other info was given apart from the above photo, we’ll try to get our hands on one along with some stickers and report back.
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The PS3 Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing theme that was said to be on the way has finally arrived on the PlayStation Store at the price of £1.59. The theme comes in many flavours of all kinds of characters vehicles, after toggling through plenty of times we’ve found the above 7 themes are the total available so Sonic and SEGA fans alike should be pleased. For those having trouble switching character themes, you have to re-apply the theme to toggle between characters. Not fun fact: The theme randomly changes when you do anything to leave the XMB e.g. switch the console off and turn it back on, load a game and exit it etc…
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My busy schedule (which has included scoping out potential locations for Summer of Sonic) has meant this has been heavily delayed, but here it is! The illusive final part of the Jun Senoue Interview! Because there were so many questions asked by the fans, Jun agreed to answer some more of the other frequently asked questions:
T-Bird: BlueHedgehog25 asks are you planning on having any Crush 40 or similar songs featuring on the Rock Band Network?
Jun: I’m hoping that we can have some Crush 40 songs on Rock Band in the near future.
T-Bird: Exciting! Sure the fans will be please to hear that! Waaurufu asks who was the designer of your Sonic the hedgehog guitar?
Jun: Yuji Uekawa Sonic Team illustrator and character designer provided me with the artwork. Hiroki Hayashi, one of the people who is in charge over at ESP guitars took care of the rest!
T-Bird: Here’s a good question from SuperStingray: Where did the name Crush 40 come from, and what happened to Crushes 1-39?
Jun: I picked the word “Crush” up because of my favorite soda drink and Johnny added “40” onto the end. You will have to ask Johnny about other numbers!
T-Bird: A less Sonical pair of questions now! Pelon13 asks what is your favourite food, and what is your favourite colour?
Jun: Mexican food is my favourite, but it is very hard to find really good Mexican restuarants in Japan. Talking about colors, my favorites are Red, Purple, Black.
T-Bird: Moving back to technical preferences, Kasey asks what your favourite guitar is and what amplifier set-up do you preferentially use?
Jun: I like the combination of ESP guitar with Schecter pick-ups and Soldano amplifier with Soldano or Bogner cabinets. I only have small ones from Bogner at this moment though. With regards to “Knight Of The Wind” on “The Best Of Crush 40 – Super Sonic Songs”, I tracked all backing guitars once again with Soldano amplifier and Soldano cabinet.
T-Bird: Gwiz210 wants to know if Bubblicious Blvd. are planning on recording an album or an EP in the near future?
Jun: Nope! Bubblicious Blvd. is not a serious project at all. We [Jun, Mike etc…] just try to have play any dates we can in our spare time at the moment. Jan. 9th was the first day we were introduced to each other and we played the gig without any rehearsals! We’ve only met twice since then back on February the 20th to rehearse and to play another show a day later on February 21st.
We have played just three times, two shows and one rehearsal!
T-Bird: With regards to that gig, how did it go?
Jun: Talking about the show on Feb. 21st, it went much better than 1st gig since we’ve learned the songs 🙂 I was really surprised that a singer I used to work with back in the early 90’s came to the show to say hi to me! We had a dinner the other day, discussed several things and we will have a show on May 16th in Shibuya, Tokyo. The band was not famous but we had some good memories!
We will have a show with my drummer and bass player this time but I hope all four members from that era can share the stage in the near future.
T-Bird: Sounds like a very busy schedule! Nozwhompolton asks are there any plans to give Blaze the cat a theme? If so, will it be similar to the Sir Percival theme or something different like the Vela-Nova track from Sonic Rush?
Jun: When I worked for “Sonic And The Black Knight”, I had a plan to make her theme song and yes, my idea was to make a full-length version of “Sir Percival Theme”. I could not make it for several reasons…. the main reason being the short instrumental I composed for “Sir Percival” was good enough for the scene, and we didn’t need the longer one for use elsewhere in the game.
And that’s all folks! Hopefully we will be speaking to Jun again in the summer with regards to the Sonic the Hedgehog 4 soundtrack…and maybe some other things too!
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Those of you who are regulars at London’s MCM Expo have an extra treat in store this year! All-round J-Popper and Summer of Sonic star Bentley Jones has just released this new trailer, giving a sneaky peek at what could potentially be a performance at the event! The video also features what appears to be a snippet of what we can expect from future BJ albums; if it is fans can expect to get a much more rock-tastic treat from the Jonester!
It also appears that NiGHTS Into Dreams founder TRiPPY has been recruited to help produce some of the jawesome anime art featured in this teaser, and possibly more! Keep your ears open for more info soon.
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To kick-off the month of May, we at TSS have got a distinctly classic set of goodies to give away to one lucky winner, which includes two remote control characters (1 x Sonic, 1 x Tails), a cap, a beanie, sweatbands x 2 and a metal keyring! Not a bad haul eh? To keep with the classic theme we’ve devised a rather devious task for you to perform in order to be in for a chance to snag yourself this lot.
Here’s what you have to do: Below is a montage of all of the badniks who appear in Sonic the Hedgehog 2. We want you to name as many of these as possible!
An impossible task to name them all? Perhaps, but the entrant with the highest number of correctly named Badniks (and yes, if it comes down to it we will pick on spelling!) will snag themselves this awesome bundle. But that’s not all! The keen eyes amongst you may also spot something missing…perhaps there are more than the 20 badniks listed here? Bonus points will be awarded for identifying those possible missing badniks too! So what are you waiting for? It is time to impress with your encyclopedic knowledge of this classic game!
Please send all entries with your badniks listed and numbered, along with your name and address like this:
e.g.: I. Robotnik
Mountain Fortress
Western Mobius
EGG 1000
1) Chicken launcher
2) Squid nose
3) etc…
And oh yeah, Silver Sonic doesn’t count! Please send all of your entries to the usual competition email: tbird [at] sonicstadium.org. Please submit all entries by Tuesday, 18th of May 2010. The winner along with the correct answers will be announced shortly after. The competition is open worldwide, with the exception of residents of Dead Horse, Alaska.
Good luck, and May the 4th be with you!
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
Redeem an A2 size poster printed exclusively for purehmv!
While browsing HMV’s Pure HMV reward points store to see what I can spend my 72,514 points on I spotted the above exclusive A2 sized beauty which for 5,000 points can be yours. If you aren’t already registered for Pure HMV you can sign up online or in-store, every penny spent earns you 1 point which you can save to buy exclusive merchandise on the Pure HMV store or money off vouchers to spend.
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
Legendary Newgrounds animator Sam T of Ebolaworld releases another installment of his Taco-man Game Master comedy animation series, this time Taco-man and the gang try to get a severely depressed Sonic back to his former glory.
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
Yes, a little late for those on the east coast, I know. I was out picking up at my local store for FCBD and I accidentally stayed longer then I should have. Regardless, when I left both stores (had to pick up an extra copy for a friend somewhere else), while the comic was still a hot item, there where plenty still there, so maybe you’ll get lucky, right? Anyway, I read the story, and while it was a little to “recap heavy”, the story was still very enjoyable, and the fith scene between Sonic and his “old enemy” was rather nice. Long time fans of the book should be pleased! If your not sure where to find a local comic book store that is taking part in this event, you can find out here, using the store locator
Anyway, posted below are the usual preview and solicitation
“Hide & Seek & DESTROY!”: Dr. Eggman has vanished – or has he? As Sonic searches for clues, he stumbles across an old weapon from the bygone days of his childhood. Will Dr. Eggman allow Sonic to be destroyed by this threat from yesteryear? Will Sonic discover the truth behind his old rival’s disappearance? All the answers lie in this free issue!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn
ART: Tracy Yardley! and Jim Amash
COVER: Tracy Yardley! and Jason Jensen
At Comic Shops: 5/2/2010
32-page, full-color comic FREE
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.