Sonic’s Free Comic Book is out today!

Sonic’s Free Comic Book is out today!

Yes, a little late for those on the east coast, I know. I was out picking up at my local store for FCBD and I accidentally stayed longer then I should have. Regardless, when I left both stores (had to pick up an extra copy for a friend somewhere else), while the comic was still a hot item, there where plenty still there, so maybe you’ll get lucky, right? Anyway, I read the story, and while it was a little to “recap heavy”, the story was still very enjoyable, and the fith scene between Sonic and his “old enemy” was rather nice. Long time fans of the book should be pleased!  If your not sure where to find a local comic book store that is taking part in this event, you can find out here, using the store locator

Anyway, posted below are the usual preview and solicitation

“Hide & Seek & DESTROY!”: Dr. Eggman has vanished – or has he? As Sonic searches for clues, he stumbles across an old weapon from the bygone days of his childhood. Will Dr. Eggman allow Sonic to be destroyed by this threat from yesteryear? Will Sonic discover the truth behind his old rival’s disappearance? All the answers lie in this free issue!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn
ART: Tracy Yardley! and Jim Amash
COVER: Tracy Yardley! and Jason Jensen
At Comic Shops: 5/2/2010
32-page, full-color comic

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. Uhhh, I like that “evil” Eggman.
    He should be more of a badass in the games, too.

  2. Picked this up this morning. Good comic. I love how Sonic speaks for the fans. “recent Badniks have been kinda blah lately” So true.

  3. no idea the latest comic doesnt say either all it says is “kuckles will enjoy this”
    and in australia certain comic stores had every single free comic book day sonic comic ever

  4. At my local Comic store, this Sonic was the first comic they ran out of. I missed it, but lucky for me, an employee heard me moan about this being the wordt FCBD ever so he gave me one that he had been saving in the back.

  5. I missed out, same story, Sonic and Archie were first to go.
    Went to the only other comic store in town and they were also out 🙁
    They saved me one last year, but I’ve never seen the comic store this busy ..

  6. I always miss out on these things. I hope they plan to make a special comic book that has all the FCBD in one, like the archives and the selects.

  7. DAMN! I forgot all about FCBD!

    Not that I would’ve been able to get it anyways. >.> (Dman, why did Dad have to work THIS Saturday!)

  8. I got mine from ebay for 99p back in March. It was delivered yesterday but I’ve yet to look at it. None of my local stores were giving any comics away for free 🙁

  9. Finding a comic store that takes part in FCBD, that’s a walk in the park. But finding a FCBD store that actually HAS the Sonic comic available, that’s another freakin story >_<****

  10. Oh man, and I was looking forward to it, too, but dangit my classes this quarter at my college is giving me so much anxiety that it clouded this from my memory! Oh well, I missed out when Archie first put out the first Free Comic Book Day issue of Sonic so no use crying over it.

  11. The monster was cool looking till it showed the retro robot heads on it. Then it looked dumb. Ah well. At least it was free.

  12. I went this year, and just in time, I got the last copy at my store. I felt so fortunate….
    It was a pretty good story, and I really enjoyed the scene where he was fighting with the creature, and he said how boring the newer robots have been. Truly something to be agreed with.

  13. Hurra! I was one of the lucky ones! I have to say the cover art is really outstanding. They should keep this style for a while. (:

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