ASR: 3 Pieces of Alex Kidd Art & 2 Pieces of Track Concept Art

Some new Alex Kidd and track concept art has hit the net, 2 of the Alex Kidd pieces of artwork you may recognise from Official Nintendo Magazine UK’s preview and sticker sheet but now we have they’ve been released to the public online in hi-res.

The concept art is of the Dino Mountain track from the Billy Hatcher franchise while the other is a desert track from the Super Monkey Ball series you may remember seeing in the Bajo-Kazooie revelation trailer.

Check all the art out below –
(Click to enlarge)

Source: GoNintendo

Thanks to NinMicroSega over at the SSMB for the heads up!

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New ASR Xbox 360 Screenshots

Team Xbox have got their hands on some new Xbox 360 screenshots of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing. In them we see 2 player split screen play in action and some more of the Xbox 360’s Avatar’s aswell as Banjo-Kazooie who like the Avatar’s are exclusive to the Xbox 360 version. A few of the screenshots also reveal a new city track, nothing immediately appears to give us an idea of which franchise the track is from though. Any idea’s readers? Let us know your thoughts and predictions in the comments.

Check out the other 8 screenshots below –
(Click to enlarge)

Thanks to Doctor Eggman over at the SSMB for the heads up!

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ASR: Second Jet Set Radio Future Track Discovered

Eagle eyed SSMB member Doctor Eggman has discovered a second Jet Set Radio Future track in Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing. The discovery came from the last vehicle focused trailer released where a collection of small video’s showcasing the various tracks are shown. Compare the two images above(left is Jet Set Radio Future and right is ASR) and you’ll see they look very much alike.

Thanks to Doctor Eggman over at the SSMB!

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New ASR DS Screenshots

Nine new Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing DS screenshots have hit the net showcasing the Blizzard Castle track and what looks to be a volcano track complete with pools of lava, the complete opposite of the Blizzard Castle’s winter wonderland.

Check them out below –
(Click to enlarge)

Sources: GoNintendo’s Flickr and Gamespot for the 10th pic at the top of this post.

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New ASR Wii Screenshots

Gaming website IncGamers have got their hands on some new Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing screenshots of the Wii version. In them we see more of the Mii’s in action and some heated neck and neck rivalry between Sonic & Amigo in one screen and Amy doing what she does best which of course is chasing Sonic.

Check out the other 3 screenshots below –
(Click to enlarge)

Thanks to Tom over at the SSMB for the heads up.
Source: IncGamers

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Steve Lycett De-confirms Hooked Gamer’s ASR Phantasy Star Online Track Revelation

UPDATE: Steve Lycett under his S0L tag over at the SSMB has de-confirmed the Phantasy Star Online track mentioned in Hooked Gamers preview with the following statement –

Errr de-confim

I’m not sure which track they’re talking about – but it’s not a PSO one. They’ve likely seen a Final Fortress stage


Look’s like Hooked Gamer got confused somewhere during their preview. UPDATE END
Original article below –

Gaming website Hooked Gamers(yeah we haven’t heard of them either) have recently had the chance to check out how Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing is coming along. In their preview they see the game has potential but they also think it might end up being simple and standard.

The most interesting part of the preview is the quote below revealing that the game has a Phantasy Star Online track, unfortunately there are no screenshots to give us a glance at track.

It’s great to see so much of the old classic Sega games return to the TV screen. In tune with these classics, the confirmed stages in this game vary from the bright, welcoming beachside of Seaside Hill from Sonic Heroes to a futuristic and whimsical Phantasy Star Online stage.

Check out the preview here.

We’ll keep an eye out for any more info, screenshots and video’s and keep you up to date.

Thanks to Blue Toad over at SEGA Forums ASR topic for the find

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ASR Getting New Box Art For DS Version?

The U.S. version of the Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing website has updated the DS version of the game’s box art with what look’s like a modified version of the old box art with new Sonic artwork. What’s odd though is the absence of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection logo that was on the old box art, that and we’ve known the DS version has online multiplayer for a while now.

You can check out the box art at the Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing website, if you’re in the UK or any other territory click the flag at the top right and change it to the U.S. flag.

Thanks to HunterTSF over at the SSMB for the heads up and pic!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way. Previews ASR: Game At One Time Had ‘Showtime Events’ Feature Proposed

UPDATE: Steve Lycett under his S0L tag has over at the SSMB cleared up the Showtime Events part of the preview –

Showtime Events eh?

Ages ago we did have something like that as one design proposal – where through the race the commentator would announce something to mix things up – but it never went into the game proper. I think you can safely ignore that one!



Original artice below –

Sonic fansite have posted up what’s labelled on their front page as a preview of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing but links to more a general information page for the game.

The following translated information is listed –

It will either be represented · some Sonic characters and some familiar characters from Sega Franchais.
· Richard Jacques (Sonic R, Sonic Chronicles), the music composed. Bentley Jones sings the title song “So much more.
· On all consoles online use there should be a Onlinemutliplayer mode, where you can race with 8 players against each other. Local multiplayer can be four players to play against each other. Probably it is in online mode, the DS version to play only four of us can.
· Overall, there will be 20 characters and 24 tracks
Each character has their own vehicle, including race cars, monster truck, motorcycle and much more.
· All-star action: Each character has a special ability that helps him catch up if it is a little further back. Sonic turns into Super Sonic, Beat can go on his skates, etc.
· Showtime events: This can also be used if one lagging and it affects all the other drivers, in total there are 26 Showtime events. These include for example Reverse a Roo, Little Big Lap and Melee Madness
After each race you earn · Sega miles, can be used in a shop for more characters, tracks and songs to buy.
· There is a narrator who describes what is happening on the track. Who does not want him to hear, you can disable it.
· In the single player there is next to the Grand Prix calls a mission mode and a Time Trial.
· In an Art History section you can about all the characters and their field games

Bolded are the points we’ve not heard much about such as the History section which as far as I’m aware has only been briefly mentioned and not much about what it contains.

The SEGA Miles currency to buy more characters, tracks and music is re-affirmed.

Completely new are the Showtime Events which translate poorly but we can gather that they apparently help with lagging(in online races maybe?), there are 26 of them and they each have names such as Reverse a Roo, Little Big Lap and Melee Madness. For now if they are actually in the game we’ll have to wait until more information is revealed to clear things up. We’ll update you when we know more.

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ASR Wii Wheel Bundle Cost’s £5 More Than Solo Edition

UK retailers are listing 2 edition’s of the Wii version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing, the Wii Wheel bundle and a solo version without the wheel. It appears the Wheel won’t be a freebie as the Wii Wheel bundle is listed at GAME for example at £34.99 and the solo version at £29.99 making the bundle £5 dearer. The bundle packaging doesn’t say it’s free and I don’t believe SEGA ever said it would be free so no-one can complain.

Gamestation are listing both the Wii Wheel bundle and the solo edition at £29.99. are being very generous and listing both versions at the same price of £27.99 –
Wii Wheel Bundle


Retailers selling the Wii Wheel bundle version at £5 more:




WH Smith

Chips World

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Sonic City Blognik Unveils the ASR Wii Wheel

Our ol’ pal ArchangelUK revealed the ASR Wii Wheel today on the Sonic City Blognik.  It is currently only for those in Europe.  Americans, import the thing (or just buy Nintendo’s Wii Wheel).  Unless you don’t want more hunks of plastic to stick your remote into, look at these fancy pictures below:

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Bentley Jones Wants You to Star in His Video, Win Prizes


Bentley Jones has kicked off his “So Much More” video competition today, asking fans to perform his latest song, which is the theme of Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing.  Fans who are selected as winners will not only win a fabulous prize pack, but their video will be featured in the official “So Much More video.”

All you need to do is film yourself performing to Bentley’s song “So Much More…” in any way you want. You can sing/lip-sync, dance, play/mime/air an instrument, produce an animation – there’s no limit to what you can do!! Upload your clip to a video sharing website (like YouTube) and e-mail the link (attachments will not be accepted) to* by February 26th 2010. It’s as simple as that!
1st PRIZE x 5
“Sonic & SEGA All-stars Racing” signed by the game’s creators SUMO Digital
Signed concept art from “Sonic & SEGA All-stars Racing”
“So Much More…” Limited Edition CD**
“So Much More…” glossy artwork photo signed by Bentley Jones
“SEGA Superstars Tennis” signed by the game’s creators SUMO Digital
YOUR performance featured in the official “So Much More…” video

2nd PRIZE x 5
“Sonic & SEGA All-stars Racing” signed by the game’s creators SUMO Digital
“So Much More…” Limited Edition CD**
“So Much More…” glossy artwork photo signed by Bentley Jones
YOUR performance featured in the official “So Much More…” video

Large glossy artwork photo signed by Bentley Jones
YOUR performance featured in the official “So Much More…” video

Video soundtrack (in some form) must contain “So Much More…”

Shoot in the highest quality possible – this will help us when we come to edit your video and help your legions of adoring fans see your talent!!

Videos must a minimum of 2 minutes and a maximum of 5 minutes.

Upload your videos to a video sharing website (i.e. YouTube) then e-mail us the link to your video to*. We will ask winning entries to send us the raw file(s) once the competition has closed. Do not attach videos to e-mails as your e-mail will not be delivered.

Videos must contain the tag either as an annotation (preferable) or in the video description.

Extra bonus points will be awarded for placing the “So Much More…” CD** somewhere in the video.

One video entry will only be eligible to win one prize bundle, regardless of how many people may feature in (or have contributed to) the video entry.

Competition closing date: February 26th 2010. Any entries received after this date will not be eligible.

Entries to feature in the official “So Much More…” music video will be contacted upon the competition’s closing and asked to send us the raw video files either digitally or by post. This should be done as quickly as possible within 7 days so we can announce the winners on schedule. Failure to do so may result in your video being disqualified.

Once all selected video entries have been received, prize winners will be announced with the release of the “So Much More…” music video on 19th March 2010 (TBC).

Videos must not contain any profanity, explicit, discriminatory or otherwise offensive material including third party advertising.

*By submitting your video entry to the e-mail address you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions. **If you have already ordered / purchased the “So Much More…” CD, winners may be eligible to a refund if they so choose.

Good luck!

Visit for more information.

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27 Tracks In ASR Confirmed In German Ad

We informed you yesterday that Amazon’s German site is listing a 27 track total among other things for Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing and now thanks to MarcelloF over at the SSMB we can 100% confirm that total with the above German advertisement.

Also thanks to MarcelloF we have a translation –

The Text says:
-Multiplayer-fun of the finest: Up to 4 players on one console and 8 online!
-20 awesome characters from the SEGA-Universe are at the starting line! (This sounds odd, but I can’t think of a good way to translate it)
-Spectacular All-Star-Moves from the SEGA-Stars und great Extras for more action on the track!
-27 varied Racetracks in famous SEGA-Worlds!
-Supports the Wii-Wheel!

Available 26. February 2010
“When Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing is released at the beginning of 2010, we’ll get a nicely made, fun Wii racer” N-ZONE 01/2010

Huge thanks to MarcelloF for the heads up, scan and translation!

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ASR Preview, Stickers & Poster In New ONM,

The February issue of Official Nintendo Magazine is out today and in it is a very positive preview of the Wii version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing. Obviously we can’t give you the full preview here or ONM’s legal team will be on our backs, they end with the summary –

It’s Sonic, it’s Ryo from Shenmue, it’s great drifting, it’s loads of ridiculous power-ups, it’s online multiplayer and it’s Billy Hatcher back from the dead. What more do you want?

For the £3.99 asking price it’s a good read and you also get some Official(SEGA Europe labelled) ASR stickers and a 2 page poster with new artwork.

dabbido over at the SSMB has put the 2 poster pieces together so you can see it in full, thanks dabbido! –

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ASR PS3 Exclusive Revealed: Supports Six-Axis Control

PS3 users have been wondering for ages now what exclusives they will be getting on their system of chioice, well now we have 1 answer at least for now. have revealed that the PS3 version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing will support Six-Axis Motion control. This feature will most likely be used for steering your vehicle like other driving games before it such as the PS3 version of SEGA Rally and like with that game it will no doubt be optional.

Especially on the PS3: Even more dynamism in breathtaking races with Sixaxis control


Also revealed on the same site is that the PC version is compatible with Windows XP and Vista.

Link reveal the PC version is also compatible with Windows 7.
Link is also listing on all 5 versions that the game has 27 tracks instead of the 24 total retailers have been listing up until now.

Stunning graphics: Prove your driving skills at 27 racetracks, which now on medieval ramparts, through lush green rainforests, or lead a busy urban landscapes


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ASR Leak Source Defiant In SEGA Legal Threat

The blog site that leaked sensitive information about Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing yesterday has now issued a defence of its editorial position, including a personal attack against SEGA Community Manager ArchAngelUK, after receiving a legal message from SEGA to remove its information.

“This [legal threat], from the Sega employee [AAUK] who, in his spare time, runs on his Sonic website a “Depository,” which is chock full of items just begging to be tagged as copyright infringement,” site editor Tristan Bresnen exclaimed on a front page bulletin.

Sonic Wrecks, among sites such as The Sonic Stadium, hosts media obtained through SEGA products, but it is agreed that such use is not damaging to the company’s intellectual property. SEGA may see the leak of confidential information on an unreleased game as a different circumstance.

Bresnen further defended his position, stating that the discovery was not by way of hack but through files that were “already available without restriction” on the official game website. XML files were discovered, at which point the blog used ‘decompilers’ to uncover the information. Bresnen suggested that “Sega let something loose,” which is a bit of an extreme argument given the blog had to actually go out and find it for itself.

TSSZ sparked controversy when it obtained flash code from the official game website and reverse-engineered it to reveal material that had yet to be announced. Such content included new playable characters in the Bonanza Bros. and Opa-Opa from Fantasy Zone. It certainly was controversial when TSS picked up on it, for all of a sudden the subject became taboo.

SEGA is obviously not very pleased with the situation. ArchAngelUK’s letter to the TSSZ blog reads; “I’ve been asked to confirm upon you SEGA’s official request to take down the following posts made about information on SEGA title Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing with immediate effect. The posts below…contain information that puts TSSZ News in breach of SEGA copyright and I am told additional legal issues as well that facilitate this request.”

Bresnen concluded his announcement by suggesting SEGA is responsible for the blog’s actions in the first place. He implies that he had no choice but to sanction a subversive investigation into ASR’s official website, following an interview snub from SEGA with Sumo Digital’s Steve Lycett.

“Were those at Sega Europe better coders and better communicators–instead of those who seemingly can’t be arsed to return an E-Mail until it’s too late–it would have been possible for us to deliver you the information in question, and perhaps more, without subsequent fear and backlash erected from a situation that, again, rests on their shortcomings.”

Damn. This could get ugly, real fast. Remember No Drama ’09, and how it ‘completely failed’? Yeah, you’re looking at why we didn’t suggest a No Drama 10. Awkward.

Source: TSSZ

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Steve Lycett Speaks Out After ASR Leaks

After all of the leaks surrounding Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing Steve Lycett of Sumo Digital under his S0L tag has been mostly absent in the SEGA/Sonic community but has made one post in a topic over at the Official SEGA Forums Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing board.

Obviously Steve can’t confirm or deny the leaks but he does address some questions people might have on their mind and what had to be taken into consideration when making the game such as the variety of audiences the team had to cater for.
Steve’s full post is below –

I’m breaking cover in this thread of wrongness

First -I’m not going to talk specific characters – certainly not till I see anything official. I don’t see any official reveals – and until you do – I wouldn’t believe anything either 😛 Don’t bother asking or PM’ing me either. My lips are sealed!

When all the characters are revealed, I’m sure we’ll hear a couple of things…

1. “Why isn’t character X in the game! I’m gonna cry and cry till I’m all out of tears till you add them!”

First, wipe your nose, second, stop crying. It’s not a good look on a 35 year old man!

When we make these games, we do two things. First we need to ensure we have a varied and ranged cast – that – and hold yourself- are as interesting to a non-Sega fan, as they are to a die hard Sega fan…

Take yourself back to when you’re a small child, someone hands you the joypad and you take your first steps into videogaming. You’ve no pre-conceptions, you are mesmerised by the blue skies, the vivid green grass, the character you’re playing is joyfully jumping on the heads of passing Koopa’s – no wait – Badniks.

You’re about to be a gamer, you realise this is GREAT! But you don’t know the characters, you don’t pore over the names of stages, you’re enthralled as you’re having fun and you’re lost in a whole new world. Remember games are about fun 😛

So we’re making this game for that kid too. We do out best to get the fan service in the games, and yes, a big part of what it’s about it nostalgia, and we try our best to sit in both camps. But… this game has to appeal to a very wide audience, and we’d like to get some new gamers in and teach them something about Sega too.

2. “You are calling this game Sega All-Stars – yet character Y appeared in only one game, and they shouldn’t be in as I want character Z! (note the Z doesn’t stand for Zool OK!”

So maybe you disagree with our and SEGA’s choices. Be our guest! Again, we’ve got to make sure the cast is varied for Billy’s Gran who got a Wii for Christmas. She’s heard about that game where you can race a hedgehog against a fox, and she wants some of that action!

As we’ve always maintained, we’ve gone for a good mix across ALL ages of Sega. For all those fans who don’t like Jet Set Radio, we’ve got a forum full elsewhere who all high-fived when they saw Beat drift into view. We can’t please you all, but I think when all is revealed, we’ll have pleased a lot more folk than we did with SST.

You can’t accuse of us not listening either. We did a LOT of research after SST shipped, and I feel we’ve got in a lot of characters that were requested last time. Remember Ryo, we wanted him, and we’d got the research to prove that you guys wanted him too! It might never have happened otherwise. Yep, we’ve had a late rush of support for some characters this time, and if we do something along these lines again, or do DLC, maybe we’ll look at trying to get them in a future title. Or maybe some of them are already in, but not in a form you expect. I know at least one that’s going to make a lot of folk happy.

The other thing – is that some characters may not fit in the style of the game we’re making here. We’re doing a bright, colourful, happy shiny game. Some of the ones we’ve had suggested – are clearly not bright happy colourful characters. We’ve also got an age rating to adhere too, and some characters very much certainly would scupper this…!

It’s good you’re all so excited, it’s good you all want to fight for the characters you love. We feel the same way! But we’re still human and we still have budgets and timescales. We still want to spend some time with family and loved ones, who haven’t seen us for months as we’ve been putting the extra special effort into this game for you.

Finally, remember we’ve been doing our very best to make a game for everyone, be they old fans or new, or fans we’re going to recruit soon who will then love Sega in future, just as much as you love Sega now.

Right, back to fixing bugs, or you’ll never get your hands on the game.


A cheeky little hint at a character that appears in the game in some form or another that people are going to like ay? I wonder who that will be?

Thanks to Clisp at the SSMB for the heads up!

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ASR Site Hack Reveals Bonanza Bros, Opa-Opa

SEGA has once again been the target of tech-savvy fans, as some disassembling of the official Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing flash site has revealed unannounced information, including the presence of the Bonanza Bros. and Opa-Opa (from Fantasy Zone) as playable characters.

The find came from fan blog TSSZ, with writer Ryan Bloom publishing a wealth of images that pertain to characters and All-Star moves. The snapshot above is apparently taken from the Characters page from the official website (which in itself is a replication of the game’s actual character select screen). Behind recently-confirmed Akira from Virtua Fighter is a tuft of blonde hair, leading the blog to suspect that companion fighter Jacky could be racing with him.

More obvious is an image of the Bonanza Bros. next to Big the Cat, and a silhouette of Opa-Opa. Exploring the “Moves” files uncovers a Kapu-Kapu from Chu Chu Rocket!, the ‘PARTS SHOP’ balloon from Fantasy Zone and the blimp from Bonanza Bros. It is assumed that these are clues to All-Star Moves, which if proven correct leads to the presence of the Chu Chu Rocket! playable vehicle as well.

Quite how SEGA will react to its website being torn apart remains to be seen, but it wouldn’t be the first time eager fans have been impatient to find every last morsel of detail about one of its games. We’ll bring you word of any comment from SEGA about the find.

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Official U.S. ASR Release Date Revealed & R-Tuned in ASR?

Eagle eyed SSMB Member Doctor Eggman has spotted a picture of what could be an R-Tuned track in the latest Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing trailer. Further to support this we have word from Steve Lycett of Sumo Digital’s latest Developer Diary that he and his team got to play an early version of R-Tuned and they were offered levels from the game if they’d like them for ASR. Comparing the small screen from the latest trailer with a screenshot from R-Tuned the tracks do look extremely similar.

In other news, SEGA of America have updated their product page for Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing with a release date of 23rd February 2010 for all 5 formats, confirming the speculation of the same date U.S. retailers have been listing.

Thanks to NinMicroSega for the heads up on the U.S. release date and thanks to Doctor Eggman for the well spotted R-Tuned info and images!

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ASR Developer Diary #3

Sonic City Blognik has updated with the 3rd Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing Developer Diary. Steve Lycett of Sumo Digital returns again to talk more about the game’s concepts that derived from his trip to SEGA Japan’s offices. This time Steve reveals that the All Star Move’s came from a suggestion from the guys over at Sonic Team when Steve was asked “Where are the SuperStar moves?” Steve explains that they hadn’t thought about that as they originally planend for it to be a normal racer but after the discussion the idea get’s included the game.

‘Where all the SuperStar moves’ we get asked. Well, at this point I refer to my earlier diary, at that time the game was a pure racer. There were no weapons or special moves, it was all about lines and drifting. ‘We loved those in SST, you should have them in this’. Every so often on games, you have a ‘Eureka!’ moment, and this was one of them. We reply that we’d not considered it, but it wasn’t out of the question…

And thus were born the All-Star moves. Back then we went ‘Well, we could use this to get players back into the race, so they can take revenge on anyone who’s knocked them about on the track’ and now, well they’re something very special. Each character has their own All-Star move, they’re all things that our slightly insane design team figured would be impossible to do in a racing game!

Steve and his team also did plenty of rounds around SEGA’s various game development studio’s to discuss including various character’s and tracks to which each one gave them the ok.

The day goes on, we go visit AM1, who let us play House of the Dead EX, a game we’ve only seen announced a week before! You’ve likely seen we’ve got Zobio and Zobiko from this game, as they’re in the Halloween trailer.

We’re not done there either. Next we’re off to see AM2. Once word gets round who we are, we’re extremely privileged to be asked what we think of Tokyo R-Tuned, which at that stage wasn’t even totally finished. We’re led into a maze of wires, with cabinets that are plugged into all manner of development kits, and get to be, I suspect, the first westerners to play the game. It’s amazing by the way. Not only did we leave with the things we wanted, we were also offered levels from R-Tuned if we’d like them…!

Next we’re off to AM+, Yu Suzuki’s SEGA division. Sadly Yu was out of the office, but here again we’re invited to play SEGA Race TV for our thoughts. It too is excellent We leave with the promise we can have Ryo Hazuki – thus making a lot of Shenmue fans happy we hope.

Check out the full diary entry over at the Sonic City Blognik.

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First ASR Review In Friday’s ONM?

Official Nintendo Magazine UK have posted up a preview of Friday’s new issue and Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing will be starring on the cover suggesting they may have the world’s first review contained within it’s pages. ONM usually are the one’s to get the first review of a Sonic game so it’s very likely. We’ll pick up a copy and let you know what they think of the game.

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New Snow/Ice Stage Revealed In ASR

Thanks to the keen eyes of bro-botnik and the screen capping work of dabbido on the recent ASR trailer over at the SSMB, it appears there will be a ice/snow track that looks similar to Sonic Unleashed’s Holoska stages. If the track is a Sonic one it would bring the Sonic themed track count up to 4.

We already have a snowy Billy Hatcher track but that one looks nothing like the track shown in the photo We’ll let you know when we have more info on this track.

Let us know in the comments what SEGA game you think this track may be themed on!

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ASR Site Launches, Reveals Jacky and DLC Characters Coming To Xbox 360

The official U.S. website for Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing has just gone LIVE and in the All Star Moves section there is an icon for each characters All Star Move with their name underneath. Flick through and you come to an icon with the name Jacky from Virtua Fighter tagged underneath. It appears Jacky will be playable with Akira as his All Star Move.

The Characters section is closed off right now so could this be a mistake on SEGA’s part?

Downloadable characters are also listed to be coming too as an Xbox 360 exclusive.

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ASR: At Least 4 Characters Left To Be Revealed

Steve Lycett from Sumo Digital has just revealed over at the SSMB that there are at least 4 more characters left to be revealed in Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing with some being very old school. This means we could possibly be seeing more than the 20 character total listed on retailer websites product pages and this also 100% confirms Banjo-Kazooie, Avatar’s and Mii’s are excluded from this character count.

Steve also inform’s us that the now revealed Crazy Taxi character BD Joe is the reason why he visited AM3.

That Pirate Ship stage isn’t Skies of Arcadia, it’s our take on Monkey Target – mixed up with a whole heap of pirates from Monkey Ball 3.

I know you guys are super enthusiastic, but remember that we have constraints when making these games. 24 tracks are a HUGE undertaking, especially when you have to consider I also need to make versions for next-gen, Wii and DS. That’s really 72 tracks. Not to mention the optimised versions for splitscreen (so it’s nearly an extra two thirds on top of that again!).

As such, we do need to be careful we don’t stretch too far – so yep – we’ve got 3 Monkey Ball levels, but even then, they’re all based on different themes. It’s not easy making totally new designs even when you’re basing them on existing ideas


I guess now they’re out there – I can confirm that it was indeed BD Joe that we asked AM3 for! And yes, finally Ulala is officially confirmed, even if Nintendo Power and the ESRB kind of let the cat out of the bag. Plus believe me, on the ones that are still secret, there are some surprises still – some are definately old school fan pleasers – there are at least 4 characters that haven’t even been hinted at


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Ulala and BD Joe Confirmed For ASR


IGN have just put up a new Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing trailer that confirms Ulala and BD Joe’s presence in the game. We now have the the trailer in YouTube vision for you to enjoy thanks to user megajames12. A couple of tracks look to be revealed too, one that looks Samba De Amigo themed and another Super Monkey Ball track with a pirate ship racers launch themselves from for a quick game of Monkey Target. The trailer also confirms the retailer product descriptions of the game having 24 tracks.

Ulala has been heavily hinted at to appear in this game before by Nintendo Power and the ESRB rating of the game, now she’s officially 100% confirmed we can see she has a hi-tech space hovercraft making her the second flying/hovering character. Her All-Star move isn’t very clear in the trailer where she stands, lifts her arm in the air and… we don’t get to see the effect.

BD Joe from Crazy Taxi has also been hinted at since Steve Lycett’s recent Developer Diary where Steve met with AM3 at SEGA Japan’s offices to discuss a character’s inclusion. BD Joe is shown briefly at parts of the trailer in one of the game’s classic taxi’s but again we’re left to wonder what this character’s All-Star move will be.

Thanks to NinMicroSega and GameboyHero over at the SSMB for the tip.

Original source: IGN

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New ASR Info From Steve Lycett

Steve Lycett from Sumo Digital in one of his communitty visit’s has recently answered alot of fan’s questions in the SEGA forums. Since some questions weren’t as relevants as others we’ll only list the more important info to come from the answers

– You can play your own music during gameplay on the Xbox version but not on PS3.
– The DS version contains an exclusive Crush 40 track(track as in music of course)
– You can influence the colour of one vehicle in the game though Steve doesn’t state which vehicle.
– Snaking isn’t possible
– Sumo Digital’s network model should prevent cheaters/hackers though this can’t be 100% guaranteed.
– Some platforms will have downloadable time trial ghosts and all versions will all be able to save local ghosts.
– Only Xbox 360 and PS3 versions support voice chat via headset.
– Steve Lycett’s favourite track is Lava Lair using tree tops for drifting. Steve says “you’ll see why”
– The game starts with things locked, then you have to earn Sega Miles to buy new content in the Shop.
– Every version but the DS version has some very difficult Ghost cars from the track designer to beat.
– Steve’s favourite playable character in the game is still Big the Cat and one character he can’t talk about yet.
– Controls plan for the PC versions is for keyboard or game controllers.
– Steve can’t touch the topic of PS3 exclusive content right now.
– When asked about a Thank Your For Playing screen at the end of the game Steve says the game does say Thank You For Playing but that’s all he can say right now.

Full list of questions and answers can be found all together in my post in the SSMB topic.

Source: SEGA Forums topic

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XGN Interview Sumo Digital’s Craig Duncan and Steve Lycett Clears Up Confusion Star Confusion


UPDATE: We’ve gotten word from Steve Lycett over at the SSMB under his S0L tag that the Confusion Star is an item and not an All Stars move after all. Steve also respons to the discussion of how review scores may turn out.

Well some proper depressing reading on here tonight…

Whatever the game scores at review, personally I will be proud of what we’ve achieved. I feel this is still the most accomplished game we’ve done at Sumo, especially given it’s an original game!

The weapon you are all talking about above is the Confusion Star. This is one of the standard weapons, you zap the AI and they’ll spin out, you cop it, and WOAH, watch the screen spin upside down!

I like to save it up, them fire it for maximum effect when someone is about to do a chicane

I’m sure Craig will be pleased to hear you are hanging on his every word



XGN caught up with Sumo Digital’s Craig Duncan recently to discuss Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing. Nothing much is revealed that we didn’t already know apart from the name of one of the items which is seen below targeting Amy in the Banjo-Kazooie & Avatars revelation trailer.

The item is called the Confusion Star which turns the victim’s screen upside down for a short time and causes all sorts of madness by making the controls inverted.

Craig also explains the difference between this game and Mario Kart, how this game plays like more of a racer than Mario Kart does with it’s faster speed and it’s different drifting component.

We’ll keep you up to date with Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing as we draw closer to its release next month.

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SEGA Europe & Australia Reveal ASR Release Date

SEGA Europe and SEGA Australia have just revealed on their product page’s for Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing that the game will be revealed on all 5 platforms PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, DS and PC Friday 26th February 2010. Continue reading SEGA Europe & Australia Reveal ASR Release Date

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ASR DS Supports DS Rumble Pak

UPDATE: We’ve just found out via that are selling the DS Rumble Pak seperately. /END UPDATE

Steve Lycett under his S0L tag over at the SSMB has revealed that the Nintendo DS version will support the DS Rumble Pak. Good news for original DS and DS Lite owners who love force feedback.

Yep – both SST and ASR support the DS Rumble pack


For those not in the know, the DS Rumble Pak is an official accessory bundled with Metroid Prime Pinball in the U.S. and Actionloop in Europe that allows compatible games to give rumble feedback though none of those games require the accessory to play them. A smaller version to fit DS Lite better than the official Nintendo one was made in Japan by a company called Ewin. It’s a good option for your games if you have it/can get it.

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ASR Dev Diary #2

The second part of the Sonic & SEGA All Stars Raing Developer Diary with Sumo Digital’s Steve Lycett has been posted over at the Sonic City Blognik.

In this entry Steve Lycett talk’s about his trip to Japan with his team to visit SEGA Japan and discuss a certain character with AM3 that Sumo Digital would like to include in the game. The character get’s permitted although Steve can’t reveal what character it is yet.

Steve also confirms the previously stated 20 character total that retailers started listing a month or so back –

We end the day on a high with one character approved – and I finally drop into bed in the hotel after nearly 24 hours of travel, thinking 1 down… 19 to go…

AM3 made Crazy Taxi and Ghost Squad so could we be seeing a character from either of those franchises join Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing? With Crazy Taxi being a driving game then a character from that franchise would be perfect.

That’s all the ASR info from the diary entry though the rest of it is a good read too about Steve’s comical experience with a bottle of Coke right in SEGA Japan’s building and identity problems before being allowed into SEGA’s office’s.

Iinformation coming in the next entry is teased too –

Who else did I get to meet? Did we get any turned down/ What exactly is it like in Sonic Teams offices… I’ve got to keep you waiting as I’m out of space – till next time!

Check the entry with more pics out over at the Sonic City Blognik.

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Steve Lycett Clears Up ASR Nintendo Channel Info

Steve Lycett under his S0L tag has revealed that Nintendo’s Wii Nintendo Channel hasn’t just made a mistake about the Gamecube Controller support but they are also mis-informed about a couple of other things.

The Channel’s product page for Wii states the game supports Wii Connect 24 and the product page for DS states the game supports 2-6 player multiplayer. Steve informs us in a post at the SSMB that both of those statements are incorrect and the DS version supports 4 players locally and online.

Steve also reveals Mii support has been there since the beginning and Craig Duncan’s previous statement was incorrect and too early. The statement couldn’t be cleared up or the cat would have been out of the bag before the announcement was due.

Liking the Mii’s then

They’ve always been in though – we didn’t add them due to fan pressure. Craig was misquoted about them not being in – but I couldn’t really say anything about it as – well then the car would have been well and truly out of the bag

On the Nintendo Channel question…

Wii version doesn’t support Wii Connect 24 – not sure where they’ve got that from.

DS is only 4 player multiplayer (local and online) not 6. They’re right about the rest



As Steve states in the above post, everything else on the Nintendo Channel is true.
So new information now confirmed we have –

Mii support (which has now been officially confirmed today a day later by SEGA/Sumo Digital)

2-4 players multiplayer(locally and online)
Single Card Download-play Multiplayer
Multi Card Multiplayer

Editor’s note: Since the Nintendo Channel information have now been cleared up, we’ve binned yesterday’s article regarding those updates.

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Mii’s Confirmed For ASR

Look’s like despite being wrong about Gamecube Controller support Nintendo’s Wii Nintendo Channel was at least right about Mii support being in the Wii version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing.

SEGA of America and SEGA Europe have just confirmed the feature over at their blogs with two screenshots. The Mii’s look to have their own vehicle similar to how Xbox 360 Avatar’s will have their own vehicle too. The All-Star Move for Mii’s also look’s the same as the Avatar move too where your friend’s Mii’s will come to your aid and give you a boost of speed and power.

Thanks to bolt7 for the heads up.

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ASR: Ulala confirmed by ESRB? No GC Controller Support Says S0L

A couple of previews stated Ulala will be in Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing and when the ESRB said the game will have ‘Mild Suggestive Themes’ we just knew the lady would be in but now the ESRB have added more fuel to the fire with their PC, Wii and PS3 report.

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing

Platform: Windows PC, PlayStation 3, Wii

Rating: Everyone

Content descriptors: Cartoon Violence, Comic Mischief, Mild Suggestive Themes

Rating summary:
This is a racing game in which players use Sonic the Hedgehog and other SEGA characters to race on tracks taken from the SEGA universe. Players drive, drift, and “slipstream” their way through whimsical tracks while avoiding moving obstacles and other drivers. Players can receive “power-ups” during the race, allowing them to attack other racers in numerous ways—running at supersonic speed to knock them over, jabbing them with a hammer, crushing them with a giant egg, etc. Opponent vehicles usually spin out of control, pop up in the air, or fall off the racetrack when hit, though a vehicle does explode in a fiery burst during an introductory cutscene. One of the female racers wears a short skirt with a laser gun that clings to her thigh; she taunts opponents by gyrating her hips and blowing a kiss.


Thanks to NinMicroSega for the heads up!

Steve Lycett of Sumo Digital under his S0L tag has also replied to our report about Nintendo’s Wii Nintendo Channel stating that the Wii version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing will support the Gamecube Controller and Mii’s.

Don’t think I’m allowed to comment on the Mii thing for a few more hours

Certainly no GameCube controller support in there. We did look into it after a load of requests on the official Sega forum, but it just doesn’t fit into the way we do the controllers on the Wii (which is all nice and automatic, rather than reams of menu’s).



Look’s like Nintendo got the wrong end of the stick on that one but we’ll have to wait and see on the Mii support front which according to S0L’s post won’t be long now.

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De-confirmed: No Custom Vehicles Option In ASR

We’ve just gotten word from Steve Lycett under his S0L tag that the staff behind the ASR Facebook page have got the wrong end of the stick, there is in in fact no custom vehicle option in the game.

That Custom Vehicle comment is a cock-up by whoever does the Facebook page, I can absolutely confirm that the game doesn’t support that feature, you’ll be seeing that vanish shortly. I’ll let AAUK double confirm this.

Beleive me, it would be a cool feature, but it’d take us another two years to add it!



SEGA have revealed via the Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing Facebook page that players will be able to make their own custom vehicles in the game but no details are revealed as to what extent you can customize or whether the feature is available on all five platforms.

We’ll update you when more information is made available.

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ASR Wheel Europe Only, Dev Diary #2 Due This Week and Europe Release 26th Feb?

Remember the Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing themed Wii Wheel revealed at that we reported about? Well SEGA Online Community Manager ArchangelUK has revealed today on the Sonic City Blognik that the peripheral will only see a release in European territorys and will give more details on how you can get it soon. ArchangelUK also reveals that the second part of the Developer Diary will be released this week so expect a report from us on that.

GAME and their other store Gamestation’s websites have updated their listed release date of 2010 to 26th February 2010 today, this is in no way official until SEGA reveals a date but normally this close to release they are normally on the spot. This date is also very different to the March 26th date most retailers have been speculating for months now. Most U.S. retailers are listing a 23rd February release date so if this 26th Feb date is right then we in Europe won’t have long to wait after the U.S.

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Keep Others Out With ASR Door Hangers

With Christmas and the New Year over SEGA have started to put the pedal to the metal with it’s publicity for Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing. Hopefully you’ve already seen the new in game pictures and pre-rendered character art posted here at the Stadium earlier today. Keen eyed Sonic fans will also have spotted what appears to be the first of a series of updates from ArchangelUK on the Blognik about ASR merchandise. Figures and steering wheels have been mentioned in the past but unveiled to the world today for the first time: pictures of ASR door hangers! I kid you not, take a look at the picture below. 

No details on how to get hold of the door hanger have been revealed but AAUK has promised updates about more ASR merchandise including the Wii wheel in the near future. The game will be bundled with different things depending on the territory you live in but concrete details on that are also yet to be revealed. It’s not too long until the games release but TSS will answer all the above questions when SEGA is ready to release the answers. Chief among all of them is the games actual release date!

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ASR: New Wii & DS Screenshots and Artwork have posted up some new screenshots for the Wii & DS versions of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing, they’ve also grabbed some new artwork in which we can now see Big’s bike is themed around his best friend Froggy. Check them out below –

Wiiz also have some hi-res versions of the Wii & DS box arts. The Wii box art has been updated with the Wii Wheel logo.

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