New ASR Xbox 360 Screenshots

New ASR Xbox 360 Screenshots

Team Xbox have got their hands on some new Xbox 360 screenshots of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing. In them we see 2 player split screen play in action and some more of the Xbox 360’s Avatar’s aswell as Banjo-Kazooie who like the Avatar’s are exclusive to the Xbox 360 version. A few of the screenshots also reveal a new city track, nothing immediately appears to give us an idea of which franchise the track is from though. Any idea’s readers? Let us know your thoughts and predictions in the comments.

Check out the other 8 screenshots below –
(Click to enlarge)

Thanks to Doctor Eggman over at the SSMB for the heads up!

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  1. I don’t play many SEGA franchises that have a city level but my guess is either Crazy Taxi, Daytona USA or somehow, just maybe, a Streets of Rage level.

  2. Personally I’d like to say Shenmue or Yakuza. But the former is just me wishing hopefully 😉

  3. Unless the PS3 can pull off some kind of amazing exclusive material, the 360 version is going to rock the hardest.

    Wii looks like poopy, so it doesn’t count. A wii wheel doesn’t make up for such a lazy port of the game.

  4. Yea it has to be crazy taxi…*sigh*I was hopping for empire city ((skyscraper scamper)). Best city level next to crisis city.

    ((Time for a Lunar moment))

    Sonic Pinball Party: Sonic meets nights >.> Ok sega, you made one dream come true. 3 boards…I expected better, but they were good. Last but not least…never….make…a story…that weak especially with a pinball game. You did good on spinball so I expect better in the future.

    ((Theres your lunar moment))

  5. Seems a bit too grim and gritty to be Crazy Taxi. Also, count Unleashed and ’06 levels out. I have a feeling what we’ve seen from SOnic is it (and it’s all based on Heroes).

  6. That god for split screen.
    Did we get confirmation on how many players we can have locally?
    For the life of me I can’t remember

  7. I think you should ditch the “lunar” moments Lunar_Sonic…

    Should I ever get a 360, this’ll probably be one of my must-buys. And after seeing these I can agree with the Wii version needing better graphics…

  8. @barry
    according to wikipedia, we have a 4. sonic track the ice/sea stage whale lagoon.
    there were a article about it here, remember?

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