Sonic Colours English Website Now Live

UPDATE: The UK site is now live. Those having problems accessing the U.S. site should be able to access this one.
Thanks to gato at the SSMB for the heads up! /UPDATE END

SEGA has just unveiled their official English Sonic Colours website.  As you can see, it is based on the game’s World Map, much like the Sonic Unleashed website was. The website features character profiles, including Wisps and their powers, a stage section that contains music from each currently revealed stage and a game info section. Asteroid Coaster is currently locked out, as are stage videos and both the Purple and Indigo Wisps. As a bonus, you can obtain wallpapers by gathering Wisps around the website.

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NGamer Reviews Sonic Colours Wii, Supports Miis

According to reports, the UK edition of NGamer magazine has put out their review of Sonic Colours on Wii in their new issue released to store shelves today and it’s good news, because the magazine has given the game a score of 86%. NGamer has many positive things to say about the game, praising the single player, the Wisps and the replay value given when returning to stages to find hidden routes with later unlocked Wisps.

“The Similarity to the Mario Galaxy Games is it’s abundance of ideas. This is Sonic Team in an uncharacteristically creative and generous mood. It’s one that suits them well. The addition of the power-altering wisps is what does it.”

– “These aren’t powerups, they’re toys – single-use shots of pure fun that have the happy side effect of opening up new pathways in already pleasingly labyrinthine stages.”

– “The lists of powers goes on and on, and backtracking to find new areas in which to use them is a big part of the fun.”

NGamer weren’t too keen on the multiplayer section of the game though, claiming it can feel like a tug of war at times.

“As a multiplayer game Sonic Colours is less than perfect (the speedy action often results in a game of tug of war using the screen as a rope).”

The review reveals a new feature in the game’s multiplayer mode, the ability to play as your Mii.

– The ability to swap Sonic for your Miis means there’s still throwaway fun to be had.” (in multiplayer)

They finish the review up with a high note in their summary.

Summary – “Colours Rockets Sonic closer to the stratospheric heights of past glories and hints at a great future. Welcome back old friend, it’s been to long.”

For the full review, pick up the latest issue of NGamer in-store now or you can order it online from

Source: Sonicka at the ONM Forums

Thanks to SiLeNtDo0m at the SSMB for the heads-up!

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Sonic Colours – Sweet Mountain & Planet Wisp Videos

Who fancies some more Sonic Colours, then? The more eagle-eyed of you will have noticed that we added two videos of gameplay from the first world, Tropical Resort, when we opened our Sonic Colours Game Archive. You wanted more, and so here you go – four more videos of footage, from Sweet Mountain and Planet Wisp. You can find them on the same page – just click here.

Keep an eye on TSS over the weekend for some more 10th Anniversary updates – our Sonic 4 review is also hitting on Monday. In the meantime, enjoy the videos!

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Destructoid Streaming Sonic Colours For Charity [ENDED]

UPDATE: Sonic Colours stream is now over./UPDATE END

Destructoid’s Jesse Cortez will be holding a 24 hour-long special video game stream for the Extra Life charity fundraiser today and during the “Speed Run Challenge” segment of the show Cortez will be streaming the Comic-Con demo of Sonic Colours (Wii version), which as you may have seen includes portions of the Tropical Resort, Sweet Mountain and Planet Wisp stages. This part of the show should be played around 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM (PST), which is 01:00am-04:00am GMT in the UK, so we advise you guys get some sleep during the day if you want to join in. All Cortez asks of you in return for this event is that you pay a donation, which will go to the UC David Children’s Hospital.

Here’s a statement about the event from Jesse Cortez himself:

Hi I’m Jesse Cortez and this year I’m raising money and awareness for my local Children’s Miracle Network hospital, UC Davis Children’s Hospital.
On October 16th, 2010 I’ll attempt to play video games for 24-hours straight, and I’ve asked you to come by in hopes that you’ll support me by giving just $1.00 per hour ($24 total).
Your donation is tax-deductible and 100% of your gift goes to help heal sick kids, here in Sacramento, CA.
This Fall, my fellow Extra Life gamers are going to make miracles happen for kids. I can’t do that without your support. My goal is to raise $5,000.00.
This is DtoidSF’s official gamer account! Let’s raise some money for charity!
Thank you for your time, support, and participation.

Source: Destructoid

Extra Life donation page

Will you be taking part? Let us know in the comments.

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Sonic Colours Soundtrack CD ‘Hybrid Colors’ Revealed

According to a listing posted yesterday at VGMdb, upcoming Wii & DS game Sonic Colours will be getting an original soundtrack CD in Japan titled ‘Hybrid Colors’. The CD will be released December 22nd with a price tag of 4200 JPY and will be published by Wave Master, who has been publishing Sonic soundtrack CD’s for years now. No track listing is available at the moment, but it will no doubt contain the various music from the stages that we’ve heard so far, Cash Cash’s ‘Reach For The Stars’ track that was played in an earlier trailer and the ‘Speak With Your Heart’ track played at the Tokyo Game Show.

We’ll update you with the full track list when it’s made available.

Source: VGMdb

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New Sonic Colours Planet Wisp Wii & DS Screenshots

Andriasang has released some new screenshots for both Wii and DS versions of Sonic Colours‘ Planet Wisp stage. Most of the screenshots are old news, but there are some new ones buried amongst them and they’re available for you to view below. The screens show some new areas that you may not have seen before, especially in the DS version of the game, which hasn’t received anywhere near as much video coverage as the Wii version. Sonic Wrecks has also released hi-res artwork of Yakker. Check out the screens and artwork and share your thoughts in the comments.



Yakker artwork:

Sources: Andriasang and Sonic Wrecks

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads-up on the Yakker artwork.

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Knuckles & Amy Confirmed For Sonic Colours DS

In an interview with Video Games Daily, Sonic Team’s Takashi Iizuka has confirmed rumours dating back to E3 in June, which claimed Knuckles the Echidna and Amy Rose will be appearing in the DS version of Sonic Colours. Iizuka reveals that both characters will feature in the game’s story mode, but like Tails, they will not be playable.

The DS version introduces the other characters like Knuckles and Amy as kind of the guest characters. They don’t have any direct influence on the gameplay but they act as the narrative to the background of the story, so if you play the DS version you get a better understanding of the story for Sonic Colours.

Iizuka also gives us some insight into how Sonic Team implements fan feedback from previous Sonic games into upcoming titles:

The team always looks at feedback immediately after we release a game and they are always looking to the pros and cons of the feedback and try to address those through the next game developed. They don’t really take it fully because they have their own thoughts but they do look at feedback and try to input as much as possible.

That feedback is actually the story of how Sonic Colours came to be. The players had always wanted a pure Sonic action game. They always wanted to play as Sonic and they always wanted the high-speed action stages. That is how we started the project for Sonic Colours — that was the most important feedback to look into. With Sonic Colours we wanted the stage to start with high-speed Sonic action and end with high-speed Sonic action. We didn’t want to break it up by introducing other characters or other kinds of action so the feedback has really influenced this game.

For the full interview, head over to Video Games Daily

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Sonic Colours: New Wii & DS Footage


Some new footage of both versions of Sonic Colours was released this morning at Nintendo’s Fall Press Conference as part of two video showcases for upcoming Wii and DS titles. The Wii video gives us our first snippet of footage from the Starlight Carnival stage, while the DS video gives us our first snippet of Aquatic Park footage. In the Starlight carnival footage we see Sonic running across a materializing pathway, reminiscent of Sonic and the Secret Rings‘ Levitated Ruin stage and in Aquatic Park on DS we see Sonic running across water at top speed before springing off a jellyfish. Creative stuff.


Wii footage can be seen in the top video at the 0:53 mark and the DS footage above at the 2:04 mark.

What do you think of this brief footage? Speak out in the comments.

Source: Nintendo’s Press Conference website

Thanks to Woun for the YouTube conversions.

Also, SEGA has released a new Sonic Colours themed wallpaper for download at the EU and U.S. blogs.

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Full Package Pics of the Sonic Colours Special Edition

Courtesy of, we can now see what the full Sonic Colours Special Edition looks like for both versions of the game and it appears it is actually called the ‘Limited Edition’, which of course means that only so many of these will be made available, so if you’re after one then you should get pre-ordering. The contents appear to be no different to the loose contents EB Games Australia revealed, but at least collectors can now rest assured that they’re not going to get lumped with the figure and Wisps being loose on the side. Also of note is some new artwork revealed on the side of the packaging, which includes a new render of Sonic. You can view that and the DS package below. If you’re in the UK, don’t forget that you can get this action figure and Wisps for free by pre-ordering either version at, who recently dropped their prices.


Thanks to MarcelloF at the SSMB for the heads-up, Hero of Legend for the hi-res images and to Aries for extracting the new artwork.

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New Sonic Colours Trailer & 7 More Facts


SEGA Europe has released the above new trailer for Sonic Colours. Not much that we haven’t already seen before is shown, but we do get a look at some more footage of the CGI cutscenes in the game, such as Sonic confronting Dr.Eggman.

Seven more facts about the game were also released, which you can read below:

• Contrary to the E3 build some of you may have played getting S-ranks are TOUGH. You’ll need to maximise your grabbing of bonuses whilst still maintaining your speed and maximising your ring count in order to gain them.

• Yacker doesn’t have a voice as such, but makes an audible chittering noise. He’s also big on body language communication – think Sonic: Night of the Werehog.

• Since you guys love the Tails facts so much… FOXY FACT: Tails is more interested in inventing than Sonic’s heroics.

• Sometimes bad situations can lead to good discoveries!

• You CAN skip cutscenes – press + on the wiimote.

• Dr. Eggman ALSO has something of a 4th wall breaking moment.

• The Wisps have a, rather rude nickname for Dr. Eggman!

That’s all for now, oh wait… one bonus item for you to deduce.

Sept 19th > Cowboys.

That’s all. 🙂

Source: Sonic City Blognik

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads-up!

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94 New Sonic Colours Wii Screenshots

French gaming website has a gigantic treat for Sonic Colours fans, with 94 screenshots taken directly from the Wii version of the game. In the screens we get our first proper look at the Starlight Carnival stage, as well as new areas of previously seen stages, Sweet Mountain and Tropical Resort. We also get a peek at some of the games cutscenes, which contain French subtitles, but luckily you can see translations of them at the SSMB thanks to forum member, Core.

Mini-maps for each stage are revealed in the screenshots, with some Act markers having Wisps floating above them, but what this means isn’t clear. Could it mean that Act is where you unlock that particular Wisp? On top of all of this, you can also see more of the Sonic Simulator mode in action.

You can view all 94 screenshots below and let us know your thoughts on them in the comments section.


Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads-up!

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Nintendo Power’s Sonic Colours Preview Reveals New Info

Nintendo Power has posted some preview pages for the next issue of their magazine. Two of the pages shared are a preview of both versions of Sonic Colours, which reveals new information about the game that we’ve listed for you below.
* The Purple Wisp transforms Sonic into a “berserker that chomps through anything in its path”
* Asteroid Coaster Zone is revealed, with the following description. “Run on a Saturn-like planet’s rings, deal with reversed gravity and toxic green goo.”
* The Wii version contains six Acts per zone, some short and some long and one boss, while the DS version contains 2 lengthy Acts per zone and one boss.
* Aswell as the previously revealed Sonic Simulator, where you can play co-op with a friend, you can also “challenge every level in sequence via the Egg Shuttle”.
* The DS version has a Time Attack mode and also allows you to compete against friends locally or over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.

Overall, the preview is very positive, with their only complaint being the “cringe-inducing jokes” in the cutscenes. You can check out the preview in full, with a few new screenshots at Nintendo Power’s website.

Thanks to PC the Hedgehog at the SSMB for the heads-up!

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GameZone Interviews SEGA On Sonic 4 and Sonic Colours


GameZone has posted up a couple of video interviews they held at PAX this year, in which they interviewed SEGA’s Ken Balough about Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 and another unidentified SEGA representative about Sonic Colours. Balough talks about how they incorporated fan feedback to Sonic 4, such as level tweaks to make the levels flow easier, reaching top speed quicker and a blurry effect on his quills to make it look like he’s “really hauling ass”.


In the Sonic Colours video, the SEGA rep explains how feedback has been incorporated into the game and also tells us in-depth, what the story is about, what Eggman is up to and how the Wisps are involved.

Source: GameZone
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 interview
Sonic Colours interview

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Iizuka: Sonic Colours “is one of the best Sonic games ever”

In a bold statement to Official Nintendo Magazine UK, Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka said that he thinks Sonic Colours is one of the best Sonic games ever.

“This is a similar title to Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, but the similarity comes from the concept – keeping the tempo very fluid,” said Iizuka. “A similar concept applies here. Is it the best since then? We always strive to make the best Sonic game yet. It’s at least on a par with Sonic Adventure Battle 2, and I’m confident it is one of the best Sonic games ever.”

The game has been getting a positive response from fans and critics thus far, but will it really be one of the best Sonic games ever? Let’s hope that Iizuka is right when the game is released on Wii & DS this November.

Source: Official Nintendo Magazine UK

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Iizuka: “We recognise there are different needs”

CVG has published a new interview with Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka today. In the interview we find out Iizuka’s thoughts on how Sonic Colours compares to past 3D titles and why this latest entry isn’t being released on Xbox 360 and PS3.

Iizuka explains that the comparison between past 3D Sonic games and Sonic Colours is the cast of characters. The older titles had a large playable cast, while Colours has Sonic alone, which he says is what the fans want.

If you look at previous 3D Sonic games, it began with Sonic Adventure and moved on to others. Those titles always had Sonic as the main characters but also had different rival characters. Those characters were like different action characters – Sonic was the speed character. This time around in Sonic Colours the team really wanted to focus on high-speed Sonic, which is what made the Sonic games special to begin with. The focus was always on the Sonic character itself, they wanted to make Sonic as the only playable character because fans only want to play as Sonic.

Instead of having other characters with different gameplay twists, Iizuka says this time they decided to implement the Wisp power-ups, so they could keep Sonic’s fast-paced gameplay and not break the tempo.

At the same time they also want a different twist to the gameplay and that is why we introduced the Colour powers. The focus is on high-speed Sonic and those colour powers are in more of a complimentary role. We wanted high-speed to be the main focus and didn’t really want to break up the tempo. It’s more like we tried to blend in those actions in a more efficient way, not really distracting the player from the core gameplay.

When asked if Sonic fits with the Xbox 360 and PS3 audiences, Iizuka details why they went with the Nintendo platforms for Sonic Colours and that Sonic still has an audience on the HD platforms.

It’s not that Sonic is for the Nintendo platform, it’s more like when we looked at the target audience for this particular title we wanted to expand the franchise more to newcomers. That is why we chose the Nintendo platforms.

This doesn’t mean that the PS3 and 360 don’t have an audience for Sonic any more, it’s just this title in particular is more tailor made for the Nintendo platform fans – more like fun, enjoyable and vibrant, which Nintendo platforms excel at. It’s more that this type of game is more tailored to those platforms.

Finally, Iizuka tells CVG how Sonic Team recognise there are different needs in the Sonic fanbase, how some want speed, others want platforming and the rest want something new. He says they are looking forward to developing more titles in the future that cater to these different groups of fans.

This year the reason the team is releasing Sonic 4 and Sonic Colours in the same release window is because we recognise there are different needs in terms of Sonic games and characters. There is the platforming, the high-speed and people looking for something new. This is the style that the team thinks works best, looking at the classic fans in one way and the new one in another.

It’s pretty hard for the team to satisfy those two very different fans with just one title. We probably look forward to developing titles which are made more towards the core and casual Sonic fans, that’s probably one of the ways the team thinks it can keep Sonic popular and expand fans for the future.

For the full interview, head over to CVG.

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Sonic Colours Preview Round-up and New Info

Some new previews of Sonic Colours on Wii have hit the net and they’re all very positive, making a change to the usual reception 3D Sonic titles receive from critics.

Spanish gaming website Meristation believes that SEGA has listened to the fans requests and taken on board past mistakes:

An interesting proposal
Though still several weeks for the release of Sonic Colours in our country (not arrive until Nov. 19), and although it has largely remained quite hidden from your ad on arrival to the store just half a year passes , the truth is that things are looking very well. Sega’s blue hedgehog is showing signs of taking good note of all that its supporters claim on his adventures, and this new release is getting to attract more attention than Sonic 4, becoming the focus of all international fairs in the past months.

The very attractive story mode, which offers similar gameplay to the stage of Sonic Unleashed day but with the addition of the powers of the Wisp, there is also an interesting cooperative multiplayer that not only lengthens the life of the title but challenges and complexity also promises enough to have users who enjoy the challenges demanding. All with what promises to be a very worthy technical finish, both Wii and DS, and in the case of the first without having much to envy of its own productions in high definition consoles. Sonic and Sega are willing to redeem the mistakes of the past, and if things go wrong at the last minute, it seems that going in the right way to do this.

Full 2 page preview in Google Translator

In their preview, Dealspwn saw a clear emphasis on speed as well as platforming and thinks Sonic Team are truly trying to bring Sonic back to gaming fame once again and are “going the right way about it”, they add.

It’s telling that when pressed on what his favourite title of the series, Iisuka leans towards Sonic Adventure, and equally important when he notes that the great desire for Colours is to ‘introduce Sonic to a whole new audience, building on the success and publicity garnered by the Mario and Sonic titles. Hopefully, with the emphasis set on speed and core platforming, along with the new Wisp elements, it will be a game for old fans and newcomers alike.’ Colours is absolutely a statement of intent, to propel Sonic back into the big leagues and, on this evidence, he’s going the right way about it.

Full preview

NowGamer notes that the game has been given a lot of love to it’s production and is a very enjoyable experience, but they remain cautious in case any Werehog type gimmicks are added before release.

That Sega is releasing Sonic Colours solely on the Wii and DS, without making any promises about quality or appeal, is admirable but perhaps slightly misjudged. Although the build we played featured three of the available planets, we felt content that Sonic Colours is a solid, enjoyable experience with strong production values and a refreshing lack of fluff. Then again, we haven’t seen the whole game yet, and much like Sonic Unleashed’s Werehog debacle, there’s still time for Sega to spring some unexpected gimmick on us. We remain cautiously content for now.
Final Summary
We’re surprised Sega isn’t making a bigger song and dance about this surprisingly polished, charming Sonic title.

Full preview

The Sonic Stadium founder Svend “Dreadknux” Joscelyne has put out a new preview over at SPOnG, a gaming website where he works. It’s a good read and very in-depth, since Svend clocked-in 25 hours of play before writing it out. We won’t spoil it here for you, so head over to SPOnG to check it out.

Svend also responded to questions about the game at the SSMB today, with the below list of information:

* You can HA some badniks, note I said ‘you can’t HA most badniks’ in the preview Buzzbombers in Sweet Mountain and Crabmeats in Aquatic Park are two examples of classic badniks that can be HA’d.
* Spiny’s and Motobugs can’t be HA’d. Neither can underwater badniks. You only encounter Burrobots while drilling, so you obviously can’t HA those either.
* 3D underwater areas don’t equal ‘sudden death,’ mostly because there are no real 3D underwater areas to speak of. All underwater activity is done in 2D.
* [In response to a question about instant water deaths in 3D Sonic games] To the above point, if you mean like in Unleashed where Sonic will instantly die if he touches a foot of water during the 3D segments, you don’t need to worry. Bottomless hazards are always identified as bottomless pits, there are no watery quagmires that will suck you in. In Aquatic Park, when you come up to an area of water in 3D, the camera automatically pans back round to 2D view. You can boost along like Jesus, or fall and plunge into the water.
* There are ways of getting around the uncurling – the easiest (and probably most fun) is to stomp. But it can be a pain in the arse when underwater and you want to bop a Chopper, and you uncurl just before you land on it.
* No side-missions, no mini-games. The only thing you’ll be playing are Acts within worlds, or the Game Land/Sonic Simulator (which is essentially the same as the 1-player Story levels anyway). There are no other gameplay mechanics besides bosses.
* You can play Sonic Simulator on your own. Pressing the 1 or 2 button (in the Wii Remote + Nunchuk configuration) will allow you to switch between ‘RoboSonic Player 1’ and ‘RoboSonic Player 2’ (not official names). That’s what the red ball is, following you around – it’s the other ‘RoboSonic’.
* Although you can get pushed off the screen in multiplayer mode, you can escape death and the loss of a life by pressing the 1 or 2 button (Wiimote+Nunchuk config) – you’ll turn back into a spinning ball and follow the remaining player around the level, until you press something and jump back into the action.

Two more quotes from the game have also been revealed today at Sonic Wrecks and the official SonicGames Twitter:

“Ouch! I think I gloated so hard I pulled a muscle!” – Dr. Eggman, Sonic Colours

“Hasta la bye-bye, suckers!” – Dr. Eggman, Sonic Colours

What do you think of such positivity for the game from the critics? Let us know in the comments.

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Sonic Colours: TSS Info Page Live

Today’s been a good day for Sonic Colours information. Basically, information from an advance preview code has the green light to be made public from this week onwards – and I was one of the lucky few to have played it for an extended period of time. For a detailed preview of my experience, you’ll have to check SPOnG (it’ll be worth it, trust me – it should be live Tuesday morning), but for all the little bits of details inbetween, there’s the new TSS Sonic Colours Info Page, which has just gone live.

Every now and then, I’ll be trickling new details into this page from my play experiences – story elements (no spoilers), enemies, moves, Wisp powers and level mechanics. The reason it’s a bit thin right now (although there’s still some interesting tidbits that you likely didn’t know before, including badnik information) is because the site has been going pretty slow today, so I apologise for that.

When you’re done snooping as usual, you can chat about new details on the SSMB right here. Enjoy!

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7 More Facts About Sonic Colours & New Quote

Todays Sonic Colours news keeps stacking up, with ArchangelUK revealing seven more interesting facts about the game over at the Sonic City Blognik.

• Cubot’s voice processor is broken – and stuck on “cowboy mode”.
• If you run out of Wisp power when underground in Drill mode you WILL die.
• FOXY FACT: Tails isn’t as keen on high speeds as you might think…
• Pits of death DO exist, however when you approach a section where this isn’t immediately obvious a hazard warning triangle will appear at the bottom of your screen so you do get some warning.
• FOXY FACT II: Tails’ toolbox is painted like the blue Tornado paint scheme, and even has his two-tail logo on it.
• Destroying all enemies in a built up area using a Wisp power or dash will get you a “SLAM” bonus.
• Starlight, star bright – is that a Motobug? Alright!

A quote from the game has also been revealed on the official SonicGames Twitter account:

“Experience has taught me to investigate anything that glows.” – Sonic, Sonic Colours

Another bit of info has been posted at Sonic Retro too:

It was spotted earlier that there was also what appeared at least to be a Crabmeat.

Speaking of Motobug, you remember that Sonic Short with the Motobug kid with stabilisers? Colours has what could be termed a Daddy Motobug…………. Retro exclusive factoid~!

Source: Sonic City Blognik and SonicGames Twitter

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[UPDATE]Sonic Colours: Blue Wisp Revealed

UPDATE: The two new screenshots of the Blue Wisp in action are now available in high resolution. Thanks to an update at the SEGA of America Blog /UPDATE END

ArchangelUK at the Sonic City Blognik has officially revealed Sonic Colours‘ Blue Wisp and its powers. Using the Blue Wisp will transform blue rings into blue blocks and vice versa, which will make new routes available to you. You can also use the Blue Wisp to smack down on enemies. Two more new screenshots of the Blue Wisp are also now available.

When Sonic absorbs Blue Wisp, a cubic Wisp with three eyes, he can exercise the mysterious “Blue Cube” Colour Power. This mysterious power switches blue blocks and blue rings, meaning routes that were once inaccessible can now be explored. In addition, when using the Blue Cube Colour Power and landing on a ground, nearby enemies can be destroyed.

Sonic Stadium Founder Svend “Dreadknux” Joscelyne who has played the latest build of the game has added to that description with an in-depth explanation at the SSMB:

Here’s how it works – you shake the Wii Remote, some dude yells “KYOOOOOB!” If Sonic’s in the air, he’ll fall down and whomp the floor as that blue cube. Any blue coins turn into solid blue platforms. Any solid blue platforms turn into blue rings. Sonic turns back into Sonic immediately after this ‘cube ground pound’ to take advantage of this change before the charge meter runs down. You can continue to use the power for as long as there is charge still in the meter (in later levels this becomes necessary as you will need to keep flipping blue coins and blocks around to traverse through a particular route). Once the meter runs down, blocks and rings go back to what they were – unless you collected the rings, in which case those platforms won’t return.

The artwork is available in an even higher resolution at SEGA’s Flickr.

Source: Sonic City Blognik

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Pics of the Sonic Colours Figure, Argos Drops Price

EB Games Australia is now listing the Sonic Colours: Special Edition that other countries have been listing for a while, which comes with a Sonic Colours themed action figure, but until now we’ve not seen a picture of it. Two pictures are now available, but why two you say? Because it appears you get different Wisps with your Sonic figure depending on which version of the game you purchase. The Wii version comes with a White Wisp, an Orange Wisp and a Cyan Wisp, while the DS version comes with a Yellow Wisp, a Red Wisp and a Blue Wisp. Seems odd that the Blue Wisp would come with the DS version, since it only appears in the Wii version. If you pre-order, you can still get the free Sonic hat too.

Argos, who we told you will be giving the figure away with pre-orders in the UK, has now
slightly lowered their prices for both versions. The Wii version has been dropped from £33.99 to £31.99 and the DS version has been dropped from £25.99 to £24.99.

Thanks to Blue Blood at the SSMB for the heads-up!

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[UPDATE]Sonic Colours: Aquarium Park Wii & DS Screenshots

UPDATE: Two more Wii screenshots have been added, courtesy of the Sonic City Blognik. Looks like the Aquatic Park boss will chase Sonic at a point in the battle. /UPDATE END

Two batches of Sonic Colours screenshots have hit the net this morning, one Wii batch and one DS batch. The screens are taken from a new water themed stage, which is revealed at SPOnG to be titled Aquatic Park. You’ll notice right away that the stage strongly resembles Sonic Unleashed’s Chun-Nan stage, with plenty of Chinese themes all over the place and even the Egg Pawns are in costume again, this time dressed as Samurai’s. Sonic is quite out of the norm in this stage, since he treks underwater without dying like he usually would in his 3D games, so could we see the return of the classic drowning countdown and air bubbles? This stage also gives us our first in-game glimpse of the Wii exclusive Blue Wisp in action, which turns Sonic into a cube to turn blue rings into solid platforms and vice versa, SPOnG explains.

With a shake of the Wii Remote, Sonic transforms into a blue block, which acts as a switch to turn blue rings into solid platforms and vice versa. It’s a good way of finding some alternative routes through stages.

Also revealed, are the stages bosses on Wii and DS and some more shots of the Wii versions co-op mode. You can check the screenshots out below and discuss them in the comments.



Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the screenshots.

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SEGA Performs Sonic 4, Free Riders & Colours Music at TGS



SEGA Japan held a musical performance for Sonic fans at the Tokyo Game Show, including music from SEGA’s three upcoming Sonic titles, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1, Sonic Free Riders and Sonic Colours. Among the performers is fan favourite Jun Senoue, who plays some of his tracks from Sonic 4, aswell as joining a band for performances of Sonic Free Riders theme music, Sonic Colours’ ‘Reach for the Stars’ and an all new song for the game too. You’ll also see plenty of new gameplay footage of Sonic 4’s new build, with Sonic’s new running animation and his faster time of achieving ‘blurry feet’. Also on show is new CGI cutscene footage from Sonic Colours.


Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the find, heads-up and YouTube conversions!

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Even More Sonic Colours Artwork

Starlight Carnival’s description:

Carnival attraction of “Egg Planet Park” that looks like a space fleet that has been colored with neons and fireworks. Various space battleships, such as battleships with a constellation motif, meet Sonic in a parade of lights and sounds. Enjoy the feeling of a roller coaster that weaves its way among the parade.

Thanks to Woun for obtaining the Japanese original text and to Core for the translation. /UPDATE END

Even more artwork for both the Wii & DS versions of Sonic Colours has emerged from the official Japanese website for the game, courtesy of SSMB member, Woun. The artwork is from the Starlight Carnival stage seen in recent screenshots of the game. In the artwork you can see various star signs of the Zodiac, aswell as plenty of Eggman’s ships. Could Eggman be planning a gigantic attack on the various planets in the game? The DS map of the stage shows a large ship with Eggman’s face on at the top left, could it be this stages boss?

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for obtaining this content.

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More Sonic Colours Art, Screens & Video


Not satisfied with yesterdays huge amount of new art and videos for Sonic Colours? Well, more art, video and DS screenshots have emerged from the Japanese Sonic Colours website. Above we have a video of the World Map from the Wii version in motion, which has gained a multi-coloured star since we last saw an image of it. Below we have artwork from both Wii and DS versions of the game, in which we can see Eggman’s machinery destroying the Wisps’ beautiful home, Planet Wisp. There’s also one new screenshot of the Wii version and three new screenshots of the DS version, in which one of them gives us a glimpse of Sweet Mountain’s candy loving pirate boss.

Check them all out below and let us know what you think in the comments.

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for obtaining this content.

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Sonic Colours TGS Commercial


SEGA Japan has been playing a new commercial for Sonic Colours at the Tokyo Game Show and in it we get to see our first very brief snippet of what is believed to be footage of the Starlight Carnival stage. We also get to see the Pink Wisps’ Spike Power in action in the Planet Wisp stage. Check it out and post your thoughts in the comments section. Oh, and *ahem* LAAAZEERRRR!!!

Thanks to Dabnikz at the SSMB for the video.

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SEGA Attending J-Pop Summit Festival This Weekend

In an entry to the SEGA of America Blog, Kellie announced today that SEGA will be attending annual pop culture themed street fair, the J-Pop Summit Festival this weekend. Plenty of SEGA’s latest games will be on show, including Vanquish, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I, Sonic Colours, Sonic Adventure, Crazy Taxi, and Yakuza 4.

As a juicy bonus, from Noon until 2pm, SEGA will be showcasing Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 in playable form on the big screen in the movie theatre at VIZ Cinema. As if that isn’t enough, some goodies are going to be given away too.

Interested in attending? Check out the details from SEGA below:

Who: Team SEGA and you!
What: J-Pop Summit Festival 2010
Where: Post Street between Webster St. & Laguna St., Japantown, San Francisco, CA.
When: 11am – 6pm (Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I in the cinema from 12noon until 2pm only)
Why: Because you like free swag, playing fun games, and hanging out with us!

You can take a look at/print off a guide and schedule for the event below:

For more information about the event, head over to the J-Pop Summit Festival’s website.

Source: SEGA of America Blog

Will you be attending the event? Let us know in the comments.

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New Sonic Colours Art & Videos



UPDATE: A video of a new DS level and a video of Planet Wisp, both previously only seen in screenshots are now available above. We think the new level is the Starlight Carnival stage mentioned in SPOnG’s Takashi Iizuka interview. /UPDATE END

SEGA Japan has updated their official website for Sonic Colours and included some artwork of characters and Wisp powers, as well as some DS Sweet Mountain and Tropical Resort maps. The Sonic and Yacker renders you may have seen before in various other pieces of artwork, but this is the first time they’re available solo. Among the unseen art is a new render of Tails and what looks to be concept art for Tropical Resort. You can check out the art and maps below.

Tutorial videos for each version have also been released:
Basic Wii tutorial
Basic DS tutorial
Lazer Wisp tutorial
Drill Wisp

Source: Official Japanese Sonic Colours website

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads-up and obtaining the content.

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Gamespot: “Sonic Colours is a marked departure”

Gamespot’s Mark Walton has posted up a preview of his recent hands-on time with Sonic Colours‘ Planet Wisp stage. The preview is very positive, so much so that he claims the game “is a marked departure” for Sonic, due to the lack of gimmicks which many in the press have rated the Sonic series down for in the past.

Sonic Colors is a marked departure for the little hedgehog that could; you don’t turn into a werehog or wield a giant sword. In fact, there is a distinct lack of gimmickry about the game, which instead offers a purer 3D experience not seen since the likes of Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast. There are tons of fast loops to roll through and springs to leap from, as well as new wisp power-ups that have been tuned to fit in with Sonic’s breakneck speed.

Walton reveals that Planet Wisp is in-fact the opening stage of the game and as seen in gameplay videos at Gamesom, looks very familiar to the opening stages of older Sonic titles.

Our hands-on focused on the opening stage, named Planet Whisp. Like the opening stage of earlier Sonic games, it featured familiar visuals, with lush green plants, waterfalls, and simple badniks.

Walton informs that players will need to use the B button on the Wii Remote to get around turns and that doing so will not only make you drift, but gain a speed boost too.

To make our way around the huge banked curves, we had to hold down the B button, which gave us a burst of speed in the corners and made Sonic’s famous red sneakers glow bright yellow.

Walton then goes on to explain the three Wisps that he got to try out, namely the Rocket, Lazer and Hover Wisps that we know all too well by know. This is the first time we’ve heard of the Lazer and Hover Wisps presence in Planet Wisp, so it seems SEGA have been updating the stages to incorporate more stage exploration with the games variety of Wisp power-ups, which can only be a good thing.

In Walton’s final thoughts, he seems very impressed with the games Wisp power-ups and how they build on Sonic’s gameplay when compared to past gameplay styles like Sonic Unleashed‘s Werehog. The visuals also get the thumbs-up from Walton.

What stood out the most from our time with Sonic Colors was how much the power-ups have been integrated into the lightning-fast platforming that has become a hallmark of the series. Unlike the mindless werehog combat of Unleashed, the wisps serve to enhance the core gameplay experience and not drastically change the pace. The visuals in Colors also look good, and Sega has put a large amount of detail into the backgrounds, with the lush foliage-filled Planet Whisp looking particularly impressive.

For the full preview, head over to Gamespot.

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Gamekult Reveals Sonic Colours’ ‘Sonic Simulator’ and Tails’ New Voice


French gaming website, has uploaded three new gameplay videos of Sonic Colours on Wii. The first one gives us another look at the recently revealed co-op mode, but there’s something very different about this video, since the second player is a glowing orb that follows player one’s every move, which is very similar to what we’ve seen in the latest batch of DS screenshots You’ll also notice that the second players HUD is darkened out too. For now, it’s unclear what this could be, apart from its name: Doctor Eggman’s Sonic Simulator. We’ll have to wait until we get official word from SEGA.

Doctor Eggman’s eagle eyes at the SSMB, have spotted that the first co-op area shown in the video is built to look like Sonic 1’s Green Hill Zone. A very nice tribute there, Sonic Team.


The other 2 videos give us a further look at what appears to be new Act’s of the Sweet Mountain and Tropical Resort stages. The former in which you’ll hear a small sample of Tails’ new voice, which sounds a lot more boyish than his last voice.


Do you like what you see and hear? Let us know in the comments.

Thanks to SSMB Member Woun for the YouTube uploads.


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SPOnG Interviews Takashi Iizuka

SPOnG has posted up their full interview with Sonic Team Producer Takashi Iizuka, an interview they posted a sample of on Friday, which revealed that the light-hearted and pick-up-and-play gameplay style of the Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games series influenced Sonic Colours.

The interview was held by Sonic Stadium founder Svend Joscelyne (aka Dreadknux), who works as a journalist at SPOnG. In the interview Joscelyne asks some very interesting questions that are certainly a step-up from most interviews that ask the same tired old questions.

The interview begins with Joscelyne querying the inspirations behind the various Wisp powers in Sonic Colours, which Iizuka explains are to help Sonic reach news areas in the game.

The basics for all the colour powers come from the desire to let Sonic go to places that he normally can’t access on his own. When we sit down to think of new Wisps and their functions, we look at the kind of areas that Sonic cannot reach, despite his speed and platforming powers.

We’ve all seen that the game borrows its speed from Sonic Unleashed, but just how much focus is there on speed in this game? Iizuka says that you can speed through the stages without the aid of Wisp powers if you like, but you won’t get to truly explore the stages and gain those hidden red rings without them

You can speed through each stage as fast as you like, without using Wisps, but what those colour powers actually do is give players a chance to explore and replay all of those stages too. Collecting the hidden red rings is one reward for doing so, and the world map shows how many you have found in each level. Without using the Wisps, you won’t always be able to get those red rings.

Some fans may have wondered if Dimps is working on the Wii version of Sonic Colours, after helping out with Sonic Unleashed on Wii. Well, this interview gives us confirmation that Sonic Team are working solo on the Wii version and Dimps is working solo on the DS version.

For Sonic Colours, our two teams worked quite well together on the concept, but we developed the 2D Nintendo DS and 3D Wii versions rather independently. The Wii version is fully developed internally, because we know a lot more about 3D Sonic development than some other developers. Dimps has the experience to make a 2D Sonic game as best as they can, and so they have exclusively worked on the Nintendo DS version – they had no real input in terms of the Wii development.

In recent months there has been more interest in the Sonic fan-base growing towards Sonic Colours over Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. Joscelyne asks Iizuka’s thoughts on this.

It’s not so much a feeling of surprise, but the team and I really appreciate that a lot of classic fans are looking forward to Sonic Colours as well. I mean, Sonic Colours was created largely as a 3D title for the people who have become fans of the Sonic franchise most recently, but it’s good to hear that the game has been received so well from the older fans too.

Next, Joscelyne asks Iizuka about THAT recent statement about Sonic Colours being built for a ‘younger audience’, a statement that was later corrected by a member of staff from SEGA. Joscelyne asks why a distinction was made and if it was a misquote or a mistranslation, to which Iizuka responds with the below answer in full.

It wasn’t really a misquote or a mistranslation. The reason why I said ‘younger audiences’ is because the team and I wanted to capitalise on the new audience that we gained through the success of the Mario & Sonic games. Those titles in particular really worked well for Sonic as a character because it made our potential audience much broader than existing Sonic fans.

That created an opportunity for us to build a bigger fanbase, but we noticed that there weren’t that many mainstream Sonic titles available for the Wii and DS post-Mario & Sonic. That’s why Sonic Colours is a proper platforming mainstream game, so that those new fans can discover and learn more about the franchise beyond those spinoff titles. In that way, it’s not really focused on young audiences in terms of age, but more as in maintaining that broader market.

Even though this is the case, if you look at the core gameplay elements of Sonic Colours, you’ll notice that this is a true platforming action game that the core fans can also enjoy. The ultimate goal for Sonic Colours has always been to make the best Sonic title we can for the widest possible target audience. The market nature that the Wii and DS have is the reason why I used the term ‘younger audiences’.

Next, Joscelyne asks for Iizuka’s feelings about Sonic’s downward spiral in recent years and Yuji Naka’s exit from Sonic Team in 2006 to create his own company, Prope. While Iizuka was sad to see Naka go, he gives fans assurance that Naka’s absence hasn’t changed the team as much as some people would like to think. “Sonic Team is always Sonic Team” he says.

I really miss Naka-san and was sad to see him leave when he decided to form his own company. But even at that time, he wasn’t the only person making decisions for the games. Concepts and gameplay elements were all discussed as a team, for example. So while it was very sad to see him go, Sonic Team is always Sonic Team and it didn’t necessarily mean that Sonic was destined to head in a different direction post-Naka-san. At least, not as different as some people may think.

The interview ends with a little something fans of Sonic Colours direction will be glad to hear, as Joscelyne asks Iizuka “Is it safe to say then, that future Sonic titles will have the same kind of colourful, simple, laid-back feel that Sonic Colours has?” to which Iizuka replies:

Yes, that’s the vision that I have.

To read the full interview, head over to SPOnG.

Joscelyne also reveals some interesting details from his playtime with Sonic Colours on Wii:

Taking a producer role on Sonic Colours, the Sonic Team head demonstrated two new Wisp powers that the blue blur can take advantage of – the Red Spikes and the Green Hover. Like the other abilities, these work as optional gameplay gimmicks that can help Sonic overcome otherwise challenging platforming segments, but they can also be used to open up new routes and explore the stages in their full glory.

Spikes will let Sonic stick to any given surface and roll along it, making him invincible at the same time. Pressing the B trigger on the Wii Remote will let Sonic perform a traditional spindash move and zip along the surface he’s on.

Using the Hover ability turns Sonic into a giant green Sonic head and gives you the power to hover, of course – which is very handy in levels where you might need to take advantage of any platforms sitting in the sky. If there’s a trail of rings, pressing B will make Sonic automatically follow it until its end. A bit like the Light Speed Dash in Sonic Adventure games, only without the potential death.

These new Wisps were being demonstrated on a brand new level, called Starlight Carnival – a beautifully bright, colourful stage set in space that reminds me a hell of a lot like a combination of Sonic CD’s Stardust Speedway and Mario Kart’s Rainbow Road.

Platforming, dodging and floating was all going on against a backdrop featuring a fleet of Dr. Eggman’s starships. Iizuka is keen to stress that the presence of starships “is not as serious as it sounds,” pointing out the light-hearted Disneyland-inspired level design and the infectiously happy soundtrack.

What do you think of Iizuka’s latest statements? Discuss in the comments.

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Iizuka: Mario & Sonic Helped Define Sonic Colours

‘The Takashi Iizuka Chronicles’ continue with another statement from the Sonic Team boss, who recently spoke to gaming website SPOnG in an interview that will be posted in full at a later date, but for now SPOnG has shared a portion to whet your appetite.

Some Sonic fans have felt that since the Sonic Adventure titles, the series has relied too heavily on story and character development, which is very different to the earlier games simple plots. Iizuka feels the same way and thinks Sonic should be headed in more of a fun and ‘pick up and play’ direction for Sonic Colours, similar to the Mario & Sonic Olympics games.

“What I felt was that the franchise had become too serious and the story had become very deep, whereas I see Sonic as more of a laid-back, enjoyable and fun experience. I kind of rediscovered that through Mario & Sonic in a way, because that game was very much a ‘pick up and play’ affair that everyone can jump in and enjoy.

I think that’s a better direction for the Sonic brand, and that’s why Sonic Colours has a much more fun, enjoyable kind of setting.”

We’ll look out for the full interview and report back. Do you agree with Iizuka’s statement regarding Sonic Colours direction? Speak out in the comments.

Source: SPOnG

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New Sonic Colours Wii & DS Screens and Blue Wisp Art

Official Nintendo Magazine UK has posted up some new screenshots of the Wii and DS versions of Sonic Colours. The screens give us our first look at the DS versions multiplayer mode, as well as more of the single-player mode. DS multiplayer looks to be a simple 2 player race mode, like in Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure. We also get to see more of the Wii versions recently revealed co-op mode, including combinations of the boost, Drill and Spike powers. There’s also an odd Wii screen with a yellow billiard ball, make of that what you will. You can check out the screens and official artwork of the Blue Wisp below.

Source: Official Nintendo Magazine UK’s website

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Sonic Colours: Orbot & Cubot Art and More Info

In a post at the Sonic City Blognik this morning, SEGA Europe Community Manager, ArchangelUK has revealed seven more facts about Sonic Colours and also unveiled official artwork for robot duo Orbot and Cubot, the latter who was revealed last week in a Sonic Colours manga book.

Here are the seven new bits of information:

1) Orbot’s compatriot is indeed called “Cubot” as some detectives have been able to deduce. He’s a cube shaped robot – ‘Cube-Bot’, much like Orbot is spherical, (quite literally ‘Orb-bot’ and also an anagram of robot if you hadn’t noticed) who is… er… a little defective shall we say.

2) Since you like Orbot so much, here is his character render in high quality PNG format. He has had a bit of a paint job by the looks of things.

3) FOXY FACT: Tails can read binary fluently.

4) Contrary to reports elsewhere, Amy Rose does NOT feature in the story of Sonic Colours Wii. Seriously, unless she’s become an invisible mute post-Unleashed I’ve seen nothing to indicate otherwise.

5) We will see the “consequences” of Sonic destroying a giant robot… in more than one sense. DUN DUN DUUUNNNN!

6) The curly haired Wisp is called Yacker, he is the Wisp Sonic and Tails communicate with to find out what is going on. A silent guide if you like to the world of Wisps.

I officially award kudos points to Umiyuri incidentally who identified the name first, as far as I can see.

7) Oh, okay then here’s Cubot’s character render too.

ArchangelUK also revealed at the SSMB today, the name of the new Sonic Free Riders track he spoke of in another update this morning. The track is called “Rocky Ridge“.

Source: Sonic City Blognik

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SEGA: “Sonic Colours is for everyone”

Sonic fans have been very vocal within the last month, since an interview retailer GAME held with Takashi Iizuka hit the net. The reason being, because Iizuka stated that Sonic Colours is being targeted at the six-twelve age group, while Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 will cater to older fans. This comment worried and angered many fans, making them feel isolated and lead them to believe that this game will be too easy or won’t be any fun at all for them.

Well, now concerned fans can put their fears to rest. When asked by Destructoid about Sonic Colours‘ target audience, Sonic senior brand manager Judy Gilbertson said “Sonic Colors is for everyone! Let’s say that right out of the gate,”

Gilbertson then went on to say:

“But to clarify further, we definitely don’t want to isolate any of our fan base — we’re absolutely thrilled to see the positive reaction Sonic Colors has gotten from fans and the excitement in the community about its upcoming release on Wii and Nintendo DS.

“Obviously, everyone at SEGA has a deep-rooted love for the Sonic franchise, and we’re always working on bringing new and exciting Sonic experiences to our fans. This year, we have three very different but equally great Sonic titles coming out; each with their own unique design philosophies and approaches to gameplay and all of which are created for Sonic fans and gamers, both those new to the franchise as well as those who have followed these games from the very beginning.”

Gilbertson explains that the game is being developed to be accessible to younger gamers as well as ‘core’ fans, that their mission is to try to cater to existing fans and potential new fans.

“With Sonic Colors, we’re looking to deliver a fast and fun Sonic experience that blends both 2D and 3D game mechanics in a way that a lot of fans have desired for some time,” Gilbertson adds. “But we’re also looking to create a game that is accessible to younger gamers as well as our ‘core’ fans.

“In short, Sonic Colors is designed first and foremost to be fun; the emphasis is still on everything that makes Sonic great, so there will be things there that will please long time fans in addition to elements in the game designed to bring in new Sonic fans as well. We expect that all of these aspects of gameplay will result in an experience that gamers of all ages will truly enjoy. And the game is a great compliment to both Sonic 4, a title that focuses on that retro style of gameplay and is also being released later this year as the first true sequel to the SEGA Genesis line of games, and Sonic Free Riders, which is the first game of its kind on Kinect this fall.

“Sonic fans continue to be vocal and supportive of their favorite franchise and we’re very aware of, and appreciate, that loyalty and dedication. In short, there’s something for everyone in our Sonic line up this year.”

What do you think about this new development? Discuss in the comments.

Source: Destructoid

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Free Figurine With Sonic Colours Pre-orders At

It appears the UK will be getting the Sonic and Wisp figurine that is being packaged as part of a “Special Edition” with Sonic Colours in some parts of the world. UK retailer, Argos is now listing the figurine as a free gift with pre-orders of either version of the game.

Free Sonic wisps figurine when you pre-order at Argos! Get your figurine of Sonic and the whisps which appear in Sonic Colours, delivered free with your copy of the game of the day of release.

It is odd that the figurine is being given away free with pre-orders in the UK, since the “Special Edition” with the figurine is listed at a higher price than the game alone, so could there be more than just the figurine bundled with that edition? Argos is listing this as an “Online exclusive” offer, so it appears they won’t be stocking it in-store. No other UK retailers are currently listing the gift. Argos also appears to be SEGA’s retailer of choice for pre-orders of the game at their website.

If you’re interested in the figurine, you can pre-order the Wii version for £33.99 and the DS version for £25.99. Will you be pre-ordering at Argos for this bonus?

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way. Listing Sonic Colours Action Figure

ToyGlobe is now listing a Sonic Colours action figure. No picture of the figure is available, but the description says it is Sonic and measures in at 5 inches. The figure comes with a Wisp, but there’s no clarification on what kind of Wisp it is. According to the retailer, the figure will be released in November this year, which is the same month the Sonic Colours game is released on Wii and DS. The figure is available to pre-order for $14.95 on ToyGlobe’s website. Could this be the same figure being packaged with the “Special Edition” available for pre-order in some parts of the world?

Thanks to Seraphinprincess at the SSMB for the heads-up!

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