Sonic Colours – Sweet Mountain & Planet Wisp Videos

Sonic Colours – Sweet Mountain & Planet Wisp Videos

Who fancies some more Sonic Colours, then? The more eagle-eyed of you will have noticed that we added two videos of gameplay from the first world, Tropical Resort, when we opened our Sonic Colours Game Archive. You wanted more, and so here you go – four more videos of footage, from Sweet Mountain and Planet Wisp. You can find them on the same page – just click here.

Keep an eye on TSS over the weekend for some more 10th Anniversary updates – our Sonic 4 review is also hitting on Monday. In the meantime, enjoy the videos!

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. I got to tell you guys this is truly a classic to rember after watching these videos this game just kicks you right in the face. The wisps power upo though a little gimmicky are a major boost for Sonic I mean Lasers Drills Hovering Spikes Rockets what cant Sonic do in this game (propose to Amy lol). The music is just wowo Jun Senoue has really out done himself I mean act ones are so heartthump especially sweet mountains I cant stop headbanging to that music and the remixes in the other acts amazing. As for the voices now I am still a big time 4kids cast fan and it hit me hard when they announced the change but Im glad Mike is Still on board and Kate Higgins IMO sounds no different from Amy Palant compared to her performance in unleashed now as for Roger so far form the sonds of his grunts Im gonna say hes giving great effort but still sounds a litte tacky (again this is my opinion) to Me Jason will always be Sonic always and forever he truly proved himseld in Unleashed and Black Knight but for now lets see what Roger’s got now ive been a fan of Rogers before this all happened but from the sound of what Ive herd to me hes not thrilling but pretty good to put it Simple hes Second best as Sonic in my book.

  2. @Jordan
    The music is not by Jun Senoue (thankfully) but by Tomoya Ohtani and co., who were responsible for the fantastic Unleashed soundtrack.

  3. yo dredknucks when r u gonna release some more i am realy looking forward to see starlight craneval

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