Not much to say here, really, but various sources have confirmed (GameInformer, some random online store, GameTrailers) the existence of a sequel to Sonic’s PSP debut, Sonic Rivals! The game is set to come out on November 6th this year, and will be on sale for $39.99.
No other details have been revealed regarding the content of the game. Stay tuned to Sonic News for further developments!
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We don’t normally cover stuff like this (hacking discoveries and whatnot), but we felt this was interesting enough to warrant a news story.
If you’ve ever been to Sonic CulT, S2Beta, or the like, you’d know that they tend to specialize in ROM hacking, and reverse engineering of Sonic games. Local guru, Link, decided to take that a step further, and delve into Sonic the Hedgehog, for Xbox 360.
What he found was certainly interesting.
In addition to many nifty tweaks, such as tweaking Tails’ gameplay to not suck, he made a single key discovery; one the likes of which hadn’t been seen in a Sonic game for years beforehand. Continue reading Sonic 06 Unearthed
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Avast ye scurvy dogs!
Late this afternoon it was confirmed by both SEGA Europe and SEGA America, that development is now underway on a sequel to the Sonic Rush title, speculated a few weeks back on TSS. Sonic Rush Adventure is set to wash up on the shores in time for the Autumn this year.
Sonic will this time be pitted against a motley crew of Pirates, while fighting through 7 action-packed stages. Keeping in tradition of Sonic Rush, the game is pegged to “seemlessly Utilise” both of the DS screens once more. Not only that, but players will be able to assemble an Armada of ships to sail the seas, gathering rings, performing tricks and engaging in battles with other ships; all using the DS stylus control. Continue reading Sonic Rush Adventure Confirmed!
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Sega has recently revealed new information regarding Nights 2. The game’s official name is “Nights: Journey of Dreams”. It will feature 7 new worlds, 3 new powers up called “Persona Masks”, a 2 player mode, will use the WiiConnect24 feature to allow players to send currently unknown items to friends Wiis, and will make use of the Wii’s forecast channel to change the scenery in accordance to the seasons.
The Persona Masks offer new shape shifting abilities to allow Nights to better navigate the land of Nightopia:
- Dragon mask: Transforms NiGHTS into a huge dragon and makes him resistant to wind effects.
- Dolphin mask: NiGHTS can change into a dolphin and explore under water.
- Rocket mask: NiGHTS takes the shape of a rocket and travels at supersonic speeds.
Little else is known about Nights: Journey of Dreams. Stay tuned!
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First off, we’d like to apologize for both our downtime, and being so late to deliver the most widespread of news. Rest assured, though, we’re bucking up, and promise to deliver the latest Sonic News from now on, yadda yadda, you get the deal. Anywho, on with the show…
If you’ve snooped around the internets lately (or Sega’s website, to be more specific), you’d notice this little gem. What’s this? Sonic and Mario? In a game together? This isn’t a photoshop, right?
And indeed, it isn’t!
Continue reading Sonic and Mario Finally in Cahoots!
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SEGA are getting ready to announce a new NiGHTS Into Dreams game for the Nintendo Wii, it has been reported. Gaming website first revealed the information, where it writes that SEGA all but confirmed ‘NiGHTS 2’, yet wasn’t prepared to state this on the record.
Before SPOnG’s article, the Official Nintendo Magazine in the UK printed a teaser image in their current issue that has been rumoured to be a reference to NiGHTS. The magazine stated that it was a secret project to be revealed next month, but fears and doubts were raised when it was made clear this was to co-incide with April Fools Day. Continue reading NiGHTS Sequel for Nintendo Wii
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Yojiro Ogawa, in a new review with Gamespot, spills the beans on some of the games status. Though this is his third interview in a week, this is quite possibly his most in-depth interview yet.
First off, it seems that the game hasn’t been in actual development as long as people expected; they only started programing the game last January and only have had a little over a year to work on it. This isn’t exactly bad, though, cause they have actually pushed back the release date a few times to put in everything they wanted to. To make up for lost time, though, they doubled the development team on the game so more people could work on it. One half of the team worked on Adventure Mode (the game’s main mode) and the other half worked on Party Mode (multiplayer minigame mode). this explains why the multiplayer and single player seem like two totally different games. Continue reading Gamespot Interview Reveals Information
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Famitsu released a new nine minute trailer of Sonic and the Secret Rings on their website. This trailer is an extended version of one that IGN released a week ago. But this goes in further, much further, revealing new levels, multiplayer, and even characters.
Within the trailer, they include an in-depth look at multiplayer. Working similarly to Sonic Shuffle, up to four players choose one of eight possible characters. They then choose a game board play in a series of minigames. The player that wins the minigame gets a chance to open a treasure chest. Treasure chest either contain a Sonic Token or a booby trap. If you get a Sonic Token, you get to choose another Treasure Chest, but if you get a booby trap, your chance to open treasure chest is up and all players play another minigame. Player with the most Sonic Tokens at the end wins.
Along with their look at multiplayer, though, we also see new footage of some new levels, displaying how the games mechanics and level design is presented in the title.
We here at Sonic Stadium will keep you up with the game news, and watch progress on the trailer on the discussion forum on the Sonic Stadium Message board.
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Sonic and the Secret Rings, formerly known as Sonic Wildfire, and Sonic’s latest (and first) adventure on the new Nintendo Wii system, may be arriving earlier than initially expected!
Originally scheduled for launch around Spring of 2007, then later revealed as February 27, GameSpot recently announced that the game will, in fact, launch a week earlier – on February 20th! Good news for all you impatient little buggers, eh? =P
Sonic and the Secret Rings is Sonic’s latest adventure on next-gen consoles, and makes use of the Wii’s unique control scheme to maneuver Sonic through an “Arabian Nights” type setting. Stay tuned to Sonic News for further updates on Sonic and the Secret Rings, as well as other Sonic-related events!
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According to a scan of the back of the Sonic Riders PC manual, and, what Sonic Next fans without any of those newfangled consoles have been waiting for is no longer just a nice idea!

Thanks to Shadow Hog of The GHZ for pointing this out – perhaps this will bring new opportunities to fans of the new Sonic game, eh?
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If you’ve been hanging around the Sonic Rivals board on the SSMB, you may have noticed this by now, but if you haven’t, well… pictures speak better than words, right?
Recently revealed in GameSpot’s screenshot section for the new PSP Sonic title Sonic Rivals are screenshots of the elusive mystery 5th character pictured on the character select screen in existing screenshots of the game. Well, that “mystery” character isn’t such a mystery anymore: Continue reading New Sonic tidbits galore!
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It was revealed some months ago that Genesis/Mega Drive games would be available via the Nintendo Wii’s Virtual console service. The titles are as follows:
Altered Beast
Ecco the Dolphin
Golden Axe
Sonic the Hedgehog
Toe Jam & Earl
These titles where revealed courtesy of ESRB’s website. Considering the ESRB doesn’t officially list games unless it has reviewed them, this list is 100% factual.
Anyone up for some Ristar?
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Lacey Chabert, voice actor for the new character in the upcoming NextGen title, “Sonic the Hedgehog” (PS3/360), sits down for an interview with GameSpy, where the two discuss many aspects of both her career, and the new Sonic game. The interview will be transcripted here for your reading pleasure (Original Interview by GameSpy): Continue reading Princess Elise’s voice actor interviewed!
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The Xbox 360 and PS3 game SONIC the hedgehog’s boxart has been shown on GAME’s english website. The boxart is simple yet sweet and features a Sonic render running against a Kingdom valley level backdrop and now it is confrmed that the image is the final design due to it appearing on SEGA europe’s SONIC the hedgehog 2006 site. The boxart also shows that the game has gained a 12+ age rating from the Pan European Game Information (PEGI).
The game is availiable for pre-ordering at GAME’s website and the store itself (Link in the “MORE INFORMATION” box at the bottom of this page) and is priced at £39.99. The game is due out in europe on the 17th of november 2006.
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The newest availiable Sonic game for the newer-gen consoles — Sonic Riders — just had a new suprise announced in regards to it: A port to the PC!
Like Sonic Adventure DX and Sonic Heroes before it, Sonic Riders will now be released in the near future on the Sega PC platform! While not many details are availiable yet as to if it will have any new features, or what the system requirements are, what we do know is that it’s a sure thing in the future, and will be on retail for $19.95 USD. If you were thinking of picking up Riders at all, this is probably your best chance at it, especially if you don’t have any of the consoles that the game is availiable for. Continue reading Sonic Riders PC port announced!
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Yep, that’s right! Sonic is not only on the PSP in the form of Sonic Rivals, the new upcoming 2D/3D hybrid multiplayer Sonic game set for release later this year on Sony’s portable system, but now Sonic is making another appearance on the PSP, in the form of Sega Genesis Collection.
The new collection game — a common practice by Sega, if you’ve been paying attention — will feature 30 classic Sega games featured on the Megadrive. Of course, what is a classic Sega collection without Sonic? Continue reading More Sonic on PSP?
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After sending an email to SEGA Europe, with a generic 6 question list, =TSS= founder Svend Joscelyne (AKA Dreadknux) recieved a response – but what he wasn’t expecting was who replied to it — Masahiro Kumono and Shun Nakamura; project leaders for the upcoming game “Sonic the Hedgehog,” scheduled for release on the PS3 and X-Box 360 later this year.
The two Sega representatives revealed exclusively to TSS details about the new Sonic game, one in particular being that Amy Rose — Sonic’s self proclaimed fiance (the nerve, eh? =P) — will indeed have an appearance, stifling all the rumors of a supposed love interest between Sonic and the new “Princess Elise” character, who will have a vital role in the plot of the new Sonic title. Continue reading SoS and NextGen Goodness!
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The Summer of Sonic website, a massive official fan-project led by The Sonic Stadium, has gained information that seems to confirm that Amy Rose is set to make an appearance in Sonic the Hedgehog for PS3 and XBOX 360.
In responding to a small set of Q&A questions exclusively for the Summer of Sonic website, arranged by SEGA Europe and TSS, producer Masahiro Kumono (also the new Head of Sonic Team since Yuji Naka’s departure) and director Shun Nakamura briefly stated their feelings for the Sonic franchise and where they see it heading after 15 years of popularity.
When asked what Sonic character was their favourite, Kumono-san stated that Amy was a preference, saying that “I like Amy, who appears as an amigo [friend/support] character in this title [Sonic 2006]. She has that same active personality, which build up the story as well as the game.” Continue reading Sonic 2006: Amy A Possibility
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After much speculation about when our favorite blue anthropomorphic speedster would arrive on next gen consoles, the date has finally been revealed by Sega: November 17th, 2006.
Serving as Sega’s own big birthday gift to their own mascot and his fans, Sonic the Hedgehog will serve as not only a homage to Sonic’s early days, but as a reinvention of the series.
Sonic the Hedgehog was first shown in playable form at E3 06. According to Sega, the game has improved much since its E3 demo. We’ll get to see how much improvement has been made when the game is released this November.
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GamesMaster, a gaming magazine, very recently sat down with the new head of Sonic Team, Masahiro Kumono, and together they discussed details concerning the upcoming game “Sonic the Hedgehog,” for the Playstation 3 and X-Box 360. Originally printed in magazine form, the interview will be transcripted here for your reading pleasure.
“GM: What have you been able to do on the next-gen consoles that wasn’t previous in the previous Sonics?
MK: We can’t reveal everything but it’s going to be more story based, more cinematic and much more realistic.
GM: What’s the best looking thing in the new game?
MK: We’ve got detailed lighting and shadows on everything at a level that just wouldn’t have been possible before. Continue reading New Interview with Sonic Team’s Masahiro Kumono
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This year is truly a year of celebration for Sonic fans. With Summer of Sonic in full swing, many Sonic fan projects taking off, Sonic the Hedgehog coming to MS and Sony’s next gen consoles this November, and Sonic Rivals marking Sonic’s long awaited debut on PSP, things are looking swell for our little blue dude with a tude.
But apparently, Sega has yet ANOTHER present for the blue dude’s devout fan base: a true tribute to his first appearance, a re-release of the original Sonic the Hedgehog for the GBA.
The game is a little more then a simple re-release, though. The game comes complete with a full blown spin dash, AND a save function for those who could never get through the whole game before.
The game will be titled “Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis”, in remembrance of Sega’s classic 16 bit console that our spiky blue friend debuted on, and will retail for $19.95. An exact release date has yet to be announced, but we can certainly expect sometime during the holiday season.
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Hot from the E3 show floor, our US correspondent Newton has discovered more about Silver’s role in the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog for PlayStation 3 and XBOX 360.
Sonic is constantly referred to as the ‘Iblis Trigger’, and this means that something the blue blur does will bring to life some evil coming (most likely the huge lava-esque demon creature seen in the E3 Trailer). Silver has travelled from the future to the exact point the ‘Iblis Trigger’ occurence is about to take place in order to stop Sonic from making it happen.
Continue reading E3: The Silver Surfer
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From SEGA’S E3 BOOTH, Silver the Hedgehog, the grey character also featured on the Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 title confirmed to be the 4th playable character for the Sonic Rivals for release later this year. Now confirmed that Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow and Silver are playable.
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SEGA have dropped the bomb again with their announcement earlier today of yet another new Sonic title, Sonic Wild Fire for the Nintendo Wii. SEGA currently have not released any screens or media other than the below image of Sonic holding a Wii-mote, but have been rather generous with story and gameplay details. Continue reading E3 2006: SEGA annouce Sonic Wild Fire for Wii
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On the 4th may 2006 both IGN and GameSpy lifted the vale on SEGA’s Sonic 2006 project. Since then more discovery’s have come to light from various other sources, and this article shall continue to be updated as they do. As well as hinting a Sonic game unique to the Nintendo Wii, SEGA also revealed the games release would coincide with that of Sony’s Playstation 3. With the PS3 receiving a simultaneous worldwide release can we really expect SEGA to follow suite? Continue reading Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 – update, video & images
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The lead up to E3 never fails to disappoint us fans on the Sonic front, and it seems 2006 will be no exception. SEGA today announced what could be the first of more brand new Sonic titles, Sonic Rivals, for the Sony PSP. Much has been revealed in this first Sonic-related E3 2006 press release from SEGA, including game details, the story background and even some early screenshots. Continue reading E3 2006: SEGA announce Sonic Rivals for PSP
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Hurrah I hear you scream, the Sonic X-Treme compendium’s first instalment has been released.
Eversince Chris Senn began spilling the beans on the Sonic X-Treme project on his forums (in mid November) he’s been promising the world in the form of the SXC, and for a while it seemed like that might never have happed. Searching through disks and paperwork, on the now extinct project, was a lengthy task. It’s amazing that Senn has got this far without giving up, despite numerous jabs an insults from the very people he is trying to help. Continue reading Chris Senn launches X-Treme website
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Thanks to the quick thinking of ‘Gamestatin’ German forum goer and lifelong Sonic fan ‘Knucklessupersaiyan’ Sonic News is able to bring you this report. Knucklessupersaiyan (Luca Koch Wanderbusen) contacted us with a full account detailing the events that occurred on Gamestatin after the information, mentioned in this article, was released.
Countdown to Chaos
About 4:15 CEST on the 30th March, the small German gaming site ‘Gamestatin’ lifted the vale on SEGA’s long kept secret: the Sonic Revolution project. Within minutes of the news breaking Gamestatin’s forum became a flurry of activity amongst German SEGA and Sonic fans alike, but ultimately it was not the news itself that would cause the ensuing controversy, but rather what SEGA did next. Continue reading Sonic Revolution is confirmed
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It’s amazing, and yet at the same time hardly surprising, but of all the Japanese animation studios out there SEGA landed ‘Production IG’ to work upon its anime intro for ‘Sonic Riders’.
This revelation came about when Sonic Channel staff member Moro (although there maybe a translation error in the name) revealed a piece of the Sonic Riders conceptual art on the Channels staff column. It would appear the art represents a part of the intros storyboard; although Moro is unclear on the matter, often deviating in content to Japans current weather conditions. However one thing is certain, the art bears Production IG’s official logo. Continue reading Production IG’s Sonic Riders concept art
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It’s been a long few months since we’ve heard from SEGA on Sonic 2006, but Gamepro magazine bombarded Sonic Team Japan for some more info, and that’s what they got.
From the article, we are introduced to a few new facts. We knew Sonic 2006’s worlds would be of full detail, but the Blue Hedgehog also boasts a hefty load of detail. He now contains a total of around 1 million polygons, a “sky rocket”- as Gamepro so nicely put it- to his previous model, which only had around 1,500 polygons. This means Sonic will be holding a huge amount of detail. Continue reading GamePro Gets an Exclusive Look at Sonic Next-Gen!
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‘Gamespy’ have conducted an interview with ‘Sonic Riders’ producer Takashi Yuda. Basically Yuda talks about already well know aspects of the game, so nothing new there.
Sonic Riders Takashi Yuda interview
In other news SEGA has announced a brand spanking new game, and TSS has known about the game’s existences for sometime now.
It was when visiting ‘SEGA of Europe’ that TSS stumbled upon some conceptual art, but the good people of SEGA vowed to “staple our nuts to a stack of paper, smack us in the face with an eraser” unless we promised not to spill the beans. And no, Eminem wasn’t really there. Continue reading Sonic Riders interview, and SEGA go bananas!
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Shockingly enough, word has already found its way onto the internet of a sequel to SEGA/Sonic Team’s Sonic Riders, which is due for release next year. This information was brought forward by Takashi Yuda, the producer of Sonic Riders whose past work spans back from Sonic the Hedgehog 3 right through to Space Channel 5.
Eurogamer were lucky enough to talk with Yuda at a press event in London, the following is an extract from their report of the interview:
Speaking at a press event in London this week, Yuda-san told Eurogamer, “there will be a sequel to Sonic Riders, and it will definitely be on PS3 and Xbox 360”. Definitely, we responded, parrot-like to the last? “Yes.” Continue reading Sonic Riders sequel confirmed
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The popular and renowned UK games publication ’Games TM’ has conducted an interview with none other than Yuji Naka. The interview, and other indications within the 37th October issue, suggests that the interview took place after the German games convention to which Yuji Naka attended.
The interview makes reference to Yuji Naka taking part in a mad flurry of signings, where he ‘scrawled’ his name on various Sonic merchandise. Indeed Yuji Naka can be seen creating such ‘Scrawlings’ on this page of the Sonic website: ‘SONICFANS.DE’. Continue reading gamesTM Interview With Yuji Naka
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The first issue of a four part Sonic-X comic series seems to have slipped under the radar for most Sonic fans, but with the discovery of the existence of such a series came another shock: Archie comics (long standing producers of the ‘SONIC THE HEDGEHOG’ comic) have decided, starting with issue 5, that the series be an ongoing venture. Continue reading Sonic X Archie comic mini series surprise
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The focus of this articles is on the secretes revealed about Hidden Palace, if you wish to read the full interview then please use the links provided in the ‘media links’ section of Sonic News.
On September 30th 2005 Heidi Kemps of the games site ‘Gamespy’ conducted an interview with Yuji Naka.
The interview’s true purpose was to discuss the many Sonic games that Yuji Naka and Sonic Team were currently working on, and to give Yuji the chance to have his say on the next generation of videogames consoles. The interview, however, soon lost its original focus, the curiosity of Heidi lead to some interesting revelations on the subject of the original Sonic Mega drive games, particularly the Hidden Palace level of the Sonic 2 Beta. Continue reading Yuji Naka talks about Hidden Palace
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Sonic Team surprises with announcement for a new racing game. Sonic Riders is on the way for this Winter, for Japanese gamers.
The latest issue of Famitsu magazine reveals the whole deal for Sonic Riders. Sonic, Knuckles, Tails and three new bird friends called by the names of Storm the Albatross, Jet the Hawk and Wave the Sparrow.
Much like Sonic R, Dr.Eggman has called for a racing challenge. Winning means gaining a Chaos Emerald. Alot of tracks will be included in the game, such as Green Cave, Sandy Ruin, Splash Canyon and Egg Factory. Continue reading Sonic Riders is on the Track
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